Necronomicon A Counting Book

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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Chtulu coutning book for children

Transcript of Necronomicon A Counting Book

One was Necronomicon A Counting Book

By Jay Snodgrass

1 was Necronomicon

2 was Shub N’gurath

Who shattered the self

3 was azathoth who con-sumed every thought

4 was dagon who fed on mindlessness

5 was yog sothoth who smudged the universe

6 was cthalpa

who fed on the fear

7 was nygoth

who ate all the eyes

8 was ulthar

whose power was failure

9 was gihovey

Who ruptured the darkness

9 was gihovey

Who ruptured the darkness

10 was cthulu

who sang through the portal

And took the poor reader

Away to r’lyeh

1 was necronomicon