New Horizon College English Book Ⅰ Section B: The Trashman.

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Transcript of New Horizon College English Book Ⅰ Section B: The Trashman.

New Horizon College English Book Ⅰ

Section B: The Trashman


I. Reading skill

II. Fast reading

III. Structure of the text

IV. Important Words

V. Detailed study of Text

VI. Exercises

I. Reading skill

-- To understand idiomatic expressions.

To understand idiomatic expressions in a reading passage, one must be good at :

1)searching for context clues;

2)looking at examples if there are any;

3) finding explanations if there are any;

4) locating opposite if similar phrases.


Example 1 From colleagues and old schoolmates came cheerful g

ood wishes clothed in friendly jokes.(Para.4,passage A)

Clothed in:used with; dressed up as; pretended as Example 2 No,it would be the worn, fading envelope she kept for s

o long. (Para 16.passage A) Fading:becoming less brightly colored back

II. Fast reading.

1.From the first paragraph we know that___

A. The speaker “I” doesn’t like his job as a trashman

B. Steve and the speaker are close friends

C. Steve and the speaker are not close friends although they work together

D. the speaker is a devoted worker

2.The sentences “I could not have imaged there would be joy in this” means that___

A. There was joy in the job. but I didn’t picture that or see that in my mind in the very beginning

B. There was no joy in the job at all

C.I expected that there would be joy in the job

D.I knew in the very beginning there would be in the job.

3.The phrase “make the rounds” in the third paragraph means___.

A. Collect trash from door to door

B. Play around

C. Turn corners

D. Go in cities

4.How does the narrator feel about the responses from people when he tries to exchange greetings with them and gets none?

A. He feels angry.B. He feels happy.C. He feels bitter.D. He feels surprised.5.According to Steve, most people don’t understand tr

ashmen because__A. They think trashman are dirtyB. They think trashman are less able.

C. They think trashman are less cleverD. They don’t understand the nature of trashman’wor

k6.One reason Steve works as a trashman is that___A. He wants to get the moneyB. He wants to have something to boast about C. he wants to work for the garbage companyD. He wants to please his wife7.The narrator changed his mind about working long

er as a trashman because he thinks that ___

A. The work is easyB. The work is cleanC. the work is good for his healthD. The work is needed by all people8.The writer uses a quotation from John Garner to ___A. Make his story interesting B. Bring a proper ending to the storyC. Stress the idea that all working men should be treated

equallyD. Ask people to respect trashmen back

III. Structure of the text:

Part I(para.1) Steve and writer don’t’ like their job as trashmen.

Part II(paras.2-13) According to Steve ,most people don’t understand trashmen.

Part(para.14) The writer uses a quotation from John Gardener to ask people to respect trashmen.

IV. Important Words


haul: pull with effort

eg. The man hauled the big fish into the boat.


solid: (a.) without breaks.

eg.I read the novel for 3 solid hours.



You can refer to your close family,especially you mother and father,as your folks.

2).a.of or having to do with the common people,their beliefs,stories,customs,and the like

Folk culture 民俗文化Folk dance 民间舞蹈


vt(1)show: The earthquake registered 5.3 points on the

Richter Scale.(2)Write down in a list or record ~their names on the book


(a)happening in a natural way

eg. The crowd burst into cheers ~ly at the skilled play.


1) without control of anger

he began to rage against his bad luck.

2).n.(sudden feeling of )severe anger

he flew into rage.


V. Detailed study of Text

1.   the rest of me said, “Go,trashman,go.”(para .1) →I think

2.   That is where I got my shock.(para.4) →I got surprised when I tried to greet people.Shock:surprise

3. I felt human then (para.5)

→I felt I was a human being not an animal of some sort.

4. who are you to say what goes? (para.9)

→What right do you have to say.

VI. Exercises

Finish the rest exercises on Book 1, page 142.

The End