Montessori Alliance (c) Clair Battle · 2014-11-18 · Instructions for Genre Matching Cards . This...

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Transcript of Montessori Alliance (c) Clair Battle · 2014-11-18 · Instructions for Genre Matching Cards . This...

Instructions for Genre Matching Cards This PDF is contains large and small pictures representing each genre. Each page contains a name card one large and 4 small pictures. Print, cut and laminate each picture from each genre and each name card This material can be used in several ways & here is a suggested exercise

1. Explain that art is grouped together in “families” known as genres. Each genre has things unique to it that all art in that family share. We are going to look at the five genres here and sort each picture into the correct genre.

2. Take the first genre name tag and explain what is unique about it.

Then show the child an example of it from the four smaller art pieces. Help them identify and lay the others out below it. Continue with each genre, explaining it and then sorting until all have been placed.

3. Allow the student to peruse the art and each genre until they are

ready to start the exercise again or put it away. All downloads are for your personal use and can be used within your setting but cannot be sold or uploaded to your own website or social media page.

Montessori Alliance (c) Clair Battle

Great  Ar(sts  in  Na(onal  Gallery  of  Ireland    Genre  Game  

Montessori Alliance (c) Clair Battle


(c) Clair Battle

Abstract  Art  

(c) Clair Battle


(c) Clair Battle


(c) Clair Battle


(c) Clair Battle

Poin%llist  Art  (Clockwise  from  top  le5)  Signac  “Breakfast”  Signac  “Women  at  the  Well”  Seraut  “A  Sunday  ABernoon  on  the  Island  of  La  Grande  JaEe”  Seguin  “Portrait  de  M.  Félix  Fénéon”    Abstract  Art  (Clockwise  from  top  le5)  Mondrian  “Squares”  Kandinsky  “Circles”  Ma(sse  “The  Snail”  Bruce  Gray  “Rain”    Cubist  Art  (Clockwise  from  top  le5)  Roger  de  La  Fresnaye  “The  Conquest  of  the  Air”  Picasso  “Three  Musicians”  Kazimir  Malevich  “Woman  with  Pails  Dynamic  Arrangement”  Gleize  “Woman  with  animals”    


Chroma%c  Art  (Clockwise  from  top  le5)  Monet  “Water  Lilies  Blue”  Picasso  “The  Old  Guitarist”  Van  Gogh  “Vase  with  FiBeen  Sunflowers”  Monet  “Haystack  End  of  the  Summer”    Baroque  (Clockwise  from  top  le5)  Anthony  van  Dyck  “Portrait  of  the  Three  Eldest  Children  of  Charles  I”  Vermeer  “The  Girl  with  the  Pearl  Earring”  Jacob  van  Oost  the  Elder  “The  painter's  studio”  Rembrandt  “The  Nightwatch”      


(c) Clair Battle