Music video analysis_work_beyonce

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Music video analysis_work_beyonce

Music Video Analysis

Comment on the following aspects in relation to your music video choice. How will these techniques appeal to the target audience needs?

Target Audience & needs

Teenagers from the age of 16+, maybe even some young adults of the age of around 21-25.

Lyrics ‘Id listen to her, cause I know how it hurts’ ‘if I were a boy’ – These lyrics show the song is about a relationship that could possibly be on the rocks because the girl in the relationship feels she isn’t getting any respect or attention from her boyfriend.

Tempo Slow song.

Genre RnB.

Camera Technique Close ups, shot reverse shot, over the shoulder shots, mid shots and long shots are all used throughout this video. The camera techniques used add effect and emotion to the video. There are even close ups of eyes to show the sadness and the face to emphasise the emotions.

Editing Black and white footage throughout the whole video.

Use of digital effects