
Post on 17-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Napoleon

Preserver or Destroyer of the Revolution?




1. Liberal Stage(1789-1792)

2.Radical Stage(1792-1794)

3.Thermidorean Reaction( 1794-1799)

4. Napoleon: Subverter or Preserver of FR?

3rd Estate elite vs. Arist.

Arist. rev vs. king

Parisian Crowd Uprising The Great Fear

Reign of Terror (ruled by CPS) France as a Republic Execution of Louis XVI

Ended Reign of Terror


A. Origins –impoverished Noble Corsican Family

At the age of 10 was admitted to a French military school

Admitted to the elite ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE in Paris

Was he popular among fellow students? he completed the course of study in one

year while most other cadets require 2 years.

He was in favor of the Revolution



Not well-liked-short Italian accent, had little money

1785-liutenant- not well liked by fellow officers Next 7 years devoted his time to readings-

philosophy & campaigns of past great military leaders

1792-Captain, Rose quickly through the ranks. Performed so well as an artillery officer-received another promotion

promoted to Brigadier general in 1794 (25 yrs) 1795, saved the Convention (NA) from the mobs,

1796 Commander of forces in Italy



1799, 1st Consul

1797, National Hero

1796, Commander in Italy

1794-Brig. general


1785-2nd Lieutenant


NAPOLEONMeteoric rise


This triumph gained him sudden fame, and the patronage of the new regime

Appointed as a commander of the army in Italy: Blessing or Disaster?


1796-commander of French army in Italy-reorganizing a group of ill-disciplined into an effective & amazing force-defeated Austria-charismatic leader

Qualities- charm, energy, keen intelligence, comprehend complex decision and decide quickly, great with words, supreme self-confidence

1797-returned to France as a national hero



Marriage: married Josephine, a widow 6 yrs older than him. Her contacts with the leading figures of the Directory helped Nap’s career.

Directory administration was very weak. The state was bankrupt, corruption unpopular with the people.

1799, coup d’etat organized by some of the directory members. Directory was overthrown-Nap. was 30 yrs old

Drafting of a new constitution establishing the regime Consulate- Nap. 1st consul


Did he preserve or destroy the legacies of FR?

The ideal of republican government was definitely destroyed.

Were other ideals maintained in other ways?

1801- established peace with the Catholic Church- the strongest enemy of the FR

Recognized Catholicism as the religion of majority


Before rev. 300 different legal systems During the rev. efforts were made to codify

it, incomplete Napoleon codified it- 7 codes of law The most important one, Civil Code (Code of

Napoleon) Preserved most of FR ideals


Recognize equality before law Individual right to choose profession,

religious toleration Abolishment of feudalism Protected employers, outlawed trade unions Reduced women’s legal and property rights


Set up a police state & strict censorship to silence his critics

Strengthened the central bureaucracy (efficient) systematize taxation system

Appointing himself as an emperor (King) Appointing family members/cronies as

rulers of Europe


Napoleon Named First Consul 1799 1804-Napoleon used fears of a Bourbon

comeback to get him self crowned Emperor. 1809 Napoleon divorced Josephine & married

Archduchess Marie Louise - as a more fitting wife for an emperor than

Josephine, (supposedly she was sexually to much for him?).



During the height of Napoleon’s power, France controlled all of Continental Europe

Napoleon’s Impact on Europe -a. -1806 The Holy Roman Empire dissolved.

Germany re-organized July 1806 as The Confederation of the Rhine

-b. A French Empire set up including land up to the Rhine and beyond.-c. New Kingdoms set up - Spain, Italy, Holland, Sweden - All with Napoleons

family or followers on the throne. -d. All the other states were, for the time being




e The Napoleonic Code was imposed everywhere. -end of Feudalism + Local town oligarchies

Continental System - Unable to defeat GB militarily, tried to destroy GB’s Trade dominance - Instituted in 1806 in the Berlin Decrees. aim-to make it impossible for GB to trade with European continent

Napoleon claimed he was liberating Europe from the English


A hero to half of Europe a traitor to the rest Spread of French Revolutionary Ideals

-French Soldiers were committed - liberal and French Rev. ideals were adopted by many.

Examine whether he preserve or destroy the ideals of FR ?


Nationalism; growth of Nationalism in other countries but based on French ideals idea of Fraternity in French Rev).

reaction to French Dominance, as it became clear Napoleon's policies benefited France.

There were also objections to his family becoming Kings and Queens all over Europe


A Changed Political Map of Europe-Holy Roman Empire Gone - Austria now its own entity/state.

300 German States reduced to 39. France becomes less important for 30

years (after his defeat)


QUESTIONS: Napoleon’s Controversies A Great Man? Whole Question of Great man

in History ?[Great men or social forces? Does the hero actually change history?]

Was Napoleon Admirable? Did he bring war and kill millions of people to satisfy his ego?

Betrayer or preserver of the French Rev.? Did he spread  revolutionary ideals?

Liberator of Europe or Tyrant?


A theory of “a great man” Did a great man changed history Or rather a great man was good at

manipulating “history” (historical contexts and forces in his favor?)

Was a great man alone enough to make things happen?

A Great Man: Infallible or just a super-talented human being?