NASW Committee Training

Post on 02-Nov-2014

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Transcript of NASW Committee Training

NASW Chapter Committees

Corresponding Documents to this PowerPoint are available at:

NASW, Ohio Chapter’s Mission

NASW – Ohio Chapter shall be the recognized voice for Social Workers in Ohio. It shall be an organization that ensures excellence in the local and national social work standards, practice, education, and licensing, and shall be a powerful force in the

political process

How do we accomplish our mission?

Through our committees. A committee is a body of people who work together on the

chapter’s policy, program, or administrative issue.


Committees are charged with moving the Chapter’s

strategic plan from vision to


Role of the Committee

• To make recommendations to the full board,

• To advise staff, or,

• In some cases, to take on a significant project.

Committees are provided with administrative

support from staff and board president.

Committee membership• Committee Chairs are appointed by Board


• Committee members must be a member of NASW.

Committee Meetings

Committees meet occasionally face to face but conduct much of their business via conference calls and e-mail.

Frequency of meetings is determined by the work of the committee.

The Work

• In line with Chapter’s strategic plan, committees are to:–Establish goals and objectives

–Develop work plan

–Carry out plan

Reports and Records

Written records are critical.

– Meeting minutes• Provides closure on action items • Provides written progress made

by committee

– Quarterly written reports to Board

Written Charge

• Each committee has a written charge from the board.

• The written charge includes: authorization and accountability, purpose, timeframe/type of committee, members, terms, criteria, and specific responsibilities

Standing Committees

• Program Planning and Budget• Nominations and Leadership Identification• Ethics/COI • Membership• Legislative• International Service• Professional Issues• PACE

Nominations, Identification and Leadership Committee

 The mission is to identify, nominate and develop leaders of NASW. NLIC will cultivate leadership through recruitment, training, mentoring and recognition.

NLICGoals and Objectives

o Create a leadership development workshop.

o Recruit nominees for national leadership.

o Establish leadership qualities, utilizing national priorities regarding diversity, students and public sector members.

o Recruit and fill all slated positions for Ohio NASW leadership. 

View NLICPolicies and Standards


PACEPolitical Action for Candidate Election

Committee Mission

o Endorse and support political candidates who support social work values;

o Promote political education; and

o Identify and promote social workers for public and political party offices.

View PACEPolicies and Standards


Membership Committee Mission

• Retain and Recruit members

• Provide positive public exposure for the social work profession in Ohio,

• Identify our contributions to the state and its citizenry, and

• Recognize outstanding achievements by

our members

Ethics Committee

The 2009 – 2010 Ethics Committee will be defining their priorities in addition to their mandated role of processing surrogate complaints.

One focus being an ethics train the trainer curriculum.

View EthicsPolicies and Standards


Professional Issues Committee Formed to: Increase Chapter involvement and address issues of interest of members Address issues specific to specialty areas of social work practice Address issues related to any of social work practice groups -

clinical, medical, administrative, community organizing, school, etc. Address issues of local importance impacting social workers in specific geographic areas of the state Provide timely responses to identified issues Address issues in timely, responsive, and relevant manner Provide “early identification” for emerging issues Assist the Ohio Chapter in assuming a greater leadership role in addressing those issues of importance to membership

Professional Issues Policies and Standards

• A new committee that is beginning to develop structure.

International Service CommitteeMission

“The International Service Committee's mission is to

promote cultural competency and international social justice that is

consistent with social work values and ethics."

Strategic Goals of ISC

1. To increase educational opportunities at the NASW Ohio Chapter conference and regional level in the areas of cultural competency and international social justice,

2. To increase advocacy for both international issues and local issues that impact international persons, and

3. To strengthen networking amongst professionals regarding

cultural competency and international issues. 

Legislative Committee Mission

 Set the legislative agenda for the Chapter in keeping with the National Delegate Assembly Program Priorities.

A project of the Legislative Committee

Advocacy Day educates membership and lawmakers to our advocacy agenda.

Advocacy Agenda

• Agenda

• Health and Human Services Workplace Safety Fact Sheet

• Educational Debt Relief Fact Sheet

• Elimination of Civil Service Exemption Fact Sheet

In addition to the standing committees, the Chapter has additional projects

that are undertaken by a taskforce or ad hoc committee.

Task Forces/Ad hoc committees

• Created to handle – specific tasks, – issues, and – operations

• Disbands when their charge has been fulfilled

Annual Conference Task Force Mission

 • Provide diverse quality educational offerings, varied in-kind and exchange of knowledge among social workers, so as to enhance the skill and professional growth of conference participants.

• The committee shall be financially self-sufficient and generate positive revenue.

Conference 2008

Awards Task Force

Mission is to enhance the public’s perception of social

work through identifying those who display social

work values, dedication and commitment.

2008Life Time Achievement Award Betti Hinton, LISW-S

This orientation was to provide you basic information that will assist you in your new leadership role.

A successful organization is based on the knowledge, skills, involvement, passion, and commitment of committee


Take time to review this orientation as you prepare for your position on the Chapter’s committee leadership team.

Each member plays a critical role in the success of the whole.