Newsletter of Ebenezer Evangelical Church · 2 The sovereignty of God in creation, providence,...

Post on 04-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Newsletter of Ebenezer Evangelical Church · 2 The sovereignty of God in creation, providence,...


Newsletter of

Ebenezer Evangelical Church

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

Proverbs 3 v.5 (NIV)




Doctrinal Statement.

The church believes the fundamental truths of Christianity, as revealed in Holy

Scripture, including the following:

1 The unity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Godhead.

2 The sovereignty of God in creation, providence, revelation, redemption and final


3 The divine inspiration, infallibility and inerrancy of Holy Scripture as originally given, and its supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

4 The universal sinfulness and guilt of human nature since the fall, rendering man

subject to God’s wrath and condemnation.

5 The full deity of the Lord Jesus Christ the incarnate Son of God, His virgin birth and

His real and sinless humanity; His death on the cross; His bodily resurrection; His

ascension; His present reign in heaven and on earth; and His intercession on behalf of

the church.

6 Redemption from the guilt, penalty and power of sin only through the sacrificial and

atoning death, once and for all time, of our representative and substitute, Jesus Christ,

the only mediator between God and man.

7 Justification as God’s act of undeserved mercy, in which the sinner is pardoned all

his sins and accepted as righteous in God’s sight, only because of the righteousness of

Christ imputed to him, this justification being received by faith alone.

8 The need for the Holy Spirit to make the work of Christ effective to the individual sinner, granting him repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ.

9 The church as the body of Christ, both locally and worldwide, its members consisting

of those only to have been born again through the work of the Holy Spirit.

10 The indwelling of the Holy Spirit in all those thus regenerated, producing in them

an increasing likeness to Christ in character and behaviour, and empowering them for

their witness in the world.

11 The future personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge all men, executing God’s final just condemnation on the impenitent and receiving the redeemed to eternal


(A further explanation of the things we believe is set out in the 1646 Westminster

Confession of Faith)


Dear Friends,

Our recent studies in the book of Habakkuk have demonstrated that the

people of God - and even the prophets of God - did not always

appreciate what God was doing in the world. At a time when Habakkuk

thought God was doing nothing, he was doing something - he was

transforming the Babylonian nation into a military super-power.

Even when Habakkuk was told what God was doing, he still could not

understand it. Whereas before, he had accused God of being indifferent,

now he accused God of being inconsistent. It's a reminder that God's

work in this world and God's dealings with his people can often be a

mystery. Which is why John Flavel, the 17th Century Puritan, gave his

book the title: 'The Mystery of Providence'.

However much of a mystery providence may be at times, there is

something we can be sure of and that is that God is always working for

the good of his people. We see this principle graphically displayed in

the life of Joseph (Gen 50: 20) and we even see it worked out in the

raising up of the Babylonians many years later. It was for the long-term

good of his people in Old Testament times that God sent the

Babylonians in to Jerusalem in the 6th Cent BC. And what was true

throughout Old Testament times has continued to be true throughout

the remainder of history.

That is why the Apostle Paul can say in Romans 8 V 28: "And we know

that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who

have been called according to his purpose". And yet, it is probably true

to say that we still struggle to appreciate this truth at times just as

Habakkuk did in his day. At times, we complain that God is doing

nothing when in actual fact he is working. And then when we do see

him working, we struggle to understand why he is doing what he is


Although God's providence will always remain something of a mystery

to us, the one thing we perhaps forget most about Paul's famous verse

is what he meant by our 'good'. Thankfully, Paul goes on to explain

what he meant. The following verse reads: "For those God foreknew he

also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son" (V 29).

That is the great good that God is continually and consistently working

towards in the lives of his people.

And one advantage we have over Habakkuk is that between his day and

ours, something has happened which demonstrates the desire and the

determination which our God has to accomplish that great and glorious

good in the lives of his people and that is that Christ has died for us.

Because God has gone to the length of giving his Son so that we might

one day be like his Son, we can be sure that God will do all that is

necessary to bring that great and glorious good to pass. As Paul goes

on to say a couple of verses later: "He who did not spare his own Son,

but gave him up for us all - how will he not also, along with him,

graciously give us all things?"

In view of what God has done at the cross, may God help us, especially

in these “strange times” to: "Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, but

trust him for his grace" (William Cowper).

Yours sincerely,


Amongst Ourselves

A well-known hymn commences ‘Through all the changing scenes of

life, in trouble and in joy’ and those changes have been the portion of

some connected to our church fellowship as they have experienced the

loss of their loved ones.

Early in June Mrs Liz Gough experienced the sudden loss of her mother

in Crewe from Covid and the underlying health condition of pulmonary

fibrosis. This was soon followed by a family funeral and internment in

Crewe. In mid-June we learned of the home call of one of our founder

church members, Mrs Betty Lloyd Williams, mother to Gwynne and a

grandmother, we pass on our sympathies to Gwynne, Pauline and the

family. Then in July we heard of the passing of Elwyn Jones; he and

Mair lived in Caernarfon and attended a church there but they were

always keen to support the work in Ebenezer. So yes, these are life’s

changing scenes but through them all, Christians can also sing the last

lines of that verse ‘the praises of my God shall still, my heart and

tongue employ’. (Tate & Brady)

Recently, Adrian and Audrey Roberts celebrated their 50th wedding

anniversary and who can forget Steve and Juliette Oghoje, from Nigeria

when Steve studied here? Steve has now been appointed a lecturer in

chemistry at Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria.

Over the past two months the Sunday services have continued on

YouTube with David preaching from Matthew’s Gospel chapters 8 &

9. Here Matthew uses a series of incidents to demonstrate our Lord’s

authority in areas where all human help had failed. In these we see the

effectiveness of God’s unchangeable Word which will prevail even

today in our Covid plagued society. As Scripture reminds us ‘the Word

of God is not bound’ (2 Timothy 2 v 9 KJV)

In our mid-week meetings via Zoom, we have concluded our studies in

Romans and our brief series on forgiveness in Benllech. For the

summer we are meeting as one group on a Tuesday evening and the

Benllech group continues every other Tuesday afternoon. Both groups

have commenced a short series on the OT prophecy of Habakkuk. The

Ladies meetings have paused in their studies on the Sermon on the

Mount and are holding fellowship meetings over the summer. The

‘GOAL’ Youth club and the English Language classes are taking a

break over the summer.

Let’s continue to pray for those who are unwell; for Peter Wilson’s

mother, for Idwen Morgan, for Nesta Thomas and also for Barry

Thorogood. Let’s also pray for the Church Officers as they tackle all

that’s involved in coming out of lockdown so as to use the church

building again and make it safe as we hope to start back in early


John P Gough

Daily Prayer Points

“The righteous shall live by faith.” Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17 In the face of a Babylonian invasion, or in the midst of a Covid pandemic, is our faith, our trust, in the living God, the Maker of heaven and earth, our Saviour?

Sunday: “…call the Sabbath a delight..” Isaiah 58:13 Even in these unusual times, pray that we will delight in the Lord’s day. Praise Him for feeding our souls, and pray that we can truly worship Him this day. May we learn more of Him and get to know Him better to increase our faith and trust. Monday: “Carry each other’s burdens…” Galatians 6:2 Pray that we can be aware of the difficulties others have at his time. Those with no access to the technology that so greatly helps most of us to stay in touch, need to be encouraged in other ways – by phone or by post. May the Lord show us who we can help and encourage. Tuesday: “For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.” Matthew 18:20 Pray that we may share true fellowship in Christ as we ‘gather’ to study and pray. May our minds be informed and our hearts warmed. Ask the Lord to help us to pray to him as our heavenly Father as He leads us by His Spirit. Wednesday: “But God’s word is not chained.” 2 Timothy 2:9 So many of what we consider great opportunities to witness are cancelled this year, camps, beach missions, conferences, Eisteddfod and many other meetings and festivals. Pray that the Lord will cause His word to be proclaimed even more, and reach even more hearts. May there be a great harvest of souls in this Covid year. Thursday: “…pray for kings and all those in authority..” 1 Timothy 2:2 Pray for our leaders that they be given the humility and wisdom to make good decisions to protect both our health and our economy. Pray for health workers who care for the Covid sufferers and those trying to care for those with other illnesses.

Friday: “There is a hope that stands the test of time, That lifts my eyes beyond the beckoning grave….” Stuart Townend & Mark Edwards Some of us know someone who has succumbed to the Covid virus, pray that we can speak comfort to the grieving families, and point them to a gracious Saviour. Saturday: “…the one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor.” Galatians 6:6 One of the most important ‘good things’ we can share is to pray for our church officers. Particularly as they prepare for our meeting together in the chapel again we pray for wisdom and patience as it will be strange and difficult at times to get back to some sort of normal. Uphold them in prayer as they care for our bodies and souls.


Missionary Prayer Points

Sunday: UST (Union School of Theology)/WEST. We continue to

remember the staff and students at the end of this first on-line year.

They will all need wisdom and foresight concerning the way the

Courses for September will be handled, but being on-line it continues

to break into new areas..

Monday: Johnny and Ann McClean, UFM, Bangkok, Their end of

July letter tells of the re-opening of Sunday School, of Ann’s teaching

re-commencing 20th Aug., Johnny’s work with Langham Preaching

Club; and of Matthew’s start at Queen’s Uni, Belfast from September.

Tuesday: Emmanuel & Esther Durand, and four children at

Chambéry, UFM, France. They expect to be away much of August, but

September will see them all busy: Jean-Baptiste and Clémance go to

new schools; Emmanuel teaching ecclesiology at Brussels; choice of

new deacons at church; and several people moving away or changing

jobs in the next few months.

Wednesday: Richard & Barbara Davies, (in Marseille) They are

grateful to be able to resume Home Visits with protection, but face

difficulties in re-establishing the previous routines. James 23, and

Libby 21 are home with them; James really needs to find a job; Libby

is keen, completing her current studies in her bedroom. They give

thanks for on-line links with their supporting churches.

Thursday: Baška expects to be going to the Netherlands on August

22nd for a year of culture and language training. She continues to have

stomach pains although all tests at the hospital prove negative. Beata is

also returning to Poland, her home country. We pray for Graham and

his family as they continue the IFES work, and that other helpers will

be raised up in Slovakia.

Friday: UCCF, Ellen B. Williams, Ellen needs to know how best to

use furlough time. Pray for guidance for her and the CU’s as they make

on-line prep. for Fresher’s week and the new year. It is bound to be

very different, so will need much adaptability and ingenuity for each


Saturday: Geni and Niki Dogani, in Albania: with Alma Varfi, Kristi

in Memaliaj; Paulin Pano in Ballsh. We remember the ministry and

witness in difficult financial conditions and lack of work. No camps

this summer, but pray for continual contact with English students.

Richard Owens

Andrea’s Testimony

One of the benefits over the weeks of lockdown is that we have been able,

thanks to the wonders of zoom, to have the missionaries we support to join us

for prayer meetings. Not only has it been good to see them in person but we

have also been able to get their latest news and ask them any questions we may

have. Above we see Richard and Barbara Davies in their home in Marseille and

we have also been joined by Geni and Nikki Dogani in Albania Emmanuel in

Franceand Baska I Slovakia.

One of the benefits over the weeks of lockdown is that we have been able,

thanks to the wonders of Zoom, to have the missionaries we support to join us

for prayer meetings. Not only has it been good to see them in person but we

have also been able to get their latest news and ask them any questions we may

have. Above we see Richard and Barbara Davies in their home in Marseille and

we have also been joined by Geni and Nikki Dogani in Albania Emmanuel in

France and Baska in Slovakia.

Andrea’s Testimony My name is Andrea and I was born in the Caribbean island of Jamaica. I came to Bangor in 2007 to pursue post-graduate studies in psychology. I work at the university as an adviser for students

with specific learning difficulties this includes dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHT. How did you become a Christian? I grew up in Jamaica which is a Christian country and although my mother was not a Christian she sent us to church an so I heard the gospel from a fairly young age and I believed in it. I believed that God created the heavens and earth and everything in it and I believed that he sent his son, Jesus Christ

to die so that if we believed in him we could receive forgiveness of our sins and eternal life. But although I believed this, I did not put my trust in it. I was not willing to lead a life that was acceptable to God. Firstly, I think I believed it would be too difficult for me and secondly, I did not believe it wasn’t a very desirable or exciting life and I wanted other things in life. I wanted more material things in life than I would get from the Christian life. So that’s what I did. I pursued my desires. I tried to achieve or pursue things that I thought would be more enjoyable or would make me happy or please those around me. And after a while that was good then I got to the point where I wasn’t enjoying my life as much as I did at first and I started looking for other means of filling the void or the gap I was feeling in my life at that point and I started looking to the Bible, looking to God and I became more and more interested in the things of God. And when I came to Bangor I was by myself. I was outside of my regular busy schedule of meeting with friends and

family and it gave me more time to read the Bible. I started attending church regularly and the Lord was merciful and gracious to me and opened my eyes to not only believe the gospel but to receive it and put my faith and my trust in the Lord Jesus. What difference has Jesus made in your life ? I think the main difference that being a Christian, is that putting my trust in Jesus in my life is that my aim, my desires, my attitude, they’re totally different from what they were before I became a Christian. I’m more interested in the things of God; I’m more willing to serve Him and also to serve my fellow Christians as well as non-Christians. I had this fear before I became a Christian, this fear of death and that fear no longer exists because I know where I’m going when I die and I don’t need to be fearful of it. Another thing is that I was very concerned and worried about my future and that too has gone away because I put my trust in Christ. I know He’s in charge of the future, I know whatever happens He’ll be there, He’ll never leave me and He’ll never forsake me. If you want to watch Andrea give her testimony this can be found on Ebenezer’s YouTube channel.


50th Anniversary of the Benllech Beach Mission A summer’s worth of gospel opportunities have fallen prey, as with

many other planned events, to the coronavirus pandemic. All the

planned Beach Missions with OAM, UBM and Scripture Union cannot

take place in their usual form. As a church we will miss the fellowship

and partnership in the gospel with the United Beach Missions team in

Benllech this summer. No ‘Holiday Specials’, no ‘Family Fun Nights’,

no joint-services in the Community and Ex-Servicemen’s Hall nor any

help with the Ebenezer Sunday School! Nor will there be any events

which UBM were keen to stage commemorating the 50th anniversary

of a Beach Mission in Benllech.

Our links, as a Church, with

Benllech go back many years. In

the early days of Ebenezer,

baptismal services were held on

the beach there and it was also a

favourite retreat for walks and

youth outings. It was in 1970

when the first official UBM

team operated on the beach of

this Anglesey town. It soon

proved to be an encouraging venue for children’s, youth and family

activities to share the gospel. But it was actually back in 1969 when the

seeds of this work were sown. That year, 1969, should sound very

familiar to us as the year Ebenezer was established and some of those

instrumental in commencing that work saw the opportunities Benllech


What could Christian students do between exams finishing and the end

of their academic year? How about running a Beach Mission to reach

folks on weekends in June and early July. Some of these students had

experience of Beach Missions (one of whom was converted through the

Llandudno Beach Mission). The idea was floated with Lance Pibworth

and Prof. Verna Wright (the founders of UBM) who oversaw the work

in those days. Whilst unconventional, they agreed to back the venture

and helpfully supplied some UBM uniforms (which were red t-shirts

for the men and white t-shirts for the ladies in those days).

Accommodation was arranged in the Church Hall at Llanbedrgoch, a

facility which continues to be used the team all these years later.

These first beach meetings and

activities were great

opportunities for Christian

students to be involved in

evangelism but they were also

great opportunities to witness to

holidaymakers and locals alike.

Encouraging reports fed back to

the executive committee of the

United Beach Missions prompted the 1970 mission, run in the usual

UBM format. So, would this have been the 50th anniversary or even the

51st anniversary of the Benllech Beach Mission? You decide!

However, let us give thanks for all the gospel seed sown over the years,

for all those who have professed faith in the Saviour and for all those

who have served on teams at Benllech. Let us pray that this work will

continue, if the Lord tarries, and that seed sown in the past may even

now bear fruit.


METHODISM BEGINS IN ARFON “the perils of preaching in the north”

The beginnings of Methodism in the Arfon region occurred, it would seem, in Llanberis. Hugh Thomas, a native of Lleyn, when fleeing from home in order to avoid being pressed as a soldier, sought refuge in Cwmglas farmhouse. It is known that, even though he was hiding, he continued to contribute to the awakening of the people of the region. The following year another exhorter, William Harry, seems to have been sent here by the Association of the south. In the minutes of the Llanddeusant Association of February 1743 we find: “That Brother William Harry should keep school at Carnarvonshire and exhort in the neighbourhood, to the best of his ability, between school hours.” This William Harry was strong of body and brave in heart. It needed such a man to face the perils of preaching in the north. The occasion of his arrival at Llanberis earned for him a degree of respect from the local population. On his journey he had arrived at Ysbyty Ifan and he asked a man there for the way to Llanberis. The man could not provide the information but said that Llanberis was far off in a particular direction and he waved his arms towards the rugged mountains of Snowdonia. Harry had some twenty miles to

go along a most lonely and dangerous route. It could hardly be said that there was any kind of road, merely isolated paths along the slopes of the rocks, above deep ravines and wild waterfalls, and where only a step or two from the path would result in a free fall over towering cliffs to the rocks below. Worse still, night had fallen upon Harry at the most dangerous spot, namely Bwlch-rhiw-ychain. But with God’s gracious hand guiding him, he managed to reach Cwmglas, sometime before morning. When it became known that a stranger had arrived at Cwmglas, having travelled overnight and without a guide, it caused much amazement. The inhabitants considered it almost a miracle. On hearing that the stranger was to exhort at Cwmglas the following evening, many gathered to the place out of curiosity, wishing to see and hear the man who had accomplished such an unheard-of journey. Amongst them was a Pierce Williams of Gwastadnant. Under the sermon he was convicted and became a true disciple of Jesus Christ. He soon offered his house for preaching. It is said, however, that there was very little further success for the gospel at Llanberis for many years. Another place in Arfon where a Methodist society was soon established was Waunfawr. An exhorter called Evan Dafydd of Hafodrhyg lived here until his death in 1750. It is not known how or when Evan Dafydd came to a knowledge of the truth, but tradition has it that Howell Harris preached at Hafodrhyg. Early societies were set up also at Clynnog and Llanllyfni, and it seems that some kind of Association was held at Llanllyfni in the year 1769. Many societies had been set up in various places in the surrounding neighbourhood long before a cause was begun in Caernarvon. The 1762 Revival reached Arfon also and added many members to the societies and was the means of increasing respect for the Methodists in the eyes of the people. From “The Calvinistic Methodist Fathers of Wales” translated by John Aaron

All Church services below are at present suspended but they can be

followed on YouTube at “Ebenezer Evangelical Church Bangor”

It is provisionally hoped to recommence services in the church building

on Sunday September 6th, but this will be subject to the government

guidelines in force at the time. Please consult the church website or the

weekly notice sheet for the latest information.

Diary Dates

Tuesday meetings via Zoom:-

11th August – Prayer Meeting led by Michael Walters

18th August – Bible Studies (Benllech and main) led by Lyn Davies

25th August – Prayer Meeting led by Wyn Williams

1st September – Bible Studies (Benllech and main) led by JP Earnest

Preachers for August

16th August – JP Earnest (pre-recorded)

23rd August – Joe Nicholson (live-streamed from church building)

30th August – John Gough (live-streamed from church building)

Those who wish to donate to the work of the church can do so by bank

transfer. Account details are:

Name of account: Ebenezer Evangelical Church

Branch sort code: 54-10-01

Account Number: 04027418

Or cheques made to “Ebenezer Evangelical Church” can be sent to:

Treasurer, Refail Newydd, Maenaddwyn, Ynys Môn, LL71 8AF



Charity Commission Number: 1160857




David Finnie (Minister) (01248) 362334

John Gough 352433


Wyn Thomas 351347

Michael Walters 470681


SUNDAY 10.10am Prayer Meeting in annex.

10.30am Morning Service. Junior Church (ages 4-10) during sermon.

5.40pm Prayer Meeting in Library.

6.00pm Evening Service

The Lord’s Supper 1st Sun. evening & 3rd Sun. morning.

TUESDAY 7.30pm Prayer Meeting/ Fellowship Groups*

THURSDAY 10am Ladies Bible Study

FRIDAY 7.30pm G.O.A.L Youth Club for ages 11-18.

*Meetings not held in the church – please ask for details.

Treasurer: Michael Walters 470681

Youth Club Leader: Fiona Earnest 362334

Grapevine Editor: Michael Walters 470681

Notice Sheet Editor: Wyn Williams 853269