Name and logo

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Name and logo

  • 1. Acronym: Endesa Effective, breaker: KukuxumusuCompany nameIdentify the activity: beds, Bocatta The owner's name: Ford Wordplay: Danone Personal reasons The place: Bar Sa plaa

2. Psychology of color The color shows different expressions of the environment, it can convey a sense of calm, fulfillment, joy, violence, evil, etc.. The color psychology has been studied by great teachers throughout our history, such as Goethe and Kandinsky. 3. Red Yellow Green BluePinkViolet/PurpleBrownRuggednessLustJealousyGood TasteMasculineSophisticationAuthorityNegative IssuesCompetenceEnvyCompetenceSincerityExcitementHappinessLoveHigh quality CorporateBlack WhiteGriefHappinessSophisticationSophisticationSincerityPowerExpensivePurityFear 4. The color is an expressive element