Mrs. Harms - Welcome · Web viewThe early Cold War years saw one ominous event after another. 2....

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Transcript of Mrs. Harms - Welcome · Web viewThe early Cold War years saw one ominous event after another. 2....

Name________________________________________________ Date_________Hour_______

15.4 NOTES Cold War/HARMS Cold War Fears at Home

Learning Target

We are learning to understand the Cold War.

Success Criteria

1. I can describe the efforts of President Truman and the House Un-American Activities Committee to fight communism at home.

2. I can explain how domestic spy cases intensified fears of communist influence in the U.S. government.

3. I can analyze the rise and fall of Senator Joseph McCarthy and the methods of McCarthyism.

Key Terms

Red Scare

Smith Act

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

Hollywood Ten


Alger Hiss

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Venona Papers

Joseph R. McCarthy



1. Americans have often faced the difficult task of balancing the need to provide national security with the need to protect people’s rights and freedoms.

2. In times of crisis, rights have sometimes been limited.

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. For some of those years, the nation was in the grip of a new ____________________________.

5. The hunt for communists netted some spies, but it also ______________________________________________________


Why do you think the Rosenbergs were sentenced to death after their trial?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


1. The early Cold War years saw one ominous event after another.

2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. At that time, as Americans _______________________________________________________, a clever and unscrupulous man began to take advantage of this sense of _______________ and helplessness.

4. McCarthy suggested that these setbacks were really caused by the work of ________________ inside the U.S..

15.4 Questions and Review

1. What encouraged the suspicion that American communists were working for the enemy?

2. Why did Whittaker Chambers abandon his communist beliefs?

3. What event brought an end to McCarthyism?

Success Criteria Check-Up (Rephrasing with shoulder partner):

Describe the efforts of President Truman and the House Un-American Activities Committee to fight communism at home.

Explain how domestic spy cases intensified fears of communist influence in the U.S. government.

Analyze the rise and fall of Senator Joseph McCarthy and the methods of McCarthyism.