My Ignite Presentation For My Critical Investigation

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of My Ignite Presentation For My Critical Investigation

  • 1. Hostel Wolf Creek TuristasThe Devils Rejects SAW Planet Terror The Human Centipede Death Proof

2. Gorno conflation of gory and porno Or more commonly known as Torture Porn Horror extreme, sexualised violence Mainly against women 3. Are directors of the torture porn horror genre stepping over the line in the amount of violence they show? (Example on the next slide) Warning: Next slide contains a video some may find disturbing 4. Hostel: eyeball scene 5. Should these films be banned? Political angle David Cameron hopes to force ISPs to block adult content Conservative party: believes in the importance of a capitalist economy with private ownership rather than state control Labour party: represent the interest of ordinary working people 6. Should these films be banned? Civil liberties one's freedom to exercise one's rights as guaranteed under the laws of the country. how much should we control what people can and cant do? Piracy has risen by 30% in the last 5 years 7. The Human Centipede Another example is the human centipede This film is considered to be 100% medically accurate It is about the joining of three people through the gastric/digestive system to form a human centipede. The three characters must work together to survive 8. Origin The idea came about from a joke by Tom Six on how to punish a child molester by attaching him to a fat truck driver The villain was inspired by German Nazi Doctors such as Josef Mengele who did human experiments during WW2 9. Human Centipede reviews My main focus is Human Centipede Rotten Tomatoes website Mainly negative reviews and ratings with a few positive ratings and reviews. 10. Human Centipede director (Tom Six) tweets and replies to hate comments Which is true but. 11. We live in a society where Minors can easily get a hold of 18+ Horror films Minors and unstable minds are easily influenced to do a copycat e.g. Human centipede 2 film 12. Accessing extreme content New/digital media Thousands of films and websites at a click of a button Difficult to prevent access Quick and easy to share films 13. Bobo doll This was an experiment stating that humans especially minors will mimic violent actions they see on TV 14. The film also affects adults The film isnt aimed at minors Unstable minds may copy cat the film However It is up to the adult themselves if they wish to watch the film 15. Human Centipede two was banned in the UK until 32 cuts were made British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) had "tightened its policy" on films that delight in sexual or sadistic violence 16. BBFC In order to protect children from unsuitable and even harmful content in films and videos and to give consumers information they might need about a particular film or video before deciding whether or not to view it, the BBFC examines and age rates films and videos before they are released. This independent scrutiny prior to release ensures the highest possible level of protection and empowerment. 17. Not everyone finds it gross According to Tom Six, Human Centipede was apparently laughed at by Spanish audiences during screen tests. It may be possible they are desensitized and seen things scarier than that, films such as [REC] 18. Comedy, artists, parodies 19. For me, horror is not about cheap scares, creaking doors, horror is about a life- denying, sickening atmosphere, an utter negativity that is alien to petty, human existence. I agree with 20. My critical investigation Is the media becoming increasingly violent especially with the rise of the genre 'Torture Porn' horror such as 'SAW' and the 'The Human Centipede'? Why is this? And what impact might this have on audiences?