Nativism in the 1800s and 1900s. O During the colonial era and even after the United States gained...

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Transcript of Nativism in the 1800s and 1900s. O During the colonial era and even after the United States gained...

Nativism in the 1800s and 1900s

O During the colonial era and even after the United States gained independence, Americans favored immigration.

O Until the 1870s, immigrants were welcomed.

O But over time, American views on immigration changed.

O Many Americans started to look at immigrants differently.

O Of course, Americans viewed immigration from different perspectives.

O Industrialists saw immigrants as a source of labor.

O Nativists and anti-immigrant groups such as the "Know Nothing“ Party were threatened by immigrants.

O Still other Americans wanted immigrants to assimilate.

O Ultimately, the government decided to put restrictions on immigration.

O Government restrictions ranged from the number of people who could enter the U.S from various regions to health screenings and literacy tests.

O The nativist movement was a movement that was against immigration and favored American-born citizens.

O Nativists feared immigrants for many reasons.

O The KKK was another group that did not support immigration.

O The KKK attacked Catholics and Jews who wanted to seek a better life in the United States.

O Of course, as government policies towards immigrants changed, immigrants had to get used to the new system, a system that required more from them, like passing examinations.

O Even more restrictive was The Chinese Exclusion Act which was passed on May 6, 1882.

O This Act was designed to prevent the Chinese from coming to the United States.

O In addition, a literacy test was established for all immigrants in 1917.

O If an immigrant could not pass the literacy test, he was not allowed to enter the U.S.

O Quotas were set for different ethnic groups entering the United States.

O The first quota act was passed in 1921 (The Quota Act of 1921).

O The second quota act was called The Immigration Act of 1924.

O The quota acts limited the amount of people entering the United Stated from particular regions.

O Still, there were many facilities set up to receive immigrants as soon they landed in America.

O Immigrants were detained in these facilities while they went through the screenings that were required of them.

O The most famous facility was Ellis Island in New York.

O Its doors were open for immigrants in 1892 and didn’t close its doors until 1954.

O If an immigrant had a disease, he was deported back to his homeland.

O Immigration officials feared that if an immigrant was ill, he would not be able to make a living and that would hurt the economy.

O The economic background check was to make sure that an immigrant would not be dependent on the government after entering the mainland.

O The “New Immigrants” from central and southern Europe faced new barriers to immigration.

O Chinese immigrants were often excluded from immigration.

O Yet ultimately, as new immigrants entered the United States, they contributed to the history and development of the nation.