Näkymä Saksan koneteollisuusmarkkinaan_raportti[1]

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Saksa on Euroopan suurin koneteollisuusmaa. Viime vuonna teollisuudenala ylsi 205 miljardin euron liikevaihtoon. Koneteollisuus on Saksan toiseksi suurin teollisuudenala heti autoteollisuuden jälkeen. Koneteollisuutta kutsutaan syystäkin Saksan teollisuuden selkärangaksi. Katsaus Saksan koneteollisuuteen – markkinaselvitys koostuu yleisnäkymästä Saksan koneteollisuuteen ja valittujen liikkuvia työkoneita valmistavien yritysten profiileista.

Transcript of Näkymä Saksan koneteollisuusmarkkinaan_raportti[1]

Koneteollisuuden kasvuohjelma 2008 –2011



Sisältö 1 ESIPUHE ......................................................................................................... 5

2. TIIVISTELMÄ .................................................................................................. 7

3. MARKKINATUTKIMUS ...................................................................................... 9

3.1 KATSAUS SAKSAN KONETEOLLISUUTEEN, ERITYISTARKASTELUSSA LIIKKUVAT TYÖKONEET ................................................................................... 9

3.1.1 SAKSAN KONETEOLLISUUS.................................................................... 9

3.1.2 TOIMIALAN RAKENNE ......................................................................... 11

3.1.3 KONEIDEN VALMISTUS ....................................................................... 13

3.1.4 TOIMITUSKETJUN HALLINTA ............................................................... 14


3.2 YRITYSPROFIILIT ..................................................................................... 19

3.2.1 BAUER Maschinen GmbH ..................................................................... 19

3.2.2 Bucyrus DBT Europe GmbH ................................................................. 27

3.2.3 Claas Group ........................................................................................ 33

3.2.4 Demag Cranes & Components GmbH .................................................... 39

3.2.5 Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik GmbH ........................................................... 43

3.2.6 FAUN GmbH ....................................................................................... 49

3.2.7 GHH FahrzeugeGmbH ......................................................................... 53

3.2.8 Gottwald Port Technology GmbH .......................................................... 57

3.2.9 Herrenknecht AG ................................................................................ 61

3.2.10 Liebherr Group .................................................................................. 69

3.2.11 Terex-Demag GmbH .......................................................................... 77

3.3 LIITTEET ................................................................................................. 81

3.3.1 Taulukko: 100 liikkuvia työkoneita valmistavaa yritystä Saksassa ............ 81



Kansainvälistymisen paine on viime vuosina kohdistunut yhä voimakkaampana suomalaisen koneteollisuuden toimittajayrityksiin. Kansainvälisen markkinatiedon ja -ymmärryksen lisää-minen on yksi Sitran Koneteollisuuden kasvuohjelman painopistealueista. Toteutamme vuo-sittain muutamia koneteollisuuden kansainvälisten markkinamahdollisuuksien kartoittamis-projekteja kiinnostaville markkina-alueilla. Projektien tavoitteena on selvittää edellytyksiä, joiden pohjalta suomalaiset toimittajat voivat aloittaa asiakassuhteen rakentamisen ulko-maisten asiakkaiden kanssa, laajentaa hankintaverkostoaan esimerkiksi halvemman kustan-nustason maihin tai selvittää muita liiketoiminnan laajentamismahdollisuuksia.

Ensimmäiseksi kohdealueeksi valitsimme yhdessä Teknologiateollisuus ry:n kanssa Saksan, Suomen perinteisen kauppakumppanin ja teollisuudenalan tärkeimmän alueen.

Käytännössä tämä tarkoitti sitä, että markkinaselvityksen taustaksi teetettiin katsaus Saksan koneteollisuuteen ja tunnistettiin sata liikkuvia työkoneita valmistavaa yritystä. Selvityksen perusteella yhdessä kiinnostuneiden suomalaisyritysten kanssa valittiin potentiaalisia vierai-lukohteita, joista kuudessa vierailtiin Saksan matkalla 15.–18.6.2009.

Matka vastasi osallistujien odotuksia ja osoitti käytännössä sen, kuinka tärkeätä on tehdä kotiläksyt mahdollisimman hyvin. Omien havaintojen perusteella matkalle osallistuneet tote-sivat, että Saksa on todella suuri markkina ja siellä on paljon mahdollisuuksia. Sieltä löytyy miljardiluokan yrityksiä, jotka hoitavat kaiken itse, mutta myös verkostoituneita ja näiden välimuotoja. Oletettavaa on, että alihankinnan osuus tulee varmasti lisääntymään ja silloin siellä tarjoutuu mahdollisuuksia taitaville ja osaaville alihankkijoille. Korkea laatu on saksalai-selle koneteollisuudelle kaiken toiminnan perusta.

Tehty työ tarjoaa hyvän pohjan osallistuneiden yritysten kansainvälistymispohdinnoille ja lisäksi tämä raportti luo hyvän pohjan tutustumiselle Saksan koneteollisuusmarkkinaan niille yrityksille, jotka eivät päässeet projektiin osallistumaan sen toteutusvaiheessa.

Kiitokset kaikille projektiin osallistuneille yrityksille, sekä sitralaisille Markus Mäkelälle ja Markku Sjöstedtille, jotka toimivat projektin vetäjänä.

Helsingissä syyskuussa 2009

Mauri Heikintalo


Sitran Koneteollisuuden kasvuohjelma





Saksa on Euroopan suurin koneteollisuusmaa. Viime vuonna teollisuudenala ylsi 205 miljar-din euron liikevaihtoon. Koneteollisuus on Saksan toiseksi suurin teollisuudenala heti autote-ollisuuden jälkeen. Koneteollisuutta kutsutaan syystäkin Saksan teollisuuden selkärangaksi.

Vaikka talouskriisi on iskenyt pahasti myös liikkuvien työkoneiden valmistukseen Saksassa, on se edelleen kasvava ja kehittyvä ala. Saksalaisen yritykset ovat edistyksellisiä etenkin raaka-aineisiin liittyvillä aloilla, kuten esimerkiksi kaivosteollisuudessa. Siitäkin huolimatta alan nykyisen suhdannetyöttömyyden ennustetaan vahvistuvan tulevaisuudessa.

Saksan koneteollisuuden nousua on tukenut vahva teknologiaosaaminen, pitkä teollinen his-toria ja pitkäjänteinen kehitystyö eli samat tekijät, jotka ovat tehneet kone- ja metalliteolli-suudesta kilpailukykyisen myös Suomessa. Suomeen verrattuna Saksan koneteollisuuden kilpailukykyä kuitenkin parantaa markkinoiden läheisyys. Pelkästään Saksan koneteollisuu-den kotimarkkina on 80 miljardin euron kokoluokkaa.

Saksan koneteollisuudessa toimii pääosin pieniä ja keskisuuria yrityksiä. Toimialajärjestöjen keskusliiton mukaan alalla toimii noin 6000 yritystä ja se työllistää lähes miljoona työnteki-jää. Toisen arvion mukaan Saksan koneteollisuudessa toimii jopa 9800 yritystä, joiden liike-vaihto on 1 – 250 miljoonaa euroa. Näistä yrityksistä 2500 on liikkuvien työkoneiden valmis-tajia: 1900 yritystä valmistaa maa- ja metsätalouskoneita ja 600 yritystä tekee koneita kai-vos- rakennus- ja rakennusmateriaaliteollisuudelle.

Saksan nosto- ja siirtolaitteisiin liittyvä koneteollisuuden ala on Euroopan suurin. Esimerkiksi liikkuvien nosturien osalta Saksa on maailman johtava valmistusmaa. Markkina on hyvin ke-hittynyt. Alalla toimii pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten lisäksi globaaleja markkinajohtajia, joilla on tytäryritykset Saksassa.

Saksalaisten kaivosteollisuuden laitevalmistajien yhteenlaskettu liikevaihto viime vuonna oli noin kolme miljardia euroa, josta yli 85 % tuli ulkomaan myynnistä. Saksalaiset maatalous-koneiden valmistajat edustavat noin 11 % koko maailman maatalouskonetuotannosta. Vuonna 2008 saksalaisten valmistajien liikevaihto nousi peräti 24 % 7,5 miljardiin euroon.

Erityisosaamista vaativien koneiden valmistuksen uskotaan pysyvät Saksassa jatkossakin. Sen sijaan standardikoneiden valmistus tulee siirtymään halvempiin maihin. Kansainvälisty-neillä saksalaisilla koneenvalmistajilla on ollut tuotantoa ulkomailla jo pitkään ja markkinalla on esiintynyt sekä horisontaalista että vertikaalista integraatiota toimitusketjun osalta.


Alan haasteita oli vielä viime vuonna vahva euro, mikä sai jotkut konevalmistajat siirtämään tuotantoa dollaria valuuttana käyttäviin maihin. Viimeaikainen euron arvon heikkeneminen on poistanut tämän ongelman. Lisäksi Saksassa on ollut jo jonkin aikaa nähtävillä suuntaus siirtää tuotantoa halpojen tuotantokustannusten maista takaisin Saksaan (reshore). Tuotan-toa on tuotu takaisin Saksaan lähinnä laadullisista ja tuotesuojaan liittyvistä (plagiointi) syis-tä.

Toimitusketjussaan Saksan kone- ja laitevalmistus oli pitkälti omavarainen aina 1990-luvulle saakka, jolloin kotimaiset toimitusketjut löystyivät. Vielä nykyäänkin saksalaiset yritykset valmistavat kriittiset komponentit itse, eivätkä hanki niitä ulkopuolisilta toimittajilta. Osa yri-tyksistä valmistaa komponenttinsa itse, mutta toiset perustavat toimintansa alihankintaver-kostoon. Vain standardi-komponentteja ostetaan halvemmista maista.




3.1.1 SAKSAN KONETEOLLISUUS Koneteollisuus on Saksan toiseksi suurin teollisuu-denala 205 miljardin euron liikevaihdolla. Liikkuvien työkoneiden valmistus Saksassa on edelleen kehittyvä ala. Vahva teknologia-osaaminen ja investoinnit tutkimus- ja kehitystoimin-taan ovat Saksan menes-tyksen taustalla.

Saksa on Euroopan suurin koneteollisuusmaa.1 Viime vuonna teollisuudenala ylsi 205 miljardin euron liikevaihtoon. Koneteollisuus on Saksan toiseksi suurin teollisuudenala heti autoteollisuuden jälkeen. Koneteollisuutta kutsutaan syys-täkin Saksan teollisuuden selkärangaksi.2 Koneteollisuuden kasvuvauhti on ollut kova viime vuosina. Viimeisen viiden vuoden aikana koneteollisuuden liikevaihto on kasvanut 36 %. Pelkästään vuonna 2007 alan liikevaihto nousi miltei 14 %. Toimialajärjestö VDMA (Ver-band Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau) arvioi kasvun hidastuneen viime vuonna kahdeksaan prosenttiin lähinnä heikentyneen Yhdysvaltain vientimark-kinan vuoksi. Kasvuun vaikutti negatiivisesti myös se, että ala kärsi vielä viime vuonna työvoimapulasta. Tilausten hiipuminen vuoden viimeisellä neljänneksel-lä on vaikuttanut kasvuodotuksiin myös tänä vuonna, vaikka koneteollisuuden asema suhdannekierron myöhäisessä vaiheessa onkin viivästyttänyt laskua.3 Toimialan odotukset heikkenivät merkittävästi vuoden 2008 lopulla, mutta hel-mikuussa nähtiin jo lievästi optimistisempia lukuja.4

Kuva 1. Toimialan odotukset tilausten määrästä verrattuna edelliseen kuukauteen. Positiiviset ja

negatiiviset vastaukset tasapainotettu. Vaikka talouskriisi on iskenyt pahasti myös liikkuvien työkoneiden valmistuk-seen Saksassa5, on se edelleen kasvava ja kehittyvä ala. Saksalaisen yritykset ovat edistyksellisiä etenkin raaka-aineisiin liittyvillä aloilla kuten esimerkiksi kaivosteollisuudessa. Siitäkin huolimatta alan nykyisen suhdannetyöttömyyden ennustetaan vahvistuvan tulevaisuudessa.6 Saksan koneteollisuuden nousua on tukenut vahva teknologiaosaaminen, pitkä teollinen historia ja pitkäjänteinen kehitystyö eli samat tekijät, jotka ovat tehneet kone- ja metalliteollisuudesta kilpailukykyisen myös Suomessa. Suomeen ver-

1 EU Mechanical Engineering Database, September 2007 update 2 Invest in Germany 2008, The Machinery and Equipment Industry in Germany, Industry Overview; Germany Trade and Invest 2008, Mechanical Engineering: Germany's Industrial Backbone; Reuters 10.2.2009, German engineering sector sees '09 output down 7% 3 Invest in Germany 2008: Industry Overview; Deutsche Bank Research 21.11.2008 4 Ifo Institute 2009, Orders compared to previous month, Balanced positive and negative answers 5 VDMA, haastattelu 10.3.2009 6 IKB Deutsche Industriebank, haastattelu 6.3.2009


10 / 00

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2 / 2009

Koneteollisuus: Toimialan odotukset laskivat vuoden 2008 lopulla

Source: Ifo Institut  2009


Saksa pitää kiinni johtavas-ta asemastaan koneteolli-suuden viejämaana. Kiinalaiset kilpailijat eivät ole vielä todellinen uhka saksalaisille konevalmista-jille. Vientinäkymien heikkene-minen uhkaa koneiden ja laitteiden valmistusta. Huolto- ja varaosapalvelut ovat jatkossa yhä tärkeämpi osa liikkuvien työkoneiden markkinaa.

rattuna Saksan koneteollisuuden kilpailukykyä kuitenkin parantaa markkinoiden läheisyys. Pelkästään Saksan koneteollisuuden kotimarkkina on 80 miljardin euron kokoluokkaa. Merkittävä osa, likimain 60 %, koneteollisuuden tuotannos-ta menee kuitenkin vientiin.7 Saksa kuuluu Yhdysvaltain ja Japanin ohella maailman suurimpiin koneiden viejämaihin. Viennin yhteenlasketulla arvolla mitattuna Saksa on globaalisti suurin viejämaa.8 Saksan osuus maailmanlaajuisesta koneteollisuuden vienti-markkinoista on 18 %. Saksan päämarkkinat ovat Euroopassa (61 %), Aasias-sa (21 %) ja Yhdysvalloissa (10 %).9 Vuonna 2008 Saksan koneteollisuuden vienti kasvoi 8 % edellisvuoteen verrattuna. Erityisesti vienti lisääntyi Brasiliaan (+29 %), Venäjälle (+27 %), Intiaan (+19 %) ja Kiinaan (+14 %). Sen sijaan vienti Yhdysvaltoihin, Iso-Britanniaan ja Turkkiin heikkeni. Saksa on onnistunut pitämään markkinaosuutensa viennistä samalla kun Yhdysvallat, Japani ja Iso-Britannia ovat menettäneet osuuttaan – etupäässä kiinalaisille valmistajille.10 Kiina onkin viime vuosien suuren kysynnän vauhdittamana noussut varteen-otettavaksi viejämaaksi Sany ja XCMG etunenässä.11 Kiinalaiset konevalmista-jat vievät kuitenkin pääosin markkinoille, jotka eivät saksalaisille valmistajille ole tärkeimpiä: Afrikkaan ja Lähi-itään. Ja vaikka kiinalaiset valmistajat yrittävät saada jalansijaa myös Venäjällä ja pyrkivät Eurooppaan, eivät ne vielä ole vie-neet markkinaosuuksia saksalaisilta valmistajilta.12 Vientimarkkinoiden heiketessä Saksan koneteollisuus on haavoittuvassa ase-massa. Ulkomaan kysyntä heikkeni 30 % vuoden 2008 viimeisellä neljännek-sellä. Myös kotimaan kysyntä putosi 28%.13

Kuva 2. Konevalmistuksen koti- ja ulkomaantilaukset kvartaaleittain.

Kuten monella muullakin alalla, myös koneteollisuudessa yritykset tulevat pa-nostamaan nykyisessä markkinatilanteessa huolto- ja varaosapalveluun. Sak-salaiset konevalmistajat ovat hyvässä asemassa sen vuoksi, että ne valmista-vat varaosat joko itse tai niillä on hyvin tiiviit suhteet toimittajiin.

7 Deutsche Bank Research 21.11.2008; VDMA 8 VDMA Machinenbau in Zahl und Bild, 2008; Konevienti kokonaisuudessaan vuonna 2006: 641,405 miljoonaa euroa 9 VDMA Machinenbau in Zahl und Bild, 2008 10 VDMA 12.11.2008 11 J.P.Morgan North America Equity Research, 17.12.2008; VDMA 12.11.2008 12 VDMA Manufacturers of Construction Equipment and Building Material machinery well prepared for end of boom, 2008 13 Deutsche Bank Research 21.11.2008; Bundesbank 2009, Auftragseingang in ausgewählten Zweigen der Industrie




2007 2008

Konevalmistuksen tilaukset 

Kotimaan tilaukset

Ulkomaan tilaukset

Konevalmistuksen tilaukset

Lähde: Bundesbank

Machinenbau, volyymi 2000=100


3.1.2 TOIMIALAN RAKENNE Kone-teollisuudessa toimii paljon pieniä ja keskisuuria yrityksiä. Yli 60% tuotannosta muo-dostuu alan 10 suurimmas-sa alasektorissa. Liikkuvia työkoneita valmis-tetaan rakennuskone- , tavarankäsittely- ja maata-lous-koneteknologia-sektoreilla Saksa on Euroopan johtava nosto- ja siirtolaitteiden valmistaja. Saksa on kolmanneksi suurin rakennuskoneiden viejä.

Saksan koneteollisuudessa toimii pääosin pieniä ja keskisuuria yrityksiä. VDMA:n mukaan alalla toimii noin 6000 yritystä ja se työllistää yli 975 000 työn-tekijää. VDMA arvioi, että kolmasosa näistä yrityksistä valmistaa liikkuvia työ-koneita.14 Toisen arvion mukaan Saksan koneteollisuudessa toimii jopa 9800 yritystä, joiden liikevaihto on vähintään 1 – 250 miljoonaa euroa. Näistä yrityk-sistä 2500 on liikkuvien työkoneiden valmistajia: 1900 yritystä valmistaa maa- ja metsätalouskoneita ja 600 yritystä tekee koneita kaivos-, rakennus- ja raken-nusmateriaaliteollisuudelle.15

Pääosa koneteollisuuden volyymista muodostuu alan kymmenessä suurim-massa sektorissa, joiden yhteenlaskettu liikevaihto vuonna 2007 oli noin 109 miljardia euroa. Ko. sektorien tuotanto vastasi yli 60 prosentista koko koneteol-lisuuden tuotannon volyymista.16

Kuva 3. Koneteollisuuden 10 suurinta toimialaa17.

Liikkuvien työkoneiden osuutta koko Saksan koneteollisuudesta on vaikea täs-mällisesti arvioida, koska liikkuvia työkoneita valmistetaan useilla sektoreilla. Yllä mainituista toimialoista liikkuvia työkoneita valmistetaan mm. rakennusko-ne-, tavarankäsittely- ja maatalousteknologian aloilla. Myös käyttökohteen mu-kaan jaotellessa toimialat menevät osittain limittäin. Esimerkiksi nostureita käy-tetään sekä satamissa, varastoissa että rakennuksilla ja kaivureita sekä raken-nuksilla että kaivosteollisuudessa.

Saksan nosto- ja siirtolaitteisiin liittyvä koneteollisuuden ala on Euroopan suu-rin. Esimerkiksi liikkuvien nosturien osalta Saksa on maailman johtava valmis-tusmaa.18 Markkina on hyvin kehittynyt. Lukumääräisesti alalla on eniten pieniä ja keskisuuria yrityksiä, jotka ovat hyvin erikoistuneita.19 Alalla toimii globaaleja markkinajohtajia, joilla on alueelliset yritykset Saksassa (Liebherr, Hitachi Construction Machinery Europe, Manitowoc, Terex). Liebherr on erityisen vahva meriteknisissä ratkaisuissa. Yritys on sveitsiläinen, mutta suurin osa työvoimasta on Saksassa, jossa sillä on useita tuotantolaitoksia. Yhdysvaltalai-nen Manitowoc on liikkuvien nostureiden, telaketjutraktoreiden, teollisuusnos-tureiden ja nostokurkien markkinajohtaja Euroopassa. Manitowociin kuuluva Grove valmistaa liikkuvia nostureita Wilhelmshavenissa, Saksassa. Terex val-mistaa Saksassa nostureita Demag Cranes –nimen alla.20

Saksa on Yhdysvaltojen ja Japanin jälkeen maailman kolmanneksi suurin ra-kennuskoneiden viejä 14 %:n markkinaosuudellaan. 68 % tuotannosta menee Euroopan markkinoille. Alalla toimii noin 300 lähinnä keskisuurta yritystä, joilla on kansainvälinen myynti- ja tuotantoverkosto. Alan yritykset toimivat kussakin

14 VDMA, haastattelu 6.3.2009 15 IKB Deutsche Industriebank, haastattelu 6.3.2009 16 Invest in Germany 2008, Industry Overview; VDMA 2008, German Machine Trade 02/08 17 VDMA, German Machine Trade 02/08 18 IKB Deutsche Industriebank, haastattelu 6.3.2009 19 Global Industry Analysts, Material Handling Equipment – Market. 1.3.2008; Deutsche Bank Research 21.11.2008 20 J.P. Morgan 17.12.2008; Manitowoc press releases; Terex press releases

Toimiala Kasvu % 2007‐2006 Miljoonaa € vientiinEnergiateknologia 15.5% 10.793,1Rakennuskone‐ ja rakennusmateriaaliteknologia 13.6% 10.329,5Tavarankäsittely 15.5% 9.556,6Työstökoneet 10 % 7.759,2Elintarviketeknologia ja pakkaus 15.5% 7.626,6Ilmastointiteknologia 4.7% 7.117,4Paino ja paperiteknologia ‐3 % 7.021,5Maatalouskoneteknologia 12.8% 6.409,4Hienomekaniikka 5.5% 5.521,6Venttiilit ja putkenosat 12.2% 5.302,5


Venäjä on kaivos-teollisuuden laitevalmistaji-en päämarkkina. Myös maatalous-koneista suurin osa menee vientiin. Markkina-rakenteen usko-taan pysyvän nykyisen kaltaisena. Kansainväliset, suuret yritykset ostavat saksalaisia yrityksiä päästäkseen Sak-san markkinalle.

maassa yhteistyössä paikallisten partnereiden kanssa.21

Saksalaisten kaivosteollisuuden laitevalmistajien yhteenlaskettu liikevaihto vii-me vuonna oli noin kolme miljardia euroa, josta yli 85 % tuli ulkomaan myynnis-tä. Venäjä on ollut suurin vientimarkkina parin viime vuoden aikana. Kiina on toiseksi tärkein markkina-alue, mutta kilpailutilanne on vaikeutunut paikallisten yritysten saamien valtion tukien vuoksi.22 Saksalaiset maatalouskoneiden valmistajat edustavat noin 11 % koko maail-man maatalouskonetuotannosta. Vuonna 2008 saksalaisten valmistajien liike-vaihto nousi peräti 24 % 7,5 miljardiin euroon. Viime vuonna Saksassa valmis-tettiin 65 500 traktoria, joista meni vientiin 83 %. Niiden osuus koko alan myyn-nistä oli 47 %. Traktoreita valmistetaan pääasiassa seuraavissa kaupungeissa: Mannheim, Marktoberdorf ja Lauingen. Leikkuupuimureista 85 % menee vien-tiin, pääasiassa Ranskaan, Ukrainaan, Venäjälle ja Puolaan. Alan odotukset vuodelle 2009 ovat positiiviset, sillä talouskriisi ei vaikuta maatalouskoneiden kysyntään samalla tavalla, kuin monella muulla sektorilla.23 IKB Deutsche Industriebankin asiantuntijan mukaan yritysostojen sijaan Saksan markkinalla tullaan paremminkin näkemään strategista yhteistyötä eri osa-alueilla. Markkinarakenteen uskotaan pysyvän ennallaan. Mikäli saksalaiset yritykset laajentavat toimintaansa yritysostoin ostaja on yleensä suuri yritys (liikevaihto yli 250 miljoonaa euroa), ostokohde pääomavaltaiselta alalta useinmiten ulkomailla ja tarkoituksena markkinaosuuden kasvattaminen. Koska saksalaisilla standardituotteiden valmistajilla ei tällä hetkellä mene kovin hyvin, on mahdollista, että suuret kiinalaiset yritykset tekevät yritysostoja Saksassa. Myös italialaiset yritykset ovat mahdollisia ostajaehdokkaita, mutta tällä hetkellä talouskriisi vaikuttaa myös niiden taloustilanteeseen. Mikäli ulkomainen yritys ostaa saksalaisen koneteollisuuden yrityksen, taustalla on yleensä ajatus pää-systä Saksan markkinoille.24

Yrityskaupat eivät ole erityisesti lisääntyneet viime aikoina, mutta vireillä on jatkuvasti kauppoja, joissa konevalmistajat ostavat komponenttivalmistajia. Myös kilpailijoita ostetaan markkinoilta. Viime vuosina lähinnä suuret kansain-väliset valmistajat, kuten Manitowoc ja Terex, ovat edenneet Saksan markki-noilla ostamalla pienempiä saksalaisia valmistajia (Grove, Demag).

21 VDMA 2008, Bau- und Baustoffmaschinen "engineered in Germany" 22 Mineweb 11.12.2009 23 VDMA 2009 24 IKB Deutsche Industriebank, haastattelu 6.3.2009


3.1.3 KONEIDEN VALMISTUS Erityisosaamista vaativa valmistus pysyy Saksassa myös jatkossa. Tuotantoa siirretty takaisin saksaan laatuongelmien vuoksi. Haasteena kysyn-nän maantieteelli-nen sijainti Länsi-Euroopan ulkopuo-lella. Kiinalaiset kone-valmistajat pyrkivät Euroopan markki-noille Liikkuvien työko-neiden valmistajat tekevät pienehköjä sarjoja ja tarvitse-vat räätälöityjä komponentteja.

Erityisosaamista vaativien koneiden valmistuksen uskotaan pysyvän Sak-sassa jatkossakin. Sen sijaan standardikoneiden valmistus tulee siirtymään halvempiin maihin. Kansainvälistyneillä saksalaisilla koneenvalmistajilla on ollut tuotantoa ulkomailla jo pitkään ja markkinalla on esiintynyt sekä ho-risontaalista että vertikaalista integraatiota toimitusketjun osalta. Jos saksa-lainen yritys on siirtänyt standardikomponentti-valmistustaan ulkomaille, noin puolessa tapauksista tuotanto tapahtunut Keski- ja Itä-Euroopassa. ”Made in Germany” on edelleen laadun tae ja sen vuoksi Saksa nähdään houkuttelevana valmistusmaana.25 Perinteisesti muiden länsieurooppalais-ten konevalmistajien alihankinta on keskittynyt Itä-Eurooppaan, Aasiaan ja Pohjois-Amerikkaan.26

Alan haasteita oli vielä viime vuonna vahva euro, mikä sai jotkut koneval-mistajat siirtämään tuotantoa dollaria valuuttana käyttäviin maihin. Viimeai-kainen euron arvon heikkeneminen on poistanut tämän ongelman. Lisäksi Saksassa on ollut jo jonkin aikaa nähtävissä suuntaus siirtää tuotantoa hal-pojen tuotantokustannusten maista takaisin Saksaan (reshore). Tuotantoa on tuotu takaisin Saksaan lähinnä laadullisista ja tuotesuojaan liittyvistä (plagiointi) syistä. Kohonneet energiahinnat ja sitä myöten nousseet kulje-tuskustannukset ovat saaneet kuitenkin myös ulkomaiset sijoittajat harkit-semaan Keski-Eurooppaa ja Saksaa tuotantolaitosten sijoituskohteena.27 Reshore -suuntaukselle asettaa kuitenkin haasteensa tämänhetkisen ky-synnän maantieteellinen jakautuminen lähinnä kehittyviin talouksiin Länsi-Euroopan ulkopuolella. Lisääntyvät kustannuspaineet ja markkinoiden siir-tyminen enemmän Aasiaan ja Itä-Eurooppaan ovat jo nähtävissä suurten konevalmistajien suunnitelmissa. Esimerkiksi Jungheinrich on kertonut lyk-käävänsä investointejaan Saksaan.28 Nähtäväksi jää, kuinka paljon Saksan valtiolliset elvytyspaketit infrastruktuurirakentamiseen pystyvät vahvista-maan kysyntää kotimaassa ja lähitalouksissa. Saksa on houkutteleva kohde myös kiinalaisille konevalmistajille, jotka pyr-kivät Euroopan markkinoille. Kiinalainen rakennuskone- ja telaketjutraktori-en valmistaja Sany kertoi viime syksynä investoivansa 100 miljoonaa euroa uuteen tehtaaseen Mühlenerftissä. Tehtaan tuotanto on suunnattu Euroo-pan markkinoille.29

Liikkuvien työkoneiden valmistussarjat ovat huomattavasti pienempiä kuin esimerkiksi autoteollisuudessa. Liikkuvat työkoneet ovat usein räätälöityjä ja sen vuoksi myös standardointiaste on vähäisempi kuin autoteollisuudessa. Liikkuvien työkoneiden valmistajista etenkin satama-, kaivos- ja rakennus-teollisuuden konevalmistajat tekevät pieniä, jopa alle 100 kappaleen sarjo-ja.30

25 IKB Deutsche Industriebank, haastattelu 6.3.2009 26 Competitive analysis of EU mechanical engineering, DG Enterprise Consultation Paper, 2004 27 PriceWaterhouseCoopers 2008, Machinery Producers Drawn to Germany - Transport Costs too High in Asia IKB Deutsche Industrie-bank, haastattelu 6.3.2009 28 Jungheinrich 2009 29 Reuters 26.12.2008 30 IKB Deutsche Industriebank, haastattelu 6.3.2009


3.1.4 TOIMITUSKETJUN HALLINTA Vain standardi-komponentteja ostetaan halvem-mista maista. Osa yrityksistä valmistaa kompo-nenttinsa itse… …mutta toiset hallinnoivat ali-hankinta-verkostoa. Energia-tehokkuuden parantaminen liikkuvissa työko-neissa ajankoh-tainen haaste valmistajille ja komponentti-toimittajille.

Toimitusketjussaan Saksan kone- ja laitevalmistus oli pitkälti omavarainen aina 1990-luvulle saakka, jolloin kotimaiset toimitusketjut löystyivät.31 Vielä nykyäänkin saksalaiset yritykset valmistavat kriittiset komponentit itse, ei-vätkä hanki niitä ulkopuolisilta toimittajilta. Tämä pätee myös liikkuvien työ-koneiden valmistajiin, jotka yleensä valmistavat piensarjoja. Tähän perustu-en on todennäköistä, että liikkuvien työkoneiden valmistajat hankkivat kes-kimääräistä vähemmän komponentteja Aasiasta ja sen sijaan valmistavat osat itse tai ostavat ne eurooppalaisilta yrityksiltä. Yleisesti ottaen koneval-mistuksessa tarvittavat erikoisosat ja eniten osaamista vaativat komponentit valmistetaan Saksassa. Sen sijaan osa standardikomponenteista ostetaan edullisemmista maista kuten Kiinasta. Liikkuvien työkoneiden osalta tämä riippuu paljon koneen koosta. Helposti kuljetettavien standardikoneiden kokoonpano voi tapahtua suoraan kohdemaissa.32

Osa suurista liikkuvien työkoneiden valmistajista valmistaa edelleen kom-ponenttinsa itse. Saksan liikkuvien nostureiden markkinajohtaja Liebherr on pitänyt itsellään suuren osan komponenttivalmistuksesta sekä esikokoon-panosta.33 Esimerkiksi rakennuskoneissa käytettävä teknologia valmistuu pitkälti yrityksen omassa valvonnassa.34

Sen sijaan Jungheinrich ja Terex tukeutuvat laajaan alihankintaverkos-toon. Jungheinrich on nostanut toimitusketjun hallinnoinnin strategiseen keskiöön ja aikoo jatkossakin keskittyä omassa toiminnassaan vain ydinlii-ketoimintoihinsa.35 Terex on ulkoistanut paljon tuotannostaan, mutta sillä on myös komponentteja valmistava tytäryhtiö Demag Cranes & Components, joka tuottaa komponentteja yrityksen nosturivalmistukseen. Yhdysvaltalai-sella Manitowocilla on luonnollisesti myös laaja alihankintaverkosto, ja yritys painottaa käyttävänsä materiaalien ja komponenttien ostossa paikal-lista hankintaa.36 Yleisesti ottaen Saksassa toimivat kansainväliset kone-valmistajat ostavat 30 – 35 % komponenteistaan toimittajilta, jotka sijaitse-vat pääasiassa Euroopassa.37

Saksalaisilla konevalmistajilla on tyypillisesti myös omaa huolto- ja vara-osapalvelua. Nykyisessä taloustilanteessa yritysten oman komponenttituo-tannon voi nähdä vahvuutena. Palvelu- ja huoltotoiminnan kysyntä pysyy vakaana myös heikkenevässä taloustilanteessa.

Energiatehokkuuden parantaminen liikkuvissa työkoneissa on ollut vii-meaikojen pääasiallinen kasvun veturi ja haaste sekä koneiden valmistajille että komponenttien toimittajille. Tiukentuvat EU-sääteiset päästörajoitukset ja nousevat energiakustannukset toimivat motiivina kehittää alalle vähä-päästöisiä ja energiaa säästäviä ratkaisuja. Esimerkiksi Liebherr kehittää ja käyttää kaikissa maansiirtokoneissaan uutta vähäpäästöistä teknologiaa.38 Myös komponenttitoimittajat erikoistuvat vastatakseen muuttuviin tarpeisiin. Esimerkiksi keskikokoinen perheyhtiö, HJS Fahrzeugtechnik, tekee suuren osan liikevaihdostaan toimittamalla filttereitä ja ilmanpuhdistusteknologiaa muun muassa liikkuvien työkoneiden valmistajille.39

Saksalainen toimintatapa toimitusketjun hallintaan liittyen nähdään vahvuu- 31 Ifo project, Mechanical Engineering in SMEs in Germany, 2001 32 IKB Deutsche Industriebank, haastattelu 6.3.2009 33 Global Industry Analysts, Material Handling Equipment - Market 1.3.2008 34 Liebherr 35 Jungheinrich 36 Manitowoc Annual report 2007 37 IKB Deutsche Industriebank, haastattelu 6.3.2009 38 VDI Nachrichten, Düsseldorf, 20.2.2009 39 Konjunktur: Mittelständler kämpfen gegen Rezession 7.1.2009


Saksalaiset val-mistajat luottavat jatkossakin paikal-lisiin toimittajiin. Ulkomaisten toi-mittajien tulee osoittaa olevansa luotettavia ja laadukkaita toimit-tajia – sopuhin-taan.

tena. Vaikeassa markkinatilanteessakin Saksan koneteollisuuden kompo-nenttitoimittajien asema Saksassa ja muualla Euroopassa on varsin stabiili, sillä yritykset ovat oppineet, ettei kaikkea voi ulkoistaa halvempiin maihin kuten Kiinaan. Saksalaiset yritykset tulevat jatkossakin luottamaan paikalli-siin toimittajiin ja aasialaisten komponenttien tuonnin ei uskota kasvavan merkittävästi. Alalle on myös tärkeää läheiset suhteet yliopistoihin tuotekehi-tyksen vuoksi.40

Saksan konevalmistusmarkkinalle aikovien suomalaisyritysten tulee osoit-taa, että ne ovat luotettavia toimittajia. Saksalaiset konevalmistajat eivät osta komponentteja tarjouskilpailuiden kautta vaan liikesuhteen perustana on toimittajan luotettavuus toimitusten ja laadun suhteen. Usein myös yri-tyksen kokoon kiinnitetään huomiota tämän vuoksi.41 VDMA:n edustajan mukaan ulkomaisilla komponenttitoimittajilla tulee olemaan vaikeaa päästä Saksan markkinalle seuraavan vuoden, kahden kuluessa, paljoltikin huo-nosta markkinatilanteesta johtuen. Uusia ratkaisuja tarjoaville yrityksille on kuitenkin aina sijaa. VDMA:n mukaan on tärkeää, että ulkomaisella toimitta-jalla on asemapaikka myös Saksassa. Myös kilpailukykyinen hinta nähdään tärkeänä.42

40 IKB Deutsche Industriebank, haastattelu 6.3.2009 41 IKB Deutsche Industriebank, haastattelu 6.3.2009 42 VDMA, haastattelu 6.3.2009


3.1.5 LIIKKUVIEN TYÖKONEIDEN VALMISTAJIEN SIJAINTI SAKSASSSA Saksassa on tiettyjä raskaan teollisuuden kes-kittymiä, joissa myös liikkuvien työkoneiden val-mistajat sijaitse-vat.

Alla olevaan karttaan on merkitty suuntaa-antavasti liitteenä olevassa Excel-dokumentissa mainituttujen yritysten Saksan pääkonttorien sijainti. Näiden sadan liikkuvia työkoneita valmistavan yrityksen sijainti noudattaa selvästi samaa kaavaa kuin raskaiden koneiden valmistus yleensäkin. Ruhrin alu-een lisäksi tärkeitä keskittymiä ovat mm. Hampurin ja Bremenin alue, Stutt-gartin ja Heidelbergin alue sekä München ja Augsburg Baijerissa.

Kuva 3. Liikkuvien työkoneiden valmistajien sijainti Saksassa.

1. Ahlmann Baumaschinen GmbH 2. Maschinen- und Antriebstechnik GmbH & Co. KG 3. Bagela Baumaschinen GmbH & Co. KG; DEUTRUCK GmbH;

Jungheinrich AG; Kalmar Flurförderzeuge Vertriebs GmbH; Still GmbH (Linde AG)

4. HanseLifter Hub- & Fördergeräte; Kocks Krane International; Atlas Weyhausen GmbH; Manitowoc Crane Group Germany GmbH

5. MKG Maschinen- u. Kranbau GmbH 6. Grimme Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. Kg; Hermann Paus

Maschinenfabrik GmbH












































Saarbr ücken





0 100 km










8 910




















7. Bentec GmbH Drilling & Oilfield Systems 8. B. Strautmann & Söhne GmbH U. Co. Kg 9. Rabe Agri GmbH; CLAAS KGaA; Claas Selbstfahrende Erntema-

schinen GmbH; Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. Kg; NEUERO Industrietechnik für Förderanlagen GmbH; Franz Kleine Vertriebs & Engineering GmbH; Kverneland Group Soest GmbH; Maschinenfabrik Bernard Krone GmbH; Maschinenfabrik Kemper GmbH & Co. Kg

10. Hiab GmbH; Herbst Förder- und Hebetechnik GmbH; Same Deutz-Fahr Deutschland GmbH; Dynapac GmbH; Wilhelm Stoll Maschi-nenfabrik GmbH; Welger Maschinenfabrik GmbH

11. Lemken GmbH & Co. Kg 12. GHH Fahrzeuge GmbH; Eickhoff Bergbautechnik GmbH; Eickhoff

Maschinenfabrik GmbH; deilmann-haniel mining systems gmbh; Bucyrus DBT Europe GmbH

13. Gottwald Port Technology GmbH; Komatsu Mining Germany GmbH 14. Abus Kransysteme GmbH 15. Weidemann GmbH 16. Bomag GmbH; Masa AG; Wirtgen GmbH 17. HUBTEX GmbH & Co. KG 18. Demag Cranes & Components GmbH; KION Group 19. Volvo Construction Equipment Europe GmbH; Benninghoven

GmbH & Co. Kg 20. John Deere-Lanz Verwaltungs; Joseph Vögele Aktiengesellschaft;

Terex-Demag GmbH & Co. Kg 21. Fella-Werke GmbH & Co. Kg; Faun GmbH; Holmer Maschinenbau

GmbH; Horsch Maschinen GmbH; SENNEBOGEN Maschinenfabrik GmbH; Hamm Ag

22. Cnh Deutschland GmbH; Wolffkran; Stahl Crane Systems GmbH; Dautel GmbH; R Stahl AG; HSM Hohenloher Spezial-Maschinenbau GmbH & Co.KG

23. Dambach Lagersysteme GmbH & Co. KG; Otto Nussbaum GmbH & Co KG Maschinenbau + Fertigungstechnik; DOLL Fahrzeugbau GmbH; Mulag Fahrzeugwerk Heinz Wössner GmbH & Co. Kg; Her-renknecht Aktiengesellschaft

24. Claas Saulgau GmbH; Liebherr-Mischtechnik GmbH; Liebherr - Werk Biberach GmbH; Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH; Volk Fahr-zeugbau GmbH; Holder Industries GmbH; Schopf Maschinenbau GmbH; Kramer - Werke GmbH; D. Bader Söhne GmbH & Co. KG; Still Wagner GmbH; Carl Stahl GmbH

25. Kuka Protec GmbH; Pfaff-silberlau Foerdertechnik; Bauer Maschi-nen GmbH

26. Kiefer GmbH; PEFRA AG; Jungheinrich Moosburg GmbH; Crown Gabelstapler GmbH & Co. Kg; Linde AG; Kinshofer GmbH

27. Agco GmbH; Fendt 28. Noell Mobile Systems & Cranes 29. BAT Bohr- und Anlagentechnik GmbH; Hydrema Baumaschinen

GmbH 30. MDW Mähdrescherwerke GmbH 31. TAKRAF GmbH 32. FAM Magdeburger Förderanlagen und Baumaschinen GmbH; Jcb

Vibromax GmbH; Kuhn Maschinen - Vertrieb GmbH



Global Intelligence Alliance Itämerenkatu 5 A 00180 Helsinki Finland Puh. +358 (0)424 956 200 http://www.globalintelligence.com Yhteyshenkilöt: Leif Backman Senior Account Manager Puh. +358 (0)400 885 369 leif.backman@globalintelligence.com Katja Haukipuro Analysis Project Manager Puh. +358 (0)40 762 7874 katja.haukipuro@globalintelligence.com


The facts, findings and conclusions that Global Intelligence Alliance delivers are based on information gathered in good faith from both primary and sec-ondary sources, whose accuracy we are not always in a position to guaran-tee. As such Global Intelligence Alliance can accept no liability whatever for actions taken based on any information that may subsequently prove to be incorrect.



3.2.1 BAUER Maschinen GmbH Head Office BAUER Maschinen GmbH BAUER-Straße 1 86529 Schrobenhausen, Germany P.O. Box 12 60 86522 Schrobenhausen, Germany Phone: +49 8252 97-0 Fax: +49 8252 97-1359 Email: info@bauer.de http://www.bauer.de/en/bma



The company at a glance

Bauer Maschinen GmbH is an independent entity within the Bauer Group and the world market leader inthe development and manufacturing (including exploration and mining technology) of specialistfoundation engineering equipment.

In addition to rotary drilling rigs and diaphragm wall cutters, Bauer also offers pile driving rigs,anchor drills, mixing plants, diesel hammers, as well as specialist well drilling and geothermal drilling rigs.

Bauer Equipment segment achieved 21.3% growth with total Group revenues or EUR 780.1 million.

85 % of revenues from sales abroad - multi-branding strategy.

BAUER Maschinen GmbH is also a holding company for a number of subsidiaries with their own profiles -23 ownerships outside Germany in 16 countries (17 ownerships of 100%).

The BAUER Group companies Schachtbau Nordhausen and Olbersdorfer Guß supply components toBauer.

The Group's operations are carried out in Western/Eastern/Central Europe, US, Mexico, Brazil, Asia andAfrica.

Sources: Bauer Group website, Annual Report 2008


Ownership structure in Germany

Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, Annual Report

Bauer Maschinen GmbH


GmbHEurodrill GmbH

PRAKLA Bohrtechnik


Company chart

100% 100% 100%

Bauer Mietpool GmbH

Headcount (2008): 2,493

Headcount (2008): 219 Headcount (2008): 36 Headcount (2008): 2 Headcount (2008): 65

RTG Rammtechnik


Headcount (2008): 7


MAT Mischanlagen-technik GmbH

Headcount (2008): 43


OlbersdorferGuß GmbH

Headcount (2008): 138




Products & Services

Services:Used equipment, Rental/Fleet (Drilling rigs, Rammtechnik, Drilling tools, Kellybars), Customer


Drilling Rigs

Accessories for Drilling Rigs

Diaphragm Wall Rigs

Slurry Treatment

Deep Vibrator

Anchor Drilling Rigs

Universal Pilling Rigs

Foundation Crane

Sources: Bauer Maschinen GmbH website

Pilling Hammers

Exploration- and Well Water Drilling Rigs

Geothermal Drilling Rigs


Electronic Systems

Auger Flights

Exploration and Mining

Deep drilling unit TBA

BAUER Maschinen GmbH


Brands & Locations:KLEMM Bohrtechnik

Sources: KLEMM Bohrtechnik website, Bauer Group Annual report 2008



KLEMM Bohrtechnik is a

leader in the

development and

manufacturing of

anchor drill rig

technology for

overburden, injections

and micro-piling drilling

for improvement in

carrying capacity of soil



EUR 59.4 million

Production plant for Drill Rigs

Hydraulic Drifter

Hydraulic Rotary Heads

Hydraulic Power Packs

Casing Handling

Drilling Equipment

Special Machines

Injection Plants

Jet Grouting Controller System

Activities & Products:

KLEMM Bohrtechnik has been part of the BAUER group since 1998 and is the center of competence for light drill rigs with specially developed components and a complete range of drilling accessories.




Brands & Locations:MAT Mischanlagentechnik

Sources. MAT website, Bauer Group Annual report 2008

MATMischanlagen-technik GmbH

Mid-size mechanical and

plant engineering

company dedicated to

developing, designing

and manufacturing

machinery and

equipment for mixing

technology, materials

handling, and

mechanical separation



EUR 17.3 million

SC Batch Mixers

SK Continuous Mixers

ID Inline Disperser

IP Injection Plants

PP Plunger Pumps

HP Hose Pumps

EP Eccentric Screw Pumps

ZA Accessories

Activities & Products:

With many years of experience in well-known construction projects in more than 30 countries, MATMischanlagentechnik GmbH is a specialist in the fields of special civil engineering, tunnel-building, buildingmaterials production and environmental technology.

Immenstadt - Seifen


Brands & Locations:RTG Rammtechnik

Sources: RTG Rammtechnik website, Bauer Group Annual report 2008

RTGRammtechnik GmbH

RTG equipment is

primary production

facilities at Aresing



EUR 37.5 million

Pile driver with telescopic leaderPile driver with fixed leadersHydraulic vibrators Sheet pile press system Rotary Heads Rental equipment

RTG is responsible for the entire product development and sales of all single and multi-purpose leader rigs complete with attachments and accessories.- Continuous development and expansion of the entire range of equipment, attachments and accessories

- Introduction of new process technologies- Extensive advisory and engineering services for individual solutions

- Expansion and maintenance of a worldwide service network

Activities & Products:

Founded in 1996, RTG Rammtechnik GmbH has developed plant and equipment which today is setting standards for the pile driving sector in specialist foundation construction.




Brands & Locations:Eurodrill

Sources: Eurodrill GmbH website, Bauer Group Annual report 2008

Eurodrill GmbH


Integration into the

Bauer Group


EUR 11.4 million

Activities & Products:

Founded in 1995, EURODRILL GmbH designs and produces hydraulic drifters and rotary heads not only for all kinds of crawler drill rigs but also for the end user.


Hydraulic Drifters

Rotary Heads for Anchor Drill Rigs

Double Head Drilling Systems

Rotary Heads for Pile Rigs


Special Designs

EURODRILL develops and produces

hydraulic drill heads, drifters and special solutions

for special civil engineering.


Brands & Locations:PRAKLA Bohrtechnik

Sources: PRAKLA Bohrtechnik website, Bauer Group Annual report 2008

PRAKLA Bohrtechnik GmbH


Bauer acquired the

majority shareholding in



EUR 24.9 million

Drilling rigs

Support services


- Drilling Accessories

- Mud Conditioning System

- Special vehicles

Prakla rigs are usually truckmounted,

making them highly manoeuvrable

and variable in use.

-how is being applied into a wide range

of new tasks. Their drilling rigs can be driven into the

sea bed e.g. from research ships, enabling deep-sea

drilling to be carried out. Exploration drilling in the

mining sector is a major aspect of operations and

Prakla also offers geothermal drilling rigs for highly

mobile applications.

Activities & Products:

PRAKLA Bohrtechnik GmbH Water and other treasures - Manufacturer of exploration and well drilling rigs.




Brands & Locations outside of Germany

Sources: Bauer Group Annual report 2008

FAMBO AB, Sweden

Ownership since 2007

Pile-driving equipment

Service, incl. customer

specified design and


Revenue: n/a

Pileco Inc., US

Drilling Rigs Accessories

Drill Tools, Hammers

Accessories Desanding

Equipment Mixers,

Pumps, Grout Mixing

Diaphragm Wall

Equipment Custom

Design Fabrication

Founded in 2005


EUR 62.5 million

TracMec Srl., Italy

Undercarriages for

operating weights up to

60 to for RG Rigs, M-

Line Rigs (MBG, MG)

and for special rigs.

Single Tracks

Fixed Cross-Beams

Fixed Track-Gauge

Founded in 2005


EUR 17.9 million


Sales by Segment & Region

Sources: Annual Report 2008


EU excl. Germany

Europe (other)

Middle East

Far East




Sales in 2008 by Regionin million






Bauer Resources GmbH incl. subsidiaries

Bauer Maschinen GmbH

Bauer Maschinen subsidiaries

Schachtbau Nordhausen GmbH

SPESA Spezialbau&Sanierung GmbH

Bauer AG

Bauer Spezialtiefbau GmbH






Sales in 2008 by Segmentin million



Latest events

Sources: Bauer press releases

15 May 2009Bauer virtually unaffected by financial crisis in the first quarterWith a 21.8 percent increase in revenues to EUR 220.5 million, the Equipment segment performed well above expectations in the early months of the year. Segment EBIT of EUR 20.3 million was some EUR 3.4 million down on the comparative previous year quarter.

21 April 2009Bauer surpasses targets and delivers record 2008 performanceEquipment segment: capacities expanded and innovative machinery developed

17 February 2009Bauer and Brasfond establish joint venture to market deep-level drilling rig in Brazil



3.2.2 Bucyrus DBT Europe GmbH Bucyrus DBT Europe GmbH 44534Luenen, Germany Phone: +49 2306 7090 Fax: +49 2306 709 1421 Email: info@de.bucyrus.com www.bucyrus.com



The company at a glance

Bucyrus designs and manufactures high-performance machinery and equipment for the surface andunderground mining industries and has a workforce of around 6,000 employees worldwide.

DBT generates approximately USD 1.0 billion in annual revenue.

The core business is the design and manufacture of equipment and systems for the longwall and room &pillar mining operations. Bucyrus surface equipment is used for mining coal, copper, iron ore, oil sands andother minerals, and underground equipment is primarily used for mining hard coal.

The global network also provides comprehensive world class aftermarket-related service.

Bucyrus DBT Europe GmbH (formerly DBT GmbH) is a subsidiary of the Bucyrus International, Inc. group ofcompanies. Bucyrus DBT Europe has a workforce of about 1,240 employees.

With the acquisition of DBT in 2007 Bucyrus now also supplies complete system solutions for undergroundcoal mining.

Bucyrus DBT Europe, headquartered in Lünen, is the main production site for longwall products andmanages the Bucyrus sales activities in the markets of Europe, Russia, and India.

Sources: Bucyrus website; NIRO - Netzwerk Industrie RuhrOst e. V. website


Ownership structure in Germany

Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, Annual reports, Unternehmensregister

Bucyrus DBT Europe GmbH Head office: Lünen

DBT Mining Engineers



Headcount Total Group (2008): 1,240



Headcount (2008):


Bucyrus GermanyService GmbH



100%100% 100%






HMS Hamburg

Trust GmbH




49.9% Bucyrus Germany Holdings GmbH

Bucyrus International


Headcount(2008):~ 3,200




Products & Services

Bucyrus DBT Europe GmbH


- Long Wall (Roof Supports, Plow Systems, Shearers, Conveyors, Automation, Roof Support Carriers)

- Room and Pillar (Continuous Miners, Roof Bolters, Feeder Breakers, Utility Vehicles, Haulage Systems)

- Belt Systems

Walking draglines / Electric shovels / Rotary blasthole drills

Face and entry conveyor technology

Drive systems for longwall mining

Cutting machines (shearers, fully automated plow systems)

Belt conveyor systems

Microprocessor based control systems

Diesel and battery driven transport vehicles

Mine planning / Safety and ventilation technology

Customer service (DBT Five-Star Service):

Account management, Life-cycle management, on-site service, repairs, spare parts,

overhauls and certified upgrades

Sources: Herrenknecht AG website


Business units & Locations:DBT Mining Engineers GmbH

DBT Mining Engineers GmbH

Revenue 2007:

EUR 13.167 million

- Germany MEUR 7.075

- India MEUR 4.281

- Czech Republic MEUR


- Russia, Spain, Bosnia,

and others MEUR 0.376

All activities of DBT in

the Indian market are

organized by DBT

Mining Engineers.

DBT Mining Engineers has become an

international mining, engineering and

construction firm, providing complete

services for planning, engineering,

developing, supplying systems and

operational support to underground mines

producing coal, lignite, phosphate and

other minerals:

Design of system, coordination of

interfaces, delivery of the system,

integration of the system into the existing

mine, installation and assembly

monitoring, preparation of start phase,

commissioning, trial operation, operational


Activities & Products:

Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register




Business units & Locations:Bucyrus Germany Service GmbH

Bucyrus GermanyService GmbH

Revenue 2008:

EUR 35.058 million

Activities & Products:

Mining Machinery & Equipment Manufacturing

Construction & Mining (Except Oil Wells)

Machinery & Equipment

Merchant Wholesalers

Overhaul services for Bucyrus DBT Europe GmbH

Aftermarket supply

Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register



Business units & Locations


Gesellschaft für




Revenue 2005:

EUR 0.015 million

Trading, Leasing, Project financing of

machinery, construction/facility and other

equipment, especially in Poland

Activities & Products:

Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register






Rest of Europe




Other Asian countries



Sales in 2007 by Regionin thousand EUR





Sales by Business units & Region

Sources: Annual Report 2008, Bucyrus website

Surface Mining

Underground Mining



Sales in 2008 by Segmentin %


Latest events

Sources: Bucyrus website

22 May 2009


18 May 2009Bucyrus President & CEO, joined Jim Cramer on "Mad Money" to discuss the direction of Bucyrus

24 April 2009Bucyrus Declares Quarterly DividendThe Board of Directors of Bucyrus International, Inc. (NASD: BUCY) has declared a quarterly dividend of

16 October 2007

Following the completion of its acquisition of DBT, Bucyrus has announced that the integration of the surface (BUCYRUS) and underground (DBT) segments will extend to brand integration as well.




3.2.3 Claas Group

CLAAS KGaA mbH Münsterstraße 33 33428 Harsewinkel, Germany Phone: +49 5247 / 12-0 Email: infoclaas@claas.com www.claas.com



The company at a glance

Claas Group is a manufacturer of agricultural equipment originally established in Westphalia, Germanyby August Claas.

The Group's principal activity is the manufacture of Harvesting Machinery. The Group's operations arecarried out through three divisions: Agricultural Engineering, Industrial Engineering and ProductionEngineering.

The Agricultural Engineering segment manufactures combine harvesters, forage harvesters, squarebalers, round balers, conventional high-density balers, green harvest machinery, system carrier vehiclesand agricultural information technology.

The Production Engineering segment develops and produces complete production lines for automotiveand aircraft industries.

The Industrial Engineering supplies drive technology and hydraulic components.

The Group's operations are carried out in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Central Europe, UnitedKingdom and France.

Sources: CLAAS KGaA company website, Wikipedia


Ownership structure

Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, Claas KGaA website


AGROCOM GmbH & Co. Agrarsystem


Claas Service & Parts GmbH

Claas Saulgau GmbH

Claas Industrie-

technik GmbH

Group chart

100% 100% 100% 100%

Claas Selbstfahrende

Erntemaschinen GmbH

Headcount (2007): 7,900

Headcount (2007): 150 Headcount(2007): 8,425 Headcount(2007): 2,100 Headcount(2007): 611 Headcount(2007): 75

Claas Fertigungs-

technik GmbH

Headcount(2007): 353




Headcount(2007): n/a

Claas Automation


Headcount(2007): 70

100% 100%



Products & Services

The service division offers: Service & Parts, Financial Services for customers, Technical training service, etc.



QUADRANT 2200/2100


VARIANT 360-385

VARIANT 370-350

ROLLANT 350/340



LEXION 580/570/570 C

LEXION 560-510




JAGUAR 980-950



JAGUAR wood harvester

CORTO drum mowers

COUGAR self-propelled mowers

DISCO disc mower

LINER hay rakes

QUANTUM loader wagons

VOLTO tedder




ARION 600/500


ARES 500



Sources: CLAAS Group website, Annual Report 2008

Combine Harvesters

Foragers Tractors Balers Green Harvest Machinery


Telescope Loaders


Business Units & Locations:Product companies

Agricultural Equipment

- Product companies -

AGROCOM GmbH & Co. Agrarsysteme KG

CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH

CLAAS Saulgau GmbH

Development & production of mowing units, tedders, swathers, loader wagons & attachements for maize headers

IT programs and equipment for farm owners and contractors

Production plant of combines and agricultural choppers




Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, CLAAS KGaA company website



Bad Saulgau



Business Units & Locations:Sales companies

Agricultural Equipment

- Sales companies -

CLAAS Vertriebs-gesellschaft GmbH

CLAAS Service and Parts GmbH

Sales division

Supplys CLAAS customers with spare partsActivity:


Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, CLAAS KGaA company website




Business Units & Locations:Production technology

Production Technology

BRÖTJE-Automation GmbH, Wiefelstede

CLAAS Fertigungstechnik GmbH

CLAAS Automation GmbH

Development & Production of rivet machines and assembly lines for the aviation industry

Medium-sized tool and system builder

Manufacture of highly-complex automation systems, e.g. crankshafts for automobiles in China




Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, CLAAS KGaA company website






Business Units & Locations:Industrial engineering

Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, CLAAS KGaA company website

Industrial Engineering

CLAAS Industrietechnik GmbH

System supplier for drive technology and hydraulic systems




Sales by Business Unit & Region

Sources: Annual Report 2008

CLAAS Agricultural Equipment

CLAAS Production Technology

CLAAS Industrial Engineering




Sales in 2008 by Business Unitin million

GermanyRest of Western EuropeCentral and Eastern EuropeOther countries





Sales in 2008 by Regionin million



Latest events

Sources: Brainnet.com (10/05/2009); BME Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft Einkauf und Logistik e.V. (13/05/2009)

12 May 2009CLAAS wins 2009 VDI Innovation Award for Value Analysis/ Value Management. The CLAASIndustrietechnik GmbH (CLAAS Industrial Technology company) and CLAAS Corporate Purchasing SupplierIntegration Team had jointly applied for the award using as their project title: Supplier Integration:Value Management as a Means of creating joint Values CIT Steering .

30 January 2009CLAAS KGaA organized its second CLAAS Value Day with more than 170 participants. The Value Day is asymposium devoted to the topic of value management, focusing in particular on value analysis, target priceanalysis and value stream analysis methods.


3.2.4 Demag Cranes & Components GmbH Demag Cranes & Components GmbH Ruhrstrasse 28 D-58300 Wetter, Germany Telephone +49 02335 92-0 Telefax +49 02335 92-7676 www.demagcranes.com



The company at a glance

History of the company dates back to year 1819.

Headquartered in Wetter, North Rhine-Westfalia.

The company is divided into three business units: Cranes, Handling Technology/Drives and Service.

In the fiscal year 2007/08 (ended on 30 September 2008), the company recorded sales of approx. EUR900 million.

The company has 12 international subsidiaries, e.g. In Poland, Austria, UK, US, Italia, Denmark andCzech Republic.

Sources: Demag Cranes & Components website

www.globalintelligence.comwww.globalintelligence.comSources: Demag Cranes AG website, Demag Cranes & Components website, Dun & Bradstreet, Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database

Ownership structure in Germany


Group chart

DCC Holdco 5 GmbH

Headcount (2008): 6,248

Headcount (2008): 4


Demag Cranes & Components


Kranservice Rheinberg GmbH

Headcount (2008): 115



Headcount (2008): 5,232



Products & Services 1/2

Sources: Demag Cranes & Components website


offering includes single- and double girder cranes and special solutions for specific industries, such as aviation and steel handling.

KBK Crane Construction Kit

Transport solutions tailored to meet individual customer needs for area-serving and overhead handling applications


Hoist units, chain hoists, Manulift, rope hoists and open winch units

Load Handling Attachments

Demag battery magnets, Demag permanent magnets and Demag circular magnets

Switch and Control Systems

Control pendants, radio control and infrared control systems for controlling hoists and machinery

The service division offers: On-call standby, Inspection, Maintenance work, Spare parts, Customer seminars, etc.


Power Supply Systems and


Compact conductor lines, single conductors, flat conductor lines and trailing cable systems

Geared Motors and Drives

Geared motors, brake motors, microspeed drives

Frequency Inverters

Dedrive Pro frequency inverters and Dedrive Compact frequency inverters

Travel Unit Components

Wheel block and travel wheel systems, wheel set, trolleys and clamp-fitted buffers


Rope connectors, geared limit switches and load detectors

Products & Services 2/2

Sources: Demag Cranes & Components website



Production Site & Location

Demag Cranes & Components GmbH

Located in Wetter, North Rhine-Westfalia

Revenue: Approx. EUR 420 million

Product range: Drives, Handling Technology and Cranes business units

Sources: Demag Cranes & Components GmbH website; Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database

Activities & Products:Wetter


Latest events

Sources: Demag Cranes AG website; Demag Cranes & Components GmbH website

18 May 2009Demag Cranes AG plans restructuring, up to 750 job cuts necessaryDouble-digit euro million will be allocated for the restructuring measures. The Group tries to counter the worsening economic situation; Group order intake on Q2/08-09 was down more than 40% compared to previous year.

22 April 2009Higher load capacity larger spansWith an extension to its range of single-girder suspension cranes, Demag Cranes & Components has launched a product campaign in its Standard Crane line.


3.2.5 Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik GmbH Gebr. Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik u. Eisengießerei GmbH Hunscheidtstr. 176 D-44789 Bochum, Germany Telephone: +49 234 975-0 Telefax: +49 234 975-2445 Email: kontakt@eickhoff-bochum.de www.eickhoff-bochum.de



The company at a glance

Eickhoff Group is a leading supplier of mining technology.

The company is headquartered in Bochum in North Rhine-Westfalia (the largest Federal State of Germany

with a contribution of 22% of GDP).

The company is estimated to have a worldwide market share (excluding China & CIS) of around 40% in

the field of shearer loaders for the underground mining industry.

Eickhoff is the market leader in roadheaders for tunnelling.

Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik manufactures components for other companies within the Group.

Other activities within the Group include construction of branch-tailored gearboxes and manufacture of

technically complex castings.

Sources: Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik GmbH website, Schalker Eisenhütte Maschinenfabrik GmbH website,


Ownership structure

Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register

Gebr. Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik u. Eisengießerei GmbH

Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik


Eickhoff Antriebstechnik


Eickhoff Bergbautechnik


Eickhoff Gießerei GmbH

Group chart

100% 100% 100% 100%

Schalker Eisenhütte

Maschinenfabrik GmbH


Headcount (2007): 829

Headcount (2007): 2 Headcount (2007): 198 Headcount (2007): 150 Headcount (2007): 174 Headcount (2007): 424



Products & Services

The service division offers: Assembly and initial operation, Inspection and maintenance, Repair service, Trouble-shooting, incl. spare parts, Training and coaching, Workshop service

Sales Revenues:EUR 128 million

Sales Revenues:n/a

Sales Revenues:EUR 42 million

Sales Revenues:EUR 29 million

Production of castings

Monthly production of 1,200 tonnes

Heaviest single unit mass is 5,000 kg

Development, construction & supply of high-performance machinery for the underground mining industry

Product range: shearer loaders, continuous miners, roadheaders

Development and construction of branch-tailored gearboxes

Core competence: Realization of power transmission solutions

Offers system solutions for coke oven machinery and rail vehicules

Locomotives are in worldwide service in underground and surface mines

Sales Revenues:EUR 175 million

Manufacture, within the Eickhoff Group, of the mechanical components for products of Eickhoff Antriebstechnik and Eickhoff Bergbautechnik

Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik GmbH website, Schalker Eisenhütte Maschinenfabrik GmbH website


Production Sites & Locations:Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik

Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik


Headquarter in Bochum

Total area: 100,000 m²


EUR 175.4 million

Industrial gear products,casting, shearer loaders, continuous miners, special track-mounted vehicles, roadheaders and foundry products.

The Eickhoff Group offers everything under one roof- from single elements and core components through to turnkey installations.

Activities & Products:

Sources: Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik GmbH website , German Company Register, Annual Report 2007 Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik GmbH




Production Sites & Locations:Schalker Eisenhütte Maschinenfabrik

Schalker Eisenhütte Maschinenfabrik


Subsidiary in Gelsenkirchen

Revenue: EUR 16.1 million

Schalker Eisenhütte Maschinenfabrik GmbH unites the design and manufacture areas of mechanical engineering, hydraulics, pneumatics, electrical and electronicengineering with production, assembly and commissioning all under one roof and provides system solutions for Coke oven Machines, Rail Vehicles, Job Order Production and Automation.

Activities & Products:

Sources: Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik GmbH website, Schalker Eisenhütte Maschinenfabrik GmbH website, German Company Register, Annual Report 2007 Schalker Eisenhütte Maschinenfabrik GmbH



Production Sites & Locations:Eickhoff Antriebstechnik

Eickhoff Antriebstechnik


New production plant with a capacity of 750 gearboxes/year in Klipphausen

Total area: 120,000 m²

Revenue: Approx. EUR -540,000

Eickhoff Antriebstechnik GmbH develops and constructs branch-tailored gearboxes under


Their core competence is the realization of power transmission solutions for all types of industries.

Activities & Products:

Sources: Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik GmbH website, Heitkamp company website, German Company Register, Annual Report 2007 Eickhoff Antriebstechnik GmbH




Industrial gear products

Eickhoff products and subsidiaries



Sales by Region

Sources: Annual Report 2007 Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik GmbH

Sales in 2008 by Regionin thousand EUR





Sales in 2007 by Regionin thousand EUR

UmsatzDie beiden folgenden Tabellen zeigen die Aufgliederung des Umsatzes in Produktgruppen und Absatzgebiete:


Latest events

Sources: Articles: elektrotechnik Das Automatisierungs-Portal (23/02/2009); Spiegel Online (17/04/2009)

17 April 2009: The company announced the nearing completion of a Eickhoff SL 500 shearer loader designated for the Chinese market. In the last three years Eickhoff produced a total of 50 shearer loaders for the Chinese market and thus realized sales worth EUR 20 million. The company exports 90 percent of its coal mining machines to China, Russia and Australia.

23 February 2009:

wind energy gearboxes during the trade fair




3.2.6 FAUN GmbH TADANO FAUN GmbH Faunberg 2 D-91207 Lauf a. d. Pegnitz, Germany Telephone: +49 9123 955-0 Telefax: +49 9123 30 85 e-mail: info@tadanofaun.de www.tadanofaun.com



The company at a glance

FAUN GmbH is a European manufacturer of mobile cranes and special vehicules located in thesoutheast of Germany in Lauf an der Pegnitz. After a takeover by the Japanese mobile cranemanufacturer Tadano Ltd. in 1990, the FAUN GmbH is a 100% subsidiary of the Tadano Group withmore than 3,000 employees.

At the location in Lauf the company produces truck loader and mobile cranes as well as specialvehicules, e.g. for military purposes.

In 2007, the FAUN GmbH reported an increase in sales of 25.2% to EUR 233 million.

The sales company of the FAUN GmbH is also located in Lauf an der Pegnitz. The Tadano Faun GmbH isa 100% subsidiary of the FAUN GmbH.

Sources: FAUN GmbH company website, German Company Register, Firmenwissen.de


Ownership structure

Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, Tadano company website, Faun GmbH company website

TADANO Ltd. (Japan)

Group chart

FAUN GmbH(Germany)

Headcount (2008): 1,220

Headcount (2007): 463





Headcount (2007): 69



Headcount (2007): 28



Products & Services

The service division offers: After-Sales-Service, guaranteed spare part availability, etc.

BKF 35-4

BKF 40-4

BKF 40-4 L

ATF 40G-2

ATF 50G-3

ATF 60-3

ATF 65G-4

ATF 90G-4

ATF 110G-5

ATF 130G-5

ATF 160G-5

ATF 220G-5

ATF 360G-6

HK 40

HK 60

FAUN is also a supplier of crane and heavy equipment for military purposes

FAUN Heavy Duty Trucks: SLT-Elefant' and SLT-

BKF 30.40 8 x 8 Recovery and Towing Vehicle

GR-300 EX

GR-550 EX

GR-700 EX

Sources: FAUN GmbH company website

All Terrain (AT) Truck-mounted cranes

Rough terrain cranes

Recovery vehicles

Military vehicles


Business Units & Location

Mobile Cranes & Special vehicles



Manufacture plant for cranes, military cranes and special vehicles.

Sales and Service



Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, FAUN GmbH company website

Lauf an der Pegnitz



Sales by Business Unit & Region

Sources: Annual Report 2008

Cranes & Crane chassis

Replacement parts & Customer ServiceOthers



Sales in 2007 by Business Unitin thousand EUR




Sales in 2007 by Regionin thousand EUR

Overall sales in 2007 amounted to EUR 233 million,which meant a slight lower deviation of expected salesfigures. Reasons have been delivery problems due toshortages of steel as well as of industrial tires - of thesuppliers of materials and replacement parts.

For the coming years, the company announced to payclose attention to the ability to supply during the choiceof suppliers.


Latest events

Sources: Faun press releases

4 May 2009TADANO Ltd. and TADANO FAUN Group Germany announcing Management changesEffective on the 1st of May 2009, Alexander Knecht, who has long experiences within the crane industry, isjoining the TADANO Group as successor of Masaharu Nakanishi. In his function as CEO and President, hewill be heading the TADANO FAUN Group in Lauf/ Germany. Alexander Knecht will also become a boardmember of the Tadano Ltd. in Japan as Director/ Executive Officer. In Lauf/ Germany, Alexander Knecht willbe joined by Minoru Sakuta, Vice President Faun GmbH/ Officer of the Tadano Ltd., returning after 7 yearsto Germany being until 2002 with the Tadano Faun GmbH.

9 April 2009TADANO FAUN Spring Launch of 2 new 5 axles oneTADANO FAUN launched end of March 2009 even 2 new 5 axle cranes. The so-called (Global) typeseries was added by the ATF 130G-5, the truck mounted series by the HK 70.


3.2.7 GHH FahrzeugeGmbH GHH Fahrzeuge GmbH Emscherstr. 53 D-45891 Gelsenkirchen, Germany Telephone: +49 209 38907 0 Telefax: +49 209 38907 109 Email: info@ghh-fahrzeuge.de www.ghh-fahrzeuge.de



The company at a glance

Headquartered in Gelsenkirchen.

Member of the Schmidt-Kranz Group.

Products used widely in the raw materials industry (mining), building industry (tunneling) and

airport infrastructure (ground support equipment) markets.

112 employees in 2007.

Sales of the company were EUR 31.3 million in 2007.

Managing Director of the company is Günther Robert Saelhoff.

Sources: GHH Fahrzeuge GmbH website, Dun & Bradstreet


Ownership structure

Sources: GHH Fahrzeuge GmbH website; German Company Register, Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database

Schmidt, Kranz & Co. GmbH

GHH Mining Machines (PTY)

Ltd., South Africa

Gansu JinchuanJinGe Mining

Vehicles Co., Ltd, China

Group chart


Headcount (2007): 919

GHH Fahrzeuge GmbH

Headcount (2008): 130


51% 25.1% 30.36%



Products & Services

Sources: GHH Fahrzeuge GmbH website


LHDs (Load HaulDumpers): transport payloads of 3 - 20 tonnes for usage in underground mining, tunneling and in special projects such as subways and caverns

Dump trucks for mining and tunneling with loading capacities between 15-50 tonnes

Special Vehicles: Standard models can be customized according to special needs


Spare Parts Logistics: Services include proposals for spare parts storage, express supply of parts, Service Hotline, etc.

Service Team helps at commissioning the vehicles, training, assembling for underground transport and general overhaul

Used vehicles and rental service

Aircraft Movers

The company produces different models for different aircraft types and sizes.

The offering of the company is divided into three different areas: Mining/Tunneling, Aircraft Movers and Service



GHH FahrzeugeGmbH

Since January 2007 GHH

Fahrzeuge GmbH has

had a new location in



EUR 31.3 million

GHH produces LHD's (Load-Haul-Dump technique) with articulated steering for the mining industry, ADT- dumpers, Roof scalers, telescopic trucks and other special vehicles.

Mayor custumer groups are mining- and tunnelling industry. Since 1987 GHH manufactures towbarlessaircraft towing tractors - so called aircraft movers.

Activities & Products:

Sources: GHH Fahrzeuge GmbH website; German Company Register, Annual Report 2007




Latest events

Sources: Annual Report 2007

In 2007 the company relocated its headquarter from Oberhausen to Gelsenkirchen with no noticeable impact on the production flow or staff.

The company started with an order backlog worth 20.8 million into the year 2008.


3.2.8 Gottwald Port Technology GmbH Gottwald Port Technology GmbH Postfach 18 03 43 D-40570 Düsseldorf, Germany Telephone: +49 211 7102-0 Telefax: +49 211 7102-3651 info@gottwald.com www.gottwald.com



The company at a glance

Member of the stock exchange listed Demag Cranes Group.

Headquartered in Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westfalia.

Company concentrates on products for material handling in ports and terminals.

Recorded sales were EUR 293.8 million in 2007.

CEO of the company is Dr. Robert Wassmer.

Demag Cranes is the global leader for mobile harbour cranes with a market share of approximately 46% (of all units sold per year).

Sources: Gottwald Port Technology website, Demag Cranes AG website, Dun & Bradstreet


Ownership structure

Sources: Demag Cranes AG website, Demag Cranes & Components website, Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, Dun & Bradstreet


Group chart

Gottwald Holdco 4 GmbH

Headcount (2008): 6,248


Gottwald Port Technology GmbH

AQZ Ausbildungs- und Qualifizierungszentrum

Düsseldorf GmbH

Headcount (2008): 19



Headcount (2008): 781



Products & Services

Sources: Gottwald Port Technology website

Harbour Cranes

Gottwald supplies three types of harbour cranes with lifting capacities up to 200 tonnes and radii of up to 56 metres for handling containers, bulk goods, general and project cargo alongside vessels of all sizes.

Mobile Harbour CranesPortal Harbour CranesFloating Cranes

Automated Stacking Cranes

ASC cranes perform fully-automated housekeeping and management of container stacks. New Gottwald Stacking Cranes are being used for example in the Port of Antwerp in Belgium.

Automated Guided Vehicles

Gottwald is the only global supplier of AGV vehicles for use in container terminals.

guided vehicles can

vehicles are controlled by navigation software provided by Gottwald.

Wide Span Gantries

Gottwald added wide span gantries to its product portfolio in the beginning of 2003. Since then, 12 WSG cranes have been sold.

WSG cranes can be combined with other Gottwald products, for instance with harbour cranes.

In addition, the company offers services, such as spare parts, technical support, training and upgrades, and sells used cranes.


Production Site & Location

Gottwald Port Technology GmbH

Founded in 1906

Revenue: EUR 316 million

The range of products currently includes Mobile Harbour Cranes and such derivatives as Portal Harbour Cranes and Floating Cranes, Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) for horizontal container transport, Automated Stacking Cranes (ASCs) and Wide Span Gantries (WSGs).

Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, Gottwald Port Technology website

Activities & Products:




Latest events

Sources: Gottwald Port Technology website, Demag Cranes AG website

18 May 2009Demag Cranes AG plans restructuring, up to 750 job cuts necessaryDouble-digit euro million will be allocated for the restructuring measures. The Group tries to counter the worsening economic situation; Group order intake on Q2/08-09 was down more than 40% compared to previous year.

23 January 2009Gottwald Port Technology sold 92 Mobile Harbour Cranes in 2008Management of the company was satisfied with the figure as it was almost in par with the figure of 2007 (96). The geographical distribution of the orders: Europe 36.9%, Africa 17.4%, Americas 19.6%, Middle-East & Asia 26.1%


3.2.9 Herrenknecht AG Herrenknecht AG Schlehenweg 2 D-77963 Schwanau, Germany Telephone +49 78 24 30 20 Telefax +49 78 24 34 03 info@herrenknecht.de www.herrenknecht.com



The company at a glance

Herrenknecht machines and equipment are used for constructing tunnels. Herrenknecht can deal with anysort of geological conditions and covers the complete range of mechanized tunnelling technology.

Herrenknecht develops, assembles and supplies mobile tunnelling equipment with cross-sections from0.10m to more than 19m.

The Group's operations are carried out through three business units:Traffic tunnelling (world market leader with 40% market share)Utility tunnelling incl. vertical drilling rigs (world market share of 30%)Geothermal exploration

Herrenknecht has approx. 2,900 employees around the world.

The Herrenknecht Group had sales of EUR 926 million in 2008.

The Group's operations (Sales & Service, Production) are carried out in 63 subsidiaries and associatedcompanies in related sectors in Germany as well as in Australia, Asia, Western/ Eastern Europe, NorthAmerica, South America, South Africa.

Sources: Herrenknecht Group website


Ownership structure in Germany

Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, individual websites

Herrenknecht AGHead office: Schwanau

Anakon GmbH

Bohrtec GmbH

Herren-knecht Vertical GmbH

Group chart


Headcount Total Group (2008): 2,915

Headcount (2007):


H+E Logistik GmbH

MSD (Maschinen-und Stahlbau


Dependent branch

Logistics YCL




Formwork Technology


Headcount (2008):



Technology Services GmbH

Headcount (2008):


Bohrtec Vertical GmbH

37.08%Associated company


33.33%Associated company

50%Associated company







Products & Services

Services: Project Consulting [Feasibility studies, Financial consulting, Risk analysis, Geotechnical evaluations and

consulting, Customer training, Production of project manuals, Schedule analysis and optimization, Technical support,

Consulting on site logistics, Consulting on Health and Safety, Financial Services, Rental Equipment, Used Tunnelling

Machines, Underground Technology Services

Tunnel boring machines

Traffic Tunnelling

Utility Tunnelling

Vertical Drilling

Vertical Drilling Rigs

Shallow Geothermal Energy

Shaft Sinking Machines

Sources: Herrenknecht AG website

Additional equipment

Cutter Tools

Press Frames

Control Containers

Lining Segment Moulds and Production

Separation Plants

Navigation Systems

Logistical Systems



Business units & Locations:Herrenknecht AG

Sources: Herrenknecht AG website

Herrenknecht AG

Traffic TunnellingUtility Tunnelling

Founded in 1975

Herrenknecht has a wide range of equipment and products in mechanized tunnelling technology.

Tunnel boring machines

Traffic Tunnelling

Utility Tunnelling

Vertical Drilling

Vertical Drilling Rigs

Shallow Geothermal Energy

Shaft Sinking Machines

Additional equipment

Cutter Tools

Press Frames

Control Containers

Lining Segment Moulds and


Separation Plants

Navigation Systems

Logistical Systems

Activities & Products:




Business units & Locations:Maschinen- und Stahlbau Dresden (MSD)

Sources: MSD website


Traffic TunnellingUtility Tunnelling

Maschinen- und Stahlbau Dresden (MSD) was founded as the company und


MSD has been part of the Herrenknecht AG since 1991.

Tunnelling equipment

Track-bounded rolling stock

Non track-bounded rolling stock

Equipment for the starting and run-out

phase of the tunnelling machine

Back-up systems

Handling plant


Customized solutions

Railway engineering

Lifting installation / lifting systems

Sliding platforms


Customized solutions

Activities & Products:



Business units & Locations:Herrenknecht Formwork Technology

Sources: Herrenknecht website

Herrenknecht Formwork

Technology GmbH

Traffic TunnellingUtility Tunnelling

Founded in 2007

Herrenknecht Formwork Technology GmbH offers solutions ranging from mould systems for the forming and manufacturing of lining segments and the corresponding handling and transport equipment, to turn-key lining segment factories

Design and construction, the manufacture

and servicing of formwork technology for

mechanized tunnelling.

Activities & Products:




Business units & Locations:H+E Logistik

Sources: H+E website

H+E Logistik GmbH

Traffic Tunnelling

Founded in 1999

H+E Logistik supplies

tunnel conveyor belt

systems, back-up

conveyors for tunnel

boring machines and

conveying systems for

the mining and

construction industry,

the ports and harbor

sector, and for all

companies which have a

lot to move

Products:Curving, continuously extendable belt conveyor systems for TBMs and drill and blast applicationMachine and back-up belt conveyors for TBMsVertical conveyorsStationary belt conveyors for mining and tunnellingSpecial belt conveyor systems, such as bunker belt conveyors, moveable and reversible belt conveyors, curve belt conveyors and customer specific solutionsServices:Planning and project designConstruction and realisationDelivery, assembly, installationField service and maintenanceFinancing models, repurchase, leasing

Activities & Products:



Business units & Locations:VMT GmbH

Sources: VMT website


Traffic Tunnelling

Utility Tunnelling

Founded in 1994

Development of specific

systems for the

guidance of Tunnel

Boring Machines in

segmentally lined and

pipe jacked tunnels has

been the major aspect

of product development

to date

The VMT GmbH supplies tailor-made

solutions, services and surveying systems

to the tunnelling industry.

Tunnelling Products:


Conventional Tunnelling

Information System CBP

Tunnelling Services

Industrial measurement:

Industrial measurement services

Products / Sales

Special Systems


Activities & Products:




Business units & Locations:Herrenknecht Vertical GmbH

Sources: Herrenknecht website

Herrenknecht Vertical GmbH

Utility Tunnelling

Founded in 2005

Herrenknecht Vertical

GmbH is specialized in

the development and

manufacturing of deep

drilling rigs that are

designed and


individually to meet

specific customer needs

for geothermal projects.

Developing, customizing and

manufacturing of deep drilling rigs.

Activities & Products:



Business units & Locations:Bohrtec Vertical GmbH

Sources: Herrenknecht vertical website, Herrenknecht AG website

Bohrtec Vertical GmbH

Utility Tunnelling

Founded in 2007

Bohrtec Vertical GmbH

provides high-tech

solutions in the form of

vertical drilling rigs,

which can be used in all

geological conditions

and at depths of up to

300 meters

Activities & Products:

Small drilling devices for the use of near-

surface geothermy.

Bohrtec Vertical GmbH has expertise in

modern and efficient drilling technology

and offers services required during the

exploitation of geothermal energy.




Sales by Business units & Region

Sources: Annual Report 2006, Herrenknecht AG website

Germany ROW 55,680


Sales in 2006 by Regionin thousand EUR

Traffic Tunneling

Utility Tunneling146


Sales in 2006 by Business Unitin million

Europe, which still represents more than 50 percent of new orders. The Asian region, and China in particular, has become the second most important sales and growth market of the Herrenknecht Group.


Latest events

Sources: Herrenknecht AG website

07 May 2009Istanbul, Turkey / Schwanau, GermanySuccessful premiere under the Bosporus. The first mechanically-excavated tunnel beneath the Bosporus successfully completed.

13 February 2009Schwanau, Germany3 EPB shields for the largest wastewater system worldwide. The CEO of the Mexican water authority CONAGUA visits Herrenknecht AG on the occasion of completion of the first tunnel boring machine for the Emisor Oriente project.

05 February 2009New York, USA, Schwanau, Germany





3.2.10 Liebherr Group Liebherr-Werk Biberach GmbH Hans-Liebherr-Strasse 45 D-88400 Biberach / Riss, Germany Telephone +49 73 51 41-0 Telefax +49 73 51 41-2225 Email: info.lbc@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH Dr.-Hans-Liebherr-Strasse 1 D-89584 Ehingen, Germany Telephone +49 7391 502-0 Telefax +49 7391 502-3399 Email info.lwe@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com



The company at a glance

Liebherr-Werk Biberach GmbH is one of the independantly operating company units of the LiebherrGroup.

The division into company units of manageable size is to ensure proximity to the customer and the abilityto respond flexibly to market signals in global competition.

Liebherr-Werk Biberach GmbH manufactures an extensive programme of high-quality cranes for theconstruction industry and many other industrial sectors; they are in successful use all over the world. Inaddition, the plant in Biberach/Riss produces driveline and control-system components.

The workforce at the location in Biberach amounts to 2,141 employees (2007).

The company reported an increase in sales by 26.2% to EUR 757.4 million in 2007 compared to 2006.

In 2007, the company increased its production capacity for cranes by 200 cranes to 1,249 units. Thebusiness unit for driveline and control-system components produced between 11 - 25% more unitscompared to 2006.

Sources: Liebherr Group website, Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, Liebherr Werk Biberach GmbH Annual Report 2007


Ownership structure

Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, Liebherr Werk Biberach GmbH Annual Report 2007

Parent company:Liebherr Family

Liebherr-CMCtec GmbH

Headcount (2007): 3


Liebherr-Werk Biberach GmbH


Headcount (2007): 2,141

Group chart



Products & Services

Services: Professional training

Fast-erecting cranes

Mobile construction cranes

Flat-Top cranes

Top-slewing cranes

Sources: Liebherr-Werk Biberach company website

Liebherr-Werk Biberach GmbH

Luffing jib cranes

Special cranes

Driveline and control-system components


Production Site & Location

Liebherr-Werk Biberach GmbH

Liebherr-Werk Biberach

GmbH was founded in


Total area: 400,000 m²


EUR 757.4 million

Liebherr-Werk Biberach GmbH is one of ten production sites of the Liebherr Group in Germany.

of all systems and size categories, with the ideal lifting technology for any civil engineering task.

The highly adaptable fast-erecting cranes and the efficient top-slewing cranes have proved their worth both in the construction of residential buildings and on large-scale industrial projects all over the world.

In addition, the plant in Biberach/Riss produces driveline and control-system components.

Activities & Products:

Sources: German Company Register, Liebherr Werk Biberach GmbH Annual Report 2007, Liebherr company website




Sales by Segment & Region

Sales in 2008 by Segment

Western EuropeEastern EuropeAmericaNear and Middle EastAfricaFar East, Asia, Australia


Sales in 2007 by Region


3.1% 2.4%


In 2007, sales figures increased by 26.2% to EUR 757.4 million. Sales of construction cranes increased by 30.5% and driveline and control-system components sales grew by 23.4%.

reached 75% and 57% for driveline and control-system components in 2007.

The most important export market has been Spain due to several infrastructure and wind power projects

Sales on the domestic market inreased by 32% to EUR 250 million

Construction cranes

Driveline and control-system components & Others



Sources: German Company Register, Liebherr Werk Biberach GmbH Annual Report 2007, Liebherr company website


Latest events

Sources: Schwäbische Zeitung 28/02/2009

28 February 2009Liebherr-order backlog.



The company at a glance

Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH is one of the independantly operating company units of the LiebherrGroup.

The division into company units of manageable size is to ensure proximity to the customer and the abilityto respond flexibly to market signals in global competition.

Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH is one of the leading manufacturers of mobile cranes. Itsprogramme includes all-terrain mobile cranes, lattice-boom cranes on wheeled and crawler-track chassis,mobile construction-industry cranes and special cranes for recovery work.

The workforce at the location in Ehingen amounts to 2,500 employees.

The company reported an increase in sales by 16% to EUR 1.3 billion in 2007 compared to 2006.

In the end of 2008 Liebherr Werk Ehingen GmbH offered 35 different types of cranes of those 19 modelsof the LTM series, 6 der LTM Baureihe, 6 crawler-track cranes and 10 special cranes.

Sources: Liebherr Group website, Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, Liebherr Werk Ehingen GmbH Annual Report 2007


Ownership structure

Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, Liebherr Werk Ehingen GmbH Annual Report 2007

LIBRA-Flugzeug GbR,

GermanyHeadcount (2008): n/a


BRALI GmbH, Germany

Headcount (2008): 138


Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH

Liebherr Grues

Mobiles S.A.S., France

Liebherr Italia S.p.A., Italia

Liebherr-Nederland B.V.,


Liebherr-Cranes Inc.,


Company chart

100% 100% 100% 100%

Liebherr Mobile Cranes Korea

Ltd., South Korea

Headcount (2007): 2,500

Headcount (2007): 58 Headcount (2007): 40 Headcount (2007): n/a Headcount (2007): n/a Headcount (2007): 44

Liebherr-Japan Co.

Ltd., Japan

Headcount (2007): n/a




Products & Services

Services: Professional training

All-terrain mobile cranes

Lattice-boom cranes on wheeled and crawler-track chassis

Mobile construction-industry cranes

Sources: Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH company website

Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH

Special cranes for recovery work

Compact mobile crane

Truck mounted telescopic cranes

Telescopic crawler crane


Brands & Locations

Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH

Liebherr-Werk Ehingen

GmbH is one of the

manufacturers of

mobile cranes.

Total area: 620,000 m²


EUR 59.4 million

Liebherr-Werk Ehingen is one of ten

production sites of the Liebherr Group in


All-terrain mobile cranes, lattice-boom cranes

on wheeled and crawler-track chassis, mobile

construction-industry cranes and special

cranes for recovery work.

Activities & Products:

Sources: Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH company website, Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, Annual Report 2007




Sales by Segment & Region

Sales in 2007 by Segmentin million




Sales in 2007 by Regionin million

In 2007, sales figures of crawler-track cranes in the mobile cranes segment experienced a noticable increase by 37% to EUR 152.9 million.

The most important export market has been Spain due to several infrastructure and wind power projects

Furthermore, the company registered an increase in sales by 26% on the North American market

Sources: Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH company website, Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, Annual Report 2007

Mobile cranesRepalcement partsSecond-hand products





Latest events

Sources: Südwest Presse - 22.05.2009, Schwäbische Zeitung - 2. Apr. 2009, Liebherr company website

23 May 2009:Liebherr-Werk Ehingen to host 3,000 invited guests to celebrate 40th company anniversary. The company presents its new 20,000 m² production plant for crawler cranes.

02 April 2009Liebherr to introduce short time working. Liebherr-Werk Ehingen not affected.

02 April 2009Rollout of the new Telescopic-Crawler Crane LTR 11200. The prototype of the new telescopic crawler crane LTR 11200 recently moved out of the newly constructed assembly shop for large cranes at the Liebherr factory in Ehingen.




3.2.11 Terex-Demag GmbH Terex Demag GmbH Dinglerstrasse 24 D-66482 Zweibrücken, Germany Telephone:+49 6332 83–0 Telefax:+49 6332 16715 Email: info@terex-demag.com www.demag24.com



The company at a glance

Terex-Demag manufactures mobile lattice boom cranes and telescopic boom cranes.

Located in Zweibrücken, where the company has two plants.

Terex-Demag has been manufacturing mobile cranes for more than 50 years.

Demag has been a part of Terex Corporation, Westport, USA since 2002. Terex Corporation is a diversifiedmanufacturer of a brood range of equipment primarily for the construction, infrastructure, surface mining,utility and maintenance industries. Terex Demag manufactures lattice boom cranes and telescopic boomcranes.

Sources: Terex-Demag GmbH website


Ownership structure

Sources: German Company Register, Terex-Demag GmbH & Co. KG Annual Report 2007

Terex-Demag GmbH & Co. KG

Group chart

Headcount (2007): 1,832

Terex Corp., USA

Headcount (2007): 21,000

Terex-Demag GmbH, GermanyHeadcount (2007): 1,679





Products & Services

Sources: Terex-Demag GmbH & Co. KG Annual Report 2007

Lattice Boom Cranes

Maximum lifting capacity varies between 300 tonnes and 3,200 tonnes.

CC8800-1 largest lattice boom crawler crane that can travel with load.

Telescopic Boom Cranes

Maximum lifting capacity varies between 30 tonnes and 700 tonnes.

The company manufactures 19 different models of Telescopic Boom Cranes

AC 700 model is the most powerful telescopic crane in the world roadable with the entire boom.

The offering of the company concentrates on mobile Lattice Boom Cranes and Telescopic Boom Cranes. Furthermore, the company also provides technical support and spare parts and sells used cranes.


Production Site & Location

Terex Demag GmbH & Co. KG

Founded in 1827

Two locations in Zweibrücken:

1. Wallerscheid: Production of telescopic cranes2. Dinglerstraße: Production of lattice mast cranes

Revenue: Approx. EUR 655 million

21 telescopic crane models of 30 to 700 tonnes lifting capacity, and 12 lattice boom type models, capacity ranging from 300 to 3,200 tonnes, represent a comprehensive product portfolio.

Sources: Bureau van Dijk MARKUS Database, German Company Register, Terex Demag GmbH & Co. KG company website

Activities & Products:




Sales by Region

Sources: Terex-Demag GmbH & Co. KG Annual Report 2007

GermanyOther EU countriesRest of EuropeAfricaNear & Middle EastChinaRest of AsiaNorth AmericaMiddle & South AmericaAustralia & Others







Sales in 2007 by Business UnitIn thousand EUR


In 2007 the company reported a record-high in sales with EUR 655 million.As in 2007 the company experienced some production retardings due to component supply shortages, thecompany announced to establish a consequent and strategic support of strategic suppliers of components forthe year 2008. The aim is to avoid supply shortages and to enable the strategic suppliers to react ongrowth ambitions by more flexibility in the increase of production capacities. The company will designateemployees for being the individual key contact in order to support the suppliers.


Latest events

Sources: Pfälzischer Merkur 15/05/2009

15 May 2009Terex- Demag possibly to introduce short time working. The company recently announced to split up with



3.3.1 Taulukko: 100 liikkuvia työkoneita valmistavaa yritystä Saksassa




Saksan koneteollisuusLista liikkuvien työkoneiden valmistajista

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Abus Kransysteme GmbH www.abus‐kransysteme.de Gummersbach 240 Abus is a family-owned company that manufactures different kinds of cranes for warehouses (indoor cranes). x

Agco GmbH http://www.agcocorp.com/ Marktoberdorf 5 977

AGCO is one of the world's largest manufacturers and distributors of agricultural equipment. Its global brands (e.g. Massey Ferguson, Valtra, Challenger, and Fendt) are sold in more than 140 countries. AGCO was formed in 1990 with the purchase of Deutz Allis Corporation from German-based Kloeckner-Humboldt-Deutz AG. KHD had purchased portions of the Allis-Chalmers agricultural equipment business five years earlier. Since then AGCO has made several acquisition, including the purchase of the Valtra business in 2004. AGCO has two manufacturing sites in both Germany and Finland, as well as a manufacturing plant in France, the Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, India, Mecico and three plants in the USA and four plants in Brazil.


Ahlmann Baumaschinen GmbH http://www.mecalac‐ahlmann.com Büdelsdorf 35The MECALAC AHLMANN Group's manufacturing facilities are located inFrance and Germany. The products include for example excavators, front and swing loaders, and multifunction machines.


Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. Kg http://www.amazone.de/amazone_gb/default2006.asp Hasbergen 380

Amazone manufactures fertiliser spreaders, seed drills, powered (rotary cultivators and rotary harrows) and non-powered soil cultivation (disc cultivators and harrows), precision airplanters and crop protection sprayers. In addition, Amazone offers machinery for the maintenance of parks and lawns and winter service. Amazone is a family owned company.


Atlas Weyhausen GmbH http://www.atlas‐terex.de/index‐en.php?atlas=unternehm Delmenhorst 300

Atlas Weyhausen GmbH manufactures wheeled excavators and truck mounted articulated cranes. It also wheeled loaders, as well as tracked, rail, and road excavators. The company was founded in 1919 as Hinrich WEYHAUSEN KG and changed its name to Atlas Weyhausen GmbH in 1986. Atlas Weyhausen GmbH is based in Wildeshausen, Germany. As of December 28, 2001, Atlas Weyhausen GmbH is a subsidiary of Terex Corp.


B. Strautmann & Söhne GmbH U. Co. Kg http://www.strautmann.com/ Bad Laer 58Strautmann is a family company manufacturing different agricultural equipment. Products include fodder mixing, sileage, tipping and transport trailers, spreaders and cutters.


B. Teupen Maschinenbau GmbH http://www.teupen.info/en Gronau 31 Taupen is the manufacture of crawler-mounted aerial access platforms, company has factories in Germany and Hungary x x x

Bagela Baumaschinen GmbH & Co. KG http://www.bagela.de Kaltenkirchen keskikokoinenProducts on Bagela include Cable laying machines, Hot recyclers (asphalt), Hoists for pipeline renovation, Sewer cleaning winches, Cable laying-out trailers, Cable draw winches

x x

BAT Bohr- und Anlagentechnik GmbH http://www.bat‐maschinenbau.de Merkers keskikokoinen

BAT is a medium-sized German company. The machine factory in Merkers has specialised on development and production of vehicles for underground mining, especially for mining with drill and blast, and also of machines and plants for mineral processing of crushed stone and recycling material.

x x

Bauer Maschinen GmbH http://www.bauer.de/en/bma Schrobenhausen 1 208Bauer Maschinen is an independent entity within the Bauer Group, and manufactures wide variety of specialist foundation engineering machinery, including exploration and mining technology.



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Benninghoven GmbH & Co. Kg http://www.benninghoven.com/index.php Mülheim/Mosel 75

Benninghoven manufactures, among other products, mobile and semi-mobile asphalt mixing plants, asphalt recycling plants and mastic mixers. Other products include burners, bitumen storage systems, sand drying plants and steel construction equipment. Benninghoven has facilities in four locations in Germany (Mülheim, Wittlich, Berlin and Hilden) and various locations elsewhere in Europe, for instance Austria, France, the UK, the Netherlands and Russia. Benninghoven has cooperated with the Wirtgen Group since 2007.


Bentec GmbH Drilling & Oilfield Systems http://www.bentec.de/ Bad Bentheim 150

Bentec is a manufacturer of drilling rigs and oilfield equipment. The company has branch offices and workshops in Russia, Central Asia, the Caspian Region and the Middle East. Bentec is an independent business unit of the Abbot Group (2007 Group turnover: 1,048 MEUR). Bentec's divisions are Rigs, Mechanical Systems, Electrical Systems, Service, Support & Consulting, Quality Management, Projects and Engineering.


Bomag GmbH http://www.bomag.com/ Boppard 634

Bomag is the world market leader in compaction technology and it offers products for compaction of soils, asphalt and refuse. Bomag has facilities in the US, Austria, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan and Singapore. Bomag is part of French Fayat Group.

x x

Bucyrus DBT Europe GmbH http://www.bucyrus.com/ Lünen 1 777

The US based Bucyrus International, Inc. is a world leader in the design and manufacture of high productivity mining equipment for surface and underground mining. The company acquired DBT GmbH in 2007. The company has underground mining manufacturing facilities in Germany.


Carl Stahl GmbH http://www.carlstahl.de/welcome/ Suessen 207Manufacturing and distribution of ropes made of wires, natural fibres and plastic fibres, as well as of rope products and lifting products such as in crane engineering


CLAAS KGaA http://www.claas.com  Harsewinkel 3 781

Claas KGaA. The Group's principal activity is the manufacture of Harvesting Machinery. The Group's operations are carried out through three divisions: Agricultural Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Production Engineering. The Agricultural Engineering segment manufactures combine harvesters, forage harvesters, square balers, round balers, conventional high-density balers, green harvest machinery, system carrier vehicles and agricultural information technology. The Production Engineering segment develops and produces complete production lines for automotive and aircraft industries. The Industrial Engineering supplies drive technology and hydraulic components. The Group's operations are carried out in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Central Europe, United Kingdom and France.


Claas Saulgau GmbH www.claas.com Bad Saulgau 2 659Claas Group's Bad Saulgau plant specializes in forage harvesters. (http://www.claas.de/countries/generator/cl-pw/de/claas-DE/centren/badsaulgau/start,lang=de DE.html)


Claas Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH http://www.claas.com/group/generator/cl‐gr/en/compan Harsewinkel 2 392 Part of Claas Group. Harsewinkel plant manufactures combines and agricultural choppers. x

Cnh Deutschland GmbH www.cnh.com Heilbronn 15 964

CNH (New Case Holland) is manufacturing equipment for agricultural andconstruction industries. The company was created in 1999 through merger of New Holland N.V. and Case Corporation. CNH is part of Fiat Group. CNH offer agricultural products (tractors, harvesters) through brands Case IH, New Holland and Steyr. Construction equipment (e.g. infrastructures, quarrying, demolition and excavation) brands are Case, New Holland and Kobelco.

x x


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Crown Gabelstapler GmbH & Co. Kg www.crown.com Munich 134

Crown Gabelstapler GmbH is Crown Group's Europe headquarters. Crown manufactures electric lift trucks used in transporting materials and goods in warehouses, distribution centers and manufacturing environments. Crown is the number one brand of electric lift trucks in the United States and the sixth largest lift truck manufacturer in the world. Crown has a production site in Rodingen, Germany. Other manufacturing facilities are located in the US, Mexico, UK, China and Australia.


D. Bader Söhne GmbH & Co. KG http://www.baka.de/ Remshalden 7

D. Bader Söhne GmbH & Co. KG was founded in 1930, and has been producing industrial trucks, in addition to series and special devices, under the brand name Baka since 1959. The company manufactures custom-made forklift trucks.


Dambach Lagersysteme GmbH & Co. KG http://www.dambach‐lagersysteme.de Bischweier 35The products of Dambach include industrial trucks, rail-guided stacker cranes, stacker crane controls. The company offers its products worldwide.


Dautel GmbH http://www.dautel.de/home.asp?area=hauptmenue&site Leingarten 35 Dautel develops, produces and sells hydraulic tail lifts, dumpers and changing systems for trucks. x

deilmann-haniel mining systems gmbh http://www.dh‐ms.com/ Dortmund 40

deilmann-haniel mining systems (dhms) is a manufacturer of machinery for roadway development and shaft sinking as well as for infrastructure work. In addition to its main activities in the coal mining sector, the company also offers special machinery for underground applications in various mines and in tunneling worldwide. The products include Drilling equipment, Side-dump and dinting loaders, Miscellaneous heading components, Shaft sinking equipment, Electrical equipment and Taphole system solutions.

x x

Demag Cranes & Components GmbH www.demagcranes.de Wetter 900

Demag Cranes & Components manufactures cranes, hoists and materials handling systems. The company consists of three business units: Cranes, Handling Technology/Drives and Service. Denag Cranes &Components is a subsidiary of Demag Cranes AG (FY 2007/08 revenue EUR 1,226 million).


DEUTRUCK GmbH http://www.deutruck.de Garlstorf 18

Deutruck is a manufacturer of vehicles for material handling equipment. Its products include the following: Handoperated Pallet-trucks, Electric pallet trucks, Pedestrian Stackers, Electric lift trucks, Reach Trucks, VNA Trucks – Order Pickers, Diesel – Gas – lift trucks, Special trucks, INOX pallet trucks and pedestrian trucks, Heavy Fork lifts, Reach Stackers, Airport towing tractors, Industrial towing tractors, Industrial trailors, Baggage trailors, Side loaders.


DOLL Fahrzeugbau GmbH http://www.doll‐oppenau.com/index_eng.htm Oppenau 95

DOLL Fahrzeugbau AG is a family company in its 4th generation that has managed to make a name for itself as a high-tech specialist for transport solutions.The many and diverse activities the company is involved in have been divided into four independently operating divisions: Logging Transport (timber transporters), Special Haulage (semitrailers and self-steering trailers) , Mobile Systems (Mobile Balers and various types of mobile solutions) and Customer Service (after-sales services).


Dynapac GmbH http://www.dynapac.com/en/ Lehrte 138

Dynapac offers wide variety of heavy compaction machines, as well as extremely reliable light construction and concrete equipment (e.g. rollers, pavers, mobile feeders and planers). Dynapac Group is headquartered in Sweden and has production units in Germany (Wardenburg and Lingen), France, Brazil, USA, China and India.

x x

Eickhoff Bergbautechnik GmbH http://www.eickhoff‐bochum.de/en/ Bochum 129

Eickhoff Bergbautechnik GmbH, part of the Eickhoff Group, builds high-performance machinery for the mining industry. Operations include development, design and manufacturing of shearer loaders, roadheaders and hydraulic milling cutters for mining and tunnelling.



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Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik GmbH http://www.eickhoff‐bochum.de/en/ Bochum 160

Eickhoff Group is a leading supplier of mining technology. The company is estimated to have a worldwide market share (excluding China & CIS) of around 40% in the field of shearer loaders for the underground mining industry. Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik manufactures components for companies within the Group.


FAM Magdeburger Förderanlagen und Baumaschinen GmbH www.fam.de Magdeburg 165

FAM Förderanlagen Magdeburg is an independent company, with the head office in Germany. FAM manufactures cranes and other equipments to ports and opencast mining systems such as excavators and belt wagons.

x x

Faun GmbH http://www.faun.de/web/home.nsf/index‐e.htm Lauf an der Pegnitz 265 Faun GmbH manufactures mobile cranes. Faun is a part of Japanese Tadano Ltd (FY 2008 net sales: EUR 1,273 million) x

Fella-Werke GmbH & Co. Kg http://www.fella‐werke.de/en/news/info.html Feucht 47 Fella manufactures mowers, tedders, rakes and other forage harvesting technology for the agricultural industry x

Fendt http://www.fendt.com Marktoberdorf 1 300

Fendt, a tractor manufacturer, became a part of the AGCO corporation in 1997. Marktoberdorf is the centre of Fendt's tractor division and the Bäumenheim plant manufactures the Fendt comfort cab and body components. The Fendt Fördertechnik GmbH, located in Kempten, is the general importer for Nissan fork lifts in Germany and responsible for sales and servicing. With a 36.6% share of overall sales in 2008, Germany is the most important market for Fendt. The most sold tractor model in Germany in 2008 was a Fendt, the 820 Vario. With a share of 17.4 percent, the strongest and most important export market for Fendt is France, the largest agricultural country in Europe.


Franz Kleine Vertriebs & Engineering GmbH http://www.franz‐kleine.com/ Salzkotten 26 Franz Kleine manufactures machinery for sugar-beet harvesting x

GHH Fahrzeuge GmbH http://www.ghh‐fahrzeuge.de/ Gelsenkirchen 33

GHH Fahrzeuge GmbH is a medium-sized company and member of the Schmidt-Kranz Group, Velbert. GHH Fahrzeuge products are widely usedin the raw materials industry (Mining), building industry (Tunneling) and airport infrastructure (Ground Support Equipment) markets. For example roof scalers, telescopic trucks and other special vehicles belong to the product line.

x x x

Gottwald Port Technology GmbH http://www.gottwald.com/gottwald/site/gottwald/en/sta Düsseldorf 267

Gottwald Port Technology GmbH manufactures material handling equipment for ports and terminals. The range of products currently includes Mobile Harbour Cranes and such derivatives as Portal Harbour Cranes and Floating Cranes, Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) for horizontal container transport, Automated Stacking Cranes (ASCs) and Wide Span Gantries (WSGs). In addition, there is the navigation and management software developed in-house for operating and interlinking AGVs and ASCs, in particular. And finally, state-of-the-art simulation and emulation technology assists terminal planning, design and performance assessment even before the first cut of the spade. Gottwald Port Technology GmbH is a member of the stock-exchange listed Demag Cranes Group.


Grimme Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. Kg http://www.grimme.de/en/index.php Damme 225

Grimme specializes in machinery for planting, cultivation and harvesting potatoes, sugar-beets and vegetables. All production is in Damme, Germany and sales and service subsidiaries are located in UK, France and Russia.


Hamm Ag http://www.hamm.eu/en/ Tirschenreuth 300Hamm offers products for road construction and earth works, such as tandem rollers and compactors. Hamm products are manufactured in Tirschenreuth plant near Munich. Hamm is part of Wirtgen Group.


HanseLifter Hub- & Fördergeräte (GESUTRA GmbH) http://www.hanselifter.com/ Bremen keskikokoinen

The company GESUTRA GmbH offers the following products: Forklift, Diesel-powered trucks, Electro trucks, Fuel gas-powered trucks, Reach trucks, Stacker, Pallet Transfer trucks, Pallet trucks, Lifting and materials handling.


Herbst Förder- und Hebetechnik GmbH http://neu.hfh‐herbst.de Braunschweig 18

Herbst Förder- und Hebetechnik GmbH develops and produces special vehicles and machinery used in mines. Products include for example: Load haul dumper, Scaler, Crane vehicle, Telescope forklift trucks, and Shot concrete vehicles.

x x


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Hermann Paus Maschinenfabrik GmbH http://www.paus.de/ Emsbüren 18Hermann Paus Maschinenfabrik GmbH designs and builds innovative machines and vehicles for special works. The products include for example mining & tunneling vehicles, construction machines, cranes.

x x

Herrenknecht Aktiengesellschaft www.herrenknecht.de Schwanau 838

Herrenknecht manufactures tunnel boring equipment. The company is divided into three business units: Traffic Tunnelling (vehicles, railway, metro etc.), Utility Tunnelling (water, sewage, electricity, oil & gas) and Geothermal Exploration (deep drilling and geothermal energy).


Hiab GmbH http://www.hiab.com/ Langenhagen 42

Hiab is the global market leader in on-road load handling solutions. With our load handling solutions, customers can optimise the service they provide while running efficient and profitable operations. Hiab is part of Finnish Cargotec Corporation, the world's leading provider of cargo handling solutions.


Holder Industries GmbH http://www.holder‐gmbh.com/en/home/index.aspMetzingen 35

The company manufactures municipality tractors, vineyard and orchid tractors, forestry and agriculture tractors, special application tractors, and different types of sprayers for agriculture.


Holmer Maschinenbau GmbH http://www.holmer‐maschinenbau.de/ Eggmühl 94Holmer manufactures Terra Dos, Terra Variant and Terra Felis beet harvesters. The company has five subsidiaries in Gross Germersleben (Germany), Poland, France, Czech Republic and in Ukraine.


Horsch Maschinen GmbH http://www.horsch.com/ Schwandorf 87 Horsch manufactures equipment for soil cultivation and seeding x

HSM Hohenloher Spezial-Maschinenbau GmbH & Co.KG http://www.hsm‐forstmaschinen.de Neu-Kupfer 4 HSM is a family-owned company that manufactures forest machines. Thecompany cooperates with CTL Technology GmbH. x

HUBTEX GmbH & Co. KG http://www.hubtex.com/english/common/home.html Fulda 38

HUBTEX GmbH & Co. KG manufactures specialized materials handling equipment. The production of application engineered industrial trucks (sideloaders and specialized machinery for moving long, difficult and bulky loads) forms the core of the business. Hubtex range has more than 60 base models and the company has four factories in Germany and comprehensive global partner network.


Hydrema Baumaschinen GmbH http://www.hydrema.com/ Weimar 12

The company is part of Hydrema Group. Main factory and head office arelocated in Denmark. Hydrema in Weimar, Germany consists of 20.000 m² production and administration facilities. Products include excavators, mine cleaning vehicles, and loaders

x x

Jcb Vibromax GmbH http://www.jcb.com/ Sachsen-Anhalt 62

JCB manufactures really wide variety of machinery for different industries, including construction, agriculture, forestry and quarrying. The company has 17 factories in the UK, Brazil, North America, India, China and Germany. JCB acquired Vibromax in 2005.

x x x x

John Deere-Lanz Verwaltungs http://www.johndeere.de  Mannheim 62

John Deere-Lanz Verwaltungs-Aktiengesellschaft. The Group's principal activities are the management of land and buildings owned by John Deere-Lanz AG, and land, investments and other assets of its American parent company, Deere & Co. The Group is also involved in the sale of agricultural machinery and lawn mowers. During the year 2006, the Group sold EURAG Holding Aktiengesellschaft and dissolved John Deere Grundstuecks GmbH & Co. KG.


Joseph Vögele Aktiengesellschaft http://www.voegele.info/en/ Mannheim 300Vögele manufactures road paving machinery. Vögele's equipment can handle pave width from 0.5m up to 16m. Vögele is part of Wirtgen Group.



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Jungheinrich Aktiengesellschaft www.jungheinrich.de Hamburg 2 001

The Jungheinrich Group is a supplier of industrial trucks, warehousing technology and materials flow technology and belongs to Top 4 companies on the global level. The company is the leading supplier of warehousing technology in Europe. The company's products include: industrial tructs (also tailor-made), racking systems, batteries and chargers, planning and implementation of complete logistic systems. The company has production plants in Norderstedt, Moosburg und Lüneburg (Germany) and an assembly plant in Qingpu (China). In 2007, almost 65% of Jungheinrich's output was delivered by external partners in the form of production materials, trade goods, services and capital goods. The corporate strategy for several years now has been to focus strictly on the core competencies. In 2007, production parts accounted for 43% (572 M€) of the company total purchases of 1.3 Mrd€. Purchasing volume of production parts splits as follows: fabrication 24%, electrics/hydraulics 24%, power-train electrics-ICE 19%, driver moduls/wheels/plastics 16%, mastparts 8&, forging/castings/raw material 5%, Din standard parts 4%.

x x

Jungheinrich Moosburg GmbH http://www.jungheinrich.de/en/com/index‐de/about‐us/ Moosburg 381

Jungheinrich Moosburg GmbH is a production plant of Jungheinrich Group. Moosburg plant concentrates on manufacturing battery-powered counterbalanced trucks, diesel/gas forklift trucks, warehousing equipment and warehouse system trucks.


Kalmar Flurförderzeuge Vertriebs GmbH http://www.kalmarind.com/show.php?id=1231952 Hamburg 1 515

Kalmar Group's German branch (Kalmar is part of Cargotec Corporation, 2008 net sales 3,399 MEUR). Kalmar is a global provider of container and heavy duty materials handling equipment, automation applications and related services. It is the world's leading supplier of cargo handling equipment to ports, terminals and intermodal facilities. Kalmar's production plants are located in Sweden, Finland, Malaysia, China and the USA.


Kiefer GmbH http://www.kiefergmbh.de/ Dorfen 18 The products of Kiefer include Mobile hydraulic excavators, Cemetary excavators and Street cleansing vehicles. x x

Kinshofer GmbH http://www.kinshofer.com/site_eng/index.html Waakirchen 32

KINSHOFER GmbH is an internationally oriented mid-size company specializing in the development, manufacture and sales of hydraulic liftingdevices. KINSHOFER GmbH manufacturers load handling equipment for truck cranes and excavators.


KION Group http://www.kiongroup.com/en/mainnavigation/kion_gro Wiesbaden 60

The KION Group is a worldwide leading provider of forklifts, warehouse equipment and other industrial trucks, and is the market leader in EuropeThe KION Group focuses on the multi-brand strategy: Linde, STILL occupy leading positions and stand for efficiency in the control of logistic processes of the most varied kinds. OM operates in the value segment. The forklift trucks produced by Baoli are aimed at the economy segment.


Kocks Krane International http://www.kranunion.de/index.php?id=6&L=1 Bremen 30

Kocks manufactures container cranes, gantry cranes and bulk handling equipment. Company is a member of Kranunion, an association of three crane manufacturers specialized in hoisting and transportation of heavy loads in the field of railways, ports, yards and steel works. http://www.kranunion.de/index.php?id=6&L=1The other Kranunion members are Kirow, the world market leader of railway cranes and slag pot carriers and Ardelt , the world market leader of double jib level luffing cranes.



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Komatsu Mining Germany GmbH http://www.komatsu‐mining.de/ Düsseldorf 239

Komatsu Mining Germany GmbH is a subsidiary of Komatsu Group. Komatsu is an international leader in construction and mining equipment, but engages also in other business such as industrial machinery and vehicles. Komatsu Mining Germany concentrates on the development and manufacturing of large hydraulic mining shovels.


Kramer - Werke GmbH http://www.wackerneuson.com/en‐index.php Pfullendorf 742

Kramer - Werke is part of Wacker Neuson Group, that was created through the 2007 merger of Wacker Construction Equipment AG and Neuson Kramer Baumaschinen AG. Kramer-Werke GmbH was acquired by Neuson Baumaschinen GmbH in 2001. Wacker Neuson is involved in construction, gardening, landscaping and agriculture sectors. The company has three business segments: Light Equipment (concrete technology, soil and asphalt compaction), Compact Equipment (excavators, wheel loaders, dumpers) and Services. Main production and development facilities are located in Germany, Phillippines and USA.

x x x

Kuhn Maschinen - Vertrieb GmbH www.kuhn.de Schopsdorf 566

Kuhn manufactures wide variety of equipment and machinery for agricultural industry, including equipment for soil preparation, seeding, ploughing, landscape maintenance, hay/silage making, fertilization and bedding and feeding.


Kuka Protec GmbH www.kuka‐protec.de Augsburg 205 The company manufactures industrial robots with maximum lift payload of 1000kg. x

Kverneland Group Soest GmbH http://www.kvernelandgroup.com/corporate Soest 503

Kverneland manufactures agricultural machinery for soil preparation, tillage, spreading, seeding and spraying through brands Kverneland and Vicon. In addition to manufacturing site in Soest, the company has factories in Norway, Denmark, The Netherlands, France, Italy and Russia.


Lemken GmbH & Co. Kg http://www.lemken.com/ Alpen 257 Lemken manufactures soil preparation and seed drilling implements. x x

Liebherr - Werk Biberach GmbH http://www.liebherr.com/lh/en/35242_36582.asp Biberach 793

Liebherr - Werk Biberach GmbH is part of the Liebherr Group (turnover in2007: EUR 7,491 million) and manufactures variety of cranes for the construction industry and other industrial sectors. The Biberach/Riss plant also produces driveline and control-system components.

x x

Liebherr-Mischtechnik GmbH http://www.liebherr.com/mt/en/default_mt.asp? Bad Schussenried 911Production plant of Liebherr Group, manufactures concrete mixing plants,truck mixers, belt conveyors for truck mixers, control systems and measuring technology


Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH http://www.liebherr.com/lh/en/35245.asp? Ehingen/Donau 1 373

Liebherr's production plant in Ehingen/Donau. Manufactures all-terrain mobile cranes, lattice-boom cranes on wheeled and crawler-track chassis, mobile construction-industry cranes and special cranes for recovery work.


Linde AG http://www.linde.com Munich 17 991

Linde Aktiengesellschaft. The Group's principal activities are carried out through its four segments: Industrial gas, Engineering and Material handling. The Industrial gas segment is involved in the production, sale and distribution of gases for applications in industry, medicine, environmental protection and research and development. The Engineering segment is involved in the conception and realization of turnkey industrial plants for the petrochemical industry, for the production of hydrogen and synthesis gases, the treatment of natural gas and the construction of pharmaceutical plants. The Material handling segment develops, manufactures and sells forklift, warehouse trucks and hydrauliccomponents.

x x

Manitowoc Crane Group Germany GmbH http://www.manitowoccranegroup.com/Home/EN/Home Wilhelmshaven 403

Manitowoc Crane Group manufactures lattice-boom crawler cranes (brand name Manitowoc), tower cranes (Potain), mobile hydraulic cranes (Grove) and articulating and telescoping cranes (National Crane). The Group is geographically divided into three units: Americas, EMEA and Asia-Pacific. Manitowoc cranes are built (in addition to Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA) in Wilhelmshaven, Germany.



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Masa Aktiengesellschaft http://www.masa‐ag.com/ Andernach 117

Masa AG is a manufacturer of machines and turn-key plants for the building material industry. Masa also produces handling systems, including lifting and lowering devices. Masa AG has subsidiaries in Germany, USA, China, Russia, Italy, India, South Korea and Dubai.

x x x

Maschinen- und Antriebstechnik GmbH & Co. KG http://www.mua‐landtechnik.de Güstrow 5

The MuA- fertilizer spreaders and transfer vehicles are produced in manufacturing facilities with a directly attached construction department. The low volume production shop fabrication allows the company to construct customer-specific machines with features of series.

x x

Maschinenfabrik Bernard Krone GmbH http://www.krone.de/de/ldm/ Spelle 157Maschinenfabrik Bernard Krone GmbH, part of Krone Group, manufactures agricultural machinery. Product line consists of mowers, forage wagons, balers and rotary rakes and tedders.


Maschinenfabrik Kemper GmbH & Co. Kg http://www.kemper‐stadtlohn.de/ Stadtlohn 54 Kemper manufactures harvesting equipment to be attached to tractors. The company is a limited partnership company x

MDW Mähdrescherwerke GmbH http://www.mdw‐singwitz.de/index.html Obergurig 5MDW-Mähdreschern develops, manufactures, and sells large-scale agricultural machinery and parts. The core products are harvesters. Company also offers services for its machinery.


MKG Maschinen- u. Kranbau GmbH http://www.mkg‐cranes.com/index2_e.html Garrel keskikokoinen

MKG supply cranes to customers' unique specifications.Production is focused on hydraulic loader and construction cranes. The capacity of the cranes is from 3.5 to 125 mt. All cranes are available as truck cranes as well as marine cranes. The production is done in the plant in Garrel.


Mulag Fahrzeugwerk Heinz Wössner GmbH & Co. Kg http://www.mulag.de/ Oppenau 38

Mulag manufactures airport ground support vehicles such as towing tractors, conveyor belt vehicles, container pallet transporters and special vehicles. Mulag also produces technology for roadside maintenance. Company's facilities are located in Bad Peterstal-Griesbach (pre-fabrication: cutting, mechanical production, welding) and in Oppenau (Assembling and Administration: assembling, paintshop, testing, central warehouse, management, training area).


NEUERO Industrietechnik für Förderanlagen GmbH http://www.neuero.com/ Melle 15

NEUERO is manufacturer of mobile pneumatic conveyors, grain vacs and ship unloader/loader for transport of bulk grain, plastics and other free flowing materials. The installations are suitable for agriculture, railcar unloading, milling and port handling with a range from 10 mtph to 2000 mtph capacity. NEUERO started in pneumatic grain conveying over 80 years ago with the manufacture of small agricultural machines. Since then the company has delivered equipment in the 20 t/h to 2000 t/h rangeto many installations around the world. NEUERO has two companies withsales, engineering, manufacturing and service facilities in Germany and in the US.

x x

Noell Mobile Systems & Cranes www.noellcranesystems.com Würzburg 140

Noell Mobile Systems GmbH, part of the Italian Fantuzzi Group, manufactures straddle carriers (company's 2007 turnover appr. EUR 140 million). Noell Crane Systems GmbH manufactures cranes, gantries, straddle carriers, lifttrucks and other equipment for port operations.


Otto Nussbaum GmbH & Co KG Maschinenbau + Fertigungstechnik http://www.nussbaum‐lifts.de/front_content.php Kehl 110Nussbaum is a manufacturer of automotive lifts and testing equipment forpassenger cars and heavy duty vehicles. Company has six factories in Germany.


PEFRA Aktiengesellschaft http://www.pefra.net/ Eching/Weixerau pieniPEFRA as a company originated in 1946. Products include Industrial Trailers, Custom Vehicles, Electric Vehicles, Custom Trailers, Driverless transport systems.

x x

Pfaff-silberlau Foerdertechnik http://www.pfaff‐silberblau.com/6026‐ZG9tPWRvbTEmb Kissing 41

Company's product porfolio includes various types of lifting and material handling equipment (handling and transport equipment, lifting tables , industrial and workshop hydraulics, cranes, chain hoists, wire rope winches and hoists, rack and pinion jacks). The production is at headquarters in Kissing and Heilbronn, Germany. Company is globally represented with country subsidiaries, service bases and dealer representations.



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R Stahl AG http://www.stahl.de Waldenburg 309

R. Stahl AG. The Group's principal activity is to provide products for demanding special performance areas. In the explosion protection sector the Group supplies apparatus and systems for instrumentation, energy distribution and lighting in hazardous areas. Areas of application are drilling rigs and refineries for gas or crude oil, chemical plants for the manufacture of plastics and drugs, and also sewage farms and bio gas plants. In the material handling sector, it supplies components to crane manufacturers, chain hoists, end carriages, controls and electronic systems. During the year 2006, the Group acquired the Norwegian company Tranberg A.S.


Rabe Agri GmbH http://www.rabe‐agri.eu/ Bad Essen 36

Rabe manufactures equipment to be attached to tractors. More than 80%of company's production goes to international markets. The Rabe group consists of the following companies: Rabe Agri GmbH, Rabe International GmbH and Rabe Service GmbH & Co. KG. Agricultural machinery including ploughs, seed drills, precision planters and trimmers;construction equipment.


Same Deutz-Fahr Deutschland GmbH http://www.deutz‐fahr.com/GERMANY/de‐DE/homede.h Lauingen 660

Same Deutz-Fahr Deutschland manufactures tractors, telescopic handlers, combines and other machinery and equipment for the agricultural industry. The parent company Same Deutz-Fahr Group's 2007 turnover was EUR 1,101 million


Schopf Maschinenbau GmbH http://www.schopf‐gse.com/ Ostfildern 27

SCHOPF designs, manufactures and sells worldwide high-quality vehicles for the aviation and mining industries. Ground support equipment includes tow tractors from 5-70t - A380 ready, container/pallet loaders and transporters. Company has for divisions: Aircraft tow tractor-, Military aircraft tow tractor-, Aircraft loading - and Mining divisions. Mining equipment is a strategic joint-venture with Hermann Paus Maschinenfabrik GmbH. In addition to the mining loaders completing the SCHOPF product line, PAUS supplies a wide range of dump trucks and further utilities for underground mining and tunneling.

x x

SENNEBOGEN Maschinenfabrik GmbH http://www.sennebogen.de/hp1/Homepage.htm Straubing 208

Sennebogen is a family company that developes and produces cranes, telescopic cranes, special machinery, materials loaders and hydraulic earth moving machinery. Product offering is divided into three lines: Green Line (material handling equipment taking environmental issues intoconsideration), Crane Division (rope excavators, telescopic cranes and crawler cranes) and Port Line (wharf truck cranes). The products are manufactured in sites in Straubing and Wackersdorf.


Stahl Crane Systems GmbH http://www.stahlcranes.com/en/ Künzelsau 156Stahl CraneSystems manufactures cranes, hoists and other materials handling equipment. In addition to the headquarters, Stahl has manufacturing facilities also in Ettlingen, and 13 subsidiaries.


Still GmbH (Linde AG) http://still.de/396.0.30.html Hamburg 500

STILL GmbH manufactures a range of forklift trucks, platform trucks, tractors, plus the latest warehouse handling equipment and forward looking services. The company has factories in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Montataire (France), Hamburg and Reutlingen (Germany). Since August 1, 2006, STILL is a member of the KION Group.


Still Wagner GmbH http://www.still.de/396+M57b2da65589.0.30.html Reutlingen 150 Part of Still Group, manufactures forklift trucks. x

TAKRAF GmbH http://www.takraf.com Leipzig 117

Tenova TAKRAF is a German based company with headquarters in Leipzig, modern production facilities in Lauchhammer, a strong presence in Italy, and subsidiaries and representative offices on all five continents. The company is resumed by the Techint Group and accessed into the Tenova Group operating under the brand name Tenova TAKRAF.

x x x x




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