Newsletter - Spratton Hall...2018/10/12  · First World War entenary 2018 -Spratton Hall Remembers...

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Transcript of Newsletter - Spratton Hall...2018/10/12  · First World War entenary 2018 -Spratton Hall Remembers...


12 October 2018

From the Head Master



Nigel Townsend

In June the school community was rocked by the tragic death in a car accident of Nigel Townsend, former pupil, member of staff and great friend to the school. At the service to celebrate his life held at Guilsborough Church in July, over 450 people attended – a measure of the popularity and respect people had for Nigel. Here at school we have placed a new bench in the Rose Garden, dedicated to his memory. Next week we are planting a beech tree (his favourite tree) again in Nigel’s memory near the ponds where Nigel used to fish and next to the 1st XI cricket pitch – Nigel’s favoured sport. Mrs Town-send came to visit the school recently and was moved by these gestures and also by the many people who have been in touch with her to pass on their condolences.


2018 is the centenary of the end of the First World War. The guns finally fell silent in 1918 on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. We are marking Remembrance this year in a rather more meaningful and special way than usual. The children may have told you that every single pupil and member of staff in the school has made a ceramic poppy which will be placed on the grass bank above the main car park, forming a ‘river of poppies’ from the flagpole along the bank. On Monday, Mrs Hem-mings as Head of History, along with a few pupils, will be talking to the pupils in assembly about Remembrance and why this year is rather more poignant. Our annual Remem-brance Service, this year to be held on Monday 12th November at 11.00 am, will take place on the car park in front of the river of poppies. It should, as always, be a very spe-cial occasion.

Home Clothes

Despite the gloomy weather, the school has been a riot of colour today, with the children wearing their colourful home clothes to raise money for the Rainbows Hospice. 8W treated us to a lovely assembly this morning, during which they showed a short film, highlighting the good work the hospice does for children in great need.

Informal Concert

Last night’s concert was a wonderful event, with children from Years 3 up to Year 8 per-forming, many of them playing a solo in front of an audience for the first time. Well done and congratulations to all those involved.

Boulogne Trip

Bon voyage to our Year 6 children as they head over to Boulogne in France for the three-day language and cultural trip next week. I am sure they will have a splendid time.

Winter Uniform

Just a reminder that all children should be in winter uniform from Monday please.

Thank you



Congratulations to Freddie Ling, Hugh Salvesen, Edward Bradnam, Oliver Barbosa, Thomas Kimbell and Alfred Wheeler who have been selected for the Northants County Hockey. An extra well done to Thomas Kimbell who was also selected for the Northants County Cricket programme.

French Celebration



S p r a t C h a t


Mrs Graham

Mrs Amanda Graham, from the Catering Team, talks to Year 8 pupils Elle Hiller and Mia Kavanagh.

What is your favourite time of year and why? I have two favourite times of the year. The Summer, because I love swimming in the sea and Winter, because I like to watch the snow fall.

What do you like to do on a Saturday? I do the team teas at Long Buckby Rugby Club for the 1st and 2nd teams. I like to watch and play rugby too.

Who is your favourite chef and what sort of foods do you like to cook? My favourite chef is Gordon Ramsay. I like to try different things and experiment with food. I also enjoy trying different cuisines from around the world.

What hobbies do you have? I like photography and I especially like to photograph land-scapes and nature like flowers using long range shots. I also enjoy sewing, I made my own wedding dress, and like making quilts.

Now for the ‘quickfire’ questions:

Favourite holiday destination? Cornwall

Favourite sport to play or watch? Rugby

Favourite drink? Gin and tonic

Favourite gadget? My tablet

Favourite meal? Sunday Roast

Favourite day? Sunday

Favourite television show? Emmerdale

Favourite film? Anything with Jason Statham or The Rock

Favourite website?

Favourite song? ‘I Will Always Love You’ by Whitney Houston

Finally, can you describe yourself in 3 words? Kind, creative, good-humoured

Harvest Collection

Thank you to everyone who donated to our Harvest col-

lection for the Hope Centre in Northampton.

The Eco Club packed all the items in boxes ready for de-

livery to the Hope

Centre this week where it will be dis-

tributed to those who need it in our

local community.

House Competitions

Senior House


1st =

Raleigh &


3rd: Drake

4th: Grenville

4 Newsletter

Saturday 13th October Cancelled: U10 A&B Hockey Tournament at Warwick Prep Monday 15th October Postponed: 5th & 6th VII Hockey v Quinton House (H) Tuesday 16th October Addition: U8 A, B & C Rugby v Warwick (H) at 3.00 pm Cancelled: U9A Hockey v Quinton House (H) Wednesday 17th October Amendment: U10 A&B Rugby v Akeley Wood is now at HOME at 2.30 pm Cancelled: U10 C&D Rugby v Akeley Wood (A) Tuesday 6th November Addition: U9 A&B Rugby v Bedford Prep (A) at 3.00 pm Wednesday 7th November Addition: U10A Rugby at Bilton Grange U10 Festival (A) at 1.30 pm Monday 3rd December Rescheduled: 5th & 6th VII Hockey v Quinton House (H) at 4.00 pm Wednesday 12th December Cancelled: U11 A, B & C Hockey v Warwick Prep (H)

Sport Department


U13 A Rugby Maidwell Hall Home 6.10.18 Won 15-0

U12 A Rugby Maidwell Hall Away 6.10.18 Won 25-10

U11 A Rugby Maidwell Hall Away 6.10.18 Won 30-10

U10 A/B Rugby Maidwell Hall Home 6.10.18 Lost 25-30

U9 A Rugby Maidwell Hall Away 9.10.18 Lost 6-10

U13 A Rugby Oundle Away 10.10.18 Won 45-0

U13 B Rugby Oundle Away 10.10.18 Won 70-25

U12 A Rugby Oundle U12B Away 10.10.18 Won 50-25

U11 A Rugby Stoneygate Away 10.10.18 Lost 0-15

U11 A Rugby Oakham Away 10.10.18 Won 25-0

U11 B Rugby Stoneygate Away 10.10.18 Won 15-5

U10 A Rugby Stoneygate Home 10.10.18 Won 50-15

U10 C Rugby Stoneygate Home 10.10.18 Won 45-10

U9 A Rugby Warwick Home 11.10.18 Lost 7-10

U9 B Rugby Warwick Home 11.10.18 Won 8-3

U8 A Rugby Stamford Festival Away 11.10.18 Won 4 of 4

U8 B Rugby Stamford Festival Away 11.10.18 Won 2/Lost 1/

Drew 1

U11 A Hockey Akeley Wood Away 10.10.18

U11 B Hockey Akeley Wood Away 10.10.18

1st VII Hockey IAPS Tournament Away 11.10.18

Fixture Amendments & Cancellations

Art Department

Artist of the Week Artist of the Week goes to Shirley Lin (6W) for the wonderful

detail on her robin for her Christmas card design.

Christmas Cards Christmas card samples will be sent home after half term.

Please note YOU NEED TO PLACE YOUR ORDER direct with

Dandy Arthouse online at BY



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French Celebration Day

On Tuesday, we celebrated our French Day at Spratton Hall.

The children took part in the French Senior House Competition

and at lunch time they sat on French-speaking tables. In collab-

oration with Mr Sharpe, French dishes were prepared for the

occasion. The dishes included croque monsieur, boeuf bourgui-

gnon, poulet chasseur, pomme de terre dauphinoise and pro-

fiteroles. During lunch break, children also took the op-

portunity to play French boules on Arthur’s Square. There then

followed French-related lessons across the curriculum.

Merci et Vive la France! Monsieur Seguin

5 Newsletter

Thank you to everyone who donated and purchased clothes at our sale this week.

We raised £ 752.00 for the NSPCC.

Music Department

Informal Concert On Thursday, we had our first Informal Concert of the term. It was a great success! It was lovely to hear such a range of musi-cians performing on a variety of instruments, playing music from so many different genres. Pupils from Year 3 all the way up to Year 8 were involved and it really did show the talent that we have in the school. Many congratulations to all those pupils who took part.

ABRSM Exams These will take place the week commencing Monday 12th No-vember. A timetable will be displayed in the Music Depart-ment and put on the website nearer the time.

Music in Quiet Places – Monday 12th November This is always a wonderful concert in St Andrews’ Church. We are just finalising the programme details and a letter will be sent out by Clarion Call next week to all pupils who have been invited to perform.

Music Lessons Should you wish to terminate your child’s individual music les-sons from the start of the Spring term, notice must be received by October half term.

First World War Centenary 2018 - Spratton Hall Remembers …

As we approach one hundred years since the ending of the Great War, the History Department are appealing to pupils, par-ents and grandparents to share any photographs, memories, medals or other artefacts from your family members who served in and lived through the First World War. Perhaps your relatives have passed down their memories, possessions or photographs to you? We would love to hear their stories. We can take copies of any original photographs or letters and can photograph any precious items. Please contact me on if you think you can help, or ask your sons and daughters to speak to me or their usual History teach-er as soon as possible. Many thanks Mrs Hemmings-Head of History

SHSPA would like to thank everyone for coming to Race Night last Friday. It was a really fun family night with £1,000 raised for SHSPA and our local charity. Congratulations to all win-ning ‘punters’ and the winning horse owners - Henry Kimbell, Scarlett Penman, Annie Hull, Zoe Harrison, Hamilton Lott, Emily Jessop and Edward Mackaness. SHSPA would also like to thank the Race Sponsors:- Claire Jones Coaching, Jo Fit-ness, Tungsten Properties, Riverside Hub, Harrison Beattie Chartered Surveyors, Phipps Henson McAllister Chartered Accountants and Park Farm Equestrian & Chasers. Mr Sharpe produced a delicious hog roast with trimmings for the inter-val which, together with refreshments and snacks, made for a fantastic and noisy evening. Next SHSPA Event for your diaries - Christmas Fair - Wednesday 12th December.

Lost Property

Jenin Hussain (3A): school cardigan (named)

Joshua Tomlins (3A): black PE shorts with Spratton logo



















Postponed: 5th & 6th

VII Hockey v Quinton

House (H)


Addition: U8 A, B &

C Rugby v Warwick



Cancelled: U9A

Hockey v Quinton

House (H)


Year 3 Parent/

Teacher Meetings in

form rooms


Year 6 Depart to



U10 A&B Rugby v

Akeley Wood (H) -

Change of Venue


U13 A&B Rugby v

Lincroft (H)

2nd & 4th VII Hockey v

Winchester House (H)


1st & 3rd VII Hockey v

Winchester House (H)


Year 1 Visit to Gallones’

Ice Cream Parlour


Year 5 Visit to

Verulamium, St



Cancelled: Team

Practice for Year 6

Boys & Girls and

Year 5 Boys


Year 6 Return from



Half Term Begins

School Diary for October







Meat Main Course

Vegetarian Main


Salad Bar Options for

Prep & Pre-Prep

Jacket Potato Bar








Soup Watercress Soup Carrot & Coriander

Meat Main Course Sausage Pasta Bake Beef Cobbler

Pork & Bacon & Apple Pie

Lemon Chicken Beef Burger Chips & Beans

Vegetarian Main


Cheesy Pasta with Broccoli

Golden Squash Roasted Peppers &

Tomato Gratin

Vegetable Lasagne Sweet Potato Pie

Chickpea & Mixed Bean Curry

& Rice

Salad Bar Options for

Prep & Pre-Prep

Roast Ham or


Sausage Roll or

Egg Mayonnaise

Lamb Samosa or

Indian Mix

Roast Ham or


Bacon Scones or

Tuna Mayonnaise

Jacket Potato Bar Chicken Curry Roasted Vegetables Hummus

Pre-Prep (Meat &

Vegetarian Main

Course) plus

Roast Ham or


Sausage Roll or

Egg Mayonnaise

Grated Cheese or

Tuna Mayonnaise

Roast Ham or

Egg Mayonnaise

Bacon Scones or


Desserts Peach & Pear Crumble

Yoghurt, Fruit, Cheese & Biscuits

Jam Roly Poly

Yoghurt, Fruit, Cheese & Biscuits

Victoria Sponge

Yoghurt, Fruit, Cheese & Biscuits

Bananas & Custard

Yoghurt, Fruit, Cheese & Biscuits

Fruit Flapjack

Yoghurt, Fruit, Cheese & Biscuits

Just a few reminders before we leave for Boulogne next week:-

Please do not forget to provide your child with a packed breakfast for the journey on Wednesday 17th October.

Children should remember to bring a rucksack, clipboard, pencil case, towel and digital camera.

Pocket money of around 25-30 Euros will be sufficient.

All medicines must be labelled and handed to Mrs Scherrer or Mrs Pitts on Wednesday morning before departure.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone at 7.15am on Wednesday 17th October.

All worksheets and vocabulary sheets have been posted on Edmodo, should your child require any spares. The Boulogne project is to be handed in after half term.

Passport and EHIC cards will be given back to your child on the Friday, shortly before arrival at Spratton. Mr Sequin

Year 6 Boulogne


Congratulations to Freya Shand (2P) for gaining

her Pre-Primary Award in Dance and to Shiro

Upton (2P) for also gaining her Pre-Primary

Award, alongside her Freestyle Rosette 1 and Tap

Preparatory Grade.

Very well done to Zak Smith (2P) who achieved

the ‘Super Star Award’ at his gymnastics club.

Further congratulations to George Tan (2M) for

achieving his orange belt in Karate.

Very well done to Archie Gowling (2H) who was

awarded ‘Player of the Week’ at his rugby club.

Congratulations to Zak (2P) and Bella (2H) Smith

who have both achieved their yellow belts with

green tags, in Karate.

Well done also to Alice Foster (1N) who has been

awarded her ASA 20m Swimming Award.


Hearing the animated, bubbling sound of children’s voices that frequently ema-

nates from within the Pre-Prep department, reminds me of what an amazingly

powerful, and valuable tool language is. So overwhelming are the links be-

tween spoken language, learning and cognitive development, that ‘Language

and Communication’ is one of the three Prime Areas of learning in Reception.

Whether encouraging the children to verbalise their observations and thinking,

to widening their vocabulary, or supporting them in the sharing and develop-

ment of their ideas, the teachers and teaching assistants ensure that a rich va-

riety of speaking and listening opportunities are woven into every day. In Pre-

Prep, the children are ‘Learning to talk, and talking to learn’ every day!

From sounds to smells, Pre-Prep has also been filled with the tantalising aroma

of baking recently, as the Reception children have thoroughly enjoyed making

gingerbread men. Having explored the traditional tale of ‘The Gingerbread

Man’ through their Literacy, and Language & Communication work, it was on

with the aprons and out with the rolling pins to begin mixing and kneading

their dough. Exercising important hand muscles, to support children’s hand-

writing skills, certainly comes in many exciting, and tasty, disguises!

Kick starting our run of year group assemblies, 1S and 1N thoroughly enter-

tained us on Thursday afternoon. With an abundance of fascinating infor-

mation about their topic on ‘Italy’, the children delivered their lines confidently

and performed a lively collection of songs (which had us all wanting to wave a

Cornetto in the air!) Next week, it is the turn of Year 2, for what I know will be

an equally wonderful experience.

Mrs Fiona Sanchez

Head of Pre-Prep

Thursday 18th October, 9am-12pm – Year 1

Study Visit to Gallones Ice Cream Parlour

Thursday 18th October, 3pm in the Hunter Hall

– Year 2 Assembly (Parents, family and friends are

all welcome to attend)

Friday 19th October – Half Term Begins