New microsoft power point presentation

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Transcript of New microsoft power point presentation

  • 1. Remember the day
    The Earth Day
    Founded by United States SenatorGaylord Nelson,firstheld on April 22, 1970

2. A day to to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural environment
Once a year we have to remember about our planet and everything whitch lives in. We have to remember for the condition of our enviroment.
3. This is the most important day to remember.
We are destroying our planet. We spread pollution through our industry, our overpopulation, and our insecticides. We destroy the envirement throw farming, defortation, polution, destroying natural resources. We are making our home unlivable for ourselves and for the animal and plant species.
4. What should we do?
1.Plant trees different called the lambs of the world.
2.Recycle and reuse plastic, paper and metal products.
3.Use more public transport and bicycle.
4.Dont use dangerous chemicals.
5.Use more organic products.
6.Save energy.
5. Not a single day should be Earth day but every day on Earth
This day gives us hope.It is not late we all can do something. We must hurry and protect our Earth. Tiny things matters.