Newfoundland and labrador, Canada...

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Transcript of Newfoundland and labrador, Canada...

_ Newfoundland and labrador, CanadaUNIVERSITY


2 Message from the president

4 Becomeinformed

8 Becomeinvolved

12 Becomeinspired

16 Vital signs


26 Leadership

Newfoundland and Labrador, CanadaA culture and natural en\ ironment l.,,;:c f/(, J"ICC no L rth

\\ here you are doe~ mort:' than define who rou arc it Ix.·(:omc~ pan of your e,-.ence - tha( whidl ll1;lkc~ yOll unique. For \lemorial l 'ni\'t'f'>iIY of

\cwfoundland.lherarelcx"3lionandcuhurcinwhi<:hwcha\cgrownhashe1rx-'dIO\\L"3\clherichfahricofwhat make.. l.... di.,lina

New{9 dlandLabrador


rJH"ld-""":>!Ilb(' ?-

Welcome to the2005-2006

President's Report

Since its establishment, ;\Iemorial l·ni\l,\' of

facult}' and .,taff. While i\lemori:11l'nin:rsil)' h:l~ a unique n:lation"hip


wider world

It is Ihi.'> commitment toooth home and abroad and a tradition 01

" r is this commitment to hoth home

and ahroad and a trJdltion of mnm atlon that

has put \1emorial l niyersih at th .

forefront ot higher education , ,

\ol1hwc~t Atl,lntic, to h:l~ic ~tudic~ aimed at understanding

mon.: about thc CIUsC~ of Parkinson's disease. In addition

\\e mO\l'd forward with rcscarch infmMrucrure projecL<, like communitic~. I am very proud of the accomplishmcnts of

ACFnel. a Slj million high-performance computing nelwork our faculty. staff and stlldent~

org.mized in collaboration with;\ number of unh'er~ities in fhe ye<lrs for the Ix:ndil of the p<..--opleofCorner Brook and I hope you enjoy learning more about \Iemorial

,<,urroundingareas. The propcny includes IWO large icc l'nin'rsit)

TIlis ye;lf. \lemorial researchers were awarded S8.S ,<,urfaccs, IlK-'Cling and conycmion facililies, a sound ..t;lge

::~~:;nit:~:;:n::~el~:::;~::~>n~:;:~aan~p:n~:i::,"~~:I:: ,,,itahle for film and telesision produaion, as "ell .t> a~ K~~

degrel' prowams in

Inlernalifll1;11 IkKhel(lr of Business Administr::lIion (iBBA)


<;tand;lfllbusil1l.··..s ...kills. hlll also Ihe hard and soft <,kills

nt-"t.-e..s;J~forhu, .. ines_.. intheinlernatiol13lmarkdplace


fi\l'ne\\ Tier2Cmaua Rese-arch Chairs wonh Sl.Smillion

Ourtt-"t.·hnology transfl'r ann and high tcchnology inculxilor.

theGene..hCentre.wonanation.alawardforlheinno\';lti\'e nextfh'eto 10 years. Eighteen \\ereidentifk'd.

\\~Iy"! in which it help"! nedgling technology-ha~xl \enlurc"! including undergr.ldll~lIe and gr.lduau: enrolml'm.......lUdent

gel a hC'.llthy st~1I1 in hmine'lS ...ucn:...... and service,<,. recruitillent. distance education


Prc... ident and \'ice-<..·hancellor



Fruit fly

" In this pilot project, we wJ1l begin

to examine tw 0 new genes linked

to Parkinson"s that we haye

recentl) identified in fruit flies. "research may provide a clue to a cure

Rese,archE!rS at: Merner;,,1 Un;versiityare mOlOr.,kill prohlclll:.tll3larelhcmOSl\i:.ihlc,,}lnpIOmof the dimhing abilily of aging fruit flic.... Iheirlife <'pan and on

u,in~ lruit 0;,,, to 'eek a cure fe" Packinson\ Disease, Dr, thediseasc. Prc\iow" re~arch ha:. ...ho\\o that a genec-alled retinal dcgencr::ltion.AnotherSl<ln~ll.'Y bh alum and dOCIOr::11

Ilrian S,,,,,elc}, DepanmentorJlioloh~', 3<1d his lah coJl,eague, parkin is rc:-.poo:-.iblc for de~lroying thc"C protein.... OUf cam.lidale. JU.<,tin ;-'Ioor('.,>. ha ... n:cehed an ~H\ard of

re,eiH,d lundingfrom the I'arkin,on Society Canada lC) "udy laboralOry ha..,dcmonstratcd that excdlcnccC.,iln:r)inthercccmCIIIRi\ationa]Studclll

Parkin50n'stli,e",e"likes}'mpton1S in r,mit nit'S:' eXlolained Ik.'>earch PoslcrComretition held al the Canadian Slu<Jcnt

AI"h"-S"""c/'ei"-I",'I,,mIDeoe,,emlion is Can.ldiall ~tuden( Health RI.'''Jt>arch Forum. \-j<;il

,mt"ti:~ate, tlhe cellular funaion', Ih""e dbrupK-d "hen Rea"c,,,1 ~I' P'",;,i" t'll" HI' .l/od..! ofP"';""SOIl' Dise"ISe-, In U"U"II-,uf11aflilolxl.cajaclIlttes, medlc/ne research_days i1/lI£~\'


nt:uron"hatcontrolmo\cmenrandwhichre<;uIL.. inlhe expression ,,"hdi,ease-'f>ecificlform of,lph,-synuelcin on

ror more infonn;uioll on Drs.Swveleyand H.lY\\O(XJs re....e-Jfch. \ isit



Tracking fish stocksMemorial University ha.... takcn a IC;ld roleina Geogr::lphy. Ic-.ld.. the "tudy. "hich i"'!itled Gt....oCod

new high-tt..'<:h "'lUdy that a~ses..'ieS ho" dimatc <:hange can GeolllatiL'" for the Sustainahle :\lanagemcm of Fi ....h 'I<xk....

affect future dbtrihution~ and le\e1s of fbh ....lOck> in the Hi.... re;"e;lrch tC::lm include.... Dr, Gt..'Orge Rose. profe........or 01

'\ollhwe....t "\t];(m i<: Oce~ln. The exaIII inc.... the biology ..nd chai r of Fisherie.... Con'>Cl'\ ation at the .\ Iarinl'

Centre for Fi ....herie..... InnO\"~H ion (CCrl). b~I'>t..-d at ,\kOlarial

Dr. ROOolphe De\ iller'>, ~Is..... istam profe......'>Or. Department of

<;eicnce... and social '>Cien<:e.... lClgcther

workers with re...pir::llory problems: women 3P1X"3red to be project. for which "he hoIX'''' to gct commlll1ily-uni\cf"-it~

"" orJ"C' Jon, ncmoe'mg.. '0 J'Op particularlyatri..kinthi.... female-dominatedindu....r~ Rese'.lf<:h Allian<:e funding. will <:omhinc rt''>Can:h on

-ll'sanOCl'1Jpationaldi~.<.e.Onceyou·n··rein communitie.... andel1\ironmemwithoc<:Ur~Hionalhealih and

trouhle.~ she said. n()(ing the asthma - which '>ludic.... found will im'ohe theatre. fine arb ;lI1d r::ldio

6 President'sReport2006

Publishing Successes

Dr. Roberta Buchanan,B'yan Greene and Anne Hart

In 1905 Mina Benson Hubbardbecamcthc

Dr. Anne Hart, one of the authors of

The Woman Who Mapped Labrador

Carolyn Podruchny, professor, Hi~IOl)r. York

reacher. nur"c anddc\'olcd wife to cour.lgeotls explorer and aUlhorsseamlessly together greater than lhesumofit-;palts and a mcxlel for inter-

discussion of Hubbard's equally compelling elements so that the Ix>ok becomes disciplinary co-operation ~

High performance network launchedThe Atlantic Computational Excellence R&DinAilanlicCanada.Thejointinfrastructureinitiativcwill Industrial Research ~lnd Innovation Fund; \'0\;1 Scotia

Network (ACEnet), a unique. high~performancc connect researchers across the region, making it possihle to Research and Innovation Trust Fund; and New Brunswick

collaboration launchedinJ\lay2006 huildc1ustersof InnO\'ation Foundation. ACEnet\\asalsostronglysupportcd

Mcmo"hdl'nilcrsity"theleadinstitutioninthiispa"r,ership stcengtheningknowlledgecreatioe,andi,movationinP"lantk hy Sun Microsystems which has entered a partnership to

hetweenthe UniYersityofNew Bnmswick Mary's Canad",FunclingforACEn,ctcurtcntlyt'OIalsn'torcthanS23 provide hardw'tre, ,;oint rt,search and "upror1 a "trietyof

l·ni\·ersity.St Xa\'icrUnivcrsity, Dalhousie million. Infrastrucrure is heinghuih over the nexl two years innovation p''Ojecbat the ACEnet rnembcrin'aitutcs,

l'nilCr"ity,McluntAllisonl;niversityandthcUni,crsityof withsignifiGll1tconrributionsfromtheCanadaFoundation GovertlmcntofNelvfoundlandandLal"rador',<,cont,'ihution

hinceEdw,trdlslrtnd,ACEnctreI"esentsanu"prece,Jented for Innovation, Allanric Canada Opponunities Agcncy and wasSLSmillionoYerthreeyearsthroughthcDcparrmcnls

adlanc:ementinthecapacily,con,petiti,cne>s,rndirnl"ctof provincial innovalion fllnds: Newfoundland and Lahrador of Education and Innmalion and Tr:lde and Hllr.:t1 De,·e!opment


" Its one of our strategic directives to build

bridges and taster our relationships with

the community we serve. , ,

Pepsi Centre contract will build bridges

Memorial of Newfoundland television productions, as well as a filness ccnlre (privately Appointments to the hoard of directors of the SIE, to he

operated) known as the Weslern SPOI1S and EntertainmeOl Inc., are

held fortwo-ancl three-year periods, andclirectors may be

reappointecl.Jamie Schwartz has been appointed for three


brought the reSOllfces ofthc univcrsitywith us; wc hope to boa,dofdi"'ClOCS,'·saidIDr.Gemginalledgr.,,.actingchai,

increase offerings and expand activities opco 1O resiclems of oftheuniversily'sBoa,doflkge"lS.·Inaddili"nlOextensivc

excellent opportunity for' the entire community," said the area. Grenfell College may use some space for student business expericnce, the selection of community,

'\layorCharle", Pender. '·[t is a win-win situation for both edllcational and bllsiness leadcrs has the ski1ls and

organizations as we hOlh share a common vision for the rhe willbcmanagedasaSepar.ilely knowledge relaled lothe recreation area and are particularly

Entity (SIE) of Memorial University of aware of the nceclsofboth Corner Brook and Sir Wilfred

Grenfell Collegeancl the provincc·swestern Newfounclland

university recreational organization (hat

university and the public, and operales llnder an SIE boarcl


Gold medal alumni

...prin~ connX-;l{ion in .\lay 1006. Included among them \\cre

...ix lllcmher-. of the 01)'mpi(: ~old me<bl curling team who ret:cin.>d

honorary degrees fortheir;I(.:hicn:mem. 11lefoll0\\ing i....omeofwhal

1)1". Anneltc St;weley. deputy puhlit-orator. had to '>ay alx)U\ the go]d

in Ihe <'uppon or the profe...... ionJ.l... at thi'.; uni\-er<.ity So we all ...h:.lrc in lht:ir golden, \\inning moment and .In: in<,pirro hy ,elllar~.ahle I,,,,de,,-,heone' th.u r"lu;re nn form,al'''le

it. 11K'} arc role model-. for u<, all. ~lnd for !.he next geller-Ilion of :\:c\\foundlandcr-. .Ind LJbrJdorian.'> ~

Memorial helps revitalize Labrador festival relllarkahle woman and mo" de",,,,ng of ,he honour we

will he'>tow on her this e\ening ~

Western Labrador was agroupofparent'hulab.o;nf,·ontofanadjudic-JI,or. ...To Jean Guthrie, university orator. gan:, the oration

p1:ly:undllmn heoritiquerJ on tl'la, pe,fo,man,ce;n I'ronlof honouring Tshaukubh Penashllc

huddi'tg nMicians and ec,mmunity groups took part in the

10 President'sReport2006

Autism centre opensElaine Dobbin said it wa,sthe, crYl'orheip ycaf",lalcr.J.13ceremonyin)unelnn6,thcfnlit..,ofhcr

fm'" a fnendl ,ha' '"'" gc' hel;moh,<l ;n 'he A"""" enorb were unn>ik.>d on Ihe ShJlllRx:k Llrm rropcn~

"x-'e1jof."\ewfo"mJlanda,ndwl>rndol',a",hil,o",plan, ;uJiJCl:ntlotheHeallhSdenn·.. Ct'mrl'in"'t,John-"ln

w"'UI~_.~~ len>gn'"on of her leadel'h;p and ",'on, 'he cenlre '"''

jOjce':Churd"")"h,oha"'<,Qn",',ha"'i",,,I',,;d,oher, namedtheElaineDohhinCentrcforAuti..m.lti... thl.'onh

prO\incial 6ciliry dediclIrt.!IO progr.lInmin~ ;md l..'(jUl.:Jlion

And ,he ",;d "EIa'ne, we''''go< '0 do <,Q"'e1hln~. I don' for indi\iduJb. their fJ.milic., an...·(:1L>U h\ auti..m and Iho"C

kn,1" "ha" ,<o'ng 1<) happen '0 n,y '"",n lie' r-,eal'- ~h:f:~::::il~:::~~~O:~':\:::l:~:~'\:~I:C1~::~:)·III:·;:~il..~~

Dr Craig Dl bbin and Elaine Dobbm Hthe ~I lal

upenlng of the Autism Centre in St John's

Autism research helps local familiesAlthough the causes of autism are Mill unknOwll,thc rncdical:ll1dsciemific

rornmunil)' ~ener:llly belien>s it has a strong genetic ha~i.s. Clinical geneticbl and ~1emoriaJ 'pceln'"'' dl'o"dc' 'n ,hc ''',dy. .I,,,,e""ychlld dewlop,,,,ent pedie"'"'''''' D,·,. Catl,y ,,,,dy.

I.l(ulty ml'mlll.'r. Dr. Bridget Fernandez. is heading up Ihl'l'\cw fOllndland-;eclionoflhe

,I"" 'hc"e ",,10 '0 1(1 a"t'"" ,,,,,,el,,;h'l',y ~enc" 1'-, only "he"" ,,,IT;,,en, "tl'mIJC'olthesc onl" I",,,,,'hle' 1",,,,,,,><, of the ~kill of Dr, \'ard)' Jnd her team in Jlhnini...lering the


12 President'sReport2006


All about the truth

Andrew Critch wants the truth. MAil rn: Dr. Chrb HadronJ, head of the depanmclU of j\lathcmalk~ L'pon entering the collllx:tition. :\Ir. (ritch ~( a high

andSlatbtics.saidj\Ir.Critchhasachic\cdremarkahlcn:sulls pcrsollalgoal.llisOlHstanding:-.corecarncdhiman

in hbdcgrcc program at Memorial honourahlcrncl1tionandarankingof:;7011lofj,')-i')

MAndrew is cCl1ainlyone of the beSl sllldents the


;tspro;gr"ms,'·s";dl)rR",lford.'Andre',sh"s:",h;e""I,,lol AtlanticPro\inces International Council of the Science

complett..-'d firsl-year uni\-crsity science courses. allowing him (APICS)Competitionwhereheandhi"te::llllmatcl\d]:\lcKay

10 han;: a head Mart hcforc entering the science program pbccd first in 2001 and 200';

in his travels to uriOLls meetings and 1\lr. Critch wa.:; awarded the GO\"ernor General' .... ,\led~11

compctition~ in the Atlantic region and beyond ~


Lowell PUlnam,\lalhemati<:al Competition and plan.-d fifth in IOlhCSlUdcnlohl:,in;nclhdrllNur,dcrcrJdu'"Cdccrcc.

C.1I1~lda, helping ~Iemoriars IC'am place .3'5th out of '500 who ...tand~ highe~t in

rcsc':l"h"";,un"h;IPposllion",,,hlhcL·nhcr,;tjofTorolllo ,,<:hool... an:rageoffiN-elass ...tanding


re:l< hed only hy pttneorco;l'otal hoal

lie· abo worked cXlcn',ly on



IC\llxxlk-.andcour-.e... fornon-:-.<;icllti....t"

Governor General's Awardfor Grenfell alumna

Memorial wins internationalROV Competition

Facuhic... of Engineering



wclla... thcCollegeofthe

\onh Atlantic :\Iemorial·...

.\IMine In'>'itute and the

In~lilule of (x:can Technolo~n

will hO"llhc 200- RO\

2005-2006campus lifehighlights:

A A \1AKES G f'<t us DONATION fin;mci;11 nL"\.'(\ .md \\110 h.l\e J minimum J.:r.l(!o;.· huild on the .b'>Ch 01 Ihe Unl\L'f'>it)~ .....11int-:..

-Thebh.'Dr\\JfTen .. rxICuhcrinelblllefta roima\crJt-:coft\\oOUlOI.lfX""..ihlcfour. \\ilhin ...tJohn ....ndCornerBmo"\\hilc

t-:enerou.. let-:'K~ th:1I oller'> tan~ihlc m:nuging r;:uil'lr4ll ~n)\\1h of hoth cnnpu'>C~

en<:ourat-:L'!llL'm to fUlure ~L·nl·r.. tion.. of \1ARK TN TRATE(Y LA r-.C ED - The prinury oo!L"(,:tl\L'" of the updue proc..,-,..

\e\\founJl.lnd F(lII()\\In~ lheirdc-ath... Dr and ne\\ hr..nJ 10 bc..ul" ...un. rc!olcnb. '>lU&,'flb for a phy~icli frame\\or" dL· ...I~nL-d 10

\If'>. Ittlr.. e'>late \\01\ donJlL-xllo \k'lllori:ll Jnd alumni..... the fiN ...tep In a fK'\\ al'conuno(Ltl' I" ~f()\\lh Ifl the next 11)-2';

'lATED - Ik1l.lflnlfl~ Ifl mid-2tJtn. the \jlUl-xl ..t O\L.,. 51; million. lhe Ix.-'(IUL.><,I t;>n in.....utuliorul nurh'lln~ -.{r.llL·~Y The hr.lnd Yl~af'>, induding huiIJint-:... Jnd opcn "'p;1l'L">

unhL· '>lanL-d J ulInprdlL.......i\e '>lr.. tegic.. Jhk.... lhe Uni\ ........ lt\ loollcr ...i~nilkant firuoo:ll c..UOL'L'pI: foell ........ on Ihe ideJ of lr.ln.,[oml.lliol1 the u'>C 01 LUfTenl "'p"u: .Ind

pl.lnnlfl~ pRKL....... 10\\.If(1'> Ihe de\ek'Pment of ..uppOlt (() flL'\\ '>luJcnb lor the dur.ltion of - thJl \lemon.11 ,... lhe plal.:e tlul fX:(lple Jnd '>Chedulin~ prJctice.. in order 10 identif~

.I fi\e-\C;:lr plJn for the irl.'>lIIUlion In a fiI"'il lheir undc~radu;uL' '>l:UdIL"'> The ~ift ,,111 he: Kk:'J.. hct..OIl....... l11edc\c1opnlL.....1of \ 0PfXJltuniti..... lormnredlkienlu'>Cof"IXKl'in

'>lep. 11'1 key '>lr.Itt'Wc i:-.....ue (1\::'\[1 p:tper'> were u'><.od to l"fL~Jte lhe \\.IfTen and ClthL-rim: full m.ukL1:int-: <,[rJle~~ 100" more Ihan a current oper.l(i(Jn... ~ Jnd prmidl' de...i~n

dL'H:lupLod hy \\urking group... ;md then wt're \IemoriJI Elltr.lnt:e 'xhoLlr'>hip~ \;IluL-d at of planning It induued luc..u.. ~roup.. guideline.. to imprme tht' ",u\.

prl.......I1ILodIOIIll:unht'..... itycommunilyata ;Ippmxim;lldyS-;;OtlpcrYL"lrforuplofour (:on!'>ululion... \\ithlX·opletm ..Ilc..·ampux"'> funetiorulil\.Inu.lppc-.Ir:HKeofe\,l...tln!olanJ

in till' drah "..,1 P~If>L''''' Th.... ~lr:llegic planning

proce.... conduded\\ilh;lnc\\plJninFeh

- \J lucd ~ll ;lppmX11ll;lldr $'),000 L'ach - arc

j\kmori<ll lInl\L'r~I1Y ~Iudcnh fwm

with tr:linin~ in i/l/(:I"Illitio/}(l1 GllllpU", whidl i ... I(x.::lted :thoul midw;l)'

Incrc:l.. ingJypri\.lIe.mdpuhlicorg:mi7..ations 1X'!\\l'l'nLondol1.lndClInbridRe,"'llldenl...

mcmbL'r~ of puhllc .Ind pri\;lll:' ">Cctor C.REAT PlACE 0 WORK MEMORIAl

0fJ.:;miZ;l1 ion... .I" \\ ell ~l" ot hL'r ..l;tkeholdl·r.. WlNS TnD gn - .\ It:mori.ll Lni\L·.... ll \

\\;l~ honour..-U \\ ilh thc prc~li).:iou~ !employer

of Di~tinctionA\\;lrd hy the 1\e\\ foundl;md .1llU

L:lhr.ldor [mploycr'" Cound! (\LFC);It a gala

organil..ltion.. \\hidl enc..·()ur:I~L· excdlenl'l' in

of:t proWe....i\t' t'

(:ountrit'....lI1dinwidc1ydiffercntemironmenb will Ix.' w\en liN prcfL·rL·nl·l·forlhcl)IJf">;[ril..., ma~er plan for it'> 'It John·.. and "'ir Wilff(,"'(j

In 11ll' pa"'l n~m) oflht,....... -.e111 o\el"'iea.. bckL-d 1\\0 of \\hilh \\ere .lwardL-xI during the fall Grenfell College c..·.1Il1pU'>C'" thi .. \t;>;tr ..\ leam

Ihe (· ...'>Cotl..1 Ir.linin~ and preparalion 2lK16 '>Cme\ler, while t\\O more \\iIl be of ;trchitect .... planner... urh.ln de...i~ner~

...onWtlnlL'" \\1111 dl...t'>lRXl.. rl.",;ulb for thl'ir prL~ntL-xldurin~the\\inlc.:r2fltr'>Cnx.-..{er1lJe land'>C:lpe .. rL·hllc..X"h ~Ifld tr.ln"'pon.lIIOn

(ll} llon.. \lcmori;lll.. onlrth<:lhird'>Chool 1)lJf">;[rie... \aluc..od al .t.?;'iO() C"ach (or aboul c.."flgll1lX·..... IL-d hy Umo" \IcBmy Planning ~

in CJruda 10 (iler lhi.. type of inlematiorul S'i.UflOl \\ilI he a\\Jnk:d annualh 10 '>lUlX.'"I1b L"rh:ln De~l~n. \\a.. 'C1L'L1l-d to undL'fu"e thl'

fromc..·(\l·\\lounJbnd.Jnd\"hoarein pRx:e..... 11lcupdatL"oftl){.'eJll1pu... pbn... will


Total Undergraduate and Graduate

~:~0~~;5nt by Place of Residence

Total Enrolment*: 17,372

;~:c~::~:~~~';:~;~:=.-~;~~; It

Total International Undergraduate and~;~~~~t; Enrolment by Area of Residence

Total International Enrolment*: 864"tndudesful.hmfMldpif1-umestudenlSi(~~

l6 President'sReport2006

~ Thecomplere President's Report 2005-2006 is available at www and on the DVDindudedwirh this booklet

Fall 2000-2005 Undergraduate and GraduateEnrolment (Full-time and Part-time)

Percentage of First-Year Students Returning forSecond Year of Study Fall 1994-2004Retention Rate (%)


;::t~~~:ergraduate Student Enrolment by Unit

Total Undergraduate Enrolment*:15,163·1nc1udesflA.tJme.,.;lP"t_S'l~_!Iw

8 President's Report 2006

Total Graduate Student Enrolment by UnitFall 2005

Total Graduate Enrolment*: 2.209"Includn~-tJme..oP¥ltJmeS'ludenuMdw

Number of Degrees* Conferred

1999-00 to 2005-06




Human Resources


Affiliate Organizations

2006 with Comparative Figures for 2005

Philanthropic Support 2005-06

20 President'sReport2006





Charitable Organizations/





Sources of Research Funding2001-02102005-06

$ (Millions)


~ OPERATING FUNDThis isan unrestricted fund used for the university's primaryoperatingactivities

~ PLANT FUNDThisisa restricted fund to account for the resources used for construction, maintenance

and renovations. This fund also accounts for the university's assets and depreciation

~ SPECIAL PURPOSE AND TRUSTSThisisarestrictedfundwithlimitationsimposedbybothexternalandinternalsources

The major component isthe endowment fund


~ The complete President's Report 2005-2006 is available and on the DVD included with this booklet

Memorial University of NewfoundlandConsolidated Schedule of Operations For the Year Ended March 31, 2006


Operating Ancillary Plant Research Special Related Total Total

Fund Fund Fund Fund Purpose and Entities 2006 2005Trusts

$ 15,981 $ 243,191 $ 216,332

Total Expenditures

Future Employee

Benefits Liability

(Note A)

Note A: As per the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants' aceounting9uidelines, the univerSity has this liability included in its financial statements. The university has receivedprior approval from the Lieutenant-Governor in Council to exclude from the current·year operating results any amounlS resulting from the recognillon of the liability related to future employee benefits

Highlights8- The university's operating budget funds the operations of the university, including Sir Wilfred

Grenfell College and the Marine Institute campuses. A grant is also provided to Harlow


~ The university's unconsolidated operating expenditures for fiscal year 2006 were $263 million

~ Theprovinci"lgove'rnmen,toperating~lrantir,creaSE,deiglltper<:ento"erfiscalyear'200S.

8 Included in government grants is the fourth year of funding from the Canadian government in

the amount of $4.040 million to offset the indirect overhead costs 0 fresearch

8 Although tuition fees remained frozen in fiscal year 2006,revenuegeneratedbystudentfees

has increaseddueto increased student enrolment and higher retention

8 Library holdings of $6 million have been purchased in fiscal year 2006

~ The university's pooled investment fund had a market value of $57 million (Bookvalue-$52

million) and generated a return of 12.06 percent

~ The university's external auditors issued an unqualified audit report on the financial statements

for the 2006 fiscal year.

~ Beginning with fiscal year ended March 31,2006,theuniversity '5 financial statements will be

consolidated with the provincial government

University OperationsRevenue by Category

University Operations

Expenditures by Function


Dr. Georgina Hedges, Eastport, vice-chairand acting chair

Hon. John Crosbie, St. John's, chancellor

~~e~:~~:;~rn. 51. John's. president and

Dr. H.E.A. (Eddy)Campbetl,vice-president(academic)andprovice·chanceltor




Ruth Canning, St.John's





Sharon DU9gan, Mount Pearl

Anas EI-Aneed,St. John's

Leslie Galway, Goulds

Dorothy George, Halfway Point





Douglas Moores, Harbour Grace

Joan Pinsent, Stephenville

David Porter, Montreal

Harvey Short, Paradise

Eleanor Swanson, St.John's

RoxanaVernescu, St. John's



~:c~~~;~~~nsmore (interim to




Dr. HoUyPike



DIRECTOR, ENTERPRISE RISKMANAGEMENT Trevor Troake(to Nov. 2005) David Head (as ofDec.2005l

DIRECTOR. LABRADORINSTITUTE Dr. Ronald Sparkes(interm from April 20(5)



Alastair O'Reilly


COMPLEX INC. Anne Richardson




Dr. Axel Meisen: president and chairman

The Han. Dr. JohnC. Crosbie: chancellor


Dr. serpil Kocabiyik,science

Dr. Michael Morrow, Science

Dr. Robert Adamec: Science

Gary Peddle(president),B.Comm.(Hons.) '82,




Tom Bursey (2nd vice-president),



Ann Marie Hann,B.Comm. '81,MBA'83



Dr. John Ashton: principal,SirWilfred

Grenfell College

Dr. Shelly Birnie-Lefeovitch: director of

Dr. Alice Collins: dean, Faculty of Education

Glenn Collins: university registrar and Secretary

Dr. JamesWyse, Business Administration

Dr. David Tulett, Business Administration

Dr.WalterOkshevsky, Education

Dr. Dennis Peters, Engineering and

Dr. Christopher Sharpe: Social Sciences

Dr. Mark Tate: Social Sciences

Dr. Olaf Janzen: Sir Wilfred Grenfell College

Dr. Paul Wilson: Sir Wilfred Grenfell College

Dr. Edward Andrews: Sir Wilfred Grenfell College

Richard Ellis: university librarian Dr.Wil1iamschipper,Humanities

Dr. Tom Gordon: director, School of Music ChristopherDennis,Library


Kenneth Baker, Marine Institute

Dr. Ray Gosine: dean, Faculty of Engineering

and Applied Science

Dr. Linda Hensman:director, School of Pharmacy

Mr. Bruce Hollett: deputy minister, Robert Trenholm, Marine Institute

Department of Education

Dr. ChetJablonski: dean, School of

Dr. Catherine Popadiuk,Medicine

Dr. Sandra LeFort: director, School of Nursing Dr. AtamjitGill,Medicine

Dr. Donald McKay, Medicine

Dr. Kati szego, Music

Dr. Donna Moralejo, Nursing

Dr. MohsenDaneshtatab,Pharmacy

Dr. Luise Hermanutz, Science


Stella Magalios

Stephanie Power



Memorial University is committed to excellence in teaching,

research and scholarship, and service to the general public.

Memorial University recognizes a special obligation to

educate the citizens of Newfoundland and Labrador, to

undertake research on the challenges this province faces

and to share its expertise with the community.

With nearly 18,000 students and 2,500 permanent faculty and staff, from more than 90

countries and diverse cultures, Memorial University of Newfoundland is the largest university

in Atlantic Canada. We provide excellent undergraduate, professional and graduate programs

in virtually all disciplines from our campuses in Sr. John's and Corner Brook in Newfoundland

and Labrador, and in Harlow, England. Outstanding research and scholarship, extraordinary

teaching and a focus on community service are our hallmarks. Take a closer look at Memorial,


About this report

This document contain.'; highlighl~ of the Presidellt's Rep011 2006 which is 3\<lilahk on DVD and on the web at lI'U'II'.mI1ll.caI2OOGre/XJ/1. \"'e \\ckome your

fecdh:tck. OVD and web \'er~ions contain an c-mail To.:adcp.;hip sun'cy, YOll can also send your comment.s to marCOnlm@/ or call ""09-737-8665

rhe Presidem:~R(1JOr/ 200G is a product of the Di\ision of i\larkr.:ting and Communications. Memorial University of \'ewfoundland. The periods con:red by

thisreponare: Academic yC<lr: Scptt.:mlkr200S-August 2()(X): Fiscalyear: April 200S-March 2006



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FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:OfficeofthePresident-MemoriaIUniversityofNewfoundland.St.John's,NL A1CS57.Canada

Tel: 709·737-8212. Fax: 709-737-2059.