Narayanan ramakrishnan assignment3_critique

Post on 24-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Narayanan ramakrishnan assignment3_critique


• Idea – A satire on a sales presentation inside a company

• Final Artifact – would be similar to the Wind Project that Carl showed in class

Opportunities for Expansion

Big Kahuna Inc.

Advancements in Nanotechnology has enabled us to create the Space Elevator which has helped us move back and forth between the planet Plethora and Earth

Plethora, though a little oddly shaped, is a beautiful planet

It has the majestic mountains and long winding rivers, similar to what we had on Earth.

It started as a holiday destination but it did not gain much popularity

This is because what people really wanted to do during their vacation was to work and hence needed internet access, quick travel and sightseeing.

So, they had less time to cook and also were less adventurous

The teenagers needed mobile connectivity to check their facebookstatuses, tweet to their friends about important things like “Dude, this place is #epic, you should totally check it out”

The geeks would not go there as they could not connect to 4chan

Only the toddlers did not understand what the big deal was

Still Plethora is inhabited by a few reclusive people who call themselves descendents of some John Galt. They live as a community and trade with their skills

So what is in it for Big Kahuna Inc.

• There is a space crunch beginning on the Earth and people will have to soon start migrating there

• Plethora presents a huge opportunity for us to exploit and take the early mover advantage

Our Burgers will replace their so called healthy food of fruits, vegetables and meat

Also, along with the fast food we need to provide bottled water. Since water seems to be pretty much in abundance, we can bottle and sell it!

We can push for the sales of the Big KahunaSoda also.

Other implications

(which will in turn improve our sales)

GM will build cars for our Drive-in Restaurants

Since cars need fuel, BP will be digging the shores for finding and spilling oil

Since fuel will be expensive, people will start taking loans and use credit cards

Soon we will hit a financial crisis and a Government will be needed to be established.

Once a government is in place we can lobby to have Food laws in place that promote fast foods

Internet infrastructure would be in place, so we can strike a partnership with Fakebook to give free coupons to customers to eat more at Big Kahuna’s

• Ladies and Gentlemen, forgive the pun, but the opportunities are plethora

• We will make Plethora just as bad, I mean as good as the Earth


• Absence of Nanotechnology?

• Voiceover or text only?

• Layout of images?

• Is the idea too clichéd?