New Insights on the Anti Aging Benefits of Vitamin K2

Post on 28-Jan-2018

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Transcript of New Insights on the Anti Aging Benefits of Vitamin K2

Anti-aging Benefits of Vitamin K2

(Bone, Heart, and More!)

New Insights on the Anti-Aging Effects of Vitamin K2

By Dr. Alex Rinehart, DC, MS, CNS

• Fat-soluble nutrient that comes in a number of forms

• phylloquinone (K1) and menaquinone (K2)

• Majority of Americans are vitamin K deficient

• Benefits of Vitamin K Supplementation

• blood clotting (K1)

• bone health (K2)

• cardiovascular health (K2)

• neurological health (K2)

• energy production (K2)

Vitamin K

• The ignition that shields the body from excess calcium.

• Calcitonin, when acted on by vitamin K, prevents calcium resorption from the bone promoting bone growth and mineralization.

• Matrix Gla Protein: Keeps calcium out of blood vessels in the presence of vitamin K.

• Dietary calcium intake is mostly okay for most Americans; low Vitamin D affects absorption of calcium.

• Vitamin K makes sure that calcium ends up in the right place in the body.

Vitamin K and Bone Health

• Most Americans are deficient in Vitamin D.

• You can over-supplement with Vitamin D IF you are also deficient in Vitamin K2, particularly K2-7.

• Once you get above 30-45 ng/mL of Vitamin D, increasing levels of vitamin D can be harmful if you are insufficient in Vitamin K.

• Vitamin D toxicity signs and symptoms related to excess calcium.

Vitamin K and Vitamin D Toxicity

• Increases Cardiac Output at least 12%, which allows the heart to pump blood more efficiently with each heartbeat. This may improve blood flow and endurance.

Vitamin K2 and Energy Production

• Boosts your ability to produce energy from your mitochondria. Helps everyone, not just athletes.

Athletic Performance and Vitamin K2

• Can improve metabolic factors in rheumatoid arthritis.

• Also helps improve bone mineralization and generally may decrease arthritic and osteoporotic changes that lead to inflammation.

Vitamin K2 and Inflammation

• Vitamin K1 and K2 intake levels were associated with decreased risk of cancer as well as cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality.

• Mitochondrial health can also be related to cancer development

Vitamin K2 and Cancer

• Increases insulin sensitivity through secondary benefits of calcitonin.

• K2-7 is the best form of vitamin K to activate calcitonin because it is In the blood for 24+ hours after absorption.

• When you have enough vitamin K, after calcitonin is free from its bone duties, it may exert metabolic benefits that can improve how the body handles sugar (more research needed).

Vitamin K2 and Diabetes - Insulin Resistance

• By reducing cardiovascular risk, kidney health improves.

• K2 improves blood flow, decreases arterial calcification, and improves insulin resistance - thereby improving kidney health.

Vitamin K2 and Kidney Health

• Vitamin K provides some functions that promote healthy membrane structure in the brain.

• May help protect the brain against oxidative stress.

• May independently help to produce energy.

• Reduces risk of clots, calcifications, and tears that occur in the direct blood supply to the brain.

Vitamin K2 and Brain Health

• Vitamin K2 can act as a “little battery”, boosting the energy efficiency of all your cells, especially those found in the heart and brain.

• Helps boost antioxidant health and energy production at the cellular level.

• May also help us to get even more energy production out of each of our cells.

• May help absorb oxidative stressors as a capable electron carrier, a widely accepted reason behind all Aging.

Vitamin K2 and Healthy Energy Production

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• See original article (with references):

New Insights on the Anti-Aging Effects of Vitamin K2

• View Megaquinone K2-7

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