Mutually’suppor,ve’implementa,on,’ challengesandopons...

Post on 25-Jun-2020

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Transcript of Mutually’suppor,ve’implementa,on,’ challengesandopons...

Mutually  suppor,ve  implementa,on,  challenges  and  op,ons:    

The  Interna,onal  Treaty  and  the    

Nagoya  Protocol    

3  to  4  June  2014,  FAO,  Rome,  Italy  

Madhu Devi Ghimire Under Secretary (Tech.)/GTI Focal Point Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation


 Country  context   Current  Status  of  Nagoya  Protocol  in  Nepal   Strategic  ac7on  plan  (2014-­‐2020)  for  ABS   Key  Challenges  in  the  implementa7on  of  Nagoya  Protocol  

 Ways  forward  to  address  the  challenges  

 NEPAL:  Society  and  Culture  

•  Rich  in  cultural,  ecological  and  biological  diversity  

•   Over  26  million  people  live  in  agriculture  dominant  environment  

•   Heavy  dependency  on  forest  resources  

•  Post  conflict  transi7on  

•  Newly  elected  parliament  and  freshly  formed  government  

•  S7ll  Lack  of  local  governments    

•  Formula7on  of  a  New  Cons7tu7on  is  a  key  mandate  of  present  Parliament  


•  Total  area  -­‐  147,181  square  kilometers    •  39.6%    forest  cover  (5.8  M  ha)  •  26.6  million  people  •  32%  managed  by  the  community  •  68%  by  the  government    

Forest-­‐29.9%   Shrub-­‐10%   Rock/barren-­‐31%   Agriculture  land-­‐29.71%  

Total  PAs  =  20  Nos.  Total  Area  =34,193  km2  (23.23%)  Na,onal  Park  =  10  Nos.  Conserva,on  Area  =  6  Nos.  Wildlife  Reserve  =  3  Hun,ng  Reserve  =  1  

BIODIVERSITY  RICHNESS  -­‐  Global  Share  (%)  


Forest  management  Regimes  in  Nepal  


State  owned  Forests    

Community  Managed  Forests  

Community  Forests  

Leasehold  Forests  

Religious  Forests  

Collabora,ve  Forests  

State  Managed    Forests  

Forests  under  

PA  System  

Private  owned  forests  

Organiza,onal  Structure  

CBD  Focal  Point  

ITPGRFA  Focal  Point  

  Party  to  CBD  in  1994  

1.  Nepal  Prepared:-­‐  

   Na7onal  Biodiversity  Strategy  (NBS)  2002  

  Nepal  Biodiversity  Strategy  Implementa7on  Plan(NBSIP)  2006-­‐2010.    

  Nepal  Fi`h  Na7onal  report  to  the  CBD  (submiaed  on  28  March  2014)  

2.    Is  in  the  process  of  prepara7on  of:-­‐    

  National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), 2014-2020

Nepal's  Effort  to  CBD  

 Nepal  has  made  some  progress  towards  achieving  the  third  objec7ve  of  CBD-­‐The  fair  and  equitable  sharing  of  benefits  arising  out  of  the  u7liza7on  of  gene7c  resources  

 Widespread  involvement  of  local  people  in  the  management  and  use  of  local  biological  resources  by  communi7es/  CFUGs/BZCFUGs  

 Interim  cons7tu7on,  2007  of  Nepal,  makes  the  government  responsible  for  protec7on  of  biodiversity,  its  sustainable  use    and  for  equitable  distribu7on  of  the  benefits  derived  from  them  

Nepal'  Effort  to  CBD  Contd...  

•  National Level Nepal Biodiversity Coordination Committee NBCC has been formed for Coordi. and Monitoring (25-members proposed by NBSAP (2014-2020)

Institutional Arrangements


SN Designation and Organization Position in NBCC

1 Honorable Minister, Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation Chairperson 2 Honorable Member (Agriculture and Rural Development Portfolio), National Planning Commission Member 3 Secretary, Ministry of Agricultural Development Member 4 Secretary, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Member 5 Secretary, Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development Member 6 Secretary, Ministry of Energy Member 7 Secretary, Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport Member 8 Secretary, Ministry of Finance Member 9 Professor, Tribhuwan University Member 10 Professor, Agriculture and Forest University Member 11 President, Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries Member 12 Senior Official, National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities Member

13 Chairperson, Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities Member 14 Country Representative, IUCN Nepal Member 15 Representative of a conservation I/NGO Member 16 Chairperson, FECOFUN Member 17 Chairperson, National Federation of Buffer Zone Development Council Member 18 Representative of Farmers Member 19 Two independent biodiversity experts (at least one woman) Members (2) 20 Coordinators of thematic sub-committees on Forest and Protected Areas; Agrobiodiversity;

Biosecurity; and Monitoring and Evaluation Members (4)

21 Secretary, Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation Member Secretary

Forest Biodiversity  Chair person- Joint secretary, MFSC  DG-Department of Forests  DDG-Department of national Parks and Wildlife Conservation  Joint Secretary-Ministry of Agriculture Development  

Agricultural Biodiversity  Chair person-Joint Secretary, Ministry of

Agriculture Development  Representative-Nepal Agriculture

Research Council  DG-Department of Agriculture  DG-Department of Forest Research and

Survey  Sustainable use of Biological Resources  Chair person-Department head, Department of Botany  DG, Department of plant Resources  Joint secretary, Ministry of Agriculture Development  Nepal Academy of Science and Technology  

Genetic Resources  Chair person-DG, Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation  DDG-Department of Plant Resources  Independent expert  Joint secretary, Ministry of Agriculture Development  

Biosecurity  Chair person-Secretary, Ministry of Science

Technology and Environment  DG, Department of Food Quality Control  Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health and

Population  Focal point, Biosafety protocol  

Structure  of  Thema,c  sub-­‐commiaee  

Implementa,on  Status  of  Nagoya  

Protocol  in  Nepal   Ministry  of  Forest  and  Soil  Conserva7on  has    dra`ed  an  Access  to  Gene7c  Resources  and  Benefit  sharing  Bill,  which  is  yet  to  be  finalized  and  enacted.    

 More  over,  Nepal  is  yet  to  ra7fy  the  Nagoya  Protocol  on  Access  and  Benefit  Sharing.  

 The  Nepal  Biodiversity  Strategy  and  Ac7on  Plan  (2014-­‐2020)  which  is  yet  to  be  finalized,  has  set  strategic  plans  for  6  major  themes  and  15  cross  cuhng  themes.  

Strategic  ac,on  plan  (2014-­‐2020)  for  ABS  

 Ra7fica7on  and  implementa7on  of  the  Nagoya  protocol  on  Access  to  Gene7c  Resources  and  the  Fair  and  Equitable  Sharing  of  Benefits  arising  from  their  U7liza7on  by  2015  

 Finaliza7on  and  enactment  of  Access  to  Gene7c  Resources  and  Benefit  sharing  Bill  by  2016,  in  order  to  promote  legal  base  for  access  to  gene7c  resources  on  the  basis  of  free  and  prior  informed  consent  and  mutually  agreed  terms  and  the  fair  and  equitable  sharing  of  the  benefits  arising  from  the  u7liza7on  of  gene7c  resources  and  associated  tradi7onal  knowledge  

 Development  of  a  community  biodiversity  protocol.  

Key  Challenges  

 Nepal  is  in  Post  conflict  transi7on   Lack  of  local  governments   Weak  ins7tu7onal  capacity   Insufficient  resources  (technology  and  skilled  human)  

 Diversified  ethnici7es,  casts,  right  holders,  stakeholders  and  poli7cal  par7es  -­‐  hard  to  be  in  consensus  

 Low  level  of  awareness,  research  and  development   Open  market  and  weak  quaran7ne  surveillances  

Ways  forward   Forma7on  of  local  governments  

 Formula7on/Development  of  the  New  Cons7tu7on  of  Nepal  (Amendments  of  Acts,  regula7ons)  

 Strengthening  ins7tu7onal  and  technological    capacity  and  enhance  good  governance  

 Consensus  among  all  casts,  ethnic  groups,  right  holders,  stakeholders  and  poli7cal  par7es  

 Ra7fica7on  of  The  Nagoya  Protocol  on  Access  to  Gene7c  Resources  and  the  Fair  and  Equitable  Sharing  of  Benefits  Arising  from  their  U7liza7on  

Ways  forward  Contd...   Finaliza7on  and  enactment  of  The  Gene7c  Resources  and  Benefit  Sharing  Bill,  in  order  to  provide  legal  base  for  access  to  gene7c  resources  and  the  fair  and  equitable  sharing  of  benefits  arising  from  their  u7liza7on  .  

 Formula7on  and  enactment  of  A  sui  generis  legisla7on  for  protec7on  of  plant  varie7es  with  the  aim  to  provide  legal  ownership  to  farmers  for  their  varie7es  and  knowledge  and  also  substan7ve  rights  provided  to  the  farmers  by  the  Agro-­‐Biodiversity  Policy.