Nanotechnology. What is it ? Nanotechnology is a field of applied science which deals with...

Post on 14-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Nanotechnology. What is it ? Nanotechnology is a field of applied science which deals with...


What is it ?•Nanotechnology is a field of applied

science which deals with controlling matter on a nanoscale

•Nanotechnology can measure from 1 – 100 nanometers

• It’s the study of manipulating matter nearly at the atomic scale.

•1 nanometer is one billionth of meter 10-9m

•A cross section of a human hair is 100,000nm

What is it?

•Nanotechnology follows the rules of Quantum Physics. In simple words, nanotechnology often contradicts common sense.

Humans are incapable of teleporting from one side of a wall to the other, but on the nanoscale, it is possible for an electron to teleport. This process is called electron tunnelling.

How is it used?•Carbon nanotubes – made

of arrangement of carbon atoms

Made from Carbon sheets Properties depend on how

the sheet is rolled

•Nanowires- a tube with a diameter of one nanometer

Used as transistor in computer chips and other electronic devices

Carbon tubes

•Depending on the way that the carbon tube is rolled, the behavior is also different. A certain pattern could cause something to be as strong as diamond, or as weak as graphite.

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Nano Robots

•Nanorobotic – is the technology of creating robot to the scale of Microscopic scale of nanometers (10^-9).

Cancer Treatments?• Cancerous cells can be killed

without the use of painful chemotherapy

• Quantum Dots last much longer than conventional dyes

• Scientists may now be able to destroy tumours without damaging healthy cells

• Nanobots could destroy dangerous cells and can replicate to produce promote healthy division

Space Exploration

•Travelling to distant planets requires 100,000’s of years of travel

•Impractical if humans travelled•Difficult for single robots to explore•With nanotechnology, mechanical

replication would be made possible•Armies of robots could explore the


Nano Foods?

•Preservation of food without refrigeration

•Protection of food from diseases

Impact On Everyday Life

•Is the second greatest impact, trailing only to genetic engineering

Other Applications

•Now nanotechnology is still an advancing science. What we learnt in grade 12physics about quantum mechanics plays a huge role in working with nanotechnology

•New types of water proof jackets

•Nano sized wires which would help make very tiny microprocessors



•Tissue Engineering

•Aerospace ( stronger material )


(for more already made products of nanotechnology)