Netcare csi kelvin's talk aug 2015

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Transcript of Netcare csi kelvin's talk aug 2015


Corporate Social Investment

Kelvin Glen “I'm the best person in the room to communicate your CSI message”|@kelvinglen| 082 2296349 | 012 9910719

Kelvin Glen ©| Resuscitating Corporate Social Investment | Netcare | August 2015

Kelvin has 22 years’ experience in the fundraisingsector working across a wide spectrum of causesraising funds locally, nationally and internationally.Kelvin has also extensive management experience inthe Corporate Social Investment sector in SouthAfrica and he consults to a number of clients withinthe NGO, Corporate Social Investment / Foundations/ Philanthropy sectors.

Kelvin is a Social Worker by trade, A Fulbright Fellowand currently completing his MBA.

Kelvin has presented papers at both Internationallyand Locally

Kelvin serves on a number of Boards of NGO’s and isa Director of two businesses in the developmentspace and Chief Executive of Methodist Homes forthe Aged.

Kelvin Glen ©| Resuscitating Corporate Social Investment | Netcare | August 2015

What is Corporate Social Investment ?‘Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large’

– World Business Council For Sustainability Development

‘CSR is a corporate culture where business decide voluntarily to contribute to a better society and a cleaner environment’.

Various government policies and document, including King III all address the need & relevance of companies to acknowledge all stakeholders and to adopt the ‘triple -bottom line’ approach.

Triple bottom line = people, plant and profit respectively.

Kelvin Glen ©| Resuscitating Corporate Social Investment | Netcare | August 2015

What is Corporate Social Investment ?

Kelvin Glen ©| Resuscitating Corporate Social Investment | Netcare | August 2015



Donation of Cash or Kind

Skills Transfer

Free Services Empowerment

Kelvin Glen ©| Resuscitating Corporate Social Investment | Netcare | August 2015

Kelvin Glen ©| Resuscitating Corporate Social Investment | Netcare | August 2015

I ?

Kelvin Glen ©| Resuscitating Corporate Social Investment | Netcare | August 2015

The Netcare Foundation:

• is an independently managed Not for Profit Public Benefit Organisation.

• created as an organisational body to manage Netcare CSI activities.

• utilises donated funds from Netcare, corporate partners, other organisations and individuals for the benefit of South African citizens.

• income and expenditure of the Foundation is strictly monitored and controlled by the responsible directors.

I ?

Kelvin Glen ©| Resuscitating Corporate Social Investment | Netcare | August 2015

I Corporate Culture

• It starts with you…

• Leadership needs to drive volunteerism and CSI to encourage all staff to contribute to the triple bottom line

• Synergies within the Netcare Group

•Partnerships at a local level – you know what is needed in your community

Kelvin Glen ©| Resuscitating Corporate Social Investment | Netcare | August 2015

Netcare Foundation is asking you…

• Ignite effective Employee Volunteerism Programme that have an impact on the employee, the beneficiary and Netcare

•Brand Leverage – employee / hospital focused initiatives

Kelvin Glen ©| Resuscitating Corporate Social Investment | Netcare | August 2015

Kelvin Glen|@kelvinglen| 082 2296349 | 012 9910719

Kelvin Glen ©| Resuscitating Corporate Social Investment | Netcare | August 2015