Nemo Outdoor Training slides.pptx

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Transcript of Nemo Outdoor Training slides.pptx

8/19/2019 Nemo Outdoor Training slides.pptx 1/21

July 26, 2015

NEMO Outdoor Air Interface measurement tool

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Introduction of NEMO outdoor.

How to build a project.

How to configure different entities.

How to make the test plan.How to generate report using Nemo analy e.

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Nemo Outdoor is an effecti!e tool for tracing digital networks. It collects

measurement results and geographical coordinates "when used with a #$% recei!er&

and stores them on a hard disk.

Nemo Outdoor is a laptop'based dri!e test tool which supports o!er ()* terminals

and scanning recei!ers from !arious !endors and all major network technologies.

Measurement results pro!ide useful information for network optimization +

verification + and maintenance purposes.

,esults can be efficiently and easily !iewed with -cti analy er software which is to

be used in this project

Nemo Outdoor uses licensed technology from !arious manufacturers.

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Important things to notice while using Nemo OutdoorInstalling and running Nemo Outdoor re/uires administrator rights.0o not use the Nemo Outdoor test mobile1s keypad to make or answer calls when the Nemo Outdoor systemis running.2ith %amsung terminals the key tone !olume should be turned off. Otherwise+ the mobile can dial a wrongnumber.2ith Nokia #%M+ #$,%+ and E0#E terminals the test display "Net Monitor& must not be acti!ated.

In !oice /uality measurements the !olume of the mobile headset must be adjusted to correct le!els. $leaserefer to the Nemo 3oice 4uality #uide document.

0o not place stickers containing metal on the mobile because it may lower the transmission power of themobile.

-fter the measurements ha!e been completed and it is desired to take the Nemo Outdoor test mobile into

normal use+ it must be powered off and on again to deselect5deacti!ate the Nemo Outdoor triggered e!entsin the mobile.

6se only the supplied connecting cable+ included with the Nemo Outdoor+ for connecting the Nemo Outdoortest de!ices to the computer1s 6%7 port.

2hen using the Nemo Outdoor test mobile for measurement use+ the battery operation time is reduced fromnormal use. 8he best operation times will be achie!ed when the batteries are regularly charged anddischarged as instructed in the mobile user manual.

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1. How to build a Project8he 9irst $age that will appear when you open NEMO outdoor .

On the page the following Tasks can be created.

1.Create New evice Configuration!" 0escribes the -uto 0etection of de!ices that are already

hooked into the $C.

#.Open a evice configuration!" 0isplays the pre!iously loaded 0e!ices in a workspace.

$.%oad a measurement!" 2hich 0escribes the archi!al of the pre!iously measured task.

&.'orkspace!" which describes the built in workspaces templates 3iews that you can select for your


(. etails!" 2hich 0escribes about the details of COM and Modem $orts used on your pre!iously used


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:.: Opening a 2orkspace.

8he 9irst %tep we need to take is to

Open a workspace from the 7uilt in

templates. -s the Image on the

left shows we ha!e lists of

2orkspaces+ which includes

;.wor <+ for new workspace


Steps:- File>>>>> Open

Workspace>>> Select the

“*.worx” or “.worx”.

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(. How to configure different entities of Our $roject

(.: Configuration Manager





UserInter ace

(Scripts andOther


8he Configuration Manager shows the

o!erall system properties of NEMO outdoor.

-fter Opening a Test 2orkspace +2e ha!e

to configure important Entities of the

project on the Configuration Manager

%uch ='

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(.:.: 0e!ice Configuration

In order to -dd the 0e!ices needfor our $roject we need to go tothe ) evice* %ection ofConfiguration Manager . -fterpressing the plus sign we will bepresented with three 0e!ice typeswe can apply of our project.



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(.:.:.:Configuring a phone

8he andler Information is specified on the list ofhandlers that ha!e been installed on your Computerfrom the Configuration Manager %ystem entity.

-ll the handlers for " +hones/-+,s and ,canners &that ha!e been purchased can be found on the NemoOutdoor installation %oftware. Each de!ice has its ownhandler+ and in order to use them in Nemo Outdoor+you must ha!e the corresponding handler installed+ Inour case we ha!e ;4ualcomm< as a handler for $honeswe use on our project.

-fter we select )0ualcomm* we will be presentedwith a window that will allow 6s to configure ourde!ices Manually.

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9irst thing we need to do is to

go to the Computer

anagement in order to get

the CO information of the

8erminal then on the eviceanager/ the drop down

menu of the 0e!ice Manager

) odems* and )+orts* are

important sections to notice.

-fter connecting your phone to

your computer you need to seethe COM port and Modem port

numbers Occupied by the

terminal. If your 0e!ice does

not appear+ you to need make

sure you ha!e installed the

terminal5 de!ice dri!er


In our Case the Com port

number is either CO 2 or

CO 3 +Modem port is CO 4 .

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-s the image illustrates we need to

select the 8race port and Modem

port of the 0e!ice specific


Circuit switched dial"upconnection > +acket switched

dial"up connection list bo es gi!e

a list of all the dial'up connections

that ha!e been configured on your

computer. If you are making C% or

$% data measurements. ?ou canselect a specific 0ial up that is

already configured before. ?ou can

lea!e the default 3alues be and

mo!e on for C% tests.

8he Measurement $roperties dialog

contains se!eral pages and the

contents depend on the de!ice

-eneral + easurement

,ettings +notification and ,cript

for the de!ice can be configured

along with the Configuration of the


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-fter -pplying the Configuration

parameters we can see that the status

of the $hone will be displayed as

) evice is working +roperl5* and is

;attached< to the network accordingly.

%etting the easurement +roperties

will be ne t if we didn1t already $erform

this action before connecting the de!ice

on the pre!ious slide.

On the -eneral Tap ='we ha!e todefine the Network name6can be afriendl5 name or operator7/ 8T, filedefinition and ,ubscriber Noinformation.

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(.:.( 7ase %tation 9ile 8T, file 69ngineering

+arameter7 defines the base

station file that will be displayed on

the map. If you ha!e a #$%

recei!er connected to the system+

you can !iew the measurement!ehicle on the map and a line will

be drawn from the measurement

!ehicle to the acti!e base station.

8he 9ile format that can be loaded

is 6:.nbf or :.csv7.

?ou can prepare the 78% 9ile

according to the 78% file format

NEMO outdoor accepts and make

sure you sa!e it as C%3"Comma

0elimited& 9ile and upload to the


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8here are some pre defined scripts

a!ailable that you can select from the

drop down menu but you can also

create your own in the %cript Editor .

8he scripts in the same group are

synchroni ed with each other. 0e!ices

can be assigned for certain script

groups. 7y default the script group is

selected as @NoneA+ but the user can

also create new script groups by

selecting @New groupA in the %cript

group drop'down menu+ and typing

the name of the new script group in

the field as the Image on the left


(.:.B %cript $roperty

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(.:.B.: C% testing script making 2hen we Configure script

files we can select the

;script Editor< and select

or add the kind of test we

want to perform as the

image shows.2e must also configure

the 8est count 5 ;epeat

,cript after adding a test

plan. -s the image on the

left shows. - script file

has ; .nsf< file type we

must save the script after

finishing the


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-s the Image -bo!e shows we can run the script specific for a selected de!ice or we can generally run

all the scripts for all de!ices at once.

Note that after you ha!e acti!ated the script+ for the de!ice+ you cannot control the measurement

manually until the script is finished or you interrupt the script by clicking the %top %cripts button.

-fter running the script you can see the script running status and some output comments on the

output tab of the ;output !iew< on the bottom of the application.

Normally when you start the scripts Nemo will automatically start recording the log file unless you are

doing an idle test and you need to record with out a script configuration. ?ou can change the location

of the log file sa!ing place or it will be sa!ed on the NEMO tools folder of your C=5dri!e < ,esults<


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• 2hen we want to make $% teststhere are certain steps we needto follow. 9irst thing we need todo insert out modem into thecomputer and install the

necessary dri!er for the de!iceand go to ;de!ice manager.< • On the Modems section of the

we will find the modem weconfigured listed+ %elect andright click on themodem +<$roperties<+ On the-d!anced 8ab +E tra settings+E tra intili ation commands fillin the “at+cgdcont=1,"ip",“APN“ in our case -$N is

atDcgdcont :+FipF+Fetc.comF

(.:.B.: $% testing script making

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Ne t step is we need to create5set up a dial up connection using the modem we just configured

as follows.

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2hen we configure the $% testde!ice we need to make surethat we select +the 0ial upconnection we ha!e created onthe per!ious page with the0e!ice1s selected modem.

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8he data measurement system has two modes= %end and ,ecei!e. In the %end mode+ themeasurement unit sends data packets to the 98$ ser!er in the ,ecei!e mode !ice !ersa. If youare using an 98$ ser!er+ the measurement unit uploads "%end mode& or downloads ",ecei!emode& test files to or from the 98$ ser!er. If you are using an H88$ ser!er+ the measurement unitcan only recei!e files .

0uring the measurement+ the user will be able to monitor data throughputs and error rates on

different network layers.

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