NEW ERA PUBLIC SCHOOL, DWARKA HOLIDAY HOME WORK … · Akbar and Birbal stories. ... new arrivals...

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Transcript of NEW ERA PUBLIC SCHOOL, DWARKA HOLIDAY HOME WORK … · Akbar and Birbal stories. ... new arrivals...


    HOLIDAY HOME WORK – 2019-20


    Dear Parents

    The much-awaited Summer Break is back and it’s time to enjoy many exciting

    things. We are sure you will spend quality time together as a Family. Apart from

    what you have already planned for your children, lets also engage them in

    enjoyable activities that will teach them to shoulder responsibility and help

    enhance their creativity and expression.

    Please take note of the instructions given below:-

    1. Holiday homework should be done under parental guidance and not by the

    parents. The child must do it on his/her own handwriting.

    2. The child should have a fixed time everyday for doing the assignments.

    3. All the work done should be done beautifully, on the pastel sheets, as instructed

    by the teacher, and presented in a decorated paper folder.

    4. Each and every work should carry the child’s name and class.

    5. Nurture the child’s interest – be it art, music, dance or anything else. Let him/her

    pursue a hobby of his/her choice.

    6. Submit the holiday homework on the date given by the class teacher. The date

    will be informed to you after the vacation.

    7. Please encourage your child to converse in English at home.

    8. Please encourage your child to read storybooks.



    For all students - Reading is fun

    On any A-4 size pastel sheet write the following information about the book you

    read during the vacation. You can make it attractive by pasting related pictures.

    Title: ___________________

    Author: ___________________

    The characters in the story: __________________

    Three new words I learnt: ______________

    The character I liked in the story and why? ________

    Roll No. 1 to 11

    Build your vocabulary – Find out 6 to 7 words each beginning with any one of the

    two blends - sm & st. The words can be shown in the form of a beautiful wall


    Roll No. 12 to 22

    Paste a colourful picture on any cutout of your choice (20 x 20 cm approx) and write two

    sentences describing the picture. Circle the naming words. (make two such cutouts)

  • Roll No. 23 to 33

    Make a puppet of your favourite character from any story of your choice from your

    English content book using material like cotton, wool, cloth etc. Write the story in

    brief on an A 4 size pastel sheet.


    Roll No. 1 to 11

    दिन ों के नाम याि करें I शब्द रेल या शब्द लड़ी बनायें और उस पर दिन ों के नाम दलखें I

    प्रते्यक दिन आपने ज अच्छा कायय दकया , उसे एक पोंक्ति में प्रते्यक दिन के साथ दलखें I

    Roll No. 12 to 22

    छुदिय ों में प्रदिदिन बगीचे में जाएँ और खूब मज़े करें I अलग अलग आकार की पदिय ों क

    इकटठा करें और उन्हें A-3 साइज़ माउोंट ब र्य पर दचपकाकर ि पक्षी और ि जानवर का

    रूप िें I नाम भी दलखें और उन पक्षी या जानवर के बारे में िीन वाक्य दलखें I

  • Roll No. 23 to 33

    नाम वाले शब्द ों का सुन्दर क लाज बनायें I ( दकसी सुन्दर आकृदि के कटआउट पर यह

    कायय करें )


    Roll No. 1 to 11

    Make any object (pencil stand, photo frame etc) using ice cream sticks. Count the

    number of sticks used to make it. Write the numeral, its number name, place value

    of each number and express the number in expanded form on an A-4 sheet. Bring

    the object to school after holidays along with the A-4 sheet.

    Roll No. 12 to 22

    Write the number name and the number of 5 odd numbers and 5 even numbers

    from 100 to 200 on big and bold cut out of flowers.

  • Roll No. 23 to 33

    On an A-3 size pastel sheet create a scenery or any figure using cutouts of different shapes

    (square, rectangle, triangle or circle) .Write 2 properties of each shape on an A-4 sheet.


    Know your Farm animals

    Make a beautiful wall hanging and paste pictures of different things we get from

    farm animals. (eg. eggs – hen; milk – cow)

    Roll No. 12 to 22

    Know your Wildlife.


    1. Take an A-4 size coloured sheet. Make a cut out of a wild animal and write 2-3 amazing facts about it on the cut out.

    Roll No. 23to 33

    Little hands at work

  • Have you seen a potter making idols, lamps pots out of clay. Try your hands to

    make 2-3 animals using play dough.(wild animals/domestic animals/animals that

    can live both on land and in water/water animals).Paint and decorate in your own

    beautiful way.

    For all students

    Father’s Day

    Prepare a beautiful greeting card on occasion of Father’s day (16th June, 2019) and

    gift this card on that day to your father.

    Suggested Reading List:

    Lady bird series. (level-2) The Panchtantra series. Akbar and Birbal stories.

  • NAME _______________________________________________________________ DATE ________________________ c 2015. All Rights Reserved.


    Tick ( ) the noun/nouns in the following sentences.


    a) There is a blackbird in the tree.

    1) I would like to draw with my marker pen.

    3) There are no crayons in your backpack.

    b) The cuckoo is hiding in the branches of the tree.

    2) How many Lollipops do you want?

    4) We find many animals in the zoo.

    A noun names a person/place/animal/bird/thing. A noun may also refer to an activity or a quality.Example: Robert, Boy, Sidney, School, Pussy, Cat, Peacock, Fowl, Spoon, Tennis, Sorrow.



    A Fill in the blanks

    1) In 345, the digit 4 stands for ____________.

    2) In 980, the digit _________ is in the hundreds place

    3) In 678, the value of the digit 7 is __________________.

    4) 10 more than 945 is __________.

    5) 100 less than 580 is __________.

    B Write the number and number names of

    the following:

    9 tens and 3 ones:


    8 tens and 6 ones: ______________________

    3 hundreds 2 tens and 8 ones: __________________

    2 hundreds 1 tens and 1 one: ___________________

    C Expand the following:





    D Fill in the missing numbers:

  • 121, 122__________ ____________ 125____________

    __________________ 128,_________

    _________131_________ _________ 134 __________

    ________________137_________ _____________

    ______________ _____________ _____________143

    E Arrange the numbers in ascending order:

    156, 198, 134,176, 89:___________________________________

    201, 155, 221, 105, 98:___________________________________

    56, 98, 17, 99, 133, 11:___________________________________

    87, 144, 76, 111, 99, 121:__________________________________

    F Put the correct sign , =






    G Arrange the numbers in the descending order:

    76, 98, 55, 66, 111:__________________________________

    165, 88, 12, 65, 45:__________________________________

    33, 187, 76, 88, 100:_________________________________

    12, 78, 163, 43, 98:_________________________________


  • Dear Parent, Kindly make the summer vacation of your ward more fun-filled by helping him/her do the attached activities.

    Summer fun with Freadom! Mangoes, melons and mellow summer days are back! And now Freadom has some exciting new arrivals to make summer holidays extra special! Please share our recommended list of summer reads and activities on Freadom with your students.

    A) Summer Special Activities:

    1. Take a Tour 2. HarperCollins Summer Activity Pack 3. Penguin's Fun with Maths, Science and English 4. Champak Activity Pack

    B) Watch out for exciting new stories from Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Champak and more!

    C) Try our Summer Special Reading Challenges!

    D) Subscribe to Freadom Footnotes for more activities and stories to check out on the app!

    E) Find all the stories from the WOW program you are reading in class in a special collection called ‘WOW Stories’.

    Here is a list of activities and stories you can ask your students to do as part of their holiday homework.


    Level 5 Playtime 1 & 2 Go to Individual Activities -> Playtime 1 & 2

    Rhyming Fun 1 & 2 Go to Individual Activities -> Rhyming fun 1 & 2

    Story Circle Go to Individual Activities -> Story Circle

    Listening Lounge Go to Activities -> Locked Activities -> Listening Lounge

  • Creating a Nation Stories Go to the Read section on your Freadom app to find exciting new reads for the Summer break!

    Level Bob Aims for the Go to Read -> Collections -> Adventure -> Bob Aims for the 5 Moon Moon

    Shoe Cat Thoo Cat Go to Read -> Collections -> Adventure -> Shoe Cat Thoo Cat

    The Magical Glasses Go to Read -> Collections -> Adventure -> The Magical Glasses