NDGSCC Wishlist

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of NDGSCC Wishlist

NDGSCC WISHLIST Help us by donating money or the specific items below! Theses items are for our services

such as the Boomer Café and Day Away program. Let us know which item you

would like to contribute (all monetary donations will receive a tax receipt)!

•  Coffee, sugar, milk, snack, granola bars: $30

•  Baking supplies (sugar, flour, and baking powder): $30 •  Cookware: $150

•  K cups for Keurig: $25 •  Contribute towards dental costs: $100 •  Quarterly mail out (printing costs): $500

•  Emergency fund: $100 •  Bus tickets: $3 per regular fare

•  Digital camera: $120