New Designs for Learning (Mobile devices)

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of New Designs for Learning (Mobile devices)

What can you say about the pictures?

New Designs for Learning

OBJECTIVES:1. Make own presentation

considering New Designs for Learning

2. Install an educational application on your mobile device.

Technology can be used for “information, images, interactions, and inquiry” (Quirk, in Pollock, 2007).

National Educational Technology Standards For Students: The Next Generation indicates that to learn effectively and live productively in an increasingly digital world

students should know and be able to use technology for creativity and innovation; communication and collaboration; research and information fluency; critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making; digital citizenship; and technology operations and concepts.

•Create original works as a means of personal or group expression.

•Uses models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues

•Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts or others employing a variety of digital environments and media including globally.

•Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.

•Plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources

•Advocate and practice safe, legal and responsible use of information and technology.

•Troubleshoot systems and applications.


A mobile device is a handheld tablet or other device that is made for portability, and is therefore both compact and lightweight.

What is a mobile device?

Mobile devices have the potential to support learning. Students have their views on using mobiles devices.

Mobile devices permeate our daily lives.

Cell phones


Portable game unit

Such as:


MP3 Players

Graphing calculator

•Communicate with their classmates (53 percent) or teachers (34 percent) via e- mail, IM, or text messages;

•Work with classmates on projects (48 percent) at home or school;

If given the opportunity, they would use mobile devices to:

•Record lectures to listen to at a later time (32 percent)

•Conduct Internet research (53 percent)

•Play educational games (32 percent)

•Access their school’s portal 924 percent) to upload or download information. 9Project tomorrow, 2009)

•Receive alerts about upcoming homework and tests (51 percent)


According to Soloway, education in the 21st century will require transformation from “learning WHAT to learning HOW”

There will be a range in models for change, but

it’s evolution not revolution.

Whenever considering to download any mobile application, you should first evaluate it. Pay attention on who developed the app, and the reviews that the app has received.

Create your own Power Point presentation and apply Hyperlink on it.

Install an educational application on your mobile device and explain how it helps you.