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Newsletter Term 2 - Week 4, 21 May, 2020

Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . .

Students returning to full-time face-to-face learning NSW Schools will be open for full time face-to-face learning from Monday 25 May.

A guide to NSW face-to-face learning has been emailed out to all parents/caregivers today.

◼ All schools are returning to full on-campus learning from Monday 25 May, 2020.

◼ All students should be at school unless they are currently unwell OR they have a medical

certificate which states that they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical


◼ If a student is absent without a medical reason for more than three days, this will be

recorded as an unauthorised absence and followed up by the school.

◼ No visitors to school site unless they are essential.

◼ No in-school activities requiring volunteers (e.g. SRE, reading support etc.).

◼ Canteens and uniform shops can open.

The sudden return to full time school, along with the current restrictions has created some new

challenges for us to manage. Given our excellent track record as a whole school community I

am confident that we can do this well. The first challenge being the anticipated increase in Kiss

and Drop traffic. To help ease congestion, starting next week we are staggering the pick-up

times for students, as follows:

New Pick-up Times

2.00pm – All Kindergarten students plus any siblings of Kindergarten students.

2.20pm – All Year 1 and 2 students plus siblings of Year 1 and 2 students.

2.40pm to 3.00pm - normal pick up time for all other students (Years 3 – 6).

Please let the teachers know if you have a child in Kindergarten, Year 1 or 2 and you intend to

pick them up at the normal time of 2.40pm.

There will undoubtedly be more changes and adjustments as we go, please let us work together

and support each other to ensure we have a smooth transition in the coming weeks.

Brad Davis


Newsletter Term 2 - Week 4, 21 May, 2020


4/5V Taking on and learning STEM projects! It has been great to see 4/5V back at school! The use of Google

Classroom over the last few months, has been a very big

learning curve for everyone but good preparation for the years

to come. I look forward to implementing more of it throughout

the year. Thank you to all the families who have adapted to the

change and your continued commitment to the new learning


During our select school days, 4/5V have been exploring the

world of STEM and looking at interesting ways we can

incorporate technology into the classroom. It is amazing what

students can develop when they're able to analyse and think


Our Science unit, ‘Shadows and Light’, has been very interesting so far with children learning how light behaves and interacts

with different objects.

Mr James and I are looking forward to having 4/5V back at

school next week, with normal routines!

Mitch James

Zane Vockler

Class Teachers

Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . .

Newsletter Term 2 - Week 4, 21 May, 2020

Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 72125. .

Welcome back to school Stage 2 and 3,

they are thoroughly enjoying school life!

Newsletter Term 2 - Week 4, 21 May, 2020

Ruby from 5/6S wrote a fantastic journal entry for the Stage 3 Endeavour Task. She wrote if as she

was a cook on board the Endeavour, on its voyage to explore and discover the great, unknown,

southern land in 1768.

Every crew member scrambling on to the ship. The crash of the waves brought a ring to my ear

as I saw them go onto deck. I tasted a salty taste on my lips. Carrying my utensils in a small bag. I

stepped on board, taking a minute looking up at the sails, a man said in a loud voice

“NAME” giving me a fright. I told him Kipp Green. He looked at a shrivelled piece of paper and

said “carry on”. He reminded me that dinner was at 6pm and gave me a wink. I went down to the kitchen and placed my bag on the nearest counter. Slowly taking the utensil out and finding

room for them. A few more of the crew members passed me, they seemed to be talking about

navigation. I wasn't usually a sticky beak but I was a little nervous. They gave me a nod and

went to the hammocks next to the dining area.

The boat shook and I thought it would be impossible to cook in here. I heard the call for

everyone to top deck, I hurried up the ladder with the lads from the hammock area which is

where we were going to sleep tonight. Everyone standing in a line, as the last few joined.

Captain Cook came out the front with the man I saw earlier. He handed him the crumpled piece

of paper and read each name out. I was so glad I wasn't the last name to be called out. It was

about 5:30pm and I started chopping the freshly caught fish. There were at least 6 dozen. Since

there were only 70 men aboard there were two left over. The men I saw before came up to me,

and one said “... so you’re the cook?” I replied with a simple yes and put my head down and kept chopping. The men sat down and waited for the meal. It was all down to me, the other

chefs were arriving tomorrow. More and more people arrived in the dining room. I was just

finishing up on the sauerkraut and captain cook made his grand entry. I brought two trays out at

a time and put them on a table and said “dig in lads” with a funny smile. Finally sitting down at a table unsurprisingly, with the navigators. The sauerkraut was a little too salty but I don’t think anyone really minded. After we all got ready for bed and the captain said farewell with a small

wave to me saying thank you he went to his cabin. The navigator and I sat in the dining room

talking and having a bit of a joke. But then they asked me how I got here, and I simply explained

I worked at a small pub in town a few blocks from the dock so we got a lot of fish and a lot of

rumours around the kitchen. My friend told me about the Endeavour and its journey. We were

going to go together. But my friend had just been sailing and unfortunately had got scurvy. So

now I cook alone. They seemed like good listeners and I wondered if I could tell them my secret.

But they just turned their heads and started talking about the navigation routes and tips again. It

was like I wasn’t there.

I slept rough that night, and woke up very early to a damp, salty, sweaty smell, from the pile of

wet clothes in the corner. But as soon as I stood I couldn't handle my weight and lay back in my

hammock. One of them whispered “Are you alright there mate?” I nodded and lay back down thinking of the new chefs arriving, drifting in and out of sleep.

It was about 6:30am and I had woken up late. I'm glad I had the extra sleep though. One of the

three navigators said “Did you have enough beauty sleep?” and everyone started laughing. I just played along and laughed too. The porridge was already out and I wondered who cooked it. It

tasted amazing. Then a thumping noise came towards me as I scooped out the last bit of

porridge, and looked up to see an unhappy man. The frown turned into a smile pretty quickly. But

I still asked “What’s wrong?” Through laughter he said “I had to make the porridge on my own while your little sleepy head snored its way through unicorn dreams. Tomorrow it’s all up to you. I realized he was one of the other chef’s and said “ok boss”. After a good laugh with him I said “The name is Kipp.” We shook hands and he told me his name was Craig.

Stage 3 Endeavour Task

Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . .

Term 2 - Week 4, 21 May, 2020 Newsletter The next two days passed quickly and Craig and I had fun in the kitchen. He always sat with the

navigators but he invited me over and I was starting to like the sea. The only bad thing was that

we started to sail out and chef number three was the “boss.” His name was Jonathan and he was extremely short. Craig and I were about the same height. He wasn't meant to be the boss

but he insisted he was the boss. For example, tonight we made cabbage soup because of all

the leftover cabbage and of course Craig and I being the brains, it was our idea, but he took all

the credit. And we had to restart because the soup was too peppery. I muttered “it's not a five star restaurant we are serving, it's a ship full of normal un-posh people.” I think he heard what I said and made me do most of the work.

It was the fifth working day and we were stopping in a small town to buy some more food. I think

Jonathan and I had got off on the wrong side, so I thought I would make it up to him today. I

was feeling active and got up to make porridge for the crew. I made all of them specially

different. It was the hardest I had ever worked on porridge bowls in my life! Craig got up not too

late after me and gave me a hand. Jonathan got up at our usual time, to see a surprise of us

working without orders and saw how good the porridge looked. He asked for one earlier than

everyone else, but we said no. As we were filling the jug with our only fresh, clean, unsalted

water, We saw him take a bowl of porridge and run as fast as lightning. He didn't look like a

runner though. We scurried upstairs for the role call at 7:15am. Everyone was here except for the

captain. They ask Craig and I to go to his office and see if he was ok because he had a rough

night last night. He seemed alright and came out for breakfast with Joseph Banks.

A few hours passed and we had arrived in the small town. Our goods waiting at the bakery. The

captain had sent a letter on day two so we could pick them up on day five. Craig, Jonathan

and I had to pick up the flour, sugar and wheat bags while the navigation crew went to the

markets to pick up some vegetables for the sauerkraut. We made sure we gave them a list.

I told Jonathan to stay behind and let us do the work, still trying to get on his good side. Craig

seemed a little mad because we needed all the help we could get but he made a joke out of it.

“Probably too short and weak to carry any of those bags, especially the wheat, oh such a tough one to lift.” I gave a little chuckle while we walked down the pebbly street. A poor man outside the bakery with his hand out following our movement said in a croaky voice “spare change?” I sadly said “No sorry sir, I don’t have any.”

But Craig was thinking ahead “Oi, kipp shall we get him a bread roll?” I smiled in delight and nodded as fast as I could. It was like my father had just got me a puppy. I picked up the flour

and wheat bags, while Craig paid for the roll. We headed out and Craig got down on his knees

blocking the entrance to the bakery, holding the bread like a treasure. He opened his hands

with two rolls instead of one. I wasn't mad, just in a great amount of joy. The man stammered his

words and finally said “thank you”, and two children ran over in delight and sat next to their father and took a roll and tore it in half both eating it as slowly as possible. It wasn’t a goodbye because we had to keep coming back for more bags of goods.

It was sunset and we hopped back on the ship, went down the ladder to

see Jonathan cooking already. Then he stopped and walked out of the

kitchen crossed arms tapping his foot “where have you two been?” he said in an unpleasant voice. We told him the story and he made us cook

the rest of the meal and tidy up while he watched. Tonight something

was off. The navigators didn’t invite Craig to their table instead it was Jonathan, but once we gave them the rest of our water jug they let us sit

with them. Tonight I went to the top deck to see the stars. It was a

magnificent view. Bright stars sprinkled across the sky. Then ran down to

my hammock, exhausted.

Term 2 - Week 4, 21 May, 2020 Newsletter The waves woke me this Saturday and I could hear the lightning. Most of the men mumbling

about the noise. But then there was a different sound, it was just Craig cleaning the pots. I went

to help him. We make a pretty good team. Nothing really happened on Saturday because of

the storm. It was just card games and cooking, until I heard someone open the door and say we

need blah blah blah to come and help with the sail. Everyone but the cooks were wearing

raincoats and they all looked ridiculous. It was a fast day. Craig and I re-made cabbage soup

Because everyone was cold.

Its nearly been a week on this crazy ship, and all thanks to Craig, the kitchen job is the best,

No, literally because of the horrid rain yesterday, everyone says we have the best job. No

uncomfortable raincoats that are ridiculous, no helping in the rain, the worst thing we have to do

is clean pots, pans and plates. It's amazing how fast things go when you're having fun.

Today was a boring start to the day. We had nothing to do after breakfast so we got told by the

captain to clean some of the water from the storm off the deck, so that it wasn’t as slippery. We then made lunch for everyone. But they were all too excited for dinner because on Sunday we

got pudding!! Craig, Jonathan and I played a few card games and got on with the pudding, a

sponge cake with cream and jam that was a little past its due date, but it tastes just as good. “So on the menu tonight we have sauerkraut'' I said in my loudest voice with everyone at their table

eager to know. Then Jonathan came out with them on trays, of course behind him was Craig

with more trays. After they were all handed out Craig winked at me in reassurance as he went

back into the kitchen to get the fish. “Oh, how can we forget the main meal, the fish!” I said sarcastically as I ran into the kitchen to get the extra fish trays. We all ate and I ran back out to

the front once most of the crew had finished. “Now for dessert we have the amazing, sponge cake!” I claimed. Craig came out with the slices of cake with me following behind while

Jonathan finished his sauerkraut.

This was an amazing first week but I'm feeling a little home sick while I write this in my hammock,

but remember telling my family back home I would write them a letter every week and this is

pretty much it, a journal entry for you Mary, to remember me. My little girl Mary, I miss you and

love you so much. You're my little secret on this boat.

Term 2 - Week 4, 21 May, 2020

Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . .

e: f:ilambilschool.pc/


Great news parents! Our school canteen will be back operating for Lunch and Recess!

Open Monday June 1! We’ll be opening Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday for some delicious canteen offerings. It will be a reduced menu, and at this stage no brekky club or over

the counter purchases at recess or lunch, however it’s a great achievement to get our canteen open again. Thank you so much to Danelle, who oversees the canteen, and her

volunteers. In the meantime they will be planning the menu, sanitising the canteen from top to

bottom and restocking the fridges ready for June 1. Keep an eye on our Facebook page and

SchoolStream for a copy of the menu.


What have you been feeding your children? So many of them seem to have had a growth

spurt since they were last at school! Our uniform shop doors may be closed but we are still

open for business! You can make an order and pay online at to have your

order sent home with your child or if you need to try on any clothing you can make an

appointment with our uniform shop co-ordinator Tamara by texting 0431 141 715 or through the

school office.


Unfortunately the Commonwealth Bank’s School Banking Program is still closed due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Please keep your bank books and money at home. We’ll let you know just as soon as we’re able to get the program running out of school again. In the meantime, top up your moneyboxes and keep saving!


Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the P&C’s fundraising efforts in any way, whether that’s lending a helping hand at our events, purchasing raffle tickets, baking for our cake stalls, buying pies or trays of mangoes, coming to a school disco… it all adds up.

One of our major purchases recently was to get wifi installed in the hall. Expanding the wifi

throughout the school has proven particularly valuable with the COVID-19 health crisis as our

students have been able to set up online classrooms in the hall to ensure children of our

essential workers can be supervised at school while meeting the social distancing measures to

help keep them safe.


Our canteen helpers are thrilled with the new commercial oven installed in recent weeks. We

were very fortunate to have been awarded a Volunteers Grant from the Australian

Government’s Department of Social Services to make life easier for our volunteers as they support our community. Some of the money has gone towards a much-needed replacement

for ‘Old Smokey’ and we are hoping to use the rest to upgrade our kitchen appliances and equipment.

Term 2 - Week 4, 21 May, 2020

Bilambil Road, BILAMBIL NSW 2486 . 07 5590 7210 . .


Enjoy some learning from home

photos from our students of Stage 3