National Policy Forum - NSW candidates

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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You can learn about the NSW candidates running for the National Policy Forum by reading their candidates statements in this document.

Transcript of National Policy Forum - NSW candidates

NSW Ballot Candidate Statements

I seek your support for my candidacy as the NSW representative for the National Policy Forum.

I am standing as a strong and experienced voice for rank and file members. I am a proud union member (PSA and APESMA), a strong feminist, an experienced policy analyst, and a working parent.

Now more than ever, Labor needs to reconnect with our base. Political timidity, populism and “celebrity” have no place in influencing our policy agenda. I want to work on bold nation building initiatives that embody Labor’s values for a fairer, stronger and sustainable future for all.

In my diverse professional roles I have initiated and delivered

significant policy reforms in gender equity; local government; Aboriginal Affairs; and sustainability.

I was an ALP Local Government Councillor (2004-2012) for Ryde Council where I focussed on community infrastructure, social justice, gender equity and anti-bullying. I am City Vice President, Australian Local Government Women’s Association (NSW) and co-convenor for Emily’s List (NSW). I have previously represented Labor in Federal and State campaigns (Bennelong 2001, 2004; Epping: 2007; Ryde 2008).

Let’s work together to make Labor stronger, more relevant and more inclusive.

PH: 0402 132 669;

Nicole Campbell

For a strong Policy Forum and a Gillard Government victory in 2013, we need to elect local Labor activists with deep connections to their community, and skills and experience in developing policy.

I work as a policy adviser, lawyer and writer, and have been in the Kings Cross ALP branch for a decade. I teach Law and Social Theory at the University of Sydney and in Communications at UTS, and am active in the NTEU, particularly around the interests of casual academics.

As a solicitor, I worked for asylum seekers and acted for parents at Redfern Public School to fight the closure of schools in the inner city just as more and more young families were moving in.

As policy advisor to the NSW Attorney General, I oversaw fundamental reforms to sexual assault law to give rape victims greater protections, and to strengthen laws against domestic violence.

And as a local Labor activist and supporter of the Faulkner Bracks reforms, I ran in the Sydney Lord Mayoral Community Preselection and campaigned for Sydney Labor, developing policies in arts, IT, childcare and environmental reforms which the City of Sydney has now adopted.

You can reach me at, @sprucia or 0410765772.

Damian Spruce

Vote for a voice for our future!

Over the last few years we have debated the future direction of our movement.

One thing is clear -we need to embrace new ideas, engage with new forms of policy development and have a vision for the future. Young people are the future of our movement so we need a voice. I am running for National Policy Forum to be a voice for our future. Liberals around the country are pressing the rewind button, cutting education, halting the NBN and refusing to take action on climate change.

As President of Young Labor I have been in the engine room of developing policy ideas for our future. I have been fighting for an end to junior rates of pay. So far this campaign has collected more than 2,000 signatures, received media coverage and been endorsed at this year’s NSW Labor State Conference. I want to build on this track record and be a voice on issues that shape our future. I want to make sure that young people are at the forefront of driving a Labor agenda that embraces new ideas. This election, give the future of our movement a voice.

Michael Buckland

I am an active ALP member, and served the Party in various capacities including as Vice-President and Assistant Secretary of the Marrickville Central Branch, and as a Delegate and Alternate to Marrickville LGC, SEC and FEC. I am also Vice-Chair and Board Member of the Ethnic Communities Council of NSW as well as a Management Committee Member of Marrickville Football Club and involved in various other Community and Government Organizations. My involvement in community activities in numerous roles has given me a unique opportunity to mix with people from different backgrounds and understand their need and concerns.

I have a special interest in the community and wish to act on their needs and views with regard to implementing policy which will benefit the Mainstream and Multicultural communities in this country as entitled. I wish to present and share my ideas for formulating policy to assist people in all communities in Australia and to attract more interest for our Party. Our policies should be more adaptable and community oriented in line with the changing needs of the Australian people on the basis of their circumstances in order to create harmony amongst all communities regardless of race, religion, gender, age and nationality.

Farid Ahmed

I have been a member of the ALP for 30 years. The most important element in society is its people. Progressive policies for the country beneficial for the prosperity of its people are the first step for a government to govern effectively. A trusted government brings unity for the people, strength for the country, and hope for the future. Our country needs better policies on public education, employment opportunities, and increase amount of affordable housing for a more equitable society. Improvements in infrastructure for a reduction in the need for privatization, introduce sustainable policies on environment and industry, and increase

development in rural Australia, is essential for a good government. We should trade with all nations to establish more alliances and create greater security for our country. Government should encourage productive innovative research in technology and industry, pursue new markets and improve our international image. We should improve the process for selection of ALP candidates, to encourage people with knowledge and wisdom to represent and guide our people. Our Labor party needs to establish a public think-tank, to inform and give more of a say to the community on its intended policies, to win trust and re-elected in government. (Mob) 0468 402 009

Harry Giann

I stand for Human Rights and Civil Liberties.

As National Secretary of the Council for Civil Liberties, I’ve had to front up against Howard in the past, and now our own Government, to stem the tide of new ASIO and security powers that are not even granted to US agencies. Our privacy and freedoms are under threat, and I believe Labor needs to stand against these unwise laws. There are dangerous new proposals for workplace surveillance and to store and monitor everyone’s internet use that must be stopped.

Labor’s at its best when it stands up for good long-term policy that is not always an immediate winner in opinion polls. We need to be true to our mission to “make and unmake social conditions”. I want to make sure that human rights form the basis of all of our social policy.

Cameron Murphy

As a long-time rank and file member from the Hunter, I understand the unique needs of our regions. I am seeking election to the National Policy Forum so that I can work closely with our members and branches to be a strong voice for regional NSW and champion ‘Royalties for our Regions’. For too long our communities have missed out on their fair share of the wealth that has been generated from regions like The Hunter.

As a party member for 16 years and Labor Councillor since 2008, I have been at the forefront of the development and implementation of Labor policy. As a local mum I care deeply about the needs of

our region for current and future generations. I have worked with Labor members to raise our voices and defend community childcare centres and deliver new regional infrastructure likes roads, parks and sports fields.Regional NSW, including the Hunter Region, has a proud history of dedicated Labor membership and branches. It is vital that our voices are heard and that we have a seat at the table for the National Policy Forum.

I need your vote, so Labor members from regions like The Hunter have a strong voice.

nuatali@gmail.comph: 0431 662652

Nuatali Nelmes

The National Policy Forum will be a unique opportunity for Rank and File members of the party to participate in the national policy development and debate. I support this initiative and feel I will have a positive influence in the development of policy within the Party. It would be an honour to represent the voice of the Rank and File membership of the ALP.

Federal Policy directly affects every member of our community; this policy should reflect the wishes and aspirations of the Australian people. It is important that Australia continues to be a harmonious society where all our people have access to quality health care, education and a clean environment etc. Policies

recommended by this Forum will shape Australia into the future and guide our prosperity for years to come.

I have been an active member of the ALP for 16 years; I am currently the President of the Werriwa FEC and Secretary of Macquarie Fields SEC, and I was recently elected for my second term on Liverpool City Council. This involvement in the Party has given me varied experience consulting with Branch Members, Union Officials and all levels of Government and residents.

Anne Stanley0418 163

Anne Stanley

As a local Councillor in Western Sydney, I speak to people every day about how governments at all levels can help them realise their dreams for their families.

While Conservatives want to rip basic services like education and health away from them, Labor provides opportunity and equality.

I have a strong track record of fighting for my community on important issues.

Through my work every day at MS Australia, I personally see the desperate need for a disability insurance scheme as millions of people across our country navigate a minefield of government services for basic rights like care and equipment – things all Australians deserve.

I’m running for the National Policy Forum because I want to bring these experiences of working at the coalface to the development of our Party’s policy heading into our future.

In order to prosecute a true Labor agenda, Labor must reach out to the families on the outer suburban fringes, and connect with the people that need Labor governments to deliver fairness and equality to their lives.

That’s what I’ll do if I’m elected.

Vote to elect a fighter to the National Policy Forum. You can contact me on or on 0450 659 811.

Prue Car

My strong commitment to equality and fairness led me to the Labor Party in my early twenties. I grew up in a working class family with strong Union values. It is those values that have shaped my views on how we can improve society.

Labor must continue to reduce the divide in our community and ensure that whoever you are, or wherever you live, you have access to a good education, a high standard of health care, a roof over your head and enough money to live in dignity.

Over the last twenty years I’ve marvelled at the advances that Labor Governments have made for our society. Improving income support payments, education,

health, public housing and child care, abolishing Workchoices and a progressive income tax system, have contributed to making Australia a fairer society. However more can be done.

I have a special interest in addressing homelessness and the personal, social and economic consequences associated with being homeless. We should not have more than 100,000 homeless Australians. We need to build more affordable and community housing and commit to ongoing funding to address this issue in a meaningful and compassionate way.

I look forward to contributing to Labor’s future.

Yasmin Catley

I have been a rank and file activist for nearly thirty years. My party focus has always been on grass roots campaigning and local branch activism. I have served as a local branch official since I was 18. I have participated in, and organised countless community campaigns for local services and social justice.

Over the years I have despaired at the lack of policy involvement by local Branches in the election platforms of our Party. I am sick of seeing so many of Labor’s important reforms being undermined by poor policy development and implementation. I am sick of seeing the Labor Platform as just a “branding”

exercise. I see the development of the National Policy Forum as my opportunity to change this.

I intend to use this forum to provide members with input into the Party’s Platform. To provide an alternative to the faction ridden party conferences that just reiterate the same, focus group defined, policies. We can and should do better.

I have a strong policy background with an emphasis on urban affairs, housing affordability and sustainability. I am a research Fellow with the McKell Institute and run an urban planning consultancy. I am President of Erskineville Branch.

Sean Macken

I have nominated for the National Policy Forum because I want to be part of a movement of people working to make Labor a Party with ideas for the 21st century. I have been a committed advocate for social justice for all of my working life.

I have worked in a variety of professions, including the the ship repair industry and the local government industry. Bringing up a family of 3 children, I understand the struggles of the working class and their right to fair wages and working conditions.

In my current role as the Training and Education Officer with the United Services Union, I

understand the importance educating workers about their rights.

I have been an ALP member continuously since 1983 in a variety of Sydney Branches including Balmain, Bondi Junction-Double Bay, and more recently the Campsie Branch where I hold the positions of Vice-President, FEC and SEC Delegate. I have also been attending the ALP State Conference as a delegate for over 10 years. I am currently a member of the ALP’s Recruitment, Training and Organising Committee.If elected, I will work tirelessly on behalf of the National Policy Forum in the lead-up to the next Federal Election.

Paul Reid

I have lived in Rural and Regional NSW for most of my life, growing up in Tamworth and finally settling with my family on the North Coast. I have been working in non-government community services as a community worker with families and Aboriginal communities for the past ten years. I have just completed my Masters degree in Indigenous Studies (Wellbeing) through Southern Cross University.

I joined the Labor Party when I was fifteen and have been handing out at polling booths and letterboxing since I was the tender age of six.

I am currently the Secretary of the Country Labor Policy Committee and member of the Lower Clarence Branch. I have held positions on two NSW Labor policy committees and the branch positions of Secretary, President, Delegate to SEC (Clarence) and FEC (Cowper), and Delegate to State and Country Conferences.

Country Labor is the voice of our country rank and file members and must be heard at all levels of the Party and the Government. I am determined to ensure that this occurs. I am committed to effective participation, and to providing opportunities for our rank and file Country Labor members to have real input into policy dialogue.

Angela Rock

The Labor Party is at its best when it is a party of ideas. Strong policy vision inspires people to join us, to campaign for us and ultimately to vote for us.

Labor policies need to go to the heart of why we exist. We need economic policy that addresses inequality of wealth and opportunity in this country. We need social policy that recognizes equal rights for all Australian citizens regardless of income, race, gender or LGBTI status.

But most of all, as the progressive party of change, we need policies that can be implemented. We need to be clear about what we stand for and how we can achieve it.

I see the National Policy Committee as an opportunity to harness the talents of a wide range of people - academics, trade unionists and rank and file party members - to create policy that is innovative, reforming and worthy of a true Labor Party.

I have been active in my local branch, SEC and FEC for over twenty years. I was the Member for Balmain and a Minister between 2007 and 2011. I now work in the not-for-profit sector as the Chief Executive of the Public Education Foundation.

Verity Firth

Dear ALP Member,

It is an honour to be given the opportunity to nominate as a NSW rank-and-file representative for the ALP National Policy Forum.

I am a committed rank-and-file member of the ALP. Since 2008 I have held the positions of Secretary, Barton FEC and Secretary Monterey and later Ramsgate/Sans Souci branches.

The National Policy Forum is an important initiative as part of Labor’s reform process, which will give rank-and-file members a voice in the development of national policy.

Labor has a proud history of implementing policies which have been for the benefit of

all Australians. This is what distinguishes our Party from the Liberal Coalition. For me, in particular, the areas of Industrial Relations, Health and Education are where we can build on our credibility with the Australian people.

If I am elected to the National Policy Forum, I will commit to advocate the views of as many of our members across the spectrum as possible and work with other Federal Electorate Councils to formulate credible policy to present to the National Policy Forum.

I look forward to you entrusting me with your vote.

Yours in Labor, George Perivolarellis

George Perivolarellis

I’ve had the great pleasure of representing rural and regional NSW in the NSW Parliament for nine years, in that time I’ve been a driver for the development of good regional policy. I am currently co-chair with Bryce Wilson of the Growth in the Regions policy commission for the NSW ALP and over the years I’ve contributed to the development of the ‘Building the Country’ policy and the Rural and Regional Task Force report.Most importantly I get around country NSW listening to our branch members, residents, businesses and local Government about the things that they think Government can do to help them

to achieve their goals. My web site has more about what I have said and written on regional development and other policy relevant to regional NSW.

Regional communities are great places to live and the most successful communities are ones who use Government programs and policies to support their own goals. In our Federal system we need to make sure Labor’s State and Federal policies complement each other for regional communities. I hope that with my experience I can contribute to that and to the success of the Gillard Government.

Steve Whan

I nominated for the National Policy Forum because I want to be part of a vibrant, future-focused ALP.

I started my working life as an apprentice plumber and after getting ‘off the tools’ and attending university I was awarded a masters degree in Environmental Engineering Management. I worked in local government for 22 years.

In my current role as a Community Engagement officer in the Office of Senator Ursula Stephens I am in constant contact with party members and supporters. From Bankstown to Broken Hill; from Warnervale to Wentworth.

I have always been an advocate for social justice, having been

an active member of workplace consultative-committees and union representative. I‘ve held executive positions with my local ALP branches and SEC/FEC.

Living in Goulburn, country NSW and having real life experience, I will be a genuine voice for rural and regional members on this National Policy Forum. My wife Louise and I have three young children. We understand challenges working families face and I will be a strong representative for the rank and file of our party. I will apply common sense, compassion, intelligence, diligence and courage as part of the National Policy Forum in preparation for the next Federal Election.

Justin Wakefield

I joined the Labor Party because of my beliefs. I believe it is necessary to protect workers’ rights, to improve the quality of life for the disadvantaged and to engage in sound policies that ensure a brighter more equitable future for all Australians. These are the Labor Party’s core ideals. I am motivated by these ideals and I would ensure they are prominent in all the NPF’s decisions.

Recent NSW local government election results demonstrate that we have lost touch with our community. We must reconnect with voters by showing zeal for real and sensible reform.

Whilst I’m a younger member of the party, I’ve been involved in

many election campaigns and I ran for Holroyd Council on the Labor ticket recently. I’m studying law and economics at the University of New South Wales. Both my parents are Arabic Speaking. I’ve worked in a very busy MP’s electorate office and I assist, from time-to-time, in my family’s business. These roles have taught me to listen to and understand people’s views.

I would be honoured if you give me the opportunity to be involved in formulating National Party Policy on your behalf.

Please contact me on 0425 391 911 or

Sandra Kaltoum

Beginning my political career in university, I have completed a Masters of Science Degree in Statistics, and a Graduate Diploma in IT (UTS). I am still active, serving 12 years as an ALP financial party member of the NSW Rooty Hill Branch. I have excellent experiences in strategic planning and policy development.

The ALP needs a strong voice. I believe that a more active member, having a vast experience in strategic planning, should take the challenge for creating superb harmony among party members. Our beloved country should have a stronger, brighter and an upgraded technology base, shared with the rest of the world.

We are a multicultural society, committed to social justice, family fairness, protecting our indigenous cultures and habitats with due respect. Our Australian history, tradition and customs are something we all highly value.

ALP was founded by a dedicated Australian workforce. Just like a unionist, I believe in social democracy. Every voice of our party must be heard, respected and celebrated; whether little or big – it doesn’t matter.

WE, together, need to rebuild our present Australian Labor Party using the skills, knowledge and full participation of local members, supporters and activists.

I hope you will support my candidacy.

Nur-Alislam Joarder

I would like to be able to participate in the ALP policy development in the areas of Defence, National Security, Service Personnel, Youth Criminality, Refugees and Asylum seekers and Environmental issues.

I am the Secretary for the Quakers Hill ALP branch, State seat of Riverstone and Federal seat of Greenway.

As an Australian/Filipino, I have been actively involved within various Filipino community associations for the last 23 years and I am a foundation member of the organising committee of Filipino Friends of Labor.

I was a former NSW Police officer for 18 years and in 2006,

I was appointed a part time Commissioner in the Community Relations Commission at the time of the Cronulla Race Riots, where my experience as a Police Officer in dealing with South East Asian youth in Cabramatta became relevant.

I was a Major in the Army Reserve and I am a member of the Management Committee of the Blacktown RSL Sub Branch and Delegate to the Far Western Metropolitan District Council of the RSL NSW State Branch.

I have a Master’s degree in Criminology from Sydney University and also have a Diploma in Law from the Legal Profession Admission Board.

Tom Baena Jnr