My favourite coun.

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of My favourite coun.

Australia's national day of

celebration is Australia Day,

January 26 of every year.

Sydney Festival (8th January – 30th January 2011)

The great Sydney Festival is all about

dance, theatre, music, visual arts, film,

forums and large scale free outdoor


For three weeks in January the Festival hosts around 80 events where more than 400 artists from Australia and abroad participates.

anzac buiscits .this buiscitsare made without coconuts

A pavlova garnished with strawberries, bananas, kiwifruit and cream.

Queen Victoria Building

which bypassed the

Australia Square Tower and

several others as Sydney’s

tallest structure when it

opened in 1981.

and is currently the second

tallest freestanding structure

in all of Australia.

Sydney Wood Industries

Julia Gillard is the current prime


Australia does not have a

President; it has a Prime


As of February 2012, the

Prime Minister is Julia Gillard.

58.9218 INR

Australia's system of government is based on the liberal democratic tradition, which includes religious tolerance and freedom of speech and association. It's institutions and practices reflect British and North American models but are uniquely Australian.
