News for December 2014.pdf - items/2014/News...

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News for December 2014

Thursday 4th December, Christmas Lunch - report from Bill Balchin: I am quite keen on a bit of Winter cycling. Wrapping up on warm on a crisp, dry day with the sun shining brightly, low in the sky can be a real pleasure. Which is why I went cycling on Wednesday 3rd December - the day before our Christmas lunch at the Old Royal Ship, Luckington. Eating a three course meal while wearing lycra shorts, then riding home in the cold as it starts to get dark? No thank you. But several of our heroes did just that - and I salute you.

The turn-out was significantly down on previous years so it meant that we did not need to use the extension where the acoustics are such that everybody has to shout to be heard and you leave with your ears ringing. As usual the staff of the ORS did us proud with a three course Turkey meal, soup to start, Christmas pud to follow and coffee & mince pie to end proceedings - all delivered as slick as you like.

Malcolm made a short speech to thank all the ride leaders who have done so well this year and a trio of walking wounded received a round of applause as Alex, Ian and Dave turned up despite being hors de combat from their spills during 2014.

Rob Shiels entertained for the second year, first on guitar for the now legendary BTOTC song and then finished his set with a new number based on the Sloop John B. John B was actually a crewman on a Carribean sailing ship and his full name was John Bishop - so you can see it was irresistible to our ukelele playing songster. It was almost three o'clock before the last cyclists left, but I was not sorry to sit in Hamish's car and be driven home. And the cycling heroes' route there and back? Click here.

Friday 5th December - Frampton End Road update from Alan Bracey: Now that Frampton

End Road has been successfully closed to motorised traffic an amount of mud, fallen leaves

and other detritus has collected. On Wednesday 10th December the road will be closed

while a council team get in there and give it a thorough clean. And this is due be become an

annual event after "leaf falling" time.

Thursday 11th December - report from Bill Balchin: I soon got a flavour of the day cycling into Bristol on the A38 into a vicious, blustery South-Westerly. The dark, low clouds dumped showers of rain on me a few times but a narrow band of brightness suggested that things could improve. Phil Hodgson was our leader today of a group of eleven and when I asked him if he had a good route he had a twinkle in his eye as he confirmed it. (note to self: beware leaders with twinkling eyes). The new stuff started soon after the start when we turned off the Festival Way path half way along and went through the backstreets of Long Ashton to Keedwell Hill where we lost both our Mikes - Mike Whiteman not intending to do the whole ride and Mike Chouings with a puncture. I'm not familiar with Keedwell Hill which brought us out part way up Providence Lane which we are all familiar with. At the top we went straight across into Longwood Lane where the body of murdered architect Joanna Yeates was discovered in 2010. There was extra cause to remember the case today as ITV are showing a two part dramatisation of how Christopher Jefferies, her innocent landlord, was hounded by the press. At the junction of Longwood Lane and Beggar Bush Lane Phil was having a think. "we could go left and be at the pub by ten to twelve, or straight on and arrive by quarter past". I heard a voice that sounded like mine say "straight on". (Note to self: engage brain before activating mouth). But it was the right choice. Weir Lane took us past an orchard where the trees are all numbered with white paint as the sun came out lighting up the views over to the Bristol channel. There was plenty of up and down before we zoomed down Belmont Hill and got onto the flat stuff of the Flax Bourton cycle track. Over the moors there is not usually too much traffic so I guess we just unlucky to get tangled up with Mr Angry in a beaten-up old jeep. There was a robust exchange of views before he pushed off - thankfully he did not have a shotgun hung across the rear window. Just as I was thinking how this would have been my route home, Phil took a left turn into Meeting House Lane. I have seen the sign before but never been along it. Of course, those familiar with the area know that this takes you into Cleeve where crossing the A370 sends you over Cleeve Hill. What a monster. Extra clothing put on for the last rain shower was quickly discarded as the hill went on and on, up and up until at last we were over the top and flying into Wrington nudging forty mph and the last short hop. I think the BTOTC may have used the Langford years ago, then stopped. The first time I went was in June this year. We liked it then and it was on top form again today. A two course meal for eight ninety five was the bargain of the day, although I was embarrassed when I accidentally grabbed Pete's fish and chips which had come off the regular menu, but I did give him my pudding. (Note to self: stop making so many notes). After riding into the wind all morning I was expecting to be blown home - but of course that never happens. It was certainly easier though as I rode with the remnants of the main group, now down to six through Yatton, Claverham and Backwell. And just for good luck I went back up Belmont Hill. Up and down - see where the hills were.

Added 14th December: CTC National Office has made Chris Juden redundant so members have effectively lost their technical support - this is alongside touring advice as they also no longer have a Touring officer. Some concerned members have set up a facebook group There is also a CTC forum thread entitled "No more CTC technical officer ??HOAX??" which can be found at this link: Members feel that their benefits are being reduced and that the CTC is moving even further way from its traditional values. The aim of the facebook group is "To act as a focal point and forum for CTC members who are disturbed by current trends within the club. People are beginning to work on the wording of motions to be debated at the AGM next year" Its asking for all concerned members to join the group, or like or share it and it would be particularly helpful if CTC Local groups would make some contribution as groups as well as individuals. Thursday 18th December - report from Bill Balchin: I thought we might be in trouble today, when battling into a strong headwind on the Old Gloucester Road going to the start the road was closed by the police just after the staggered crossroads on the Latteridge Road. A car was being extracted from a hedge and the recovery truck was blocking the road. But by the wonder of mobile phones I was able to arrange to meet the group at Hortham Lane. That was actually the route that Keith had planned, although he only managed to ride to the Amcor start and hand over to Pete before reporting sick and going home.

We started on the usual Severn Bridge route of Fernhill, Moor Lane and Olveston before swinging right to Elburton and Littleton. The Severn Bridge crossing must have been wild today in the strong wind - but no trips into Wales for the BTOTC in winter. The wind was generally in our favour as we rode along the flat but dirty lanes of the Berkley Vale through Oldbury and Hill (which in places reaches 25ft above sea level, yes feet). Twisty lanes meant that our direction kept changing and when you caught a blast of sidewind it was a bit unsettling, but we arrived without incident at our destination at quarter to twelve - not open! But after only a couple of minutes we were let in to the Salutation - current CAMRA regional pub of the year for the South West and one of four finalists for National pub of the year, that's some billing to live up to. The range of drinks was pretty impressive including Bath Ales Festivity and my favourite - Stunner from Cotswold Spring in the Ales plus a wide choice of real ciders. CAMRA do not only consider beer when rating pubs, proper food also affects the rating. Most of us had ordered the cyclists standby of ham, egg and chips. So there were no complaints when the ham turned up, not in slices but in slabs about as thick as your finger. Scoffing down that lot plus the lure of the drinks plus the thought of getting out into the wind for the trip home could have tempted the weak-willed into staying in the pub. But with the shortest day almost upon us and dusk being so early we were whipped up and out and back on the road by one fifteen. There was no messing about with scenic routes for the way back, straight through Rockhampton and around Thornbury. Martyn did his usual steady pedalling which soon saw him off the front of the group but as the rest got organised taking turns in the front like a team trial we actually caught him up. We were riding like a well oiled machine - well, those on a two pint strategy seemed well oiled. There must be something in this drafting business. For most people that will be the last Thursday group ride until January with Christmas day

next week and the "make your own way" new years day ride the week after. Happy Christmas to everybody and I look forward to meeting up again in 2015 by which time the days will be getting longer again. And the route? Click here to see the map. CTC News, 20th December: As well as the hoo-hah about the departure of Chris Juden there are more local rumblings within CTC. Although I am a member I have only realised recently that CTC Bristol and CTC West are different organisations. CTC West is apparently an "umbrella" organisation linking local West Country groups to CTC HQ. A proposal to dissolve CTC West has been tabled and will be debated at an extraordinary general meeting on 8th March 2015. Full details can be found here. Cycling with the BTOTC I am so glad to have been spared committee meetings, AGMs, membership cards and all that other nonsense. And who needs Chris Juden when we have Tony Conibear?