Myths About Cloud Storage In Healthcare

Post on 22-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Myths About Cloud Storage In Healthcare

Myths about Cloud Storage in Healthcare

 Healthcare data stored on-site is more secure than the cloud

Although keeping data on-site makes some business and IT leaders feel more secure, keeping data close to home doesn’t equate to higher security levels. In fact, physical theft of on-site devices (and their data) continues to dominate as the most likely cause of healthcare breaches. More than 83% of patient records breached in 2015 resulted from theft, typically from criminals stealing unencrypted laptops from health providers and their business associates.

Health providers lose ownership of patient data

when using the cloud

Similar to misconceptions about cloud security, some health providers worry about data ownership when using a third-party storage provider. In truth, all data belongs to the provider regardless of where it is stored. This is part of the standard agreement between healthcare providers and cloud storage vendors, with the vendor contractually obligated to return all data whenever the provider wishes (e.g., if the healthcare provider decides to end the agreement). Additionally, best-in-class cloud solutions are vendor-neutral, meaning encrypted data is stored in its native format so it can be downloaded in its original form for use at any time.

All cloud storage providers are created equal

Although this is intuitive, it bears repeating for one main reason: just because a vendor claims broad capability across industries, it does not mean they understand the regulatory requirements of the healthcare landscape. Any vendor can claim their solution is HIPAA-compliant, but very few cloud-based storage and retrieval companies are certified by a qualified agency who follows the rigorous process required to gain certification.

The cloud should only be used as a disaster recovery solution

for healthcare data

Using off-site cloud storage to ensure business continuity when there is a disaster seems like a no-brainer for many, but its benefits don’t stop there. This is especially true in healthcare, where information sharing and collaboration between providers and with patients is key to timely diagnosis and quality of care. Using a secure cloud-based file-sharing service, doctors can share files remotely and in real-time to consult with their colleagues or specialists – without compromising patient privacy.

Cloud storage and file transfer is more expensive than on-


Leveraging a cloud model to enable secure storage and retrieval of health data need not be exorbitant in cost. In fact, primary benefits over on-premise solutions include both cost savings and scalability. Cloud-based repositories are scalable as you grow; often with pay-as-you-use pricing plans that offer flexibility and eliminate upfront fees and capital equipment expenses.

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