Napoleonic empire

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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4th ESO, Ciencias Sociales

Transcript of Napoleonic empire

The Cuop d´etat of 18 brumario gave the goverment to a CONSULATE.

Executive power: 3 consuls



NAPOLEON: bacame the first consul of the Republic

Peace with AUSTRIA and PRUSSIA


Established the goverment of the Consulate

Gave Napoleon most of the powers of a dictartor

Ratified by referendum

Catholicism was the religion of the great majority of the French but not the official state religion (freedom of religion).

The State would pay clerical salaries.

Napoleon won favor of the catholics.

Allegory of the Concordat

Centralised administration

Higher education system

NAPOLEONIC CODE: new civil code:

Forbade privileges based on birth

Freedom of religion

Goverment jobs: the most qualified

1804: Napoleon crowned himself EMPEROR

Napoleon crowned his wife Josephine in the presence of Pope.

From 1804 to 1807 Napoleon defeated his enemies (Prusia, Russia, Austria and Portugal).

1806: Continental System or Contiental Blockade against British Empire

1808: French troops invaded Spain to wake Portugal enforce the Continental System

1812: Napoleon started the invasion of Russia.

The beginning of the end:

Winter Russian Campaign

Peninsular War in Spain (aka Spain War of Independence)

Great BritainEuropean coalition Russia


1814 arrived in Paris Napoleon abdicated

sent to the island of ELBA

Napoleon escaped from Elba

recovered the power for 3 mounths

N. was defeated by Wellington (GB)in


sent to the island of Saint Helena (died 1821)