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TERIGGAS OF THE SAMBAS (Ngayatte 'lagu ge' mare')


Muhammad Saiful Haq Bin Hussin (

Department of Malay Language Academy of Malay Studies

Universiti of Malaya

Agus Syahrani Universitas Tanjungpura

Jalan Ahmad Yani Pontianak Kota Pontianak

Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia Kod Pos 78124


This study was on Mul’am Khushairi, a prominent cultural expert in Sambas, Pontianak, West Kalimantan to show a

collection that is kept by his. The private treasures he owned makes proves that at one time the Sultanate of Malay

Sambas government has strong influences. Also, a lot of collections of heritage items of Sambas Malay were kept

by him.

Some of them were Keris obtained from all the Malay Sultanate of Sambas and West Kalimantan. Besides that, his

collection also consists of swords, spears, traditional toys and so on.

He is also an expert in playing the traditional Malay instruments like rumian, drums, violin, harp, and others.

Depart from the importance of conservation awareness Sambas Malay culture in particular, and regional Malay

culture in general he has formed a team that works to train kompang amongst small children. Based on his own

collection, as well as his expertise in the field of Malay arts, he was appointed as a guest writer at the Academy of

Malay Studies, University of Malaya.

Therefore, this study will focus on his involvement in the musical field to successfully sustain the production of a

compact disc entitled The Terrigas of Sambas (Ngayatte 'ge song' Mare '). Below are songs of The Terrigas of

Sambas (Ngayatte 'ge song' Mare ');







Historian used two scripture; Asal Raja-Raja and Salasilah Kerajaan Sambas (Pabali H. Musa,

2003: 50) as source to find about Sambas Sultanate in West Kalimantan. Sambas Sultanate are actually

an inheritance from Ratu Sepudak Hindu governance or Sambas Tua Governance. The ‘Pamalayu

Majapahit’ expedition at 14th century was very influence until Sambas Tua Governance found and lead

by Raden Janur, centre on Paloh province (Ratih, tt: 1962). As a spreading of Islam in Nusantara on 1570

AD, Majapahit influence to Sambas Tua Governance has been slide down the influence of Islam spread

from Brunei Sultanate lead by Sultan Abdul Majid Hassan 1402 – 1408 AD to Sambas Tua Governance.

His heir Pangeran Raja Tengah a son of Sultan Muhammad Hassan was the one who responsible to bring

down the authority of Sambas Islam Sultanate. His first son, Raden Sulaiman became a Sultan of Sambas

and called as Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin I in Muara Ulakan, an built Alwazikhoebillah castle. Sambas

Sultanate were rich with gold and forest production.

Sambas sultanate was slide down on October 1st 1696 AD after Dutch delegate, Samuel

Bloemaert made up a trade agreement with Sambas Sultanate which is gave advantages to the Dutch.

The Dutch has a right to bring home gold and forest production using huge ships to Batavia as a Centre

for Dutch Governance. This is caused most of the people in Sambas live in poor. At last, People in

Sambas disobey to colonialist lead by Pangeran Anom called Sultan Muhammad Syafiudin I (1815 -



Mu’lam Husairi Walid was born in Paloh Sambas on January 1st 1972. He grows with his father,

Haji Walid bin Abdul Jali. His father so coherent while taught him. But it brings him to likes Malay Music

and Islam which is usually does not likes by the adolescent that time. When he is child, his obligation are

to recite the Koran, salawat, and play gambus and kompang became his activity every day. And finally,

this obligation to learn became his enthusiasm to play indigenous instruments, collects antics, and doing

‘otodidak’ (informal learning and practical process). His aims in music and antics make him understood

what is ‘Perjuangan Melayu’ obligation. And then, this finally brings him to be a curator in Kalimantan

Barat Museum State.

He is very active in Malay community services activities, and became a leader of forum in

Komunikasi Pemuda Melayu Kalimantan Barat, member of Majelis Adat Budaya Melayu Kalimantan,

Member of Dewan Kesenian dan Kebudayaan Sambas, and Member of Lembaga adat Melayu Serantau.

He also became a founder to Yayasan Pesisir Kalimantan Barat. This foundation became his place to do

activities in Sambas to make up the Malay Culture. He made up a house for budaya zikir, a house of tari

Melayu, and a hiuse of Malay traditional music. He tried to brings back Malays artistic skill with teaching

and displayed the Malay Sambas engraving in most of show. He is also made traditional instrument such

as kompang, gambus, rebana, and bedug to delivered to school and houses of cultures group. He made

his own Sambas patterns such as daun kesum, daun galli, and bulan bintang. Also, he will be participant

in activity such as exhibition, culture, tradition, and Malay artifact in kabupaten or international level.

His enthusiasm to Malay music since his youngster encourage him to form a kompang group;

which is a lot of member are kids. His also write a lyrics for his Malay traditional music album called The

Teriggas of Sambas (Ngayatte’ lagu ge’ mare’). This album has been rearrange to be a contemporary

music. It has been accepted by the local. Mu’lam became a vocalist, composer, and music player, he also

one of the singer on the album. And, on 2011 Academy of Malay studies, University of Malaya invited

him to be a ‘Karyawan Tamu’.


The Teriggas of Sambas means enjoying the intelligently of indigenous songs. According to the

songs in the Sambas Malay Civilization the contribution of the indigenous songs seems to archeology,

books, culture, technology, and history research in field. . The evolution of the songs shows the Malays

entity are created from the various of race, language and culture which is reunite by Islam (Malay is

Islam and Islam is Malay) in a huge community in Nusantara especially in Kabupaten Sambas and the


There are various of songs in the CD of ‘Ngayatte’ Lagu ge’ Marek, and one of the song is ‘Kapal

Belon’ which is have a lot of Malay thoughts. the prove of this could be seen in a letter of Sultan Kassim

Al Qadri to Sir Stamford Raffles on February 14th 1811 (refer to Attachment A), March 12th 1811 (refer to

attachment B), and march 22nd 1811 (refer to attachment C).


Ya kapal ya Kapal Belon, kapal belon nujju ke Saboung.

Ya kapal ya Kapal Belon, kapal belon nujju ke Saboung.

Ape lah muattan jeluttoung gattah jeluttoung.

Ape lah muattan jeluttoung gattah jeluttoung.

Ya baju ya baju ya baju merah, baju merah silendang gadoung.

Sodah na’ sukke mbirrah, tahhan nafsu di gantoung.

Sodah na’ sukke mbirrah, tahhan nafsu di gantoung.

Sari Borneo namenye kapal, masouk Sambas selalu sakkal.

Nakhodenye inda’ berakal.

Taukan batu maseh di baddal.

Taukan, taukanlah batu maseh di baddal.

Sultan Sambas sulohlah nagri.

Ge’mare’: Jamman udah be passan.

Sultan Sambas sulohlah nagri.

Ge’mare’: Jamman udah be passan.

Jagelah anak binni, mun da’djage dimakan jaman.

Jagelah anak binni kalla’ dimakan jaman.


Perhaps the Kapal Belon / Blee (unusual) means a very huge shape sail from Sambas to other country

and brings a lot of things to export. This is because at that moments the Sambas Sultanate were

magnificent and became a centre for trading. Perhaps on that time the goods they carried out to sold

are karet (Getah Jeluttong), and gold, in the history of Sambas Sultanate or Sambas Government shows

it retain a lot of gold and ‘tambang’.

Analysis of thoughts in ‘Kapal Belon’ songs

‘ Kapal Belon’ songs tales about a huge ship to sail and brings so much of export goods trade in. The

story aims are about the importance of transportation of water system on that time especially for

international trading. It could be seen in the letter from Sultan Kasim Alqadri on February 14th, March

12th, and March 22nd 1811. Sultan Kasim Alqadri are sultan (majesty) concerned the Pontianak Sultanate

on the year of 1808-1819. He was a second majesty after his father, Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman Alqadri

which is founder of Pontianak Sultanate on October 23rd 1771 AD, 12 Rejab 1185 and concerned at the

year 1778-1808. The research findings prove it. He notified Raffles on February 14th 1811 and asked for

help because Pontianak was threaten by pirates which is concerned by Sultan and Pangiran Anom from

Sambas. The Sultan of Sambas was collaborate to pirates to attacking merchants trading in Pontianak,

Mempawah, and Banjar . He has warned Raffles to took an action and if he does not the English party

would got troubled. He was said:

“... Jika boleh dengan sebolehnya sahabat kita tolong seboleh-bolehnya kerja habis itu perompak2 dan Ilanun segala yang kerja jahat2 sama orang dagang itu, kerana kepada ketika ini semuanya ada berkumpul dalam negeri Sambas dan berkumpul di laut kuala negeri Mempawah dan Pontianak demikianlah adanya. Dan kepada kita punya fikiran jika Kompeni Inggeris tiada mahu tolong kerja habis itu perompak2 itu pastilah di belakang ia kerja kembali kerja rosak sama orang putih kerana yang kita tahu ini telah tiga kali sudah Pengiran Anom beserta Sultan Sambas ini kerja jahat sama Inggeris ...”

“... dan kepada kita punya fikiran, jika kompeni Inggeris tiada mahu tolong kerja habis itu perampok2 itu, pastilah di belakang ia kerja kembali kerja rosak sama orang putih, kerana yang kita tahu ini telah tiga kali sudah Pengiran Anom beserta Sultan Sambas ini kerja jahat sama Inggeris; pertama2, bunuh Kapitan Rasdil; keduanya, bunuh mualim kapal commerce itu; ketiganya, ambil harta Kapitan Ross bersama2 Abang Abdul Rasyid itu…”

(Sumber: Gallop 1991)

In less than a month, on march 12th 1811 he wrote to Raffles and told him that Pangiran Anom from

Sambas and Rasyid Mentok has impound the ‘Mister Hare Melaka’ ship and Wangkang ship (Chinese

ship) from China while both of it trading in Pontianak and Mempawah. They spoiled the trading activities

and troublesome traders whose trading there. He asked for helps to Raffles to sent ‘kapal perang’

immediately to Pontianak to arrests those burglar which is in Kuala Pontianak sea. He said:

“... Maka inilah jika boleh dengan bolehnya kita minta tolong kepada sahabat kita menolong menyuruhkan sebuah kapal perang ke Puntianak menangkap si pencuri itu, dan kita pun boleh pergi bersama2 kapal perang itu menangkap si pencuri itu. Jika tiada sahabat kita segera menyuruhkan lekas2 kapal perang datang pasti ada terlalu banyak susah segala orang2 dagang yang masuk keluar berniaga di negeri Pontianak itu adanya ...”

“... dipermaklumkan oleh Sultan Syarif Kasim Alqadrie kepada sahabat kita Tuan Raffles maka adalah kita memberi khabar kepada sahabat kita akan hal Pengiran Anom Sambas beserta Abdul Rasyid Mento’ itu datang ke Kuala Pontianak merampok2 bersama2 ilanun mengambil sebuah wangkang Cina,..”

“... maka telah sangatlah harap kita dengan amat besar pengharapan kepada sahabat kita Tuan Raffles Esquire akan menyuruhkan sebuah kapal perang datang ke Pontianak dengan segeranya, kerana Pengiran Anom beserta Abdul Rasyid itu ada sedia di laut Kuala Pontianak merompak2 dengan dua buah kapal kecil jua adanya...”

(Sumber: Gallop 1991)

In his letter on march 22nd 1811, he always remind Raffles about Pengiran Anom, Sambas and Abdul

Rasyid Mentok whose murder Ross Captain in Mentok sea. Once again, he reported about the problems

they faced because of pirates activities in Pontianak. . In only less than two months, he has wrote three

letter to Raffles to report about the dangerous happened in Pontianak Province. He said:

“...jika tiada sahabat kita segera menyuruh lekas2 kapal perang datang, pasti ada terlalu banyak susah segala orang2 dagang yang masuk keluar berniaga di negeri Pontianak itu adanya...”

“... maka inilah jika boleh dengan bolehnya kita minta’ tolong kepada sahabat kita menolong menyuruhkan sebuah kapal perang ke Pontianak menangkap si pencuri itu, dan kita pun boleh pergi bersama2 kapal perang itu menangkap si pencuri itu. Jika tiada sahabat kita segera menyuruhkan lekas2 kapal perang datang, pasti ada terlalu banyak susah segala orang2 dagang yang masuk keluar berniaga di negeri Pontianak itu adanya. Maka telah sangatlah harap kita dengan amat besar pengharapan kepada sahabat kita Tuan Thomas Raffles Esquire akan me{n}yuruhkan sebuah kapal perang datang ke Pontianak dengan segeranya, kerana Pengiran Anom beserta Abdul Rasyid itu ada sedia di laut Kuala Pontianak merompak2 dengan dua buah kapal kecil jua adanya.”

(Sumber: Mu’jizah 2001)

Three years later, on February 6th 1814 he once again wrote a letter. . In his letter, which is

referring to previous three letters he declared about the peace in the state of Pontianak, Mempawah,

Matan, and Sambas after all. However, he wrote that Pengiran Anom got to Sambas again. . The

thoughts behind of Mu’lam Husairi Walid song is to rebuilt the Malay strength and superiority. Malay

strength will reunite in a huge horizon, and cut off the barrier of political geography which is a cause for

them to lose vitality to make it up.


1. Mu’lam Husairi Walid born with the high insight to bring back Malays superiority in the world.

2. He also born as a writer to expressed Malay insight behind the artistry perspective.

3. His thought would bring back the efforts to make up Malays dignity.

4. The thoughts in Kapal Belon songs shows Malay identity and wishes the Malays would back to

the Malay roots and live in Islamic way of life.

5. Hopefully the efforts has been doing would be consistent and got supports from the other.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Gallop, Annabel Teh & Arp. Benard, 1991. Golden Letters: Writing Traditional of Indonesia. London: The

British Library/Yayasan Lontar. Melayu Online. Kesultanan Sambas.

Diakses pada 15 Juni 2012 Mu’jizah, 2009. Iluminasi dalam Surat-surat Melayu Abad ke-18 dan ke-19, Jakarta:KPG dan Pusat

Bahasa. Pabali H. Musa. 2003. Sejarah Kesultanan Sambas Kalimantan Barat: Kajian naskah asal

raja-raja dan silsilah Raja Sambas. Pontianak: STAIN Pontianak Press, Yayasan Adikarya IKAPI, dan The Ford Foundation.

Urai Riza Fahmi. 2003. Selayang Pandang Kerajaan Islam Sambas. Sambas: Mutiara. Yudithia Ratih. tanpa tahun .“Istana Alwatzikubillah – Sambas”, dalam Istana-istana di Kalimantan Barat.

Inventarisasi Istana di Kalimantan Barat.

Appendix A

Appandix B

Appendix C