National Assembly Article

Post on 03-Apr-2018

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Transcript of National Assembly Article

  • 7/29/2019 National Assembly Article


    On the weekend of March 15-18, I was given the

    opportunity to represent our chapter of PRSSA and aend

    Naonal Assembly in Charloe, North Carolina N.C. Naonal

    Assembly is an annual event in which one delegate from

    each chapter is able to help elect the new Naonal Council

    and aend events. These events were aimed at teachingabout member benets of PRSSA, leadership training, and

    professional development.

    I was immediately greeted by the beauful weather

    upon arrival to Charloe. My hotel was right in the heart

    of the great metropolitan city where there were countless

    things to see and do. Naonal Assembly started early for

    me because I chose to parcipate in the Day of Compeon

    event where aendants were split into groups of six and our

    main task was to create a communicaons plan for a real life

    situaon. Sounds easy right? We were only given an hour to

    come up with a basic plan for Duke Energy and then present

    it to a panel of employees from Duke and PRSSA advisors.Well to my surprise, my group won! Duke was impressed with

    our event ideas and our simplisc yet eecve plan of acon.

    I received an award and $50 dollars.

    The following day was full of sessions on how to

    beer our chapter and to become more eecve leaders.

    The last session of the day was a panel of professionals who

    represented dierent areas of public relaons including

    agency, corporate, and digital. The panel used most of the

    me for aendants to ask quesons about their day-to-day

    responsibilies and dierent skill sets required to work in

    each area.

    Saturday was the day of Naonal Assembly. Tho

    this meeng lasted a total of 13 hours, it was worth it to

    able to have a part in choosing the new Naonal Council

    I have a great deal of condence that each of the new

    leaders chosen will connue to make PRSSA an outstandorganizaon.

    Sunday closed out the Assembly with our keynot

    speaker Mary Tribble, Chief of Events for the Democrac

    Naonal Convenon Host Commiee. Marys Her speech

    far from the status quo of the other presentaons Ive se

    from professionals in the public relaons eld. She stress

    the importance of preparing for the unexpected and hav

    faith that with whatever decision you make, youll be

    She also stressed that every single day, we are preparing

    our futures. Tribbles speech was very inspiring and le m

    movated to begin my career in public relaons.

    Aending Naonal Assembly was one of the besexperiences Ive had so far as a member of PRSSA. It gav

    me the opportunity to network with an exceponal grou

    of individuals who all have a similar passion and drive fo

    the society. I cannot wait to take what Ive learned from

    experience and use it to help CMUs chapter become the

    it can be.

    A PRSSA National Assembly Refection

    Jenny and her group members receive their awards aer winning the public relaons

    plan compeon for Duke Energy.

    Jenny poses with other Michigan PRSS


    by Jenny Muscat
