music is the language of life

Post on 24-Mar-2016

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Transcript of music is the language of life

raji khan


by Raji Khan on Sunday,




Profile pics raji khan

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Çünkü bir süre sonra sizin düşünceleriniz haline

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Merken sie die Songs, die Sie hören die Nachrichten

Unterbewusstsein haben Einfluss auf die Zukunft sind

Ihnen bekannt? Denn nach einer Weile verwandeln Sie

Ihre Meinung zu Unterbewust. Oft begleiten uns sie ,

sei es in Wort oder Gechpräch , wenn Sie Ihr Gehirn

abschaltet haben sind die Töne immernoch aktiv

.verdsuchen sie es zu Stoppen. Und die Stimmung ist

nicht nur ein Augenblick, alle Auswirkungen auf Ihr

ganzes Leben. Vergewissern Sie sich, hören Sie Musik


Remember the songs you hear are the messages

subconscious have influence on the future you know?

Because after a while you turn your thoughts . We often

accompany them, whether in word or conference . if

you switch off your brain, the sounds are still active.

Try to stop it . And the mood is not just a moment, all

impact on your life. Make sure you listen to music


KHAN take an headphone and try 10 minutes every day

after work stress and daily activities also by doing

helaing Phrana yoga meditation reiki etc.. I hide a

frequencies down to tracks each track includes THATA

waves with same freuquency by the thelepatic

morphogenetic waves of the Brain produces to relax we

used here extraordinary intruments like Bowls of

Planets /Moog orgel of 60ies/midi keyboards

waterdrops/ planetary sounds like jupiter moon etc.. as

known by tibetian as PLANET BOWLS they heard by

meditation 100 years before we discovered the

univerasl sound now see NADA BRAHMAS

explanations of 1960 ies practice now and test take

headphone possibliy good quality one hear the tracks

from 1-4-10 each includes different waves kharacter

remember whar you saw and dream write me mail or

command block here + see my other tracks

/essenceofaulia /phrasantamusic /shamballamusic have

a nice trip to astral wavez of universe * Induces theta

wave activity within 10 minutes. Works every time as

measured by electoencephalograph. thata meditation *

The type of brainwave activity classically associated

with astral projection, remote viewing, past life

regression work and psychic activity. * It can also be

used to balance serotonin and melatonin levels in cases

of jet lag, insomnia and depression. * Induces the

awakened theta state. Ideal for more advanced students

and who are accustomed to the effects of alpha

meditation and feel ready to progress to the next step. *

Suffering stress and the need to chill out is a familiar

state for many of us. Our world is fast, furious and

exciting. It can also be challenging, trying, demanding

and frightening. All of these situations produce stress,

emotional reactions, anxiety, worry and anticipation.

Our bodies react to this in many ways. We produce far

more adrenalin than we need. * How much more

effective would you be if you could control this daily

stress * How would it improve your job prospects *

How would it improve your family life * How would it

improve your health ImageHow Does it Work ?

Accurately calibrated sine wave frequency generators

were used to generate different frequencies in each ear.

The meditation music from astral space music of the

universe ASOU course works through the alpha level,

theta level and delta level in sequence. Each level has

its own unique meditative charactersistics. You will

find more information about the different levels The

meditation course contains the full versions of the alpha

, thata & delta inductions.

Read more:

DJ RAJI IS RAJI KHAN dj raji or band

SUFIXNATION ॐ ओम , Shanti,

shanti, shanti









take an headphone and try 10 minutes every day after work

stress and daily activities also by doing helaing Phrana yoga

meditation reiki etc..

I hide a frequencies down to tracks each track includes

THATA waves with same freuquency by the thelapatic

morphogenetic waves of the Brain produces to relax

we used here extraordinary intruments like Bowls of Planets

/Moog orgel of 60ies/midi keyboards waterdrops/ planetary

sounds like jupiter moon etc.. as known by tibetian as

PLANET BOWLS they heard by meditation 100 years before

we discovered the univerasl sound now see NADA

BRAHMAS explanations of 1960 ies

practice now and test take headphone possibliy good quality


hear the tracks from 1-4-10 each includes different waves


remember whar you saw and dream

write me mail


see my other tracks

have a nice trip to astral wavez of universe *

Induces theta wave activity within 10 minutes. Works

every time as measured by electoencephalograph. thata



The type of brainwave activity classically associated with

astral projection, remote viewing, past life regression work

and psychic activity.


It can also be used to balance serotonin and melatonin

levels in cases of jet lag, insomnia and depression.


Induces the awakened theta state. Ideal for more advanced

students and who are accustomed to the effects of alpha

meditation and feel ready to progress to the next step.


Suffering stress and the need to chill out is a familiar state for

many of us. Our world is fast, furious and exciting. It can also

be challenging, trying, demanding and frightening. All of

these situations produce stress, emotional reactions, anxiety,

worry and anticipation. Our bodies react to this in many ways.

We produce far more adrenalin than we need.

* How much more effective would you be if you could

control this daily stress

* How would it improve your job prospects

* How would it improve your family life

* How would it improve your health

ImageHow Does it Work ?

Eine noch viel erstaunlichere Entdeckung der Forscher am Institute of Heart Math ist aber das

ungeheure Magnetfeld des Herzens: Die elektrische Komponente dieses Feldes ist etwa 60-

mal stärker als die des Gehirns, die magnetische sogar bis zu 5000-mal und kann noch

mehrere Meter vom Körper entfernt gemessen werden.

Dieses Herz-Feld pulsiert und sendet komplexe rhythmische Muster durch den ganzen

Körper, wodurch es offenbar eine Vielzahl von Prozessen beeinflusst - auch unser Gehirn

synchronisiert sich immer wieder auf diesen elektromagnetischen Puls. In Entspannung und

Freude synchronisieren sich auch Atem und Blutdruck. Das Herz-Feld könnte damit das

synchronisierende Signal für den ganzen Körper bereitstellen, auf das wir uns bewusst

einstimmen können, um sozusagen in Harmonie mit dem Herzen zu schwingen.

Wenig überraschend ist es da, wenn die Forscher am Institue of Heart Math berichten, dass

negative Emotionen ein sehr gestörtes rhythmisches Muster hervorrufen, während, Liebe,

Freude und andere positive Emotionen sehr harmonische und gleichmäßige Felder erzeugen,

wie man anhand von einer Spektralanalyse des Herz-Feldes nachweisen konnte.

Herzverbindung - die Synchronisation der Herzen

Welche Bedeutung hat das für unsere Beziehungen? Schließlich wurde nun schon mehrfach

nachgewiesen, dass sich auch die Gehirne von Menschen während eines tiefen Gesprächs

soweit synchronisieren, bis die Gehirnwellen völlig identische und deckungsgleiche Muster

aufweisen. McCraty und sein Team haben diese Forschung nun erweitert und glauben, dass

das Herz in diesem Prozess eine wichtige Rolle spielen könnte.

"Experimente am Institute of HeartMath haben bemerkenswerte Hinweise darauf geliefert,

dass das elektromagnetische Feld des Herzen Informationen zwischen Menschen übertragen

kann. Wir konnten einen Austausch von Herz-Energie zwischen Individuen messen, die bis zu

1,5 Meter voneinander entfernt waren. [... ] Die Ergebnisse dieser Versuche haben uns

veranlasst zu folgern, dass das Nervensystem als eine Art "Antenne" fungiert, die auf die

elektromagnetischen Felder eingestimmt ist, die von den Herzen anderer Individuen erzeugt

werden und auf diese reagiert. Wir glauben, diese Fähigkeit zum Austausch von

energetischen Informationen ist eine angeborene Fähigkeit, welche das Gewahrsein erhöht

und wichtige Aspekte wahrer Empathie und Sensibilität für andere vermittelt."

Das Herz als Hormondrüse

Aber auch ganz biologisch tut das Herz weit mehr, als nur zu pumpen: In den achtziger Jahren

wurde das Herz erstmals als eine Hormondrüse klassifiziert. Im Nervensystem des Herzens

werden genau wie im Gehirn verschiedene Neurotransmitter und Hormone ausgeschüttet, die

Einfluss auf den ganzen Körper haben. Noradrenalin, Dopamin und Oxytocin sind die

wichtigsten dieser Hormone, wobei Oxytocin vor allem deshalb interessant ist, weil es als das

"Liebes-Hormon" gilt, das maßgeblich Mutterliebe, Verbundenheit, Toleranz, Verständnis

und soziales Verhalten beeinflusst.

Vom Kopf ins Herz

Hat der kleine Prinz also tatsächlich recht? Und nebenbei auch all die Indianer, weisen

Männer und Frauen, Meister und Gurus, die uns seit Hunderten von Jahren raten, dem Herz

zu folgen. Zumindest kommen wir scheinbar dem Mysterium des Herzens immer näher,

jenem Ort, der so nah sein soll bei Gott, der die Welt mit dem Absoluten verbindet und die

Erde mit dem Himmel.

"Das ganze Universum ist im Körper enthalten, der ganze Körper im Herzen. So ist das Herz

der Kern des ganzen Universums."(Ramana Maharshi)

Culture resonance my children Atiya Sadretdin zainab Javiera



Ivana musik und sozial pädogogin

Nini sängerin

Christian digerodoo meister und Philosof

Pam pedägogin und sängerin

Wir 1996

Anna sängerin Schweden

Peggy Industrie und multimedia desighnerin


Julia sängerin minden

Dagmara(componistin berlin)

Isabel mode desighnerin und Goa klommoten desighnerin


Ruth Pedägogin

Sadre my son Goldsmith musician dj

Death metal band malasia and Clayton Australia

Julia musician /mother/sozialworkshops Autralia

David and christian musicians

African musicians

Ruth mother 5 children and singer songwriter

Pam sozial artworks

Dagmara componist berlin

khan räpperin from berlin

Ellen musician and hang player

Culture resonace

Kristin shey singer songwriter

Uwe Sitar player bielefeld

pathma sri lanka


minutes every day after work stress and daily activities also by doing helaing Phrana yoga

meditation reiki etc.. I hide a frequencies down to tracks each track includes THATA waves

with same freuquency by the thelapatic morphogenetic waves of the Brain produces to relax

we used here extraordinary intruments like Bowls of Planets /Moog orgel of 60ies/midi

keyboards waterdrops/ planetary sounds like jupiter moon etc.. as known by tibetian as

PLANET BOWLS they heard by meditation 100 years before we discovered the univerasl

sound now see NADA BRAHMAS explanations of 1960 ies practice now and test take

headphone possibliy good quality one hear the tracks from 1-4-10 each includes different

waves kharacter remember whar you saw and dream write me mail or command block here +

see my other tracks /essenceofaulia /phrasantamusic /shamballamusic have a nice trip to astral

wavez of universe * Induces theta wave activity within 10 minutes. Works every time as

measured by electoencephalograph. thata meditation * The type of brainwave activity

classically associated with astral projection, remote viewing, past life regression work and

psychic activity. * It can also be used to balance serotonin and melatonin levels in cases of jet

lag, insomnia and depression. * Induces the awakened theta state. Ideal for more advanced

students and who are accustomed to the effects of alpha meditation and feel ready to progress

to the next step. * Suffering stress and the need to chill out is a familiar state for many of us.

Our world is fast, furious and exciting. It can also be challenging, trying, demanding and

frightening. All of these situations produce stress, emotional reactions, anxiety, worry and

anticipation. Our bodies react to this in many ways. We produce far more adrenalin than we

need. * How much more effective would you be if you could control this daily stress * How

would it improve your job prospects * How would it improve your family life * How would it

improve your health ImageHow Does it Work ? Accurately calibrated sine wave frequency

generators were used to generate different frequencies in each ear. The meditation music from

astral space music of the universe ASOU course works through the alpha level, theta level and

delta level in sequence. Each level has its own unique meditative charactersistics. You will

find more information about the different levels The meditation course contains the full

versions of the alpha , thata & delta inductions.

Read more:

Jana foto designerin and film maker

Sarah mode desgnerin singer

Melanie artist and sculpture desighner

Thorsten sizia network and singer

Shanjai sozial network musician

My band smaraghd 2000 uni /fest der kulturen

musician I learned in Amsterdam

Externstones germany

fissroy regae singer jamaica

Djane hajria zainab lax

Cultux ferox berlin

Shilan &nina


jazz festival moers

Ugur istanbul singer songwriter

Hiltie and co in Bilefeld

Nazic Münich /singer /shaman

Toma Berlin /sozial networks and Violinplayer singer (sophran)

Sadretdin lax My son SITAR player

Atiya lax drummer and percusionist

Elina singer topmodel berlin

Jennia bielefeld ozial. N. w indian katak tanz

Liza Heinzel Film


liza heinzel Heinzel film P

Imtiaz Hussain Pakistan BulBul Trank

Harp berlin




doreen berlin film producent phrana healer

Shilan anderson hang player

Christina zurich

Janett berlin

Tara berlin singer songwriter bajan singer

Gökhan Kirdar Componist Istanbul electro dj

Norma Eastsee

Christina rojeck zurich Violin plyaer artist

Jenny bielefeld jazz singer songwriter


mode desighn

Yvonne porta Therapist

Sibel bielfeld artist mother

Louise christal child