New Arrivals: Business Solutions (JUN '15)

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Transcript of New Arrivals: Business Solutions (JUN '15)



The biannual guide to luxury’s brightest covers all the finer things in life, from style and beauty to vehicles, home and leisure. This insightful coffee-table book features rich brand heritage stories,

trend forecasts and colourful personality interviews, all of it backed by stunning photography.

Designed by: PAUL SMITH

Designed by: KEAN ETRO

Designed by: DOLCE&GABBANA


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Empathy: Why It mattErs, and hoW to GEt ItBy Roman KRznaRicPaperback

in Empathy, Roman Krznaric argues our brains are wired for social connection: empathy is at the heart of who we are. it has the power to transform relationships, from the personal to the political. it's an essential, transforming quality we must develop for the 21st century. He sets out the six life-enhancing habits of highly empathic people, whose skills enable them to connect with others in extraordinary ways. as we move on from an age of introspion, empathy will be key to fundamental social change - making this book a manifesto for revolution.


papEr toWns (FILm tIE-In)By JoHn GREEnPaperback

Quentin Jacobsen has always loved margo Roth Spiegelman, for margo (and her adventures) are the stuff of legend at their high school. So when she one day climbs through his window and summons him on an all-night road trip of revenge he cannot help but follow. But the next day margo is missing. Q soon learns that there are clues in her disappearance . . . and they are for him. This is a thoughtful, insightful and hilarious coming-of-age story. The film will be released this august.


thE romanCE oF thE Grand toUr: 100 yEars oF traVEL In soUth East asIaBy KEnniE TinGHardback

This new book retraces the steps of a Grand Tour of South East asia from the turn of the 20th century to the present day. The Book explores the living heritage of 12 exotic port cities: from Rangoon, through the Straits Settlements of Penang, malacca and Singapore and the old Dutch East indies cities of Batavia (Jakarta) and Surabaya, via Bangkok to former indochina at Saigon, Phnom Penh and Hanoi, through manila to Hong Kong. Drawing on archival images and accounts as well as present-day photographs and illustrations


FIndErs KEEpErsBy STEPHEn KinGHardback

John Rothstein who created a famous character, Jimmy Gold, hasn’t published a book for decades. morris Bellamy is livid, not just because Rothstein has stopped providing books, but because the nonconformist Jimmy Gold has sold out for a career in advertising. He kills Rothstein and empties his safe of cash, but the real treasure is a trove of notebooks containing at least one more Gold novel. morris hides the money and the notebooks, and then he is locked away for another crime. Decades later, a boy named Pete Saubers finds the treasure, and now it is Pete and his family must rescue from the ever-more deranged and vengeful Morris when he's released from prison after thirty-five years.


roLEX: hIstory, ICons and rECords - BrEaKInG modELsBy caPPELLETTi & PaTRizziHardback

The history of Rolex is inextricably linked to its founder Hans Wilsdorf, who took the first steps in the world of Swiss watchmaking. This experimental research led Rolex to achieve its highest goals in both technological innovation and in the use of the finest materials alone. including essays with a historical and technical slant, in-depth descriptions of the most representative pieces and a brief glossary, the pages in this book sparkle with golden hands, diamond-studded dials and patent-leather watchbands, illustrated in period photographs and macro-detail.


BEttEr than BEForEBy GRETcHEn RUBinTrade Paperback

How can we make good habits and break bad ones? Better Than Before shows us how to understand habits and to change them for good, and gives us the thrill of recognition and relief, because at last, we'll have the vocabulary and framework to change our habits successfully.


hoW not to BE WronG: thE hIddEn maths oF EVEryday LIFEBy JoRDan ELLEnBERGPaperback


BIG day oUtHardback


LKy: a pICtorIaL mEmoIrBy STEPHaniE YEoWPaperback


onCE Upon a tImE In rUssIa: thE rIsE oF thE oLIGarChs and thE GrEatEst WEaLth In hIstoryBy BEn mEzRicHTrade Paperback


FIndInG aUdrEyBy SoPHiE KinSELLaTrade Paperback


BanGKoK: thEn and noW By STEVE Van BEEKHardback


thE BonE CLoCKsBy DaViD miTcHELLPaperback


Food rEtaILEr Brand ImaGE dEsIGnBy PERRY SEELERTPaperback


BLoCK CIty: BUILd InCrEdIBLE WorLds In mInECraFtBy KiRSTEn KEaRnEYPaperback


thE yEar I mEt yoUBy cEcELia aHERnPaperback


marVEL's aVEnGErs: aGE oF ULtron: thE art oF thE moVIEBy mccann & JoHnSTonHardback


thE mInI storyBy anDREaS BRaUn



royaL WEddInGBy mEG caBoTPaperback


traCEry: thE art oF soUthErn dEsIGnBy ScHnELL & nESmiTHHardback


thE BooK oF stonEs By RoBERT SimmonSPaperback


thE Good spy: thE LIFE and dEath oF roBErt amEsBy Kai BiRDPaperback


prEss-oUt papEr toWnBy FRancESca Di cHiaRa Hardback


monoCLE traVEL GUIdEs: LondonPaperback

= available soonS

= available soonS











John BoGLE on InVEstInG: thE FIrst 50 yEarsBy JoHn c. BoGLEHardback

Get fifty years of industry-defining expertise in a single volume John Bogle on investing is a compilation of the best speeches ever delivered by one of the 20th century's towering financial giants. Individually, each of these speeches delivers a powerful lesson in investing; taken together, Bogle's lifelong themes ring loud and clear. His investing philosophy has remained more or less constant throughout his illustrious career, and this book lays it out so you can learn from the very best. You'll learn what makes a successful investment strategy, consider the productive economics of long-term investing, and how emotional investment in financial markets is often counterproductive enough to forfeit success.


FaCtory manBy BETH macYPaperback

The instant new York Times bestseller about one man's battle to save hundreds of jobs by demonstrating the greatness of american business. The Bassett Furniture company was once the world's biggest wood furniture manufacturer. Run by the same powerful Virginia family for generations, it was also the center of life in Bassett, Virginia. But beginning in the 1980s, the first waves of asian competition hit, and ultimately Bassett was forced to send its production overseas.


BUsInEss adVEntUrEsBy JoHn BRooKSPaperback

The best business book i've ever read.' Bill Gates Wall Street Journal. What do the $350 million Ford motor company disaster known as the Edsel, the fast and incredible rise of Xerox, and the unbelievable scandals at General Electric and Texas Gulf Sulphur have in common? Each is an example of how an iconic company was defined by a particular moment of fame or notoriety. This business classic written by longtime new Yorker contributor John Brooks is an insightful and engaging look into corporate.


8 LEssons In mILItary LEadErshIp For EntrEprEnEUrsBy RoBERT T. KiYoSaKiPaperback

Robert Kiyosaki's new book 8 Lessons in Leadership draws from his years at the merchant marine academy at Kings Point and his service in the United Sates marine corps. With compelling stories and examples and a engaging way of comparing and contrasting two very different cultures and value systems, Robert shares the challenges he faced in transitioning to civilian life&hellipwhere chain of command and team-over-self--once so black and white--were muddy and distorted. "Permission to speak freely, sir?" count on it.


not InVEntEd hErE: Cross -IndUstry InnoVatIon By Ramon VULLinGSPaperback

not invented here refers to the phenomenon of people blocking out ideas from the outside, it also indicates that there are beautiful alternatives everywhere just waiting to be introduced to your context. The potential of ideas and approaches from other areas is tremendous, still only very few organisations apply cross-industry innovation strategies in any kind of structured way. The book not invented Here provides you with cross-industry innovation strategies and tools to increase your match sensitivity’ (the ability to make more effective connections) and see the opportunities available to you.


aLIBaBa's WorLdBy PoRTER ERiSmanPaperback

in September 2014, a chinese company that most Westerners had never heard of held the largest iPo in history - bigger than Google, Facebook and Twitter combined. alibaba, now the world's largest e-commerce company. in alibaba's World shows how Jack ma, a chinese schoolteacher who twice failed his college entrance exams, rose from obscurity to found alibaba and lead it from struggling startup to the world's most dominant e-commerce player.


InsIGht oUt: GEt IdEas oUt oF yoUr hEad and Into thE WorLdBy Tina SEELiGHardback

What if there were a clear set of instructions to help you bring your best ideas to life? as with a recipe, you could take a compelling idea and with concrete steps, transform it into something extraordinary. insight out, Tina Selling, welcomes you into her classroom and crisply defines the core concepts of imagination, creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship, presenting an elegant and much-needed model she calls the "invention cycle." This new approach enables you to see obstacles as opportunities, inspire others to share your vision, and ultimately bring more ideas to fruition.


thE GrEat dIVIdEBy JoSEPH E. STiGLiTzHardback

How has america become the most unequal advanced country in the world, and what can we do about it? in The Great Divide, Joseph E. Stiglitz expands on the diagnosis he offered in his best-selling book The Price of inequality and suggests ways to counter america’s growing problem. With his signature blend of clarity and passion, Stiglitz argues that inequality is a choice—the cumulative result of unjust policies and misguided priorities. Gathering his writings ,Stiglitz exposes in full america's inequality: its dimensions, its causes, and its consequences for the nation and for the world.


WarrEn BUFFEtt phILosophy oF InVEstmEntBy Elena chirkovaHardback

See the world's number1 investor like never before - and learn how you can replicate his success. in this revealing examination of Buffett's success, practitioner, professor, and bestselling author 'Lena chirkova proposes the key to replicating his achievements is found in his acquisition practices as well as his investment strategy. in this book, the author looks at the man in full to piece together the framework leading to his unmatched wealth-generating prowess.


thE LEan CEo By Jacob StollerHardback

Drawing on in-depth interviews with some of the best known Lean-practicing cEos, this groundbreaking book shows how to implement lean in virtually every type of company and facet of the organization The power of lean to build world-class performance requires a corporate-wide commitment to long term continuous improvement that very few organizations have made.The Lean cEo bridges the gap between lean and conventional management practices in a way that addresses the specific needs of executives.


thE sUCCEss FormULa: hoW smart LEadErs dELIVEr oUtstandInG VaLUEBy anDREW KaKaBaDSEHardback

What do successful organizations and smart leaders have in common? They deliver outstanding value to their stakeholders. interviews with over 80 leading organizations in private, public and third sectors from all over the world have led andrew Kakabadse to a fascinating insight: organizations where stakeholder engagement was highest were not those led by charismatic and visionary leaders, but by a culture of delivering outstanding value.


Who GEts What- and Why?By aLVin RoTHPaperback

in 'Who Gets What', nobel Prize winning economist alvin Roth uncovers the global rules of how markets allocate, how matchmaking shapes lives, where markets exist that we may not even realise, and how everything about our biggest experiences - from getting accepted at university or living where we want - can be better understood and negotiated when one understands the design of those matching markets.


thE aspIratIonaL InVEstorBy aSHVin B.cHHaBRaHardback

The Chief Investment Officer of Mer-rill Lynch Wealth management ex-plains why goals, not markets, should be the primary focus of your invest-ment strategy—and offers a practical, innovative framework for making smarter choices about aligning your goals to your investment strategy.


onLInE GraVItyBy PaUL X. maccaRTHYPaperback

Why have local video shops disappeared and been replaced by Netflix? Why are hotels being replaced by airBnB? Why is amazon the only company who can sell you the book you want to read? and why is there no Pepsi in cyberspace? They are all under the influence of online Gravity, the unseen force driving the way business is done online, and changing the face of work and employment now and over the coming decades. online Gravity has formed huge planet-like companies which dominate the online business world and either eat up or blitz their competition.


thE LEan prodUCt pLayBooKBy Dan oLSEn


The missing manual on how to apply Lean Startup to build products that customers love The Lean Product Playbook is a practical guide to building products that customers love. Whether you work at a startup or a large, established company, we all know that building great products is hard. most new products fail. This book helps improve your chances of building successful products through clear, step-by-step guidance and advice.


yoUr stratEGy nEEds a stratEGyBy maRTin REEVESHardback

You think you have a winning strategy. But do you? Executives are bombarded with bestselling ideas and best practices for achieving competitive advantage, but many of these ideas and practices contradict each other. Should you aim to be big or fast? Should you create a blue ocean, be adaptive, play to win--or forget about a sustainable competitive advantage altogether? in this book, offer a proven method to determine the strategy approach that is best for your company. They start by helping you assess your business environment--how unpredictable it is, how much power you have to change it, and how harsh it is--a critical component of getting strategy right.


thE IGnorant maEstroBy iTaY TaLGamPaperback

in The ignorant maestro, Symphony orchestra conductor itay Talgam reveals the art of successful leadership by looking at the world's greatest conductors. and how can a leader in other fieldsbenefit from observing orchestral conductors? itay Talgam explores the different ways a maestro can work with his orchestra, by examining the leadership styles of six of the most famous and distinctive conductors of all time.


thE opEn orGanIZatIonBy Jim WHiTEHURSTHardback

ToDaY'S LEaDERS KnoW THaT SPEED and agility are the keys to any company's success, and yet many are frustrated that their organizations can't move fast enough to stay competitive. The typical chain of command is too slow; internal resources are too limited; people are already executing beyond normal expectations. as the pace accelerates, how do you inspire people's energy and creativity? How do you collaborate with customers, vendors, and partners to keep your organization on the cutting edge? What kind of organization matches the speed and complexity that businesses must master-and how do you build that organization?


no ordInary dIsrUptIonBy RicHaRD DoBBSHardback

our intuition on how the world works could well be wrong. We are surprised when new competitors burst on the scene, or businesses protected by large and deep moats find their defenses easily breached, or vast new markets are conjured from nothing. Trend lines resemble saw-tooth mountain ridges. no ordinary Disruption: The Four Forces Breaking all the Trends is a timely and important analysis of how we need to reset our intuition as a result of four forces colliding and transforming the global economy: the rise of emerging markets, the accelerating impact of technology on the natural forces of market competition, an aging world population, and accelerating flows of trade, capital and people.


poWEr sCorE: yoUr FormULa For LEadErshIp sUCCEss

By GEoFF SmaRTHardback

Whether on the sports field or in the boardroom, leaders and teams intuitively know what it feels like when things are going well. But how do you measure this: are things really as good as they seem, or is there room for improvement? and what should leaders really focus on to make a difference? PoWeR Score reveals the startlingly simple method every leader can use to immediately improve their team's performance - and their own.


thE nEtWorKInG BooK: 50 Ways to dEVELop stratEGIC rELatIonshIp

By SimonE anDERSEnHardback

This book deals with networking and asks the question: Do you have the nerve not to use - or not to learn to use - networking in business and in your private life? it is a well-documented fact that what we want and desire is more easily achieved when we understand how to build the right relationships. This highly practical and accessible book will help anyone understand the power of networking quickly through face-to-face meeting and social media, as well as how they can use it as a way to enhance their prospects.


my sIdE oF thE strEEtBy JaSon TREnnERTHardback

on a sticky summer morning at the end of the Eighties, 19-year-old Jason DeSena Trennert - a bright, unconnected Georgetown undergrad with big dreams and an even bigger power tie-set out for Wall Street. mustering the perceived panache of the bigwigs, he burst through the doors of America's oldest financial firms. He was roundly rejected. and entirely undeterred.


WhEn to roB a BanKBy STEVEn D. LEViTT & STEPHan J. DUBnERHardback

Why don't flight attendants get tipped? If you were a terrorist, how would you attack? and why does KFc always run out of fried chicken? over the past decade, Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner have published more than 8,000 blog posts on now the very best of this writing has been carefully curated into one volume, the perfect solution for the millions of readers who love all things Freakonomics. Discover why taller people tend to make more money; why it's so hard to predict the Kentucky Derby winner; and why it might be time for a sex tax (if not a fat tax). You'll also learn a great deal about Levitt and Dubner's own quirks and passions. Surprising and erudite, eloquent and witty, Freaks and Friends demonstrates the brilliance that has made their books an international sensation.


thE doodLE rEVoLUtIonBy SUnni BRoWnPaperback

There is no SUcH THinG as a mindless doodle What did Einstein, JFK, Edison, marie curie, and Henry Ford have in common? They were all inveterate doodlers. These powerhouse minds knew instinctively that doodling is deep thinking in disguise-a simple, accessible, and dynamite tool for innovating and solving even the stickiest problems. Sunni Brown's mission is to bring the power of the Doodle to the rest of us.


mIsBEhaVInG: thE maKInG oF BEhaVIoraL EConomICsBy RicHaRD H. THaLERHardback

Richard H. Thaler has spent his career studying the radical notion that the central agents in the economy are humans-predictable, error-prone individuals. misbehaving is his arresting, frequently hilarious account of the struggle to bring an academic discipline back down to earth-and change the way we think about economics, ourselves, and our world. Traditional economics assumes rational actors.


marKEtInG anLytICsBy miKE GRiGSBYPaperback

marketing analytics arms business analysts and marketers with the marketing science understanding and techniques they need to solve real-world marketing problems, from pulling a targeted list and segmenting data to testing campaign effectiveness and forecasting demand. assuming no prior knowledge, this book outlines everything practitioners need to 'do' marketing science and demonstrate value to their organization. it introduces concepts relating to statistics, marketing strategy and consumer behaviour and then works through a series of marketing problems in a straightforward, jargon-free way.

Leading With Strategic ThinkingAaron K. Olson | B. Keith Simerson

This book defines four types of strategic leadership:

•The Futurist - driving strategy through personal vision

•The Director - driving strategy through a structured process

•Opportunist - driving strategy through networking and co-creation

•The Incubator - driving strategy through empowering others

The Rise of the Platform MarketerCraig Dempster | John Lee

Digital marketing platforms like Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc., have

given marketers the chance to deliver targeted and personalized

experiences at the individual level, based on individual customer online

behavior, but at massive scale, around the clock. The Rise of the

Platform Marketer draws on top-level experience and examples to show

what works. Marketers who are ready to begin the change process that

will lead to more agile, more forward-thinking, more effective marketing.

