Mycotic infections and nutritional disorders

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Mycotic infections and nutritional disorders

ORGAN : Head of chicken LESIONS : Ulceration of beak commeasure SUSP.DIS. : Fusario toxins

ORGAN : Mouth cavity LESIONS : Ulceration with caseated material SUSP.DIS. : Fusario-toxicosis

ORGAN : Chicken LESIONS : Hemorrhagic patch on thigh muscle SUSP.DIS. : Mycotoxins, Vit K. Def., IBD or Sulpha toxicity

ORGAN : Liver LESIONS : Heamorrhages SUSP.DIS. : Mycotoxins

ORGAN : Head of chick LESIONS : Panophthalmitis SUSP.DIS. : Asperagellosis

ORGAN : Lung LESIONS : Nodular formation SUSP.DIS. : Asperagellosis

ORGAN : Lung LESIONS : Nodular formation SUSP.DIS. : Asperagellosis

ORGAN : Pelvic cavity LESIONS : Caseaous air saculitis SUSP.DIS. : Asperagellosis

ORGAN : Chest cavity LESIONS : Caseaous Plug in tracheal biforcation SUSP.DIS. : Asperagellosis

ORGAN : Brain LESIONS : Nodular formation SUSP.DIS. : Asperagellosis

ORGAN : Opened crop LESIONS : Necrosis with turkish towel appearance SUSP.DIS : Candidiasis


ORGAN : Head of chicken LESIONS : Conjunctivitis SUSP.DIS. : Vitamin A def.

ORGAN : Opened Esophagus LESIONS : Pustule like nodule SUSP.DIS. : Vitamin A def.

ORGAN : Chest cavity LESIONS : Rosary beaded appearance of osteo- chondrial Junction SUSP.DIS. : Vitamin D, Ca, Ph. def. or imbalance

ORGAN : Head of chicken LESIONS : Rubbery beak SUSP.DIS. : Vitamin D, Ca, Ph. def. or imbalance

ORGAN : Brain LESIONS : Grayish white Necrotic focci with Liqification and softening of the brain tissues SUSP.DIS. : Vitamin E def.

ORGAN : Breast muscle LESIONS : Grayish white striationSUSP.DIS. : Vitamin E & Amino acids def.

ORGAN : Gizzard Muscle LESIONS : Grayish white patches SUSP.DIS. : Vitamin E & Amino acids def.

ORGAN : Chick LESIONS : Curled toe paralysis SUSP.DIS. : Vitamin B2 def.

ORGAN : Chick LESIONS : Curled toe paralysis SUSP.DIS. : Vitamin B2 def.

ORGAN : Chick LESIONS : Star Gazing posture SUSP.DIS. : Vitamin B1 def.