New revenues in publishing

Post on 14-Mar-2016

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Publishing, printing, presenting personal and professional stories is different because of the digital revolution. Discover the ways to empower yourself and your business to generate new streams of income

Transcript of New revenues in publishing

Het nieuwe uitgevenAmsterdam, 9 mei


About MeConsultant in the digital revolution

Surfing the digital channels

Discovering the online value creation

Embracing the digital dialogue empowerment

Publishing a book, a means of communication older than 2 centuries...


1. Expressions & Empowerment

2. Business Development

3. New Revenue Models

4. From publishing Digital Dialogues

"We are the Digital Revolution"

Digital Expressions


Old school was push communication.

New school is pull communication, personal publications, co-creation, digital dialogues in blogs, tweets, social media & social services sites

Business Development

Publishing new school cuts out pieces of the value chain. Do publishers innovate their business?

Publishing process remains the same, creation and publication digitally

Digital business models for Design, Services and Support concepts and processes.

New Revenue ModelsCrowdfunding for publishing

Autors become publishers

Co-creation in content & partnerships

Advertising from paid to no cure - no pay

Money flows where value creation takes place

Business modelsMakelaar model - Business broker

Advertising model - Advertising model

Merchant model

Affiliate model

Community model

Freeware model

Infomediary model

Subscription model

Business BrokerDigital marketplace

Connecting Supply & Demand

Commission based on transactions, auction

Buy & Sell fullfilment

Value = online transparency

Advertising modelNews aggregation in a portal is value & information is relevance

Free for users, required registrations, paid for advertisers with classifieds

Query based paid placements, contextual advertising & behavioural marketing, content targetted advertising, intromercials, ultramercials

Amount of traffic and value of content determines success

Merchant Model

Direct trade of books and services

Virtual Merchant

Catalogue merchant

Click & Mortar

Bit Vendor

Infomediary Model

Advertising networks

Audience Intelligence Services: netratings, buzz capture & reviews

Affiliate Model

Revenue sharing, content sharing

Pay per view, - click, - sale

Banner exchange

Community ModelOpen Source, open content

Public broadcasting

Social networking services

Specific topics, areas of interest

Digital communities on Youtube, Slideshare, Facebook, Flick

Subscripion ModelContent Services

Peer-to-peer networking like datingsites

Trust services like closed communities of memberhips

ISP's, WE Transfer document services and publication engines

Utility/freemium model

Data driven commerce starts with free service

Life communication feeds of video, chat and dialogue software

Express data delivery of publications streams

Value creation is real time interaction, cost reduction with integrated rich media advertising.

Online publishing

Websites, blogs, video's, photo's, audio/ podcasts: broadcast & express yourself

Do-It-Yourself, co-create, outsource part of the process or do it old school: you decide what, how and when

Some examples in the area of publishing

Online magazinesCreate yours

Empowered by software, hosting and distribuion

Webmagazines e.g.,,, us1

Connect to print

Author suppoty and services

Close to old school publishing

Web 2 print books





You Publish

Author = publisher


Marketing & sales

Joint business rewards

100% self serviceBecome publisher

Use required distribution registrtions

Design your book - or hire a graphic designer

Negociate your book production

Sell it

Online Writers Community

Where authors publish manuscripts

Book community of authors and investors

Where consumers become investors, publishers and buyers of books they like.

Online empowermentTools




Innovations become available, businesses experience the digital revolution by disruptive business models, what is yours?

The status quoRules & Regulations take more time

Emotions of paper will remain

Increase in production and distribution efficiency at less risk

Digital creates great designs, more variety in peronalization, expressions and custom publishing

Thank you


Author of: De Digitale Dialoog