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17-23 JUNE 2012


8301 East Boulevard Drive

Alexandria, VA 22308-1399

Phone: 703-765-5000

Fax: 703-765-8390




NATIONAL PRESIDENT, William G.L. Turner .............................................................. 3

NATIONAL PRESIDENT-ELECT, James R. (Bob) McConnell ...................................... 5

NATIONAL FIRST VICE PRESIDENT, Keye E. Perry, Sr. ............................................ 7

NATIONAL SECOND VICE PRESIDENT, Merlen F. Howe .......................................... 9

NATIONAL THIRD VICE PRESIDENT, James N. Higdon ........................................ 10

NATIONAL SECRETARY/TREASURER, Nelson O. Newcombe ................................ 12

NATIONAL HISTORIAN, S. Woodruff Bentley, Sr. ..................................................... 12

NATIONAL COMMANDER, Andrew “Andy” F. Hirst ................................................. 13

NATIONAL TRUSTEES, Elliott B. Samuels, Chairman ................................................ 14

COMMITTEE OF 33, Edward W. Nolte, Chairman ........................................................ 15

INCENTIVES AND AWARDS COMMITTEE, Carl J. Diamond .................................. 17

PUBLICATIONS REVIEW BOARD, Armand Cote, Chairman ..................................... 17

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE, Irving Dietscher, Chairman .......................................... 18

BRIDGE OF LIGHT COMMITTEE, Henry Kuhn, Chairman ........................................ 18

FRATERNAL LIAISON COMMITTEE, William G. Sizemore, Chairman ................... 19

NATIONAL RESALE ACTIVITIES BOARD, John C. Mayers, Chairman ................... 19


10 MONTH FINANCIAL REPORT 1 JUL 11 – 30 APRIL 12 ...................................... 23

MEMBERSHIP STATUS ............................................................................................... 26

2011-2012 MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS ................................................................... 27



My Fellow Sojourners – Take a Bow !!! You have excelled beyond my wildest dreams …

across the board. A year ago, I asked you to ~ Aim High – Make a Difference !!! You have done so

in spades. If you have read The Sojourner, if you have donned your National Sojourners Masonic

Apron, if you have earned the Propeller Pin, if you have your name in print in our magazine, if you

put on your Colonials and presented a Flag Program, if you have presented the Toast to the Flag, if

you have registered on our National Website, you are doing just that … all of which is Propelling

National Sojourners Forward. That is Making a Difference !! Don’t stop … this Order needs you

now, more than ever, and your 2013 National Line needs you.

Let me begin with some detail from our 2011-2012 Goals & Objectives – much more will be

covered in other National Reports here and presented verbally, during the Convention:


a. Add 400 new members and 550 MIP’s. Our Natl Scty, Bro. Nellie Newcombe, LOH, says

we missed the mark a little here – at this writing, we have ~ 288 new members, and ~377


b. Engage and embrace all members of the Order – new and seasoned – in a genuine,

proactive mentorship that has them involved in Chapter activities – flag programs, essay

contest, awards medals, etc. Brother Dr. Jim Baker has established an introductory First

Timers & Mentoring Program. It needs refinement, but is an outstanding “stepping off

point.” He will welcome you joining him in this endeavor, so tell him you’d like to

participate – Thanks, Bro. Jim.

c. Encourage membership development through more chapter “Service to the Craft” BOL

activities at the Grand and Blue Lodges, and Appendant Bodies. We must be doing

something right, as I have received many compliments from Grand Masters and Grand

Lodge Officers about our visibility. Our Grand Masters Chap #996 is spearheading this

initiative, but YOU clearly are making your mark, as well. Most Worshipful Bro. Ray

Vanden Berghe is President of #996 and look at all he is doing !! Leading the way on

multiple fronts is Right Worshipful Past Grand Master (PA) Ed Weisser !!!

d. Develop a program to attract servicemen to the Craft – they become our future

Sojourners. This is work in progress – our National Vice Chair of Membership, Bro. Bob

Roth, is maturing his efforts for the coming year.


a. Improve communications by continuing evolutionary development of website content, and

other IT-based social networks. We are genuinely on a roll. Our Natl Webmaster, Bro.

Dave Alderfer, has taken charge of the Natl Sojo’s IT environment. He has appointed

several assistant webmasters, developed a Draft Natl Regulation – see Resolution 2011-5

– which will establish his office as a Natl Committee, and with Bro. Harry Sanders, PNP,

continue the growth and improvement of our Website. We began the year with some 600

subscribers and now have over 1000. Bro. Dave contacted Bro. Val Finnell, M.D., who

had begun a FACEBOOK page for National Sojourners, and it is now our National

Initiative. Joining the FACEBOOK team is my bride, Patti, who will work with Bro. Val in

maturing this addition to our repertoire – Try It, You’ll Like It. Well done, Bro. Val !!


b. Attract more members and “First-Timers” to National Meetings. See above, which ties in

with Bro. Jim Baker’s new initiative. You will see this in action at the 2012 Annual

National Convention.


a. Increase the Sojourner Endowment Memorial Fund by $25,000. Brethren, at this

writing, we have some very generous donors. The contributions come from the normal

pattern of their giving, but they also recognize the urgent need of the Order, so we can

ensure our normal business, but with an eye toward our ever-increasing need for funds

to refresh our Hqs IT environment. Likewise, they recognize the impending critical mass

– relocation of National Hqs. We are at >$42,000.

b. Conduct a campaign to raise money for youth outreach and establish a National

Sojourners 501(c)(3) Spirit of America Youth Education Foundation. This has not taken

off, yet, as there are concerns about the full establishment of the Fund. Our Natl Judge

Advocate, Bro. Ben Yudesis, PNP/PNC, LOH, advised at the outset of this Sojourner

Year that it would be accomplished and formal application made to the IRS by this 2012

Convention. We continue to be hopeful and look for an announcement being made at

this Convention.

My primary areas of oversight are the Nominating Committee, Committee of 33, and National

Trustees. Each of these areas are led by very capable members of our Order, so I will leave the

Report on these areas to them, which you will find in this publication of 2011-2012 National Reports.

Further, please look for the traditional, exceptional Report of the National Secretary, Bro. Nelson O.

Newcombe, LOH, for statistics that are important to us all. You will readily interpret how much in

need we are of your proactive involvement.

Patti and I have reveled in waving our National Flag and our National Sojourners Flag. We

have traveled by year’s-end to some thirty-one (31) Chapters, seven (7) Encampments, and seven (7)

Grand Lodge Grand Annual Communications. These were complemented by six (6) special

visitations including Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite –

Southern Jurisdiction Biennial Session, the Conference of Grand Masters In North America

(COGMINA), the National Society Sons of the American Revolution – Trustee and Leadership

Conference, the Virginia Society Sons of the American Revolution to honor former Attorney General

Ed Meese … he loved the Toast, and the Birthday celebration of Bro. U.S. President James Monroe at

his birth site.

What about you … the Sojourner Team ?? I don’t have enough space to cover it all, but know

that there are many who have contributed in a broad spectrum of areas … allow me some reflections.

We found ourselves in need of some major attention to the home of our Headquarters. Bro. NPE Bob

McConnell took on the crisis portion – he headed the Short Term Team in developing an immediate

move plan, if needed. It is on the National Website. At this writing, we haven’t had to employ it.

Bro. N1VP Keye Perry, Sr., took on the very difficult task of the Long Term Team to find that

“permanent” home for our Headquarters – YOU need to help him NOW with your thoughts and ideas,

as this complex plan must be ready all too soon. Bro. N2VP Merlen Howe took on the task of

supporting me in investigating the conduct of a couple of Chapters. At this writing, his engagement

has averted some closures … we did have to close Golden Gate Chapter #18. As you will read and

hear, we have some new ones cookin’ – Tennessee and Arkansas. Further, he excelled in executing a

near-perfect performance of National Sojourners at the COGMINA leading the way for the National

Line, while we accepted the stellar performance of Bro. Rick Conn and the GA Chapters, as they

supported us. Bro. N3VP Jim Higdon brought all of the efforts cited above into quality by offering


his energy and wise counsel. Without him, we would have gotten the job done, anyway; With him,

we exceeded our expectations in each arena. He’s a force to be reckoned with … look for great things

to come.

How about Bros. Bob Colton and Jim Benson in the Western counties – wonderful

encampments. Oh, and lest we forget, Bro. Kermit Rosenthal with that bunch of the First Camel

Corps. Who’s Bro. Bruce Bonnell ?? He’s MWBro. Bruce, the Regional Rep. Hawaii, that did a

great job with their Conference and Encampment – we had to endure 80 degrees, sunshine, palm

trees, good food and fellowship, but other than that … well, you get the idea. Here on the home turf

of the East, Bro. Bill Willey in Maine can cook that lobstah like nobody else – love that Ben Hill

Picnic/Encampment. Have you met Bro. Dick Friberg ?? He can tell you more about Miami and

Homestead than any three people … and his sidekick Bro. Doug Bridges think of everything to make

you at home … wonderful Masons, wonderful Sojourners. Ever ridden on the Chattanooga Choo-

Choo … Bro. Haskell Clark will be happy to Conduct you down the tracks or up the Mountain

(Lookout Mountain) … such great history, and hospitality you cannot find everywhere.

Bro. Tom Kuhn – yes, he stepped forward at my call to fill the vacancy on the National

Trustees – but what a wonderful host he was in Eastern Pennsylvania with his great historical

knowledge. Milwaukee enjoys having a great patriot and dedicated Sojourner in Bro. Chuck Wallens

… yes, yes, and Bro. Irv Dietscher, too. Wow, the attention to detail and cordial treatment of these

two and the others of Chapter #27 – just superb. Touring is a strong suit for Bro. Chuck – and we

truly enjoyed learning from him and Lady Betty. Hey, do you remember Bro. Charlie Maxson ?? He

earned the Memphis Cup last year … well, he has stood up Narragansett (RI) Chapter #14, again.

While doing so he got others engaged in this effort and other Chapters in the area – so look up

MWBro. Bill Greene of Hartford Chapter #56, a great guy and ready to serve !!

Our last two visits before Burlington – out west to the Grand Lodge of Arizona with National

Sojourner and Grand Master Brook Cunningham/Lady Lynn, then back to the District of

Columbia/Harmony Lodge No. 17 that insists that Patti and I, along with Bro. Bob Bussler/Cmdr,

GW Camp (Washington #3), present the Historic Flag Program appropriately on D-Day, June 6th


Brethren, in closing … be a Merchant of Change. Do this for the Order, but do it for yourself

… you are the maker of your own destiny. Be proactive … don’t wait for something to happen …

make it happen. You’ll be happier for it and America will be better for it through your industry in

National Sojourners.

Brethren, thank our ladies for all they do – which is more than we recognize. I’ve mentioned a

few, but there are many, many more that deserve your praise.

This banner year is coming to an end. My vision has not been met. There is much work to be

done. My time is not up. Whatever you do, please join me and our National Line in continuing to

Propel National Sojourners Forward. In all that we do, we must always ~ Aim High - Make a



The National Convention in Richmond, Virginia was a huge success and everyone had a great

time. Brother Harry Sanders and crew did a fantastic job and all were well pleased.

The National Chief of Staff, Brother David Gardner and I, along with the Chapter Manager,

met with the staff of the Menger Hotel in San Antonio, Texas to continue the planning for the 93rd

Annual National Convention to be held in June 2013. All is in order and we expect to have a good

turnout for the event.


I attended the Southern California Encampment at Pt Mugu, California in August. It was quite

enjoyable and the hospitality was outstanding. It was well planned and the meeting associated with

the encampment was well organized. The Camp Followers presented a program to all in attendance.

In October the National Line met in Austin, Texas to go over all the things that were on our

plates to be accomplished. An extremely productive two days. We met at the Scottish Rite Temple

and they were very gracious in allowing us to use their facilities.

A mini line meeting took place in November where items that were discussed at the October

meeting were brought up to date. Only one missing was our National President, but it was not

necessary that he be in attendance. Action items for each line officer were discussed and plans made.

In December 2011, I attended the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas annual

communication. Our National President was in attendance and was recognized and he presented a

short pitch on National Sojourners. The Heroes of ’76, composed of members from Ft Sam Houston,

Anson Jones and General Worth Chapters, presented the Colors for the opening ceremony. Brother

Keye Perry, N1VP, Brother David Gardner, National Heroes Chief of Staff, and I were part of the

Color Guard. We were well received and recognized. Attendances at the Grand Lodges are an

important event for all Sojourners. All should be attending these communications if at all possible to

show the interest of National Sojourners and spread the word of our order.

The Mid Year meeting, held in Tucson, Arizona was, in my opinion, one of the more

productive meetings that have been held. The meetings that I attended were well run and produced

direction and guidance. My oversight areas are: Area and Regional Representatives, Chapter

Revitalization and Chartering, NASOCOCO, and the newly formed Website Ad Hoc Committee.

I was a little disappointed in the attendance of the Area and Regional Representatives. They

are the mainstay of the organization and are definitely the individuals who provide direction and

influence on our Chapters. We are in need of replacements for Area and Regional Representatives as

we are losing the services of those who have served in the past and we need the guidance provided by

Area and Regional Representatives. If you are one who would step up to the plate and take on one of

these positions, I am sure we can find a place for you. The Mid Year Reports were not as all inclusive

as we would have liked them to be.

The Chapter Revitalization and Chartering Committee did an outstanding job in presenting the

data that was submitted to them. Although not as extensive as we would have liked, it at least showed

where problems were and will assist the Area and Regional Representatives in their work.

The NASOCOCO meeting was well attended but the President, Brother Bob Elert, who had

experienced a heart attack, was not in attendance. In addition we lost the Vice President, Brother Al

Boyd. Brother PNP Andrew J. McVeigh III was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of

NASOCOCO. It was pointed out that we need individuals who have knowledge of business to step

forward and become a member of this organization.

Website Ad Hoc Committee met and formulated plans for the website and drafted up a

regulation for the establishment of the committee as a standing committee. This will be taken up at

this convention. With the team members currently on board, you will see an improvement in the web

site. Each member has a certain area of the site to monitor and make inputs. The overall web site

management is in the capable hands of Brother Dave Alderfer.

Attended the Conference of Grand Masters in Atlanta, Georgia in February. The line gave a

briefing during the Fraternal Relations Breakfast which was well received. In fact it was said to be

one of the better presentation given at the breakfast. A meeting of Grand Masters Chapter # 996 was

also convened during the conference. Brother Al Boyd, Chapter President, had passed away and

Brother Vanden Berghe, Sr., the Vice President presided with Brother Bill Turner serving as


Secretary, in the absence of Brother Joe Baker. Several new members were initiated into the

Chapter. Had a good turnout for the session. Elections were held and Brother Vanden Burghe, Sr.,

was elected President and Bro Turner was elected Secretary. Attendance at the Demolay Breakfast,

sponsored by the Shrine of North America was very enlightening as we heard an outstanding

presentation by a young man who is currently heading up the International Order of Demolay.

Met with the Host Hotel for the 2013 Mid-Winter and finalized most of all the details

that we had not already finished and put into concrete. Had a slight scheduling problem that was

pointed out, and thus the Mid-Winter dates were changed so that no conflict would occur. They

meeting days are now the 7th

, 8th

and 9th

of January 2013. Mark your calendar accordingly. The

hotel was very gracious in changing the dates and we did not incur any financial burden. Will

probably have at least one more meeting before January 2013.

Our National President appointed me to be the Chairman of the National Headquarters

Relocation Team – Short Term. There were twelve (12) members on the team and with the

outstanding work of Past National President, Brother Harry Sanders and our National

Secretary/Treasurer, Brother Nelson Newcombe, I consider the product produced to be one that will

be ready and able, if and when we have to activate. A great deal of information was obtained by

Brothers Sanders and Newcombe and incorporated into the enclosures of the plan. We came up with

Plan Implementation items and Recommendations, which we consider to me the action items when

initiated. In the plan, the Executive Summary pretty well covers what the team put together.

Hopefully, we will not have to implement the plan, but we at least have, at minimum a starting point

in which to begin. Thanks to all the team members. The final version of the plan is now on the

website in the Members Only Dashboard, Reference Library. I recommend those who have access to

the website go on line and review the document.

Visited several Chapter meetings and participated in Scottish Rite, York Rite, Allied Masonic

Degrees and Knight Mason’s organizations. Will be attending the South Central Area

Encampment in Corpus Christi, Texas, hosted by John J. Harris Chapter 397, in May where there

should be a good attendance. Three of the National Line will be attending as will several of the

National Heroes Line.

I look forward to continuing my service to National Sojourners as your president in the

coming year. I would ask that each one of you take an active part in your Chapter and Camp as well

as continuing your support of the National Organization. “Replace Yourself”, the SEM fund needs

your support and we need to continue to increase membership.


Foremost, I would like to thank all Sojourners for your participation in our great order. No

matter where you work within the organization, you have helped to Propel Sojourners Forward!

Thank you also for giving me the opportunity to serve you as your National 1st Vice President.

Finally, a hearty thank you to those who welcomed Lady Becky and me into your Chapters and


My areas of oversight included the Publications Review Board, Incentives and Awards

Committee and the Americanism Committee. The order is fortunate to have three very committed

and involved chairmen heading up these activities. Each of them, Brothers Armand Cote, Carl

Diamond and Ron Sortino, have done an outstanding job in leading and motivating their committees

and I refer you to their reports that follow herein.


While we strive to present a capable and dignified Sojourner face to the Fraternity and beyond,

many more people will come to judge us by our written materials. The Publications Review Board is

tasked with making sure that any written matter carrying the names and logos of National Sojourners,

Inc. and the Heroes of ’76 presents our order in the most favorable manner possible. A hearty thank

you, Brother Armand and the Board.

Although dedication to the mission and brotherhood are primary motivators for most of us, we

all like to be recognized for our successful efforts. Incentives and awards are some of the means by

which that happens. While Brother Carl and his team might feel overworked in the months leading up

to the Convention, he will be the first to tell you that too many of our chapters are letting that aspect

slide. It takes just a little time to see that our brethren and ladies who labor in the quarries for our

programs are recognized. Award nomination forms can be found in the members’ section on our

website. Thanks and a tip o’ flight cap to Brother Carl and his crew.

Americanism and patriotism are at the heart of what we are about as Sojourners. Our patriotic

programs are one of the primary ways we promote Americanism, and uniformed Heroes are often

what our non-Sojourner brethren recall when we are mentioned. These programs need to continue, as

they are our bread and butter. However, at the Americanism breakfast last year in Richmond, we

were presented with some surprising information. Only 30-35% of adult Americans know how our

system of government is supposed to function! Worse, only 18% of our high school seniors have

similar knowledge! These young people are our future, yet they are being shortchanged in the very

fundamentals of our history and Constitution! Our partnership with the Freedoms Foundation at

Valley Forge and with the Military Order of the World Wars to organize, staff, fund and recruit

students for our Youth Leadership Camps is essential to keeping this knowledge alive. To help fund

these two programs, we have established the Spirit of America Education Foundation to solicit funds

for students to attend. Each year, your National Line represents the order at the Conference of Grand

Masters. There we present a program to a representative group of Grand Masters and elected Grand

Officers on how National Sojourners and Heroes can support their respective Grand Lodge programs.

One of the most well-received topics each year is the Youth Leadership program. A tip o’ the tricorn

to Brother Ron and his team.

Our National President appointed me to lead the Long Term Planning Team in regards to our

possible move from Collingwood to a new home. Initially, we were faced with the prospect of

making two moves, the first to move us quickly out of Collingwood and the second into a new

permanent headquarters. The Short Term Team under National President Elect McConnell has

recommended a single move, while some hard work by the Collingwood Board has lessened the

possibility of a quick move. Your Long Term Team will build upon their work. The team is being

manned and is developing a decision matrix to ensure that we identify all the factors that will impact a

future move. Among the aspects to consider are timing, information technology requirements and

capabilities, location near major transportation hubs, local chapter ability to provide an executive

manager in whatever form is needed, employment criteria and requirements, and nearby lodging and

dining options. Many other factors will have to be considered as well. All ideas are welcomed and

will be considered.

Once again, thank you for an interesting and exciting year.



Brother National Sojourners, serving our order as National Second Vice President is a

privilege. I am appreciative and challenged to assimilate and inculcate the wisdom shared by so many

of you and I eagerly await all that lies ahead.

I am grateful that you re-elected me to the National Line. By working with and listening to

others in the National Line, the National Heroes Line, the National Trustees, the Committee of 33,

and some of the other national committees my awareness of the feelings and thoughts of National

Sojourners is widened and deepened regarding current and possible future developments that I will

better serve the interests of the whole membership.

On Friday of the National Convention in Richmond I received two phone calls informing me

two of my closest Masonic brothers had died. Immediately upon returning home I conducted the

funerals for both. Later that week I installed the officers of two local lodges and was marshal at a

third. The pace has slackened only slightly. The year has been a very busy although generally


As District Deputy Grand Master, I visited the lodges in my district for nearly all stated

meetings, degrees, funerals etc. Relieved of the office of DDGM in December, I became the Grand

Chaplain for the Grand Lodge of Texas.

As N2VP I related the purposes of National Sojourners in the lodges of my district and

showed the DVD, “The Story of National Sojourners” at a meeting of the Masters, Past Masters and

Secretaries Association.

I was pleased to give all or part of the Toast to the Flag on numerous occasions in local lodges,

York Rite and Scottish Rite bodies as requested. I was part of a color guard detail on a few occasions.

Annually Anson Jones Chapter No. 507 performs the 31st degree in Scottish Rite Valley of

Austin in late summer or early fall. My position is degree master.

During this year I have visited many National Sojourner chapters in Texas and one in New

Mexico twice. What a great fellowship with the ladies and brothers I enjoyed.

I was installed as Master of Texas Lodge of Research in March 2011. In order to fulfill my

obligation in that lodge I flew home on Fridays of both the National Convention and the Mid-Winter

Meeting. Missing the final sessions of those meetings was sad. In March 2012 I finished my

obligation as Master of TLR and will miss no more meetings of National Sojourners. During my term

TLR created a Guild of Masonic Studies enabling those who are interested to learn more of the

history, philosophy and some of the allegorical teaching of our esoteric work.

In late summer and early fall I did the Scottish Rite’s Master Craftsman One. In late fall and

early winter I completed Master Craftsman Two.

The annual Executive Committee meeting was held in Austin, TX and was filled with good

conversation, planning, and evaluations of existing efforts to promote the cause of patriotism

throughout the nation. I participated in all activities.

In December I attended the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Texas but because

of my position as DDGM did not present the flags. Other National Sojourners including the President

Elect, N1VP and the National Chief of Staff for the Heroes of ’76 performed that task admirably.

As Grand Chaplain I have traveled many miles around Texas for Grand Master’s Conferences,

banquets, moments of recognition by Masonic bodies, chartering one new lodge and ceremonies at

Texas historical sites.

In February I attended the Conference of Grand Masters in North America in Atlanta, GA.

The opportunity to meet and discuss our order with the elected officers of the different grand


jurisdictions enhanced our image and stature. All members of the National Line were very visible and

active during the conference.

Within my local lodge I serve as chaplain and as part of the degree team of the lodges in my

district. Often I give the lectures. Remaining active in our lodges continually reminds me of the basis

of our fraternity and I encourage all National Sojourner to contribute to the activities and degrees of

their local lodges.

Between the date of submission of this report and the Annual Convention I expect to continue

the activities I have been doing and will report significant events not alluded to in this report.


First, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the membership for their trust in electing

me to the National Line in Richmond, VA. This year has been a significant learning experience for

me and I hope to build upon what I have learned this past year as I progress up the Line in the coming

years. I hope that I will be able to continue to enjoy your trust and confidence, as well as your

counsel and assistance in my role in the direction that National Sojourners takes in the coming year,

as well as year.

Participation at the National Line ExComm meeting in October in Austin, TX was especially

beneficial to me since I became much more educated about the total operation of the National

Sojourners, the problems facing us, as well as our role in the Collingwood story, both historical and

financial. A full report on the status of all activities of National Sojourners up to that point in time

was addressed, and I left with a better appreciation for the enormous tasks and responsibility our

National office staff has, as well as that also imposed upon your National Line Officers. It was also

very beneficial that we were not all work and did have an enjoyable dinner together where we each

learned more about the others in attendance.

In December 2012, I attended the Annual Communication of The Most Worshipful Grand

Lodge of Texas, where I represented and served the MW Grand Master, T.E. “Gene” Carnes, a fellow

member of Fort Sam Houston #17, as his Grand Orator, bringing my message to the “Grand West,”

who reportedly received it well. I was also honored to be introduced by our National President as one

of his/your National Officers during his opportunity to bring greetings. Barbara and I also had the

great fortune to have been designated by our Grand Master to “host” our National President at his

Grand Master’s Banquet and ensured that he was introduced around on that occasion as well as at the

hospitality room. I do believe that a grand time was had by all.

The Mid-Year meeting in Tucson, AZ gave me an opportunity as the National Third Vice

President to sit in on sessions that I had never had the opportunity to attend. I was able to interact

with the two areas of responsibility assigned to me by the National President, that is, the Bridge of

Light Committee, chaired by Brother Henry Kuhn, and the Education and Training Committee,

chaired by Brother Rafael Rivas. The latter was unable to attend for health reasons, but he provided

his report and supporting materials to his stand-in and his role was ably filled by Brother Joe Zito.

The following week, January 25-29, I was privileged to attend the Grand Lodge of Colorado

in Denver as the Personal Representative of Grand Master James Brumit of Texas, where I was not

only allowed to bring greeting from him and the Grand Lodge of Texas, but also, wearing my neck

jewel, brought them greetings from National Sojourners. While there I also visited with several

brethren who were eligible for membership in our organization and delivered applications for

membership to them. Unfortunately, one resided several hundred miles from either of the locations of


our Colorado Chapters, and the other resides in Montana where we do not have a chapter. That said, I

feel sure that, in time, we will get both of these brothers into our fold.

At the ExComm in Austin, I leaned that part of my new job was to attend the Conference of

Grand Masters in North America. This year, it was held February 18-21 in Atlanta, GA. The Georgia

Masons did yeoman duty from the time we got off the airplane, reclaimed our luggage and boarded

their bus to the conference hotel, to the time we again boarded their bus and were redelivered to the

airport for our flights home. The team of Georgia Sojourners did an outstanding job with the

Sojourner display, providing us with a centrally located base from which to meet and greet many of

the Grand Masters and many Masons eligible for membership, several of whom either took petitions

for their home Chapters or became members during the Grand Masters Chapter #996 meeting. The

Fraternal Liaison Breakfast was well attended and each received an excellent PowerPoint presentation

on who we are and what we do via joint effort of each of your National Line Officers. We received

many positive reports about the presentation throughout the remainder of the Conference.

Regrettably, however, Brother National Secretary, not completely mended yet, was unable to attend.

I was excited to learn that Texas’ own R:W: Walter W. Rogers, Deputy Grand Master, was elected as

the Chairman of the Conference for 2013 in Kansas City, KS/MO, a singular honor in such a very

august group. We all attended the DeMolay Breakfast sponsored by the Shrine of North America

where we heard the Grand Master of DeMolay, a fellow Texan, as well as the International Master

Councilor, a very fine young man from San Diego, CA. A meeting of Grand Masters Chapter # 996

was also convened at the conclusion of the Conference, but Brother Perry and I were unable to attend

due to the lengthy meeting of the Conference that day due to time constraints associated with our

airline schedules, but we were advised that it was a very successful meeting chaired by M:W: Ray


Since my installation in Richmond, I have, in addition to my visits to the two Grand Lodges

mentioned above, have attended my Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery meetings where I

serve as the elected Treasurer in each body. I attended the Grand Chapter and Grand Council sessions

in Waco, Texas in October, where I serve as Chairman of the Grand Council Jurisprudence

Committee. On December 10, I traveled to San Angelo, Texas to attend the annual meeting of

Nazareth Tabernacle XXXIV, HRAKTP, where I was installed as the Very Eminent Preceptor. I have

also attended meetings of my Allied Masonic Degrees and Order of Knight Masons Councils, Red

Cross of Constantine Conclave, DeMolay Legion of Honor, as well as the Annual Conclave of The

Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas. Over Easter, while Barbara and I were in Los

Angeles visiting my son, his wife and our two grandsons there, I had the privilege of attending the

West Coast Easter Observance of The Grand Encampment Knights Templar of the United States,

where I sat/participated in the service with my good friends, Supreme Worthy President (SWP) of the

Social Order of the Beauceant, Mrs. John (Mary) Brogan (from San Antonio Assembly #159) and her

Sir Knight, as well as with Mrs. Joe (Katie) Ryland, Immediate Past SWP and wife of our PNP, Sir

Knight and Past Commander Joe Ryland. Unfortunately, the visit with our PNP and Katie was much

too brief.

In May, all of your Texas-based National Line Officers were in attendance at the South

Central Area Encampment in Corpus Christi, Texas, where all were active participants and where I

participated in the Heroes’ Degree conferral by giving the Monitor Lecture.

During this past year, I have also had the privilege of presenting the Toast to the Flag at the

business meetings of Fort Sam Houston #17, as well as to my Rotary Club on several occasions. On

April 27, I presented the Toast to the Flag to the over one hundred civilian and military lawyers

attending the 10th Annual Biennial Institute on Texas Law for Military Attorneys at Fort Sam


Houston at which I was also a speaker on Family Law, before also leading the pledges to the U.S. and

Texas Flags.

Barbara and I look forward to attending the Annual National Convention in Burlington, VT

and, once again, having the privilege of renewing many of your friendships and acquaintances. I also

look forward to our serving on the National Line in a new capacity with new challenges and to

offering my support to the organization and to our new National President, a fellow member and

mentor in Fort Sam Houston #17, throughout the coming year. I challenge each of you take an active

part in your Chapter and Camp, while also continuing your support of all of our National

organization’s programs and endeavors in promoting Patriotism throughout this Great Nation.


We entered this year with a full staff, partially crippled, but still on the job. My breaking my

left arm just before the Convention, plus physical Rehab and finally getting permission to drive again

slowed things down for a few months. Then in December I slipped a disk in my back, and again drive

myself for a few weeks. Janine and Heather kept the office functioning and up to date while I was

slowed down.

I regret not being able to be present at the Mid – Winter Meeting and attending the Conference

of Grand Secretaries.

The financial statements and membership statistics at the end of this report are as of 30 April

and hopefully they will show improvement by the end of June. Due to the current financial picture on

the national level effected our investments, which in turn affected the amount of the MIP Dividend,

and the amount accumulated by the SEM fund. Plus, redemptions of investments paying 6 – 8%

lowered the returns, and not being able to invest at those rates and having to accept lower yields that

became available.

Sadly, this year Golden Gate #18 turned in its charter and became an In Memorial Chapter.

We have several other chapters that are in trouble, due to the age of their membership and not gaining

any new members. A bright note was the formation of Edwin Hickman Club #550 in Tennessee

which will be chartered as a chapter in the near future. Also, there is the possibility of a new chapter

in north western Arkansas.

Again we saw an increase in the number of requests for ROTC Awards. However, at this time

we are busy contacting the Chapters about letting the schools know that they will sponsor the award.

The number of inquiries seems to be high this year.

The Membership report reflects our gains and losses for this year.

This has been a normal year for Heroes’ activities. As usual we received excellent cooperation

from the National Commander, Andrew Hirst and from Bro. David Gardner is his planning for next


NATIONAL HISTORIAN, S. Woodruff Bentley, Sr.

There is now a “National Historian’s Corner on the NSI Web Site. The first two items to be

placed on the site were a list of all known National Sojourner publications and records including those

maintained at the National Headquarters. Some of the publications were published by NSI and some

were published privately. If any member is aware of any other publications on NSI or the Heroes of

’76, please advise the National Historian. The second item is a “Summary History of National

Sojourners.” This had been initially started by Col. Beny Rosaler with the assistance of Col. LaVon


P. Linn, then National Historian. I have been adding material and will continue to add items as I do

my research. Any member who has knowledge of an interesting item of Sojourner or Heroes history

that he feels should be added, please forward it by email to the National Historian at

There have been two items published in the National Sojourner Magazine. The publications

list was published in the March-April, 2012 issue. A “History of the Royal Order of Barrow

Wheelers” was published in the May-June 2012 issue and will be added to the web site.

Work continues on the “Summary History” as well as a project to write histories of the

Sojourner Years 2010-11 and 2011-12 to be published on the NSI web site.

The National Historian is also making an effort to compile the histories of chapters and Heroes

Camps in the hands of members. These will be compiled into a future publication or placed on the

NSI web site. I would also like to have the story behind the chapter and camp names or the biography

if one of these is named for a specific individual.

Another project is to pull together a complete listing of all chapters, both active and In

Memoriam to place on the NSI Web Site.

I have also had a number of inquiries from members about Sojourner or Heroes history which

I have been able to answer. If any member has any questions or suggestions, please feel free to

contact me.

I want to express my appreciation to PNC and Past National Historian Clarence M. Nelson for

his insight and assistance in organizing my work as the new National Historian.

The condensed proceedings for 2010-2011 convention were included in the July-August 2011

issue of the Sojourner.

NATIONAL COMMANDER, Andrew “Andy” F. Hirst


As I finish my tenure as National Commander several thoughts come to mind as I reflect on

my journey through the line from the time Brother Hero Past National Commander David Warburton

“One More Step” appointed me to the line. Like our immediate Past National Commander, Brother

Hero Edward Nolte due to unforeseen circumstances I also became National Commander much

sooner than planned.

I thank each and every one for their dedication and commitment that they have given to have

this convention be one that will be remembered for many years to come. As National Commander to

assure that the tenets and principles we stand for will always be the top priority of our mission and

after counseling with Past National Presidents, Past National Commanders, Sojourners and Heroes I

had to make a few hard decisions for the good of the Order. It has been my honor and privilege to

serve as your National Commander for the year 2011-2012. In keeping within the motto of our

National President, Brother Hero Past National Commander, William G. L. Turner, “Aim High –

Make a Difference” it was the goal for your National Line Hero Officers to raise $2,500 for the “SEM

FUND”. This goal was met plus. I personally thank each of the Brethren who took the time to mail

me a check or donated money for this endeavor. A special thank you to those who added the extra

dollars that your Heroes Line Officers might reach this goal. You know who you are. I signed two

camp Charters there-by revitalizing two inactive Camps. Staying within the guide lines of the Official

Manual Heroes of ”76®, Chapter, 5 Paragraph 11, I granted three waivers for unusual circumstances

in reference to Heroes of “76 Degrees. My Lady Dorothy and I extend a sincere thank you to the

various chapter and encampments we had the privilege to attend. The courtesies and Honors extended

to us will forever be fond memories. It is only through the support and dedication of the Brethren


and Chapters such as yourselves that the year has been a success. I definitely feel that as I relinquish

the power of leadership to a new National Commander and return to the ranks as a worker and

supporter, your National Heroes Line Officers as a team are leaving the organization a little stronger

and viable than when we started.

NATIONAL TRUSTEES, Elliott B. Samuels, Chairman

This year began with the resignation of Brother Joseph W. Illes, Vice Chairman of the Board

for medical reasons. Unfortunately he passed away shortly thereafter. The National President

appointed Brother E. Thomas Kuhn, Jr. as his interim replacement. Brother Joseph H. Baker, Jr. was

elected as Vice Chairman of the Board at the Mid-Winter Meeting held in Tucson Arizona in January


During the reporting period our organization continued to experience less than expected

returns on our investments. Investment opportunities which in the past yielded reasonable revenue

were no longer available at acceptable rates or terms. As a consequence of this unfortunate turns of

affairs, interest distribution of Trust Funds to Chapters will be reduced from previous years. The

distribution authorized for this year will be $4.85 (Full Share) and $2.42 (One Half Share). The future

is unclear, however the Investment criteria established in National Regulations provides for relatively

low risk investments. There continues to be few opportunities, at present, to find viable long term

products which will increase our revenues. In this connection the National Secretary/Treasurer has

proposed an emergency Resolution for consideration to increase operating funds. For some time your

Board of Trustees has not been able to fund necessary items from the available revenue. This

includes even modest salary increases for our dedicated Staff. We need approval of this resolution. It

provides for a modest increase in the cost of an initial MIP and for some administrative actions.

Resolution 2011-5 which was tabled at the 91st Convention has been withdrawn. This

Resolution was intended to revise the Investment strategy contained in National Regulations.

The National President was notified on February 22, 2012 that CLMA could no longer provide

office space, to NSI, after June 2012 on an annual lease, except on a month to month basis, for such

time as may be practicable. The National President has appointed Committees to develop options for

our future: One consideration is for Short Term the other is for Long Term. No decision has been

reached at the time of this report, however the Memorandum of Understanding, dated January 11,

2011, which was executed between CLMA and the Board of Trustees contains for the basis for the

rental agreement between NSI and CLMA. We expect the contract conditions included in this

document will continue in full force and effect regardless of the eventual location. The ultimate

outcome of this course of events is unclear and to speculate would be an exercise in futility.

National Regulation 8.1.1 has been amended to include a change in the duties of the Board of

Trustees. Members of the Board of Trustees will also serve as the Board of Directors of NSI’s newly

constituted 501©3 entity, Spirit of America Education Foundation. The officers elected are Brother

Elliott B. Samuels, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Brother Joseph H. Baker, Jr., Vice

President, Brother Wayne I. Smith, Secretary/Treasurer and Brother Nelson O. Newcombe, Assistant

Secretary/Treasurer and Chief Operating Officer (COO). IRS approval has been solicited to support

the official granting of our request for recognition as a 501©3 organization.


COMMITTEE OF 33, Edward W. Nolte, Chairman

The Committee of 33 leadership changed in 2011-12. The Committee Chairman, Brother

Robert “Bob” Elert, became an Emeritus Member and stepped down as Chairman. The former Vice

Chairman, Edward Nolte, was subsequently elected Chairman by the Committee membership.

Brother Martin “Marty” Schebel replaced Brother Nolte and was elected Vice Chairman. Brother

Justin “Rip”Van Kleeck, resigned as Secretary, and Brother John “JJ” Brown was elected to that


As a result of the change in leadership, and significant change is occurring in how the

Committee of 33 functions. In the past, each Task Group was assigned a task and worked

independently of the other task groups. Consequently, each member only saw one task, if that, and

did not have insight into all tasks. The revised approach is that each member of the Committee of 33

will see and have the opportunity to make an input on each task. In addition, each task response has

an initial response, a revised position, and a final position as the members cross-flow information

within the Committee. Each member sees each task and each member is expected to work each task.

Thus, the solutions and recommendations will truly be Committee of 33 positions, rather than the

position of a single Task Group.

The Committee of 33 has operated at a total strength of 31 members for most of the year. This

is due to Brother James Higdon being elected to the National Line and being required to resign from

the Committee of 33. In addition, M.W.B Alister Boyd passed away after a lengthy illness. Brother

President William Turner appointed Ronald Stites as a backfill for one of the vacancies. More

recently Brother Russell Hain also resigned due to health reasons. The Committee of 33 will require

the addition of two extra members to the normal 11-member election each year for a 3-year term.

For its work, the Committee of 33 received three taskers from Brother William Turner at the

Tucson Mid-Winter Meeting in January 2012. The first tasker, Task C33-2012-01 is titled National

Trustees Qualifications. It requests the Committee of 33 to recommend a solution, which would

“Establish a comprehensive set of qualifications for a member to run for the office of National

Trustee. The National Line and Committee of 33 have personnel requirements for election or

appointment. To be elected to the National Line, an individual must have 10 years of continuous NSI

membership, served honorably as Chapter, President and Camp Commander, served two years on a

National Committee, or A/R Rep, attended 3 ANCs and 3 MWMs, demonstrated leadership, active

membership status, and be prepared for financial burden and travel, and receive a “qualified” report

from the Nominating Committee. Committee of 33 requires noteworthy depth of Sojourners

knowledge, dedication to the Order, and demonstrated performance as A/R Rep or National-level

standing committee, and experience as Chapter President. The current requirement for a National

Trustee is to be a Sojourner of great experience at the national level who is particularly

knowledgeable in matters of management, finance, and budget—no leadership, no prior offices, no

years of membership/performance, no prior committees, and no Masonic requirements. In short,

Should there be more stringent requirements, and if so, what should they be?

The second tasker, Task C33-2012-02, is titled National Sojourners Line Officer

Qualifications. It requests the Committee of 33 to review the qualifications for the National Line,

which were established several years ago based on an emergent requirement. We have had some

problems in the meantime and had to suspend the National Regulations. The current requirement to

be elected to the National Advancing Line are as follows: Individual must have 10 years of


continuous NSI membership, served honorably as Chapter President and Camp Commander, served

two years on a National Committee or A/R Rep, attended 3 ANCs and 3 MWMs, demonstrated

leadership, active membership status, and be prepared for financial burden and travel, and receive a

“qualified” report from the Nominating Committee.

In short, revisit the qualifications to run for the National Sojourners Line to ensure they are

practical and reasonable, or should they be modified. If changes are warranted, be specific in your


The third tasker, Task C33-2012-03, is titled Task # C33-2012-03: NASOCOCO vs Time and

Place Committee. Should we replace NASOCOCO with a Time-and-Place Committee and dispense

with the separate NASOCOCO. Consider history in researching with such numeraries as Chuck

Wallens, Nellie Newcombe, Chuck Folsom, Andrew McVeigh, Ben Yudesis, etc., to ensure a full,

comprehensive understanding is known before making recommendation. Focus on financial

obligations/commitments that might be at issue for both NASOCOCO and Natl Sojourners. In short,

should we replace NASOCOCO with a Time-and-Place Committee and dispense with the separate


The Committee of 33 will recommend solutions to each of these three taskers to the National

President at the Annual National Convention (ANC) in Burlington, VT in June 2012.

In addition, the Committee of 33 received four taskers from Brother President-elect, James

“Bob” McConnell. These taskers will be assigned at the ANC and recommended positions delivered

at the Mid-Winter Meeting in January 2013 to avoid impeding the work we are already finalizing.

These taskers and their titles are as follows:

C33-2012-04: Goal: To increase attendance at the MWM and ANC. Look into how we as an

organization can increase attendance at the Mid-Winter Meeting and Annual National Convention.

What can the Chapters do to help in providing information to the members about attending these

functions. What possible incentives could be offered to increase attendance. What steps can be taken

to increase the attendance at the Mid-Winter Meeting and the Annual National Conventions. Would it

be feasible to provide incentives to the membership to attend? If so, what would the incentives be

that would increase attendance at these functions, and would they impact on funding for the event.

C33-2012-05: Goal: The inclusion of equivalent civilian grades as members who have served

in the Department of Defense. Consider the fact that they have served the country faithfully but were

not in uniform. They would be equivalent grades to the existing membership requirements for

military personnel. Many Masons have served faithfully in the Department of Defense in a civilian

capacity. Due to being considered non-military, they can become members only as Honorary. What

would the impact be if membership was offered to these Masons who served in the equivalent grade

of existing membership qualification? What would be required if this were to come about?

C33-2012-06: Goal: Enhance relationship with CLMA. The relationship with CLMA is at

minimum strained. The financial situation for the ALC looming over their heads and the fact that

they are trying to obtain funding from the National Sojourners membership has caused the formally

friendly relationship to become strained. We need a way to enhance this relationship in a non-

financial manner. How can we do this?

C33-2012-07: Goal: To determine the widest concurrence on number of desired days for the

MWM and ANC. A) Survey and determine interest in having some evening committee meetings to

de-conflict agenda and/or shorten the number of days. B) Survey and advise the National Line on

members' desire for a period of time during the ANC to allow all to engage in local tours/events,

versus a shorter ANC. C) Provide recommendations to the NP and National Line during the January

2013 Mid-Winter Meeting.


In addition to the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary mentioned earlier, the current

membership of the Committee of 33 includes the following Brethren:

TASK GROUP 1: Richard Wyatt (TG Lead), James Baker, Carl Diamond, Matthew Scott, and

Justin Van Kleeck.

TASK GROUP 2: Andrew Hirst (TG Lead), Gerald Houston, Anthony Johnson, William

Means, Ronald Stites, and Raymond Vanden Berghe.

TASK GROUP 3: Bill Greshel (TG Lead), David Gardner, Henry Kuhn, Robert Roth,

Charles Sharp, Jr., and Charles Umberger.

TASK GROUP 4: Armand Cote (TG Lead), Paul Bailey, Charles Blacknall, Paul

Pennybacker, and Robert Powell.

TASK GROUP 5: Joseph Zito (TG Lead), Robert Epps, William Haynes, Robert Mason,

Richard Ripley, and Raphael Rivas.


Working under the guidelines of National Regulation 9.1, the I and A Committee strives to

maintain a credible and equitable system to express National Sojourners, Inc., appreciation for service

to our Order.

The Committee evaluates your recommendations and forwards on to the National President for

his recognition of:

A specific act or acts with a Presidential Citation

Noteworthy performance with a Meritorious Certificate and

Significant contributions to the National order by any individual or group whether

or not directly associated with National Sojourners, Inc., with a Certificate of


We also process the Houghton Memorial Award and Memphis Cup


The Committee appreciates your use of the National Award Recommendation form. We trust

it facilitated your submissions. This form and the Awards and Citation pamphlet are on the Web site.

Members only, Reference Library. Bravo Zulu to all who submitted their recommendations to the

Committee in a timely manner (March 31).

The Committee is also proud to report that this is the first year all of our work was done

electronically. Many thanks to the webmaster and the staff at National Headquarters; they are truly

the unsung Heroes. Hopefully in the future your awards will be able to be submitted thru the website


Due to the nature and workings of this Committee, a full report will be given at the Richmond

Convention. Please join us at the Awards Luncheon on Friday.


The five (5) PRB members reviewed the Chapter Bulletins/Newsletters that were submitted in

accordance with National Regulations 9.1.2(f) for the Dallas L. Knoll Bulletin of the Year Award.

There were three (3) Chapters that submitted their Bulletins/Newsletters for this year’s consideration.

The members were asked to provide their opinion as to the publication being a bulletin or a

newsletter with this criteria:

Bulletin- a printed statement consisting of 1 or 2 pages on a matter of Masonic interest.


Newsletter- a printed periodical report devoted to news for the Masonic Fraternity.

I wish to thank the members of the PRB who contributed to the above tasks, and thank you for

this committee and National Sojourners.

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE, Irving Dietscher, Chairman

The economic recession is far from being over as evidenced by continuing high

unemployment, increasing net job losses and increasing prices. The negative impact on membership

in 2009, 2010 and 2011 is continuing into 2012. This ongoing negative and cautious attitude is

growing within organizations and has impeded membership growth, and has, in many cases, resulted

in a net loss in membership. Many masonic bodies have increased their annual dues even in the face

of membership attrition in an effort to balance their budgets. The Sojourners are in better shape than

many organizations, including the Military order of World Wars.

We must continue to be very aggressive in getting new members simply in order to stay even

and offset the loss of older members. Even harder efforts are necessary if we are to achieve net gains

in membership. Must continue to recognize those who get new members and flags are sent to all

those who get 3 new members!

Get a new MIP, or exchange one, or buy one in Memorial.

For fiscal year July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 have 365 as of May 1, 2012 with two months to


For calendar year January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012, have 190 as of May 1, 2012.

Membership is the lifeblood of National Sojourners, Inc.

#NPDs 2011 – 103

#NPDs 2012 – 182

#MIPs 2011 – 487

#MIPs 7/11-5/2012 – 377

#New Members 7/11-5/2012 – 288

#MIPs 1/12-5/2012 – 190

#Deceased 7/11-5/2012 – 269

New Chapter: Andrew Hickman #550

Potential New Chapter: NW Arkansas #551


A total of 107 Bridge of Light (BOL) Annual Reports for the period 1 July 2010-30 June 2011

were received from the various Chapters. 16 Chapters did not submit an Annual Report. This

compares to 111 Annual Reports received the previous year for the period 1 July 2009-30 June 2010.

Of the 107 BOL Annual Reports received for the period 1 July 2010-30 June 2011, 31

Chapters reported no BOL activities as compared to 33 Chapters who reported no activities for the

previous year.

The following additional information was noted during the in-depth review of the BOL

Annual Reports submitted by the various Chapters for the period 1 July 2010-30 June 2011:

a. 39 Chapters reported increased BOL activity compared to the previous year.

b. 13 Chapters submitted exceptionally well documented reports as per Attachment 8, BOL

Handbook, 22 May 2009.

c. 21 Chapters submitted reports that did not comply with Attachment 8, supra. Discrepancies

included failure to utilize the proper report format and/or failure to submit supporting

documentation as required and set forth in Attachment 8, supra. As a result claimed points

could not be credited. A number of Chapters thus lost out in qualifying for the Odie

Howell Chapter BOL Award.


d. 11 Chapters were judged to have qualified for a minimum total of 18 points for the 2 years

covering the period 1 July 2009 through 30 June 2011 and thus eligible to receive the Odie

Howell Chapter BOL Award. This recommendation was submitted to National

Headquarters 2/12/2012.

e. It should be noted that 14 Chapters were awarded to Odie Howell Chapter BOL Award the

previous year. Of these 14 Chapters ten (10) again qualified to receive the Odie Howell

Chapter BOL Award in 2012.

In an attempt to increase/improve Chapter performance/participation in the BOL program the

following action has been initiated by the BOL Committee:

a. The Chapters whose documentation was insufficient and/or needs improvement have been

identified. Their respective Area Reps, and in turn Regional Reps will be contacted by a

member of the BOL Committee with a request that they, in turn, contact the Chapter

President/Chapter BOL Chairman pointing out the problem and the need to utilize and

comply with Attachment 8, BOL Annual Report as contained in the BOL Handbook, 22

May 2009. Action had previously been taken by members of the BOL Committee to

contact their assigned Area Reps to take action to assure that their respective Chapters

have/obtain the current BOL Handbook.

b. A form to be utilized by Chapters for planning and setting up a Building of the Flag

presentation has been created. The form, when completed, i.e. filled in, will contain all the

information called for in connection with submitting the Chapter Annual BOL Report.

Similar forms related to the various other BOL presentations, e.g. Service Flag Ceremony,

Historical flags Presentation, etc. are pending. Proper utilization of these forms should

help and simplify the subsequent preparation of the Chapter's BOL Annual Report. This

should also eliminate the problems associated with furnishing insufficient/ incomplete

information with the resultant loss of points needed to qualify for the Odie Howell Chapter

BOL Award.

BOL Committee members will continue to maintain periodic contact with their assigned Area

Reps to, among other things, offer assistance in resolving questions/problems in conducting and/or

improving their respective Chapters' BOL program.

FRATERNAL LIAISON COMMITTEE, William G. Sizemore, Chairman

In February we sponsored our usual Breakfast at the Grand Masters Conference. The turnout

was excellent and the program presented by the National Line Officers was outstanding. One of our

members, MW Brother Richard Fletcher, retired as Secretary of the Masonic Service Association and

his Successor MW Brother George Braatz will be asked to serve in the coming year. We continue to

maintain excellent relations with the other Appendant Bodies and look forward to another successful



This past year the first six months were very slow, however after January 2012 the activity

increased. Approximately 3000 ROTC Awards were shipped to Chapters and schools. Reordering of

items has seen an increase in costs resulting in higher prices for everyone. In many cases there was an

increase in the fall of 2011 and upon reordering this year the costs have gone up again. Where

possible we have maintained our prices at the same level for this year, but a review this coming fall


will see an increase for the coming year. All attempts to locate new suppliers is being conducted

based upon quality and costs. This has been rewarding in a few cases, but not in every case.


Two meetings of the CR&CC were held—one on 14 June 2011 at the National Convention in

Richmond, VA and one on 19 January 2012 at the Mid-Winter Meeting in Tucson, AZ.

Annual CR&CC Meeting: The CR&CC formally implemented the Chapter Vitality

Assessment Questionnaire and Metric (CVAQM), an objective evaluation template, which enables

each Area and Regional Representative (A/R Rep) to evaluate their chapters to the same standard

across NSI. This evaluation template is posted on the website for all A/R Reps to use. CR&CC also

provided guidance and training for the A/R Reps on what is needed in their evaluations, how to use

the CVAQM, and when and how to report Chapter status. The CVAQM and training are included

after this summary report. Unfortunately, the CR&CC did not receive May 2011 reports on 70

Chapters, while 44 Chapters received a “strong” rating, “27 Chapters received a “solid” rating, and 27

Chapters received a “struggling” rating. In attendance at that meeting were Brothers Jim Benson,

Woody Bentley, George Darby, Andy Drenkhahn, Bob Epps, Leon Feldt, Chuck Folsom, Bill

Haynes, Winton Hewitt, Jim Higdon Gerald Houston, Merlen Howe, Sid Leluan, Stan Miller, Ed

Nolte, Keye Perry, Boog Powell, Lonnie Smith, Bill Turner, Fred Vihovde, Jim Westfall, and Dick


Mid-Winter CR&CC Meeting: The CR&CC re-emphasized strengthening the A/R Reps’

ties to the CR&CC, creating and utilizing Chapter metrics, and operationalizing the CR&CC to be

more pro-active with the A/R Reps. Unfortunately after considerable emphasis, training, and

communication, CR&CC received reports on only 49 Chapters, and the Chapters with no report

increased from 70 to 119, “strong” chapters decreased from 44 to 18, “solid” chapters decreased from

27 to 13, and “struggling” Chapters decreased from 27 to 15. We must get better response for our A/R

Reps. A bit of good news is that the number of Chapters evaluated using the CVAQM increased to 22

Chapters out of the 49 reported. In attendance were Brothers Jim Baker, Wayne Barnes, Armand

Cote, Wendell Dutt, Dave Gardner, Andy Hirst, Jim Kirsten, Bob Mason, Bob McConnell, Paul

McCullough, Ed Nolte, Roy Ota, Harry Sanders, Wayne Smith, Rip VanKleeck, Chuck Wallens, Dick

Williamson, and Joe Zito.

Organization by Zones: At the ANC and MWM, Chairman Ed Nolte established 10 CR&CC

Zones to facilitate evaluating 163 chapters in 55 Masonic jurisdictions, 20 Sojourner Areas, and 62

Sojourner Regions to collect, review, and analyze Chapter status reports; and communicate with A/R

Reps. CR&CC Committee Members and Zone Representatives

CR&CC Chairman—Ed Nolte,

Vice Chairman—Stan Miller,

Zone 1: N. & S. New England Areas—William Haynes

Zone 2: N. Atlantic and Great Lakes Areas—Armand Cote

Zone 3: Federal and Middle Atlantic Areas—Wayne Barnes

Zone 4: S.E. & Florida Areas—Dick Wyatt

Zone 5: South Central S. & N. Areas—Russ Hain

Zone 6: SW and California South Areas—Joe Zito

Zone 7: NW and California North Areas—Stan Miller

Zone 8: Gulf Area and Mid-Central Areas—Joe Zito

Zone 9: Central and Rocky Mountain Areas—AJ Johnson

Zone 10: OCONUS and Pacific Areas—Roy Ota


Metric for Reporting

Questions (1 pt each for “Yes” Answers) yes no Text

Does the Chapter meet at a regular time each month?

Are Chapter meetings conducted in the evening and involve a


Does the Chapter have a complete set of officers that are

elected and appointed each year?

Does the Chapter open the meeting in full form?

Are there at least 12 Sojourners present for the meetings?

Are ladies routinely invited to the meetings?

Does the Chapter have an active Camp of Heroes of ’76?

Does the Chapter and Heroes Camp avoid duplication in their

rosters of Officers besides the Secretary/Adjutant?

Does the Chapter initiate new members equal to at least 5% of

its total strength?

Do Chapter members attend the National Convention and/or

Mid-Winter Meeting?

Does the Chapter present five or more JROTC and/or ROTC

Awards each year?

Does the Chapter support the student patriotic essay program?

Does the Chapter support at least six Flag Presentations of

some type each year for the local Masonic bodies and civic


Does the Chapter publish a monthly newsletter for its


Does the Chapter submit its reports to the National Secretary

correctly and on time?

Does the Chapter participate in the annual National Sojourner

Awards program by submitting award nominations for

deserving Sojourners and ladies?

Does the Chapter/Camp conduct an Area Encampment at least

every 3 years and participate in others in their Area in the off


Does the Chapter support local youth in some way (Masonic or

non-Masonic) such as Youth Leadership Conferences and/or

Freedom’s Foundation Valley Forge?

Does the Chapter support other Masonic activities by visiting

Blue Lodges; Scottish Rite Valleys; York Rite Chapters,

Councils, and Commanderies; and Shrine Temples, etc., as

National Sojourners?

Has the Chapter Secretary been in place for 5 years or less?

Does the Chapter utilize a calling committee to notify members

of the meetings and make reservations?

Score (Yes = 1; No = 0)

Score: 10+ = Solid, 14+ = Strong, and 18+ = Excellent

Name/Number of Chapter:

Name of Associated Heroes Camp:

Date of Visit:

Name/Title of Person Making the Visit and Assessment: Ed Nolte, Deputy Area Rep

Narrative Recommendation/Assessment/Comments:


Training Points for A/R Reps on Chapter Visits

Purpose of the Visit: A/R Rep visits/reports serve several purposes:

Be the link to NSI and provide the Chapters with NSI information and the NSI SME

Ensure Chapters comply with NSI and Heroes of ’76 regulations, landmarks, and bylaws

Provide assistance/recommendations to the Chapter to improve performance

Assess and report the health, vitality, and status of the Chapter to National

Areas of Importance to the NPE, CR&CC, and NSI

Regular meetings, time/date, number of Sojourners/total number attending, dinner/wives, opening

Chapter in form, wearing ribbons/title bars, program, ROTC awards, essay contests, flag presentations,

youth activities (FFVP, MOWW, etc.), Lodge/Grand Lodge involvement, status of treasury, reports, and

per capita

Be able to effectively, reliably, and consistently determine Chapter health based on reports

Being able to consolidate the information into a single product that enables support to be provided to

Chapters in need and desirous of assistance

What Is Not Important to Report:

Quality of the meal, distance of drive or duration of the drive, events 10, 15, or 20 years ago, or the

Chapter President is your old Army buddy and you fought at Anzio together,

Seriously, here are some examples:

o Visit to XYZ #123. Served as Installing Officer for the Chapter and Camp Officers. I was honored

to Install my Masonic Running Friend Lotsa Doe as President, and my peculiar friend No Doe as

Camp Commander. Reported on National Convention, outcome of Elections and pushed the

Propeller Club—nothing about Struggling, Solid, Strong, but rather about friendships, which are

good, but not relevant at National level

o Visits made to-date: Chapter A, Chapter B, Chapter C, Chapter D. Areas of Concern: Membership

and Activity. Chapter A presented a Flag program, Area Rep presented History of the Pledge of

Allegiance, and Area Encampment planned in Spring 2011.

How To Report:

Use the NSI Chapter Vitality Assessment Questionnaire

Meet Chapter President and Secretary privately before the meeting

o Ascertain if the Chapter has Programs (Interest); Essay Contest, ROTC Awards, FFVF/MOWW, and

Flag Presentations (Outreach/Relevance); number of members and new members (Size and growth)

At your visit observe and listen for the time/date of the meeting and next meeting (Monthly/Day/Time of

Day), dinner, number present, program that night, status of the treasury (solvent), location, etc.

If you cannot visit, get someone else to do so and provide a report

Your report goes to NSI leadership and affects support for the Chapter—you are key!

Report by Chapter Name and Number, not just Chapter Name, Nickname, or randomly

When To Report and To Whom:

Governed by NR, but needs to be on time

When report arrives right before the National Convention, it cannot be tabulated/reported to the CR&CC

and National President for another six months

Use the Assessment form to reduce time to build report and ensure standardization

Send to National President-elect, National Secretary, and Chairman of CR&CC




TRUST FUND: NET WORTH (1 July 11) $3,130,885.19 INCOME: $ 64,214.25 INTEREST & DIVIDENDS $ 137,780.69 EXPENSE $ 135,359.39 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $ 0.00 CASH ASSETS $ 435.41 INVESTMENTS $3,197,567.06 NET WORTH (30 APRIL 12) $3,197,520.74 FUND INCREASE: $ 66,635.55

LAVON P. LINN FUND: NET WORTH (1 July 11) $ 5,063.27 INCOME $ 0.00 INTEREST $ 130.71 EXPENSES $ 0.00 CASH ASSETS $ 722.98 INVESTMENTS $ 4,471.00 NET WORTH (31 APRIL 12) $ 5,193.98 FUND INCREASE $ 130.71

FAMB FUND: NET WORTH (1 July 11) $ 48,622.38 INCOME $ 180.00 INTEREST & DIVIDENDS $ 1,477.89 EXPENSES $ 1,356.08 CASH ASSETS $ 21,867.70 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $ 12,172.33 INVESTMENTS $ 39,228.82 NET WORTH (31 APRIL 12) $ 48,924.19 FUND INCREASE $ 301.81

SOJOURNERS ENDOWMENT MEMORIAL FUND NET WORTH (1 July 11) $ 816,462.90 INCOME $ 53,882.69 INTEREST & DIVIDENDS $ 33,673.13* ACCOUNT PAYABLE $ 0.00 EXPENSES $ 252.40 CASH ASSETS $ 73,263.15 INVESTMENTS $ 828,701.22 NET WORTH (30 APRIL 12) $ 903,766.32 FUND INCREASE $ 87,303.42

* will be transferred to Accounts Payable on 30 June 12




HISTORY FUND NET WORTH (1 July 11) $ 1,565.76 INTEREST & DIVIDENDS $ 7.66 CASH ASSETS $ 394.18 INVESTMENTS $ 1,174.24 EXPENSES $ 0.00 NET WORTH (30 APRIL 12) $ 1,571.08 FUND INCREASE $ 5.32

DALLAS L. KNOLL FUND NET WORTH (1 July 11) $ 1,281.67 INTERESTS & DIVIDENDS $ 6.97 EXPENSES $ 0.00 CASH ASSETS $ 288.64 INVESTMENTS $ 1,000.00 NET WORTH (30 APRIL 12) $ 1,282.64 FUND INCREASE $ 6.97

ROBERT W. THOMPSON FUND NET WORTH (1 July 11) $ 58,627.50 INTEREST & DIVIDENDS $ 4,265.66 EXPENSES $ 2,602.86 CASH ASSETS $ 3,552.70 INVESTMENTS $ 50,090.83 NET WORTH (30 APRIL 12) $ 61,943.32 FUND INCREASE $ 3,315.82



NET WORTH (1 July 11) $ 237,982.80 ASSETS: PETTY CASH $ 50.00 CHECKING $ 175,271.76 SAVINGS $ 0.00 FURNITURE & FIXTURES $ 5,399.95 POSTAGE INVENTORY $ 97.37 SALES INVENTORY $ 11,084.12 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE $ 0.00 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $ 430.28 NET GAIN $ 24,009.04 NET WORTH (30 APRIL 12) $ 256,110.40 INCOME: PER CAPITA TAX $ 24,682.25 SALES PROFIT $ 11,750.67 INTEREST $ 88.29 MIP DIVIDEND $ 88,157.29 CHARTER FEES $ 0.00 MISCELLANEOUS $ 51,443.79 INITIATION FEE $ 506.00 TOTAL INCOME $ 176,661.79 EXPENSES: THE SOJOURNER $ 19,447.45 SALARY – NST $ 36,359.40 SALARY – OFC MNGR $ 31,425.52 SALARY – SECY $ 29,488.80 SALARY – CLK $ 0.00 POSTAGE $ 3,551.13 PRINTING $ 331.16 RENT $ 9,910.00 FICA $ 5,810.15 MEDICARE TAX $ 1,410.65 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE $ 1,006.80 DENTAL PLAN $ 530.00 EXPENSES – NATIONAL PRESIDENT $ 2,000.00 EXPENSES – NATIONAL SECRETARY $ 384.24 EXPENSES – NATIONAL COMMANDER $ 1,000.00 PNP/PNC/LOH JEWELS $ 0.00 INSURANCE $ 3,534.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES $ 3,033.14 TELEPHONE/FAX $ 1,559.46 DUES NOTICES $ 1,000.00 AUDIT $ 0.00 WEB SITE $ 1,004.45 IRA PLAN $ 2,675.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 155,382.95



2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

MIP'S INDIVIDUAL 6396 6508 6560 6660 6687

DUAL 2813 2867 2977 2972 2945

DECEASED 6418 6746 7168 7539 7728

IN MEMORIAM 837 844 847 857 860

TOTAL MIPS 16,454 16,965 17,554 18,045 18,220

HONORARY MEMBERS 507 409 444 478 413

ACTIVE MEMBERS 1848 1570 1339 1168 947

TOTAL MEMBERSHIPS 18,737 18,944 19,337 19,695 19,590

LIVING MEMBERS 8,679 8487 8343 8317 8041

*2012 is as of 22 May


2011-2012 MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS MIP LIVING CHAPTER TOTAL MEMBERS YEAR ENDING MIP GAIN MMBRS 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 CHICAGO 112 108 108 107 107 102 0 27 DETROIT #1 86 88 87 95 93 93 4 42 WASHINGTON #3 161 164 167 169 169 167 5 57 FORT MEADE #4 78 75 77 75 75 70 0 31 CHEYENNE #5 64 64 63 67 65 56 1 40 HAMPTON RDS #6 82 92 94 96 96 87 2 46 BALTIMORE #7 133 130 125 133 122 112 5 42 FT. BENNING #8 110 112 109 110 109 93 1 58 HAWAIIAN #9 96 96 94 94 85 85 0 42 COLUMBUS #10 144 141 137 122 134 123 1 46 HONOLULU#11 127 132 139 150 149 142 9 66 NEW ENGLAND #12 50 49 49 40 48 40 0 21 KNICKERBOCKER #13 72 73 85 76 76 64 2 33 NARRAGANSETT BAY#14 68 64 62 62 65 46 4 35 BEN FRANKLIN #16 132 132 138 145 147 140 8 69 FT. SAM HOUSTON #17 385 383 392 394 395 374 8 180 GOLDEN GATE #18 476 477 475 469 470 470 0 77 OMAHA #19 194 209 222 232 235 222 11 141 PANAMA CANAL #21(M) 12 12 12 12 12 12 0 2 ST. LOUIS #22 131 135 135 132 132 117 0 70 CLEVELAND #23 128 127 128 126 123 114 0 44 WICHITA #24 66 64 63 59 64 59 0 26 MINNESOTA #25 169 171 177 182 183 175 4 98 LOS ANGELES #26 73 72 76 76 79 77 2 38 MILWAUKEE #27 527 540 553 555 548 538 2 284 CHARLESTON #28 181 188 196 204 204 204 3 107 LOUISIANE #33 82 83 85 91 89 81 5 59 DENVER #37 145 149 154 153 152 137 0 73 PITTSBURGH #38 14 14 14 14 14 12 0 11 BUFFALO #39 18 17 17 17 15 14 0 5 VADM H. WALLIN #40 98 104 105 107 108 101 2 43 N. NEW JERSEY #42 49 50 55 69 67 60 13 37 TINKER #43 273 277 281 279 279 270 0 128 QUANTICO #44 126 118 122 126 127 119 5 70 SAN DIEGO #45 211 214 219 220 219 205 1 88 LINCOLN #52(CLUB) 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 1 HARTFORD #56 73 70 68 70 67 49 1 32 NEW LONDON #58 117 118 122 124 124 114 1 68 FT. MCPHERSON #60 84 89 90 91 93 87 5 40 KANSAS CITY #63 124 97 102 98 98 66 0 75 INDIANAPOLIS #66 188 188 193 191 192 182 3 110 HOT SPRINGS #70(M) 38 38 37 36 36 35 0 7 FT. LEE-RICHMOND #72 127 131 132 132 130 124 0 57 EL PASO #74 101 101 199 99 99 96 0 20 PORTLAND #75 54 63 58 69 55 47 2 25 HARRISBURG #76 272 272 369 382 372 301 11 261 DUPONT #78 40 45 40 42 39 37 2 19 SINCLAIR INLET #80 65 64 62 61 60 48 1 31


LONG ISLAND #86 43 39 48 49 47 24 1 42 DES MOINES #88 28 29 34 42 42 34 8 28 FT. LEWIS #89 128 129 127 130 129 123 1 36 PORTLAND(ME) #92 58 56 57 70 67 51 4 51 NO. CAROLINA #97 142 144 144 146 146 146 5 82 PARIS #98 20 34 24 25 24 22 0 22 TULSA #101 65 68 70 70 72 66 2 48 SPOKANE #102 31 31 38 40 38 31 3 27 OAKLAND #108(M) 79 80 80 79 79 78 0 8 AKRON #111 8 7 8 8 8 7 0 2 AUDIE L. MURPHY #112 112 113 126 130 132 132 4 79 SALT LAKE #114 82 77 90 93 84 63 5 60 ANNAPOLIS #121 45 44 44 44 44 44 1 10 TOPEKA #128 91 94 93 91 92 80 1 46 FORT SILL #129 222 225 231 231 231 228 3 101 CARLISLE #130 129 122 0 0 0 0 0 0 SACRAMENTO #133 101 105 116 127 126 118 6 60 KENTUCKY #134 477 482 504 515 519 485 17 205 MONTEREY BAY #136 46 47 49 49 49 49 1 10 LONE STAR #149 53 53 53 52 48 37 0 21 HARRY S TRUMAN #152 67 69 75 76 74 66 0 47 FT. LEAVENWORTH #154 95 93 91 87 86 66 0 45 FT. MONMOUTH #155 117 106 104 98 98 98 0 23 CLARENCE COHEN #162 56 58 55 56 59 57 4 31 ARKANSAS #166 52 50 49 50 48 36 3 32 MISSISSIPPI GULF #171 71 41 81 85 87 87 7 50 FT. CAMPBELL #177 62 59 55 52 57 54 2 31 FT. JACKSON #184 177 183 194 199 203 203 4 70 FT. HOOD #208 60 63 68 65 53 46 1 28 ABERDEEN #221 95 95 94 91 91 91 0 15 CAMP FANNIN #228 31 39 33 31 31 28 0 16 CAMP PENDLETON #243 173 168 177 184 184 178 9 44 C. LINDBERGH #247 64 66 69 71 73 61 3 42 SANTA ANA/EL TORO #250 224 225 238 240 240 240 1 63 TAMPA #252 90 89 89 81 88 77 3 35 OKINAWA #264 30 29 27 27 27 27 0 6 PASADENA #265 86 114 140 153 157 157 14 52 STOCKTON #266 48 50 59 66 61 46 1 27 Tokyo #267 0 0 18 17 18 18 0 4 FRESNO #269 74 74 74 73 73 73 0 10 BARSTOW #271(M) 17 17 17 17 17 15 0 2 SO. ARIZONA #273 53 54 53 55 56 54 0 18 BARKSDALE #275 24 25 26 25 26 13 0 21 HAMILTON #277 104 103 102 101 102 99 0 14 WHITE SANDS #282 64 66 66 66 66 66 1 24 GUAM #287 13 13 13 14 14 14 1 6 LAKE MICHIGAN #289 56 64 69 70 68 57 3 45 LANCASTER #292 28 28 30 28 30 22 0 15 PIKES PEAK #293 101 98 94 99 96 84 0 43 WALTER REED #303 257 261 280 281 280 280 12 47 HEIDELBERG #304 10 10 12 10 10 9 0 6


PHOENIX #306 425 424 432 431 430 423 2 41 BERLIN #307 (M) 34 34 34 33 33 32 0 17 LANGLEY-MONROE #310 147 147 166 159 162 160 1 74 TRANSPORTATION #311 28 25 25 25 25 25 0 6 ST. PETERSBURG #314 33 33 33 33 32 32 0 4 JOHN S. BERSEY #316 38 38 40 40 39 30 1 25 FT. RILEY #321 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SO. INDIANA #328 94 100 102 105 105 105 2 30 CAMP LEJUENE #329 122 128 123 141 126 115 2 80 FARGO-MOOREHEAD 49 70 63 71 61 37 4 46 J.C.CALHOUN #343(M) 30 30 29 29 29 29 0 7 WEST POINT #344(M) 35 34 33 33 33 29 0 16 PORTSMOUTH #352 60 65 69 70 65 57 0 23 REDSTONE #353 67 71 72 73 75 75 2 26 FORT DETRICK #354 13 13 12 13 12 11 0 3 ALASKA #355 117 118 120 122 120 120 0 63 MIAMI #357 48 48 49 52 52 34 4 23 OLD DOMINION #364 354 363 364 363 364 357 1 193 MONTGOMERY #365 38 39 43 39 40 37 1 19 CAPE CANAVERAL #366 139 141 135 135 131 122 0 52 POLARIS #369 37 38 38 39 39 39 0 30 SEMINOLE #373 320 335 346 344 342 329 4 86 BRAZOS VALLEY #378 87 94 93 98 96 86 5 43 BLUE HEN #382(M) 14 13 12 12 12 12 0 1 ANDREW JACKSON #385 123 127 151 144 140 109 0 87 PORTSMOUTH (NH) #386 85 98 98 111 108 96 4 63 J.J.HARRIS #397 63 59 69 69 67 58 2 41 INDIAN #405(M) 32 33 33 33 33 31 0 11 OGELTHORPE #406(M) 15 15 15 15 14 12 0 4 SAIGON #409 235 247 262 267 267 262 0 9 GEN MORRILL W. MARSTON # 413 130 133 134 136 131 126 2 46 VOLUNTEER #414(M) 74 92 98 101 101 91 2 46 ARROWHEAD #421 97 97 94 100 92 83 0 23 CAPE HENRY #424 91 97 97 100 110 99 3 40 N.E. FLORIDA #435 131 130 141 147 142 131 5 72 KAMEHAMEHA #439 117 125 115 116 115 104 2 66 ARLINGTON HALL #440 103 99 94 96 92 81 20 35 VALLEY FORGE #444 40 43 45 45 46 44 1 18 BETHESDA #445 121 119 117 115 115 113 0 27 ANDREWS #446 39 40 40 39 38 37 0 15 KIT CARSON #447 166 166 175 172 170 156 0 63 WRIGHT BROTHERS #449 55 60 65 68 68 68 3 1 FIVE FLAGS OF PENSACOLA #460 74 71 68 74 73 70 4 36 GEN WM W. WORTH #463 119 125 128 123 129 114 4 61 GEO. R. SCOTT #482 108 110 110 114 111 94 4 43 GEN R. F. TRAVIS #490 68 72 74 85 79 76 1 35 VENTURA COUNTY #494 137 135 138 139 138 136 4 42 DANANG #498 140 150 162 164 164 164 0 12 HUNTER #502 44 49 64 75 70 54 1 45 M.W.BYERS #503 67 70 68 67 67 60 2 27 PIEDMONT #504 64 71 70 72 72 68 2 39 CLEARWATER #505 72 73 69 68 68 66 0 12


ANSON JONES #507 100 106 119 127 123 123 17 58 LYCOMING #509 52 51 42 41 38 24 1 35 P.M. RASMUSSEN #510 36 36 35 33 35 31 0 24 A.J. YOUNDT #511 68 69 71 71 69 69 0 22 DANIEL BOONE #512 71 71 64 66 62 54 0 26 HOUSTON #513 91 95 88 100 97 86 4 56 KNOXVILLE #514 59 60 64 66 65 58 3 36 LUBBOCK #517 41 42 42 42 42 42 0 17 MAUMEE VALLEY #518 16 16 16 13 15 13 0 6 LOS ALAMITOS #519 158 159 156 152 145 145 0 35 YOSEMITE #520 37 38 38 38 37 31 0 132 EAST VALLEY #521 54 60 62 60 57 53 0 21 PATUXENT #522 34 33 34 34 33 25 1 21 P/O/W #523 106 106 108 108 108 108 0 4 GEN. H. H. ARNOLD #524 72 73 76 71 70 58 0 19 WATAUGA #525 36 35 36 35 35 32 0 11 WARNER ROBINS #526 43 40 53 55 58 58 0 40 GREEN MOUNTAIN #527 51 70 75 87 81 35 3 63 OUACHITA #528 21 21 16 16 16 11 0 9 WILLAMETTE VALLEY #529 87 95 89 99 100 93 4 42 BEAUREGARD-ANDERSON #530 45 45 50 47 47 37 1 32 BALDWIN COUNTY #531 33 33 33 33 33 32 1 10 PENMAR #532 40 58 58 50 43 25 0 32 SARASOTA #533 111 111 107 110 112 107 2 43 PACIFIC NW #534 74 77 81 82 82 70 4 45 EXPEDITIONARY #535 148 154 167 169 172 172 5 9 W.C. GATEWOOD #536 60 58 60 62 59 57 0 32 NO. CENTRAL FL.#537 42 43 44 45 43 33 1 29 ROGUE VALLEY #538 33 33 29 43 41 31 1 22 OLYMPIC #539 53 57 61 71 69 69 4 32 CHATTANOOGA #540 67 61 62 64 67 65 3 38 INDIANA MASONIC HOME #541 96 100 105 102 94 65 1 66 MUSTANG #542 85 93 98 101 102 102 5 1 SHENANDOAH VALLEY #543 61 62 61 62 62 60 0 33 NO. INDIANA #544 24 21 21 21 17 14 0 12 FREDERICKSBURG #545 41 48 54 54 58 58 3 22 WM HOOPER #546 49 59 48 44 43 36 0 18 JESSE B. THOMAS #547 32 36 36 36 37 37 1 24 JOHN SEVIER #548 0 0 48 58 58 58 0 10 JAMES MONROE #549 0 0 25 41 38 30 2 30 ANDREW HICKMAN #550 4 22 18 18 14 MINUTEMAN 995 0 0 43 54 58 58 6 7 GRAND MASTERS #996 61 64 71 89 93 93 24 25 PAST MASTERS #997 134 145 177 190 193 193 12 0 SHRINER’S CLUB 0 10 14 14 14 14 3 0 NATIONAL HDQS 329 356 367 369 380 369 0 91