Motivational Life Coaching 'EFT' Numerology - Amazon S3

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Transcript of Motivational Life Coaching 'EFT' Numerology - Amazon S3

Linking Up Like Minds Locally In Spiritual & Holistic Matters

Issue 5

Spring 2013

£1 £1 Where soldWhere sold

Motivational LifeMotivational Life








The Magical World ofThe Magical World of

‘Inanna’s Festival’‘Inanna’s Festival’

Local Event ListingsLocal Event Listings

& Much More& Much More

Page 2 Autumn Page 2 Winter Page 2 Spring 2013

Page 3


4 The Magical World Of Inanna’s Festival

6 Ayurveda Traditional Indian Healing

7 The Responsibility of Mediumship

8 Introduction to Tarot

9 A Path to Transforming Your Flame

11 Shamanic Therapy ’Samdani’

12 Spiritualist Church Listings etc

14 Letting Go Of The Past With EFT

15 The Numerology Of Door Numbers

17 To Try Or To Do?

19 A Psychic Artists Perspective

22 The Spiritual Development School

Page 3

Welcome to the Spring Edition of The Link. As I'm writing this it’s hard to believe that it is actually spring and that British summer time now upon us. Looking out of the window and snow is once again drifting out of the sky and my feet are so cold that my toes have gone numb. It feels as if I haven’t had warm feet for months and seems incredible that this time last year we had just enjoyed a beautiful day on the beach smothering ourselves in sun cream! This winter seems to have lasted forever.....

I certainly can't wait for some spring sunshine and stopping craving carbohydrates. The Spiritual Development School has been enjoying some lovely bright days though, kicking off the year with Numerologist Vikki Fosdel (see page 15) who spent a day with us explaining the amazing subject of Numerology. Vikki has such a vast understanding of Numerology that she had us all so fascinated, that we have persuaded Vikki to join us again later in the year. Another wonderful day was spent with Shamanic Practitioner Vera Proudlove. This was an intriguing day and very much enjoyed by all who attended (even when Vera made us sing!) Once again, the day was enjoyed so much that we have also asked Vera to return before the end of the year as we all want to learn even more from this interesting lady. It's been such a pleasure welcoming new students into the S.D.S. circles and onto our courses & workshops. I've really enjoyed meeting and getting to know you all. You have all been such lovely people to spend time with. Our 2013 programme is on page 23 With our next two courses concentrating on the development of trance mediumship. We are very much looking forward to welcoming back good friends of the school Pat Smith & Jacqui Lade in mid May. Their weekends are always successful with all attending feeling that they have moved on significantly within their understanding of trance mediumship. Pat & Jacqui work hard over the weekend looking at each students potential, as they encourage them to work ever closer with their guides and inspirers. Often bringing to the surface some amazing results! Certainly these weekends spent with Pat & Jacqui are exciting. On June 16th great supporter and friend of the Spiritual Development School Simone Key will be running a day workshop looking into the many aspects of Trance. A taster day where Simone will help students to further explore the trance states along with Trance Healing, Trance Speaking and Trance Communication. Simone is a Minister of the SNU (Spiritualist National Union) Flying around the globe working as an international medium & tutor, as well as attending to her role as Senior Tutor at the world famous Arthur Findlay College. Simone’s wealth of experience and knowledge means that all who attend her courses always benefit greatly. Simone truly understands the mechanics of mediumship and how to get the best results from her students. Autumn concentrates on the development of mediumistic skills. International medium and always inspiring tutor Daniel Pitt returns with a one day workshop. Daniel always brings with him fresh new ideas as well as new approaches to help and encourage students to understand their gifts of mediumship and how to get the best from them. The wonderful Jacqui Lade returns with a day exploring aspects of meditation, and shows us all the important part that meditation plays within the unfoldment of all types of mediumship. Plus sharing with us the wonderful benefits that meditation can also bring to our day to day lives. Well known medium, the fabulous Colin Bates joins us in November for another intensive & fun weekend focusing on Mediumistic development. Colin or Mr ‘Gold Dust’ as he has been affectionately named by the Schools students. Colin always brings something special and unique with him, along with a sense of fun. Several of the circles students and tutors are already excitedly counting down the days looking forward to Colin’s return. These day workshops & weekends are open to everyone. Whether you are a complete beginner or already working with your mediumship. The Spiritual Development School Courses are truly focused on helping you to further enhance your gifts and deepen your understanding of them, whilst in a supportive and encouraging environment. The teaching provided is always professional and responsible and delivered in a friendly and down to earth manner. If your looking to explore the subject of mediumship in any way, then do come and join us. You will find us a friendly bunch and you can be guaranteed that you will always receive a warm and friendly welcome. Details of our courses and events can be found at Find us on Face Book too. I do hope you enjoy this Spring Edition of The Link and find something within these pages that inspires or intrigues you. lf your reading this on a paper copy of the Link, please remember that you can now also read the Link online too at Wishing you all a happy and peaceful Spring where we can all enjoy warmer days, brilliant sunshine and of course... the odd Easter egg or two!


Page 4 Autumn Page 4 Spring 2013

As Spring returns to this land, as well as noticing the small green buds, the spears of the first bulbs coming

into flower, and the light increasing day by day, one of the things I notice is how much the sound of birdsong fills the air. Just today, I have stepped out into my garden, re-filled the birdseed-feeders which I’ve kept topped up all winter, and put out some old bread for an already enthusiastic crowd of blackbirds, robin, blue tits, coal tits, long-tailed tits, an assortment of finches including chaffinch and goldfinch, and some wood pigeons and doves. Listening to their chirruping and calling, the rise and fall of a cadence of mel-ody from the blackbird, declarations of “my tree!” from the robin, and watching the swoop and dart, tumble and alighting of them all, I know I am one of a thousand generations of humans, back to the dawn of humanity, who have been fascinated by – and envious of – birds and their flight … How we have longed to rise up into the sky as birds do, and move with similar swiftness, to see what lies behind the clouds, or over the mountains, or across the seas. For this reason, many cultures made birds the symbols of the departed soul, or messengers from heaven, or carriers of deep and mys-terious secrets. To ‘learn the language of birds’ was an often-used metaphor for acquiring mystical enlightenment, and to ‘fly’ in trance was required in many sacred initiation rituals. To the Romans, the word ‘aves’ meant both

‘bird’ and ‘ancestral spirit’. Birds were regarded as givers of omens and enlightment. Augury – divina-tion and interpreting of omens given by birds – became one of the ancient magical arts, and many goddesses and gods had bird forms. Angels of course were always birdlike if not actual birds, like the vultures or ravens who took the dead to the sky. Celtic fairies were supposed to have bird wings. Norse Valkyries wore magic feather garments owned by the Goddess Freya. The feather garments and ornaments of priesthoods from Siberia to Central America were connected with birdlike flight as a symbol of spirituality. In occult lore, birds and bird feathers often repre-

sented the Air element, which was also the home of invisible souls, gods of the wind, and in several traditions the very ‘essence’ of the supreme deity. For example, ancient representations of Hermes show him leading flocks of souls in the form of birds. Orpheus was credited with being able to play music to charm birds and to converse with them. Centuries later, stories of St Francis describe his abilities to be exactly the same: that he witnessed birds flying aloft in great flocks, forming a cross in the sky, in order to praise God, and that the saint’s preaching could tame birds who would then come to him. Something many of us love is to get close to wild creatures that would still be free to run or fly from us, if they chose to. As a child, I remember the

first delight and wonder I felt when a robin came to my hand for feeding, or when a bird elected to sit on my head or shoulders. Today I wear bird earrings, necklaces, and brooches often, and an owl ring always, and ideas and thoughts of magic, flight, wisdom, spirit and mystery are bound up in them. Bird-theme jewellery is something so many ask me about. It seems to draw peoples’ interest – whatever they are exploring in spiritual paths of many directions. They look at Native American single feathers in silver, or inlaid with multi-coloured gemstones. Or actual feathers, tied with beads as smudging fans, or as earrings, and as they’re worn, they quivering with every breeze. Or whole wing designs in angel or steampunk themes,

and of course images of birds themselves. The top six people seem drawn to are the owl, raven, eagle, dove, hawk and heron, and then swan, macaw, rooster – I’ve even located a maker of a Celtic Goose design pendant! Then there’s the mystical thunderbird, and the phoenix, plus various bird-headed deities in Egyptian tradition, numerous bird-winged goddess designs, and other items such as Angel and Fairy winged creatures … I haven’t space to write about ALL the birds whose magic I can think of, so here’s two: one better known, one perhaps less so, but powerfully mystical just the same. The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg from the fairy-tales you may have read

as a child, was originally the Egyptian Goddess Hathor, who gave birth to the sun, when she took the form of the Nile goose. The sun god was “the Egg of the Goose ap-pearing from out of the sycamore”, that is, the Goddess’s sacred tree. The hieroglyphic sign for the World Egg was the same as the sign for an embryo in a woman’s womb. Caesar said the goose was sacred to Celtic tribes and was not considered edible, because of her connection with the Sun-Egg: in other words, goose was too holy and sacred to eat. For similar reasons, medieval superstition forbade the killing of a goose in midwinter, when the sun was thought to be in need of maternal care to gain strength for the new season. Later, the superstitious rule was reversed, and goose became a traditional Christmas dinner by the time Dickens wrote ‘A Christmas Carol’. In fact, as the tradition of eating goose went from “forbidden” to “celebratory”, it reveals another ‘feather’ in the ‘wing’ of goose-folklore: the word ‘gossamer’ comes from ‘gossomer’ – ‘goose-summer’: a Middle-English word referring to early November, sometimes known at the time as “St Martin’s Summer’ (a kind of ‘Indian summer’ when there’s sun and warmth very late in the year), when goose was traditionally eaten. Filmy spider webs are seen at this time of the year, as grown baby spiderlings float on the breeze and let the strings of gossamer take them to new homes. The German word Gansemonat’ – ‘goose month’ – was used as a name for November. Like other creatures which before Christianity were considered sacred but after its arrival to these shores were not, geese were said to contain the souls of the unbaptised – in other words, earth-religion-following pagans. Owls are considered “wise” and still appear connected with witches, especially at Samhain (Hallowe’en, the Celtic Feast of the Dead), because of their past association with many forms of the Crone Goddess, who embodied wisdom as well as mortality. Middle-Eastern & Hebraic Lilith, Greek Athene, Roman Minerva, Welsh Blodeuwedd, Near-Eastern Anath and the owl-eyed Celtic Goddess Mari were all associated with the owl or took the owl’s shape. Owls were connected with Midwife Goddesses, and so in Babylonian tradition were often considered to be dead women calling for their offspring when they hooted, and in medieval Europe Lilith, as Owl Mother, was said to kidnap boy babies who laughed in their cradles. Christian legend insisted that the owl was one of “three disobedient sisters” (transparently a reference to the Triple Goddess!) who defied the Judeo-Christian god, and so was transformed into a bird that could never look at the sun. This was to mistake the owl’s vision as being blind in daylight, due to its ability to hunt at night. In fact, the owl has keen vision in all conditions of light or dark. To be able to fly noiselessly was considered an ability of demonic power, so again, the owl possessing this ability due to its thick, soft feathers, was therefore considered demonic, although of course there’s no finer gift for a hunting bird than silent flight! Those who come past the shop around the Spring Equinox, the Festival of Ostara, will see symbols of feathers and eggs in the displays and on our little tree outside our door – representing the Sacred Egg which can hatch into … well – as it cracks open, it might hatch anything! – and feathers are very ancient traditional items which are hung on threads & strings from trees in Scandinavia, and we do the same at Inanna’s. There’ll be greetings cards showing nests, birds, eggs, feathers and other Springtime symbols such as hares, daffodils & violets. Whether you’re celebrating Ostara or Easter I hope the Equinox moment of the balancing of Light and Dark on the Wheel of the Year journey towards the Summer will also bring Greening of Life and Emerging of Inspiration and Burgeoning of Creative Energy to One and All!


*“Images shown are available at Inanna’s Magical Gifts Shop” And I’m sure I’ll see many of you at the 23rd Norwich Mind, Body & Spirit Fair, (for twenty-three years Johnny Fincham and I have been hosting this fun city-centre event: the longest-running event of its kind in the region!! Can’t believe it!) at The Forum, on Friday 5th & Saturday 6th April this year. It’s FREE ADMISSION as always, 9am-5pm, with the cream of the region’s alternative & complementary health practitioners & therapists, healers, read-ers, craftspeople and traders – and we’d love to see you there! Brightest Blessings of the Season to you! Wishing you a Marvellous March, and Abun-dant April, and a Magical May! INANNA’S MAGICAL GIFTS SHOP, 2 St Andrew’s Hill, Norwich NR2 1AD 01603 626133

“In occult

lore, birds

and bird





Air Element”



Page 5

UNDERSTANDING ‘REIKI’? by SARAH LEE Hello everyone and thank you for reading my article. My name is Sarah Lee, I am 32 years old and I am a Reiki Practitioner based in Gorleston, Norfolk. I would like to share with you what Reiki is, why people choose to have treatments such as Reiki and why I decided to become a practitioner. Reiki is “universal life energy”. It is the energy that flows through all of us and every living thing. Reiki is a Japanese traditional “touch healing”, and relaxation technique that was developed by Doctor Mikao Usui in the late 19 th century. There are different forms of Reiki but ultimately it’s the same in principle. Reiki sessions work by a practitioner placing hands onto the client’s body, usually on set points known as chakras. The practitioner has developed how to channel this energy and the person receiving the treatment draws the energy through the practitioner, into their body. This is how the energy begins to flow through the body. There are various reasons why a person may wish to try Reiki: For relaxation, stress relief, low self-esteem, low confidence, feeling out of balance, health problems, addictive behaviours, difficulty releasing painful emotions, and assistance with alleviating pain. Those are just some examples, and those receiving treatments usually feel a positive change. I have been working with Reiki for 15 months. After I started working with it, it felt and still feels such a warming beautiful experience, I decided that I wanted to keep working with it, and share Reiki with others. I use Reiki on myself, and can’t remember the last time I was ill. I attend groups where I also receive Reiki healing and it’s the most relaxing experience. I feel many different things when conducting a session, and over time I can see the positive changes in a person, which is wonderful to see. I do receive feedback from clients, saying, “After my 3rd session I was a much more relaxed person and more focused on my thoughts as if somebody had come along and gave my mind, body and soul a thorough spring clean!” They found Reiki made positive changes to their lives. Most hospices provide Reiki treatments as well as some hospitals too. It is a growing practice that is used alongside medical treatments, to help a person as a whole, and not just the physical. I would suggest to anyone considering Reiki, to speak to those who offer it, and to those who have received it to gain further information on how it can beneficial. I hope this has offered an insight into this wonderful energy. SARAH LEE


As Spiritualist, we accept that life contuse beyond the grave. However, before that, we have to survive life before death. How difficult it is too, sometimes! This account, which I found on the Internet, contains such a valuable lesson. Its author is unknown. Submitted by Pat & George Woodhouse Michael is the kind of person you love to hate. He is forever in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone asked him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!” He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Michael was there telling the person concerned how to look on the positive side of the situation. Seeing this style made me curious, so one day I went up to Michael and said:” I do not get it! You cannot be a positive person all the time. How do you do it?” Michael replied: “Each morning I wake up and say to myself, ‘Mike, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.’ “I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be the victim or to learn from it. I choose to learn from it.” Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept it or point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.” “Year, right, it isn’t that easy,” I protested.” Yes it is, "Michael, said, “Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. “You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line is tha t it’s your choice how you live life.” I reflected on what Michael said. Soon thereafter, I left the tower industry to start my own business. We lost touch. However, I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it. Several years later, I heard that Michael was involved in a serious accident, falling some 60 feet from a communications tower. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Michael was released from the hospital with rods placed in his back. I saw Michael about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied: “If I were any better, I would be twins. Want to see my scars?” I declined to see his wounds, but did ask what had gone through his mind as the accident took place. The first thing that went through my mind was the well being of my soon to be born daughter, Michael replied. “Then, as I lay on the ground, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I chose to live.”Weren’t you scared?” I ask. Did you lose consciousness?” Michael continued:“The paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. “But when they wheeled me into the emergency room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read, 'He's a dead man.’ I knew I needed to take action.” What did you do?” I ask. “Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me,” said Michael. “She asked if I were allergic to anything. “’Yes, I replied. “The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled Gravity! “Over their laughter, I told them: I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive not dead’.” Michael lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have a choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything. You have two choices now. One-forget this. Two – forward it on to the people you care about. I hope you will choose number two. I did…

Sarah Lee Reiki Practitioner.

£15.00 for 60-90 Minutes.

10% Discount for first session.

Based in Gorleston.


Call: 07562798996

Facebook: Sarah Lee Reiki Practitioner.

Reiki Is

“Universal Life Energy”

A traditional Japanese technique

for stress reduction and


that promotes


Experienced, Friendly Practitioner.

Relaxing treatment room.

Can travel where reasonable.

Happy to answer any queries.

Page 6 Autumn Page 6 Autumn Page 6 Spring 2013

Ayurveda Traditional Indian healing

The Spiritual Ayurvedic view says stress comes from working against the universal

laws of nature (divine love and harmony). instead of wants, they go with the flow of

nature, eliminating friction that results in stress.

Here are 10 tips (5 physical and 5 mental) to relieve stress and find greater inner

peace and joy. Following one or more of these ideas can also prevent and heal illnesses

caused by stress.

Following the Body tips is the foundation for more profound Mental tips

Physical Tips Breathe

Sounds simple enough but when juggling many everyday chores,

rushing here and there, we rarely take a breath by exhaling

“aaahhh”- stress relieved, mind is clearer.

Getting stressed doesn’t solve anything: a good life-manager

breathes, remaining calm and focused.

Eat 2-3 healthy meals a day

Having a healthy diet (healthy foods, meals, snacks) beneficial to

one’s Ayurvedic dosha keeps one balanced. The body needs healthy

food to prevent illness. Vata/Pitta people need 3 meals a day,

Kaphas feel best skipping breakfast, vata doshas remain most

balanced when eating smaller meals/snacks every 3-4 hours.

Walk outside

This attunes one with nature, breaks up the work pattern, and

allows for family quality time or quiet reflection.

Yoga stretches

Whether you sit all day at work or are constantly “on the go” people

need a break. Yoga restores inner strength and mind-body

co-ordination, reconnecting to one’s soul. Classes, DVD or home

practice for 10 minutes twice a day, brings much needed energy,

clarity and joy.


Helping others allows for instantly feeling greater joy:- people get

more from giving than receiving. There are many ways

to help family, community, planet, and world peace.

Carol Bantick

Ayurvedic Therapist

Mental Tips Personal quiet time

Peace goes and stress comes when neglecting one’s natural needs. Taking 10

minutes of “alone time” once or twice a day for quiet reflection, restores and

reconnects a person with their peace and goals.”Alone time” allows the

mind to breathe.


Before bed, thinking of things one is grateful for during the day (e.g. health,

food, family, friends, breathing, sunset), fills the heart with love and

devotion, nurturing, humility, health and courage. Keeping a gratitude

journal is often inspiring and instructive to see how deeply the heart has

opened over time.

Harmonious thoughts

As one thinks, so is their reality. So, observing the quality of one’s thoughts

reveals their world view. Are the thoughts peaceful or negative? When

hearing ourselves complaining, arguing, judging or angry, Spiritual

Ayurveda advises entertaining grateful, peaceful thoughts. Alternatively,

changing actions (e.g. Walking, hobby, helping others) even for a short

break, allows more harmonious thought currents to flow in the mind.

The more one’s thoughts are harmonious, the more peaceful their world.

Life purpose and life visions

Imagine a person won 10 million pounds on the lottery today, never had to

work a day in their life: what would they choose to do with the rest of their

life? What are their God given talents? What do they love to do? How and

where would they live? The Spiritual Ayurvedic suggestion is to start living

as much of those visions as they can, and each day they will be living more

of their visions. Each day will feel life more meaningful, peaceful and


Devotion (Bhakti)

Spiritual Ayurveda says the goal of life is to feel inner peace and joy of the

soul 24/7 by caring for others and the planet. The highest spiritual idea for

this is “devotion to God’s children and God” (or spirit, nature, ethics-

whatever a person call’s their higher good). Choosing thoughts and actions

coming from deep devotion for others enhances one’s peace and joy.


“ Around 1500 B.C. The book, the Charak Samhita discussed the spiritual principles

of Ayurveda. It is said that even if Ayurvedic doctors had a complete knowledge of

Ayurveda but could not reach the inner Self or soul of the patient, they would not be

effective healers. Furthermore, if the practitioner were more concerned with

fame and fortune, and not with the spiritual development (Self Realization), they

would not be effective healers.

To understand the spiritual nature of Ayurveda, we must have insight into the vedic

roots of philosophy, spirituality, and universal religion. According to the ancient

vedic scriptures of India there is a goal to life. We are not simply born to live , and

then to die without some meaning or purpose. Albert Einstein reflected this idea

when he said God does not play dice with the universe.

Order and reason exist in life. According to vedic philosophy life is Divine and the goal of life is to realize our inner Divine nature.

Ayurvedically speaking the more the person realizes their Divine nature the healthier they are. Thus it is the

responsibility of the Ayurvedic doctor to inspire or help awaken the patients to their own inner Divine nature.

Positive thinking or love is the best medicine.”

- taken from The Ayurveda Encyclopedia - Swami Sadashiva Tirtha .

Page 7

Simone Key

Following my article in the previous edition of ‘The Link’ entitled, ‘Who’s a Beginner?’ I found myself contemplating the responsibility of mediumship from a trainee medium’s perspective. When we start on this spiritual pathway, we are generally so excited and amazed at the wonder and marvel of the spirit world; the fact that they can influence us to give detailed information to another person, which would be of help and support to them. Often, in our excitement, we ignore the responsibility we have for our words. So keen are we that we ignore ‘the rules’, so we give information relating to the future, aspects of fortune-telling (advice as to whom someone will meet, etc., etc.), as well as giving advice to our sitter on what they should do with their lives. All too often trainee mediums do not know the difference between the psychic faculty and mediumship, and believe that everything they receive is from spirit. However, in time and with further development, trainees discover these differences and appreciate the importance of attunement in mediumship.

I do believe all mediums want the world to be a better place and often, when with a sitter, we recognise they are looking for a ‘light at the end of their tunnel’ or perhaps a little hope. Unfortunately, in our endeavour to provide our sitter with something positive , we tell them what they want to hear, thus giving them false hope. Despite the fact that we all want our problems resolved, we really must not promise anything. All private sittings are experimental but they must contain evidence of our sitter’s loved-ones in the spirit world. In my travels to English-speaking countries, I often give demonstrations of mediumship and it is not uncommon for me to be asked by a President of a Spiritualist Church to keep the evidence very brief and to make more of the message! I find this request outrageous. Surely, our purpose is to provide evidence that we survive life after physical death and not to tell people what to do with their lives. Regularly, I hear a ‘medium’ say, “I have your grandmother here and she wants you to know…….”. The certainty is that we all have grandparents (if still living, they change to great-grandparents) but no mention is made of which side of the family or any details of the person’s life that verify their survival and absolutely no evidence. I am fortunate in that I work in New Jersey in the United States every year and serve two Spiritualist Churches there where both are doing their utmost to ensure that their mediums provide evidence with every contact. I appreciate that it is such an onerous task for them to maintain quality mediumship when so many so-called mediums there give, at best cold readings or even make it up. During my travels, I have experienced messages given to me from a Spiritualist platform that are shameful yet this does not deter the platform medium in the slightest. Whatever happened that prevents mediums from stopping when things go badly wrong? Surely, we would have more respect for someone who does stop, than one who continues for what feels like eternity, doesn’t get anywhere and resorts to ‘clairvagueness’. Every one of us has had a demonstration that has not gone well and given a private sitting which did not work out.

Whatever the problem, it is our own fault. Perhaps we were too nervous, or didn’t feel well or we were too rushed beforehand . It is important that we remain honest so that we don’t resort to fortune-telling or telling our sitters what they want to hear. Today, life for the medium is difficult, especially since we are accountable to the Office of Fair Trading. So if we make promises that do not happen, we can be sued by our clients. Several mediums have had legal action taken against them and, not only have they lost money but their reputations have been jeopardized. Not only must we be aware of the responsibility we have for our words, we must also be fully aware that what is said during a private sitting must be held in the strictest confidence. If we break the trust between us and our sitters, then we lose our integrity with the public. Overall, when we consider mediumship and recognise the subtleties of this faculty, we have so much to bear in mind. Working with extra-sensory perception has its many difficulties for all of us and doing our very best for the spirit world has to be our main objective. If we can reflect on our public demonstrations of mediumship and our private sittings, knowing that what we have said has represented the spirit world in the right light, then we have given the very best of our ability.



By Minister Simone Key

Senior Tutor - The Arthur Findlay College

“so that we

don’t resort

to fortune

telling or

telling our


what they

want to


My fascination with Tarot cards began 10 years ago when a close friend bought me a pack as a gift. I had

never asked for Tarot cards and I had never had a reading by anyone who used cards. So I was slightly

bemused as to what they were.

I remember my first thought which was 'What do you do with these'? More questions began to arise. I wanted

to know who'd invented them? What were they actually intended for? When did they come about? Who thought of putting pictures

on to the cards? How am I going to get the cards to work for me and anyone else?

There are many theories as to where Tarot cards came from. One being that they arrived when the early Gypsy communities arrived.

But Tarot cards have much earlier origins, long before the 1st communities of Gypsies arrived, but it does seem that Gypsies have

been using the reading of Tarot cards as a form of divination for an extremely long time. Many believe that the earliest use of Tarot

was in the form of clay tablets and these were being used in Egypt, China & India. What is known, is that the use of actual cards was

established in Italy, France and Germany by the 14th Century and were created as a game called 'Triumph' which was similar to have

Bridge is played today. The first known deck of cards dates to around 1450 and created for an Italian family by the name of Visconti

-Sforza. These early decks were hand painted and tended to belong to the privileged upper classes until the invention of the printing

press which the made the cards more affordable to the average person. It wasn't until the 18th Century that the cards began to be

used as a divination tool. The symbolic pictures on the cards were seen as having a meaning, unlike the simple trump cards that were

being used at the time. The cards were only partly illustrated, those being the 22 Major Arcana. In 1909 Arthur Edward Waite co-

created the Rider-Waite Tarot deck and all 78 cards were fully illustrated for the first time. This development served as the model

for hundreds of tarot decks that have been produced ever since. There is a great variety of images and titles , but the basic

illustrations of the Major Arcana have remained consistent

throughout the centuries. Designs used on A French deck of cards

known as the Tarot de Marseilles can be traced back to the 16th

Century and most Tarot decks since have based their picture

designs on this deck. Today, Readings given using Tarot cards, are

amongst the most popular. A Tarot reading involves choosing cards

from a shuffled pack and which are then turned over in a particular

sequence. The order of cards, along with the psychic ability of the

Tarot reader, will enable the messages and symbols to be conveyed.

Many people will see a Tarot reader because they have one or

several particular questions in mind and are wanting answers.

Whilst others have a Tarot reading out of curiosity with an open

minded approach. If you would like to learn more about using Tarot

cards. Join us for a Tarot workshop on Saturday April 20th 10am - 4pm.

Nr Watton, Norfolk. For details please call 07708 419529





Please call 01362 822510

Or Email

Page 8 Spring 2013

A Path to Transforming Your Flame By Lynette Avis

Our lives can be dull or interesting it all depends on us. We make our own life choices and thus we nourish our own flame within. How we choose to nourish our flame is down to personal preference and our own likes within life itself. We can walk one road or another all is within our own choosing. All flames start with a single spark and all flames have the ability to grow into something bigger given the right fuel and conditions for growth. Our lives can be likened to a fire. They need to be fed with fuel to grow. The Spark Before we can build a fire we need an initial spark to ignite it. By bringing two stones together and allowing them to interact in a single moment we can create a spark. That tiny spark may then be taken to make a much larger fire.

You are energy and anything that inspires you is energy also. By bringing both yourself and inspiration together there becomes an energy clash. Life itself brought the energy of you and the energy of the inspiration together to create the clash. Once we have a clash of energy we have a spark to work with. Once an artist saw a painting that gave him further inspiration to create a three dimen-sional piece called a mobile. Mondrian was the artist of the painting and Calder was the artist of the three dimensional piece. Hey presto we had the very first mobile and an artistic genius. We have many musical geniuses also and once a musician called

Brahms heard a piece of music by Schumann that inspired him to create Variations on a Theme by Schumann. Always there is the spark that takes the mind and creative juices forward. For that initial spark to be created it requires openness for that spontaneous moment to occur. The mind with all its rigid training may well stifle the creation of the spark by the power of its pre- conceptions. Innovative thought cannot burgeon in such a restrictive and controlled environment. We must be open, and freely search for possibilities of spontaneous inspiration. The Flame From the spark, fuel and air are required if it is to become a flame. The fuel is within each person, each person is the fuel and the air is the means by which the world is viewed. So, if you are an artist you are visual and if you are a musician you are auditory and these are the primary filters by which you will view the world. Of course we all have many filters and use them all in varying degrees but we do lean towards one or the other more, depending on whether we are a seeing person a hearing person or a physical person. When you are inspired, your reaction is to express that inspiration by creating through your personal predisposition and strength. This is the vehicle by which the spark becomes a flame. The Fire With each individual event of creation the fire is fuelled. An intense momentum occurs. If left too long between these inspirational events, the single flame weakens and may even die. However if inspiration is sought out continually, that spontaneous moment of inspiration will happen more and more frequently. The flame will grow stronger and the development of the fire will become an inevitable furnace of inspirational creativity. The Flame will be nourished and will grow. Transformation So what of you, the fuel? Whatever was fuelled by this process was there to teach you. It was there to help you grow as a unique individual. This growth will take you further. It will be the catalyst for


we have

a clash

of energy

we have

a spark

to work


Page 9

your next creation. This process can only transform you. You can only grow from it. A life is created by work and effort, as is skill itself and any work of art. All three require effort. The reward to you for effort is refinement, greater skill, more alive and you becoming more alight to life. Creation With each new creation, you are created a new. You are endlessly evolving and growing day by day with your own effort. You are an active participant in your own life. Do not under estimate the role you play and the power you exert on your own journey towards greatness. Nourish your flame and enjoy your own warmth.

Nourish the flame within A guide to connecting to the human soul

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Page 12 Winter

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those happy

feelings and




by Hypnotherapist Mike Louth

Hi Folks. This issue I’m just writing a few lines about thoughts of things that have

been presented to me over the last month. Please make the time to read through them and take from them anything you may find useful. Some of these techniques, ideas and concepts may challenge you or perhaps you can take them and adapt them to suit your own needs. Either way I hope you could find something positive in this article. We all have time to moan and complain about life and people. But do we ever make time to consider our own achievements and our own qualities? What about pausing life for just a moment so that you could appreciate some of the finer things in your life. Whatever those things are, you can give yourself permission to both recognize and acknowledge them. Then you can enjoy the moment for what it is. Being in the moment will allow you to feel heightened emotions and to get in touch with your inner self. We can spend too much time dwelling on issues from the past.

How about forgiving yourself for those issues now? And while you’re at it forgive others for their part in those issues. You may be surprised at how much better you feel. Once you can forgive yourself and others you will move on to feeling lighter and more positive because you can focus on your positive future. When I say positive I mean a future of adventure and

unknowns that can make life interesting and exciting. Yes there will be challenges and problems but by overcoming them you will be stronger and more experienced. The important thing to remember is that life is full of lessons. It is up to us to learn from those lessons and to make more appropriate decisions. By “appropriate” I mean different. How often do we keep doing the same thing and expect different results? Do something different and see what happens. You may be surprised by the positive result! Perhaps you may find it useful to visualise the outcome you desire in full colour along with feelings and sounds associated with that outcome. You will find this technique gives you purpose and focus to achieve your desired outcome.

I’m curious to know if you can remember when you were little? Just remember a time when life was simple and care free. A time when you were care free, happy and healthy. Ponder upon those thoughts for a moment and allow yourself to go back now to those times and notice what you feel inside. What’s different? Consider those differences and perhaps you could allow them become free to spread around your body. Allowing it to reach the places that need them most. Imagine Getting those happy feelings and magnifying them! Wouldn’t that feel good? Remember We are in charge of our own feelings. What would it take to make you positive, happy and confident? Could you make the time now to ponder upon those things that perhaps you may have taken for granted. Those positive things like family, friends or even pets. What would make you positive and happy right now? As I say these are just some random musings and I hope you can find some positive and helpful ideas amongst them. Feel free to message me on If you want to leave feedback or to discuss your requirements for happiness Mike

Page 10 Spring 2013


I once read that the orphanages in a country in Eastern Europe, would hire women whose unique task was to offer a physical interaction to very young infants. These women would have two or three babies strapped to their body and simply and lovingly touch them. This dramatically reduced the death rate of apparently normal, healthy babies who seemed to simply let themselves die.

Reiki treatment: It feels as though you have wrapped me up in something far softer than I could ever explain.

In our younger years touch is very present, possibly to the point where we hardly even think about it. In latter years however things can turn out to be very different.

Touch. Touch me. Don’t touch me. I was very touched. They were just touching.

White ribbon week. Domestic abuse.

Where would we be without touch? Safe touch.

It had been a year since I had touched my son. Dolores

OASIS Holistic Massage Therapy

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Sue Leet

Shamanism goes beyond records of

time. Originating in many forms in many cultures some say pre religion. Each description colored by the perceptions of those countries and individuals involved. Even today those involved in shamanism cover a wide range of topics, practices and per-ceptional views from where it began and the key elements to use. Unity form those involved in the past and those now in the present agree, a shaman or shaman practitioner uses their ability to ‘go between’ the so called physical and non physical world to draw upon the natural energies. Treating physical ailments and alleviate traumas affecting the soul to bring wholeness to the individual being or situation, restoring bal-ance. My current understanding in defining the difference of a shaman and a shamanic practitioner is:- A shaman is a person that is initiated into the practice and brought up in the teaching, practicing the varying elements in their world. Whether this initiation and up bringing is by a physi-cal tribe and mentor or a non physical tribe and mentor from the spirit world or in fact a combination of the two. To live the life of this practice. A shamanic practitioner is a person who trains in the shamanic practices and techniques and indeed way of life. From attending training courses, workshops delivered by re-spected mentors and perhaps tribal groups. To bring more of the elements, into their way of living. Where the boundaries fade between the shaman and shamanic practitioner, is that both draw on the wisdom and knowledge stored in the soul cells from past existence that is awaiting reawakening, at the ripe time for the individual in their current existence in their physical vehicle (called their body). Q Bearing in mind if we are all part of the whole? Then do we have a part of all that is con-sidered the whole within our soul cell vibration? This reawakening can be a draw towards a certain person, group, spiritual practice and therapy. It maybe a stirring inside that has been so strong through childhood into adulthood that has been an undercurrent. This may be as simple as a love of large cats, simply taken the form of buying blankets, pictures stuffed toys and rugs with pictures of big cats on. It can even be as simple as having an infinity with certain color domesticated cats say ‘black’ cats. In this example of cat attraction this can be the influence of an ancestral line, a animal guide, a past existence as a ‘black panther’, preparation for a future purpose and even a draw to a specific element of this lifetime purpose. My senses say this is a good time to introduce ‘Samdani’ pictured above, beside myself Sue. Samdani the aqua blue laser eyed black panther, brings the energy vibration of self pacing into balancing- work ,rest and play. Facilitating the dying away of deep old wounds that had been held by old fears. His introduction and influential essence came through so clearly in a ‘future life progression’ .Where his guiding vibration entered through all my senses washing my physical body like a continues wave of velvet reassurance, warming to the core of my soul, even beyond my heart. With this came the download-ing of a new vibrational signature that reached beyond words. In these minutes that seemed beyond time I understood where I came from, why and what influence this had on my current existence. Also how this past and current existence is so essential preparation for my future. Words are inadequate in all forms to describe this experience, to view so clearly where my purpose is leading in a way that’s out of this world. Most of all how with this new vibrational signature delivered the trust in the clarity of future. How these benefits reshape humanitarian awareness collectively, as yet far beyond current comprehen-sion .Thank you Samdani one of my shamanic tribal guides. Shamanic therapy is firmly rooted in the elements, and the basis for many therapeutic practices. These practices are often

part of our every-day life, with a trigger stimulating a widened view-point thus benefi-cial usage of an old behavioral pattern What you may exclaim? Simply you can perhaps remem-ber the last time you shifted into the wounded inner child mode? Your posture changed, your voice took on a childlike tone and maybe even childlike words, your gaze became downward. Your aim to draw attention in a way you remember has worked for you in the past. As you go with that you realize you have shifted your energy, you have changed your vibration to attract back a new response. One of attention, maybe sympathetic , maybe harsh. You have shifted your energy vibration to a new ‘tune’, you have many ‘tunes’ you use during your day sometimes labeled the controlling parent, the wise parent, the playful child act. So you already know how to ‘shape shift’, You have shifted your energy to a new vibrational ‘tune’ to receive a new ‘tune’. Easy, so you too can shift your energy thus vibration to a new point of attraction. If you take it simply all you did to bring on the wounded child was to recall a memory and make a picture in your mind of that memory your ‘shape shifted’ into the wounded child! So think of an animal species that you are keen on, think of the reasons why you are keen on that animal, perhaps the attributes of that animal. You’ll make a picture in your mind of that animal, your thoughts will create the vibrational ‘tune’ of that animal. Thus mixing that vibration with your own current vibration you will then change your energy frequency to a mix or you and the animal. In doing so you absorb those attributes of that animal. In the example of the black panther you can mix in the vibration tune resonations to be unique and understand the life’s myster-ies through balance of work rest and play. Next time protection or not?

Page 9



Sue Leet Contact 07881525969/ 01366 72814 Workshops - Training

Groups – Shamanic- Abundance- Healing 1 to 1 One Sessions Starting From £30

Progressive Purpose Mind Body and Soul Join Us For A Day Of Art 10 am Till 4pm £15.00 Includes Lunch

Open To All Artists and ‘Budding’ Physic Artists Bank Holiday Monday 27 May 2013

Page 11

Toftwood Spiritualist

Group Shipdham Road, Toftwood NR19 1JZ /

01362 820642


















Diss & District

Spiritualist Association Roydon Village Hall, Diss, IP22 5RB /

01379 640928

All events start at 7:30pm

2013 APRIL












JUNE 21st



Thetford Spiritualist Church Community Room, St Michael’s Close, Thetford IP24 3EJ

All events start at 7:30pm







24th May PAT HALL


Swaffham Spiritual

Awareness Group Community Centre, Beech Close, Campingland, Swaffham

All events start at 6:30pm—Donation £2.50

Everyone Welcome





12th May BARBARA PRICE March

26th May PAT BROWN Lincoln






June SUE GREEN Royston

Hempton Spiritualist Group Hempton Memorial Hall NR21 7LG

Evenings Start At 7.15pm









Page 12 Spring 2013

Shipdham & Braconash

Spiritual Evenings Shidham V Hall (Wed) IP25 7PA 7.30pm

Braconash V Hall (Mon) NR14 8JJ 7.30pm

APRIL 2013














Page 13

Norwich Spiritualist Church Chapelfield Road North, Norwich

NR2 1NY 01603 434749

2013 APRIL





Thurs 18th OLIVE RAY








Thurs 16th JULIE MOULE

SAT 18th OPEN DAY 10.30am-4pm












2013 April 8th PETER SPILLETT



The Phoenix Centre 132a Mile Cross Rd, Norwich NR2 3LD

01603 403814 7pm-7.30pm start

Magical Rainbows for


will be showcased at The

‘Spiritual talent of toftwood’

A Mind, Body & Spirit Fair

is being held on Sunday April 7th 2013

raising funds for a local 8 year old boy

who is at this time receiving treatment for cancer.

10am - 4pm At Toftwood Village Hall.

Enjoy a variety of Readers, Complementary

Therapies, Stalls, wonderful gift ideas,

Teas & Cakes, plus a Tombola full of great prizes

Free Entry

Page 14 Winter



Page 14 Spring 2013

Letting go of the Past with EFT… Have you ever cleared a room of clutter and then felt peaceful inside? The same is true when you let go of old emotions. You feel lighter, less burdened, even happy. What you are doing is letting go of energy from the past. So what do you hold onto? Is it just feelings, or do you also hold onto things? Many people find that they cannot let go of things with in their homes, because they have memories or emotions attached to them. You may not even like these things, but feel that you must keep them because perhaps you have inherited them or someone may have given them to you as a gift. But we need to remember that this is all tied up with energy; the energy in your body and energy in your home. Quite simply, one affects the other. A room which is left to accumulate clutter, will have an actual

affect on you. If your holding onto ’things’, what can you do about it? First ask yourself the question: Do I love this thing and is it useful? Listen to the true answer from within your heart. Memories of loved ones passed are IN your heart, not in a thing. If you do not love these items, it doesn’t mean that

you do not love the person. They will not be upset or hold it against you if you let these things go. They don’t need them anymore, and they wouldn’t expect you to keep them if you don’t wish to. If you know of someone who would love the item, then give it away, or give it to charity. If you have feelings of guilt about doing this. Then you can use EFT (tapping) to make you feel better. An example of how to proceed would be: While tapping the ‘karate chop’ spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud: ‘Even though I feel guilty about letting this go, I accept who I am and how I feel.’ ‘Even though I feel guilty, I accept myself just as I am.’ ‘Even though I feel guilty for letting this go, I deeply and

completely accept myself anyway.’ **Phrases that focus on the problem** Top of Head: “I feel guilty for letting go of this thing.” Eyebrow: "I feel guilty." Side of Eye: "I'm feeling guilty that I am letting it go." Under Eye: "I feel guilty that I don’t have room in my house for this thing." Under Nose: "I feel guilty that I’m giving it away." Chin: "I worry what others might think or say about this decision." Collarbone: "I need to let it go." Under Arm: "I feel sad that I am letting it go." Repeat this a few times or until the ‘guilty’ feeling has lessened.

**Positive phrases that focus on the solution** Top of Head: "I choose to see this as a release for me." Eyebrow: "I choose to accept that someone else will enjoy this more than I do." Side of Eye: "Someone else can have the pleasure of this thing." Under Eye: "I choose to be okay about letting this go."

“So what do


hold on to?”

Under Nose: "I intend to let go of anything that I do not love or find useful." Chin: "I choose to let go of my clutter." Collarbone: "I'm ready and willing to release these things and feelings." Under Arm: "I am looking forward feeling lighter and free of clutter!" Take a deep breath and slowly let it go. Feel the difference in your body. Does that feel better? If this brings up other emotions, then adjust the tapping to work on them too. There is always something you can do to change your energy! Good Luck!

Emotional Freedom


Crystal Therapy

Reiki Master

Emotrance Practitioner

01953 850443

Holistic Life Therapies

Releasing the Light into your Life

Heather Johnson

Heather Johnson.

Page 15 Autumn

Three; brings a sense of fun but also a center of learning, of study and self development in a creative setting. Four; links with nature are important here. Growing food, bring-ing order to chaos, planning and creating new things. A place of stability and growth. Five; a home base from which to travel. A little bit of magic surrounds this house and it is a hub of activity and communica-tion. Six; Balance and Harmony are the key words here. A bit of comfort and a touch of luxury along with creative Artistic energies make this a homely place to visit. Seven; Spiritual and calm environment here. People come here to relax to unwind and for the company and good conver-sation. Eight; Lots of activity here in this house. A place of organiza-tion, quite possibly working from home so work and home life cross over. An ordered ,busy friendly household. Nine; is a people place . Everyone loves to be here to chill and to meet up with family and friends. A busy dinner table where there is usually at least one extra place to set. 9 is also a home

which is a base for travelers. Vikki

Recently I had the pleasure of sharing my passion for Numerology

with a lovely group of people at a Spiritual Development School workshop near Watton. Sonia along with several other students had lots of questions for me at the end of the day. This set my mind working on the journey home. I got to thinking about phone numbers and house numbers in particular, and whether or not these numbers affect or influence our day to day life. At home as I sat thinking about the houses I have lived in over the years, I began to really realize just how appropriate they were at the time. When I first began to find my way back to my own unique spiritual path I was living in a house with the number 14 on the door. 1+4=5 and five is the number of communication, freedom and travel. From this home we trav-eled all over the British Isles visiting Standing Stones and stone circles. I learned to sense and feel the energy of the ley lines or

earth energy lines. I met some amazing people and developed my communica-tion skills. The downside was that I was rarely home and when I was at home, I was busy planning the next journey. So it was never very settled as a home. The next house I lived in was number 66. 6+6=12, 1+2=3 which is the number of creative energy, personal development and learning. In this house I studied spiritual healing and my daughter began producing Artwork. My husband began to

explore music. Here, I was able to work through many issues and create a happy safe environment for my children. This house also had a huge garden, which brought our children a much closer connection to nature. As three is also the number of family love, this home was much more settled. The downside was, we rarely left the house and just seemed to spend a lot of time just hanging out in the large garden. Our next home had the number 75 on the door, which again put the focus on creative energy. We are still in our number 75 home. 7+5=12=1+2=3. This house is a hive of activity and always has been. People say they like it here, as it’s a happy home. From here my husband studied music, as did our youngest son. My daughter is a graduate of Art , and I trained as a Reiki Master/Teacher and also developed my skills as a reader here. So this house has offered all of us the energy needed to develop our creative skills and to grow as people. The problem here, is that sometimes when we all have creative projects on the go and all at the same time, we end up falling over each other and getting in each others way. Sometimes it can be difficult to find peace and quiet here, but the office is my sanctuary. Plus we have a meditation corner in the garden which helps this situation to work. This is just a brief example of how the energy of the numbers on my front door has affected me and my own family. Hopefully I have given you a little more understanding of how this works. I am a firm believer that when we begin to follow our own dreams, and our own hearts, that the universe will then guide us to where we need to be. In order to help us to progress forwards. It has certainly been a truth in my journey through life. And I’m certainly looking forward to what the future will bring me next! To work out your numerological door number: Take your door number and add the numbers together until you reach a single digit. One; Brings many beginnings and opportunities to really get to know the self. Two; Brings opportunities to work on Balance and Justice. This is a place of Mediation and healing.

Page 15

“I began to



just how


they were

at the time”




Gladys, is my partners mother and is now in her late 80’s living in ‘The Paddocks’ a residential care home here in Swaffham.

Gladys has written many poems, some have been published and

this is one such example. Steve Hudson

Rainbow’s End by Gladys Llewellyn

I awoke one morning totally bereft

Mother’s death had left me shattered

My body felt different that day

I lay encased, and couldn’t move.

I was convinced mother’s spirit

Had entered my body

I felt like her, I was nervous,

Like she had been.

Trembled, as she used to, which wasn’t me

For three months I was like this

Then one day her spirit left my body

As quickly as it had come.

I was myself again

I never forgot that happening

I wonder! Was it her way of saying goodbye?

I couldn’t get to the hospital the day she died.

She used to sing. ‘Somewhere over the rainbow’

I feel that is where she must be

For when the spirit leaves the body,

It lives on, somewhere else.

Now here is something that I am *very* interested in, you will find out why in a minute.

Me being a highly analytical science-head and only absolutely convinced about things that I can “see” with my senses, means that it is hard to persuade me of anything that is intangible and not “in my hand” so to speak. (I bet Sonia regrets ho rribly the day she first started teaching me the intricacies of spirit mediumship, and lots more besides.) However, that does not make me blinker-minded and I am more than willing to explore new ideas and concepts to my satisfaction. Like most, I trust my senses. To do otherwise would be to deny the physical reality of my existence entirely. My senses tell my brain what it perceives to be real and what it perceives to be delusion. However, everybody’s senses can be deceived and I am no different in that respect, hence the analytical and scrutinising mind. So, a few years ago now, I spent a whole weekend re-assessing what I thought I knew about tangibility, along with what I thought I knew was the entirety of my sense perception. It seems that a brand new and unfamiliar sense had been introduced to me in a rather dramatic way. A new sense that I just could not deny; even after spending a whole weekend trying to do just that very thing. A mental “prove me wrong” scenario, if you like. (This drama is necessary, as I am about as insensitive as they come. And it takes much to make me notice something, let alone do something about what I am noticing. Anybody who knows me will tell you this.) What was this sense, this perception? It was the beginnings of the realisation that physical mediumship is a fact. It is a reality; and is not to be dismissed lightly. After an afternoon, spending considerable effort trying to keep one of my hands lightly touching a small three legged table, whilst it merrily danced its way around a room at great speed. I found myself left with no option but to re-evaluate what I thought I could personally and absolutely depend upon. I wasn’t the only one present on this afternoon. With me were five other people, all of us desperately trying to do the same thing with this table. With all of us

having to do the same re-evaluation exercise afterwards. In fact their were two teams of six people taking it in turns, to test their take on reality and so I was present alongside plenty of witnesses who were seeing and experiencing exactly the same as myself. So it was, that the possibility of the reality of physical mediumship, was in no uncertain terms introduced to me. Being me, I simply had no choice but to explore it further still. And explore further I most certainly did. Over the course of the next few months and years, I did a lot of talking, listening, observing and reading. I still do in fact. I heard stories of “things going bump in the night” and in the day. Of things being put somewhere and then not being found where they were placed. Of peoples belongings turning up in the strangest and most unlikely of places. Of things just simply disappearing. And of things just suddenly appearing. I had a small case that stored my spectacles when they were not in use. On one occasion this case simply vanished. I had put it down carefully near to me, in order to take a break. A few moments later I returned to what I was doing. It had completely vanished, there and then. The case hasn’t been seen again.

In the company of others whilst sat in séance conditions. I have witnessed physical objects dancing in mid-air, disembodied voices speaking to us, lights appearing from nowhere with no tangible explanation for them doing so. I have seen orbs appearing, moving and then disappearing in a split second. I have so many photographs of orbs that they are almost coming out of my ears. I have felt sick and nauseous as I watched amazed as a large orange light appeared one night and then faded away into nothing. I have heard bangs and crashes in my home, and smelt some really interesting smells here too. (Or was that just the result of my cooking...”Dinner is served at the sound of the smoke alarm”) I and the group I sit with, have heard the sound of a loud tapping coming from somewhere with in the room during a trance practice session. So loud and constant was this tapping, that one lady there, nearly got up and ran out of the room! Much to the amusement of the rest of us there.... Others heard the sound of footsteps walking around the room and small bells ringing. Too faint for me to hear being slightly hard of hearing, but for those who heard these sounds it was quite simply amazing. Many of us have witnessed ectoplasm masks being superimposed over medium’s faces and I have been fortunate enough to see the faint glimmerings of what looked like ectoplasm surrounding a medium. I have a book called Life After Death – Living Proof by Tom Harrison which goes into great detail about physical mediumship and the actual manifestations of those in the spirit world. I have met and talked with Tom Harrison’s wife, who vouches completely for what I have read in his book. Another two books which I have very much enjoyed are ‘Witnessing The Impossible’ by Robin P Foy and The Scole Experiment. The Scole Experiment has insp ired me to try in the near future at duplicating some of the trials detailed in this book and from the notes associated with it. Those who know me know that I am also working on thoughts and ideas associated with ‘creating ones own reality.’ This I have now experimented with on numerous occasions. It has left me thinking that ‘Is this not a form of physical mediumship also’? Therefore what if some day in the future, collective thought producing physical results, could collectively turn war machines and their bullets, bombs and missiles into something far more constructive? Something that could perhaps help and benefit future generations throughout the world. As food becomes ever more scarce throughout parts of the world maybe those weapons of devastation and misery could manifest into perhaps, much needed fertile earth in which these poor and starving communities could grow large and chemically free crops in? Ok radical I know. But I’d love to see the faces of those guarding these war machines, as they tumbled to the ground as rich fertile earth.... Call me gullible or deluded, or even mad. But I cannot deny what I have witnessed and what my senses have shown me with regard to Physical Mediumship & Physical Form.

Resident Boffin Geoff Bell


“It is a


and is not

to be



Page 16 Spring 2013

Geoff Bell

Page 17 Winter

TO TRY OR TO DO? With Positive Life Coach

Jacqui Kitney Since I became a Positive Life Coach I have found my life becoming more exciting as I spend many hours ‘people watching’ - A wonderful way to confirm your teachings and to find new

areas to explore. I also choose to spend my time LISTENING to the way people speak and the terminology they use. The more I listen the more I realise that the word ‘Try’ is being used to an enormous degree, especially by the media. On giving this some serious thought, it became very apparent that by using the word TRY we were self-sabotaging! SELF SABOTAGE: An action taken to undermine or destroy ones efforts or achievements. TRY: to test, to try out, examine, experiment, (verb): test in order to determine strength, effect, worth or desirability, attempt something, etc . . . Attempt (verb) – to try to do something, especially without much expectation of success Other meanings: - endeavour, struggle, strive, aim, seek, undertake, make an effort, take a crack at, have a go, test, sample, appraise, evaluate, experi-ment with, check out and give it a go. TRY-ing to do something will normally mean using some kind of effort. Effort (verb): the use of physical or mental energy to do something, exertion. How many positive benefits are there in the actions of ‘try’ or ‘attempt’? Hmm – lots of effort, but with no real consistent success. What do you think? What I want to emphasis to you is that by using the word try or any of its other counterparts, you are helping yourself to self-sabotage! When we say we are going to try to do something. We are actually defeating any effort we make, because we will only be attempting to do it. We will not be doing anything with the intent to succeed! For instance – How many of you have said that you are going to try to give something up? You may start with good intentions, but actually lapse very soon after starting. The reason for this lapse, is that you have not committed to your success; You are only suggesting that you have a go! Such as dieting

How many times have you heard of someone who tried to diet and gave up somewhere along the way? “I tried the ? diet. But I gave up after a month because . . .” The only diet that will ever work, is the one that you stick to! It’s called Commitment! Another way of looking at how we use the word TRY. Is in how we chose to use it. Instead of acknowledging a positive action. When we tell someone that we tried to do something; i.e. “I tried phoning you yesterday . . .” What actually happened was, that you DID make the call, but there was no reply. So your sentence should have been, “I phoned you yesterday . . .” The difference in these two sentences, is that one suggests failure/attempt. The other makes note of your positive action, regardless of the outcome. No matter how many times you ‘try’ to do something. You will not succeed! My message to you is about looking at the small detail. About doing rather than attempting. By changing the way you think about things to a positive. You will begin to create new and healthier habits for your future and reap the rewards. I wish you a wonderful spring. With positive actions and success in all that

you do. Jacqui X

Page 17



The Seasons of change and the vibration to which

we fly. Often I am left bewildered as to how we change so rapidly, even when we feel that things remain the same. We change. As we start to creep out of the winter months we begin to shed our warmer clothes and adorn ourselves with lighter fabrics and wear more vibrant colours. Our vibration changes, we adjust to our warmer environment and feel a sense of release, when the sun starts to shine again. We have shed an old layer, we’re different. Just as we adapt, everything else around us has to adjust accordingly. We are never the same person, just as two seasons are never the same. Although we think we haven’t changed from one year to the next, we have. Our energy fields are affected. When change is upon us, we experience the change, learn from the change and often heal from the change. We then vibrate differently. Our energy levels shift and expand, drawing in and attracting new and interesting pathways. Ideas are created from a single thought, doors open in unexpected ways.

We vibrate differently on a daily basis dependant on circumstances and our reaction to those cir-cumstances. We have choices to make which brings about decisions followed by responsibil-ity, followed by consequence. All these aspects affect how we operate and influence our outcomes based on our reaction. When faced with an important decision, sit back

for a moment and retreat into your own light, that spark deep within. Feel the power of the universal light force that can sometimes evade us in times of indecision. This light, this es-sence will always guide you where you need to be. It will ‘power you up’, raise your vibration. For this light in which you sit within. Is your own natural light source, it is your own true essence from which you came. It is the purest light. It is knowl-edge, wisdom, healing and it is truth. It is so very easy to connect with your own light, it just needs a conscious thought and the intention to connect. It can be accessed at any one moment and requires the focus on the breath. Draw your attention to the darkness behind closed eyes

and breath, allowing your ener-gies to expand outwards and upwards. Bring your attention to the area of your body that is most sensitive and receptive to feelings. This may be your heart or your solar plexus. Allow yourself to feel the ener-gies within you, by drawing the

focus to ‘self’ you’re already halfway there. Next, see that spark that lives within you and observe it, allow it to spin out like a firework and encompass you entirely. Then sit, feel and observe it. This is your own true power. It only takes a few moments to connect, nothing complicated, not hard work and almost instant access to a power source that provides you with peaceful equilibrium. From here you can develop the power daily if you wish. Feeling it build in strength. By sitting in ‘the power’ it brings about balance into your physical being, raising your vibration, attracting better situations and circumstances and helping to resolve aspects of your life that feel difficult to tackle. It’s not rocket science, but an ‘old way’ in which to connect with self. It realigns ones energy fields and restores a connection that feels lost at times. I do this daily for about 3 to 4 minutes each morning as soon as

I wake. It’s a great tonic, try it and see for yourself. You’ll be glowing before you know it. It’s a It’s a great way to be vibrant and positive during the gloomy winter months and helps you to shed those winter lay-ers whilst helping to you adapt to life's changes.

Love always in all ways Penny

Penny Peace

Spiritual Medium One To One & Group/Family Sittings

Available Or Consider hosting a Psychic Party? For more information or to book an

appointment contact me on 07930 674492 or email me at

“This is


own true


Swimming in Gold

There's this hole in my head

and my thoughts flow in streams

that i can't comprehend,

Seems I'm trying to be ..

something different than i ..

something other than me ..

It's not a choice that I'd make,

It's just the path that life takes

and even though I'm afraid

I know the steps i create

will lead me somewhere so grand

that I'll never explain,

in any sensical way ..

with any words I've obtained ..

Lost is a beautiful place ..

It's a tad hard to see when you're

falling from grace

But i try, how i try ..

to acknowledge that i,

am a part of myself,

just like everyone else ..

Learn to love, learn compassion

Then put them to action

and the rest will unfold ..

Pretty soon you'll be

swimming in gold ..

by Manuka

Page 18 Spring 2013

I first felt inspired to sketch the likeness of someone from the spirit world during a meditation 8 years ago.

As ‘I journeyed’ into a great marble hall, I was led by a beautiful but stern, dark-haired lady wearing a flowing purple gown. The lady, who I later identified as a gatekeeper guide, reappeared in slightly different guises in several other pictures in the following years (see below). As time went on, I also began channelling for other people to help them connect with the wisdom of their guides and helpers. Spirit guides have an important role in all aspects of life, offering a wiser and wider perspective than we may recognise ourselves within the limitations of our earthly consciousness. Their experience of life on earth combined with spiritual wisdom makes them ideal communicators between the two worlds, not to mention trusty friends in those lonely times, If we recognise and acknowledge their presence. I am often aware of guides working with healers and mediums – the room can become quite busy with extra pairs of hands and peaceful onlookers helping to maintain the energetic vibrations. One of my favourite pictures is of an angelic guide who assists me in my healing work and

originally came through in 2008 impressing on me to use a delicate pencil, a background of pale green and with the name Nathaniel. I feel very blessed in being able to use the gift of psychic art to capture these beautiful evolved beings on paper. Creating a visual keep-sake and a reminder of their presence and energy. Gazing upon a spirit portrait is an excellent way of linking in to the energy of a guide, getting to know them and how they work with you. – The psychic artist starts the process and it is then

down to the recipient to continue connecting with the painting to help deepen their relationship. Working in colour can portray the vibrant energies

of the spirit world more vividly. This image of an Egyptian guide expresses the awakening of creative powers with a focus on the Sacral chakra, a centre of creativity and relationships, through the colour orange. The yellow spiral symbolises birth, rebirth and energy flowing through the right side of the brain which we use for intuition and artistic creativity. Linking in with the powerful vibrations of the Egyptian Gods can help us access sacred wisdom and buried truths, connecting us with our ancestral and past-life memories to gain greater soul insight.




Above: Egyptian Spirit Guide

Above First spirit guide picture

Above: Same spirit guide appeared again

later on


Below: Healing guide Nathaniel

Page 19

So what now? That is the call that can be heard by many people who are looking at developing their awareness and mediumship. You will often have the feeling that you are in a world of little or no understanding. A world that simply doesn't see any connections within the human race

and any connection of the Spirit, which is woven throughout all life within the world.

Sometimes when we've had a great day or week with like minded people, the 'real world' can seem a very unfriendly place. We wonder where we can put all of our learning and knowledge into practice. Especially when there are people around us not listening or understanding some of the experiences we have had. It can make us feel very alone. Sometimes you come back down to earth with a bump or jolt and we wish to be back in that place of like minded and understanding people.

This truly is the time to put all that you have learned into practice. It's the time to start to have the experience which is yours and yours alone. Although you may feel alone, we truly never are. This is the time to get to know yourself, the true you, the higher you. This is the time to get to know your own spirit. The time when you can have some of the greatest experience of your life. It is only you who can bring on that actual experience. NOT a tutor or circle leader etc. They can only guide and support you and help show you the way forward, but only you can have the actual experience.

Your spiritual development and evolvement continues within your day to day life.

It never stops. How can it?

One of the 7th Principles within the Spiritualists National Unions philosophy and belief is

'Eternal Progression Open For Every Human Soul'. ‘That means now!' Are we not eternity NOW?

It is not for us to wait until we die to look at eternity, realising then

that there is a need for progression and spiritual evolvement.

That progression is open to us now.

Our lives on this planet are not about having a constant connection with the Spirit world, or perhaps I should say

"Knowingly and constantly seeking to have that constant spirit connection within every moment of our daily lives"

That is not necessary, as we have that connection constantly despite us.

It is up to us once again, to live life's experiences and not to rely upon the Spirit world constantly.

We are not in the Sprit world yet, we need to live and experience our own lives.

Most of us have spent much time pondering over the question, "Why am I here?" What is my purpose in life?"

Many of us miss the actual answers because we expect to find them from other people, friends, partners, teachers, gurus and

so on. But in all honesty, it is only you that can decipher this and find those answers.

“But what if you haven't?" “What if your still searching for the answers?"

"So What Now?" Perhaps now is your time. Perhaps it is time to concentrate on discovering and understanding your own

higher self. A time to learn and understand who you truly are. How?

By sitting and concentrating upon blending with our own individual power, with God, the universal power of which you are part. Just as you are part of all creation and all that is. By blending with this power you will begin to enhance your life.

It will enhance your understanding of others. Helping you to feel more connected with those around you and helping you to understand things on a much deeper level. Therefore benefiting you as you go through your life, no matter how hard it gets.

There are many whom I see these days, who want to become mediums. Believing that they will earn pots of money,

be famous and receive all the adulation that they believe this will bring. Hmmm......

Mediumship IS NOT INSTANT! It is a journey which takes years of dedication, practice & patience. It's a journey of hard knocks and is often a lonely road at times, with many around you not understanding the emotions and feelings that you are experiencing.

A true medium will have dedicated themselves to years, not months, of blending, developing and truly understanding their gifts and the responsibilities that mediumship brings with it.

The first step of developing your mediumship starts with you and only you. Beginning with you learning to truly understand yourself and who you are. Spend time sitting in the power of God and with the power of you, your own spirit. Don't look for Spirit guides or answers. Allow those to come forward and to connect with you in time, when the time is 'right' for them to make themselves known. Be patient.

So the next time you leave a circle night, work shop or development course, don't spend time impatiently waiting for the next circle or course etc to come around. Start the work for yourself. Dedicate the time to spend sitting in the presence of God, blending with your own spirit and becoming familiar with your own power. Even if it's just 5 minutes a day.

Make that connection and allow it to become a familiar and natural process.

It is then that your true journey will have begun.

I wish you all well on your journeys and in all the exciting discoveries that lay ahead for you.




Page 20 Spring 2013

“It’s a


that takes

years of





Page 21



Am I merely flesh and bone,

Here on earth to make a home?

A human made of threaded veins,

Who’s been provided with a brain.

A walking, breathing, living thing,

With full voice, so I might sing.

A heart that’s simply there to pump,

Bright red blood round a fleshy lump.

Or is there more than eyes can see,

Could there be much more to me?

Perhaps I have a light that shines,

That connects me to the great divine.

A particle in the universe,

Unique, bold and quite diverse.

A heart that’s full of love and cheer,

In which to hold you near and dear.

A soul that’s sometimes overwhelmed,

That’s come here from another realm.

A spirit many lifetimes aged,

Trapped within a mortal cage.


Life’s path is never simple, straight forward, clear or true,

Sometimes the road is rocky and we don’t know what to do.

Don’t rush, or push to try and change the things that don’t agree,

If you just reflect a while, you may find that you will see.

That all along the roadside of the lives we live today,

Are people just like us that think they’ve gone astray.

Wandered off the happy path and now the clouds are dark,

But just around the corner there’s the singing of the lark.

Every step is forward, you can’t walk back through life,

So don’t burden yourself by carrying all of your past strife.

Every step’s a new one, with beauty waiting to be found,

Lift your head in gratitude; raise your eyes up from the ground.

Don’t waste your time worrying that one day you may be sad,

You’re the hero of your journey, there’s an adventure to be had.

Time won’t wait for anyone, at least that’s what they say,

And although we cannot stop it, we can take it every day.

So be gentle with yourself, and don’t wish your life away,

There are many who’ve been taken who wished

they could’ve stayed.

Jackie Nobbs

Page 22 Winter Page 22 Spring 2013

THE SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT SCHOOL A Spiritual Development School Testimonial

‘The numerology day was a real eye-opener. Vikki showed us how numbers could tell us different things about ourselves, our loved ones and days of the year by using a variety of different calculations. We found this pretty accurate, and what I found particularly interesting was how you use numbers to determine strengths and weaknesses too – that could be pretty useful to help someone identify an area they need to work on. We all left armed with plenty of information to help us try a bit more at home. I ran through my daughter's numbers with her to look at personality strengths and weaknesses and they were all spot on - she was impressed too! These extra weekend sessions really boost your development in so many ways, and it's lovely walking into a room full of friends new and old with such a

strong shared interest – really great’ Bella

Do not believe in anything simply because

you have heard it. Do not believe in anything

simply because it is spoken and rumoured by

many. Do not believe in anything simply

because it is found written in your religious

books. Do not believe in anything merely on

the authority of your teachers and elders. Do

not believe in traditions because they have

been handed down for many generations.

But after observation and analysis, when you

find that anything agrees with reason and is

conducive to the good and benefit of one

and all, then accept it and live up to it.


“What does it matter

how one comes by

the truth so long as

one pounces upon it

and lives by it”






Sat 18th & Sun 19th May 10am - 5pm (Both days)



Sun June 16th 10am - 5pm



Sun September 29th 10.30am - 4.30pm



Sat October 19th 10am - 5pm



Sat 2nd & Sun 3rd November 10am - 5pm


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