Narrative Investigation

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Narrative Investigation

Storyboard Practice -

Narrative Logic

We begin our narrative with medium shot of a character. This creates enigma straight away for the audience as they wish to find out his background. It also raises questions such as why is he hiding and what is he looking at?

The shot then dissolves to a long shot of a second subject. This works as a point of view shot and brings a sinister feel to the clip as the audience realise this person is being watched. This acts as the first sequence in building up suspense.

After a slow dissolve there is an alternate view of the same long-shot, this time taken from the front. This further emphasises the protagonist is alone. The suspense will be intensified by the support of non-diegetic music.

This low-angle shot indicates the subject is alone, along with low-key lighting which carries negative connotations that she is vulnerable and inferior.

This two-shot highlights the proxemics of the character’s and creates suspense showing how close they are and the victim’s unawareness. This is furthered emphasised by the dominant contrast of the subject’s costume and the natural lighting. Although this shot creates suspense, we have realised it ignores the rule of thirds principle as there is too much negative space, which we will definately take into consideration when composing our shots.

In this scene there is an over the shoulder shot, which has been used to add to the tension following the last scene, as it is more evident that the two characters are getting closer. This helps to lead up to the climax of the scene.

This point of view shot ( taken from the film ‘Silence of the lambs’ as inspiration) is a really useful camera technique to use right before the climatic scene. From comparing the past 3 shots to this we can see the development in proxemics as the character’s have gradually become closer together

This reaction shot signals the start of the climatic scene as the character finally realises she has been followed. We have taken this shot in a close-up and tampered with the background focus to emphasise the character in the centre of the shot.

An extreme close-up has been used on the fist against a plain background, which helps to create very striking and bold image in the scene. This is the climactic action shot that has been building up through all the suspense and leads up to this final moment.

Low angle close up has been used on the killer to make him appear superior and intimidating, which has been supported through the use of the flash as the unnatural lighting emphasises his face.

The final shot of the scene shows a high angle shot of the victim lying on the floor. With this shot juxtaposed with the opposite low-angle shot, it creates a clear contrast between killer and victim, highlighting the key conventions.

By practicing our own narrative logic at its very basic we can see how some conventions are starting to come through, such as the high and low angle shots being edited together to highlight clear conventions between the two characters.This definitely reveals how important a storyboard is when planning the production, as it helps you to find any errors with the shots that the audience may pick up on. This also supports the theory of repetition and difference by Neale as…