Nagarro Programs

Post on 05-Dec-2015

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nagarro programs

Transcript of Nagarro Programs

Write a program to check whether 2 strings given by the user are anagram strings or not.Q.1 A string of charater is given.Find the Continous Occurance of a character and display that INPUT: AAAAAAEGBCNAVNEETGUPTAEDAGPEOUTPUT:A or if Same then A and D. Q.2 One question was base on Hash Table related Teacher, Their topic,in A 20 days Period. Based on link list where one pointer Point the Next Node and Second Show their Sub Node. To write a Fuction Which Return the largest integer Value.Coding: It consists of four question which are: (a) Input an array and prints the second minimum in an array??ExampleInput:34,45,21,12,54,67,15Output:15Sol. sorts the array and then print the second minimum number of an array.(b) Input an array and then print the repeating characters??Example:Input:1,3,23,11,44,3,23,2,3.Output:3,23(C) Find the longest palendrom in a string?ExampleInput: abfgerccdedccfgferOutput: ccdedcc(d) Input a number and then find the next higher number such that for both the number (inputted and the next higher number) in binary representation contains equal number os ones.Example:Input:3(0000000000000011)Ouput:5(0000000000000101)