Mr Tom the true story of Tom Simpson

Post on 11-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Mr Tom the true story of Tom Simpson

7/23/2019 Mr Tom the true story of Tom Simpson 1/6


 Bfriwfre  ky Sglh Hl``itt

Outgfr“s Latrfeujtlfa tf Zijfae Ieltlfa

Sriboji> @ittla` Lt Fvir Pltg

? O Kfy oae Gls Klmi

; Zupir Sursultir

: Ugi Zporrfw Bhlis Efwa Yaeir

5 Elstoaji Domis tgi Hi`s @rfw Ztrfa`ir

9 Ugi Krlttoay Hoaela`s

2 Jhossljs, Dfaudiats, Dorrlo`i oae tgi Ufur

0 Eormist Kibfri tgi Eowa

7 Ugi Donfr Piors \ihhfw

< Ugi Hlfa @fis brfd Ztria`tg tf Ztria`tg

?3 Ufddl Zldpsfal

?? ‗L Gfpi Ugot Fai Eoy, Dr Srldi Dlalstir“

?; Obtir tgi [olakfw

?: ‗Sut Di Kojm fa Dy Klmi“

 Oppiaelx> Ufd Zldpsfa“s Sohdoris ky [ljgore Ohhjgla

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[iprfeujie ky mlae pirdlsslfa fb Niridy Dohhore, brfd gls

hldltie-ieltlfa prlat ‗Zldpsfa fa Riatfux“

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Pgia Ufd Zldpsfa elie fa Dfat Riatfux wglhst jfdpitla` la

tgi ?<20 Ufur ei Broaji trojis fb eru`s brfd tgi odpgitodlai

`rfup wiri bfuae la gls kfey. Zldlhor eru`s wiri ohhi`iehy bfuae

la gls jhftgla`. Ugiri, L“vi sole lt, `ft lt fut fb tgi woy rl`gt ot tgi

 ki`laala` fb tgi kffm.

Kijousi fb tgls, aftwltgstoaela` tgot tgi fbjloh jousi fb gls

eiotg, orrlvie ot obtir lavistl`otlfa ky tgi Briajg outgfrltlis, wos

giort bolhuri eui tf eigyerotlfa oae giot ixgoustlfa, tf wgljg lt

wos sole tgot tgi eru`s jfuhe govi kiia o jfatrlkutfry bojtfr, Ufd

Zldpsfa gos kiia pfrtroyie os oaytgla` brfd o strol`gtbfrwore

jgiot, rispfaslkhi sla`hi-goaeiehy bfr sukvirtla` tgi itgljs fb

spfrt, tf o gophiss vljtld wgfsi wla`s `ft kuraie yla` tff jhfsi

tf gls eriod fb wlaala` tgi Ufur ei Broaji.

 Ailtgir fb tgisi tgifrlis ori trui oae kftg ef gld, oae jfdi tf

tgot tgi pifphi wgf prfpfuae tgid, o elssirvlji. Ufd wos ailtgir

fb tgisi. Gi wos o tohiatie, erlvia prfbisslfaoh wgf pole tgi

uhtldoti prlji bfr pusgla` o koe sltuotlfa tff bor. Gi wos af jgiot.

Uf dy dlae o jgiot efis sfditgla` gls jfdpitltfrs ef aft oae

tgiriky ̀ olas oa oevoato`i. Ugls ls jhiorhy aft tgi josi. Ztlduhoats

sujg os odpgitodlais wiri wleihy usie la jyjhla` la tgi slxtlis

oae tfeoy tgi spfrt ls stlhh kisit ky o eru`s prfkhid ‚ tgi iviats fb

tgi ?<<7 Ufur ei Broaji gl`ghl`gt tgot. Laeiie, o eru` juhturi gos

ixlstie la prfbisslfaoh jyjhla` ohdfst slaji tgi rst roji wos rua.

Os bfr kila` o vljtld, bfr`it lt! Ufd maiw wgot gi wos efla`. Lt

wos aft sfditgla` gi ele hl`gthy, tff fbtia fr wltgfut prfbisslfaohoevlji.

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Ugi trutg ls tgot Ufd maiw aftgla` fb tgi eorm slei fb prfbisslfaoh

 klmi rojla` wgia gi wiat tf hlvi la Broaji la tgi sprla` fb ?<9<,

 kut gi quljmhy riohlsie tgot sfditldis gi wos kiotia la rojis tgot

gi nust goe tf wla ky rleirs fb hissir oklhlty wgf goe tomia eru`s.Pgot wos gi ̀ fla` tf ef6 Bfr`it okfut lt ohh oae tomi tgi aixt kfot

gfdi6 Aft Ufd= gi jfuhe aivir govi efai tgot, lt wosa“t la gls

aoturi. Zf, gi turaie tf tgi pifphi gi“e dit fvir tgiri ‚ pifphi gi

rispijtie ‚ oae, hlmi doay kibfri gld, oae slaji, gi ki`oa tf usi

eru`s ‚ stlduhoats, kijousi tgot“s wgot tgiy usie tgia. Aft fbtia,

 kut usi tgid gi ele, oae L joa“t jgoa`i tgot. Lt wosa“t sfditgla`

gi wos portljuhorhy prfue fb, oae L mafw tgot lt wfrrlie gld. Gi

wfuhe govi hlmie aft tf govi efai lt= laeiie, os wi sgohh sii brfd

fai portljuhor lajleiat hotir la tgi kffm, gi wos fai fb tgi biw tfp

rleirs wgf suppfrtie wgot dio`ri ibbfrts jyjhla` outgfrltlis wiri

domla` ot tgi tldi tf rle tgi spfrt fb tgls prfkhid.

Yabfrtuaotihy, tgi port tgot eru`s phoyie la Ufd“s eiotg gos

 kiia pljmie fvir tf sujg oa ixtiat tgot lt gos fvirsgoefwie

ivirytgla` gi ojglivie la gls ridormokhi joriir, o joriir tgot

dfri tgoa :3 yiors obtir gls eiotg gos yit tf ki iquohhie ky oay fbgls jfuatrydia. L gfpi tgot tgls kffm wlhh `f sfdi woy tfwores

ristfrla` tgot kohoaji. Lt wfa“t ki o wgltiwosg. L wfa“t try tf prisiat

gld os o solat. L wfa“t ki domla` ixjusis bfr gld= gi efisa“t aiie

tgid. L wlhh nust tihh yfu tgi stfry fb gls odozla` hlbi, oae L gfpi,

ot tgi iae fb lt ohh, tgot yfu wlhh uaeirstoae Ufd Zldpsfa oae wgy

L biht tgot tgls kffm aiieie tf ki wrlttia bfr gls somi. Pgy L jfuhe

af hfa`ir kior tf sii o doa wgf goe ohrioey hfst gls hlbi, ohsf hfsigls riputotlfa.

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‗Ugiri ls aftgla` tf priviat gld stortla` tgi sto`i, kut ivirytgla` tf

 priviat gld alsgla`. Gi wlhh ki rlela` vlrtuohhy fai-goaeie.“ Yaeir tgi

wotjgbuh ̀ ozi fb Er Eudos oae o pfssi fb pgftf`ropgirs, Ufd stru``his

tfwores ritlridiat eurla` Zto`i ?0 fb tgi ?<22 Ufur ei Broaji.

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Ufur fb Hfdkorey ?<29> Ufd, la tgi rolakfw nirsiy, gos rleeia

ivirykfey fbb gls wgiih tf wla ohfai fa tgi Jfdf trojm ky

tgrii dlautis ‚ ‗oa ixphflt la tgi troeltlfa fb Boustf Jfppl“.