My lovely Vinnicha akka

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Transcript of My lovely Vinnicha akka


Akka By

John Melody Loven de' Claudius


Vinnicha Akka as unique as her name . I know her from the National Military camp .The real name actually is Sharelin Vinnisha Victor but I really like the other way of calling her , Vinnicha Akka . She is a very sweet and gentle person in my view . But some times , she will just chastise me in a good way. In this book I will give you a clear imaginal picture in your mind . She got a various good attitude wants me to follow . I really like to disturb her all the time even people made a most racist statement about me and her as we are from different races . And here's the story began ...

Chapter 1 : The meet In the first day of my National military camp I was literally confused where were the loo located . The ridiculous is , the loo is located right in the kitchen and obviously there's no signboard show wether which is for male or female . I accidentally went into the females' loo which located at the right hand side . This most hilarious moment I can't actually forget until now . At the jammed moment females who just pass by , they gave a kind look which is awkward for me . But I felt no shame because I know not about that's a females' loo where I came out from recently . I knew I went into a females ' loo after akka mention it .

“Excuse me .” said akka.“Yes , What can I do for you ?” I said “Dude , aren't you just came out from the females' loo ?”“What ?” I shocked .“I just saw you came out from the loo in the right nor the left ...” and she chuckled.

“....... I.... think so I went into the wrong one .” “As I said .” At that moment , I get to shy as my face gone red that was before . After that happened , me and akka get into know each other closer . The first I actually thought she just a nerd or what . But the more I associate with her , the more I found out the real of her . Nerdiness is her covering to prevent people from play with her life . She is very interesting by the way . And the day after that happened , I tried the best to talk to her more and associate with her friends as well. “It's such fun still exist ? “ in my mind repeated . The reason was before this training in the military camp , I was friendless and a total lonely as no one to talk to when I'm sad . I was treated like a ball kicked from zero degree to three hundred sixty degree . So at the point I started my conversation.“Ahloo... “I echoed “Yes? “ “Sister , How do I addresses you ?”“You can called me Sharelin but I love to name myself Sharrel .” “...Sharelin....”

“What about this ? I called you vinnicha akka ?”“Why you called me an akka ?”“...Just because you looks familiar .”“Your wish dude … as long the name is sweet .”“I'm pretty certain that the name as sweet as you .” and she smiled . In the military camp , males and females are not allowed to associate with each other . Therefore I alert all the time when I talk with her and her friends to prevent trainer shout our name from far . It's very shameful when someone shouted our name in a very terror way . It looks like want to engulf both of us into his throat to stomach .

At that moment , I did not knew she is a Christian until she mentioned it . As in the military camp we are not allowed to communicate with each other as I mentioned . If it so , I started a small prayer meeting on every night eight O 'clock sharp . As the Bible mentioned though , have fellowship with each other . This is where we got into . And also an opportunity to let me explore the best attitude of her for me to learn in.

“Akka , I think we need to start a small prayer meeting here as there's nothing is new here and let's make one .” I never knew that I actually made an history out of it .“Sure , why not ? ““Alright then .”

From that day a Prayer meeting was established . But there's a few of great idiots try their best to destroy our plan . From that problem , both of us stands still like a real brother and sister even though from different race , different state . She always encouraged me when I'm down . Like a bottle of water was given to me when I'm thirst . Other way of saying it , is like a refreshment in the desert .

Chapter 2 : The missed out Three weeks after that , Trainer announce that we have our four days of holidays for Chinese new year as well holidays given to the Non- Chinese . So what happened was , on that day of going back to hometown of our own , I missed out the bus which will head to Jetty for back to Penang . As the trainer announced this in a very monotonic pitch of voice . I can't really heard what he babbled. As I 'm in the loo. After I done what I suppose to do in the loo , I get up to the lobby.

“Hey , you little punk ! Why are you still here ? “ One of the trainer glared and screamed at me .“What ?”“Kick your ass man ! Your freaking bus already left this place for 25 minutes ago .” “What ? I was in the loo having my business sir .”“Is that an excellent excuse ? Come on! Think a better excuse to make.”

“Is this an excuse to you? This is just the honest statement, sir . ” I uttered angrily. “Alright , be cool .” The moment trainer try to calm me down as I completely tempered at him . Suddenly , akka head towards me and ask him about the bus . The trainer got overwhelmed . “Let me guess.....You missed out the bus too ?”“What do you expect me to listen to your monotonic announcement when I was in the dorm pack up my luggage ?”“Alright I will get both of you into the bus then .” The trainer got annoyed.

That trainer remain silent and seems like the trainer afraid of my akka . And that all happened , I looked unto her and smiled . As a sign shown “What a coincident ?” I never knew we were in the same van and in the same way to head to the bus we missed .On the way head to the bus, we relatively had a long conversation .

“Hey , Akka you missed out the bus too ?

Which bus you missed ?”“The bus where drop me in somewhere called Jetty .”“The Penang Jetty , you mean ?”“Yes.”“Wow.....Same as mine .”“....You too?” She got shocked . “Yes..”

As we in our conversation , the van was stopped by the bus we missed . That time , trainer commanded both of us to get up to that bus . Both of us completely terrified and afraid that people will scream at us , mock at us and scold us because of miss the bus on the way of them back home . I crept into the bus and mumbled “I hope there's no one will throw their shoe at me and akka .” But thank God no one dare to do so . Not only that , people are welcoming us in . Also there's two blank sits . I was terrified and relieved hence I sits on the pavement instead of the sits . In the bus both of us have a free conversation .For there's no any other trainer that's going to interrupt our conversation. Also , by the time the bus engine ignited , she began to text her

boy. Obviously I 'm the only naughty person stand by her and watch what she typed . And she turn her head to the right , I got shocked . “Akka , who are you texting ?”“Vicki.”“Vicki? Wow , so romantic of you !”“Who said I'm romantic ?”“I said so .”“.........Hmmm.”Actually I found her able to take care of others as herself . Therefore I felt her hospitalities are best in my life as she treat me for real .

Chapter 3 : The Courage In the second month of associate with her , I found out that she is much more stronger than me mentally. She always encourage me to be more brave and be well-prepared to face the mountain of life . Surprisingly , I was chosen to have a speech in Tamil Language for the coming day of Penang Sultan. I deliberately failed my Tamil language speech thrice in the past . Daily conversation already good enough to sounds exactly , but in a ceremony formal speech I can't really afford to do so . Trainers were bellowed and snarled at me as I totally ruin the grammar of the speech . Therefore I cried privately. That situation, Simran , her friend was on the spot . Later then , she rushed to akka and told that tears are full of my face . Without notice , akka head towards me and started a conversation with me .

“John , Why are you crying ?”“..........I......I......I.....”

“What ? Just tell me....”“.....I'm....under...pressure .”“Pressured in what cause ?”“For not having an excellent Tamil speech recently .”“What forth crying here? Crying is not going to make your speech fluent.”“.....but.....”“what?”“I need ….. helps for my.. Tamil grammar..”“Get up ! I get you someone to help you in this case .”

That starting point , she actually molten my heart as there were nobody concerning me before this . This is my first time seeing an akka who really put in effort just to help me and motivate me . I kept into practice my speech until the night when I can't fall asleep and the particular moment I started to think about her . The more I think , the more I prepared to face the crow which going to have a Tamil speech on the next day .

In that morning , she just gave me some kind

of look . I was just shocked and inched my steps and afraid to look at her . Simran mock at me as I does that .

“John ,why are you staring on the ground like an investigator ?” Simran chortled.“I purposely counting the every steps I moved .” “Oh.... really ?”“What do you think ?”“Basically not.”“Hmmm......”

After that , guess what ? I 'm on stage having the speech smoothly . Trainer got shocked after that all happened . “Did you put all of your sissy attitude to practice ?”“No , I did not . ““.....How the hell and who the hell help you in this ?”“Neither one of them , sir . But self -confidence does helped me .”

Trainers were getting pissed when they talk to me , the reason was I always have an awkward

answer to answer them back to their insignificant questions.

Chapter 4 : The Love

In the subsequent of that , I started to find someone to be my life partner . In my theory , adopted sister always the best to find someone suitable for me . Surprisingly , I felt in Love with someone and I told akka about it . She got excited .“Akka , do you see the girl in that particular corner ?”“Yes , I do see the girl over there .”“I...individually felt in love with that girl and I really like her. She 's adorable .”“Wow! When you started to felt in love with her ? ““Just now.”“You kidding me ?”“No , I 'm not kidding you . Her attitude attracted me as well as the appearance .”“....Oh...”“So you want me to tell her about this ?”“Not now .”“Why? You should tell to her if you love her .”

“But....akka I 'm very shy . ““Alright , keep yourself shy then. ” She chattered .I was in total shyness and dare not to tell her off . As the person I love is an Indian therefore the rumours were spread amongst the camp by others . But I not even care about the race .

Chapter 5 : The Suicide As me and akka getting closer , she understands me like a real brother of her own . I frequent told her my every movement I took . On the third month ,an incident happened in my dorm which I was completely blew up by one of the boy because of accidentally have a conversation with his crush recently. I never knew that the other girl from my love one is his crush . So what happened was , he was waiting for me to get back to dorm . It was an opportunity to blow me up as nobody will know what actually happened.As I walked into the dorm I unlock my locker and turn my head facing to the back a fist was blew straight to my face .

“Why are you give me a blow for ?”“I gave you this fist to teach you a lesson for flirting with my girl .”“Who the hell is your girl , the first place ?” “Don't pretend to be innocent...If I could dispatch you right now , I will do it for sure.”

“Excuse your language ! Actually I don't know who the hell your girl really is .” “Can you just freaking stop your drama here ? “

I really don't know who his girl friend is.And then , I stomped and immediately left the dorm .After it all , I look at myself in the reflection of the mirror in the loo and talking to myself to choose to care not about the ill- mannered person . But I failed to control my self on that incident . As I get more hyper and sensitive . Without consideration , one of my friend head in from right of my direction . At that instant , I was in a close call to slide my left hand which means try to harm myself . But shockingly , he skimmed my hand quickly as my left hand was hidden in my pocket .

“You try to commit suicide in the loo ? Are you insane ? ““No I 'm not trying to do so , bro. I 'm just shave the hair on my hand.”“My foot ! You are shaving !”“” I groaned and scooted away from the loo .

I was crying inside of me , my thinking were completely dazed there's nobody heed to me on what exactly occurred . I felt helpless .

On the next morning , I sneaked to the lobby with a very bad emotion and expression on my face. I usually amuse people with my lame jokes and flitted like an eight years old kid. I can't continue what I usually do each day . As I continue sneaking towards akka , she asked me what really happened to me .I lied to her that I'm sick . But I failed for lying to her as she understand what I'm thinking . She beseeched me for telling her what happened truly.

“Hey John , What happened to you ? You looks terrified .”“...I.. have a slight fever.”“No... you doesn't looks like you are felt in sick or anything. There must be something happened behind .”“Akka , nothing happen to me . I 'm just fine .”“Come on , tell me the truth !”I was silent for 87 second.

“ I...blew up by someone in the dorm because of talking to you and to the other girl beside of my crush .”“You mean that guy over there was the on who blew you up in the dorm?”“Yes... he like to act macho afore of everyone and turn into a devil when talking to me after that situation when I had a conversation with his girl . And he said that I flirting with his girl . At first , I don't know who that girl is .”“I see...I think this is a little awkward , Why he gave you a blow for talking to me?”“..... I...don't know....”

Meanwhile after head-counts in the lobby , when I back to my dorm's loo and try my best to commit suicide by cutting my veins at the back of my palm . What a sudden ? A malay guy came in and give a weird kind of look as my blood were flowing unstoppable and is split everywhere on the floor. He yelled at me . “Hang gila kah apa ? “ Which means “ Are you lost your mind ?” I just went off as fast as possible from that place straight to the dorm and weep . My dorm mates were got surprised as my left hand was kept bleeding when I off

to my bed .The moment akka know about that , She scolded me .“John , I will kill you if you repeat this silly commitment again .”“I 'll try my best not to repeat it.”From that day on before I do something silly I really afraid she will scold me for that .

Chapter 6 : The leaveThe final day of the training , everyone are suppose to get back to our very hometown . On that four quarter in the morning I entirely get off from my bed and wept . As she is the only akka who advice me and who will pay a great attention to me when I'm sad . I knew that I going to miss her for this ,as my life without her will went back to normal. She waved her hand to me . I cried and wept hurtfully .

“Hey , why are you crying ?”“I going to miss you , Akka .”“I know , but we still can get in touch after this .”“How ? All of my loves one are not in my town . You guys are in Perak I'm in Penang . Is seems like you are in the south , I'm in the North .”

I literally missed her and I took a couple of picture with her and her friends as well as the one I love.

Copyright © John Melody Loven de' Claudius production of 2014

“All the story above are really happened but translate from TamilEnglish to British english .”

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