Name: Year Five - Noor Ul Islam

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Transcript of Name: Year Five - Noor Ul Islam

Noor Ul Islam Primary School

My Learning Journey

Numeracy, Literacy and Islamic



Year Five


1. I can interpret negative numbers in context.

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

2. I can read Roman numerals to 1000 including years.

3. I can recognise and use square and cube numbers and know the

notation. 22 = 2 x 2 = 4 23 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8

42 = 4 x 4 = 16 53 = 5 x 5 x 5 = 125

4. I can use rounding to check answers and determine accuracy. 36 x 47 is approximately 40x40=2000

5. I can identify multiples and factors, including finding factor pairs and common factors.

Eg: factors of 40 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20 and 40

1 and 9 are a factor pair of 9 since 1 x 9 = 9 3 and 3 are a factor pair of 9 since 3 x 3 = 9

6. I can use vocabulary: prime numbers, prime factors and composite numbers. Prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11… Prime factors: eg; 12 = 2 × 2 × 3 Composite numbers: 4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15,16,18,20

7. I know prime numbers up to 19. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19

8. I can multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 or 1000 including decimals. 30 x10=300 30 x100=3000 30 x1000=30 000 50 divided by 10=5 50 divided by 100= 0.5 500 divided by 10 =50 50 divided by 1000=0.05

9. I can use long multiplications for multiplying numbers of up to 4 digits by one or two digits.

10. I can divide numbers using standard written short division.

11. I can convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions.

Eg: 17/5= 5/5 + 5/5 + 5/5 + 2/5 = 3 2/5

12. I can compare and order fractions whose denominators are multiples of the same number

13. I can identify, name and write equivalent fractions including tenths and hundredths.

14. I can add and subtract fractions with denominators that are multiples of the same number.

15. I can multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers with support.

16. I can read and write decimal numbers as fractions. 0.1=1/10 0.5=5/10 or ½ 0.33=1/3 0.2= 2/10 or 1/5 0.25= ¼ 0.75= 3/4

17. I can round decimals with 2 decimals places to whole number or to one decimal place.

18. I can read, write, order and compare numbers with up to 3 decimal places.

19. I can recognise % symbol and explain as a fraction with denominator 100 (parts out of 100). 10%=10/100 20%=20/100 15%=15/100 25%-=25/100 75%=75/100 40%=40/100

20. I understand and use common approximate conversions between metric and imperial.

21. Measure and calculate the perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes. Perimeter = 2(l + b)

22. I can calculate the area of rectangles, and estimate the area of irregular shapes. Area= length x breadth

23. Use the properties of rectangles to find missing lengths and angles

24. I can distinguish between regular and irregular polygons.

25. I can identify 3-d shapes from 2-d


26. I know angles are measured in degrees and compare acute, obtuse and reflex angles.

27. I can draw and measure angles to the nearest degree.

28. I can identify angles at a point, in a turn and on a straight line

29. I can describe and represent the result of a reflection or translation

30. I can complete, read and interpret information in tables, including timetables.


1. I can spell some words with ‘silent’ letters. E.g.: Wednesday, bomb, debt, know, knee

2. I can continue to distinguish between homophones and other words which are often confused. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings such as bear and bare.

3. I can use dictionaries to check the spelling and meaning of words.

4. I can identify the audience for and purpose of the writing.

5. I can select appropriate grammar and vocabulary, understand how such choices can change and enhance meaning.

6. In narratives, I can describe settings, characters and atmosphere and include dialogue to convey character and advance the action.

7. I can use further organisational and presentational devices to structure text and to guide the reader.

8. I can use the correct tense throughout a piece of writing.

9. I can correctly use subject and verb agreement when using singular and plural. E.g. He runs, they run

10. I can use a thesaurus.

11. I can use relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that or with an implied (i.e. omitted) relative pronoun. I met a man who was sick, the subordinate clause who was sick is a relative clause, since it modifies the noun man, and uses the pronoun who to indicate that the same "man" is referred to within the subordinate clause.

12. I can convert nouns or adjectives into verbs Pure-purify, author-authorise

13. I can use adverbials of time, place and number for cohesion. An adverbial is an adverb, adverbial phrase or adverbial clause which gives us additional information about e.g. the time, place, or manner of the action which is described in the rest of the sentence: We have been living here in this house for over twenty years.

14. I can recognise difference in informal and formal language.

15. I can use grammatical connections and adverbials for interconnection.

16. I can use ellipsis … accurately Use an ellipsis to show an omission, or leaving out, of a word or words in a quote. Use ellipses to shorten the quote without changing the meaning. E.g. "After school I went to her house, which was a few blocks away, and then came home." Shorten the quote by replacing a few words with an ellipsis. Remember, the meaning of the quote should not change. "After school I went to her house … and then came home.

17. I can use commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity Commas can change the meaning of a sentence Eats shoots and leaves. Eats, shoots and leaves.

18. I can use a colon to introduce a list colon used before list. E.g. Williams was so hungry he ate everything in the house: chips, cold pizza, pretzels and dip, hot dogs, peanut butter and candy.

19. I can punctuate bullet points consistently.


1. I can apply the knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes, both to read aloud and to understand the meaning of new words. E.g. Some words (root words) can have words or parts of words added to the beginning or end that change their meaning. If you add parts of words to the beginning of a word, it is called a prefix. If you add parts of words to the end of a word, it is called a suffix. The children were unhelpful to their mother I ended up repainting the kitchen Knowing about these parts of words is useful for spelling because they help you break down longer words into smaller parts and they also give you clues about their meanings.

2. I can compare modern fiction, fiction from our literary heritage, and books from other cultures and traditions.

3. I can identify and discuss themes and conventions (the way in which something is usually done) in and across a wide range of writing.

4. I can check that the book makes sense, discussing my understanding and exploring the meaning of words in context.

5. I can ask questions to improve my understanding.

6. I can predict what might happen from details stated and implied. Predict means to tell in advance. Implied means hidden or untold.

7. I can recommend books that I have read to my peers, giving reasons for my choices.

8. I can explain and discuss my understanding of what I have read.

9. I can explain and discuss my understanding of what I have read including through formal presentations.

10. I can provide justifications for my views. Justifications or to justify your views means to give good reasons to explain what you have said.


I know these Surahs in the 29th Juz…










Topic In Arabic I understand that…

Subject and predicate.

The subject has ال.

The predicate has Tanween.

The predicate matches in gender.

Singular Attached pronouns.

Attach at the end of nouns.

The nouns

Adjectives. Adjectives follow after the word being described.

They match in gender.

Match in endings.

Match in definitiveness.

Match in plurality.

Prepositions and the Genitive case.

They make the next word have a Kasrah

Attached pronouns and the Genitive case.

Prepositions make the letter before the attached pronoun have a Kasrah.

The Singular Present Tense.

The letter at the beginning changes;

Singular Personal Pronouns.

No word for “it” in Arabic.


I know these Duaas…

Dua Qunoot 2 in Witr.

Dua for one in distress

Dua for when striken with a mishap or overtaken by an affair.

Du’aa upon experiencing unrest, fear, apprehensiveness and the like during sleep.

Du’aa upon seeing a good or bad dream.

Dua for the deceased at the funeral prayer.


Dua for condolences.


Dua when visiting graves.

Dua said during a wind storm.

Dua if you find something difficult.

Dua if you fear people.

Dua for laylatul qadr.

Dua said when drinking milk.

Dua for the guest for the host.


Dua for concluding all sittings.

Dua for protection from the Dajjal. (The first ten verses of Surah Kahf.)

Dua of the traveler for the resident


Tajweed ُاَلتَّجْوِيد

I understand the following rules of Tajweed...

Noon Sakinah and






Meem Saakinah.




The Nasal sound.

The Nasal sound.


The default stretch.

The compensating stretch.

The soft stretch.

The joined stretch.

The split stretch.

The obligatory stretch.

The passing stretch.

The singular masculine third person attached


One count.

Two counts.

Four counts.

The echo sound.

The larger.

The smaller.

The full mouth letters

The letter Raa.

Full mouth.

Empty mouth.

The Letter Laam.

Full mouth.

Empty mouth.

Islamic Studies

Topic In Islamic Studies I understand...

Names of Allaah. Allaah (S.W.T) is; Ar-Rabb Al-Malik Al-Qayyum Al-Muawwir ‘Alimul Ghayb wash-Shahadah

Angels. Allaah has created Angels and given them jobs.

Prophets and Messengers.

Allaah has chosen certain people to guide mankind to the right path.

Signs of the Last Day Allaah has made certain signs to tell the believers about how close the Last Day is.

Death Death is a reality and we should prepare for what is after it.

Description of the Last Day.

Allaah has described for us the Day of Judgement.

Hell and Paradise. Allaah has described for us Hell

and Paradise.

Prophet Ayyub (A.S) Prophet Ayyub was very sick, he had patience and Allaah cured him.

Wudu acts Wudu has Fard, Sunnah and Makruh acts.

Ghusl acts Ghusl has Fard, Sunnah and

Makruh acts.

Prophet Yunus (A.S) Prophet Yunus (A.S) was swallowed by a whale.

Times of Salah The five daily prayers are

prayed and certain times.

Forbidden and disliked times of prayers.

There are certain times when Salah is forbidden or disliked.

Dawud and Jalut Allaah gave victory to Dawud (AS) over Jalut.

Sunnah Mu’akkadah and Ghayr Mu’akkadah

Sunnah can be emphasised Sunnah and non-emphasised Sunnah.

Witr How and when to perform Witr.

Fard acts of Salah Salah has obligatory acts.

Islamic dress code A Muslim must cover their


Breakers of Salah Certain actions break the Salah.

Prophet Dawud Prophet Dawud (A.S) was a

powerful king aswell.

Disliked acts of Salah Some action make you lose

reward in the Salah.

Salah part of life Salah has to be part of our everyday lives.

Good character The most important quality of a

Muslim is good character.

Letter to Heraclius The Prophet sent a letter to the Roman emperor Heraclius.

Conquest of Makkah Makkah was conquered

without a battle.

Rules and rewards of fasting.

Fasting in Ramadan is obligatory.

Basics of Tayammum When and how to perform


Types of ruling. Fard, Wajib, Sunnah, Mustahab, Mubah, Makru and Haram.