Muscle Building Made Simple

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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A fitness and bodybuilding guide for beginers to understand the basics of this sport and how to build muscle

Transcript of Muscle Building Made Simple

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Copyright Notice

Published By:

Taylor Thompson

Salem, OR 97306

Copyright © 2012 All material in this guide is, unless otherwise

stated, the property of Taylor Thompson. Copyright and other

intellectual property laws protect these materials.

Reproduction or retransmission of the materials, in whole or in

part, in any manner, without the prior written consent of the

copyright holder, is a violation of copyright law.

Page 2

All the information in “Muscle Building Made Simple” is for

educational and resource purposes only. It is not a substitute

for or an addition to any advice given to you by your physician

or health care provider.

Consult your physician before making any changes to your

lifestyle, diet, or exercise habits. You are solely responsible for

the way information from “Muscle Building Made Simple" is

perceived or utilized and so, you do so at your own risk.

In no way will Taylor Thompson or any persons associated with or “Muscle Building Made Simple”

be held responsible for any injuries or problems that may occur

due to the use of this eBook or the advice contained within.

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Chapter 1 The Truth............................................................................Page 4

Chapter 2 Don't Screw this Up............................................................Page 7

Chapter 3 Nutrition for Serious Growth..............................................Page 9

Chapter 4 Building Muscle in Your Sleep..........................................Page 16

Chapter 5 Training for Size................................................................Page 20

Chapter 6 P90X for Size?...................................................................Page 31

Chapter 7 What Next.........................................................................Page 34

Chapter 8 Muscle Building Made Simple Workout...........................Page 35

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The buffest guys don't always have the best advice.

You want to know the truth?

Most of the muscular guys you're getting advice from, along

with the blogs, forums, and articles that you read are written by

guys who are already naturally muscular.

These guys were blessed with a mesomorph body type, and

were genetically made up to be muscular from the day they

were born. These are the same guys that can pretty much do

whatever they want to do, and still build muscle.

Like you, I'm an ectomorph.

Also known as the "genetic

opposite" of mesomorph.

Here's a diagram ==========>

We have an extremely difficult time

gaining weight.

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As ectomorphs, we have a damn near impossible time putting

on any weight at all.

We can eat




potato chips,



a whole buffet for that matter,

and not gain any weight.

I however, I'm no longer skinny. (see next page for images)

Well, not anymore.

As you read this guide, remember that I was once where you

are today. But by applying everything in this guide, I was able to

see some serious muscle gains.

No matter how skinny you are, you can do it too!

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Page 7

Don't Screw this Up

Before you skip down to the training routine like 99% of the

guys that read this guide will mistakenly do, you need to

understand the importance of reading all of the content within

this book.

By reading this book in its entirety, and following each step, you

will build SERIOUS muscle mass!

But unless you understand all of the content within, then this

program, and no other program will ever work for you.


50% of your muscle gains come from diet.

30% of your muscle gains come from training.

20% of your muscle gains come from rest.

Skipping to the training routine is a surefire way to fail before

you even have a chance to build muscle.

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I worked out for 3 years and didn't see any gains, because I

only followed the training portion of this guide, and not the

guide in its entirety.

So take your time.

Read the whole thing.

And take action!

Once you've read this guide, follow the plan, and you will

build serious muscle. :)

Page 9

Nutrition for Serious Growth!

Before anything else, you need to get your diet right. If your

diet is out of whack, you're not going to build any muscle.

You want to be big? You have to eat big.

You can do it, and I'm going to teach you how...

In order for you to build muscle, you need to get 2 things right:

1. You need to have a caloric surplus,

2. and you need to be consuming enough protein.

Without eating enough calories, and protein, your body will not

have the energy it needs in order for it to grow. So in this

section, I'm going to teach you:

1. How to calculate calories needed so you can make gains.

2. How to break down your calories throughout the day.

3. About macro nutrients, and why they're important.

4. Exactly what to eat post-workout.

5. and the Importance of Vegetables in muscle building.

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1. Calculate Your Caloric Surplus.

If you’re going to build muscle, you must eat enough food in

order for your body to grow. Again, a caloric surplus is an

absolute must.

1. To calculate your calorie needs to build muscle, you're going

to want to go to this page.

2. Scroll down to the calculator.

3. In the calculator, choose 'Imperial,' to calculate in feet and


4. Enter your credentials into the calculator.

5. Next to 'Goal,' choose maintain current weight.

6. Choose your activity level.

7. To gain 1 lb a week, add 500 calories to the intake shown in

the calculator.

8. To gain 2 lbs a week, add 1000 calories to the intake shown

in the calculator.

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9. Eat your recommended caloric intake each day; Even on non-

training days.

10. Each time you go without gaining weight for 2 weeks,

increase intake by 250 calories.

2. Breakdown Your Caloric Intake Into 3 to 6 Daily Meals.

You're going to want to eat between 3 and 6 meals a day.

Simply divide the number of calories from step 1 above, into

between 3 and 6 equal meals a day.

The 6 meals a day thing is a scam. You don't need to eat 6 small

meals a day to build muscle. But at the very least, you should

consume 3 meals a day.

I usually consume between 4 to 5 meals a day, but again, it's all

by preference. As long as you have your calorie surplus and

enough protein at the end of the day, you will build muscle.

3. Macro Nutrients.

Macros is just another way of saying that you're going to track

your carb, protein, and fat percentages.

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You should be getting 50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fat.

To get your proper recommendations for carbs, proteins, and

fats, take your daily recommended caloric intake, and multiply

it by:

Daily caloric intake * .50 = Calories you need from carbs.

Daily caloric intake * .30 = Calories you need from protein.

Daily caloric intake * .20 = Calories you need from fats.

Example: If you need 3,000 calories a day to build 1 pound of

muscle per week, then you would take:

3,000 * .50 = 1,500 Calories from carbs

3,000 * .30 = 900 Calories from protein.

3,000 * .20 = 600 Calories from fat.

To convert these calories into grams, as written on the

nutritional labels, you need to know that:

Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 calories

Protein: 1 gram = 4 calories

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Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories

Therefore, back to the 3,000 calorie example, you would take

the following numbers and divide them:

1,500 Calories from carbs / 4 = 375 grams of carbs

900 Calories from protein / 4 = 225 grams of protein

600 Calories from fat / 9 = 66 grams of fat.

And you would then have your daily recommended

macronutrients, prime for building muscle.

Fun Fact: My favorite cheat meal for skinny guys: A milkshake.

:) Seriously. I'll hit up Jack in the Box just for extra calories. And

no, it won't make you fat. Just don't do it every day.

4. Post Workout Nutrition.

Eating exactly the right foods after you workout can be the

difference between building, and not building muscle.

For your post workout meal, you're going to need 4 things... So

many guys screw this up, because they only take protein

powder, or don't eat at all.

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If you're only taking protein powder post workout, or you're

not eating at all, you're going to stay skinny!

Here is what you need post workout:

1. Protein - Building blocks of muscle.

2. Complex Carbs - Long-lasting energy.

3. Simple Carbs - Insulin boost for fast energy.

4. Greens - To keep your body alkaline.

Follow these steps for the perfect post workout meal, which I

will also be discussing in one of my VIP videos, which you will

receive in your email:

1. 1 scoop of protein powder.

2. 1/2 cup of uncooked oatmeal.

3. 1 tbsp of honey.

4. 1/2 cup of spinach.

5. Put it all into a blender and add water, or milk.

6. Blend & Consume.

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With milk, this shake is 500+ calories, depending on the specific

brands of that products that you use.

With that, you have an optimal post workout shake for serious

muscle gains.

Always take this shake right after you workout, or within at

least an hour after working out.

If you wait longer than an hour for post workout nutrition,

you'll enter a catabolic state, and lose muscle.

5. 1/2 Cup of Vegetables at Each Meal.

Vegetables are extremely important, because they keep your

body in an alkaline state, which allows your body to burn fat,

build muscle, and stay healthy.

Without vegetables, your body stays in an acidic state, causing

you to store fat, lose muscle, and be more prone to illness.

To stay healthy, you should consume 1/2 cup of vegetables

each meal.

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Building Muscle in Your Sleep

Want to know the SHOCKING truth about building muscle, and

turning your body into a jacked fitness machine?

You don't build muscle while you're working out in the gym.

You actually build muscle while you're home, sleeping in your

bed, or sitting on your couch watching TV.


When you're in the gym lifting weights, you're actually breaking

down your muscles.

You get sore because of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, also

known as DOMS.

DOMS causes microscopic tears within your muscles 24 to 48

hours post workout, which is why soreness usually doesn't

kick in until the next morning of a workout.

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Sleep is important because your body releases a natural

growth hormone within the first hour of you falling asleep,

and then once every 90 minutes after the initial release.

These natural growth hormones repair damaged muscles, and

also help your body reproduce new cells.

(I took a psychology and nutrition class in college).

During sleep, your body also releases testosterone, which also

aids in muscle recovery.

Go figure.

When it comes to building muscle, you need at least 8 HOURS

of sleep each night. That figure is relative.

A good rule of thumb is this:

If you're waking up in the morning naturally, without an alarm

clock, then you've gotten enough sleep.

If, however, your alarm clock is waking you up, and you're tired

and groggy, you need more sleep.

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Here are 4 important rules to remember:

1. You don't build muscle in the gym.

Contrary to popular belief, you don't build muscle while you're

working out in the gym. You actually build muscle during the

recovery process. If you give your body the right food,

supplements, and correct amount of sleep, you will build


2. You should get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of muscle building.

Sleep allows your body to recover properly, and also gives you

the fuel that you need to do the next day's workout. If you have

a difficult time falling asleep, melatonin is a great, all-natural

supplement that was even recommended by Dr. Oz.

3. Don't do more cardio than recommended.

If you're a runner trying to build muscle, that can be a problem.

Plyometrics and Kenpo-X were removed from the P90X bulking

schedule so you can store the calories you need in order for

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your body to grow. If you're going to be running quite often,

you need to either increase your caloric intake, or stop running.

4. Use your off days.

Working out can be a rewarding experience, but not taking off

days can actually have an adverse effect on your muscle

building efforts. When you have an off day, you need to use it

as an off day. Rest, play video games, watch movies, and stick

to your diet. Rest days are rewards. Use them to your

advantage, and you will build more muscle.

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There are many ways to train... That's the truth. I'm simply

here to tell you what has worked for me, and that I know, will

also give you the body that you want!

Like I always say, "If it ain't broke, why fix it?"

The following strategies I'm about to hook you up with work

extremely well for skinny guys --- even if you've never been

able to build muscle before, you will get serious results with

this program.

1. Don't Start Training Until You've Read This.

50% of your muscle gains come from diet.

30% of your muscle gains come from training.

20% of your muscle gains come from rest.

Do NOT start this routine until you have your diet, training, and

rest all in order. You need all 3 pieces of the puzzle if you're

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going to make gains, and this guide is going to show you how to

correctly put together each piece.

Pay close attention because I'm going to be extremely blunt.

Training is completely POINTLESS unless you have your diet

and rest in order. Again, you will NOT build muscle unless

you're also diet and resting properly.

The reason I emphasize this is because I trained for 3 years

without gaining a single pound, and I don't want you to make

the same mistake that I made.

2. What Days Should I Workout On?

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to hit the gym 7, 6,

5, or even 4 days a week to build muscle. All you really need is 3

days a week.

On the next page, you will see my recommended training

schedule. WRITE THIS DOWN, and if necessary, adjust your

schedule accordingly.

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This is the muscle building schedule I recommend for skinny

guys who are just starting out:

Sunday - Off

Monday - Chest, Triceps, and Abs.

Tuesday - Off

Wednesday - Back, Biceps, and Abs.

Thursday - Off

Friday - Legs, Shoulders, and Abs.

If you absolutely love hitting the gym, and you're looking to get

results even more quickly, I'll mention my Hybrid training

program at the end of this guide, so stay tuned for that.

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3. What Lifts Do I Do in the Gym?

This is probably the #1 question that I am asked almost on a

daily basis. A lot of skinny guys are skinny, because they just

don't know what to do once they get to the gym.

Maybe they'll do a few sets of bicep curls or a few sets on the

bench press, but that's about it.

Don't make that mistake.

If you're going to build muscular size, you're going to want to

train your entire body, and you're going to want to do the big

compound lifts, which increase your testosterone levels, and

allow you to build the most size.

The following lifts will build you the most muscle:

1. Bench Press,

2. Squats,

3. Deadlifts,

4. Rows,

5. and Lat Pull Downs.

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4. Should I Do Any Other Lifts?

You should definitely also do the follow lifts, as a part of the big

compound lifts that I mentioned above.

Not to worry, in step 5, I'll put everything together, combining

the big lifts with the other smaller lifts, hooking you up with a

complete bodybuilding routine.


Incline Bench Press

Decline Bench Press



Tricep Pushdowns

Skull Crushers

Overhead Tricep Extensions


One-Arm Rows

Page 25

Bent Over Rows

Seated Rows


Alternating Dumbbell Curls

Concentration Curls

Alternating Supination Curls



Calf Raises


Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Upright Rows

Shoulder Flys

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5. Putting It Altogether.

Now that you know exactly what lifts to do to build muscle, let's

put them altogether for a complete muscle building routine.

Remember, you're going to want to do 3 SETS for each exercise,

at 10 to 12 REPS for each set.


1. Bench Press

2. Incline Bench Press

3. Decline Bench Press

4. Dumbbell Chest Flys


1. Tricep Pushdowns

2. Bench Dips

3. Overhead Tricep Extensions


1. Lat Pull Downs or Pull Ups

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2. One-Arm Rows

3. Bent Over Rows

4. Seated Rows


1. Alternating Dumbbell Curls

2. Barbell Curls

3. Alternating Supination Curls


1. Squats

2. Lunges

3. Deadlifts

4. Calf Raises


1. Dumbbell Shoulder Press

2. Upright Rows

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3. Shoulder Flys

You will notice that for the bigger muscle groups, (chest, back,

and legs) you will do a total of 4 different exercises, whereas,

with smaller muscle groups, (triceps, biceps, and shoulders) you

will do a total of 3 different exercises.




6. You Should NOT Lift Heavy to Build Muscle.

"You need to lift heavy to build muscle."

You've probably heard that before, but the fact of the matter is

lifting heavy to build muscle is not optimal for gaining size.

Lifting heavy targets a specific type of training called

myofibrillar hypertrophy. Training for myofibrillar hypertrophy

will allow you to build strength, without building size, and

therefore, you will stay skinny, but become really strong.

You want to not only be strong, but look strong as well, right?

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If so, you're going to want to train for sarcoplasmic

hypertrophy. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy focuses on increasing

the size of the muscle by increasing the sarcoplasmic fluid

within the muscle.

All gibberish, right?

All you need to remember is that if you're looking to build

muscular size, you're going to want to lift at a rep range of 10

to 12 repetitions per each exercise.

7. What About Cardio and Other Sports?

Don't do cardio.

Cardio will actually prevent you from building muscle, because

it will prevent you from storing enough calories in order for

your body to grow.

If you're an athlete, then you're going to probably be stuck with

doing cardio.

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If you don't have a choice, but to do cardio, then you're going

to want to increase your caloric intake, based on how much

cardio you do.

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P90X for Size

If you're interested in following the P90X program, I have re-

introduced the P90X for Size program in this guide. Before you

jump down to the P90X for Size schedule, please read my new

perspective on P90X:

1. My New Perspective on P90X.

Look, man, don't get me wrong. I love P90X. This was the first

program that I ever used to build muscle. It's the first program

that ever gave me any true results.

P90X is a great program, because it will help you build muscle.

But would you build more muscle in a shorter amount of time if

you had the ability to perform squats, deadlifts, bench press, lat

pull downs, and bent over rows with a heavier weight?


Let's just put it this way...

What do you think is a more effective muscle building exercise?

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Push Ups or Bench Press?

Bench Press...

P90X is a good program, and you will get results, but if you're

looking for the "wow factor," then you're going to perform

those 5 big compound lifts that I mentioned above.

You want serious muscle gains, right?

Then P90X probably isn't the program for you.

If you're just looking for a little size, and an overall fitness

program, then P90X is for you.

2. P90X for Size Schedule.

This schedule really focuses on building muscle with P90X, and

removes the intense cardio sessions from the program. To

really build size with P90X, follow a high calorie diet.

See schedule on next page...

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Block 1, phase 1

Weeks 1 through 3

Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps

Day 2: Cardio X, Ab Ripper X

Day 3: Legs & Back

Day 4: X Stretch; Ab Ripper X or Abs/Core Plus

Day 5: Back & Biceps

Day 6: Yoga X or Off*

Day 7: Off

Reps: 8 to 12, but focus on 10 to 12.

Block 1, phase 2

Weeks 4 through 6

Day 1: Chest & Back

Day 2: Cardio X, Ab Ripper X

Day 3: Shoulders & Arms

Day 4: X Stretch; Ab Ripper X or Abs/Core Plus

Day 5: Legs & Back

Day 6: Yoga X or Off*

Day 7: Off

Reps: 8 to 12, but focus on 10 to 12.

Recovery Block

Week 7

Day 1: X Stretch

Day 2: Yoga X or Off

Day 3: Core Synergistics

Day 4: Kenpo X

Day 5: Yoga X or Off*

Day 6: X Stretch

Day 7: Off

Block 2, phase 1

Weeks 8 and 9

Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps

Day 2: Cardio X, Ab Ripper X

Day 3: Legs & Back

Day 4: X Stretch; Ab Ripper X or Abs/Core Plus

Day 5: Back & Biceps

Day 6: Yoga X or Off*

Day 7: Off

Day 8: Chest & Back

Day 9: Cardio X, Ab Riper X

Day 10: Shoulders & Arms

Day 11: X Stretch; Ab Ripper X or Abs/Core Plus

Day 12: Legs & Back

Day 13: Yoga X or Off*

Day 14: Off

Reps: 6 to 10

Block 2, phase 2

Weeks 10 and 11

Same schedule as weeks 8 and 9

Reps: 4 to 8

Block 2, phase 3

Week 12

Same schedule as weeks 8 and 9

Reps: 4 to 6

*Source: Beachbody recommends doing Yoga X,

but I give you the "or off" option.

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What Next?

Once you have completed Muscle Building Made Simple, which

is a 12-Week Program, you may notice that your results will

have slowed down.

This is because you've hit a plateau, and your body has adapted

to the regular routine and nutritional stimulus.

If this happens, I recommend moving onto my advanced

program, "3 Day Muscle Building." With 3 Day Muscle Building,

I was able to continue making gains, and surpass what I thought

to be my genetic potential.

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About the Author

Taylor Thompson is a fitness consultant, freelance writer, and

video blogger. In high school, Taylor used to be picked on like

crazy for being skinny, but since graduation, those who've

picked on him are now seeking his muscle building advice.

Here's a picture of Taylor (2007) lifting weights in high school:

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Taylor is also the founder of,

and the popular muscle building guide for skinny guys, 3 Day

Muscle Building

Before 3 Day Muscle Building, Taylor managed to put on a good

31 pounds over a 3-year period with P90X, as shown in the

picture below:

After Taylor hit a plateau with P90X, due to the lack of weight

involved in the program, he switched over to his exercise

program. At this point, he was 152 pounds, due to 4 months of

illness with Cat Scratch Disease. Once better, Taylor used 3 Day

Muscle Building to gain 24 pounds in just 95 days, as shown in

the picture below:

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Present time, Taylor is now bench pressing over 200 pounds.

The story of Taylor's muscle building transformation has

inspired many skinny guys all around the world, as he continues

to answer their questions through his email:

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What's up, man?

No matter what program you decide to follow, you need to know that

you CAN do this.

I used to be the type of guy that would sit on my ass all day, watch

Family Guy, and eat potato chips. I stayed skinny and out of shape.

All you need to get jacked is about 45 minutes a day, 3 to 5 times a

week, and you will build muscle.

At the end of the day, if you Diet, Rest, and Train properly, you're going

to make some serious muscle gains! :) If you let me, I'd be more than

happy to be your personal coach, and training buddy... FOR FREE, of

course!!! :)

Let's make this happen!!! :)

I know you can do it.