My Daily Life Badry

Post on 27-May-2015

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Transcript of My Daily Life Badry

My Daily Life

By Mohamed El Badry

• My name is Mohamed El Badry and I am 17 years old. I am a student at ACIC. I like to hang with my friends, race motorcycles and play soccer with my friends. This is my life from morning to night

I live in 6th October, Palm Hills Resort

• This is my home .

My Room

My Room .

• On weekdays I wake up at 7.a.m to go to school. On the weekends I wake up at around 2 .p.m. I spend most of my time in my room when I am at home. My room is my fortress of solitude. When in my room , I usually just sleep, eat, play videogames or use my computer.

My room

• Studying in my room • Playing Videogames

I go to school at 8.a.m by car


• This is my school, ACIC. I am a student in Grade 10..


• My favorite subject at school is math. This is our math teacher during an algebra class.


• When I have a PE class, I usually go down to our school soccer field and play soccer with my friends.


• I get home at around 4.p.m and the first thing I do is eat because I am usually starved by that time . I usually eat with a friend. My favorite food is boiled Mulokhia soup with garlic flavor together with white rice and fried chicken . By the way , Mulokhia is a kind of green leaf cooked in an oriental way and flavored with garlic . It is the most delicious and most popular Egyptian dinner meal.

After School

• When school is over and I finish all my homework I usually take my motorcycle and practice riding

For Fun

• During my weekends I like to hang out with my friends, relax and forget about all my worries