Mr. E’s Class Louisiana Government Ch. 4 In The News Project.

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Mr. E’s Class Louisiana Government Ch. 4 In The News Project.

Mr. E’s Class

Louisiana Government Ch. 4

In The News Project


A political cartoon is a type of drawing used to present opinions, comments, or

criticisms of a situation, person, or event. Cartoons help us understand information by presenting it in a visual and memorable

way. Cartoonists use many different techniques to achieve their goals:

Editorial Cartoons

Editorial CartoonsQuestion #1: In your own words, describe this cartoon.

Editorial CartoonsQuestion #2: List the objects or people that you see in the cartoon..

Editorial CartoonsQuestion #3: In your own words, describe this cartoon.

Editorial CartoonsQuestion #4: What is the political or social issue presented in

the cartoon?

Editorial CartoonsQuestion #5: What is the cartoonist’s viewpoint on this issue? How do you know?

Editorial CartoonsQuestion #6: Who might agree/disagree with the cartoon?


Editorial CartoonsQuestion #7: Which objects/people are symbols? What do you think each one means?

Editorial CartoonsQuestion #8: List the objects or people that you see in the cartoon.

Editorial CartoonsQuestion #9: What is the cartoonist’s viewpoint on this issue? How do you know?

Editorial CartoonsQuestion #10: In your own words, describe this cartoon.

Your Turn: You are to take an issue here at school and turn it into a editorial cartoon similar to the ones we have just studied. The cartoon can cover nearly anything from school food, to uniforms, class time, between class time, school sports, etc. DO NOT use individual

names. Use only one sheet of 8x10 ditto paper which will be supplied. The cartoon must be

in black ink. You will NOT be graded on artistic ability, but on cartoon content.

Editorial Cartoons