NEO L ter - NEO-COL Project€¦ · Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union....

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Transcript of NEO L ter - NEO-COL Project€¦ · Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union....

ABOUT THE PROJECT A huge number of training materials on International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 (ColRegs) are currently avai-lable to teach/learn the theory of the rules. Yet, the constant high number of maritime accidents proves that there is a significant difference between what is taught at colleges and acade-mies and what is actually implemented at sea at real situations by officers on watch.

Today’s technologies have changed the way in which ships operate, and there is a need to ensure the best use is made of them. For instan-ce, by the introduction of enhanced integrated naviga-tion systems and equipment such as ARPA and ECDIS etc., the decision-making process in terms of taking action to avoid collision is

better supported now. However, the curricula of Maritime Education and Trai-ning Centres very often do not make the necessary con-nection between up-to-date navigation technologies and the tuition of the ColRegs. It is left to the later officer in watch, to combine these two compe-tences once they start their practical work on a ship and thereby often making wrong use of the decision support systems and thereby in-terpret collision situations the wrong way. At worst the young officers expect to much simplification by the modern technical means.

The NEO-COL project (Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for VET) will

close this skill gap by identif-ying the differences between theory and real application and developing the best and most realistic way of incorpo-rating modern electronic navigation devices into the teaching of Collision Regula-tions.

The NEO-COL will contribute to the ease of maritime traf-fic, safety of lives at sea, and the environmental protection of the seas.

Main activities and intellectual outputs

NEO-COL will conduct a ne-eds analysis and the investi-gation of past collisions in order to:

1. Develop an onli-ne Training Course for the best action possible and most realistic way of incorporating mo-dern electronic navigation devices into the teaching of Collision

Regulations customised for all type of vessels conside-ring the navigation equipment and tools available, and

2. Design an As-sessment Tool that provides the user with a genuine certificate for the newly acquired skills. The training offered

by the NEO-COL online Trai-

ning Course will have a direct impact on mariners by giving specific knowledge to the user of how to apply the ColRegs in specific scenarios given the specific equipment on board. After the module and assessment provided by this project the mariners will have gained better skills and knowledge to correctly interp-ret a situation of potential collision by carrying out the corrective action.


Navigational Equipment Oriented COLREGs Training



Newsletter April 2017

Issue I

Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National

Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project No: 2016-1-TR01-KA202-034978

The project consortium

is made up by private

companies, public bodies

and VET institutions

from Turkey, Spain,

Germany, Poland and

Romania, who all have

an extensive experience

within the maritime sec-


NEO-COL Partnership

Türk Loydu Vakfı (Coordinator)

Sea Teach S.L

T.C. Tuzla


MSG MarineSer-

ve GmbH



Constanta Mari-

time University

"NEO-COL" funded by European Commis-sion under the framework of Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for vocational education (Development of Innovation). The press conference was held during the partner meeting by the hosting organisation, Turk Loydu in order to promote and dissemi-nate the project in local and international level. Mr. Cem Melikoglu, the chairman of the board of Turk Loydu made a wel-come speech stating that he is very pleased to host the project repre-sentatives in Tuzla and he said that this project is the only good example in our region. He added that this project will be a good impact on Tuzla and maritime sector in the partici-pating countries. The district governor of Tuzla from Istanbul - Turkey, Mr. Ali Rıza Çalışır holded the floor and stated that as Tuzla District Governor-ship, we always support the projects which aim to promote the maritime sector in our district and maritime sector. He mentioned

The kick-off meeting of the project titled as Navigational Equipment Oriented Colregs Training (NEO-COL) was held between 22-23 February 2017 in Tuzla, Istanbul, Turkey. The meeting was hosted by Turk Loydu. The representatives from Turk Loydu Vakfi (Turkey), Tuzla Kaymakamlığı (Turkey), Sea Teach S.L (Spain), MSG MarineServe GmbH (Germany), Danmar Computers (Poland), Constanta Maritime University (Romania) gathered to start the project;

that we are very happy to be part of this project. Before ending his speech, Mr. Çalışır stated that he wishes this project will be beneficial to our district and maritime sector as well. The representatives from the project partner s focused on the details of project manage-

ment and implementa-tion, project activities and task, intellectual outputs in the after-noon session of the first transnational pro-ject meeting. The part-ners joined a study visit to Istanbul Technical University – Maritime

Faculty to see the good practises and training facili-ties about “International Regulations for Prevent-ing Collisions at Sea - COLREGS”.

Kick-off meeting was held in Istanbul, Turkey

NEO-COL Newsletter - Issue I - April 2017


Investigating the past collisions and conducting the questionnaire The partners have investigated and compiled the collusions and near misses at sea from Spain, Romania, Turkey and Poland.

Collision/Near Miss Reports have been developed to collate a number of real time scenarios from the NEO-COL partners so that they can be used in the questionnaire and course development. The questionnaire has been developed taking into account of the case scenarios. The questionnaire will be online at

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The 2nd transnational project meeting will be held between 16-17 May 2017 in Mallorca, Spain. The partner meeting will be hosted by the project partner, Sea Teach.

Next Meeting

Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National

Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project No: 2016-1-TR01-KA202-034978