Narrative theory

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Narrative theory

Narrative TheoryBy Alex Lillie

What is a narrative music video?

A narrative music video shows a storyline throughout the video which are usually played by actors or sometimes the artists themselves. For example Eminem Not Afraid is a narrative music video as it follows a story.

Vladimir Propp

Propp’s narrative theory recognises the characters and actions have a narrative function.

The typical characters were:

The hero- a character that seeks something

The villain- who apposes the hero’s activity

The helper- who aids the hero

The reward- what the hero was working towards

Tzvetan Todorov

Todorov’s narrative theory states that most stories follow the same pattern/steps:

Equilibrium- First part of the story will have a happy start, where characters are as they should be.

Disruption- The second part of the story will feature a problem which will disrupt the happiness.

Realisation- This is the part of the story when characters realize the problem

Restored Order- This is the part of the story where the characters attempt to repair problem.

New Equilibrium- Final part of the story where the problem is fixed and the happiness/normality is resolved.

Levi- Strauss

Strauss agued that all narratives would be reduced down to binary opposites:

Americans vs Natives

Weak vs Strong

Good vs Evil

East vs West