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Transcript of N00178-14-D-7979-000242 1 3 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 42 07 ... ·...


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Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods: (a) By completing items 8 and 15, and returning or (c) By separate letter or electronic communication which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by letter or electronic communication, provided each letter or electronic communication makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified.

E. IMPORTANT: Contractor is not is required to sign this document and return copies to the issuing office.



7. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 6) CODE

STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 11/2016) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243







The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers is extended. is not extended.


copies of the amendment; (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted;





D. OTHER (Specify type of modification and authority)

Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect.


15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or print)



14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.)



8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (Number, street, county, State and ZIP Code) (X)



(Signature of person authorized to sign)


(Signature of Contracting Officer)

Previous edition unusable





Bilateral, FAR 52.232-22-Limiation of Funds

Aimee Walker, Contracts Adminstrator




NSWC, DAHLGREN DIVISION17632 Dahlgren Road Suite 157Dahlgren, VA 22448-5110

T-Solutions, Inc.860 Greenbrier Circle, Suite 405Chesapeake, Virginia 23320

DCMA HAMPTON2128 Pershing AvenueFort Eustis, VA 23604





1 3



/s/Aimee Walker07/01/2020 07/06/2020




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General Information

The reason for this bilateral modification is to realign cost and fee on all SLIN in Award Term 1. This is being donepursuant to FAR 52.232-22-Limitation of Funds. There is no change to the holding CLIN 7301 or the total contractvalue.



CLIN/SLIN Est Cost Fixed Fee

7301AX    7301AY    7301AZ    7301BA    7301BB    7301BC    7301BD    7301BE    7301BF    



CLIN/SLIN  Est Cost  Fixed Fee

7301AX    7301AY    7301AZ    7301BA    7301BB    7301BC    7301BD    7301BE    7301BF    


 All ceiling is transferred from 7400 and 9400 to 7401 and 9401 for Award Term 2. Due to this transfer the task orderamount has now been updated to reflect the negotiated award amount.

A conformed copy of this Task Order is attached to this modification for informational purposes.


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No LLA Changes.

The total amount of funds obligated to the task order is hereby increased/decreased from $ by $ to$

The total value of the task order is hereby decreased from $ by to $


7400 $ $

9400 $ $









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OTHER(See Schedule ifother)















This delivery order/call is issued on another Government agency or in accordance with and subject to terms and conditions of above numbered contract.


If this box is marked, supplier must sign Acceptance and return the following number of copies:







*If quantity accepted by the Government is same as quantity ordered, indicate by X. If different, enter actual quantity accepted belowquantity ordered and encircle.








28. SHIP. NO.




























N00178-14-D-7979 0002 2020JUL06 N/A UnratedN00178

NSWC, DAHLGREN DIVISION17632 Dahlgren Road Suite 157Dahlgren, VA 22448-5110


DCMA HAMPTON2128 Pershing AvenueFort Eustis, VA 23604

3EZR6 108533196

T-Solutions, Inc.860 Greenbrier Circle, Suite 405Chesapeake, VA 23320


Net 30 Days WAWF




DFAS Columbus Center,South Entitlement OperationsP.O. Box 182264Columbus, OH 43218-2264

T-Solutions, Inc.







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Section B - Supplies and ServicesCLIN - SUPPLIES OR SERVICES

Cost Type Items:

Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty Unit Target CostTargetFee


7000 R425 Base Period, Technical Support Servicesfor the SCSC in accordance with SectionC, Performance Work Statement. (SeeNote 1). Realigned to CLIN 7001 ATAWARD. (Fund Type - TBD)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

7001 Base Period, Technical Support Servicesfor the SCSC in accordance with SectionC, Performance Work Statement. (SeeNote 1)

7001AA R425 Base Period, Technical Support Servicesfor the SCSC in accordance with SectionC, Performance Work Statement. (SeeNote 1). The total labor hours for thisperiod are (Fund Type - TBD)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

7001AB R425 Funding SSDS EOB 2410(a) invoked(O&MN,N)INCREMENTAL FUNDINGAWARD $ MOD 4 PLUS UP$ (O&MN,N)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine


Page 3 of 108

Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty Unit Target CostTargetFee


7001AC R425 INCREMENTAL FUNDING AEGISEOB 2410 (a) Authority Being Invoked(O&MN,N)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

7001AD R425 INCREMENTAL FUNDING SSDSRDT&E 2410 (a) Authority beinginvoked, MOD 4 PLUS UP $(RDT&E)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

7001AE R425 INCREMENTAL FUNDING FORCNRMA 2410 (a) Authority beinginvoked (O&MN,N)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

7001AF R425 INCREMENTAL FUNDING FORCSSQT,2410(a) Authority is beinginvoked, MOD 4 PLUS UP $

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

7001AG R425 INCREMENTAL FUNDING FORCSSQT, 2410(a) Authority is beinginvoked, MOD 4 PLUS UP $(OPN)

$ $ $


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Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty Unit Target CostTargetFee


Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine


$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

7001AJ R425 FY 17 Incremental Funding SSDS EOB,MOD 5 $ MOD 6 PLUS UP$ MOD 7 $ ;MOD 10PLUS UP MOD 11 PLUS UP$ MOD 15 DEOB $(O&MN,N)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine


$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

Cost Type / NSP Items:

Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty UnitEst.Cost




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Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty UnitEst.Cost



7099 Data Deliverables for Base Period IAW ExhibitA, CDRLs.

1.00 Lot NSP

Cost Type Items:

Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty Unit Target CostTargetFee


7100 R425 Option Period 1, Technical SupportServices for the SCSC in accordance withSection C, Performance Work Statement.(See Notes 1 and 2). REALIGNED TO7101 AT OPTION AWARD. (Fund Type- TBD)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

7101 Option Period 1, Technical SupportServices for the SCSC in accordance withSection C, Performance Work Statement.(See Notes 1 and 2).

7101AA R425 Option Period 1, Technical SupportServices for the SCSC in accordance withSection C, Performance Work Statement.(See Notes 1 and 2). (Fund Type - TBD)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

7101AB R425 MOD 12 $ Incremental FundingSSDS EOB ALL WORK AREAS, OMN;2410 (a)AUTHORITY INVOKED(O&MN,N)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine


Page 6 of 108

Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty Unit Target CostTargetFee


7101AC R425 MOD 12 $ IncrementalFunding AEGIS EOB ALL WORKAREAS, OMN; 2410 (a)AUTHORITYINVOKED (O&MN,N)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

7101AD R425 MOD 12 $ Incremental FundingSSDS RDT&E Funding covers work areaC.5.0 and all subsections, C.5.1 and allsubsections & C.5.2 and all subsections;MOD 13 PLUS UP $ (RDT&E)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine


$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine


$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun Share


Page 7 of 108

Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty Unit Target CostTargetFee



7101AG R425 MOD 13 $ INCREMENTALFUNDING CNRMA OMN Fundingcovers work areas C.5.7 and allsubsections (O&MN,N)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

7101AH R425 MOD 13 $ SSDS RDT&EFunding covers all work areas; MOD 16Incremental Funding Plus up $(RDT&E)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

7101AJ R425 MOD 13 $ SSDS RDT&EFunding covers all work areas (RDT&E)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

7101AK R425 MOD 16 Incremental Funding $SSDS EOB (OM&N); MOD 17 PLUSUP $ (O&MN,N)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

7101AL R425 MOD 17 Incremental Funding $AEGIS IWS EOB(O&MN); PLUS UPMOD 19 $ (O&MN,N)

$ $ $


Page 8 of 108

Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty Unit Target CostTargetFee


Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

7101AM R425 MOD 18 Incremental Funding $SSDS OMN OFFSET (RDT&E); MOD19 PLUS UP $ MOD 20 PLUSUP $ MOD 22 PLUS UP$ MOD 25 DEOBLIGATE$ (RDT&E)

$ $ $

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

GovernmentOverrun ShareLine

GovernmentUnderrun ShareLine

Cost Type / NSP Items:

Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty UnitEst.Cost



7199 Data Deliverables for Option Period 1 IAWExhibit A, CDRLs.

1.00 Lot NSP

Cost Type Items:

Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty Unit Est. Cost Fixed Fee CPFF

7200 R425 Option 2, Technical Support Services forthe SCSC in accordance with Section C,Performance Work Statement. (See Notes1 and 2) (Fund Type - TBD)

$ $ $

7201 Option Period 2, Technical SupportServices for the SCSC in accordance withSection C, Performance Work Statement.(See Notes 1 and 2).

7201AA R425 Option Period 2, Technical SupportServices for the SCSC in accordance withSection C, Performance Work Statement.(See Notes 1 and 2). (Fund Type - TBD)

$ $ $

7201AN R425 MOD 21 Incremental Funding$ ,Funding covers work areaC.5.0 and all subsections, C.5.1 and allsubsections & C.5.2 and all subsectionsSSDS(RDT&E)2410(a) AUTHORITY

$ $ $


Page 9 of 108

Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty Unit Est. Cost Fixed Fee CPFF



$ $ $

7201AQ R425 MOD 21 Incremental Funding $AEGIS IWS EOB(OMN)2410(a)AUTHORITY IS BEING INVOKED.MOD 23 PLUS UP $ (O&MN,N)

$ $ $


$ $ $


$ $ $

7201AT R425 MOD 23 Incremental Funding $CNRMA IT(OMN)2410(a)AUTHORITY IS BEING INVOKED.(O&MN,N)

$ $ $


$ $ $

7201AV R425 MOD 24 Incremental Funding$ AEGIS IWS EOB(OMN);PLUS UP MOD 26 $ MOD 27PLUS UP $ MOD 28 PLUS UP$ (O&MN,N)

$ $ $

7201AW R425 MOD 25 Incremental Funding $SSDS(RDTE), MOD 29 DEOB $(RDT&E)

$ $ $

Cost Type / NSP Items:

7299 Data Deliverables for Option Period 2 IAW Exhibit A, CDRLs. 1.00 Lot NSP

Cost Type Items:

Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty UnitTargetCost



7300 R425 Award Term 1,Technical SupportServices for the SCSC in accordance withSection C, Performance Work Statement.(See Notes 1 and 4) (Fund Type - TBD)Award Term

Max Fee $0.00


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Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty UnitTargetCost



Min Fee $

Government Overrun ShareLine

Government Underrun ShareLine

Cost Type Items:

Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty Unit Est. Cost Fixed Fee CPFF

7301 Award Term 1,Technical SupportServices for the SCSC in accordance withSection C, Performance Work Statement.(See Notes 1 and 4)

7301AA R425 Award Term 1,Technical SupportServices for the SCSC in accordance withSection C, Performance Work Statement.(See Notes 1 and 4) (Fund Type - TBD)

$ $ $

7301AX R425 MOD 28 Incremental Funding$ IWSEOB(OMN)2410(a) authority is invoked.MOD 29 PLUS UP $ MOD 30PLUS UP $ (O&MN,N)

$ $ $

7301AY R425 MOD 28 Incremental Funding $SSDS EOB(OMN)2410(a) authority isinvoked. (O&MN,N)

$ $ $

7301AZ R425 MOD 28 Incremental Funding $SSDS (RDTE), Funding covers workarea C.5.0 and all subsections, C.5.1 andall subsections & C.5.2 and allsubsections (RDT&E)

$ $ $

7301BA R425 MOD 29 Incremental Funding $CNRMA ENVIRONMENTALDIRECT(OMN)2410(a) authority isinvoked. (O&MN,N)

7301BB R425 MOD 29 Incremental Funding $CNRMA IT DIRECT(OMN)2410(a)authority is invoked. (O&MN,N)

7301BC R425 MOD 29 Incremental Funding $CNRMA COMMANDIRECT(OMN)2410(a) authority isinvoked. (O&MN,N)

7301BD R425 MOD 31, 32,33, 35, 39, & 40 LaborIncremental Funding AEGIS IWS EOB(O&MN,N)

7301BE R425 MOD 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 39 & 40Incremental Funding SSD EOB(O&MN,N)

7301BF R425 MOD 31, 32, 35, 37,39, and 40 LaborIncremental Funding SSDS allsubsections of C.50, C.5.1, and C.5.2(RDT&E)


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Cost Type / NSP Items:

7399 Data Deliverables for Award Term 1 IAW Exhibit A, CDRLs. 1.00 Lot NSP

Cost Type Items:

Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty Unit Target Cost Target Fee CPIF

7400 R425 Award Term 2, Technical SupportServices for the SCSC in accordance withSection C, Performance Work Statement.(See Notes 1 and 4) All funds moved toholding SLIN 7401AA. (Fund Type -TBD)

Max Fee $

Min Fee $

Government Overrun Share Line

Government Underrun Share Line

Cost Type Items:

Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty Unit Est. Cost Fixed Fee CPFF

7401 Labor in accordance with SOW forAward Term 2 Labor Hours

7401AA R425 Labor in accordance with SOW forAward Term 2. Unfunded CeilingHolding SLIN (Fund Type - TBD)

7401AB R425 Award Term 2 funding in support ofSSDS EOB for all SCSC work areas-2410 (a) Authority is being invoked(MOD 41) (O&MN,N)

7401AC R425 Award Term 2 funding in support ofCNRMA CA Direct for work areas C.5.4& C.5.5.1 of SCSC- 2410 (a) Authority isbeing invoked (MOD 41) (O&MN,N)

7401AD R425 Award Term 2 funding in support ofCNRMA ENVIRONMENTAL workareas C.5.7 and all subsections-2410(a)Authority is being invoked (MOD 41)(O&MN,N)

7401AE R425 Award Term 2 funding in support ofCNRMA IT work area C.5.0 and C.5.1and all subsections-2410 (a) Authority isbeing invoked (MOD 41) (O&MN,N)

7401AF R425 Award Term 2 funding in support ofIWS10 USS SECURE SSDS EOB allwork areas (MOD 41) (RDT&E)

7401AG R425 Award Term 2 funding in support ofSEA05 USS SECURE INSTALL SSDSEOB all work areas (MOD 41) (RDT&E)

7401AH R425 Award Term 2 funding in support ofSSDS work area C.5.0 and allsubsections, C.5.1 and all subsections &C.5.2 and all subsections-(MOD41)


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Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty Unit Est. Cost Fixed Fee CPFF


7401AJ R425 Award Term 2 funding in support ofAEGIS IWS EOB all work areas-2410 (a)Authority is being invoked (MOD 41)(O&MN,N)

Cost Type / NSP Items:

7499 Data Deliverables for Award Term 2 IAW Exhibit A, CDRLs. 1.00 Lot NSP

ODC Items:

Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty Unit Est. Cost

9000 R425 Base Period, ODCs for CLIN 7001 (SeeNote 3). The total ODCs for this periodare $ REALIGNED TO 9001 ATAWARD (Fund Type - TBD)



9001AA R425 ODC in support of CLIN 7001 (FundType - TBD)

9001AB R425 ODC in support of CLIN 7001 AWARDFUNDING SSDS EOB (O&MN,N)2410(a) invoked; MOD 25 DEOB $(RDT&E)

9001AC R425 AEGIS EOB ODC in support of CLIN7001AC 2410 (a) Authority BeingInvoked; MOD 25 DEOBLIGATE$ (O&MN,N)

9001AL R425 MOD 7 FY17 SSDS EOB Fundingcovers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771804; Sub Head 8C2C.MOD 17 DEOB $ MOD 25DEOBLIGATE $ MOD 08 PLUS UP$ SSDS EOB Funding covers allwork areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17;APPN 1771804; Sub Head 8C2C(O&MN,N)

9100 R425 Option 1, ODCs for CLIN 7100 (SeeNotes 2 and 3); REALIGNED TO 9101AT OPTION AWARD (Fund Type -TBD)


9101AA R425 ODC in support of CLIN 7101 (FundType - TBD)

9101AB R425 MOD 12 $ Incremental ODCFunding SSDS EOB ALL WORKAREAS, OMN; 2410 (a)AUTHORITYINVOKED; MOD 25 DEOB $(O&MN,N)



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Item PSC Supplies/Services Qty Unit Est. Cost

$ (O&MN,N)

9101AM R425 ODC in support of CLIN 7101 (RDT&E)

9101AN R425 ODC in support of CLIN 7101(O&MN,N)

9101AR R425 ODC in support of CLIN 7101 (RDT&E)

9200 R425 Option 2, ODCs for CLIN 7200 (SeeNotes 2 and 3) (Fund Type - TBD)Option


9201AA R425 ODC in support of CLIN 7201 (FundType - OTHER)

9201AP R425 MOD 21 Incremental Funding $SSDS EOB(OMN)2410(a)AUTHORITY IS BEING INVOKED.(O&MN,N)

9201AQ R425 MOD 21 Incremental Funding $AEGIS IWS EOB(OMN)2410(a)AUTHORITY IS BEING INVOKED.(O&MN,N)

9300 R425 Award Term 1, ODCs for CLIN 7300(See Notes 3 and 4) (Fund Type - TBD)Award Term


9301AA R425 Award Term 1, ODCs for CLIN 7300(See Notes 3 and 4) (Fund Type - TBD)

9301AX R425 MOD 28 Incremental Funding $AEGIS IWS EOB(OMN)2410(a)authority is invoked. (O&MN,N)

9301AY R425 MOD 28 Incremental Funding $SSDS EOB(OMN)2410(a) authority isinvoked. (O&MN,N)

9301BE R425 MOD 31, 32, & 36 ODC IncrementalFunding SSD EOB(OMN) (O&MN,N)

9400 R425 Award Term 2, ODCs for CLIN 7400(See Notes 3 and 4) All costs transferredto Holding SLIN 9401. (Fund Type -TBD)

9401 Award Term 2 ODC in support of CLIN7401 in Accordance with the PWS inSection C.

9401AA R425 ODC in support of CLIN 7401. UnfundedCeiling Holding SLIN (Fund Type -TBD)

9401AB R425 Award Term 2 ODC funding in support ofAEGIS IWS EOB all work areas-2410 (a)Authority is being invoked (MOD 41)(O&MN,N)


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The labor hours (HR) listed above for the Base Period and each Option and Award Term Period shall reflect the Level of Effort providedin Section H, 5252.216-9122 (Alt.1) Level of Effort clause.


The "OPTION TO EXTEND THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT" clause in Section I applies only to the Option and Award Term CLINs.


ODCs will be limited to travel and the materials stated in Section C.7.


The award term CLINs are distinguished from option CLINs and are awarded  in accordance with the Award Term Plan in Section E. Notwithstanding the word "Option" which appears in the Section B CLIN description or elsewhere in this task order, for award termCLINs, award terms are not "Options" until earned. 


The price for Not Separately Priced (NSP) Data items shall be included in the price of the corresponding Labor CLINs.


This is a Level of Effort (term) type order.Items in the 7xxx series are cost plus incentive fee type. for CLINs 7000 and 7100; 7200,7300,7400 are CPFF.Items in the 7x99 series are Not Separately Priced (NSP).Items in the 9xxx series are cost only, excluding fee.


Additional CLINs may be unilaterally created by the Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO) during the performance of this Task Order toallow for additional CLINs/SLINs as needed to accommodate the multiple types of funds that may be used under this Order. Thesemodifications will not change the overall level of effort or value of the task order.

B.3 INCENTIVE FEE INSTRUCTIONS (Applicable to CLINs 7000 and 7100 only)  Note: Upon award, the successful Offeror's proposed maximum and target fee percentages, if less than the solicitation stated thresholds,will be incorporated in the paragraph below and in FAR clause 52.216-10 INCENTIVE FEE in Section I.

Minimum fee shall be  . Maximum fee shall not be greater than Target fee shall not be greater than  . Additionally, these fee maximums apply to all Subcontractorswhen CPIF type subcontracts are proposed.

(1) The target cost, target fee amounts shall be based upon the actual level of effort the Contractor provides. Average hourly rate isdetermined by including all allowable costs (including Cost of Money (COM), if applicable). Fee/hour is calculated on cost less COM (ifapplicable). (If COM is proposed please add needed columns.)


Hourly Rates Totals






Min Fee(Hrs*MinF)

Target Fee(Hrs*TF)

Max Fee(Hrs*MF)

Target Cost(Hrs*Rate)


Page 15 of 108

(MinF) (MF) (Rate)(TF)

 (i) The CPIF target cost for CLIN 7000, and if exercised CLINS 7100 and 7200 and if earned and exercised CLINS 7300 and 7400 shallbe entered in the Target Cost column in the INCENTIVE FEE TABLE above. The Target Cost is determined by multiplying the allowablehours worked (Qty (Hrs)), including Subcontractor hours, corresponding to each CLIN by the target cost per hour (Target Cost/Hour(Rate). The target cost per hour (Target Cost/Hour (Rate)) shall include all proposed cost (including cost of money (if proposed) andSubcontractor costs) for the corresponding CLIN. Fees charged by Subcontractors shall also be included in the target cost.

(ii) The CPIF target fee for CLIN 7000, and if exercised CLINS 7100 and 7200 and if earned and exercised CLINS 7300 and 7400 shallbe determined by multiplying the allowable hours worked (Qty (Hrs)), including Subcontractor hours, for the corresponding CLIN by thetarget fee per hour (Target Fee/Hour (TF)) from the INCENTIVE FEE TABLE. This shall be entered in the Target Fee (Target Fee (Hrs *TF)) column of the INCENTIVE FEE TABLE above.

(iii) The share ratio for the CPIF portion of the fee structure is  for both under-runs andover-runs. The fee earned under the CPIF portion of the fee structure will be based on the total allowable cost incurred by the Contractorin comparison to the final target cost for each of the aforementioned labor CLINs. See the Incentive Fee clause (FAR 52.216-10) inSection I of this Task Order.

(iv) Final Costs & Fees. Actual resulting fee will be calculated at the end of the POP for each CLIN at the CLIN level and not the SLINlevel. Final cost and fee are shown in the following table.





IncentiveFee ShareLineAdjustment



Per Hour (A*B=C) (D+E=F)

7000 A B C D E F G



(a) As part of the negotiated fixed price or total estimated amount of this contract, both the Government and the Contractor have agreed towaive any entitlement that otherwise might accrue to either party in any residual dollar amount of $500 or less at the time of finalcontract closeout. The term "residual dollar amount" shall include all money that would otherwise be owed to either party at the end ofthe contract, except that, amounts connected in any way with taxation, allegations of fraud and/or antitrust violations shall be excluded.For purposes of determining residual dollar amounts, offsets of money owed by one party against money that would otherwise be paid bythat party may be considered to the extent permitted by law.

(b) This agreement to waive entitlement to residual dollar amounts has been considered by both parties. It is agreed that the administrativecosts for either party associated with collecting such small dollar amounts could exceed the amount to be recovered.


The clause entitled "LIMITATION OF COST" (FAR 52.232-20) or "LIMITATION OF FUNDS" (FAR 52.232-22), as appropriate, shallapply separately and independently to each separately identified estimated cost.


(a) For purposes of this contract, "fee" means "target fee" in cost-plus-incentive-fee type contracts, "base fee" in cost-plus-award-fee typecontracts, or "fixed fee" in cost-plus-fixed-fee type contracts for level of effort type contracts.

(b) The Government shall make payments to the Contractor, subject to and in accordance with the clause in this contract entitled "FIXEDFEE" (FAR 52.216-8) or "INCENTIVE FEE", (FAR 52.216-10), as applicable. Such payments shall be submitted by and payable to the


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Contractor pursuant to the clause of this contract entitled "ALLOWABLE COST AND PAYMENT" (FAR 52.216-7), subject to thewithholding terms and conditions of the "FIXED FEE" or "INCENTIVE FEE" clause, as applicable, and shall be paid fee at the hourlyrate specified above per man-hour performed and invoiced. Total fee(s) paid to the Contractor shall not exceed the fee amount(s) set forthin this contract. In no event shall the Government be required to pay the Contractor any amount in excess of the funds obligated underthis contract.


(Applicable to CLIN 9000, if and to the extent Options are exercised and Award Terms are awarded, CLINs 9100 through 9400.)

(a) Except as otherwise provided herein, the Contractor shall be reimbursed for its reasonable actual travel costs in accordance with FAR31.205-46. The costs to be reimbursed shall be those costs accepted by the cognizant DCAA.

(b) Reimbursable travel costs include only that travel performed from the Contractor's facility to the worksite, in and around the worksite,and from the worksite to the Contractor's facility.

(c) Relocation costs and travel costs incident to relocation are allowable to the extent provided in FAR 31.205-35; however, PCO approvalshall be required prior to incurring relocation expenses and travel costs incident to relocation.

(d) The Contractor shall not be reimbursed for the following:

    (i) travel at U.S. Military Installations where Government transportation is available,

    (ii) travel performed for personal convenience/errands, including commuting to and from work, and

    (iii) travel costs incurred in the replacement of personnel when such replacement is accomplished for the Contractor’s or employee’sconvenience.

B.8 FEE INSTRUCTIONS (Applicable to CLINs 7200,7300 and 7400) 

The following table reflects the hourly rates to be billed.

POP Fixed Fee Amount Man-Hours Rate (fee/hr)Option Year 2**Option Year 3**Option Year 4


*To be completed by Offeror. Fixed fee amount, number of man-hours, and rate per hour (the manhours in the table should beinclusive of both Prime and Sub-contractor information). In accordance with FAR 52.216-8 FIXED FEE, fifteen percent (15%)(not to exceed $100,000) of the fee payment shall be reserved.

**  Rate per hour will be adjusted for rounding if Award Term is exercised.

B.9 FINALIZED FIXED FEE (Applicable to CLINs 7200,7300 and 7400)


(a) If the total Level of Effort for each period specified in Section H, 5252.216-9122 LEVEL OF EFFORT-ALTERNATE 1(MAY 2010) is not provided by the Contractor during the period of this Task Order, the Contracting Officer, at their solediscretion, shall finalize fee based on the percent of hours provided in relation to the Fixed-Fee. For example, if ninety (90%)percent of the funded hours were provided, the Contractor is entitled to ninety (90%) percent of the Fixed-Fee.



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(b) This Task Order will be incrementally funded and budgetary constraints may prevent full funding of all periods. Theprocess for finalizing the Fixed-Fee is the same for both fully funded periods and periods funded at less than the estimatedtotal Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee.




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Section C - Description/Specifications/Statement ofWork



The Surface Combat Systems Center (SCSC) Wallops Island, VA requires support for management, engineering, operation, and technicalexpertise in support of the activation, operations, maintenance and engineering of equipment, systems and computer programs in supportof all NAVSEA and PEO IWS missions supported by SCSC.  The SCSC provides live and simulated integrated warfare capabilities in anet-centric, maritime environment to develop, test, evaluate and conduct fleet operations and training for the warfighter.  The SCSCfacilities include the SCSC Command Headquarters area, the Captain Eric L. Washam USN AEGIS Engineering and Training Complex,the Ship Self Defense (SSD) Facility, the Sensor Tower and the Wallops Island Engineering Test Center (WIETC).

The AEGIS Complex provides support to AEGIS and Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Lifetime Support Engineering, Training,In-Service Engineering, Interoperability Testing, Engineering Initiatives, and Technical Research & Development required to maintain andupgrade the AEGIS and BMD 8.3

equipped fleet in war ready condition and fully capable of executing its mission. 

The SSD Facility provides support to Ship Self Defense System (SSDS) Lifetime Support Engineering, SSDS Training, SSDS In-ServiceEngineering, Interoperability Testing, Engineering Initiatives, and Technical Research & Development and fleet operations as an integralpart of the critical path to successful engineering development and integration of combat system upgrades in the Navy’s aircraft carrierand amphibious shipbuilding programs and ship modernization initiatives. 

The Wallops Island Engineering Test Center (WIETC) is a major land-based integration site for Zumwalt Class Destroyer warfareelements and systems. The focus of the WIETC is Mission System equipment integration – linking live combat systems elements with themission system in a controlled environment to verify end-to-end mission system performance.  Risk will be reduced to the program bybringing together tactical hardware and software and testing fit and function of those systems necessary to validate performance prior todelivery of the first and subsequent DDG 1000 class ships. 

The SCSC Command Headquarters area consists of several buildings on the main base and provides support services to the Commandsuch as Logistics, Admin, Finance, IT, and Security. 

This is a performance-based acquisition and is structured around the results to be achieved as opposed to the manner by which the workis to be performed.  The quality and effectiveness of the services performed hereunder will be evaluated in accordance with theperformance standards/acceptable quality and the evaluation methods described in Section E, Inspection and Acceptance, QualityAssurance Surveillance Plan.

This is a contract of the provision of services by the Contractor.  In accordance with law and policy and with the provisions of thiscontract, Contractor personnel shall perform as required by this contract, and such work shall include working in cooperation andcollaboration with Government personnel.  Performance of this contract work shall require, among other things, the Contractor to accessand use Government owned data such as software, documentation, technical data, process and report templates, and the like.  Any andall software, documentation, technical data, and the like generated from such access and use shall also be and remain Governmentowned data.  The Contractor’s use of and access to Government owned data shall neither constitute nor create any Contractor rights inor license to such data; the only Contractor permissions to use and access the data shall be those necessarily required by the Contractorto perform the work herein.  Rights in data constituting and contained in contract deliverables required by the Contract DataRequirements List (CDRL) shall be governed by the appropriate contract clauses.

C.2       SCOPE

C.2.1 The Contractor shall provide management, technical expertise, information technology, information assurance, administrative, andfinancial support services in support of the activation, operations, maintenance and engineering of equipment, systems and computerprograms in support of all NAVSEA and PEO IWS missions supported by SCSC. SCSC’s mission includes not only the AEGIS, BMD,SSDS, and DDG 1000 program support, but also all necessary support services for all NAVSEA and PEO Integrated Warfare Systems(IWS) approved program activities at Wallops Island. Thus, the contractor shall also provide for the installation, activation and upgrade of


Page 19 of 108current and future cruiser, destroyer, carrier, amphibious and ship modernization initiatives at the Navy Wallops Island, Virginia facility.

C.2.2 The Contractor shall provide support for SCSC programs to include: AEGIS, SSDS, DDG 1000, BMD and Sensor Projects.  Futuresystems may be added in support of Navy, DOD, or other national interests.

C.2.3 All work performed under this acquisition shall be performed following applicable Government plans, standards, policies, andprocesses. The Contractor shall generate plans for specific tasking consistent with the Government schedule for product development toinclude scoping of the task, schedule development and preparation of workload estimates. The Contractor shall utilize the DoD UnifiedFacilities Criteria (UFC) for facilities and infrastructure construction and modification.  All documentation shall be developed within thesoftware environment specified by the Government, Microsoft Office toolset, and other specific tools and environments as stipulated inthe documentation herein. Deviations from these processes, policies and procedures are not authorized without advance approval by theContracting Officer’s Representative (COR). 

C.3       APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS (most current version applicable):  All Documents not available on the internet are provided asan attachment.

1. All Sites Module (ASM) Approved Baseline Equipment List (ABEL)2. BUPERSINST 1610.10C Navy Performance Evaluation System3. DoD 7000.14-R DoD Financial Management Regulations4. DoD Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS)5. DoD 8570.01-M Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program6. DODI 4715.17 Environmental Management Systems7. DODI 8510.01 Risk Management Framework (RMF) for DoD Information Technology (IT)8. DON DIACAP Handbook, Version 1.0, dated 15 July 2008 and Qualification Standards and Registration Procedures for NavyValidators, dated 10 Mar 20109. EM 385-1-1, Safety and Health Requirements Manual10.NAVADMIN R 152325Z NOV 11 PSN 130363K16, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) PROCUREMENT APPROVAL ANDOVERSIGHT AUTHORITY11. NAVFAC P-307 Management of Weight Handling Equipment12. NAVSUP P-485 Afloat and Shore Supply Procedures13. NAVSUP P-732 RSupply Users Guide14. OPNAVINST 3104.1A Navy Visual Information Program Policy and Responsibilities15. OPNAVINST 5000.52 Command Evaluation Program16. OPNAVINST 5090.1D Environmental Readiness Program

17. OPNAVINST 5100. 19E Navy Occupational Safety and Health (SOH) Program Manual for Forces Afloat (DD)

18. OPNAVINST 5100. 23G Navy Occupational Safety and Health (SOH) Program Manual (Ashore)19. OPNAVINST 5210.20 Navy Records Management Program20. OPNAVINST 5750.12L CH-1 Annual Command Operations Report21. SCSCINST 4110.2D HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PROGRAM22. SCSCINST 4855.1A Surface Combat Systems Center Quality Plan23. SCSCINST 4855.2 Surface Combat Systems Center Quality Assurance Inspection Procedure24. SCSCINST 5090.1H  ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PROGRAM25. SCSCINST 5239.7C Policy on Portable Electronic Devices (PEDs), Laptops, and Temporary Workstations26. SCSCINST 5239.17A INFORMATION SYSTEM ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES27. SCSCINST 5239.19A SCSC Media Transfer Agent (MTA) Policy and Process28. SCSCINST 5510.8 All-Shred Policy29. SCSCINST 5530.5A  Escort Policy for SCSC Restricted Areas30. SCSCINST 6280.1F POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM31. SCSC NOTE 5510 Badge Process for Visitors to SCSC32. SCSC Notice 7100 Efficient Use of Travel Funding33. SECNAVINST 1650.1H Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual34. SECNAVINST 5210.8D Department of the Navy Records Management Program35. SECNAVINST 5211.5E DoN Privacy Program36. SECNAVINST 5270.44C CH-1 DoN Public Affairs Policy and Regulations37. SECNAVINST 5510.36 Department of the Navy Information Security Policy38. SECNAVINST 5724.3A Fleet Hometown News Program Policy and Procedures39. SECNAVINST 7320.10A Department of the Navy (DON) Personal Property Policies and Procedures40. SECNAVINST 12250.6A Civilian Human Resources Management in the Department of the Navy


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41. SECNAV M-5210.2 DoN Standard Subject Identification Code Manual42. SECNAV M-5213.1 DoN Forms Management Manual43. SECNAV M-5215-1 DoN Directives Management Manual44. SECNAV M-5216.5 DoN Correspondence Manual45. SECNAV M-5510.30 Personnel Security Program


The mandatory requirements must be maintained throughout the life of the Task Order.  The mandatory requirements are as follows:

Requirement 1:  Personnel Security Clearance: All individuals performing technical support under this Task Order are required tohave, as a minimum, a Secret security clearance.  Interim clearances are acceptable.

Requirement 2:  Certifications:

1.) The  Senior Systems Security Engineer/Specialist – C&A Validation shall have the following certifications.

(a) Current Operating System or Networking Technology certification (relevant to position) and Information Assurance Manager (IAM)Level 3 or Information Assurance Technicians (IAT) Level 3 certification (as per DoD Directive 8570), & an IT-1 level clearance perSECNAV M-5510.30.

(b) A Fully Qualified Navy Validator certification in accordance with DoDI 8510.01 Defense Information Assurance Risk ManagementFramework (DIARMF) or current guidance. This position is required to be independent of the Prime Contractor. 

2.) The following position requires a National Safety Council Advanced Safety Certificate or equivalent OSHA certification:  SafetySpecialist. 

3) Database Specialist/Technician shall have the following certifications:LENEL Certified Professional with Concentration Areas forOnguard and Technician and an IT-1 level security background investigation per SECNAV-M 5510.30.



The Contractor shall provide a full range of IT business and technical services to assist the Surface Combat Systems Center (SCSC) in thetechnical management, administration and execution of program tasks pertaining to the development, deployment and operations of SCSCIT infrastructure, systems, and solutions.  The objective of this effort is to secure IT services that will enable SCSC to adequately supportthe delivery and technical management of innovative, reliable, and responsive IT services for SCSC Business, tactical support, and legacysystems. All tasking in this PWS shall be in accordance with Government approval. 

C.5.0.1 The Contractor shall provide engineering, operations, and maintenance services for SCSC IT infrastructure, including futureproducts, services, and technologies.  These services to support SCSC’s IT infrastructure shall include:    

Servers – to include virtualizationStorage Area NetworksWorkstations/PrintersIntrusion Detection System/Event MonitoringRouters/SwitchesHost Based Security System (HBSS)/Log ManagementBackup and Recovery componentsOther LAN, MAN, and WAN componentsPower Distribution and battery backup componentsData Centers, server rooms, and LAN closetsTelecommunication Systems – Base, wireless, ISDN, VTCFiber Infrastructure

Web Design/SharePoint administration

Security Management Systems (Intrusion Detection Systems/Automated Entry Control Systems/Electronic Security Systems)


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C.5.0.2 The Contractor shall provide information system software analysis, design, development, test, modification, installation,implementation, quality assurance, training, security, and documentation to meet the evolving data storage and reporting needs ofprograms and management.

C.5.0.3 The Contractor shall analyze current IT and IS databases, web sites, IT applications, and RDT&E Architecture and recommendnew or improved interfaces and improved management tools that meet new management requirements, and improve managementeffectiveness and efficiency.

C.5.0.4 The Contractor shall modify, implement and maintain web based information systems and links with Government concurrence.The Contractor shall develop web-site structure, prepare documentation for population, implement and maintain web sites, and secureSCSC’s systems in accordance with DoD and Navy policies. 

C.5.0.5 The Contractor shall conduct IA analyses, develop, recommend, and implement, monitor, update, and maintain, IA practices,procedures, equipment, algorithms, and hardware that are outside the cognizance of NGEN.

C.5.0.6 The Contractor shall recommend and support the installation and configuration of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) solutions toinclude support, application and licensing management.  The Contractor shall provide support to the SCSC NGEN Contractor TechnicalRepresentative (CTR) during all phases of NGEN (or NGEN follow on contract) implementation and continuing operation to includeorder preparation and submission, delivery validation, conflict resolution, asset reconciliation and metrics reporting.  The Contractor shallprovide support for all RDT&E systems to include transition, implementation, securing, and continuing operations to support SCSC’smission.



C. The Contractor shall provide RDT&E and Business Network Operations and Maintenance (O&M) support.  This support shallinclude:

C. The Contractor shall maintain and document all hardware and software inventories. (CDRL A001)

C. The Contractor shall provide support and manage NGEN & RDT&E services. The Contractor shall recommend and documentrequirements, and prepare cost estimates and recommend prioritization for: Transition and cutover, Tech Refresh, Applicationsmanagement, and Legacy reduction initiatives. The Contractor shall maintain inventory, record service delivery for payment, and assetreconciliation for Government review and approval.

C. The Contractor shall prepare orders for NGEN services and review invoices, new assets, services and fiscal year rollovers,deployments, and change services to include move, add, and change services for Government approval.

C. The Contractor shall provide support to escalate and monitor NGEN issues to include Service Level Agreements, CustomerSatisfaction Reports, Request Management (Help Desk and SRM/MACs), Network Outages and local technical issues.

C. The Contractor shall liaise with Information System Security Managers (ISSMs) and Information System Security Officers(ISSOs) and shall adhere to current IA Policy, Procedures and Guidelines. 

C. The Contractor shall provide IA Plan of Action and Milestone (POAM) support to include compliance, auditing, and scanningreports.

C. The Contractor shall utilize the Government Account Management database to maintain account records for SCSC systems. The Contractor shall route documents for signatures according to SCSC instruction 5239.17(series).

C. The Contractor shall train users on NGEN and RDT&E contract and related business rules, coordinate special NGEN andRDT&E activities, and communicate internal business rules.

C. The Contractor shall collaborate with data owners, information system owners, and users to secure use and operation ofinformation systems (IS) and networks.  The Contractor shall maintain configuration control of hardware, systems, and applicationsoftware.


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C. The Contractor shall maintain and report Government approved metrics on SCSC networks, servers, systems, applications,backups, and ATO status. (CDRL A001, A002)


C. The Contractor shall provide help desk services for business, legacy, and RDT&E systems.  The Contractor shall provide firstlevel triage troubleshooting, trouble call logging and documentation, call elevation to next level triage, call backs to verify troubleresolution and customer satisfaction.

C. The Contractor shall provide system administration to include processing of trouble calls, database maintenance, documentation,and reports.

C. The Contractor shall maintain an up-to-date database of all trouble calls, available for Government review.


C. The Contractor shall provide application computer program support.  This support shall include:

C. The Contractor shall maintain business legacy applications and perform modifications as specified within Government approvedSCSC Computer Change Requests. 

C. The Contractor shall operate and maintain programs using languages and compilers compatible with SCSC assets and inaccordance with Navy regulations.

C. The Contractor shall create and maintain documentation on approved legacy applications to include user manual, standardoperating procedures, system design documentation, and electronic copies of all program source code listings. The Contractor shallprovide documents to the government quarterly. (CDRL A012, A013)

C. The Contractor shall install and configure Government approved computer programs both commercially licensed to SCSC andthose created under this contract to include legacy, current and emergent industry technologies.

C. The Contractor shall integrate system security and back-up solutions and maintain compatibility in accordance with Governmentapproval.

C. The Contractor shall verify programs in use at SCSC are Navy approved and shall recommend software solutions not currentlyapproved and submit to DADMS for Government approval.

C. The Contractor shall provide training in program operation.


C. The Contractor shall provide Business & RDT&E Local Area Network and Wide Area Network systems support.  This supportshall include:

C. The Contractor shall provide engineering, installation, operation, maintenance, configuration and analysis of current and futuresystems on a semi-annual basis. (CDRL A001, A003)

C. The Contractor shall install, operate and maintain switches, routers, repeaters, transceivers, and associated hardware andsoftware, and cable infrastructure to include moves, adds and changes (MAC) in accordance with Government approved MaintenanceRequests (MRQs).

C. The Contractor shall provide system administration support to include processing of MRQs, database maintenance,documentation, and engineering drawings. (CDRL A002)

C. The Contractor shall provide support technical support for OSs, firewalls, IDS, IPS, routers, switches, HBSS, software patches,and IAVA/B mitigations for RDT&E Systems, Defense Research and Engineering Network (DREN) and Secret Defense Research andEngineering Network (SDREN), SCSC’s Legacy SIPRNET, and Security Management Systems.  This support includes troubleshooting,maintenance, repair, access control, monitoring, and log analysis.


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C. The Contractor shall provide network management services to include network provisioning; monitoring; scheduling;maintenance; repairs; upgrades; maintenance of software patches; load balancing; cryptographic key distribution; access controls andauthorization; DoD compliant scans to include Assured Compliance Auditing System (ACAS) ;  manage IDS/IPS software and hardware;and bandwidth management.

C. The Contractor shall provide Computer Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) System support duringnormal business hours. In addition, the Contractor shall provide support during all shifts and mission events to match customer agencyworkloads and quality of service expectations of scheduled systems and equipment. 

C. The Contractor shall provide maintenance of LAN and WAN system equipment in accordance with Government publishedschedules.

C. The Contractor shall perform cable installation in accordance with Government approved configuration changes.

C. The Contractor shall support and maintain Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) equipment, video and audioconferencing systems to include conference room units and personal desktop systems connected via the Internet Protocol (IP) and throughthe ISDN switches and networks.

C. The Contractor shall provide, maintain and deliver semi-annually RDT&E Communications Diagram that details logical trunkconnectivity among buildings and communications sheds in Auto-CAD format using American Institute of Architects (AIA) CAD LayerGuidelines and Microsoft Visio. (CDRL A003)

C. The Contractor shall provide, maintain and deliver semi-annually Unclassified and Classified RDT&E and TelecommunicationPhysical and Logical Network Infrastructure Diagrams. (CDRL A003)

C. The Contractor shall provide recommendations for new installations and equipment upgrades of current RDT&E, business, andtelecommunications configurations for Government review and approval. (CDRL A009)

C. The Contractor shall install, operate, and maintain ISDN and IP end equipment, switches, customer conference equipment, cardreaders, balance magnetic switch, programmable logic controllers associated hardware and software, cable infrastructure, and base andwireless telephone system.

C. The Contractor shall provide system administration support to include processing of MRQs, database maintenance,documentation, engineering drawings, and security maintenance of systems.  Provide video and audio conferencing system support duringnormal business hours. In addition, the Contractor shall provide support during all shifts and mission events to match customer agencyworkloads and quality of service expectations of scheduled systems and equipment.  Mission related trouble calls shall have priority overall other incoming calls.

C. The Contractor shall provide asset management for ISDN, IP, Video Conferencing, Audio Conferencing, and voicecommunication equipment and infrastructure. Asset management shall include inventory and asset location documentation.  (CDRL A001)

C. The Contractor shall provide support for voice telecommunications, to include system administration, trouble calls,troubleshooting, and call accounting.

C. The Contractor shall provide monthly reports for toll, DSN, and long distance calling for Government review and approval. (CDRL A009)

C. The Contractor shall provide technical expertise in the support of installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance of all cableinfrastructures.

C. The Contractor shall perform systems backup and restore activities on network and system assets in accordance withGovernment approved schedules and provide report of status. (CDRL A002)


C. The Contractor shall maintain existing and develop new web pages with Government approval in accordance with Navydirectives to include:

C. The Contractor shall maintain current web pages to include documentation, web page security access levels, image capture,


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creation of editable text Adobe PDF files, and the development of web enabled databases.

C. The Contractor shall support users by formatting databases to be linked with the system, assisting users in interfacing the centralsystem, programming unique user applications, providing custom web page design and updating of existing web pages.

C. The Contractor shall provide graphics support to the command to include layouts for brochures, booklets, handouts, posters,covers, and signs.


C. The Contractor shall perform Information Assurance (IA) maintenance to include reviewing logs, scanning for vulnerabilities,mitigation of vulnerabilities, application of patches, running virus scans and updating virus signatures.

C. The Contractor shall assess and implement identified corrections (e.g., system patches and fixes) associated with technicalvulnerabilities as part of the Information Assurance Vulnerability Management (IAVM) program.

C. The Contractor shall identify, respond, and report security anomalies and integrity loopholes such as system weaknesses orvulnerabilities by reviewing Security Event and Incident Management (SEIM) tools and syslogs. 

C. The Contractor shall provide status of certifications of technicians to SCSC ISSO on a monthly basis. (CDRL A002)

C. The Contractor shall troubleshoot, maintain, repair, provide access control, monitor, and log analysis for RDT&E networks,information technology, and telecommunication systems.

C. The Contractors performing System Administrator duties on SCSC Information Systems will require root access and as suchwill be considered Privileged Users. Contractor personnel with privileged access shall complete a “Privileged Access Agreement,”provided by the Command ISSM. 

C. Contractors performing System Administrator duties on SCSC Information Systems shall be part of the SCSC CybersecurityWorkforce and members of the IA Technical (IAT) or IA Management (IAM) category.


C. The Contractor shall track, document, identify deficiencies, and recommend corrective measures in accordance with theClinger-Cohen Act (CCA) for Government approval in the following areas:

C. The Contractor shall update SCSC data in the Department of Defense Information Technology Portfolio Repository -Department of Navy (DITPR-DON) registry or current registry as approved by the Government. The Contractor shall use informationfrom this registry to report quarterly status updates for meeting Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) requirements.

C. The Contractor shall provide inputs of costs by category to support the IT Budget reporting requirements. The Contractor shallprovide tracking support for completion of data calls.

C. The Contractor shall prepare, edit, track, and submit IT purchase requests in the Navy Information Dominance Approval System(NAV-IDAS) for Government approval.


C. The Contractor shall provide Storage Area Networks (SANs) support to include engineering development, systemadministration, systems configurations, compliance mitigation, daily operation, access and authentication controls, and storage allocation. The Contractor shall support collection of data, digital storage and transference of data. The Contractor shall manage daily transport andreceipt of data. The Contractor shall develop a Shared Services Model (SSM) for the utilization of SAN for Government review andapproval.

C. The Contractor shall submit to the Government, recommendations and solutions for the conversion of data stored on legacymedia to a more efficient and effective format.

C. The Contractor shall perform system administration duties of share drives, public folders, distribution lists and functionalmailboxes in compliance with Records Management policies.


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C.5.2.1 The Contractor shall provide a full range of Cyber Security Engineering, Information Assurance (IA) for Certification andAccreditation (C&A), technical support and documentation services to assist the Surface Combat Systems Center (SCSC) in thetechnical management, administration and execution of program tasks pertaining to the Certification & Accreditation (C&A), security,and compliance of SCSC IT infrastructure, systems, and solutions.  The objective of this effort is to secure IA services that will enableSCSC to adequately support the delivery and technical management of innovative, reliable, and responsive IA services for SCSCBusiness, tactical support, Platform IT (PIT), and legacy systems.

C.5.2.2 The Contractor shall provide IA engineering, technical, and administrative services for SCSC IT infrastructure, including futureproducts, services, and technologies.  These services to support SCSC’s IA component include compliance of: Information Systems (Servers/Workstations/Printers)Storage Area NetworksNetwork SystemsIntrusion Detection System/Event MonitoringRouters/SwitchesHost Based Security System (HBSS)/Log ManagementBackup and Recovery componentsCertification and Accreditation (C&A)DISA Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGS)Information Assurance Vulnerability Alerts/Bulletins (IAVA/B)

Communication Tasking Orders (CTOs)

Security Management Systems

C.5.2.3 The Contractor shall convert existing C&A documentation and supporting material to the Government approved C&A packageformat. For systems with no existing C&A documentation, the Contractor shall develop required C&A documentation and supportingmaterials in the current required format.  

C.5.2.4 The Contractor shall review compliance requirements for SCSC information systems and prepare C&A Package reports withidentified deficiencies. The Contractor shall update the C&A Package in the current approved format and develop the documentation toinclude: (CDRL A001):

System Architecture AnalysisSoftware Design AnalysisNetwork Connection Rule ComplianceIntegrity Analysis of Integrated ProductsLife Cycle Management AnalysisSecurity Requirements Validation ProceduresVulnerability Evaluation

C.5.2.5 The Contractor shall validate that C&A packages meet compliance requirements and provide report to the Government forreview.  The Contractor shall conduct comprehensive C&A efforts and prepare documentation for Government review and approval. 

C.5.2.6 The Contractor shall document, prepare, assemble, track, and submit IA reports for Government review to include: (CDRLA001, A002, A009, A014, A015, A016)

Systems and Network activityData Security Analysis reportGovernment approved Information Assurance metricsAuthority to Operate (ATO) compliance metricsSecurity ReviewsTest of Security ControlsContingency Plan test reportC&A Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M)

C.5.2.7 The Contractor shall generate all C&A Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&Ms) for accredited systems for Government


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review and approval.  The Contractor shall enter Government approved data into Navy approval system. (CDRL A009)

C.5.2.8 The Contractor shall review vulnerability and scanning reports and liaise with Systems Administrators to resolve inconsistenciesand assess, remediate, and mitigate vulnerabilities.

C.5.2.9 The Contractor shall maintain and recommend IAVM (Information Assurance Vulnerability Management), Security Event, andIncident Management (SEIM) tools to make processes more efficient. The Contractor shall maintain tools with Government approvaland submit recommendations for improvements to the Government for review and approval.

C.5.2.10 The Contractor shall review network and system audit logs and notify the Government of potential threats ormisconfigurations.

C.5.2.11 The Contractor shall support documentation and policy transition to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)Risk Management Framework process, known as Defense Information Assurance Risk Management Framework (DIARMF).

C.5.2.12 The Contractor shall collect evidence, sanitize systems and prepare documentation for electronic Incidents and Spillages forGovernment review. 


C.5.3.1 Quality Assurance is a planned and systematic pattern of all actions necessary to provide confidence that adequate technicalrequirements are established; products and services conform to established technical requirements; and satisfactory performance isachieved.  Data Analysis is the process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data to convert it to information useful fordecision-making.

C.5.3.2 Metrics are used for in-process assessment of technical support processes and not just for end process inspection only and are keyin Process Improvement initiatives.  SCSC uses Lean Six Sigma as the primary method of Process Improvements.

C.5.3.3 The Contractor shall perform data analysis of SCSC mission support and produce actionable metrics, information, reports, andbriefings. The Contractor shall identify and submit to the Government key assessment tools, criteria and techniques related to SCSCsupport processes. The Contractor shall provide and tailor specific measurement criteria based on statistics for application to processassessments for measuring (or improving) the overall effectiveness and appropriateness of key supporting processes. The Contractor shallanalyze process activity and metric results, identify process improvement opportunities, and recommend modifications to metrics systemsand practices.  The Contractor shall collect, process, analyze, and report command metrics. (CDRL A001)

C.5.3.4 The Contractor shall perform Quality Assurance (QA) in accordance with the SCSC Quality Assurance Plan SCSCINST4855.1(series) and Procedure SCSCINST 4855.2 (series). The Contractor shall perform Quality Assurance inspections and produceinspection reports and briefings.  The items inspected will include equipment, computer programs, drawings, cables, processes, and itemsthat are capable of being inspected.   (CDRL A018, A019)

C.5.3.5 The Contractor shall inspect received equipment and computer program media for damage.  The Contractor shall verify thatshipping documents accurately describe the items contained and that there are no discrepancies in the quantities of material received.  TheContractor shall validate the Configuration Item data elements of received computer programs against software description documents.The Contractor shall forward documentation received to Configuration Management.  The Contractor shall verify that the receivedequipment or computer program is authorized by an approved change package.  The Contractor shall place a hold on any item notauthorized or with inspection findings until the issue resolved to the satisfaction of the Government. The Contractor shall documentinspection findings and submit a report to the Government.

C.5.3.6 The Contractor shall verify that the installation of equipment and computer programs are performed by a qualified person, usingauthorized tools and calibrated test equipment, using an approved test procedure, and using an approved test configuration. The Contractorshall witness that testing was performed according to the test procedure and shall collect test data.  The Contractor shall comparecollected test data with expected test results.  The Contractor shall verify that the finished installation of equipment and computerprograms are in accordance with an approved change package; equipment or computer program documentation; electrical wiring, cooling,grounding and plumbing codes and policies; and general standards of workmanship.  The Contractor shall verify that cable connectionsand labels agree with drawings. The Contractor shall verify that alignments have been successfully completed.  The Contractor shallverify that CM, 3M, and property records have been updated.  The Contractor shall submit a report to the Government with test resultsand findings.

C.5.3.7 The Contractor shall conduct periodic inspections and audits of processes, change packages, systems, equipment, computer


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programs, cables, drawings, documents, databases, facilities, and rooms. The Contractor shall keep records and statistics on audits andinspections and report summary results to the Government monthly. The Contractor shall notify the Government of finding as soon aspracticable and provide detailed results and supporting data on findings to the Government for review. The Contractor shall use auditfindings to determine root causes and recommend actions to correct or mitigate them. (CDRL A002, A017, A018, A019)

C.5.3.8 The Contractor shall verify the configuration of tactical and tactical support computer programs upon installation.  The Contractorshall work with Delivery Agents to determine and implement the most effective method to authoritatively verify computer programs.

C.5.3.9 The Contractor shall conduct operations effectiveness studies and submit reports to the Government.  The Contractor shallrecommend to the Government improvements for site facilities, infrastructure, equipment, personnel, and processes that would enhancemission effectiveness or improve efficiency.

C.5.3.10 The Contractor shall assess and provide overall customer event metrics and site utilization projections including the level ofproject loading expected with the undertaking of new projects with routine mission support requirements.

C.5.3.11 The Contractor shall provide support in the planning, execution and tracking of process improvement initiatives and for enteringdata in the associated enterprise level tools. The Contractor shall support the Government’s representative in establishing and reviewingmeasures, metrics and indicators to determine the efficiency of processes. The Contractor shall provide trained experts in support ofprocess improvement, efficiency and quality initiatives to include White, Green, and Black Belts for Lean Six Sigma.


C.5.4.1 The Navy requires proficient and technically competent financial services in support of its mission and reimbursable customers.Professional support using computer software packages compatible with current Navy standards is required. The Contractor shall befamiliar with and knowledgeable of Navy and Federal Financial Management Regulations, general accounting principles and possess goodanalytical skills. The Contractor shall have the ability to work high priority tasks, make frequent changes and perform rapid turnaround onproducts. The Contractor shall stay abreast of Navy initiatives and obtain specialized training which may require travel.  The Contractorshall support all aspects of budget formulation and execution. Budget formulation encompasses financial planning using analysis,assumptions and forecasting. Past trends, current knowledge and long range planning are essential in maintaining financial excellence. Budget execution incorporates the necessary tools to accomplish fiscal responsibilities and allow Government management to make soundfinancial decisions throughout any given fiscal year.  The Contractor shall provide financial status and reporting to the Government.

C.5.4.2 The Contractor shall maintain and provide expenditure histories and financial trend analysis both numerically and graphically;review expenditure histories and conduct trend analysis for deviations and variances; gather current and out-year financial requirementsfrom Government representatives; and prepare report for Government review. 

C.5.4.3 The Contractor shall support compilation of budget requirements, justifications, and flowcharting budget formulation processes.This support shall include inputting departmental and programmatic budget requirements into consolidated spreadsheets and producingreports and presentations from the budget data for Government review and approval.  The Contractor shall provide inputs in variousformats to include paragraphs, spreadsheets, presentations, and graphs. The Contractor shall implement a quality assurance check of thedata prior to submitting to the Government.

C.5.4.4 The Contractor shall provide a proposed reconciliation calendar by fiscal year for Government approval.  After obtainingGovernment approval, the Contractor shall adhere to reconciliation schedules as agreed to between the Government and the Contractor.The reconciliation processes includes reconciling commitments, obligations and expenditures between the automated internalmemorandum of accounting system and DON official accounting system in accordance with due dates and applicable points of reference.The Contractor shall research and correct discrepancies found during reconciliations and submit correction(s) to the Government forcorrection in the official accounting system. The Contractor shall assure all data entry, reports and reconciliations are accurate whichwould be demonstrated by the data in both the internal memorandum of accounting and the official accounting system being equal. (CDRL A009)

C.5.4.5 The Contractor shall enter all budget requests, execution plans, allocations, reprogramming actions, commitments, obligations,receipts and expenditures in the automated internal memorandum of accounting daily after Government review and approval.  TheContractor shall recommend allocation changes for Government approval.  The Contractor shall make necessary commitment, obligationor expenditure adjustments to the automated internal memorandum of accounting and provide information to Government personnel foradjustment in the DON official accounting system on a daily basis. The Contractor shall maintain the financial integrity of the SCSCinternal memorandum of accounting for all lines of accounting.


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C.5.4.6 The Contractor shall report outstanding commitments, obligations and expenditures for active year appropriations in support of theTri-Annual Review for Government review and approval.

C.5.4.7 The Contractor shall research and correct unmatched disbursements and negative unliquidated obligations (NULOs).

C.5.4.8 The Contractor shall prepare financial presentations for Government review and approval.

C.5.4.9 The Contractor shall receive and estimate travel requests; research, interpret and provide guidance and assistance to travelers andreview vouchers for submittal within the Defense Travel System (DTS). The Contractor shall review accuracy of processed vouchers andsubmit for Government approval. The Contractor shall research and interpret Federal Travel Regulations.

C.5.4.10 The Contractor shall prepare purchase requests and correspondence for Government review and approval.

C.5.4.11 The Contractor shall support timekeeping functions by reviewing entered and approved time, running missing time reports,contacting government employees for corrections, maintaining files and participating in management internal control activities.

C.5.4.12 The Contractor shall provide requirements and modifications to the internal memorandum of accounting for Governmentapproval.

C.5.4.13 The Contractor shall prepare Government approved purchase requests and templates, and run required SCSC funding statusreports in the NASA computerized financial system. The Contractor shall obtain and maintain access to the NASA computerized financialsystem.  The Contractor shall reconcile commitments, obligations, costs and expenditures between the Navy and NASA’s automatedinternal memorandum of accounting systems at least monthly for Government review and approval.  The Contractor shall research andcorrect discrepancies and submit correction(s) to the Government for approval and subsequent data entry.

C.5.4.14 The Contractor shall support the Resource Management Department to include maintaining supply inventory, preparingdepartmental supply requisition forms for government signature, representing the Resource Management Department in LEAN Six Sigmaor Continuous Process Improvement events, financial records management and financial workshops.

C.5.4.15 The Contractor shall identify and recommend areas for improvement to the Government.


SCSC requires technical and management support services to support the mission, improve processes, manage records and files, andstrategic planning at all levels within the organization. The Contractor shall utilize current Navy computer software packages to includeMicrosoft Office Suite and have a thorough knowledge of Navy organization and standards.  The Contractor shall perform technicalwriting and studies in accordance with Navy style formats for correspondence, directives, major awards, and technical manuals.  TheContractor shall provide technical support to include knowledge of Navy writing and formatting styles and Navy protocol and regulations.


C. The Contractor shall provide support to include word processing, data entry, file management, scheduling, documentreproduction, visitor greeting and information services support, forms management, processing personnel travel and training requests,spreadsheets, digital presentations, serialization of correspondence, maintaining an electronic read file system, maintaining a military leavelog and maintaining Navy database.  The Contractor shall manage office supplies to include receipt, inventory, storage and preparation ofdocumentation to re-order office supplies.   The Contractor shall provide visitor escorts and prepare, process, and input temporary longterm badge requests for Government approval. 

C. The Contractor shall support the preparation of Navy Fitness Reports and Evaluations to include utilizing the NAVFIT98program to input data, maintain folders, and print reports for Government review and approval. 

C. The Contractor shall prepare department-submitted military awards for Government review.  After review, the Contractor shallprepare the award for final signature of the Commanding Officer and submit to Navy Department Awards Web Services (NDAWS).  TheContractor shall retain documentation. 

C. The Contractor shall update databases, action trackers, daily muster, losses and gains of personnel, emergency recallinformation, and military installation updates. 

C. The Contractor shall provide support to the Administrative Officer to include reenlistment, frocking, award, retirement, and


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pinning ceremonies.

C. The Contractor shall staff the Navy facilities help desk during normal business hours for processing of emergency and routinetrouble calls, to include documenting and processing Navy trouble calls and work requests.  The Contractor shall maintain an up-to-datedatabase of all facility trouble calls, and have available for status review by Navy authorized personnel. 

C. The Contractor shall track facility utilities consumption and provide financial reporting of the recommended monthly billingcosts by customer.  The Contractor shall prepare the annual budget estimates, based on historical usage and costs for future year(s) budgetpreparation for Government review and approval.

C. The Contractor shall support the management of the Government Services Administration (GSA) vehicle fleet and comply withreport requirements.  The Contractor shall track vehicle inventory, record monthly mileage, reconcile GSA invoices, and schedule requiredmaintenance for Government review and approval.  The Contractor shall drive vehicles to a service center for government authorizedmaintenance and repairs.  The Contractor shall dispatch the assigned pool vehicles, provide coordination, prepare trip tickets, provide tolltransponders, and prepare overnight assignment letters.  The Contractor shall assign the vehicles in accordance with the rules set forth inSCSC Notice 7100 Efficient Use of Travel Funding and the SCSC vehicle SOP. 

C. The Contractor shall draft and review official correspondence, instructions, and memoranda in accordance with Navycorrespondence and directives standards.  All correspondence and deliverables shall be electronically logged by date of receipt, due date,originator, and completion date, and made available for status review at any time by authorized personnel.

C. The Contractor shall provide technical writing support to the Government to include researching and drafting articles fortechnical publications, white papers, POA&Ms, award nominations, and command instructions. 

C. The Contractor shall solicit inputs, draft, and prepare the annual command operations report (Command History) and submit tothe Administrative Officer for review prior to approval and final signature from the Commanding Officer in accordance in accordancewith OPNAVINST 5750.12L CH-1.  All writing shall be in accordance with SECNAV M-5216.5 and SECNAV M-5215-1.  (CDRLA009)

C. The Contractor shall provide graphics and engraving support to include writing, planning, designing, composing, layout, editproof, and preparation of professional quality information products, both visuals and documents for print, electronic publication andpresentation for public relations purposes. 

C. The Contractor shall utilize Government provided engraving equipment to include engraving signs, name plates, name badges,and signage.  The Contractor shall utilize an electronic engraving request program on internal website to include tracking and prioritizingrequests.

C. The Contractor shall support the Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act programs to include assisting the PrivacyOfficer with semi-annual spot checks.  The Contractor shall adhere to SECNAVINST 5211.5E governing these programs and shallcomplete annual PII and Privacy training to keep abreast of new regulations and requirements.

C. The Contractor shall provide support for the Records Management program to include the development, maintenance,operation, archiving, training, and tracking of documentation.  The Contractor shall adhere to OPNAVINST 5210.20 and SECNAVINST5210.8D, and NARA Records Management directives and guidelines.  The Contractor shall provide technical support and coordination toinclude data entry, review and compliance of policies and procedures; supporting day to day operations; and archiving records.

C. The Contractor shall update and maintain the Command Standard Brief and ensure it is readily accessible.  The Contractorshall maintain a library containing most recent briefs and informational slides and to include an archives of past briefs.


C. The Contractor shall provide Human Resource support to Surface Combat Systems Center.  The Contractor shall support theSCSC Executive Director in execution of Human Resources support and under the guidance of NAVSEA Technical Authority inaccordance with SECNAVINST 12250.6A (Jan 2013).

C. The Contractor shall support the Executive Director in the development and implementation of a Command Human CapitalStrategy Plan to include a management succession plan and a Command Training Plan in partnership with the Command Military trainingofficer. (CDRL A009)


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C. The Contractor shall support the Executive Director in the development, initiating and processing of employment and recruitingactions.

C. The Contractor shall support the Executive Director in the tracking and reporting requirements to ensure performancemanagement objectives are met; all personnel activity that includes promotions and compensation.

C. The Contractor shall support the Executive Director in coordinating and updating civilian personnel benefits requirements underthe guidance of the OCHR’s Center of Excellence.

C. The Contractor shall support the SCSC Commanding Officer in the development and implementation of the Equal Opportunityprogram, ensuring Command regulatory compliance and problem resolution. 

C. The Contractor shall support the Executive Director with Employee Relations efforts and problem resolution. The Contractorshall support the development of employee survey(s), the interpretation of results and implementation of suggestions or resolving issuesidentified in tandem with Navy military efforts.

C. The Contractor shall support the development and implementation of a Command Mentoring Program.  (CDRL A009)

C. The Contractor shall support the updating and maintenance of an HR shared directory for the command.

C. The Contractor shall provide support in the communication of planning and programs in events such as All Hands and newhire orientation.


C. SCSC requires Public Affairs support to communicate, plan, and execute the command’s goals, successes, and message to bothexternal and internal audiences.  This area includes support in the development of multimedia documentation to support commandcommunication goals; support for development of strategic communication plans to include metrics, technical and media writing services,message or brand development, visual media to include photographs, video and multimedia, and other public affairs services.

C. The Contractor shall provide support for VIP visits to include agenda preparation, organizing tour routes and presentation andbrief support for Government Review and approval.  The Contractor shall adhere to Navy, Federal, State and Local protocol.  

C. The Contractor shall provide photographic and video support for ceremonies, visits, equipment, and special events. TheContractor shall post photographs within 24 hours following an event and archive photographs in accordance with OPNAVINST3104.1A. 

C. The Contractor shall maintaining and update the Command Website and command social media sites to display most current andfactual information in accordance with SECNAVINST 5720.44A.   The Contractor shall gain Government approval from the PublicAffairs Officer prior to publication. 

C. The Contractor shall review documentation for proper classification prior to review and approval by the Government SecurityManager and public release by the Public Affairs Officer.

C. The Contractor shall prepare speeches for senior leaders; support the preparation of command publications; and submit writtenarticles to specialized trade publications following Government review and approval. 

C. The Contractor shall maintain the Hometown News Release Program recognizing Sailors achievements through their localhometown news publications in accordance with SECNAVINST 5724.3A.

C. The Contractor shall develop and maintain of the command monthly newsletter to include soliciting and researchinginformation, writing articles, and conducting interviews for each publication.  The Contractor shall distribute the newsletter electronicallyfollowing Government review and approval.  

C. The Contractor shall support Government special events and ceremonies to include planning, preparations and execution ofChange of Command, Ribbon Cutting, Ground Breaking and Commissioning ceremonies. 

C. The Contractor shall support the command exhibit program to include planning, services, promotions, photography, design,


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lay-out and set-up at trade shows and other events and demonstrations. 


C. The Contractor shall support the Government to provide technical and fiscal justification documentation, manage milestoneprogress and general program management services including development of briefing materials, technical writing, updating anddevelopment of SCSC Instructions and procedures, as well as miscellaneous editing services.

C. The Contractor shall support the Government with program planning, implementation tracking, maintenance of files and actionitem tracking. The Contractor shall provide the Government with baseline and benchmarking assessments of SCSC support processes andreport on the completeness and effectiveness for SCSC internal and external customer feedback.

C. The Contractor shall support Strategic Planning efforts to include preparing agendas, coordinating conferences, providinghandouts, conducting research, and conducting internal and external environmental analysis.  The Contractor shall track theimplementation of command strategic goals and tactical objectives to ensure alignment with both NAVSEA and the Navy.

C. The Contractor shall develop Plans of Action and Milestones (POA&M) for specific tasks, status reports, prepare inputs for theexpense report database, and provide weekly sitrep inputs.   (CDRL A009)


The Contractor shall provide Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) technical support to include data collection, reduction and analysis;identify and report to the Government safety issues and concerns; draft work requests for Government review and approval; evaluateplans, specifications and processes to identify deficiencies in compliance with established codes and standards for Government review andapproval.


The Contractor shall provide routine administration, supervision, labor, materials, supplies, and equipment, necessary to support Navyenvironmental programs at SCSC Wallops Island, VA in the implementation of the environmental management program.


The Contractor shall maintain an active Environmental Planning Program. Environmental Planning Program functions shall includepreparing Categorical Exclusions (CATEX’s) and  Records of Environmental Consideration, reviewing National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) documents (Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements), supporting the preparation of NEPA documentsto include providing SCSC information, interfacing with project stakeholders, and attending meetings. The Contractor shall perform acomplete NEPA document review and update the documentation at least once every two years. The Contractor shall documentdiscrepancies and new information for Government review and approval.  (CDRL A005)


The Contractor shall perform non-routine special studies and activities to include site characterization and restoration activities,compliance order demonstrations, wetland delineations, preparation of project specific NEPA Environmental Assessments andEnvironmental Impact Statements.  The Contractor shall facilitate coordination of studies and documents for Government review andapproval.


The Contractor shall provide technical support to the natural resources program. The Contractor shall develop, implement, and maintainsurveys and monitor plans required by Federal, state, and local regulations, NASA and Navy requirements. These plans include: protectedspecies monitoring, avian and bat mortality surveys; wetlands planning and work; ecosystem studies; reporting; recommendations forlandscape improvements, obtaining approvals for major tree removals and annual Tree City applications.


The Contractor shall maintain and implement an environmental training program, within 30 calendar days of contract start, for SCSCemployees to meet all Federal, State, and local requirements and the provisions of the SCSC Environmental Management System. 


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The Contractor shall maintain and implement a Pollution Prevention Program Plan per the guidelines in OPNAVINST 5090.1 series andSCSCINST 5090.1 series.  The Contractor shall provide an assessment of the plan annually. (CDRL A001)


The Government will be the single point of contact with all regulatory agencies concerning Navy and tenant environmental issues. TheContractor shall support the Government to interface with NASA, regional Navy environmental staff, Federal, State, and local regulatoryagencies.  The Contractor shall inform the Government of all communications between the Contractor and the regulatory agencies withinone hour of the discussion.  The Contractor shall document all communications for the record within three business days.


The Contractor shall develop an Annual Inspection Schedule for multi-media environmental inspections, conduct the inspections, andprovide report to the Government for review.  Within 30 days of contract start, the Contractor shall provide the Annual InspectionSchedule and a reporting format for inspection results for Government review and approval.  The Contractor shall update the AnnualInspection Schedule annually thereafter. Inspections shall take place within two working days of the approved scheduled dates, unless theGovernment approves the schedule change. The Contractor shall inspect all buildings unless otherwise agreed to by the Government. TheContractor shall forward inspection results to the Government and maintain files electronically within 30 working days after thecompletion of the inspection. The Contractor shall collect and maintain records to support underground storage tank, above groundstorage tank, diesel generator runtime, fuel and maintenance records and support NASA, Navy regional, federal and state inspections.(CDRL A009, A019)


The Contractor shall support technical inspections and facilitate coordination with external agency inspections of on-site hazardous wasteactivities to include materials during use, in storage, and waste products generated in accordance with State and Federal regulations,NASA and Navy requirements.  The Contractor shall collect, identify, and recommend cost-effective waste minimization, pollutionprevention, and recycling efforts for Government review and approval. The Contractor shall operate and maintain the 90-day hazardouswaste storage facilities, including the performance of regular inspections. The Contractor shall act as a technical resource and support thehazardous materials and waste programs at SCSC.


C.5.8.1 The Contractor shall provide logistics support services to all Navy programs and projects. These services include warehouseoperations, transportation, procurement support, spare and repair parts management, hazardous material management, plant and minorproperty management, depot level repairable management, database management of the Relational Supply system, and preventivemaintenance checks of eye wash stations, acid storage lockers and flammable storage lockers.  Government spares and repair parts shallbe segregated, stored and tracked separately by program or project. 

C.5.8.2 The Contractor shall utilize the Government supply systems to provide support to include receiving, processing and reporting thestatus of requisitions, requisition maintenance, managing inventories and commodities, storing material, and issuing material.

C.5.8.3 The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Government for review and approval emergency requisitions, expedite requisitions,and upgrade priorities in support of Government requirements. Requisitions shall be processed using the Navy Supply System inaccordance with instructions provided in the NAVSUP P-485 and the Relational Supply Users Guide. The Contractor shall provideemergency services in accordance with the NAVSUP P-485 and local procedures.

C.5.8.4 The Contractor shall maintain the inventory management of spare and repair parts, depot level repairables, hazardous materials,consumables, plant and minor property, historical items and other items in the custody of the SCSC Supply Officer. The Contractor shalluse Relational Supply to manage all inventory processing with the exception of plant and minor property, where Defense PropertyAccounting System (DPAS) is used.

C.5.8.5 The Contractor shall provide life cycle management of hazardous materials, from submission of requirements to ordering, storage,issue, turn-in of excess, and process for disposal in accordance with OPNAV Instructions 5100.19(series), 5100.23(series) and SCSCInstruction 4110.2(series). The Contractor shall submit orders to the Government, receive, issue, store, and transfer HAZMAT.  TheContractor shall maintain the Government databases for HAZMAT management systems. The Contractor shall maintain the databaseaccurately to reflect all data required for the accurate management of the HAZMAT, as reviewed by the Government HAZMAT


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coordinator. The Contractor shall maintain a database of MSDS's and ensure all required MSDS's are maintained in the proper facilities inaccordance with OPNAV Instructions 5100.19(series) and 5100.23(series).  The Contractor shall maintain HAZMAT quantities at levelsthat will not create excess HAZMAT requiring disposal.

C.5.8.6 The Contractor shall identify, maintain, and recommend sources of supply for items requisitioned to include researching andcataloging support. The Contractor shall screen requirements through General Services Administration (GSA), Defense Logistics ServiceCenter (DLSC) and Naval Inventory Control Point (NAVICP) to identify assignment of NSN.  The Contractor shall maintain a referencelibrary for Government use of catalogs, manuals, Military and Federal Specifications and Standards, and DLSC publications as well asmaintaining a Navy logistics publications library for the Government.

C.5.8.7 The Contractor shall support the Government in maintaining all open purchase logs, documents and files to include submittingGovernment approved requirements, filing requisition documentation, and scanning documentation.  The Contractor shall support theGovernment in the reconciliation of the Government Purchase Card statement to include gathering substantiating documentation andresearching discrepancies. The Contractor shall support the Government in screening open purchase requests for accuracy anddocumentation.

C.5.8.8 The Contractor shall support the Government’s central receiving facility function to include review of quantity and condition ofmaterial received; ensure that incoming material being processed for stock, or direct turn over requirements, is properly documented andcorrect as to quantity, quality, identification, and is staged for delivery or warehousing while maintaining accountability for the materialfor final Government inspection and acceptance. The Contractor shall affix property tags to all items requiring property tags prior todelivery in accordance with SCSC Instruction 7320.1(series). The Contractor shall ensure hazardous materials are properly identified,handled, and Material Safety Data Sheets are attached to material. The Contractor shall transport all material for delivery to the variousbuildings at SCSC.  The Contractor shall utilize Government provided vehicles for the transportation of the material and ensureContractor employees have required licenses to drive various vehicles required.  The Contractor shall deliver and or pick-up governmentproperty at an airport, another Navy Facility or another Contractor’s facility.  The Contractor shall ensure personnel transportinghazardous material for delivery on SCSC have proper training and licenses to transport HAZMAT. Contractor shall process all receipts in

accordance with the NAVSUP P-485.  

C.5.8.9 The Contractor shall advise the Government on most effective use of net warehouse space to include recommending majorchanges, additions or enhancements for government approval. The Contractor shall store material and equipment in the proper physicalenvironment to guard against damage or deterioration. The Contractor shall receive and package for shipment all material for transfer toother activities, shipment of excess items to DRMO, and “A” condition material turned in for credit to Material Turn In to Shore (MTIS).The Contractor shall prepare all required paperwork and assign expenditure numbers in accordance with the NAVSUP P-485. TheContractor shall support the Navy personnel in the packaging, handling, storage, transportation, and receipt/inspection of the equipment,furniture, computer programs and other items to be installed at the facilities.

C.5.8.10 The Contractor shall conduct Preventive Maintenance System (PMS) checks in accordance with OPNAVINST 5100.19(series)and 5100.23(series) and Navy maintenance requirement cards. The Contractor shall perform maintenance on eye wash stations anddecontamination showers and prepare and submit report when completed to logistics Government Work Center Supervisor.

C.5.8.11 The Contractor shall provide support to the Government Supply Officer in gathering and analysis of logistical data in order toimprove supply processes, predict and avoid logistics problems using current industry practices, data collection, statistical analysis, andresearch to generate recommendations.

C.5.8.12 The Contractor shall support the Government to develop lists identifying the technical documentation, repair, spare and supportparts, special tools and test equipment requirements for the various weapons systems at SCSC.

C.5.8.13 The Contractor shall receive, issue, inventory and otherwise maintain the spare parts program for SCSC in accordance withConsolidated Shore Base Allowance List (COSBAL) allowance lists and other Navy directives. The Contractor shall maintain andaccurately account for all spares (including project, activation, interim and INCO) on a separate database from current 3M database inaccordance with Navy directives. The commingling of the program, project, COSBAL, and interim spare parts is not permitted. TheContractor shall perform technical editing, screening through the Consolidated Residual Assets Material Systems Inventory (CRAMSI),and inputting requirements into the Navy Supply System. The Contractor shall track Depot Level Repairables (DLRs), conduct plant andminor property inventories at all SCSC facilities, and print reports as required from the current 3M database.

C.5.8.14 The Contractor shall relocate office furniture, boxes, and items to support Government office moves and movement of equipmentand furniture.


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C.5.8.15 The Contractor shall perform mail services functions for the Government, and process Navy mail through the existing Navy MailService Center (MSC). The operation of the Navy MSC involves the processing and delivery of incoming mail, internal mail, outgoingmail, special services mail, as well as processing of Federal Express mail and packages. The MSC is operated in accordance with UnitedStates Postal Service (USPS) regulations and other applicable DOD regulations, policy documents, procedure issuances and formalinstructions. The Contractor shall use the Government provided "leased" postage meter system.  The Contractor shall not open officialmail.

C.5.8.16 The Contractor shall handle and safely store all incoming and outgoing sensitive and classified material and special handlingmail.

C.5.8.17 The Contractor shall prepare reports and mail summaries and make available for Government review.


The Contractor shall provide meeting and program support to include:

- Technical support services, such as Supply/Logistics, Financial, Administrative, Human Resources, Information Technology, QualityAssurance, Strategic Planning, Safety, Environmental, Security and Information Assurance;

- Information Assurance, Certification and Accreditation (C&A), and IA scans and mitigations;

- Operation and maintenance of SCSC Business and Tactical Support Network Systems and approved applications;

- Integration of information technology service and operating processes consistent with LEAN/Six Sigma improvement principles;

- Technical and operational services for the planning, scheduling and conduct of operations to support the mission;

- Engineering, installation, integration, and testing to support approved research and development project initiatives on the TacticalSupport Network;

- Feasibility studies, conceptual planning meetings for candidate projects and experimentation activities; preliminary estimate of schedule,cost and other resource requirements; assessments of possible impacts to on-going activation efforts and mission operations; 

- Technical studies, equipment and system reliability assessments, process and results analyses, and customer satisfaction and otherperformance metrics; 

- SCSC applications studies and systems research;  

- Briefings and periodic reports from metrics and analysis;

- Input to improving technical processes;

- Reports, meetings, briefs, visitor personnel badging requests and escorts;

- Products in support of SCSC work efforts of planning, conduct of meetings, and technical studies such as meeting minutes, memoranda,correspondence files, briefing materials, point papers, schedules, configuration change requests, engineering requests, test and operationssupport plans. The Contractor shall provide support for all SCSC budget submissions and data calls.  (CDRL A001, A002, A009, A006)

- Keep equipment and work spaces in an efficient, safe and clean manner, e.g. the Lean/Six Sigma principal (sort, simplify, systematiccleaning, standardize, sustain and safety). The Contractor shall clean up after work is complete on each shift. The Contractor shallimplement processes to account for and keep tools and test equipment organized, safe and clean.


In support of the technical and business management of this contract, the Contractor shall comply with the following reportingrequirements:



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The Contractor shall prepare and conduct an IPR 90 days after contract award and every 180 days thereafter, to be held at SCSC, WallopsIsland, VA. One week in advance of the IPR, the Contractor shall submit an IPR agenda (CDRL A007) and a copy of the data to bepresented at the IPR (CDRL A004) which shall address the status of action items from the previous IPR, pertinent issues and a financialanalysis. All information presented shall be up-to-date as of the final agreed upon agenda. Emergent/future interest items and meetingsshall be discussed during the IPR. The Contractor shall submit meeting minutes, including the list of attendees and action items no laterthan 5 working days after the IPR. (CDRL A006)  If at any time in the future the Government's requirement changes, the Governmentreserves the right to amend this section to every 90 days


The Contractor shall provide reporting to meet the requirements as defined in CDRL A008.


The Contractor shall report financial status utilizing Earned Value Management techniques. The Contractor shall report actual expenses,consisting of hours worked, labor expenses, travel expenses, materials and other direct expenses and shall be reported on a monthly basis.Expenses can be recorded more frequently in those cases where billings occur on less than a 30 day billing cycle. The Contractor shallutilize DD Forms 2734/1, 2734/2, 2734/3, 2734/4, and 2734/5 where applicable. The Contractor shall provide financial reporting byprogram, appropriation category, or CLIN. Reports shall be provided on a monthly basis and summary reporting shall be provided duringIPRs. (CDRL A008)


The Contractor shall submit a management plan to meet the requirements as defined in CDRL A010.


 C.7.1       TRAVEL

The Contractor shall be required to travel in performance of this task order. The numbers of trips and types of personnel traveling shall belimited to the minimum required to accomplish work requirements and shall be requested of and authorized by the COR in writing or byelectronic email. All requests must show the appropriate order number, the number or people traveling, the number of days for the trip,the reason for the travel, and any high cost or unusual costs expected. The Contractor is not authorized to perform any travel that is not inconjunction with this effort. All travel shall be conducted in accordance with FAR 31.205-46 Travel Costs. Representative locationsinclude:

Washington, DC (and surrounding areas)Dahlgren, VAMoorestown, NJNorfolk, VAPatuxent River, MDNewport, RIThe Contractor shall submit trip reports following any travel under this effort. (CDRL A011)


C.7.2.1 This Task Order is issued as a services contract and the procurement of materials of any kind that are not directly related to andnecessary for performance may be determined to be unallowable costs pursuant to FAR Part 31. Materials allowed as direct charge andapproved for purchase during the performance of this Task Order are the following: short-term forklift rental if SCSC's forklift goesdown.

C.7.2.2 Individual item purchases equal to or over $3,000 shall not be executed until the COR reviews the requested purchase andapproval is obtained from the PCO.


C.8.1 The Government will provide workspace for all personnel at SCSC. Therefore, in accordance with Section B clause HQ B-2-0020 d(ii) of this order, the Contractor shall not be reimbursed for travel performed commuting to and from work or between SCSC buildings.


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This space includes shared desk space, lab space and office space. All Contractors will have access to a computer, phone, fax, printers.

In addition, the Government will provide the following electronic tools: Test Resource Management System (TRMS), All Sites Module(ASM) Approved Baseline Equipment List (ABEL), ACCESS (Advanced Configuration Control and Engineering Status System),ViewNet Website, iSCSC Website, WIIMS (Wallops Institutional Information Management System),Configuration Tracking System(CTS), Naval Tactical Command Support System, Organizational Maintenance Management System – Next Generation (OMMS-NG),Open Architectural Retrieval System (OARS), SKED – Preventive Maintenance Scheduling System and Combat Systems EquipmentStatus and Scheduling (CSESS).

C.8.2 The Government will provide onsite at SCSC: forklifts, and trucks to move materials.

C.8.3 The Government will provide the following equipment:


C.9.1 The contractor shall provide support for weekday, weekend and holiday surges in order to maintain opera ons. The SCSC facili esmaintain an opera onal schedule as described below. For schedule driven personnel, the contractor shall maintain a work schedule inaccordance with the SCSC opera onal schedule. The Aegis facility conducts opera ons seven days per week with two (2) shi s per day forcustomer events. There is one (1) shi for maintenance five days per week. In totality, the Aegis facility shi s are 24 hours per day for fivedays per week and approximately 19 hours per day for two days per week. The SSD facility conducts opera ons five days per week withtwo (2) shi s performing live customer events, maintenance and simulated events (total of approximately 18 hours per day). The WIETCfacility conducts opera ons five days per week with one (1) shi per day for customer events and addi onal shi s for maintenance andsupport scheduled as needed (total of approximately 10 hours per day).

C.9.2 For non-schedule driven personnel to include engineering, administrative, supply, and management, the Contractor shall maintain awork schedule between 0700 to 1730, Monday through Friday, with full-time onsite presence between core hours of 0900 to 1530,excluding Federal Holidays


The Contractor shall develop a POA&M at the Task Order Level/Summary and for each work area (WA) (CDRL A009). The POA&Mshall be signed by the Contractor, Government Subject Matter Expert (SME), COR, and the Government Contracting Officer. The signedPOA&M shall be provided electronically to the Contract Specialist, COR, ACOR, and the appropriate Government SME within twentyone (21) calendar days after Task Order Performance Start, Exercise of Option, Award Term issuance, or modification which affect theLevel of Effort (LOE) or Dollar Ceilings.  While Contractor format is acceptable, with the COR’s approval, the following informationshall appear, at a minimum, on each POA&M:

a.      Date POA&M submitted b.      WA (and Number when applicable)c.      Task order numberd.      POA&M’s performance periode.      Contractor interfaces (Program Manager, WA Manager)f.       Government interfaces (COR, ACOR, SME)g.      Work summary/descriptionh.      Schedule of events proposed/planned to accomplish taski.       List of planned deliverables and their due datesj.       Estimated LOE required to perform for the periodk.      Schedules/plans for obtaining additional personnel if applicablel.      Identification of Subcontractor(s) as appropriatem.     Estimated cost (including fee) for all labor (including management and support) and ODCs, with travel details


C.11.1  The attached Department of Defense Contract Security Classification Specifications (DD Form 254) provides the securityclassification requirements for this order. The Contractor shall obtain facility and personnel security clearances as required by theDepartment Industrial Security Program prior to starting to work on tasks requiring clearances. Access to classified spaces and material


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and generation of classified material shall be in accordance with the attached DD Form 254.  Access to NATO is required to obtain a

SIPRnet account and to utilize the DTIC system to obtain documents on intelligence. For Official Use Only (FOUO) and PersonallyIdentifiable Information (PII) generated and/or provided under this contract shall be safeguarded and marked as specified in DoD5400.7-R Chapters 3 and 4.  All above accesses are needed to support and provide management, engineering, operations and technicalexpertise in support of activations, operations, maintenance and engineering of equipment, systems and computer programs supported bySCSC. The Contractor shall provide IT Level 1 system administrators/privileges users. Contractors filling an IT level-1 position arerequired to have a Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) to be conducted in accordance with DoD 8570.01M and SACNAV

M-5510.30 while assigned to that position.  The expense for the SSBI will be at the cost of the Government.  All classified work will beconducted at SCSC Wallops Island.  

C.11.2  SCSC Facility Access. Performance of this task order will require the Contractor to have access to SCSC facilities. TheContractor shall comply with such procedures as are established for each of the facilities.

C.11.3 Electronic Spillages (ES). Electronic spillages are unacceptable and pose a risk to national security. An electronic spillage isdefined as classified data placed on an information system (IS), media or hardcopy document possessing insufficient security controls toprotect the data at the required classification level, thus posing a risk to national security (e.g., sensitive compartmented information (SCI)onto collateral, Secret onto Unclassified, etc.). The Contractor's performance as it relates to ES will be evaluated by the Government. ESreflects on the overall security posture of SCSC and a lack of attention to detail with regard to the handling of classified information of ISsecurity discipline and will be reflected in the Contractor's performance rating. In the event that a Contractor is determined to be

responsible for an ES, all direct and indirect costs incurred by the Government for ES remediation will be charged to the Contractor.  

SCSC Security will continue to be responsible for the corrective action plan in accordance with the security guidance reflected on theDOD Contract Security Classification Specification - DD254. SCSC Security will identify the Contractor facility and contract numberassociated with all electronic spillages during the investigation that involve Contractor support. SCSC Security will notify the ContractsDivision with the Contractor facility name and contract number, incident specifics and associated costs for cleanup. The ContractingOfficer will be responsible to work with the Contractor Facility to capture the costs incurred during the spillage clean up. The Contractoris also responsible for taking Information Security Awareness training annually, via their Facility Security Officer (FSO), as part of themandatory training requirements. If a spillage occurs additional training will be required to prevent recurrence.

C.11.4  Portable Electronic Devices (PEDs).

Non-Government and/or personally owned portable electronic devices (PEDs) are prohibited in SCSC buildings that are specifiedControlled Access Areas (CAA). The Contractor shall ensure the onsite personnel remain compliant with this PED policy. PEDs aredefined as the following: any electronic device designed to be easily transported, with the capability to store, record, receive or transmittext, images, video, or audio data in any format via any transmission medium. PEDs include, but are not limited to, pagers, laptops,radios, compact discs and cassette players/recorders. In addition, this includes removable storage media such as flash memory, memorysticks, multimedia cards and secure digital cards, micro-drive modules, ZIP drives, ZIP disks, recordable CDs, DVDs, MP3 players,iPADs, digital picture frames, electronic book readers, Kindle, Nook, cameras, external hard disk drives, and floppy diskettes. PEDsbelonging to an external organization shall not be connected to SCSC networks or infrastructure without prior approval from the SCSCInformation Systems Security Manager (ISSM). Personally owned hardware or software shall not be connected or introduced to anySCSC hardware, network or information system infrastructure.

C.11.5 Information Security and Computer System Usage.

In accordance with U.S. Navy policy, any personnel, including the Contractor, who utilizes DOD-owned systems, shall assumeresponsibility for adherence to restrictions regarding internet and e-mail usage.  Navy policy prohibits racist, sexist, threatening,pornographic, personal business, subversive or politically partisan communications.  All personnel, including the Contractor, areaccountable and must act accordingly.  DOD computer systems are monitored to ensure that the use is authorized, to facilitate protectionagainst unauthorized access, and to verify security procedures, survivability and operational security.  During monitoring, information maybe examined, recorded, copied, and used for authorized purposes.  All information, including personal information, placed on or sent overa DOD system may be monitored.  Use of a DOD system constitutes consent to monitoring.  Unauthorized use may result in criminalprosecution.  Evidence of unauthorized use collected during monitoring may be used as a basis for recommended administrative, criminalor adverse action.

C.11.6 Use of Information System (IS) Resources

(a) Contractor Provision of IS Resources. Except in special circumstances explicitly detailed elsewhere in this document, the Contractor


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shall provide all IS resources needed in the performance of this contract. This includes, but is not limited to computers, software,networks, certificates, and network addresses.

(b) Contractor Use of SCSC IS Resources.

    (1) In the event that the Contractor is required to have access to SCSC IS resources, the login name used for access shall conform tothe NMCI login naming convention. If the Contractor requires access to applications/systems that utilize client certificates forauthentication, the Contractor is responsible for obtaining requisite certificates from a DOD or External Certificate Authority.

    (2) If this contract requires that the Contractor be granted access and use of SCSC IS resources (at any site), the IS shall be accreditedfor Contractor use in accordance with procedures specified by the Information Assurance Office.

c) Connections Between SCSC and Contractor Facilities. If there is a requirement (specifically delineated elsewhere in this contract) forinterconnection (e.g., link level or Virtual Private Network (VPN)) between any facilities and/or ISs owned or operated by the Contractorand ISs owned or operated by SCSC, such interconnection shall take place only after approval from the Information Assurance Office. Allsuch connections as well as the ISs connected thereto will be accredited in accordance with DOD policy (DODI 5200.40) by thecognizant Designated Approving Authority (DAA) and comply with the requirements of CJCSI 6211.02B regarding Memorandums ofAgreement. All such connections will be made outside the appropriate SCSC firewall. 


A Post-Award Meeting will be conducted within 15 working days after award of the task order. The meeting will be held at the SCSCWallops Island, Virginia. The Contractor will be given at least five working-days’ notice prior to the date of the meeting by the ContractSpecialist. The requirement for a Post-Award Meeting shall, in no event, constitute grounds for excusable delay by the Contractor inperformance of any provisions of the Task Order.

A second post-award meeting may, if necessary, be held after receipt of the first invoice to assure that adequate documentation has beenreceived to substantiate the validity of the first invoice submission, in accordance with Section G clause HQ G-2-0009 SupplementalInstructions Regarding Electronic Invoicing (NAVSEA)(Sept 2012). The Contractor will be given at least five working-days’ notice priorto the date of the meeting.


C.13.1 The Contractor shall provide capable personnel with qualifications, experience levels, security clearances, certifications, andtraining required by Federal, State, and Local laws and regulations. Information assurance functions require certifications specified inDFARS 252.239-7001 INFORMATION ASSURANCE CONTRACTOR TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION. In addition, per therequirements set forth in DoD 8570.1M, as a condition of privileged access to any information system, PERSONNEL PERFORMING IAFUNCTIONS must satisfy both preparatory and sustaining DoD IA training and certification requirements as outlined in Chapters 2-5 ofthe directive. Additionally, personnel with Privileged Access must complete a “Privileged Access Agreement.”

C.13.2 All costs for DoD 8570.1M certification shall be borne by the Contractor for new employees on this contract. Training necessaryto ensure that personnel performing under this contract maintain the knowledge and skills to successfully perform the required functions isthe responsibility of the Contractor. Training necessary to maintain professional certification is the responsibility of the Contractor. TheContractor shall provide training opportunities to maintain Contractor capabilities or skills to coincide with changing technologyenvironments.

C.13.3 Training on non-commercial and department-specific tools and procedures will be provided by the Government. Advance approvalis required by the Contracting Officer.  


In addition to the information required by FAR 52.244-2 Alternate 1 (JUN 2007), the Contractor shall include the following informationin requests to add Subcontractors or consultants during performance, regardless of subcontract type or pricing arrangement.

  (1)  Clearly present the business case for the addition of the Subcontractor/Consultant,   (2)  If applicable, the impact on subcontracting goals, and   (3)  Impact on providing support at the contracted value.  



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NDAs and Proprietary Information Agreements (PIA) may be utilized to allow for access to company sensitive and proprietary data. Fortasks requiring NDAs and PIAs, the Contractor shall obtain agreements for all of their employees that are associated with the taskrequiring such an agreement. Contractor personnel may be required, from time to time, to sign non-disclosure statements/agreements asapplicable to specific tasking. The COR will notify the Contractor of the number and type of personnel that will need to sign NDAs andPIAs. The signed NDAs and PIAs shall be executed prior to accessing data or providing support for information to the COR forendorsement and retention. Copies of all executed NDAs and PIAs shall be provided to the COR.

This is a contract for the provision of services by the Contractor. In accordance with law and policy and with the provisions of thiscontract, Contractor personnel shall perform as required by this contract, and such work shall include working in cooperation andcollaboration with Government personnel. Performance of this contract work shall require, among other things, the Contractor to accessand use Government owned data such as software, documentation, technical data, process and report templates, and the like. Any and allsoftware, documentation, technical data, and the like generated from such access and use shall also be and remain Government owneddata. The Contractor’s use of and access to Government owned data shall neither constitute nor create any Contractor rights in or licenseto such data; the only Contractor permissions to use and access the data shall be those necessarily required by the Contractor to performthe work herein. Rights in data constituting and contained in contract deliverables required by the Contract Data Requirements List shallbe governed by the appropriate contract clauses.


(a) Delivery by the Contractor to the Government of certain technical data and other information is now frequently required to be made indigital form rather than in hardcopy form. The method of delivery of such data and/or other information (i.e., in electronic, digital, paperhardcopy, or other form) shall not be deemed to affect in any way either the identity of the information (i.e., as “technical data” or“computer software”) or the Government’s and the Contractor’s respective rights therein.

(b) Whenever technical data and/or computer software deliverables required by this contract are to be delivered in digital form, anyauthorized, required, or permitted markings relating to the Government’s rights in and to such technical data and/or computer softwaremust also be digitally included as part of the deliverable and on or in the same medium used to deliver the technical data and/or software.Such markings must be clearly associated with the corresponding technical data and/or computer software to which the markings relateand must be included in such a way that the marking(s) appear in human-readable form when the technical data and/or software isaccessed and/or used. Such markings must also be applied in conspicuous human- readable form on a visible portion of any physicalmedium used to effect delivery of the technical data and/or computer software. Nothing in this paragraph shall replace or relieve theContractor’s obligations with respect to requirements for marking technical data and/or computer software that are imposed by otherapplicable clauses such as, where applicable and without limitation, DFARS 252.227-7013 and/or DFARS 252.227-7014.

(c) Digital delivery means (such as but not limited to Internet tools, websites, shared networks, and the like) sometimes require, as acondition for access to and/or use of the means, an agreement by a user to certain terms, agreements, or other restrictions such as but notlimited to “Terms of Use,” licenses, or other restrictions intended to be applicable to the information being delivered via the digitaldelivery means. The Contractor expressly acknowledges that, with respect to deliverables made according to this contract, no such terms,agreements, or other restrictions shall be applicable to or enforceable with respect to such deliverables unless such terms, agreements, orother restrictions expressly have been accepted in writing by the Procuring Contracting Officer; otherwise, the Government’s rights in andto such deliverables shall be governed exclusively by the terms of this task order. 


Work under this contact may require that personnel have access to Privacy Information. Contractor personnel shall adhere to the PrivacyAct, Title 5 of the U.S. Code. Section 552a and applicable agency rules and regulations.  Access to and preparation of sensitiveinformation subject to privacy Act and Business Sensitive safeguarding and destruction may be required in the execution of taskingassociated with this contract. Administratively sensitive information/data must not be shared outside of the specific work areas. Allpersonnel with access to privacy act data in support of this contract must sign a privacy act certification.


(a) The Government will neither supervise Contractor employees nor control the method by which the Contractor performs the requiredtasks. The Government will not direct the hiring, dismissal or reassignment of Contractor personnel. Under no circumstances shall theGovernment assign tasks to, or prepare work schedules for, individual Contractor employees. It shall be the responsibility of theContractor to manage its employees and to guard against any actions that are of the nature of personal services or give the perception thatpersonal services are being provided. If the Contractor feels that any actions constitute, or are perceived to constitute personal services, itshall be the Contractor's responsibility to notify the Contracting Officer immediately in accordance with the clause 52.243-7.


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(b) Inherently-Governmental functions are not within the scope of this Task Order. Decisions relative to programs supported by theContractor shall be the sole responsibility of the Government. The Contractor may be required to attend technical meetings for theGovernment; however, they are not, under any circumstances, authorized to represent the Government or give the appearance that they aredoing so.


The Contractor shall be required to obtain identification badges from the Government for all Contractor personnel requiring regular accessto Government property. The identification badge shall be visible at all times while employees are on Government property. TheContractor shall furnish all requested information required to facilitate issuance of identification badges and shall conform to applicableregulations concerning the use and possession of the badges.

The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that all identification badges issued to Contractor employees are returned to theappropriate Security Office within 48 hours following completion of the Task Order, relocation or termination of an employee, and uponrequest by the Procuring Contracting Officer.

All Contractor personnel shall identify their company affiliation when answering or making telephone calls and sending email and whenattending meetings where Government personnel or representatives from another contractor are present.


(a) The Contractor shall ensure that all employees who have a DoD badge and or vehicle sticker turn in the badge and remove the vehiclesticker immediately upon termination of their employment under this order. The above requirement shall be made a part of the standardemployee facility clearance procedures for all separated personnel.  The Contractor shall advise Command Physical Security of allchanges in their personnel requiring DoD base access.

(b) For involuntarily separated personnel and those separated under adverse circumstances, the Contractor shall notify Command PhysicalSecurity in advance of the date, time, and location where the Command representative may physically remove the employee’s vehiclesticker and retrieve the DoD badge prior to the employee departing the Contractor’s facility. In the event the employee is separated in hisor her absence, the Contractor shall immediately notify Command Physical Security of the separation and make arrangements between theformer employee and Command Physical Security for the return of the badge and removal of the sticker.


C.21.1 The Contractor shall strictly adhere to all Federal, State and local laws and regulations, Executive Orders, and Department ofDefense, Navy and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Wallops Flight Facilitypolicies.

C.21.2 The Contractor shall ensure that each Contractor employee who has been or will be issued a Common Access Card (CAC)completes the annual SCSC Environmental Awareness Training (EAT) within thirty (30) days of commencing contract performance andannually thereafter as directed by their SCSC training coordinator or their COR.

C.21.3 The Contractor shall complete National Environment Policy Act (NEPA) training for those Contractors who coordinate incomingprojects, construction activities, and upgrades to combat systems.  The Contractor shall complete and submit Appendix II of SCSCINST5090.1H for Government review and approval.

C.21.4 Within thirty (30) days of commencing contract performance, the Contractor shall certify by e-mail to their COR that therequirements captured above have been met. The e-mail shall include each employee name and work site and shall indicate whichrequirement each employee has satisfied.

C.21.5 Contractor copies of the records generated by the actions described above will be maintained and disposed of by the Contractor inaccordance with SECNAVINST 5210.8D.

C.21.6 The Contractor shall report any violation or potential violation of environmental laws or any situation which could lead todegradation of the working or natural environment immediately upon discovery to the Government.



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C.22.1 The Contractor shall strictly adhere to Federal Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA) Regulations, EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) Regulations, and all applicable state and local requirements.

C.22.2 The Contractor shall ensure that each Contractor employee reads the documents entitled, "Command Policy Statement onOccupational Safety and Health Policy Statement" and NAVSEA OSH Policy Statement within thirty (30) days of commencingperformance at SCSC. These documents are available at: https://iscsc.nadsusea.nads.navy.mil/departments/safety/library.asp.

C.22.3 The Contractor shall provide each Contractor employee with the training required to do his/her job safely and in compliance withapplicable regulations. The Contractor shall document and provide, upon request, qualifications, certifications, and licenses as required.

C.22.4 The Contractor shall provide each Contractor employee with the personal protective equipment required to do their job safely andin compliance with all applicable regulations.

C.22.5 Contractors working with ionizing radiation (radioactive material or machine sources) must comply with NAVSEA S0420-AA-RAD-010 (latest revision)[provided upon request]. Prior to bringing radioactive materials or machine sources on base, the Contractormust notify the Safety & Environmental Office.

C.22.6 All hazardous materials (hazmat) procured for SCSC shall be procured through the hazmat procurement process. Hazmat broughtinto SCSC work spaces shall be reviewed and approved by the Safety & Environmental Office prior to use by submitting an AuthorizedUse List addition form and Safety Data Sheet that shall be routed through the Government supervisor responsible for the specific workarea. The Authorized Use List addition form can be found at:https://iscsc.nadsusea.nads.navy.mil/APPS/

C.22.7 Upon request the Contractor shall submit their OSHA 300 Logs (injury/illness rates) for review by the Safety Office. If aContractor's injury/illness rates are above the Bureau of Labor & Statistics industry standards, a safety assessment will be performed bythe Safety Office to determine if any administrative or engineering controls can be utilized to prevent further injuries/illnesses, or if anyadditional personal protective equipment (PPE) or training will be required.

C.22.8 Applicable Contractors shall submit Total Case Incident Rate (TCIR) and Days Away, Restricted and Transfer (DART) rates forthe past three years upon request by the Safety Office. A Contractor meets the definition of applicable if its employees worked 1,000hours or more in any calendar quarter on site and where oversight is not directly provided in day to day activities by the command. 

C.22.9 The Contractor shall report all work-related injuries/illnesses that occurred while working at SCSC to the Safety Office. 

C.22.10 The Contractor shall perform all work at SCSC is in accordance with the SCSCINST 5100.2 (series), SCSC INST 5103.3(series), and SCSCINST 5103.4 (series) available at:  https://iscsc.nadsusea.nads.navy.mil/apps/SIL2/.


The Contractor shall report contractor labor hours (including Subcontractor labor hours) required for performance of services providedunder this contract for the Surface Combat Systems Center via a secure data collection site. Contracted services excluded from reportingare based on Product Service Codes (PSCs). The excluded PSCs are: (1) W, Lease/Rental of Equipment; (2) X, Lease/Rental of Facilities;(3) Y, Construction of Structures and Facilities; (4) S, Utilities ONLY; (5) V, Freight and Shipping ONLY.

The Contractor is required to completely fill in all required data fields using the following web address https://doncmra.nmci.navy.mil.

Reporting inputs will be for the labor executed during the period of performance during each Government fiscal year (FY), which runsOctober 1 through September 30. While inputs may be reported any time during the FY, all data shall be reported no later than October31 of each calendar year. Contractors may direct questions to the help desk, linked at https://doncmra.nmci.navy.mil.


The data to be furnished hereunder shall be prepared in accordance with the Contract Data Requirements List, DD Form 1423, Exhibit(A), attached hereto.


(a) Performance under this contract may require that the Contractor have access to technical data, Computer software, or other sensitive


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data of another party who asserts that such data software is proprietary. If access to such data or software is required or to be provided,the Contractor shall enter into a written agreement with such party prior to gaining access to such data or software. The agreement shalladdress, at a minimum, (1) access to, and use of, the proprietary data or software exclusively for the purposes of performance of the workrequired by this contract, and (2) safeguards to protect such data or software from unauthorized use or disclosure for so long as the dataor software remains proprietary. In addition, the agreement shall not impose any limitation upon the Government or its employees withrespect to such data or software. A copy of the executed agreement shall be provided to the Contracting Officer. The Government mayunilaterally modify the contract to list those third parties with which the Contractor has agreement(s).

(b) The Contractor agrees to: (1) indoctrinate its personnel who will have access to the data or software as to the restrictions under whichaccess is granted; (2) not disclose the data or software to another party or other Contractor personnel except as authorized by theContracting Officer; (3) not engage in any other action, venture, or employment wherein this information will be used, other than underthis contract, in any manner inconsistent with the spirit and intent of this requirement; (4) not disclose the data or software venturer,affiliate, successor, or assign of the Contractor; and (5) reproduce the restrictive stamp, marking, or legend on each use of the data orsoftware whether in whole or in part.

(c) The restrictions on use and disclosure of the data and software described above also apply to such information received from theGovernment through any means to which the Contractor has access in the performance of this contract that contains proprietary or otherrestrictive markings.

(d) The Contractor agrees that it will promptly notify the Contracting Officer of any attempt by an individual, company, or Governmentrepresentative not directly involved in the effort to be performed under this contract to gain access to such proprietary information. Suchnotification shall include the name and organization of the individual, company, or Government representative seeking access to suchinformation.

(e) The Contractor shall include this requirement in subcontracts of any tier which involve access to information covered by paragraph(a), substituting "Subcontractor" for "Contractor" where appropriate.

(f) Compliance with this requirement is a material requirement of this contract.


(a) The Contractor agrees to test for viruses all computer software and/or computer databases, as defined in the clause entitled "RIGHTSIN NONCOMMERCIAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE AND NONCOMMERCIAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE DOCUMENTATION"(DFARS 252.227-7014), before delivery of that computer software or computer database in whatever media and on whatever system thesoftware is delivered. The Contractor warrants that any such computer software and/or computer database will be free of viruses whendelivered.

(b) The Contractor agrees to test any computer software and/or computer database(s) received from the Government for viruses prior touse under this contract.

(c) Unless otherwise agreed in writing, any license agreement governing the use of any computer software to be delivered as a result ofthis contract must be paid-up and perpetual, or so nearly perpetual as to allow the use of the computer software or computer data basewith the equipment for which it is obtained, or any replacement equipment, for so long as such equipment is used. Otherwise thecomputer software or computer database does not meet the minimum functional requirements of this contract. In the event that there isany routine to disable the computer software or computer database after the software is developed for or delivered to the Government, thatroutine shall not disable the computer software or computer database until at least twenty-five calendar years after the delivery date of theaffected computer software or computer database to the Government. 

(d) No copy protection devices or systems shall be used in any computer software or computer database delivered under this contract torestrict or limit the Government from making copies. This does not prohibit license agreements from specifying the maximum amount ofcopies that can be made. 

(e) Delivery by the Contractor to the Government of certain technical data and other data is now frequently required in digital form ratherthan as hard copy. Such delivery may cause confusion between data rights and computer software rights. It is agreed that, to the extentthat any such data is computer software by virtue of its delivery in digital form, the Government will be licensed to use that digital-formdata with exactly the same rights and limitations as if the data had been delivered as hard copy.


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(f) Any limited rights legends or other allowed legends placed by a Contractor on technical data or other data delivered in digital formshall be digitally included on the same media as the digital-form data and must be associated with the corresponding digital-formtechnical data to which the legends apply to the extent possible. Such legends shall also be placed in human-readable form on a visiblesurface of the media carrying the digital-form data as delivered, to the extent possible.


(a) "Organizational Conflict of Interest" means that because of other activities or relationships with other persons, a person is unable orpotentially unable to render impartial assistance or advice to the Government, or the person's objectivity in performing the order work isor might be otherwise impaired, or a person has an unfair competitive advantage. "Person" as used herein includes Corporations,Partnerships, Joint Ventures, and other business enterprises.

(b) The Contractor warrants that to the best of its knowledge and belief, and except as otherwise set forth in the order, the Contractor doesnot have any organizational conflict of interest(s) as defined in paragraph (a).

(c) It is recognized that the effort to be performed by the Contractor under this order may create a potential organizational conflict ofinterest on the instant order or on a future acquisition.  In order to avoid this potential conflict of interest, and at the same time to avoidprejudicing the best interest of the Government, the right of the Contractor to participate in future procurement of equipment and/orservices that are the subject of any work under this order shall be limited as described below in accordance with the requirements of FAR9.5.

(d)    (1) The Contractor agrees that it shall not release, disclose, or use in any way that would permit or result in disclosure to any partyoutside the Government any information provided to the Contractor by the Government during or as a result of performance of this order.Such information includes, but is not limited to, information submitted to the Government on a confidential basis by other persons. Further, the prohibition against release of Government provided information extends to cover such information whether or not in itsoriginal form, e.g., where the information has been included in Contractor generated work or where it is discernible from materialsincorporating or based upon such information. This prohibition shall not expire after a given period of time.        (2) The Contractor agrees that it shall not release, disclose, or use in any way that would permit or result in disclosure to any partyoutside the Government any information generated or derived during or as a result of performance of this order. This prohibition shallexpire after a period of three years after completion of performance of this order.        (3) The prohibitions contained in subparagraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) shall apply with equal force to any affiliate of the Contractor, anySubcontractor, Consultant, or employee of the Contractor, any joint venture involving the Contractor, any entity into or with which it maymerge or affiliate, or any successor or assign of the Contractor. The terms of paragraph (f) of this Special Contract Requirement relatingto notification shall apply to any release of information in contravention of this paragraph (d).

(e) The Contractor further agrees that, during the performance of this order and for a period of three years after completion ofperformance of this order, the Contractor, any affiliate of the Contractor, any Subcontractor, Consultant, or employee of the Contractor,any joint venture involving the Contractor, any entity into or with which it may subsequently merge or affiliate, or any other successor orassign of the Contractor, shall not furnish to the United States Government, either as a Prime Contractor or as a Subcontractor, or as aConsultant to a Prime Contractor or Subcontractor, any system, component or services which is the subject of the work to be performedunder this order. This exclusion does not apply to any recompetition for those systems, components, or services furnished pursuant to thisorder.  As provided in FAR 9.505-2, if the Government procures the system, component, or services on the basis of work statementsgrowing out of the effort performed under this order, from a source other than the Contractor, Subcontractor, affiliate, or assign of either,during the course of performance of this order or before the three year period following completion of this order has lapsed, theContractor may, with the authorization of the cognizant Contracting Officer, participate in a subsequent procurement for the same system,component, or service. In other words, the Contractor may be authorized to compete for procurement(s) for systems, components, orservices subsequent to an intervening procurement.

(f) The Contractor agrees that, if after award, it discovers an actual or potential organizational conflict of interest, it shall make immediateand full disclosure in writing to the Contracting Officer. The notification shall include a description of the actual or potentialorganizational conflict of interest, a description of the action, which the Contractor has taken or proposes to take to avoid, mitigate, orneutralize the conflict, and any other relevant information that would assist the Contracting Officer in making a determination on thismatter. Notwithstanding this notification, the Government may terminate the order for the convenience of the Government if determinedto be in the best interest of the Government.

(g) Notwithstanding paragraph (f) above, if the Contractor was aware, or should have been aware, of an organizational conflict of interestprior to the award of this order or becomes, or should become, aware of an organizational conflict of interest after award of this order anddoes not make an immediate and full disclosure in writing to the Contracting Officer, the Government may terminate this order for


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(h) If the Contractor takes any action prohibited by this requirement or fails to take action required by this requirement, the Governmentmay terminate this order for default.

(i) The Contracting Officer's decision as to the existence or nonexistence of an actual or potential organizational conflict of interest shallbe final.

(j) Nothing in this requirement is intended to prohibit or preclude the Contractor from marketing or selling to the United StatesGovernment its product lines in existence on the effective date of this order; nor, shall this requirement preclude the Contractor fromparticipating in any research and development or delivering any design development model or prototype of any such equipment. Additionally, sale of catalog or standard commercial items are exempt from this requirement.

(k) The Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer, in writing, if it has been tasked to evaluate or advise the Governmentconcerning its own products or activities or those of a competitor in order to ensure proper safeguards exist to guarantee objectivity and toprotect the Government's interest.

(l) The Contractor shall include this requirement in subcontracts of any tier which involve access to information or situations/conditionscovered by the preceding paragraphs, substituting "Subcontractor" for "Contractor" where appropriate.

(m) The rights and remedies described herein shall not be exclusive and are in addition to other rights and remedies provided by law orelsewhere included in this order. 

(n) Compliance with this requirement is a material requirement of this order.


Offerors are reminded that certain arrangements may preclude, restrict or limit participation, in whole or in part, as either a Subcontractoror as a Prime Contractor under this competitive procurement. Notwithstanding the existence or non-existence of an OCI clause in thecurrent contract, the Offeror shall comply with FAR 9.5 and identify if an OCI exists at any tier or arises at any tier at any time duringcontract performance. The Contractor shall provide notice within 14 days of receipt of any information that may indicate a potential OCIand how they shall mitigate this.


If, during the performance of this or any other contract, the Contractor believes that any contract contains outdated or different versions ofany specifications or standards, the Contractor may request that all of its contracts be updated to include the current version of theapplicable specification or standard. Updating shall not affect the form, fit or function of any deliverable item or increase the cost/price ofthe item to the Government. The Contractor should submit update requests to the Procuring Contracting Officer with copies to theAdministrative Contracting Officer and cognizant program office representative for approval. The Contractor shall perform the contract inaccordance with the existing specifications and standards until notified of approval/disapproval by the Procuring Contracting Officer. Anyapproved alternate specifications or standards will be incorporated into the contract.


The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of NAVSEA and SCSC instructions regarding performance in Government facilities.All persons engaged in work while on Government property shall be subject to search of their persons (no bodily search) and vehicles atany time by the Government, and shall report any known or suspected security violations to the appropriate Security Department.Assignment, transfer, and reassignment of Contractor personnel shall be at the discretion of the Contractor. However, when theGovernment directs, the Contractor shall remove from contract performance any person who endangers life, property, or national securitythrough improper conduct. All Contractor personnel engaged in work while on Government property shall be subject to all applicableDoD and Navy Standards of Conduct.

The Contractor shall adhere to all work schedules and instructions with this Performance Work Statement. Any perceived conflict shall bedirected to the COR and Contract Specialist.

The Contractor shall maintain an employee roster for all SCSC locations for use in the event of an emergency, drill and/or muster.


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In accordance with the clause of this contract entitled "INSURANCE--WORK ON A GOVERNMENT INSTALLATION" (FAR52.228-5), the Contractor shall procure and maintain insurance, of at least the kinds and minimum amounts set forth below:

(a) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability coverage shall be at least $100,000, except as provided in FAR 28.307(a).

(b) Bodily injury liability insurance coverage shall be written on the comprehensive form of policy of at least $500,000 per occurrence.

(c) Automobile Liability policies covering automobiles operated in the United States shall provide coverage of at least $200,000 perperson and $500,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and $20,000 per occurrence for property damage. The amount of liability coverageon other policies shall be commensurate with any legal requirements of the locality and sufficient to meet normal and customary claims.


The Contractor may be required to drive Government vehicles both on-site at SCSC and off-site in the performance of duties associatedwith the tasking of this contract. Government provided vehicles will be used solely for the purposes as described in the Performance WorkStatement and Technical Instructions of this contract. All drivers must present proof of a valid state driver's license prior to operating aGovernment vehicle. A valid state driver's license shall be accepted as proper authority for operation of vehicles up to and including10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight and carrying less than fifteen (15) passengers. For vehicles over 10,000 lbs and carrying more thanfifteen (15) passengers a valid state driver's license and proof of required Navy training for vehicle are required. The state driver's licensemust be valid for the class and weight of the vehicle which the Contractor will be operating.

The Contractor shall submit within the preceding 30 days a Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) driving record to the COR for review andapproval, prior to adding an individual to the Authorized Driver List. Individuals with DUI or DWI convictions in the past 11 years willnot be considered eligible to drive Government vehicles.

A general forklift material handling equipment (MHE) license requires (a) 24-hour OSHA compliant MHE licensecourse; (b) OSHA Compliant Biannual Refresher training; and (c) Current medical card per NAVMED P-117/49CFR 391.



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Section D - Packaging and Marking


Data to be delivered by Integrated Digital Environment (IDE) or other electronic media shall be as specified in the contract.

All unclassified data to be shipped shall be prepared for shipment in accordance with best commercial practices.

Classified reports, data, and documentation shall be prepared for shipment in accordance with National Industrial Security ProgramOperating Manual (NISPOM), DOD 5220.22-M dated 28 February 2006.


All reports delivered by the Contractor to the Government under this contract shall prominently show on the cover of the report:

(1) name and business address of the Contractor(2) contract number(3) contract dollar amount(4) whether the contract was competitively or non-competitively awarded(5) sponsor:________________________________________________________(Name of Individual Sponsor)________________________________________________________(Name of Requiring Activity)________________________________________________________(City and State)

All deliverables shall be packaged and marked IAW Best Commercial Practice.


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Section E - Inspection and Acceptance


Inspection and acceptance of all data shall be as specified on the attached Contract Data Requirements List(s), DD Form 1423.


Item(s) 9000 - 9400 - Inspection and acceptance shall be made at destination by a representative of the Government.


Items 7000 – 7499 - Inspection and acceptance shall be made by the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) or a designatedrepresentative of the Government.


(a) This is a performance based Task Order as defined in FAR Part 37.6. Contractor performance will be evaluated in accordance with thisQuality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP).

(b) The QASP defines this evaluation and acceptance to be part of the annual Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System(CPARS). The Contractor may obtain more information regarding the CPARS process at the following internet site: http://cpars.navy.mil.

The Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) is a Government-developed and applied document used to make sure that systematicquality assurance methods are used in the administration of this performance-based contract. The intent is to ensure that the Contractorperforms in accordance with the performance objectives and the Government receives the quality of services called for in the contract. Inaddition, this QASP provides the specific criteria and process to be followed in determining whether to issue the award-term periods.

The purpose of the QASP is to describe the systematic methods used to monitor performance and to identify the required documentationand the resources to be employed. The QASP provides a means for evaluating whether the Contractor is meeting the performancestandards/ quality levels identified in the Performance Work Statement (PWS) and the Contractor’s quality control plan (QCP), and toensure that the Government pays only for the level of services received.

This QASP defines the roles and responsibilities of Government personnel involved in the evaluation of the quality of Contractorperformance, identifies the performance objectives, defines the methodologies used to monitor and evaluate the Contractor’s performance,describes quality assurance documentation requirements, and describes the analysis of quality assurance monitoring results.


Authority for issuance of this QASP is provided under Contract Section E – Inspection and Acceptance which provides for inspectionsand acceptance of the services and deliverables called for in service contracts to be executed by the COR or a duly authorizedrepresentative.


The PWS structures the acquisition around “what” service or quality level is required, as opposed to “how” the Contractor should performthe work (i.e., results, not compliance). This QASP will define the performance management approach taken to monitor and manage theContractor’s performance to ensure the expected outcomes or performance objectives communicated in the PWS are achieved.Performance management rests on developing a capability to review and analyze information generated through performance assessment.The ability to make decisions based on the analysis of performance data is the cornerstone of performance management; this analysisyields information that indicates whether expected outcomes for the project are being achieved by the Contractor.

Performance management represents a significant shift from the more traditional quality assurance (QA) concepts in several ways.


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Performance management focuses on assessing whether outcomes are being achieved and to what extent. This approach migrates awayfrom scrutiny of compliance with the processes and practices used to achieve the outcome. A performance-based approach enables theContractor to play a large role in how the work is performed, as long as the proposed processes are within the stated constraints. The onlyexceptions to process reviews are those required by law (federal, state, and local) and compelling business situations, such as safety andhealth. A “results” focus provides the Contractor flexibility to continuously improve and innovate over the course of the Task Order aslong as the critical outcomes expected are being achieved and/or the desired performance levels are being met.

The Contractor is responsible for the quality of all work performed. The Contractor measures that quality through the Contractor’s ownquality control plan (QCP). Quality control is work output, not workers, and therefore includes all work performed under this Task Orderregardless of whether the work is performed by Contractor employees or by Subcontractors. The contractor’s QCP will set forth thestaffing and procedures for self-inspecting the quality, timeliness, responsiveness, customer satisfaction, and other performancerequirements in the PWS. The Contractor will develop and implement a performance management system with processes to assess andreport its performance to the designated Government representative. This QASP enables the Government to take advantage of theContractor’s QCP.

The Government will assess performance using the methodology contained herein and the Contractor Performance Assessment ReportingSystem (CPARS) to determine how the Contractor is performing against communicated performance objectives. CPARS assesses aContractor’s performance, both positive and negative, and provides a record on a given contract during a specified period of time. Moreinformation pertaining to CPARS can be found at: https://www.cpars.gov/cparsfiles/pdfs/DoD-CPARS-Guide.pdf.  Each assessment willbe based on objective data (or measurable, subjective data when objective data is not available)supportable by program and contractmanagement data. The QASP methodology and CPARS performance expectations will be addressed in the Government and Contractor’sinitial post-award meeting. Potential sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Status and progress reviews and reports- Production and management reviews and reports- Management and engineering process reviews (e.g. risk management, requirementsmanagement, etc.) and reports- Cost performance reports and other cost and schedule metrics- Other program measures and metrics such as:- Measures of progress and status of resources- Measures of deliverable timeliness and accuracy- Measures of product quality and process performance- External and sponsor feedback/comments and satisfaction ratings- Systems engineering and other technical progress reviews- Technical interchange meetings- Physical and functional configuration audit- Quality reviews and quality assurance evaluations- Functional performance evaluations- Subcontractor reports

A preliminary CPARS evaluation/rating will be accomplished. The purpose of this review is to determine  whether the Contractor isperforming at least at a Satisfactory level for each area to be assessed using Table 1. This methodology will be utilized as an importantfactor in determining whether or not to exercise Option 1 and 2 under the Task Order. Further, the formal CPARS ratings are used asreference material by others in source selection.

CLINs 7300 and 7400 are Award Term CLINS. In order for an Award Term to be awarded, the Contractor must have achieved at least aVery Good for three of the five major element and not less than a Satisfactory for the remaining two major elements.


E.4.3.1 Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO)

An individual duly appointed with the authority to enter into (PCO) or administer (ACO) contracts and make related determination andfindings on behalf of the Government. The PCO for this contract is identified in Section G, Ddl-G10 Government Contract AdministrationPoints-of-Contact and Responsibilities. The ACO will be designated in the resulting Task Order. PCO's are designated via a writtenwarrant, which sets forth limitations of their respective authority.

The PCO ensures performance of all necessary actions for effective contract administration, ensures compliance with the terms of the


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contract, and safeguards the interests of the United States in the contractual relationship. It is the PCO that ensures the Contractor receivesimpartial, fair, and equitable treatment under the Task Order. The PCO is ultimately responsible for the final determination of theacceptability of the Contractor’s performance.

E.4.3.2 Contract Specialist

Assigned by the PCO to provide daily administration of the contract.

Provides input to the PCO and the COR as to the quality of performance for areas addressed in this QASP.

E.4.3.3 Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR)

An individual appointed in writing by the PCO to act as his/her authorized representative to assist in technical administration of the TaskOrder. The COR is appointed in the Task Order award. The limitations of authority are contained in a written letter of appointment whichis a formal attachment to the Task Order.

The COR is responsible for technical administration of the Contract and assures proper surveillance of the Contractor’s technicalperformance. The COR provides QASP reports to the PCO.

The COR is not empowered to make any contractual commitments or to authorize any changes on the CO’s behalf. Any changes that theContractor deems may affect contract price, terms, or conditions will be referred to the PCO for action.

E.4.3.4 Subject Matter Expert (SME)

SMEs are individuals who may be assigned by the COR to perform limited technical oversight of specific projects, work areas, orTechnical Instructions issued under the contract.

The SME provides input to the COR as to the quality of technical performance for their respective area(s) of expertise.

A SME cannot, in any manner, alter the scope of the contract, make commitments, or authorize any changes on the Government’s behalf.


The initial QASP evaluation will be finalized no later than the end of month eight (8) of the base period. QASP evaluations for the optionperiods and award terms shall follow the same schedule described in this section. In order to accomplish this, the following scheduleapplies: 

Contractor Self-Assessment due to the PCO and the COR no later than the end of month seven (7) of the period ofperformance based on the first six (6) months of support for the performance period.  Recurring Self-Assessmentswill be due for each six (6) month period thereafter NLT 30 days after the end of the six month period.  Failure of theContractor to make a timely delivery will be viewed as the Contractor's overall inability to comply with Contractschedules.

COR Written Assessment is due to the PCO no later than the thirty days after the reporting period.

PCO will review the Contractor Self-Assessment and the COR Written Assessment, determine an overall performance rating for theperiod, and provide a copy to the Contractor.

Interim Evaluation – The COR can provide feedback to the PCO at anytime during the period of performance. The PCO will provide thisfeedback to the Contractor upon receiving it, if the feedback indicates that the Contractor is not meeting the acceptable performancestandards as defined herein.

Degradation of Performance - If following a favorable evaluation, the Government experiences a serious degradation in the overall qualityof performance, the PCO has the unilateral right to repeat the evaluation process during the remaining period of performance.



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Table 1 provides the overall performance ratings. The Award Term Clause and Award Term Plan section provides the Award TermIncentive Objectives. Table 2 provides the Task Performance Evaluation Criteria and Standards for each Major Performance Element.

The required performance standards and quality levels are included in Table 1. If the Contractor meets the required service orperformance level, the Contractor will receive positive preliminary QASP and CPARS ratings. If the Contractor fails to meet the requiredperformance level, the result will be negative QASP and CPARS ratings.

If the Contractor fails to meet the required performance level based on the preliminary review conducted in accordance with E.4.4 above,the Government may not exercise the next Option period under the Task Order. “Meeting the required performance level” means that theContractor must receive at least a Satisfactory rating (see Table 1) for each of the five (5) major elements that are evaluated (TaskPerformance, Staffing, Customer Satisfaction, Management Performance, and Cost Management and Efficiency) for the performanceperiod being evaluated.

Periods 1 and 2 are Option Periods.  In order for an Option Period to be exercised, the Contractor must have achieved at least a VeryGood rating for two (2) of the five (5) major elements and not less than a Satisfactory for the remaining three (3) major elements.

Periods 3 and 4 are Award Terms (see Award Term Clause and Award Term Plan). In order for an Award Term to be issued, theContractor must have achieved at least a Very Good rating for three (3) of the five (5) major elements and not less than a Satisfactory forthe remaining two (2) major elements.

The PCO will make an Award Term incentive determination for Periods 3 and 4 prior to the end of each preceding evaluation period. Thedetermination will be based on the COR’s recommendation, and any other information deemed relevant by the PCO.


E.4.6.1 Surveillance Techniques

In an effort to minimize the performance management burden, simplified surveillance methods will be used by the Government toevaluate Contractor performance when appropriate. The Government will use the following methods of surveillance:

- Random monitoring- 100% Inspection- Periodic Inspection- Customer Feedback

E.4.6.2 Customer Feedback

The Contractor is expected to establish and maintain professional communication between its employees and customers at all levels. Theprimary objective of this communication is customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is the most significant external indicator of thesuccess and effectiveness of all services provided and can be measured through customer complaints.

Performance management drives the Contractor to be customer focused through initially and internally addressing customer complaintsand investigating the issues and/or problems but the customer always has the option to communicate complaints to the PCO, as opposedto the Contractor.

Customer complaints, to be considered valid, must set forth clearly and in writing the detailed nature of the complaint, must be signed,and must be forwarded to the COR. The COR will accept those customer complaints, investigate and work with the PCO and Contractorto resolve the issue.

Customer feedback may also be obtained either from the results of formal customer satisfaction surveys or from random customercomplaints.


E.4.7.1 The Performance Management Feedback Loop

The performance management feedback loop begins with the communication of expected outcomes. Performance standards andperformance monitoring techniques are expressed in E.4.6.1 and Table 1.


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E.4.7.2 Monitoring System

The Government’s QA surveillance, accomplished by the COR, in conjunction with the PCO, will be reported using the methodologydescribed herein. Interim evaluations will be done in accordance with E.4.4 as input to Option Exercise determinations. Formal CPARSevaluations will be conducted on an annual basis.

Table 1 – Overall Performance Ratings 

Overall Performance Ratings Standard

ExceptionalPerformance meets contractual requirements and exceeds manyrequirements to the Government’s benefit.

Very GoodPerformance meets contractual requirements and exceeds somerequirements to the Government’s benefit.

Satisfactory Performance meets contractual requirements.


Performance does not meet some contractual requirements.  Theelement being assessed reflects a serious problem for which theContractor has not yet implemented satisfactory correctivemeasures.


Performance does not meet contractual requirements and recovery isnot likely in a timely manner.  Contractor’s corrective actions todate are ineffective.

Table 2 – Task Performance Evaluation Criteria and Standards





I. Task PerformanceTimeliness Contractor

frequentlymissesdeadlines, or isslow to respondornon-responsive to Governmentrequests.

Contractoroccasionally missesdeadlines, schedulesor is slow torespond oroccasionallynon-responsive toGovernment requests.

Contractorroutinely meetsdeadlines,schedules, andquicklyresponds toGovernmentrequests.

Contractorroutinely meetsdeadlines andschedules andoccasionallydelivers early andrespondsimmediately toGovernmentrequests.

Contractor routinely deliversahead of deadlines,schedules, and respondsimmediately to Governmentrequests.

   Quality Deliverables aretypically notwell researchedand containmany technicalinaccuracies.Rework isfrequentlyrequired. 

Deliverables areoccasionally not wellresearched andcontain sometechnical inaccuracies.Rework isoccasionally required.

Deliverablesreceived arewellresearched,complete andtechnicallyaccurate.  Nomore than two(2) revisionsare typicallyneeded toaccept the item.Otherdeliverablesmeet allContractrequirements.

Deliverablesreceived are wellresearched,complete andtechnicallyaccurate. Otherdeliverables meetall Contractrequirements.

Deliverables received arealways well researched,complete and technicallyaccurate.  They frequentlyexceed technicalexpectations.  Rework is notrequired.  Other deliverablestypically exceed all Contractrequirements.

II. Staffing


Page 52 of 108

  Contractorprovidesmarginallyqualified orunqualifiedpersonnel.

Lapses incoverage occurregularly.

Contractor providesmarginally qualifiedpersonnel.

Lapses in coverableoccur more thanoccasionally.


Lapses incoverage occuroccasionallyand aresuccessfullymanaged by theContractor tominimizeimpact ontimeliness orquality.

New/and orsubstituteresumessubmitted IAWcontractreqmts. 

Personnel workproducts fullyconsistent withresumequalifications.

Contractorprovides a mix ofqualified andhighly qualifiedpersonnel.

Lapses incoverage are rareand aresuccessfullymanaged by theContractor withlittle or no impacton timeliness orquality.

New/and orsubstitute resumessubmitted IAWcontract reqmts. 

Personnel workproducts fullyconsistent withresumequalifications

Contractor provides highlyqualified personnel. 

No lapses in coverage.  New/and or substituteresumes submitted IAWcontract reqmts.

Personnel work productsfully consistent with resumequalifications.

III. Customer Satisfaction

Fails to meetcustomerexpectations

Contractoroccasionally fails tomeet customerexpectations.

Meets customerexpectations.

Routinely meetsor occasionallyexceeds customerexpectations.

Exceeds customerexpectations.

IV. Management PerformanceProblemResolution

Problems areunresolved,repetitive, ortake excessiveGovernmenteffort toresolve.

Problems aregenerally resolved buttake unusualGovernment effort toresolve or take anexcessive amount oftime to resolve.

Problems areresolvedquickly withminimalGovernmentinvolvement.

Problems occurinfrequently andare generallyresolved quicklywith minimalGovernmentinvolvement.

Problems are non-existent orthe Contractor takescorrective action withoutGovernment involvement.

Responsiveness Contractor’smanagement isunresponsive toGovernmentrequests andconcerns.

Contractor’smanagement isoccasionallyunresponsive toGovernment requestsand concerns.

Contractor’smanagement isresponsive toGovernmentrequests andconcerns.

Contractor’smanagement isresponsive torequests andconcerns andoccasionallyproactive inanticipatingconcerns.

Contractor’s managementtakes proactive approach indealing with Government representatives andanticipates concerns. 


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Contractor failsto communicatewithGovernment inan effective andtimely manner.

Contractoroccasionally fails tocommunicate withGovernment in aneffective and timelymanner.

ContractorroutinelycommunicateswithGovernment inan effective andtimely manner.

Contractorroutinelycommunicateswith Governmentin an effective andtimely mannerand is frequentlyproactive inmanagingcommunications.

Contractor takes proactiveapproach such thatcommunications are almostalways clear, effective andtimely.

V. Cost Management & EfficiencyCost Mgmt &Reporting

Contractorregularlyexperiences costoverruns.

Cost reports arelate and containerrors.

Invoicing is notaccurate orsubmitted in atimely manner.

Supportingdetail is missingor incomplete.

Subcontractorinvoicesare rarely paidin a timelymanner. 

Contractor mayexperience occasionalcost overruns. Cost reports areoccasionally lateand/or contain errors.Invoices areoccasionally late orcontain errors.

Supporting detailcontains occasionalerrors.

Subcontractorinvoices are not paidin a timely manner. SB Subcontractorinvoices are notexpedited.

Contractorroutinelycompletes theeffort withinthe originallyagreed-toestimated cost.Funds andresources usedin cost-effectivemanner. Costreports aretimely,accurate,complete andclearly written.

Invoices aretimely and accurate.  Allsupportingdetail isprovided.

Subcontractorinvoices arepaid in a timelymanner.  SBSubcontractorinvoices areexpedited.

Contractorroutinelycompletes theeffort within theoriginallyagreed-toestimated cost andexperiencesoccasional costunderruns.

Funds andresources used incost-effectivemanner. Costreports are timely,accurate, completeand clearlywritten.

Invoices aretimely andaccurate. Allsupporting detailis provided. 

Subcontractorinvoices are paidin a timelymanner.  SBSubcontractorinvoices areexpedited.

Contractor often completesthe effort at lower thanestimated costs. Funds andresources used in a mostcost-effective manner. Costreports are timely, accurate,complete and clearly written.

Invoices are timely andaccurate. All supportingdetail is provided.

Subcontractor invoices arepaid in a timely manner.  SBSubcontractor invoices areexpedited.


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Other DirectCosts (ODC)

ODCs are notaccurately ortimely reportedor invoiced.

Errors are notquicklycorrected.Does notcomply withcontractrequirementsfor ODCauthorizations.Burdened unitcosts usuallyhigher thanproposed.

ODCs areoccasionally notreported or invoicedin timely manner. 

Errors notconsistently correctedin a timely manner.Occasionally doesnot  comply withauthorizationrequirements incontract.

Burdened unit costsare frequently higherthan proposed.

ODCs areaccurately andtimely reportedand invoiced.Any errorsnoted arequicklycorrected.Contractorcomplies withcontractrequirementsfor ODCauthorization96% of time. 

Burdened unitcosts are rarelyhigher thanproposed.

ODCs areaccurately andtimely reportedand invoiced.Errors are rareand quicklycorrected.Contractorcomplies withcontractrequirements forODCauthorization 98%oftime.  Burdenedunit costs areoccasionallylower thanproposed.

ODCs are accurately andtimely reported and invoiced.Contractor complies withcontract requirements forODC authorization 100% oftime. Burdened unit costs areoften lower than proposed.



The QASP is the basis for evaluating of the Contractor's performance and for presenting an assessment of that performance to theterm-determining official (TDO) who is the PCO. The specific criteria and procedures used for assessing the Contractor's performance andfor determining the award term earned are described in the Section E.4, Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP). All TDO/PCOdecisions regarding the award-term evaluation and the nature and success of the Contractor's performance—are final and not subject todispute. The award term will be provided to the Contractor through unilateral contract modifications as determined by the TDO.


The award-term organization includes the PCO/TDO, the Contract Specialist, the COR and project-specific Subject Matter Experts(SMEs).


The responsibilities of the award-term organization are as specified in paragraph E.4.3 of the QASP.


a. Award-Term Evaluation. Evaluation results will be based on the Contractor's performance during each evaluation period. Failure tomeet the criteria and issuance of Award Term 1 will render the Contractor ineligible for Award Term 2.

b. Evaluation Criteria. Any changes to award term evaluation criteria may be proposed by either party and shall be made only by bilateralmodification to the QASP.

c. Informal Interim Evaluation Process. The PCO may provide informal interim evaluation results and notifies the Contractor of thestrengths and weaknesses for the current evaluation period. The PCO may also issue letters at any other time when it is deemed necessaryto highlight areas of Government concern.

d. End-of-Period Evaluations. The "end of period" evaluation to determine whether the first award term (CLIN 7300) will be awardedshall occur in Option 2 in accordance with the schedule in paragraph E.4.4 of the QASP. The "end of period" evaluation for the secondaward term (CLIN 7400) shall occur in the first Award Term and will also be in accordance with the schedule in paragraph E.4.4 of theQASP.


Proposed changes to the award-term plan will be bilateral. If either party desires a change to the award-term plan and a mutual agreementcannot be reached, the original award-term plan will remain in effect.


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Section F - Deliveries or Performance


The periods of performance for the following Items are as follows:


7000 7/1/2016 - 6/30/2017

7099 7/1/2016 - 6/30/2017

9000 7/1/2016 - 6/30/2017

The periods of performance for the following Option Items are as follows:


7100 7/1/2017- 6/30/2018

7199 7/1/2017- 6/30/2018

7200 7/1/2018 - 6/30/2019

7299 7/1/2018 - 6/30/2019

9100 7/1/2017- 6/30/2018

9200 7/1/2018 - 6/30/2019


The periods of performance for the Award Term Items are as follows:


7300 7/1/2019 - 6/30/2020

7399 7/1/2019 - 6/30/2020

7400 7/1/2020 - 6/30/2021

7499 7/1/2020 - 6/30/2021

9300 7/1/2019 - 6/30/2020

9400 7/1/2020 - 6/30/2021


F.1 Services to be provided hereunder will be provided at the Surface Combat Systems Center (SCSC), Wallops Island, VA.


All data to be furnished under this contract shall be delivered prepaid to the destination(s) and at the time(s) specified on the ContractData Requirements List(s), DD Form 1423.

The Period of Performance of the following Firm items are as follows:


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7000   07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017

7001 AA   07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017

7001 AB   07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017

7001 AC   07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017

7001 AD   07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017

7001 AE   07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017

7001 AF   07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017

7001 AG   07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017

7001 AH   12/07/2016 - 06/30/2017

7001 AJ   12/08/2016 - 06/30/2017

7001 AK   12/08/2016 - 06/30/2017

7100   07/01/2017 - 06/30/2018

7101 AA   07/01/2017 - 06/30/2018

7101 AB   07/01/2017 - 06/30/2018

7101 AC   07/01/2017 - 06/30/2018

7101 AD   07/01/2017 - 06/30/2018

7101 AE   07/01/2017 - 06/30/2018

7101 AF   07/01/2017 - 06/30/2018

7101 AG   07/12/2017 - 06/30/2018

7101 AH   07/12/2017 - 06/30/2018

7101 AJ   07/12/2017 - 06/30/2018

7101 AK   12/01/2017 - 06/30/2018

7101 AL   02/21/2018 - 06/30/2018

7101 AM   03/12/2018 - 06/30/2018

7200   07/01/2018 - 06/30/2019

7201 AA   07/01/2018 - 06/30/2019

7201 AN   07/01/2018 - 06/30/2019

7201 AP   07/01/2018 - 06/30/2019

7201 AQ   07/01/2018 - 06/30/2019

7201 AR   07/01/2018 - 06/30/2019

7201 AS   07/01/2018 - 06/30/2019

7201 AT   07/01/2018 - 06/30/2019

7201 AU   11/01/2018 - 06/30/2019

7201 AV   11/01/2018 - 06/30/2019

7201 AW   01/22/2019 - 06/30/2019

7301 AA   07/01/2019 - 06/30/2020

7301 AX   07/01/2019 - 06/30/2020

7301 AY   07/01/2019 - 06/30/2020

7301 AZ   07/01/2019 - 06/30/2020

7301 BA   09/18/2019 - 06/30/2020

7301 BB   09/18/2019 - 06/30/2020


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7301 BC   09/18/2019 - 06/30/2020

7301 BD   11/15/2019 - 06/30/2020

7301 BE   11/15/2019 - 06/30/2020

7301 BF   11/15/2019 - 06/30/2020

7400   07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021

7401 AA   07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021

7401 AB   07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021

7401 AC   07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021

7401 AD   07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021

7401 AE   07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021

7401 AF   07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021

7401 AG   07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021

7401 AH   07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021

7401 AJ   07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021

9000   07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017

9001 AA   07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017

9001 AB   07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017

9001 AC   07/01/2016 - 06/30/2017

9001 AL   03/31/2017 - 06/30/2017

9100   07/01/2017 - 06/30/2018

9101 AA   07/01/2017 - 06/30/2018

9101 AB   07/01/2017 - 06/30/2018

9101 AC   07/01/2017 - 06/30/2018

9101 AM   03/12/2018 - 06/30/2018

9101 AN   05/05/2018 - 06/30/2018

9101 AR   06/22/2018 - 06/30/2018

9201 AA   07/01/2018 - 06/30/2019

9201 AP   07/01/2018 - 06/30/2019

9201 AQ   07/01/2018 - 06/30/2019

9301 AA   07/01/2019 - 06/30/2020

9301 AX   07/01/2019 - 06/30/2020

9301 AY   07/01/2019 - 06/30/2020

9301 BE   11/15/2019 - 06/30/2020

9400   07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021

9401 AA   07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021

9401 AB   07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021

The Period of Performance of the following Option items are as follows:

9200   07/01/2018 - 06/30/2019

The Period of Performance of the following Award items are as follows:


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7300   07/01/2019 - 06/30/2020

9300   07/01/2019 - 06/30/2020


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Section G - Contract Administration Data


Accounting Data appears at the end of Section G. All lines of accounting are listed sequentially under a heading that identifies theparticular action (award or modification number) under which the funding was obligated. Under SeaPort-e, all funding isidentified/obligated at the SubCLIN (SLIN) level. SLINs are established sequentially by the SeaPort-e software. Each obligation of fundsreceives a unique SLIN identifier, unless the funds are an increase to an existing line of accounting (ACRN). Thus, an individualproject/work area or Technical Instruction that is funded incrementally, could have multiple SLINs. Accounting for expenditures at theSLIN level is required.


Each SLIN providing funding designates a specific project area/work area/work breakdown structure (WBS) item. Tracking and reportingshall be accomplished at the project/work area/WBS item level. Each identified project/work area/WBS shall be invoiced by its associatedCLIN and ACRN. If multiple ACRNs are associated with a single project/work area/WBS, the Contractor shall consult with theContracting Officer Representative for additional invoicing instructions.


252.204-0001 Line Item Specific: Single Funding. (SEP 2009)

The payment office shall make payment using the ACRN funding of the line item being billed.

(a) This requirement includes support for multiple programs with independent

budgets and funding lines. These funding lines are NOT interchangeable and it

is critical that the Paying Office pay in accordance with the ACRNs and CLINs

noted on the contractor's invoices. To do otherwise could result in a

misappropriation of funds.

(b) The Payment Office shall make payment using the ACRN funding of the line

item being billed.

Note: The Government may change the Payment Instruction.


When a Government facility is closed and/or early dismissal of Federal employees is directed due to severe weather, security threat, or afacility related problem that prevents personnel from working, onsite Contractor personnel regularly assigned to work at that facilityshould follow the same reporting and/or departure directions given to Government personnel. The Contractor shall not direct charge to thecontract for time off, but shall follow parent company policies regarding taking leave (administrative or other). Non-essential Contractorpersonnel, who are not required to remain at or report to the facility, shall follow their parent company policy regarding whether theyshould go/stay home or report to another company facility. Subsequent to an early dismissal and during periods of inclement weather,onsite Contractors should monitor radio and television announcements before departing for work to determine if the facility is closed oroperating on a delayed arrival basis.

When Federal employees are excused from work due to a holiday or a special event (that is unrelated to severe weather, a security threat,or a facility related problem), on site Contractors will continue working established work hours or take leave in accordance with parent


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company policy. Those Contractors who take leave shall not direct charge the non-working hours to the task order. Contractors areresponsible for predetermining and disclosing their charging practices for early dismissal, delayed openings, or closings in accordancewith the FAR, applicable cost accounting standards, and company policy. Contractors shall follow their disclosed charging practicesduring the task order period of performance, and shall not follow any verbal directions to the contrary. The PCO will make thedetermination of cost allowability for time lost due to facility closure in accordance with FAR, applicable Cost Accounting Standards, andthe Contractor's established accounting policy.


Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO):




(b) PCO responsibilities are outlined in FAR 1.602-2. The PCO is the only person authorized to approve changes in any of therequirements of this Task Order, notwithstanding provisions contained elsewhere in this contract, the said authority remains solely thePCO’s. The Contractor shall not comply with any order, direction or request of Government personnel unless it is issued in writing andsigned by the PCO or is pursuant to specific authority otherwise included as part of this contract. In the event the Contractor effects anychange at the direction of any person other than the PCO, the change will be considered to be unauthorized.

Contract Specialist:




(b) The Contract Specialist is the representative of the PCO for all contractual matters.

Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO)

(b) The Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) of the cognizant Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) is designated as theauthorized representative of the PCO for purposes of administering this Task Order in accordance with FAR 42.3. However, in view of thetechnical nature of the supplies and services to be furnished, technical cognizance is retained by the Naval Surface Warfare Center,Dahlgren Division.

Contracting Officers Representative (COR):


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(b) The COR is the PCO’s appointed representative for technical matters. The COR is not a contracting officer and does not have theauthority to direct the accomplishment of effort which is beyond the scope of the Task Order or to otherwise change any Task Orderrequirements. A copy of the COR appointment letter which provides a delineation of COR authority and responsibilities is provided as anattachment to this Task Order.

Alternate Contracting Officers Representative (ACOR):





(b) The ACOR is responsible for COR responsibilities and functions in the event that the COR is unavailable due to leave, illness, orother official business. The ACOR is appointed by the PCO; a copy of the ACOR appointment is provided as an attachment to this TaskOrder.

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs):

The SME is the COR’s subject matter expert for specific work areas as described in the QASP in Section E. SMEs will be identified atthe POA&M level.


For subcontracts and consulting agreements for services, where the Prime Contractor anticipates that hours delivered will be countedagainst the hours in the Level of Effort clause in this section, Consent to Subcontract authority is retained by the Procuring ContractingOfficer. 

        The following Subcontractors are approved on this Task Order:



(a) Definitions. As used in this clause—

“Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DoDAAC)” is a six position code that uniquely identifies a unit, activity, or organization.

“Document type” means the type of payment request or receiving report available for creation in Wide Area WorkFlow (WAWF).

“Local processing office (LPO)” is the office responsible for payment certification when payment certification is done external to theentitlement system.

(b) Electronic invoicing. The WAWF system is the method to electronically process vendor payment requests and receiving reports, asauthorized by DFARS 252.232-7003, Electronic Submission of Payment Requests and Receiving Reports.

(c) WAWF access. To access WAWF, the Contractor shall—

(1) Have a designated electronic business point of contact in the System for Award Management at https://www.acquisition.gov; and

(2) Be registered to use WAWF at https://wawf.eb.mil/ following the step-by-step procedures for self-registration available at this web


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(d) WAWF training. The Contractor should follow the training instructions of the WAWF Web-Based Training Course and use the PracticeTraining Site before submitting payment requests through WAWF. Both can be accessed by selecting the “Web Based Training” link onthe WAWF home page at https://wawf.eb.mil/

(e) WAWF methods of document submission. Document submissions may be via web entry, Electronic Data Interchange, or File TransferProtocol.

(f) WAWF payment instructions. The Contractor must use the following information when submitting payment requests and receivingreports in WAWF for this contract/order:

(1) Document type. The Contractor shall use the following document type(s).

______Cost Voucher____________

(2) Inspection/acceptance location. The Contractor shall select the following inspection/acceptance location(s) in WAWF, as specified bythe contracting officer.


(3) Document routing. The Contractor shall use the information in the Routing Data Table below only to fill in applicable fields in WAWFwhen creating payment requests and receiving reports in the system.

Routing Data Table

Field Name in WAWF Data to be entered in WAWF

Pay Official DoDAAC   HQ0338

Issue By DoDAAC   N00178

Admin DoDAAC   S2404a

Inspect By DoDAAC   Not Applicable

Ship To Code   Not Applicable

Ship From Code   Not Applicable    

Mark For Code   Not Applicable

Service Approver (DoDAAC)   S2404A

Service Acceptor (DoDAAC)   Not Applicable

Accept at Other DoDAAC   Not Applicable

LPO DoDAAC   Not Applicable

DCAA Auditor DoDAAC   HAA47B

Other DoDAAC(s)   Not Applicable

** To be provided in the award document

(4) Payment request and supporting documentation. The Contractor shall ensure a payment request includes appropriate contract line itemand subline item descriptions of the work performed or supplies delivered, unit price/cost per unit, fee (if applicable), and all relevantback-up documentation, as defined in DFARS Appendix F, (e.g. timesheets) in support of each payment request.

(5) WAWF email notifications. The Contractor shall enter the e-mail address identified below in the “Send Additional Email Notifications”field of WAWF once a document is submitted in the system.


(g) WAWF point of contact.


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(1) The Contractor may obtain clarification regarding invoicing in WAWF from the following contracting activity’s WAWF point ofcontact: DLGR_NSWC_WAWF@navy.mil.

(2) For technical WAWF help, contact the WAWF helpdesk at 866-618-5988.


(a)  The Contractor agrees to segregate costs incurred under this contract/task order (TO), as applicable,  at the lowest level ofperformance, either at the technical instruction (TI), sub line item number (SLIN), or contract line item number (CLIN) level, rather thanon a total contract/TO basis, and to submit invoices reflecting costs incurred at that level.  Supporting documentation in Wide AreaWorkflow (WAWF) for invoices shall include summaries of work charged during the period covered as well as overall cumulativesummaries by individual labor categories, rates, and hours (both straight time and overtime) invoiced; as well as, a cost breakdown ofother direct costs (ODCs), materials, and travel, by TI, SLIN, or CLIN level.  For other than firm fixed price Subcontractors,Subcontractors are also required to provide labor categories, rates, and hours (both straight time and overtime) invoiced; as well as, a costbreakdown of ODCs, materials, and travel invoiced.  Supporting documentation may be encrypted before submission to the PrimeContractor for WAWF invoice submittal.  Subcontractors may email encryption code information directly to the Contracting Officer (CO)and Contracting Officer Representative (COR).  Should the Subcontractor lack encryption capability, the Subcontractor may also emaildetailed supporting cost information directly to the CO and COR; or other method as agreed to by the CO.

(b)  Contractors submitting payment requests and receiving reports to WAWF using either Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) or SecureFile Transfer Protocol (SFTP) shall separately send an email notification to the COR and CO on the same date they submit the invoice inWAWF.  No payments shall be due if the Contractor does not provide the COR and CO email notification as required herein.

7001AB 130055559100001  LLA : AB 1761804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003321470 SSDS EOB Funding covers all work areas POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1761804; Sub Head 8C2C  9001AB 1300555591-0001  LLA : AB 1761804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003321470 SSDS EOB Funding covers all work areas, ODC FUNDING IN SUPPORT OF CLIN 7001   BASE Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 01  7001AC 130055559600001  LLA : AC 1761804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003321593 AEGIS EOB Funding covers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1761804; Sub Head 8B2B  7001AD 130057633100001  LLA : AD 1761804 8RZ3 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003478365 SSDS RDT&E Funding covers work area C.5.0 and all subsections, C.5.1 and all 


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subsections & C.5.2 and all subsections; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1761319; Sub Head A5XZ  7001AE 130056474400001  LLA : AE 1761804 8RZ3 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003389474 CNRMA Funding covers work areas C.5.4 & C.5.5.1; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1761804; Sub Head 52FA  9001AC 130055559600001  LLA : AC 1761804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003321593 AEGIS EOB Funding covers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1761804; Sub Head 8B2B   MOD 01 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 02  7001AF 130058389300001  LLA : AF 1761804 8RZ3 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003528151 CSSQT F-105 FMS Funding covers work areas C.5.0 and subsections, C.5.1 and subsections, C.5.2 and subsections, C.5.5.1 POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 97-11X8242; Sub Head 2815;   7001AG 130058389500001  LLA : AG 1761804 8RZ3 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003528225 FY15TY16 CSSQT DDG 51/57/69 OPN funding covers work areas C.5.0 and subsections, C.5.1 and subsections, C.5.2 and subsections, C.5.5.1 POP 07/01/2016-06/30/2017; APPN 1751810; Sub Head 81DM   MOD 02 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 03 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 04  7001AB 130055559100001  LLA : AB 1761804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003321470 


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SSDS EOB Funding covers all work areas POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1761804; Sub Head 8C2C  7001AD 130057633100002  LLA : AD 1761804 8RZ3 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003478365 SSDS RDT&E Funding covers work area C.5.0 and all subsections, C.5.1 and all subsections & C.5.2 and all subsections; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1761319; Sub Head A5XZ  7001AF 130058389300002  LLA : AF 1761804 8RZ3 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003528151 CSSQT F-105 FMS Funding covers work areas C.5.0 and subsections, C.5.1 and subsections, C.5.2 and subsections, C.5.5.1 POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 97-11X8242; Sub Head 2815;   7001AG 130058389500002  LLA : AG 1761804 8RZ3 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003528225 FY15TY16 CSSQT DDG 51/57/69 OPN funding covers work areas C.5.0 and subsections, C.5.1 and subsections, C.5.2 and subsections, C.5.5.1 POP 07/01/2016-06/30/2017; APPN 1751810; Sub Head 81DM   MOD 04 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 05  7001AH 130060699300001  LLA : AH 1771804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003701334 AEGIS EOB Funding covers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771804; Sub Head 8B2B  7001AJ 130061217000001  LLA : AJ 1771804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003744449 SSDS EOB Funding covers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771804; Sub Head 8C2C  7001AK 130060853700001  LLA : AK 1771319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003714462 SSDS RDT&E Funding covers work area C.5.0 and all subsections, C.5.1 and all subsections & C.5.2 and all subsections; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771319; Sub Head A5XZ  


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 MOD 05 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 06  7001AJ 130061217000002  LLA : AJ 1771804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003744449 SSDS EOB Funding covers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771804; Sub Head 8C2C   MOD 06 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 07  7001AJ 130061217000003  LLA : AJ 1771804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003744449 SSDS EOB Funding covers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771804; Sub Head 8C2C  9001AL 130063443600002  LLA : AL 1771804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003925240 FY17 SSDS EOB Funding covers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771804; Sub Head 8C2C   MOD 07 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 08  9001AL 130063443600002  LLA : AL 1771804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003925240 FY17 SSDS EOB Funding covers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771804; Sub Head 8C2C   MOD 08 Funding  Cumulative Funding  



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MOD 09  7001AH 130060699300002  LLA : AH 1771804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003701334 AEGIS EOB Funding covers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771804; Sub Head 8B2B   MOD 09 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 10  7001AJ 130061217000004  LLA : AJ 1771804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003744449 SSDS EOB Funding covers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771804; Sub Head 8C2C  7001AK 130060853700002  LLA : AK 1771319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003714462 SSDS RDT&E Funding covers work area C.5.0 and all subsections, C.5.1 and all subsections & C.5.2 and all subsections; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771319; Sub Head A5XZ   MOD 10 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 11  7001AJ 130061217000005  LLA : AJ 1771804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003744449 SSDS EOB Funding covers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771804; Sub Head 8C2C   MOD 11 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 12  7101AB 130064518800001  LLA : 


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AM 1771804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004010388 SSDS EOB FUNDING COVERS ALL WORK AREAS  7101AC 130064601400001  LLA : AN 1771804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004014965 AEGIS EOB FUNDING COVERS ALL WORK AREAS.  7101AD 130064604200001  LLA : AP 1771319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004014928 MOD 12 $ Incremental Funding SSDS RDTE ALL WORK AREAS (C.5.0, C.5.1 AND C.5.2 AND ALL SUBSECTIONS), RDTE  7101AE 130064555300001  LLA : AQ 1771804 52FA 233 00520 056521 2D ITDKGK 00417WX002S0 MOD 12 $ Incremental Funding CNRMA IT OMN FUNDING COVERS WORK AREAS C.5.0 AND C.5.1 AND ALL SUBSECTIONS, CNRMA  7101AF 130064555200001  LLA : AR 1771804 52FA 252 00520 056521 2D CADKFU 00417WX001S0 MOD 12 $ Incremental Funding CNRMA OMN FUNDING COVERS WORK AREAS C.5.4 AND C.5.5.1 , CNRMA  9101AB 130064518800001  LLA : AM 1771804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004010388 MOD 12 $ Incremental ODC Funding SSDS EOB ALL WORK AREAS, OMN  9101AC 130064601400001  LLA : AN 1771804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004014965 MOD 12 $ Incremental Funding AEGIS EOB ALL WORK AREAS, OMN   MOD 12 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 13  7101AD 130064604200002  LLA : AD 1771319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004014928 MOD 12 $ Incremental Funding SSDS RDT&E Funding covers work area C.5.0 and all subsections, C.5.1 and all subsections & C.5.2 and all subsections; MOD 13 PLUS UP, $   


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7101AG 130065036100001  LLA : AS 1771804 52FA 252 00520 056521 2D ECDKGL 00417WX003S0 MOD 13 INCREMENTAL FUNDING $ CNRMA OMN Funding covers work areas C.5.7 and all subsections  7101AH 130065303900001  LLA : AT 1771319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004063424 MOD 13 $ SSDS RDT&E Funding covers all work areas  7101AJ 130065219200001  LLA : AU 1771804 8RZ3 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004057005 MOD 13 $ SSDS RDT&E Funding covers all work areas   MOD 13 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 14 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 15  7001AH 130060699300002 (  LLA : AH 1771804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003701334 AEGIS EOB Funding covers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771804; Sub Head 8B2B  7001AJ 130061217000005 (  LLA : AJ 1771804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003744449 SSDS EOB Funding covers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771804; Sub Head 8C2C  7001AK 130060853700002 (  LLA : AK 1771319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003714462 SSDS RDT&E Funding covers work area C.5.0 and all subsections, C.5.1 and all subsections & C.5.2 and all subsections; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771319; Sub Head A5XZ  9001AL 130063443600002 (  LLA : AL 1771804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003925240 FY17 SSDS EOB Funding covers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771804; 


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Sub Head 8C2C   MOD 15 Funding -  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 16  7101AH 130065303900002  LLA : AT 1771319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004063424 MOD 13 $ SSDS RDT&E Funding covers all work areas; Incremental Funding Plus Up $   7101AK 130068228500001  LLA : AV 1781804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004282814 Incremental Funding $ SSDS EOB (OM&N)   MOD 16 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 17  7101AK 130068228500002  LLA : AV 1781804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004282814 Incremental Funding $ SSDS EOB (OM&N); MOD 17 PLUS UP   7101AL 130069660000001  LLA : AW 1781804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004395717 MOD 17 Incremental Funding $ AEGIS IWS EOB(O&MN)   MOD 17 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 18  7101AM 130069885500001  LLA : AX 1781319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004414656 MOD 18 Incremental Funding $ SSDS OMN OFFSET (RDT&E)   


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MOD 18 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 19  7101AL 130069660000002  LLA : AW 1781804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004395717 MOD 17 Incremental Funding $ AEGIS IWS EOB(O&MN)  7101AM 130069885500002  LLA : AX 1781319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004414656 MOD 18 Incremental Funding $ SSDS OMN OFFSET (RDT&E)   MOD 19 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 20  7101AM 130069885500003  LLA : AX 1781319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004414656 MOD 18 Incremental Funding $ SSDS OMN OFFSET (RDT&E); MOD 19 PLUS UP $ MOD 20 PLUS UP $    MOD 20 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 21  7201AN 130071855200001  LLA : AY 1781319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004553803 MOD 21 Incremental Funding $ Funding covers work area C.5.0 and all subsections, C.5.1 and all subsections & C.5.2 and all subsections SSDS(RDT&E)2410(a) AUTHORITY IS BEING INVOKED.  7201AP 130070977900001  LLA : AZ 1781804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004498201 MOD 21 Incremental Funding $ SSDS EOB(OMN)2410(a) AUTHORITY IS BEING INVOKED.  7201AQ 130070428400001  


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LLA : BA 1781804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004454981 MOD 21 Incremental Funding $ AEGIS IWS EOB(OMN)2410(a) AUTHORITY IS BEING INVOKED.  9201AP 130070977900001  LLA : AZ 1781804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004498201 MOD 21 Incremental Funding $ SSDS EOB(OMN)2410(a) AUTHORITY IS BEING INVOKED.  9201AQ 130070428400001  LLA : BA 1781804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004454981 MOD 21 Incremental Funding $ AEGIS IWS EOB(OMN)2410(a) AUTHORITY IS BEING INVOKED.   MOD 21 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 22  7101AM 130069885500004  LLA : AX 1781319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004414656 MOD 18 Incremental Funding $ SSDS OMN OFFSET (RDT&E); MOD 19 PLUS UP $ MOD 20 PLUS UP $ MOD 22 PLUS UP $    MOD 22 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 23  7201AQ 130070428400002  LLA : BA 1781804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004454981 MOD 21 Incremental Funding $ AEGIS IWS EOB(OMN)2410(a) AUTHORITY IS BEING INVOKED. MOD 23 PLUS UP $   7201AR 130073306800001  LLA : BC 1781804 52FA 252 00520 056521 2D CADKFU 00418WX001S0 MOD 23 Incremental Funding $ CNRMA COMMAND(OMN)2410(a) AUTHORITY IS BEING INVOKED.  7201AS 130073306900001  LLA : 


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BD 1781804 52FA 252 00520 056521 2D ECDKGL 00418WX002S0 MOD 23 Incremental Funding $ CNRMA ENVIRONMENTAL(OMN)2410(a) AUTHORITY IS BEING INVOKED.  7201AT 130073307000001  LLA : BE 1781804 52FA 257 00520 056521 2D ITDKFZ 00418WX003S0 MOD 23 Incremental Funding $ CNRMA IT(OMN)2410(a) AUTHORITY IS BEING INVOKED.   MOD 23 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 24  7201AU 130074992700001  LLA : BF 1791804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004772502 MOD 24 Incremental Funding $ SSDS EOB(OMN)  7201AV 130074859800001  LLA : BG 1791804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004760889 MOD 24 Incremental Funding $ AEGIS IWS EOB(OMN)   MOD 24 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 25  7101AM 130069885500004 (  LLA : AX 1781319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004414656 MOD 18 Incremental Funding $ SSDS OMN OFFSET (RDT&E); MOD 19 PLUS UP $ MOD 20 PLUS UP $ MOD 22 PLUS UP $ MOD 25 DEOBLIGATE $   7201AW 130075755000001  LLA : BH 1791319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004831435 MOD 25 Incremental Funding $ SSDS(RDTE)  9001AB 1300555591-0001 (  LLA : AB 1761804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003321470 SSDS EOB Funding covers all work areas, ODC FUNDING IN SUPPORT OF CLIN 7001  


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9001AC 130055559600001 (  LLA : AC 1761804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003321593 AEGIS EOB Funding covers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1761804; Sub Head 8B2B  9001AL 130063443600002 (  LLA : AL 1771804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00003925240 FY17 SSDS EOB Funding covers all work areas; POP 07/01/16-06/30/17; APPN 1771804; Sub Head 8C2C  9101AB 130064518800001 (  LLA : AM 1771804 8C2C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004010388 MOD 12 $5,000; Incremental ODC Funding SSDS EOB ALL WORK AREAS, OMN  9101AC 130064601400001 (  LLA : AN 1771804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004014965 MOD 12 $7,500; Incremental Funding AEGIS EOB ALL WORK AREAS, OMN   MOD 25 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 26  7201AV 130074859800002  LLA : BG 1791804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004760889 MOD 24 Incremental Funding $ AEGIS IWS EOB(OMN); PLUS UP MOD 26 $    MOD 26 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 27  7201AV 130074859800003  LLA : BG 1791804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004760889 MOD 24 Incremental Funding $ AEGIS IWS EOB(OMN); PLUS UP MOD 26 $  MOD 27 PLUS UP $    MOD 27 Funding  Cumulative Funding  


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 MOD 28  7201AV 130074859800004  LLA : BG 1791804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004760889 MOD 24 Incremental Funding $ AEGIS IWS EOB(OMN); PLUS UP MOD 26 $  MOD 27 PLUS UP $ MOD 28 PLUS UP $   7301AX 130078009400001  LLA : BJ 1791804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005004553 MOD 28 Incremental Funding $ IWS EOB(OMN)2410(a) authority is invoked.  7301AY 130079163200001  LLA : BK 1791804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005101096 MOD 28 Incremental Funding $ SSDS EOB(OMN)2410(a) authority is invoked.  7301AZ 130079298300001  LLA : BL 1791319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005113761 MOD 28 Incremental Funding $ SSDS RDT&E Funding covers work area C.5.0 and all subsections, C.5.1 and all subsections & C.5.2 and all subsections  9301AX 130078009400001  LLA : BJ 1791804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005004553 MOD 28 Incremental Funding $ AEGIS IWS EOB(OMN)2410(a) authority is invoked.  9301AY 130079163200001  LLA : BK 1791804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005101096 MOD 28 Incremental Funding $ SSDS EOB(OMN)2410(a) authority is invoked.   MOD 28 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 29  7201AW 130075755000001 (  LLA : BH 1791319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00004831435 MOD 25 Incremental Funding $ SSDS(RDTE)  7301AX 130078009400002  


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LLA : BJ 1791804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005004553 MOD 28 Incremental Funding $ IWS EOB(OMN)2410(a) authority is invoked. MOD 29 PLUS UP $   7301BA 130080673600001  LLA : BM 1791804 52FA 252 00520 056521 2D ECDKGL 00419WX001S0 MOD 29 Incremental Funding $ CNRMA ENVIRONMENTAL DIRECT(OMN)2410(a) authority is invoked.  7301BB 130080653500001  LLA : BN 1791804 52FA 252 00520 056521 2D ITDKFZ 00419WX003S0 MOD 29 Incremental Funding $ CNRMA IT DIRECT(OMN)2410(a) authority is invoked.  7301BC 130080391000001  LLA : BP 1791804 52FA 252 00520 056521 2D CADKFU 00419WX002S0 MOD 2 Incremental Funding $ CNRMA COMMAND DIRECT(OMN)2410(a) authority is invoked.   MOD 29 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 30  7301AX 130078009400003  LLA : BJ 1791804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005004553 MOD 28 Incremental Funding $ IWS EOB(OMN)2410(a) authority is invoked. MOD 29 PLUS UP $ MOD 30 PLUS UP $    MOD 30 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 31  7301BD 130081800600001  LLA : BQ 1701804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005350585 MOD 31 Incremental Funding $ AEGIS IWS EOB(OMN)  7301BE 130081828700001  LLA : 


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BR 1701804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005353982 MOD 31 Incremental Funding $ SSD EOB(OMN)  7301BF 130082263100001  LLA : BS 1701319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005392118 MOD 31 Incremental Funding $ SSDS (RDT&E)  9301BE 130081828700001  LLA : BR 1701804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005353982 MOD 31 Incremental Funding $ SSD EOB(OMN)   MOD 31 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 32  7301BD 130081800600002  LLA : BQ 1701804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005350585 Labor Incremental Funding AEGIS IWS EOB All Work Areas Mod 31-$  Mod 32-$   7301BE 130081828700002  LLA : BR 1701804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005353982 Labor Incremental Funding SSD EOB All Work Areas Mod 31-$  Mod 32-$   7301BF 130082263100002  LLA : BS 1701319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005392118 Labor Incremental Funding SSDS all subsections of C.50, C.5.1, and C.5.2 Mod 31-$  Mod 32-$    MOD 32 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 33  7301BD 130081800600003  LLA : 


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BQ 1701804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005350585 Labor Incremental Funding AEGIS IWS EOB All Work Areas Mod 31-$  Mod 32-$  Mod 33-$   7301BE 130081828700003  LLA : BR 1701804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005353982 Labor Incremental Funding SSD EOB All Work Areas Mod 31-$  Mod 32-$  Mod 33-$    MOD 33 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 34 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 35  7301BD 130081800600004  LLA : BQ 1701804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005350585 Labor Incremental Funding AEGIS IWS EOB All Work Areas Mod 31-$  Mod 32-$  Mod 33-$  Mod 35-$   7301BE 130081828700004  LLA : BR 1701804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005353982 Labor Incremental Funding SSD EOB All Work Areas Mod 31-$  Mod 32-$  Mod 33-$  Mod 35-$   7301BF 130082263100003  LLA : BS 1701319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005392118 Labor Incremental Funding SSDS all subsections of C.50, C.5.1, and C.5.2 Mod 31-$  Mod 32-$  Mod 35-$  


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  MOD 35 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 36  7301BE 130081828700005  LLA : BR 1701804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005353982 Labor Incremental Funding SSD EOB All Work Areas Mod 31-$  Mod 32-$  Mod 33-$  Mod 35-$  Mod 36-$   9301BE 130081828700005  LLA : BR 1701804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005353982 ODC Incremental Funding SSD EOB All Work Areas Mod 31-$  Mod 36-$    MOD 36 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 37  7301BF 130082263100004  LLA : BS 1701319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005392118 Labor Incremental Funding SSDS all subsections of C.50, C.5.1, and C.5.2 Mod 31-$  Mod 32-$  Mod 35-$  Mod 37-$    MOD 37 Funding  Cumulative Funding  

 MOD 38 Funding  Cumulative Funding  


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Accounting Data

CLIN/SLIN PR Number Amount


7301BD 130081800600005 $


BQ 1701804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005350585

Standard Document #:

Labor Incremental Funding AEGIS IWS EOB All Work Areas Mod 31-$ Mod 32-$ Mod33-$ Mod 35-$ Mod 39-$

7301BE 130081828700006 $


BR 1701804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005353982

Standard Document #:

Labor Incremental Funding SSD EOB All Work Areas Mod 31-$ Mod 32-$ Mod 33-$ Mod35-$ Mod 36-$ Mod 39-$

7301BF 130082263100005 $


BS 1701319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005392118

Standard Document #:

Labor Incremental Funding SSDS all subsections of C.50, C.5.1, and C.5.2 Mod 31-$ Mod 32-$ Mod35-$ Mod 37-$ Mod 39-$

MOD Funding: $

Cumulative Funding: $


7301BD 130081800600006 $


BQ 1701804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005350585

Standard Document #:

Labor Incremental Funding AEGIS IWS EOB All Work Areas Mod 31-$ Mod 32-$ Mod33-$ Mod 35-$ Mod 39-$ Mod 40-$

7301BE 130081828700007 $


BR 1701804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005353982


Page 82 of 108

Accounting Data

Standard Document #:

Labor Incremental Funding SSD EOB All Work Areas Mod 31-$ Mod 32-$ Mod 33-$ Mod35-$ Mod 36-$ Mod 39-$ Mod 40-$

7301BF 130082263100006 $


BS 1701319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005392118

Standard Document #:

Labor Incremental Funding SSDS all subsections of C.50, C.5.1, and C.5.2 Mod 31-$ Mod 32-$ Mod35-$ Mod 37-$ Mod 39-$ Mod 40-$

MOD Funding: $

Cumulative Funding: $


7401AB 130086194500001 $


BT 1701804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005666830

Standard Document #:

Labor funding in support of of SSDS EOB for all SCSC work areas-$

7401AC 130086115100001 $


BU 1701804 52FA 252 00520 056521 2D CADKFU 00420WX001S0

Standard Document #: N6100420WX001S0

Labor funding in support of CNRMA CA Direct for work areas C.5.4 & C.5.5.1 of SCSC-$

7401AD 130086115200001 $


BV 1701804 52FA 252 00520 056521 2D ECDKGL 00420WX002S0

Standard Document #: N6100420WX002S0

Labor funding in support of CNRMA ENVIRONMENTAL work areas C.5.7 and all subsections-$

7401AE 130086115300001 $


BW 1701804 52FA 257 00520 056521 2D ITDKFZ 00420WX003S0

Standard Document #: N6100420WX003S0

Labor funding in support of CNRMA IT work area C.5.0 and C.5.1 and all subsections-$


Page 83 of 108

Accounting Data

7401AF 130086142800010 $


BX 1701319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005664152

Standard Document #:

Labor funding in support of IWS10 USS SECURE SSDS EOB all work areas -$

7401AG 130084806400001 $


BY 1701319 84RX 251 V5T00 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005579190

Standard Document #:

Labor funding in support of SEA05 USS SECURE INSTALL SSDS EOB-$

7401AH 130086143000001 $


BZ 1701319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005664385

Standard Document #:

Labor funding in support of SSDS work area C.5.0 and all subsections, C.5.1 and all subsections & C.5.2 and allsubsections-$

7401AJ 130086099200001 $


CA 1701804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005660766

Standard Document #:

Labor funding in support of AEGIS IWS EOB all work areas-$

9401AB 130086099200001 $


CA 1701804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005660766

Standard Document #:

ODC funding in support of AEGIS IWS EOB all work areas-$

MOD Funding: $

Cumulative Funding: $


7301AX 130078009400003 $


BJ 1791804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005004553

Standard Document #:


Page 84 of 108

Accounting Data

MOD 28 Incremental Funding $ IWS EOB(OMN)2410(a) authority is invoked. MOD 29 PLUSUP $ MOD 30 PLUS UP $

7301AY 130079163200001 $


BK 1791804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005101096

Standard Document #:

MOD 28 Incremental Funding $ SSDS EOB(OMN)2410(a) authority is invoked.

7301AZ 130079298300001 $


BL 1791319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005113761

Standard Document #:

MOD 28 Incremental Funding $ SSDS RDT&E Funding covers work area C.5.0 and all subsections, C.5.1and all subsections & C.5.2 and all subsections

7301BA 130080673600001 $


BM 1791804 52FA 252 00520 056521 2D ECDKGL 00419WX001S0

Standard Document #:

MOD 29 Incremental Funding $ CNRMA ENVIRONMENTAL DIRECT(OMN)2410(a) authority isinvoked.

7301BB 130080653500001 $


BN 1791804 52FA 252 00520 056521 2D ITDKFZ 00419WX003S0

Standard Document #:

MOD 29 Incremental Funding $ CNRMA IT DIRECT(OMN)2410(a) authority is invoked.

7301BC 130080391000001 $


BP 1791804 52FA 252 00520 056521 2D CADKFU 00419WX002S0

Standard Document #:

MOD 2 Incremental Funding $ CNRMA COMMAND DIRECT(OMN)2410(a) authority is invoked.

7301BD 130081800600006 $


BQ 1701804 8B2B 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005350585

Standard Document #:


Page 85 of 108

Accounting Data

Labor Incremental Funding AEGIS IWS EOB All Work Areas Mod 31-$ Mod 32-$ Mod33-$ Mod 35-$ Mod 39-$ Mod 40-$

7301BE 130081828700007 $


BR 1701804 8C1C 251 45534 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005353982

Standard Document #:

Labor Incremental Funding SSD EOB All Work Areas Mod 31-$ Mod 32-$ Mod 33-$ Mod35-$ Mod 36-$ Mod 39-$ Mod 40-$

7301BF 130082263100006 $


BS 1701319 A5XZ 251 WS100 0 050120 2D 000000 A00005392118

Standard Document #:

Labor Incremental Funding SSDS all subsections of C.50, C.5.1, and C.5.2 Mod 31-$ Mod 32-$ Mod35-$ Mod 37-$ Mod 39-$ Mod 40-$

MOD Funding: $

Cumulative Funding: $


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Section H - Special Contract Requirements


To perform the requirements of the Performance Work Statement (PWS), the Government requires personnel with the appropriateexperience and professional qualifications.   The applicable labor categories and associated qualifications are listed in Sections H.2 andH.3 below.  Key Personnel qualification levels are considered to be desired for those individuals whose resumes are submitted forevaluation with the proposal. Resumes for any replacement of key personnel that are submitted following award shall have qualificationsequal to or higher than the qualifications of the person to be replaced, as required by the clause entitled 5252.237-9106 - Substitution ofPersonnel.  Following award, the qualification levels for key personnel are considered to be minimums for any growth beyond thoseindividuals initially proposed.

(a) Experience – The desired experience for each Key Labor Category must be directly related to the tasks and programs listed in thePWS.

(b) Professional Development - Professional development includes honors, degrees, publications, professional licenses and certificationsand similar evidence of professional accomplishments that directly impact the Offeror's ability to perform the order. The years ofexperience listed below are in addition to appropriate professional development. It is incumbent upon the Offeror to demonstrate that theproposed personnel have appropriate credentials to perform the work.

(c) Accumulation Of Qualifying Experience - Categories of experience may be accumulated concurrently.


Program Manager 

A Master's degree from an accredited college or university in an engineering, scientific, business, or technical discipline and five (5) yearsof experience managing a large technical effort, similar in size and scope of this effort. Additionally, seven (7) years of demonstrated andestablished subject matter expertise relevant to specific technical disciplines of the PWS to include:  demonstrated experience in managinglarge projects including ability to plan, develop schedules, organize, technology development, work breakdown structures, spending plans,financial tracking, and coordinate team members to accomplish assigned tasks to include IT, IA, Quality Assurance, Logistics, Finance,Management Support, and Corporate Operations. 

IT/IA Program Coordinator

A Bachelor’s of Science (BS) or Arts (BA) degree preferably in Information Systems, Computer Engineering, Computer Science or CyberSecurity and five (5) years of relevant experience. Five (5) years of directly related experience in Program Management with DoDRDT&E and Business systems, an understanding of computer security, military systems specifications, DoD IA policies, network andsystems configuration and administration, web design and the ability to communicate clearly and succinctly in written and oralpresentations may substitute for BS/BA.  A Master of Science or Arts degree will substitute for two years of the relevant experiencerequirement.  Relevant experience shall include: managing a technical team, developing cost estimates and schedules, preparing budgetand status reports, and developing, tracking, and implementing POAMs. 

Senior Systems Security Engineer/Specialist – C&A Validation

A Bachelor’s of Science (BS) or Arts (BA) degree preferably in Information Systems, Computer Engineering, Computer Science or CyberSecurity and five (5) years of relevant experience.  Seven (7) years of directly related experience in securing and validating DoDsystems.  Demonstrated experience with computer security, military system specifications, DoD IA policies, network and systemsconfiguration and administration, demonstrated experience in the DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process(DIACAP), Platform IT (PIT), implementation of Cyber Security and IA boundary defense techniques and various IA-enabled appliancesmay substitute for BS/BA.  A Master of Science or Arts degree will substitute for two years of the relevant experience requirement.   Relevant experience:  DIACAP process, system analysis, system audits, CISCO iOS, MS Window/Server, LINUX, network and systemmonitoring tools, IA compliance models and tools, IA control validation, risk management, incident response, and system security officerresponsibilities.  Within the period of relevant experience, must have a minimum of two (2) years working in Research, Development,Test & Evaluation (RDT&E).   


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Management Senior Analyst

A Bachelor’s of Science (BS) or Arts (BA) degree preferably in English, Journalism, Communications or a relevant field and five (5)years of related experience.  Must have excellent command of the principles of English grammar and composition, plus a demonstratedexpertise in the development of user-friendly technical documentation.   Experience in maintaining and updating web site content, goodoral skills, excellent writing skills, and team skills.  Experience and fluency in standard office software (Microsoft) and writing a varietyof documents including technical manuals, user guides, navy directives, and navy award nomination packages is required. Writing skillsand standard documentation formatting skills are of paramount importance to this position. Must be able to state complex ideas orconcepts simply and clearly.  Demonstrated ability to facilitate large groups and lead Strategic Planning efforts and focus groups.

Safety Specialist

One (1) year experience in a plant or facility as a safety professional.  Knowledge of NAVOSH policies. 

Logistics Coordinator

Six years of management experience, with at least five years involving Federal Government Logistics programs. Proven ability to leadand direct challenging projects and execute assignments independently.  Demonstrated experience managing warehouse operations toinclude shipping and receiving, warehousing, delivery, inventory, and procurement.  

Environmental Specialist

  A Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering or closely related field and three of relevant experience.  Relevant experience:  NEPApreparation and inspection, EPA and OSHA regulations, project management, excellent oral and written communication skills. H.3 NON-KEY PERSONNEL – MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS

In order to provide additional clarification to the Performance Work Statement, minimum qualifications are provided for non-keypersonnel. The Contractor shall provide non-key personnel who meet or exceed the minimum qualifications provided below. Prior tocharging non-key personnel labor to this order, the Contractor shall provide written certification stating the individual’s name, laborcategory, and certify that the individual meets or exceeds the minimum qualifications of the labor category. The Contractor shallalso provide copies of applicable certifications/licenses. This written certification shall be made by email to the Contract Specialist andthe COR. 

Senior IT Specialist/Networks  

A Bachelor’s of Science (BS) or Arts (BA) degree preferably in Information Systems, Network Engineering, or Cyber Security and five(5) years of relevant experience.  Seven (7) years of directly related experience in network engineering, maintenance, and security appliedto RDT&E and business environments, DOD  and Information Technology systems, minimum certification as IAT or IAM Level III andNetworking certification per DoD 8570.01-M, demonstrated knowledge of secure network configurations, military system specifications,network administration, demonstrated experience with various IA-enabled appliances, and the ability to communicate clearly andsuccinctly in written and oral presentations  may substitute for BS/BA.  A Master of Science or Arts degree will substitute for two yearsof the relevant experience requirement. Relevant experience:  switches/routers/firewalls, IDS, DISA STIGS, PKI, NTP, Storage AreaNetworks, PoE, FPoE, SCSI, and DNS.  Within the period of relevant experience, must have a minimum of two (2) years working inResearch, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E). 

Senior IT Specialist/Linux

A Bachelor’s of Science (BS) or Arts (BA) degree preferably in Information Systems, Computer Science or related discipline and five (5)years of relevant experience.  Seven (7) years of directly related experience in systems engineering, administration, and security applied toRDT&E and business environments, DOD and Information Technology systems, minimum certification as IAT or IAM Level III andLinux OS per DoD 8570.01-M, demonstrated experience in LINUX secure systems configurations, military system specifications, systemadministration, demonstrated experience with various IA-enabled appliances, systems and applications, and the ability to communicateclearly and succinctly in written and oral presentations may substitute for BS/BA. A Master of Science or Arts degree will substitute fortwo years of the relevant experience requirement.  Relevant experience:  RHEL 5/6/7, LINUX Variants UNIX, syslog products,virtualization software, DISA STIGS, Shavlik, Puppet Server Assured Compliance Assessment Solution (ACAS)/Nessus, PKI, StorageArea Networks, backup/restore solutions, and DNS.  Within the period of relevant experience, must have a minimum of two (2) yearsworking in Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E). 


Page 88 of 108

Senior IT Specialist/Windows

A Bachelor’s of Science (BS) or Arts (BA) degree preferably in Information Systems, Computer Science or related discipline and five (5)years of relevant experience.  Seven (7) years of directly related experience in systems engineering, administration, and security applied toRDT&E and business environments, DOD and Information Technology systems, minimum certification as IAT or IAM Level III andMicrosoft OS certification per DoD 8570.01-M, demonstrated experience with secure MS Windows server and desktop systemsconfigurations, military system specifications, system administration, demonstrated experience with various IA-enabled appliances,systems and applications, and the ability to communicate clearly and succinctly in written and oral presentations may substitute forBS/BA.    A Master of Science or Arts degree will substitute for two years of the relevant experience requirement.  Relevant experience: MS Windows 7, MS Server 2008/2012, WSUS, SIEM products, virtualization software, MS SQL database, DISA STIGS, Shavlik,ACAS/Nessus, PKI, Storage Area Networks, backup/restore solutions, and DNS.  Within the period of relevant experience, must have aminimum of two (2) years working in Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E). 

IT Specialist/Linux

A Bachelor’s of Science (BS) or Arts (BA) degree preferably in Information Systems, Computer Science, or related discipline and two (2)years of relevant experience.  Four (4) years of directly related experience in systems administration and security applied to RDT&E andbusiness environments, DOD and Information Technology systems, minimum certification as IAT or IAM Level II and Linux OScertification per DoD 8570.01-M, demonstrated experience with secure LINUX systems configurations, military system specifications,and system administration, demonstrated experience with various IA-enabled appliances, systems and applications may substitute forBS/BA.  A Master of Science or Arts degree will substitute for two years of the relevant experience requirement.    Relevant experience: RHEL5/6/7, LINUX Variants UNIX, syslog products, virtualization software, DISA STIGS, Shavlik, Puppet Server, Assured ComplianceAssessment Solution (ACAS)/Nessus, PKI, Storage Area Networks, backup/restore solutions, and DNS.  Within the period of relevantexperience, must have a minimum of two (2) years working in Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E). 

IT Specialist/Windows

A Bachelor’s of Science (BS) or Arts (BA) degree preferably in Information Systems, Computer Science, or related discipline and two (2)years of relevant experience.  Four (4) years of directly related experience systems engineering, administration, and security applied toRDT&E and business environments, DOD and Information Technology systems, minimum certification as IAT or IAM Level II andMicrosoft OS certification per DoD 8570.01-M, demonstrated experience with secure MS Windows server and desktop systemsconfigurations, military system specifications, system administration, demonstrated experience with various IA-enabled appliances,systems and applications, and the ability to communicate clearly and succinctly in written and oral presentations may substitute forBS/BA. A Master of Science or Arts degree will substitute for two years of the relevant experience requirement.  Relevant experience: MS Windows 7, MS Server 2008/2012, WSUS, SIEM products, virtualization software, MS SQL database, DISA STIGS, Shavlik,Assured Compliance Assessment Solution (ACAS)/Nessus, PKI, Storage Area Networks, backup/restore solutions, and DNS.  Within theperiod of relevant experience, must have a minimum of two (2) years working in Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E).   

IT Specialist/Web Design  

A Bachelor’s of Science (BS) or Arts (BA) degree preferably in Web Design, Computer Science, or related discipline and two (2) years ofrelevant experience.  Four (4) years of directly related experience in web, Intranet, and MS SharePoint design, demonstrated experience ofsecure web design, MS SharePoint administration and workflow, HTML, XML, XHTML, JavaScript, MS SQL, minimum certification asIAT and IAM Level I per DoD 8570.01-M,  and the ability to communicate clearly and succinctly in written and oral presentations maysubstitute for BS/BA.  A Master of Science or Arts degree will substitute for two years of the relevant experience requirement.  Relevantexperience:  Extensive knowledge of programming languages to include HTML, VB Script, XML, JavaScript, XHMTL, MS SQL, C++,C#, MS SharePoint. 

Senior Telecommunication Specialist

A Bachelor’s of Science (BS) or Arts (BA) degree preferably in Information Systems, Telecommunications, or related discipline and two(2) years of relevant experience.  Five (5) years of directly related experience in network areas such as landlines, cell phones, voice,video, data, and wireless communications networks, demonstrated experience in planning, design, development, and modifications ofexisting or planned voice and data communications network systems and subsystems, demonstrated experience in technical administrationof Audio/Visual systems that include projectors and digital signage systems, demonstrated experience with AVAYA telecommunicationsystems (lane line and wireless), military unique telecommunications deployments, video teleconferencing (VTC) systems, fiber optic andcopper infrastructures, and Integrated Digital Switching Network (ISDN) may substitute for BS/BA. A Master of Science or Arts degreewill substitute for two years of the relevant experience requirement.  Relevant experience:  MS Windows 7, DISA STIGS, Cabling (Fiber


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Optic/Copper), Polycom/Cisco VTC Codec, AVAYA telecommunications system, Voice over IP (VOIP), Cisco gateways, IP DECTtechnology, and ISDN.  Within the period of relevant experience, must have a minimum of two years working in Military environments.   

Telecommunications Specialist

An Associate in Science (AS) or Arts (AA) or Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree preferably in Information Systems,Telecommunications, or related discipline and two (2) years of relevant experience.  Three (3) years of directly related experience innetwork areas such as landlines, cell phones, voice, video, data, and wireless communications networks, demonstrated experience inplanning, design, development, and modifications of existing or planned voice and data communications network systems and subsystems,demonstrated experience in technical administration of Audio/Visual systems that include projectors and digital signage systems,demonstrated experience with AVAYA telecommunication systems (lane line and wireless), military unique telecommunicationsdeployments, video teleconferencing (VTC) systems, fiber optic and copper infrastructures, and Integrated Digital Switching Network(ISDN) may substitute for AS/AA/AAS.  A Bachelor’s of Science or Arts degree will substitute for two years of the relevant experiencerequirement.  Relevant experience:  MS Windows 7, DISA STIGS, Cabling (Fiber Optic/Copper), Polycom/Cisco VTC Codec, AVAYAtelecommunications system, Voice over IP (VOIP), Cisco gateways, IP DECT technology, and ISDN.  Within the period of relevantexperience, must have a minimum of two years working in Military environments. 

IT Specialist

An Associate in Science (AS) or Associate in Arts (AA) or Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree preferably in InformationSystems, Computer Science or related discipline and two (2) years of relevant experience.  Four (4) years of directly related experience insystems engineering, administration, and security applied to RDT&E and business environments, DOD and Information Technologysystems, minimum certification as IAT or IAM Level II and OS or networking certification per DoD 8570.01-M, demonstrated experiencewith secure MS Windows server and desktop systems configurations, military system specifications, system administration, demonstratedexperience with various IA-enabled appliances, systems and applications. and the ability to communicate clearly and succinctly in writtenand oral presentations may substitute for AS/AA/AAS.  Relevant experience:  MS Windows 7, MS Server 2008/2012, WSUS, SIEMproducts, virtualization software, MS SQL database, DISA STIGS, Shavlik, Assured Compliance Assessment Solution (ACAS)/Nessus,PKI, Storage Area Networks, backup/restore solutions,  RHEL5/6/7, LINUX Variants UNIX, syslog products, and DNS.

Senior Systems Security Engineer/Specialist

A Bachelor’s of Science (BS) or Arts (BA) degree preferably in Information Systems, Computer Engineering, Computer Science or CyberSecurity and five (5) years of relevant experience.  Seven (7) years of directly related experience in engineering and securing DoDsystems, minimum certification as IAT or IAM Level III and OS or networking certification per DoD 8570.01-M, demonstratedexperience with computer security, military system specifications, DoD IA policies, network and systems configuration andadministration, demonstrated experience in the DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP), PlatformIT (PIT), and the implementation of Cyber Security and IA boundary defense techniques and various IA-enabled appliances. and theability to communicate clearly and succinctly in written and oral presentations may substitute for BS/BA.  A Master of Science or Artsdegree will substitute for two years of the relevant experience requirement.  Relevant experience:  DIACAP process, system analysis,system audits, CISCO iOS, MS Window/Server, LINUX, network and system monitoring tools, IA compliance models and tools, IAcontrol validation, risk management, incident response, and system security officer responsibilities.  Within the period of relevantexperience, must have a minimum of two (2) years working in Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E).   

Security Systems Engineer/Specialist

A Bachelor’s of Science (BS) or Arts (BA) degree preferably in Information Systems, Computer Engineering, Computer Science or CyberSecurity and three (3) years of relevant experience.  Five (5) years of directly related experience engineering and securing DoD systems,minimum certification as IAT or IAM Level II and OS or networking certification per DoD 8570.01-M, demonstrated experience withcomputer security, military system specifications, DoD IA policies, network and systems configuration and administration, demonstratedexperience in the DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP), Platform IT (PIT), and theimplementation of Cyber Security and IA boundary defense techniques and various IA-enabled appliances, and the ability to communicateclearly and succinctly in written and oral presentations may substitute for BS/BA.  A Master of Science or Arts degree will substitute fortwo years of the relevant experience requirement.  Relevant experience:  DIACAP process, system analysis, system audits, CISCO iOS,MS Window/Server, LINUX, network and system monitoring tools, IA compliance models and tools, IA control validation, riskmanagement, incident response, and system security officer responsibilities.  Within the period of relevant experience, must have aminimum of two (2) years working in Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E). 

Product Assurance Specialist


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Knowledge of and three (3) years’ experience with and ability to perform configuration audits of Naval combat systems using establishedprocedures and own judgment for unusual situations.  Ability to provide Quality Assurance services to, and work with, other departmentsand organizations to resolve findings.  Ability to review test procedures, witness testing of combat systems, and recognize deviations fromtest procedures or expected results.  Ability to document findings (deviations from specifications), produce report of findings, calculatemetrics, and actively track findings until resolved.  Ability to produce and provide Quality Assurance training and briefings.

Data Management Specialist

Knowledge of and three (3) years’ experience with and ability to define, collect, or extract data from databases and produce metrics. Knowledge of naval combat systems and U.S. Navy 3M system and ability to run reports and calculate standard system reliability metrics,such as Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF), dependability, and availability, based upon 3M data.  Ability to perform standarddescriptive statistical calculations on data to produce information, such as mean, median, mode, and standard deviation.  Ability to useauthorized software packages to determine trends and forecasts.  Ability to use metrics to produce charts, reports and briefings. Ability toconduct service support effectiveness, project site loading, and site enhancement studies in collaboration with engineers.  Ability to usemetrics to support continuous process improvement. 

Budget Analyst

Two (2) years related experience, with at least one year of experience in one or more of the following:  budget execution, budgetformulation, financial analysis, financial and accounting transactions, preparing reports by researching and gathering data, reviewingfinancial information and data, reconciling financial information; government, military, or industry (government/military preferred). Knowledge of Navy and Federal Financial Management Regulations and general accounting principles.  Required experience shallinclude: word processing, spreadsheet development, financial analysis, data collection, data call preparation, report processing,brief/presentation preparation, monitor milestone schedules.  Three years’ experience with Microsoft Office applications (Excel, Word,Outlook, Power Point, etc.).

Knowledge of and demonstrated ability to apply current DoD and Navy financial directives to Navy programs and sound analytical andcommunication skills.  One year experience with business software; SAP applications are preferred.  The Contractor shall have the skillsand ability to utilize Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (NERP) and Defense Travel System (DTS). 

Administrative Assistant

Three (3) years of experience in developing and maintaining documentation and data management systems involving DoD programs. Experience should include database management.  Proficient in Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Project,Visio, and  Adobe software.  Experience creating a variety of documents including naval correspondence, directives, status reports, tripreports, meeting minutes, briefing slides, file setup and maintenance, classified material handling and storage procedures, andreproduction/publishing techniques.  Should demonstrate the ability to work independently and be able to communicate effectively bothorally and through formal reports.  Demonstrated experience in management and coordination of Government authorized travel. Experience in handling and storage of classified materials.  Ability to perform detailed work consistently, accurately, and under pressureextremely important. Must be able to read and follow instructions explicitly.

Human Resource Specialist

A Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management or closely related field and three to five years of relevant experience.  Relevantexperience:  Human Resource Management in Government organizations, Benefits and Compensation Programs, DoD Diversity Goals,EEO processes, Strategic Planning and facilitation, and excellent written communication skills.

Public Affairs Specialist

A Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, Mass Communication, Marketing or closely related field and three (3) years of relevant experience insupport of a Government organization.  Seven (7) years of directly related experience demonstrating principles and methods of masscommunication media and relevant experience may be substituted for BA/BS.  Relevant experience:  Public Relations writing, DevelopingCommunication messages, press releases, fact sheet, talking points, building relationships with the media, strong attention to detail,manage multiple tasks simultaneously, creative problem solving, wiliness to learn new concepts, and excellent written communicationskills.

Records Management Specialist


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Associates degree in a related field and two years of relevant experience.  Four (4) years of directly related experience may substitute forthe degree requirement.  Relevant experience:  NARA policies and procedures, federal records management programs, computer skills,ability to learn new software and systems, and excellent written communication skills.

Supply Technician

Three (3) years of related experience which shall include cost estimating, maintain and track inventory and equipment and physical auditsof inventory. Also must possess experience working in automated Supply Systems performing stock control functions.  Must possess aminimum of three years’ experience working in the Defense Property Accountability system or similar automated asset managementsystem. 

Database Specialists/Technicians

Two(2) years of demonstrated experience in Lenel system administration, troubleshooting, and repair.  Lenel Certified Professional withConcentration Areas for Onguard and Technician and an IT-1 level security background investigation per SECNAV-M 5510.30.

Escort/Safety Zone Inspector

Must possess high school diplomas, GED or equivalent.  Have used Microsoft Outlook, MS Word and MS Excel forcorrespondence and data entry.  Ability to lift 20 pounds, traverse stairs, and stand for periods of at least one hour.

Warehouse Worker

One (1) year experience working in a warehouse environment.  Must possess forklift operator’s license and medical screening.  Mustpossess experience storing material and pulling material issues in a warehouse environment.  Must possess Class “B” CommercialDriver’s License. 

H.4 5252.237-9106 SUBSTITUTION OF PERSONNEL (SEP 1990)

(a)  The Contractor agrees that a partial basis for award of this contract is the list of key personnel proposed.  Accordingly, the Contractoragrees to assign to this contract those key persons whose resumes were submitted with the proposal necessary to fulfill the requirements of thecontract.  The Contractor agrees that during the first 90 days of the period of performance no key personnel substitutions will be permittedunless such substitutions are necessitated by an individuals sudden illness, death or termination of employment. No substitution shall be madewithout prior notification to and concurrence of the Contracting Officer in accordance with this requirement.

(b)  All proposed substitutes shall have qualifications equal to or higher than the qualifications of the person to be replaced.  The ContractingOfficer shall be notified in writing of any proposed substitution at least forty-five (45) days, or ninety (90) days if a security clearance is to beobtained, in advance of the proposed substitution.  Such notification shall include:  (1) an explanation of the circumstances necessitating thesubstitution; (2) a complete resume of the proposed substitute; and (3) any other information requested by the Contracting Officer to enablehim/her to judge whether or not the Contractor is maintaining the same high quality of personnel that provided the partial basis for award.


(a) Requests for post award approval of additional and/or replacement Key personnel shall be submitted via e-mail. E-mail submissions shallbe made simultaneously to the Contract Specialist, COR, and the Alternate COR. Electronic notification via e-mail from the Contract Specialistwill serve as written approval/disapproval on behalf of the Contracting Officer. This approval is required before an individual may begincharging to the Task Order.

(b) Resumes shall be submitted in the format required. However, in order to expedite contract administration, contractor format may be usedproviding sufficient information is submitted for an independent comparison of the individual's qualifications with labor category requirements.

(c) If the employee is not a current employee of the Contractor (or a Subcontractor), a copy of the accepted offer letter (which identifies aprojected start date and the agreed to annual salary) shall be provided.

(d) TRIPWIRE NOTIFICATION: If the employee is a current employee of the Contractor (or a Subcontractor), the fully burdened hourlyrate that will be invoiced under the order shall be provided. If the labor rate to be invoiced for the individual will exceed any Navy labor ratetripwire for service contracts in effect at time of the request for approval, the Contractor shall fully justify why the proposed individual isrequired for contract performance and the specific benefit to be derived from the individual's addition to the task order. The COR will


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provide the current Navy labor rate tripwire information upon request.


In order to facilitate evaluation, all resumes shall be provided in the following format, and not exceed three (3) pages each:


Complete Name

Current Employer

Task Order Labor Category

Contractor Labor Category

Percentage of time to be allocated to this effort upon award of this Task Order

Current security clearance level per JPAS (identify if interim or final)

Current work location

Planned work location upon award of this Task Order

Note if the individual is key on another contract with a period of performance that will overlap this requirement. Note plans to satisfy bothcontracts if the Offeror is selected for award.

(b) EDUCATION/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – Show any degrees, honors, publications, professional licenses, specializedcertifications and other evidence of professional accomplishments that are directly relevant and will impact the Offeror’s qualifications to

perform under the Task Order.  For education and training, the following format is preferred: 

Academic: Degree(s); Date(s); Institution; Major/Minor

Non-Academic: Course title, date(s), approximate length

Professional licenses and specialized certifications.  (Note the date obtained for each, as well as the date when each license/certification

requires renewal)


i.  Employer: Dates (month/year); Title(s) held

ii. Work experience shall be presented separately for each employer, clearly marked with proper category of experience (i.e, RelevantExperience; Non-Relevant Experience.). If relevant and non-relevant experience were obtained while at the same employer, separate timeperiods shall be noted for each assignment. (This is necessary to prevent an Offeror from describing relevant experience obtained in a sixmonth assignment for Company A as applicable to the entire 10-year employment with that firm and to ensure Offerors' proposals areevaluated on an equal basis).  Responsibilities shall be discussed in sufficient detail for each assignment so as to permit comparison withexperience levels in Section H. Specific examples of work assignments, accomplishments, and products shall be provided.

Phrases such as "assisted with", "participated in", or "supported" are unacceptable except as introductory to a detailed description of theactual work performed. If no such description is provided, the sentence or bulleted information will not be considered in the resume evaluationprocess. This is because evaluators would not be able to identify the specific technical work contributions made by the individual.

Resume information is encouraged to be presented in bullet format. This will allow evaluators to focus on relevant information.

Offerors shall note that the lack of specific definition in job responsibilities, services performed or products produced may be viewed as alack of understanding of the Government’s overall technical requirements.

All relevant military experience claimed shall be described such that each relevant tour is treated as a separate employer. Time frames/titles/responsibilities shall be provided in accordance with the level of detail prescribed above. Military experience not documented in this mannerwill not be considered.

Gaps in experience shall be explained.

Certification of correctness of information signed and dated by both the person named and the Offeror. The employee certification shall


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include the following statement:  CERTIFICATION: "I certify that the experience and professional development described herein arecomplete and accurate in all respects.  I consent to the disclosure of my resume for NSWCDD Task Order N00178-14-D-7979 byT-Solutions, Inc. and intend to make myself available to work under any resultant contract to the extent proposed."

________________________________                 _____________________________Employee Signature and Date                                     Offeror Signature and Date

Resumes without this certification will be unacceptable and will not be considered.

If the employee is not a current employee of the Offeror (or a proposed Subcontractor), a copy of the accepted offer letter shall be provided.The letter shall identify the projected start date. The Cost Proposal shall include documentation that identifies the agreed-to salary amount.


(a) The Contractor shall ensure that personnel accessing information systems have the proper and current information assurance certification toperform information assurance functions in accordance with DoD 8570.01-M, Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program. TheContractor shall meet the applicable information assurance certification requirements, including-

(1) DoD-approved information assurance workforce certifications appropriate for each category and level as listed in the current version ofDoD 8570.01-M; and

(2) Appropriate operating system certification for information assurance technical positions as required by DoD 8570.01-M.

(b) Upon request by the Government, the Contractor shall provide documentation supporting the information assurance certification status ofpersonnel performing information assurance functions.

(c) Contractor personnel who do not have proper and current certifications shall be denied access to DoD information systems for the purposeof performing information assurance


It is estimated that these incremental funds will provide for the number of hours of labor stated below. The following details funding to date:

Funding Profile

 CLIN  TotalCPIF(Ceiling) 













 Subtotal  $                 



 CLIN  TotalCPIF(Ceiling) 

















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 CLIN  TotalCPFF(Ceiling) 















 CLIN  TotalCPFF(Ceiling) 
















 CLIN  TotalCPFF(Ceiling) 













 Subtotal  $                 



 Totals  $               




H.9  5252.232-9104 ALLOTMENT OF FUNDS (JAN 2008)



(a) This contract is incrementally funded with respect to both cost and fee. The amount(s) presently available and allotted to this contractfor payment of fee for incrementally funded contract line item number/contract subline item number (CLIN/SLIN), subject to the clauseentitled "FIXED FEE" (FAR 52.216-8) or "INCENTIVE FEE" (FAR 52.216-10), as appropriate, is specified below. The amount(s)presently available and allotted to this contract for payment of cost for incrementally funded CLINs/SLINs is set forth below. As providedin the clause of this contract entitled "LIMITATION OF FUNDS" (FAR 52.232-22), the CLINs/SLINs covered thereby, and the period ofperformance for which it is estimated the allotted amount(s) will cover are as follows:

Allotment of Funds

 CLIN  Allotted toCost 

 Allottedto Fee 

 CPIF  EstFundsThrough 




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 CLIN  Allotted toCost 

 Allottedto Fee 

 CPIF  EstFundsThrough 







 CLIN  Allotted toCost 

 Allottedto Fee 

 CPFF  EstFundsThrough 







 CLIN  Allotted toCost 

 Allottedto Fee 

 CPFF  EstFundsThrough 





 Subtotal  $           


 CLIN  Allotted toCost 

 Allottedto Fee 

 CPFF  EstFundsThrough 










(b) The parties contemplate that the Government will allot additional amounts to this contract from time to time for the incrementallyfunded CLINs/SLINs by unilateral contract modification, and any such modification shall state separately the amount(s) allotted for cost,the amount(s) allotted for fee, the CLINs/SLINs covered thereby, and the period of performance which the amount(s) are expected tocover.


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(c) CLINs/SLINs ________ are fully funded and performance under these CLINs/SLINs is subject to the clause of this contract entitled"LIMITATION OF COST" (FAR 52.232-20).  

H.10 5252.216-9122 LEVEL OF EFFORT – ALTERNATE 1 (MAY 2010)

(a) The Contractor agrees to provide the total level of effort specified below in performance of the work described in Sections B and C ofthis task order. The total level of effort for the performance of this task order shall be the man-hours of direct labor identified in the tablebelow, including subcontractor direct labor for those subcontractors specifically identified in the Contractor's proposal as having hoursincluded in the proposed level of effort. The table below and information for blanks in paragraph (b) and (d) are to be completed

by the Offeror.

CLINTotal ManHours

CompensatedMan Hours

UncompensatedMan Hours

(b) Of the total man-hours of direct labor set forth above, it is estimated that man-hours are uncompensated effort. Uncompensatedeffort is defined as hours provided by personnel in excess of hours per week without additional compensation for such excess work.Total Times Accounting (TTA) efforts are included in this definition. All other effort is defined as compensated effort. If no effort isindicated in the first sentence of this paragraph, uncompensated effort performed by the Contractor shall not be counted in fulfillmentof the level of effort obligations under this contract.

(c) Effort performed in fulfilling the total level of effort obligations specified above shall only include effort performed in direct supportof this contract and shall not include time and effort expended on such things as local travel to and from an employee's usual worklocation, uncompensated effort while on travel status, truncated lunch periods, work (actual or inferred) at an employee's residence orother non-work locations (except as provided in paragraph (i) below), or other time and effort which does not have a specific and directcontribution to the tasks described in Sections B and C.

(d) The level of effort for this contract shall be expended at an average rate of approximately  hours per week. It is understood andagreed that the rate of man-hours per month may fluctuate in pursuit of the  technical objective, provided such fluctuation does not resultin the use of the total man-hours ofeffort prior to the expiration of the term hereof, except as provided in the following paragraph.

(e) If, during the term hereof, the Contractor finds it necessary to accelerate the expenditure of direct labor to such an extent that the totalman-hours of effort specified above would be used prior to the expiration of the term, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officerin writing setting forth the acceleration required, the probable benefits which would result, and an offer to undertake the acceleration at noincrease in the estimated cost or fee together with an offer, setting forth a proposed level of effort, cost breakdown, and proposed fee, forcontinuation of the work until expiration of the term hereof. The offer shall provide that the work proposed will be subject to the termsand conditions of this contract and any additions or changes required by then current law, regulations, or directives, and that the offer,with a written notice of acceptance by the Contracting Officer, shall constitute a binding contract. The Contractor shall not accelerate anyeffort until receipt of such written approval by the Contracting Officer. Any agreement to accelerate will be formalized by contractmodification.

(f) The Contracting Officer may, by written order, direct the Contractor to accelerate the expenditure of direct labor such that the totalman-hours of effort specified in paragraph (a) above would be used prior to the expiration of the term. This order shall specify theacceleration required and the resulting revised term. The Contractor shall acknowledge this order within five days of receipt.

(g) The Contractor shall provide and maintain an accounting system, acceptable to the Administrative Contracting Officer and the DefenseContract Audit Agency (DCAA), which collects costs incurred and effort (compensated and uncompensated, if any) provided infulfillment of the level of effort obligations of this contract. The Contractor shall indicate on each invoice the total level of effort claimedduring the period covered by the invoice, separately identifying compensated effort and uncompensated effort, if any.

(h) Within 45 days after completion of the work under each separately identified period of performance hereunder, the Contractor shallsubmit the following information in writing to the Contracting Officer with copies to the cognizant Contract Administration Office and to


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the DCAA office to which vouchers are submitted: (1) the total number of man-hours of direct labor expended during the applicableperiod; (2) a breakdown of this total showing the number of man-hours expended in each direct labor classification and associated directand indirect costs; (3) a breakdown of other costs incurred; and (4) the Contractor's estimate of the total allowable cost incurred under thecontract for the period. Within 45 days after completion of the work under the contract, the Contractor shall submit, in addition, in thecase of a cost underrun; (5) the amount by which the estimated cost of this contract may be reduced to recover excess funds. Allsubmissions shall include subcontractor information.

(i) Unless the Contracting Officer determines that alternative worksite arrangements are detrimental to contract performance, theContractor may perform up to of the hours at an alternative worksite, provided the Contractor has a company-approved alternativeworksite plan. The primary worksite is the traditional “main office” worksite. An alternative worksite means an employee’s residence or atelecommuting center. A telecommuting center is a geographically convenient office setting as an alternative to an employee’s mainoffice. The Government reserves the right to review the Contractor’s alternative worksite plan. In the event performance becomesunacceptable, the Contractor will be prohibited from counting the hours performed at the alternative worksite in fulfilling the total level ofeffort obligations of the contract. Regardless of work location, all contract terms and conditions, including security requirements and laborlaws, remain in effect. The Government shall not incur any additional cost nor provide additional equipment for contract performance as aresult of the Contractor’s election to implement an alternative worksite plan.

(j) Notwithstanding any of the provisions in the above paragraphs and subject to the LIMITATION OF FUNDS or LIMITATION OFCOST clauses, as applicable, the period of performance may be extended and the estimated cost may be increased in order to permit theContractor to provide all of the man-hours listed in paragraph (a) above. The Contractor shall continue to be paid fee for each man-hourperformed in accordance with the terms of the contract. 


The following cost savings initiatives are required under this Task Order.

(a) Annual Labor Escalation:  %

(b) Maximum Pass-Thru Rate:

(c) Lower Target and/or Maximum Fee rates than those reflected in the solicitation: N/A(d) Other: N/A

(e) The Government also strongly encourages the Prime Contractor to eliminate “double pass-thru” costs by avoiding second tierSubcontractors/Consultants during performance and where this situation is unavoidable, limiting Subcontractor pass-thru costs to thelower of :

(1) the Prime Contractor’s pass-thru rate under this order, or

(2) the Subcontractor’s SeaPort-e pass-thru rate where the Subcontractor is also a Prime Contractor under SeaPort-e.


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Section I - Contract Clauses


52.219-6     Notice of Total Small Business Set-Aside NOV 2011

52.219-14 Limitations on Subcontracting     NOV 2011

52.222-41 Service Contract Labor Standards MAY 2014

52.222-43     Fair Labor Standards Act and Service Contract Labor Standards Price Adjustment MAY 2014

252.225-7028     Exclusionary Policies and Practices of Foreign Governments             APR 2003 

252.225-7048 Export Controlled Items JUN 2013

252.227-7020 Rights in Special Works JUN 1995

252.227-7038Alt I & Alt II

Patent Rights - Ownership by the Contractor (Large Business)Alternate I and Alternate II DEC 2007

 52.245-1 Government Property with Alternate 1 or 2  

 52.245-9 Use and Charges  

 252.245-7001  Tagging, labeling and marking of GFP  

 252.245-7002 Reporting Loss of Government Property  

 252.245-7003  Contractor Property Management System Administration  

 252.245-7004  Reporting, Reutilization and Disposal  

252.211-7007  Reporting of GFP  

All clauses in the Offeror's MAC contract apply to this Task Order, as applicable.  

Note: Regarding 52.244-2 -- SUBCONTRACTS (JUNE 2007) - ALTERNATE I (JUNE 2007), Teaming arrangement with any firm notincluded in the Contractor's basic MAC contract must be submitted to the basic MAC Contracting Officer for approval. Team member(subcontract) additions after Task Order award must be approved by the Task Order Contracting Officer.


I.2.1 52.216-10 INCENTIVE FEE (June 2011)

(Applicable to CLIN 7000 and CLIN 7100.)

(a) General. The Government shall pay the Contractor for performing this contract a fee determined as provided in this contract.


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(b) Target cost and target fee. The target cost and target fee specified in the Schedule are subject to adjustment if the contract is modified

in accordance with paragraph (d) of this clause.

(1) “Target cost,” as used in this contract, means the estimated cost of this contract as initially negotiated, adjusted in accordance withparagraph (d) of this clause.

(2) “Target fee,” as used in this contract, means the fee initially negotiated on the assumption that this contract would be performed for acost equal to the estimated cost initially negotiated, adjusted in accordance with paragraph (d) of this clause.

(c) Withholding of payment.

(1) Normally, the Government shall pay the fee to the Contractor as specified in the Schedule. However, when the Contracting Officerconsiders that performance or cost indicates that the Contractor will not achieve target, the Government shall pay on the basis of anappropriate lesser fee. When the Contractor demonstrates that performance or cost clearly indicates that the Contractor will earn a feesignificantly above the target fee, the Government may, at the sole discretion of the Contracting Officer, pay on the basis of an appropriate

higher fee.

(2) Payment of the incentive fee shall be made as specified in the Schedule; provided that the Contracting Officer withholds a reserve not

to exceed 15 percent of the total incentive fee or $100,000, whichever is less, to protect the Government’s interest. The ContractingOfficer shall release 75 percent of all fee withholds under this contract after receipt of an adequate certified final indirect cost rate proposalcovering the year of physical completion of this contract, provided the Contractor has satisfied all other contract terms and conditions,including the submission of the final patent and royalty reports, and is not delinquent in submitting final vouchers on prior years’settlements. The Contracting Officer may release up to 90 percent of the fee withholds under this contract based on the Contractor’s past

performance related to the submission and settlement of final indirect cost rate proposals.

(d) Equitable adjustments. When the work under this contract is increased or decreased by a modification to this contract or when anyequitable adjustment in the target cost is authorized under any other clause, equitable adjustments in the target cost, target fee, minimumfee, and maximum fee payable.

(1) The fee payable under this contract shall be the target fee increased by for every dollar that the total allowablecost is less than the target cost or decreased by for every dollar that the total allowable cost exceeds the target cost. Inno event shall fee be greater than   or less than  of the target cost.

(2) The fee shall be subject to adjustment, to the extent provided in paragraph (d) of this clause, and within the minimum and maximumfee limitations in paragraph (e)(1) of this clause, when the total allowable cost is increased or decreased as a consequence of —

(i) Payments made under assignments; or

(ii) Claims excepted from the release as required by paragraph (h)(2) of the Allowable Cost and Payment clause.

(3) If this contract is terminated in its entirety, the portion of the target fee payable shall not be subject to an increase or decrease as

provided in this paragraph. The termination shall be accomplished in accordance with other applicable clauses of this contract.

(4) For the purpose of fee adjustment, “total allowable cost” shall not include allowable costs arising out of —

(i) Any of the causes covered by the Excusable Delays clause to the extent that they are beyond the control and without the fault ornegligence of the Contractor or any subcontractor;

(ii) The taking effect, after negotiating the target cost, of a statute, court decision, written ruling, or regulation that results in the

Contractor’s being required to pay or bear the burden of any tax or duty or rate increase in a tax or duty;

(iii) Any direct cost attributed to the Contractor’s involvement in litigation as required by the Contracting Officer pursuant to a clause ofthis contract, including furnishing evidence and information requested pursuant to the Notice and Assistance Regarding Patent andCopyright Infringement clause;

(iv) The purchase and maintenance of additional insurance not in the target cost and required by the Contracting Officer, or claims for

reimbursement for liabilities to third persons pursuant to the Insurance Liability to Third Persons clause;


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(v) Any claim, loss, or damage resulting from a risk for which the Contractor has been relieved of liability by the Government Propertyclause; or

(vi) Any claim, loss, or damage resulting from a risk defined in the contract as unusually hazardous or as a nuclear risk and against which

the Government has expressly agreed to indemnify the Contractor.

(5) All other allowable costs are included in “total allowable cost” for fee adjustment in accordance with this paragraph (e), unless

otherwise specifically provided in this contract.

(f) Contract modification. The total allowable cost and the adjusted fee determined as provided in this clause shall be evidenced by amodification to this contract signed by the Contractor and Contracting Officer.

(g) Inconsistencies. In the event of any language inconsistencies between this clause and provisioning documents or Government optionsunder this contract, compensation for spare parts or other supplies and services ordered under such documents shall be determined in

accordance with this clause.


(a) The Government may extend the term of this contract by written notice(s) to the Contractor within the periods specified below. Ifmore than one option exists the Government has the right to unilaterally exercise any such option whether or not it has exercised otheroptions. 


7100, 7199, 9100 No later than 12 months after the Task Order POP start date.

7200, 7299, 9200 No later than 24 months after the Task Order POP start date.

7300, 7399, 9300 No later than 36 months after the Task Order POP start  date.

7400, 7499, 9400 No later than 48 months after the Task Order POP start date.

(b) If the Government exercises this option, the extended contract shall be considered to include this option clause.

(c) The total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any option(s) under this clause, shall not exceed five (5) years, however,in accordance with paragraph (j) of the requirement of this contract entitled "LEVEL OF EFFORT" (NAVSEA 5252.216-9122), if thetotal manhours delineated in paragraph (a) of the LEVEL OF EFFORT requirement have not been expended within the period specifiedabove, the Government may require the Contractor to continue to perform the work until the total number of manhours specified inparagraph (a) of the aforementioned requirement have been expended.


(a) The use of overtime is authorized under this contract if the overtime premium does not exceed  _ or the overtime premium is paid for work--

(1) Necessary to cope with emergencies such as those resulting from accidents, natural disasters, breakdowns of production equipment, or occasionalproduction bottlenecks of a sporadic nature;

(2) By indirect-labor employees such as those performing duties in connection with administration, protection, transportation,maintenance, standby plant protection, operation of utilities, or accounting;

(3) To perform tests, industrial processes, laboratory procedures, loading or unloading of transportation conveyances, and operations in flight or afloat thatare continuous in nature and cannot reasonably be interrupted or completed otherwise; or


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(4) That will result in lower overall costs to the Government.

(b) Any request for estimated overtime premiums that exceeds the amount specified above shall include all estimated overtime for contract completion andshall--

(1) Identify the work unit; e.g., department or section in which the requested overtime will be used, together with present workload, staffing, and other data ofthe affected unit sufficient to permit the Contracting Officer to evaluate the necessity for the overtime;

(2) Demonstrate the effect that denial of the request will have on the contract delivery or performance schedule;

(3) Identify the extent to which approval of overtime would affect the performance or payments in connection with other Government contracts, together withidentification of each affected contract; and

(4) Provide reasons why the required work cannot be performed by using multishift operations or by employing additional personnel.

* Insert either "zero" or the dollar amount agreed to during negotiations. The inserted figure does not apply to theexceptions in subparagraph (a)(1) through (a)(4) of the clause.


(a) “Service employee,” as used in this clause, means any person engaged in the performance of a service contract other than any personemployed in a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional capacity, as those terms are defined in 29 CFR part 541. The term“service employee” includes all such persons regardless of any contractual relationship that may be alleged to exist between a Contractoror Subcontractor and such persons.

(b) The Contractor and its Subcontractors shall, except as otherwise provided herein, in good faith offer those service employeesemployed under the predecessor contract whose employment will be terminated as a result of award of this contract or the expiration ofthe contract under which the service employees were hired, a right of first refusal of employment under this contract in positions forwhich the service employees are qualified.

(1) The Contractor and its subcontractors shall determine the number of service employees necessary for efficient performance of thiscontract and may elect to employ fewer employees than the predecessor Contractor employed in connection with performance of the


(2) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this clause, there shall be no employment opening under this contract, and the Contractor andany subcontractors shall not offer employment under this contract, to any person prior to having complied fully with this obligation.

(i) The successor Contractor and its subcontractors shall make a bona fide express offer of employment to each service employee asprovided herein and shall state the time within which the service employee must accept such offer, but in no case shall the period within

which the service employee must accept the offer of employment be less than 10 days.  

(ii) The successor Contractor and its subcontractors shall decide any question concerning a service employee’s qualifications based uponthe individual’s education and employment history, with particular emphasis on the employee’s experience on the predecessor contract,and the Contractor may utilize employment screening processes only when such processes are provided for by the contracting agency, areconditions of the service contract, and are consistent with Executive Order 13495.

(iii) Where the successor Contractor does not initially offer employment to all the predecessor contract service employees, the obligationto offer employment shall continue for 90 days after the successor Contractor’s first date of performance on the contract.

(iv) An offer of employment will be presumed to be bona fide even if it is not for a position similar to the one the employee previouslyheld, but is one for which the employee is qualified, and even if it is subject to different employment terms and conditions, includingchanges to pay or benefits. (See 29 CFR 9.12 for a detailed description of a bona fide offer of employment).

(c) (1) Notwithstanding the obligation under paragraph (b) of this clause, the successor Contractor and any subcontractors (i) may employunder this contract any service employee who has worked for the Contractor or Subcontractor for at least three months immediatelypreceding the commencement of this contract and who would otherwise face lay-off or discharge, (ii) are not required to offer a right offirst refusal to any service employee(s) of the predecessor Contractor who are not service employees within the meaning of the ServiceContract Labor Standards statute, 41 U.S.C. 6701(3), and (iii) are not required to offer a right of first refusal to any service employee(s)of the predecessor Contractor whom the Contractor or any of its subcontractors reasonably believes, based on the particular serviceemployee’s past performance, has failed to perform suitably on the job (see 29 CFR 9.12(c) (4) for additional information). The successor


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Contractor bears the responsibility of demonstrating the appropriateness of claiming any of these exceptions.

(2) In addition, any Contractor or subcontractor that has been certified by the U.S. Small Business Administration as a HUBZone smallbusiness concern must ensure that it complies with the statutory and regulatory requirements of the HUBZone Program (e.g., it mustensure that at least 35 percent of all of its employees reside within a HUBZone). The HUBZone small business Contractor orsubcontractor must consider whether it can meet the requirements of this clause and Executive Order 13495 while also ensuring it meetsthe HUBZone Program’s requirements.

(3) Nothing in this clause shall be construed to permit a Contractor or subcontractor to fail to comply with any provision of any otherExecutive order or law. For example, the requirements of the HUBZone Program (see FAR subpart 19.13), Executive Order 11246 (EqualEmployment Opportunity), and the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 may conflict, in certain circumstances,with the requirements of Executive Order 13495. All applicable laws and Executive orders must be satisfied in tandem with, and ifnecessary prior to, the requirements of Executive Order 13495, 29 CFR part 9, and this clause.

(d) (1) The Contractor shall, not less than 30 days before completion of the Contractor’s performance of services on the contract, furnishthe Contracting Officer with a certified list of the names of all service employees working under this contract and its subcontracts at thetime the list is submitted. The list shall also contain anniversary dates of employment of each service employee under this contract and itspredecessor contracts with either the current or predecessor Contractors or their subcontractors. Where changes to the workforce are madeafter the submission of the certified list described in this paragraph, the Contractor shall, in accordance with paragraph (e) of this clause,not less than 10 days before completion of the services on this contract, furnish the Contracting Officer with an updated certified list ofthe names of all service employees employed within the last month of contract performance. The updated list shall also containanniversary dates of employment, and, where applicable, dates of separation of each service employee under the contract and itspredecessor contracts with either the current or predecessor Contractors or their subcontractors.

(2) Immediately upon receipt of the certified service employee list but not before contract award, the contracting officer shall provide thecertified service employee list to the successor Contractor, and, if requested, to employees of the predecessor Contractor or subcontractorsor their authorized representatives.

(3) The Contracting Officer will direct the predecessor Contractor to provide written notice (Appendix B to 29 CFR chapter 9) to serviceemployees of their possible right to an offer of employment with the successor Contractor. Where a significant portion of the predecessorContractor’s workforce is not fluent in English, the notice shall be provided in English and the language(s) with which service employeesare more familiar. The written notice shall be—

(i) Posted in a conspicuous place at the worksite; or

(ii) Delivered to the service employees individually. If such delivery is via email, the notification must result in an electronic deliveryreceipt or some other reliable confirmation that the intended recipient received the notice.

(e) (1) If required in accordance with 52.222-41(n), the predecessor Contractor shall, not less than 10 days before completion of thiscontract, furnish the Contracting Officer a certified list of the names of all service employees working under this contract and itssubcontracts during the last month of contract performance. The list shall also contain anniversary dates of employment of each serviceemployee under this contract and its predecessor contracts either with the current or predecessor Contractors or their subcontractors. Ifthere are no changes to the workforce before the predecessor contract is completed, then the predecessor Contractor is not required tosubmit a revised list 10 days prior to completion of performance and the requirements of 52.222-41(n) are met. When there are changes tothe workforce after submission of the 30-day list, the predecessor Contractor shall submit a revised certified list not less than 10 daysprior to performance completion.

(2) Immediately upon receipt of the certified service employee list but not before contract award, the contracting officer shall provide thecertified service employee list to the successor Contractor, and if requested, to employees of the predecessor Contractor or subcontractorsor their authorized representatives.

(f) The Contractor and subcontractor shall maintain the following records (regardless of format, e.g., paper or electronic) of its compliancewith this clause for not less than a period of three years from the date the records were created.

(1) Copies of any written offers of employment or a contemporaneous written record of any oral offers of employment, including the date,location, and attendance roster of any service employee meeting(s) at which the offers were extended, a summary of each meeting, a copyof any written notice that may have been distributed, and the names of the service employees from the predecessor contract to whom anoffer was made.


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(2) A copy of any record that forms the basis for any exemption claimed under this part.

(3) A copy of the service employee list provided to or received from the contracting agency.

(4) An entry on the pay records of the amount of any retroactive payment of wages or compensation under the supervision of theAdministrator of the Wage and Hour Division to each service employee, the period covered by such payment, and the date of payment,and a copy of any receipt form provided by or authorized by the Wage and Hour Division. The Contractor shall also deliver a copy of thereceipt to the service employee and file the original, as evidence of payment by the Contractor and receipt by the service employee, withthe Administrator or an authorized representative within 10 days after payment is made.

(g) Disputes concerning the requirements of this clause shall not be subject to the general disputes clause (52.233-1) of this contract. Suchdisputes shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures of the Department of Labor set forth in 29 CFR part 9. Disputes within themeaning of this clause include disputes between or among any of the following: The Contractor, the contracting agency, the U.S.Department of Labor, and the service employees under the contract or its predecessor contract. The Contracting Officer will refer anyservice employee who wishes to file a complaint, or ask questions concerning this contract clause, to the: Branch of GovernmentContracts Enforcement, Wage and Hour Division, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210.Contact email displaced@dol.gov .

(h) The Contractor shall cooperate in any review or investigation by the Department of Labor into possible violations of the provisions ofthis clause and shall make such records requested by such official(s) available for inspection, copying, or transcription upon request.

(i) If it is determined, pursuant to regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor (Secretary), that the Contractor or its subcontractors are notin compliance with the requirements of this clause or any regulation or order of the Secretary, the appropriate sanctions may be imposedand remedies invoked against the Contractor or its subcontractors, as provided in Executive Order 13495, the regulations, and relevantorders of the Secretary, or as otherwise provided by law.

(j) The Contractor shall take such action with respect to any such subcontract as may be directed by the Secretary of Labor as a means ofenforcing such provisions, including the imposition of sanctions for noncompliance. However, if the Contractor, as a result of suchdirection, becomes involved in litigation with a subcontractor, or is threatened with such involvement, the Contractor may request that theUnited States, through the Secretary, enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States.

(k) The Contracting Officer will withhold, or cause to be withheld, from the prime Contractor under this or any other Governmentcontract with the same prime Contractor, such sums as an authorized official of the Department of Labor requests, upon a determinationby the Administrator, the Administrative Law Judge, or the Administrative Review Board, that there has been a failure to comply with theterms of this clause and that wages lost as a result of the violations are due to service employees or that other monetary relief isappropriate. If the Contracting Officer or the Administrator, upon final order of the Secretary, finds that the Contractor has failed toprovide a list of the names of service employees working under the contract, the Contracting Officer may, in his or her discretion, or uponrequest by the Administrator, take such action as may be necessary to cause the suspension of the payment of contract funds until suchtime as the list is provided to the Contracting Officer.

(l) Subcontracts. In every subcontract over the simplified acquisition threshold entered into in order to perform services under thiscontract, the Contractor shall include a provision that ensures—

(1) That each subcontractor will honor the requirements of paragraphs (b) through (c) of this clause with respect to the service employeesof a predecessor subcontractor or subcontractors working under this contract, as well as of a predecessor Contractor and itssubcontractors;

(2) That the subcontractor will provide the Contractor with the information about the service employees of the subcontractor needed bythe Contractor to comply with paragraphs (d) and (e) of this clause; and

(3) The recordkeeping requirements of paragraph (f) of this clause.


(a) Due to the nature of support required by the Performance Work Statement, a Wage Determination has been determined to be necessaryto ensure appropriate minimum wages and fringe benefits are paid to those non-exempt personnel performing under this Task Order.

(b) The following table provides a correlation between Task Order labor categories in Section H and Wage Determination Occupationsshown in Attachments J.6.


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Task Order Category Occupation CodeSupply Technician 01410Warehouse specialist 21410Data Management Specialist/Computer SystemAnalyst III


Budget Analyst/Accounting Clerk III 01013Administrative Assistant



In compliance with the Service Contract Labor Standards statute and the regulations of the Secretary of Labor (29 CFR part 4), this clauseidentifies the classes of service employees expected to be employed under the contract and states the wages and fringe benefits payable toeach if they were employed by the contracting agency subject to the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 5341 or 5332.

This Statement is for Information Only: It is not a Wage Determination.

Employee Class Monetary Wage -- Fringe Benefits

 Supply Technician  

 Warehouse Specialist/Worker  

 Computer System Analyst III/ DataManagement Specialist


Accounting Clerk III/Budget Analyst 

Administrative Assistance


(a)  The Contractor shall not require employees or subcontractors seeking to report fraud, waste, or abuse to sign or comply with internalconfidentiality agreements or statements prohibiting or otherwise restricting such employees or contactors from lawfully reporting such waste,fraud, or abuse to a designated investigative or law enforcement representative of a Federal department or agency authorized to receive suchinformation.

(b)  The Contractor shall notify employees that the prohibitions and restrictions of any internal confidentiality agreements covered by thisclause are no longer in effect. 

(c)  The prohibition in paragraph (a) of this clause does not contravene requirements applicable to Standard Form 312, Form 4414, or anyother form issued by a Federal department or agency governing the nondisclosure of classified information.

(d)  (1)  In accordance with section 743 of Division E, Title VIII, of the Consolidated and Further Continuing Resolution Appropriations Act,2015, (Pub. L. 113-235), use of funds appropriated (or otherwise made available) under that or any other Act may be prohibited, if theGovernment determines that the Contractor is not in compliance with the provisions of this clause. 

      (2)  The Government may seek any available remedies in the event the Contractor fails to perform in accordance with the terms andconditions of the contract as a result of Government action under this clause.


(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this clause, contingent fees, as defined in the Covenant Against Contingent Fees clause of thiscontract, are generally an allowable cost, provided the fees are paid to -

(1) A bona fide employee of the Contractor; or

(2) A bona fide established commercial or selling agency maintained by the Contractor for the purpose of securing business.


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(b) For foreign military sales, unless the contingent fees have been identified and payment approved in writing by the foreign customerbefore contract award, the following contingent fees are unallowable under this contract:

(1) For sales to the Government(s) of _(to be identified at time of award)_, contingent fees in any amount.

(2) For sales to Governments not listed in paragraph (b)(1) of this clause, contingent fees exceeding $50,000 per foreign military sale case.


In addition to the terms set forth elsewhere in the contract, and as provided in the QASP, the Contractor may earn an extension of one (1)to two (2) years on the basis of performance during the evaluation periods. The Contractor is evaluated using QASP criteria during eachyear of contract performance. During the third year (Option 2), if performance is evaluated as Very Good for three of the five majorelements and not less than Satisfactory for the remaining two major elements, the Contractor earns Year 4 (Award Term 1); ifperformance is evaluated as Very Good for three of the five major elements and not less than Satisfactory for the remaining two majorelements in Year 4, the Contractor earns Year 5 (Award Term 2).

(a) Award Term. The award-term concept is an incentive that permits extension of the contract period beyond Option 2 of performance forVery Good performance.

(b) Monitoring of Performance. The Contractor's performance will be continually monitored by the COR and Subject Matter Expertswhose findings are reported by the COR to the PCO together with a recommendation regarding awarding of the Award Term period. ThePCO makes the final decision on the award-term on the basis of the Contractor's performance during the award-term evaluation period.

(c) Award-Term Plan. The evaluation criteria, the associated points, and the associated award-term extensions or reductions are specifiedin the QASP.

(d) Modification of Award-Term Plan. Changes may be made to the award-term plan at any time during contract performance, providedthat both parties agree to them. If agreement cannot be reached on changes, the initial award-term plan remains in effect.

(e) Self-Evaluation. The Contractor will submit a written self-evaluation of its performance for that period in accordance with theschedule in the QASP. It will be used in the COR's and PCO's evaluation of the Contractor's performance during this period.

(f) Disputes. Decisions regarding the award term, including—but not limited to— the amount of the award term, if any; the methodologyused to calculate the award term; calculation of the award term; the supplier's entitlement to the award term; and the nature and success ofthe Contractor's performance, are made by the PCO. These decisions are final and are not subject to dispute.

(g) Award-Term Extension. The contract period may be modified to reflect the PCO's decision.  The award-term provision must beincluded in the solicitation and resulting Task Order. If at any time the contract period does not extend more than two years from the PCOdecision, the operation of the award-term provision will cease and the ordering period will not extend beyond the term set at that time.

I.3 52.216-8 FIXED FEE (JUN 2011)

(Applicable to CLIN 7200, and if awarded CLINS 7300 and 7400)

(a) The Government shall pay the Contractor for performing this contract the fixed fee specified in

the Schedule.

(b) Payment of the fixed fee shall be made as specified in the Schedule; provided that the

Contracting Officer withholds a reserve not to exceed 15 percent of the total fixed fee or $100,000,

whichever is less, to protect the Government’s interest. The Contracting Officer shall release 75

percent of all fee withholds under this contract after receipt of an adequate certified final indirect


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cost rate proposal covering the year of physical completion of this contract, provided the Contractor

has satisfied all other contract terms and conditions, including the submission of the final patent

and royalty reports, and is not delinquent in submitting final vouchers on prior years’ settlements.

The Contracting Officer may release up to 90 percent of the fee withholds under this contract based

on the Contractor’s past performance related to the submission and settlement of final indirect cost

rate proposals.



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Section J - List of Attachments

Exhibit A DD Form 1423, Contract Data Requirements

Attachment J.1 DD Form 254, Contract Security Classification Specification (Secret)

Attachment J.4 Government Furnished Property

Attachment J.6 - Wage Determination No. 15-4327(Rev-13) for Virginia Counties of Accomack, Northhampton

Attachment J.8-Acronym List

Attachment J.9-Applicable Documents


Funding Doc: N6100420WX001S0


Funding Doc: N6100420WX002S0


Funding Doc: N6100420WX003S0






File Name Description


Attachment J.8 Acronym List

TSSGFEUpdated18Mar2020.pdfJ.4 Attachment GovernmentFurnished Property Update3/19


Attachment J.1 DD Form 254Contract SecurityClassification SpecificationNew MOD 28


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File Name Description


J.9 Applicable Documents

CONTRACTDATAREQUIREMENTSLISTTSSawardsigned.pdfExhibit A, DD Form 1423,Contract Data Requirements

J.6 (G) Wage Determination Revision 13.pdfJ.6 2020 WAGEDETERMINATION UPDATEAward Term 2