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THE MYTHS OF MONKS MOUND (Cahokia, Illinois, 650-1400 AD) Dr. R.M. de Jonge ©,



January 18, 2010

THE MYTHS OF MONKS MOUND(Cahokia, Illinois, 650-1400 AD)

Dr. R.M. de Jonge ©,

Introduction“Cahokia Mounds, some 13 km northeast of St. Louis, Missouri, is the largest pre-Columbian settlement north of Mexico. It was occupied primarily during the Mississippian period (800–1400 AD), when it covered nearly 1,600 ha and included some 120 mounds. It is a striking example of a complex chiefdom society, with many satellite mound centres and numerous outlying hamlets and villages. This agricultural society may have had a population of 10–20,000 at its peak between 1050 and 1150. Primary features at the site include Monks Mound, the largest prehistoric earthwork in the Americas, covering over 5 ha and standing 30 m high.” (Ref.1) - Based on this brief description Cahokia received the status of “World Heri-tage Site” in 1982.

The question arises: “What is the reason this site became so important?” Let us quote people who studied the matter (Ref.45). “The city of Cahokia is the focal point of what is known as the American Bottoms, the broad alluvial valley of the Mississippi River just south of the confluence with the Missouri and Illinois Rivers. This area is considered to be one of the most fertile agricultural zones in North America. The rivers that joined within this area not only furnished the transportation needs (trade) of the city, but through seasonal flooding it con-stantly replenished the fertility of the soil.” - This may be correct, but it does not fully explain the case. The local situation is not so exceptional as suggested. It appears, there is an additi-onal reason, which is not mentioned, yet.

One of the great discoveries of the last decade is, that ancient people used latitudes the same way as we do. In addition, these people used complementary latitudes, which we don’t use a-nymore (Refs.2,28).- Cahokia, Illinois, is located at 39°N. It is the same latitude as the West Azores, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. However, the southern Aleutian Islands, at the south side of the Bering Sea, are located at the complementary latitude of 90-39= 51°N. It ap-pears, that the local people of Cahokia considered their town as the capital of North America, with ties to Europe in the east, and Asia in the west. It is even possible, that the location of Cahokia refers to the Egyptian discovery of America, c.2500 BC (Ref.6). However, this last statement is just an hypothesis, which is not proven yet.

Monks Mound is the largest man-made earthen structure north of Mexico (figs.1,2). With its four terraces it is the central focus of this great city. The highest terrace is situated in the north. The rectangular mound has a length of c.290 meters (2.6 mmoiras, NS), a width of c.245 meters (2.2 mmoiras), and an height of probably c.33 meters (0.30 mmoiras). It was topped by a massive rectangular building of 450 square meters (l/w-ratio of 2/1), with an ad-ditional height of maybe 11 meters (0.10 mmoiras). Because of the importance of latitudes, the dimensions are also expressed in terms of moiras, or degrees (1 degree of latitude= 1 E-gyptian moira= 1,000 millimoiras) (Refs.41,46). The head axis of Monks Mound points 5°-

NNE, which is repeated not only in the neighboring mounds and eastern stockade, but also in the surrounding archaeological sites.

Fig.1 Monks Mound, seen from the south. It has a height of c.33 meters (Cahokia, Illinois, c.1000 AD) (Ref.47)

Terrace I: Egyptian Discovery of AmericaThe early discovery of America by pharaohs of the Old Kingdom was the most important e-vent in the prehistory of the New World. Its story has been told in many books and articles, and is widely known by now (Refs.2-7,28-32). It appears, that Monks Mound repeats this sto-ry in its monumental design.- Its four terraces encode the discovery of America in the Fourth Dynasty. It happened via the southern Aleutian Islands at the complementary latitude of 90-39= 51°N. The fourth terrace, having four sides, is the highest, confirming it. It is situated in the east, suggesting a crossing in eastern direction. This single terrace corresponds with the nearest latitude line, 1° to the north, at 39+1= 40°N, which confirms it, again.

The complementary latitude line at 90-40= 50°N near the Aleutians encodes the 5th king. Thus, the fifth king Menkaure (Mycerinos, c.2580-2562 BC) of the Fourth Dynasty discove-red North and South America. Monks Mound itself is the fifth, large rectangle, confirming it. It has a head axis pointing 5°NNE, confirming it, again. The four terraces possess together 4x4= 16 sides. So, on the return route he also discovered the crossing of the Bering Strait, 16° to the north, at 50+16= 66°N. The meridian, or NS line, through Monks Mound runs from La-ke Superior, at 47°N, to the mouth of the Mississippi, at 29°N, over 47-29= 18° of land, con-firming his eighteen years of reign (Refs.2,6,7,35-37).

The three lower terraces provide the sailing direction of the Southern Crossing of the Atlantic Ocean, from the Cape Verde Islands, at 16°N, with the wind and the current, 30°SSW. The 50th latitude line, just mentioned, encodes the point of arrival, Cape São Roque (the Holy Rock), Brazil, at 5°S, but also the Fifth Dynasty. The two lowest terraces in the southwest gi-ve the sailing distance, 2 Moiras= 20°, but also the second king. The second king of the Fifth Dynasty, Sahura (c.2510-2498 BC), discovered the Southern Crossing.

The two lowest terraces represent the two islands of the West Azores at the latitude of Monks Mound, at 39°N. They have together 2x4= 8 sides, corresponding to Cape Race, Newfound-land, 8° higher, at 39+8= 47°N. The two terraces provide the (initial) sailing direction from Cape Race to the West Azores, 20°ESE, and the sailing distance, 2 Moiras= 20°, but also in-dicate the second king. Sahura also discovered this important return route, with the wind and the current, to the Old World.- The two lowest terraces in the southwest symbolize the disco-very of these two Crossings by this second king. The three lower terraces have a total of 3x4= 12 sides, confirming his twelve years of reign.

The three lower terraces correspond with the Northern Crossing of the Ocean, from the Shet-land Islands, via the south point of Greenland, to Cape Chidley, Canada, all three situated at the complementary latitude of the Nile Delta, at 90-30= 60°N. One crossed from the Shetland Islands to the Faeroes, then to Iceland, then to Cape Holm, Greenland, and finally from West Greenland to Baffin Island. The four rectangles represent these four sailing distances, each of them about 0.5 Moira= 5°.

The three lower terraces represent the next, third king. The third, high rectangle in the east confirms it. So, the third king of the Fifth Dynasty, Nefererkare (c.2498-2478 BC), discovered the Northern Crossing.- This third, high rectangle symbolizes the discovery of this third Cros-sing of the Ocean by the third king. The two highest rectangles confirm his twenty years of reign (Refs.3-7,14).

The three lower terraces show the three mentioned kings are descended from the Nile Delta in Egypt, at 30°N. It is the center of the Northern Egyptian Empire. The Tropic of Cancer cros-ses the River Nile at 23°N. It is the center of the Southern Egyptian Empire, but also of the Sun religion. At midsummer day the Sun is there at right angles above. The slow northerly movement of the Sun turns into a southerly movement. So, one believes in the Egyptian Sun-God Ra (Refs.2,28)!

BermudaThe four terraces of Monks Mound encode Abaco Island, NE Bahama’s, 4° above the holy Tropic of Cancer, at 23+4= 27°N. The two lowest terraces correspond to the island of Ber-muda, 2° above the Mississippi Delta, at 30+2= 32°N. The three lower terraces have 3x4= 12 sides, corresponding to the sailing distance from Abaco Island to Bermuda, 12 moiras, or 12°.

They also correspond to the three island groups of the Azores. These consist of a total of nine islands. These confirm Bermuda, 9° above the Tropic of Cancer, at 23+9= 32°N. So, the re-turn route via Bermuda was discovered by the ninth and last king Unas (c.2403-2370 BC). Monks Mound is the fifth rectangle, which shows it was a king of the Fifth Dynasty. The three lower terraces encode the long sailing distance from Bermuda to the Azores, with the wind and the current, 3 Moiras, or 30°. The fourth, highest terrace shows this fourth Crossing of the Ocean was discovered by the fourth and last Egyptian king (Refs.2,4,12,13).

The three lower terraces correspond to the islands of Madeira, 3° above the Mississippi Delta, at 30+3= 33°N. These islands are important for the return route. Their latitude confirms the 33 years of reign of king Unas. It is also the latitude of Poverty Point, NE Louisiana, at 33°N.-

An earthen mound is the earliest form of a kings grave. Monks Mound appears to be a kings grave of exceptional importance. The four rectangular terraces show America was discovered via the Pacific in the Fourth Dynasty. Including the rectangular building the Mound might have a height of 30+11= 44 meters, or 0.4 millimoiras, confirming it.- Monks Mound itself is the fifth, and most important rectangle. It shows America was reached via all the Crossings of the Atlantic Ocean in the Fifth Dynasty. The massive building on top is the fifth rectangle on the Mound, confirming it. All the individual sites in Cahokia point 5°NNE, confirming it, again.

The lowest Terrace symbolizes the first story of Monks Mound: the Egyptian discovery of A-merica. Its southern position is oriented towards the Sun, in honor of the mentioned kings, who are the substitutes of the SunGod Ra. The Grand Plaza spreads out to the south of Monks Mound. Around the Mound it resembles a square, referring to the Fourth Dynasty. The whole Plaza resembles a pentagon, referring to the Fifth Dynasty, when the Atlantic was crossed. However, in the extreme south, it turns out that the Grand Plaza has a total of six sides, enco-ding the six dynasties of the Old Kingdom, when America was discovered (Refs.38-42).

Terrace II: Biblical FloodThen, suddenly, a huge Comet appeared in the sky. It caused the strongest Catastrophe on Earth which ever occurred. The three lower terraces correspond to the Nile Delta, at 30°N (fig.2). Cape Farvel, the south point of Greenland, is located at the complementary latitude of 90-30= 60°N. The Head of the Comet resembled the island of Greenland, consisting of ice and stones. The Tail of the Comet resembled the North Atlantic Ocean below it, predomi-nantly consisting of a huge amount of water. It was a cosmic collision of the planet Earth with the Tail of a Comet (or Comet Swarm) (Refs.15-23).

The latitude of the Nile Delta corresponds with the 30 days of the month. The two lower ter-races encode a time period of two months, when the Earth was inside the Tail. These months were probably the worst. The falling stones caused huge forest fires. The melting ice resulted in torrential rains and catastrophic floodings, all over the World. It was completely dark on Earth: it was chaos.- The two higher terraces encode a second time period of two months after it. The planet Earth left the Tail of the Comet, but the climate was completely disrupted. The horrible rains and terrible floodings continued, but it also became bitterly cold. The rains changed into ferocious hail and snow storms, and many people died of starvation.

The fourth rectangle of Monks Mound, having four sides, is the highest, confirming the total duration of the Catastrophe of 2+2= 4 months. The nearest latitude line of Cahokia, at 40°N, confirms it, again.- The second terrace is on the left half of Monks Mound. It means, that half latitudes, and half units of latitude, are also important. The latitude line along the south coast of Cuba, at 40/2= 20°N, confirms the duration of both time periods during this Disaster, each of two months. Cape Farvel, the south point of Greenland, is located at 60°N. It confirms the duration of both time periods, each of (2x30=) 60 days. It also confirms the total duration of the calamity, 2x60= 120 days. The three lower rectangles have a total of 3x4= 12 sides, con-firming the 120 days.

The meridian of Cahokia runs to the north coast of Lake Superior, near Isle Royale, at 48°N. The south coast is located 47-40= 7° above the nearest latitude line of the town. It shows, the-re were 4.8 million people on Earth before the Flood (a number of 7 figures). The Comet Ca-tastrophe happened just after the discovery of Bermuda, 39-32= 7° below Cahokia, confir-ming it. Monks Mound has a total of 4+3= 7 slopes which lead to its terraces, confirming it, again.- The latitude line of the north coast of Lake Superior runs from Brittany, France (Old World) to the East Cape of Newfoundland (New World), which symbolizes the path of the planet Earth through the Tail of the Comet (the Ocean). The ‘relative latitude’ of this line en-codes the number of casualties: (48/90)x4.8= 2.6 million men (a number of 7 figures, 54%).

The four terraces of Monks Mound correspond with the island of Bimini, off shore Florida, 4° below the Mississippi Delta, at 30-4= 26°N. It confirms the 2.6 million casualties, worldwide. The fourth terrace, having four sides, is the highest, confirming it. The second terrace corres-ponds with the SW Cape of Cuba, 2° above the 20th latitude line, mentioned earlier, at 20+2= 22°N. It confirms the 4.8-2.6= 2.2 million survivors. Most of them were seriously injured.

Monks Mound has a height of 3 mmoiras (see above). Together with its four terraces it forms 3+4= 7 units. The length of the Mound equals 2.6 mmoiras, confirming the number of vic-tims. The width equals 2.2 mmoiras, confirming the number of survivors. The three lower ter-races correspond to the latitude of Cape Hatteras at the East Coast, 3° below Cahokia, at 39-3= 36°N. It corresponds with the circumference of the planet Earth, 36 Moiras, or 360°. It shows, it was a worldwide Catastrophe. The complementary latitude of 90-36= 54°N confirms the percentage of casualties, 54%.

The north coast of Lake Superior is 48-40= 8° above the nearest latitude line of Cahokia. The south coast of the Lake is 47-39= 8° above the town, confirming it. It encodes the total preci-pitation during the Flood, 80 micromoiras= 80x0.11= 9 meters of water. The Azores, in the middle of the Ocean, are located 38-30= 8° above the Mississippi Delta, confirming it. The is-land of Bimini is located 26-18= 8° above the south point of the Gulf of Campeche, Mexico, confirming it, again. It is considered as the center of the ‘Realm of the Dead’.

Cape Farvel, the south point of Greenland, is situated at 60°N. It shows, the Comet Catastro-phe happened in the Sixth Dynasty. Nearby is the important SW Cape of Greenland, at 60+1= 61°N. It illustrates, the Flood occurred during the reign of the first king Teti (c.2370-2338 BC) of this dynasty.- The second terrace along the left edge encodes the 20th latitude line. (This terrace symbolizes this second story of Monks Mound.) Bimini is located 6° above it, at 20+-6= 26°N. It confirms, the Catastrophe happened in the Sixth Dynasty. Abaco Island, NE Ba-hama’s, at 26+1= 27°N, is the starting point for the Return Route across the Ocean via Ber-muda. It illustrates, the Disaster occurred during the reign of the first king of this dynasty.

The four terraces of Monks Mound have a total of 4x4= 16 sides, encoding the culture along the north coast of Honduras, at 16°N. The SW Cape of Cuba, at 16+6= 22°N, mentioned ear-lier, shows the Biblical Flood happened in the Sixth Dynasty. The holy Tropic of Cancer, at 22+1= 23°N confirms, again, this Disaster occurred during the reign of the first king Teti.- The Comet Catastrophe happened c.2345 BC (tree-ring dating), which is c.225 years after the discovery of America in the west, and c.160 years after it was reached from the east (Refs.-24,25,28,36).

Fig.2 Reconstructed drawing of Monks Mound, with its four terraces. (Cahokia, Illinois, c.-1000 AD) (Courtesy Ancient American, Vol.13, No.85, Ref.43)

Terrace III: Metal TradeCopperThe four terraces of Monks Mound resemble copper ingots (figs.2,3). So, the Mound provides information about the ancient, inter-continental copper trade (Refs.26-28). It started at the end of the Fourth Dynasty. Monks Mound itself is the fifth rectangle, showing it started at the be-ginning of the Fifth Dynasty. The meridian through Cahokia hits the south coast of Lake Su-perior, at 47°N. It is the area of the copper mines of Keweenaw Peninsula, 47-39= 8° above the town. These mines are located 47-23= 24° above the holy Tropic of Cancer. It shows, the overall copper trade in the Bronze Age was 24 million copper ingots (a number of 8 figures).

The meridian also hits the north coast of Lake Superior, near the copper mines of Isle Royale, at 48°N. It is 48-40= 8° above the nearest latitude line of Cahokia. The metal trade is the third story of Monks Mound, represented by the third terrace. This field is on the right half of the Mound. It means, that half latitudes, and half units of latitude, are also important. So, it is con-firmed, that the overall copper trade was 48/2= 24 million copper ingots (a number of 8 figu-res).- Andros Island, west Bahama’s, is situated 24-16= 8° above the culture along the north coast of Honduras. Its name means “copper island”, and its latitude of 48/2= 24°N confirms the copper trade.

Three times a latitude difference of 8° has been mentioned. Together with the 4+1= 5 rectan-gles of Monks Mound, it shows the Standard Ingot had a mass of 80,000 carats (a number of 5 figures). For a long time past both noble metals, silver and gold, were weighed in units of carats, corresponding with 0.20 gram. The carat is the constant mass of a seed of the St. John’s bread or carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua). So, the mass of the Standard Ingot was 80x0.20= 16 kg (35 pounds).- It means, the overall export of copper across the Ocean appears to have been (24x16 =) c.384,000 tons (850 million pounds). It has been estimated by others in the field, that a to-tal amount of 250 to 500 thousand tons of copper had disappeared from the mining area. So, our conclusion is that its destination can now be understood.

The rectangular Monks Mound is located at the Mississippi River. It has two terraces in the southwest. These 1+2= 3 rectangles encode the Mississippi Delta, at 30°N (and the site of Po-verty Point, NE Louisiana, 3° above it, at 33°N). The two terraces in the northeast correspond to the mouth of the St. Lawrence River, 20° above it, at 30+20= 50°N. The terraces and the

corresponding geographic locations show, that 3/5, or 60%, of the copper was shipped via the Mississippi River to the south, and that 2/5, or 40%, of the ingots were transported to the east (Refs.8-11,29-35).- Cahokia is located 9° above the Mississippi Delta, at 30+9= 39°N. Isle Royale is located 9° above Cahokia, at 39+9= 48°N. Note, that this latitude difference refers to the density of copper, 9 g/cm3 (nine times heavier than water).

TinTin was a very scarce metal. Although generally unknown, a lot of it was imported from South America. Keweenaw Peninsula is located 47-29= 18° above the mouth of the Missis-sippi. Tin was found near the present town of Oruro, Bolivia, eighteen degrees below the e-quator, at 18°S. Isle Royale is located 48-29= 19° above the Gulf of Mexico. It encodes the more important mining area just east of Lake of Poopó, near the present town of Potosi, Boli-via, at 19°S. These latitudes show, the 18th and 19th Dynasties of Egypt (New Kingdom) we-re important for the development of America. The tin trade finished with the other metals at the end of the 19th Dynasty.

In the Old World bronze was made by alloying the copper with 10% tin. Cahokia is located 39-29= 10° above the mouth of the Mississippi, illustrating the export of 10% tin. The nearest latitude line is 40-30= 10° above the Delta, confirming it. It was a quantity of 2.4 million tin ingots (a number of 7 figures). It equals c.38,400 tons (85 million pounds) of tin (Refs.30-35).- The tin was transported (as ingots) along the coast to the north, and from the Pacific to the Atlantic. It was carried across the Isthmus of Panama, at 9°N, and shipped 7° higher, to the north coast of Honduras, at 9+7= 16°N. These 7° confirm the millions of tin ingots, a number of 7 figures. It corresponds with the density of tin, 7 g/cm3 (seven times heavier than water).

Silver and GoldSilver was found together with tin. It was shipped in numbers similar to copper, but in units of carats. Cahokia is located 39-30= 9° above the Delta. So, the overall export was 90 million carats (a number of eight figures), or 90x0.20= 18 tons of silver. The latitude of the Isthmus of Panama, at 9°N, confirms it. The silver was shipped from the north coast of Honduras, 11° to the north, to Abaco Island, NE Bahama’s, at 16+11= 27°N. It corresponds with the density of silver, 11 g/cm3 (eleven times heavier than water). Most of the silver in the Old World was imported from South America.

Gold was traded at the mouth of the Amazone River, at the level of the equator. It was ship-ped in quantities similar to silver. Monks Mound consists of a total of 4+1= 5 rectangles, and Cape São Rock, Brazil, is located at 5°S. It encodes a total export of 50 million carats (a num-ber of eight figures), or 50x0.20= 10 tons of gold. However, most of the gold in the Old World was imported from Africa. All mentioned results, including the mass of the Standard Ingot, could be compared with other sources, showing their reliability (Refs.31,32).

The four terraces of Monks Mound show that four different metals were shipped across the O-cean. Part of the metals were shipped to America’s Stonehenge, N.H., and the south point of Nova Scotia, 4° above Cahokia, at 39+4= 43°N. It is the complementary latitude of Kewee-naw Peninsula, and Cape Race, Newfoundland, at 90-47= 43°N. Monks Mound consists of a total of 4+1= 5 rectangles, encoding Sable Island, c.1 moira, or 100km, off shore Nova Scotia, at 39+5= 44°N.

All metals were shipped to the Azores. Cahokia is located at the latitude of the West Azores. The three lower rectangles correspond to the three island groups of the Azores. The third rec-

tangle, which represents this third story of Monks Mound, confirms it. The Azores consist of nine islands, corresponding to the latitude of Cahokia (and the West Azores), 9° above the Ni-le Delta, at 39°N. It confirms the density of copper, 9 g/cm3 (nine times heavier than water).

Cahokia is located 19° above the 20th latitude line along the south coast of Cuba. So, the me-tal trade finished at the end of the 19th Dynasty. It corresponds with the density of gold, 19 g/cm3 (nineteen times heavier than water). The third rectangle is on the right half of Monks Mound, at 39°N. The latitude of 39/2=19.5°N confirms the end of the metal trade: between the 19th and 20th Dynasty. So, the metal trade lasted from the 5th Dynasty till the 20th Dy-nasty, a time period of 1,300 years (c.2500-1200 BC) (Refs.27,28,32).

Terrace IV: Dardanus FloodThen, suddenly, a huge Comet appeared in the sky. It caused the worst Catastrophe on Earth which ever occurred. The three lower terraces correspond to the Nile Delta, at 30°N (fig.2,3). Cape Farvel, the south point of Greenland, is located at the complementary latitude of 90-30= 60°N. The Head of the Comet resembled the island of Greenland, consisting of ice and stones. The Tail of the Comet resembled the North Atlantic Ocean below it, predominantly consisting of a huge amount of water. Again, it was a cosmic collision of the planet Earth with the Tail of a Comet (or Comet Swarm) (Refs.15,16,20-23).

The latitude of the Mississippi Delta corresponds with the 30 days of the month. The Darda-nus Flood is the fourth story of Monks Mound, represented by the fourth terrace. This field is on the right half of the Mound. It means, that half latitudes, and half units of latitude, are also important. This fourth terrace with its four sides is the highest. It corresponds twice with the nearest latitude line, 1° above Cahokia, at 39+1= 40°N. It encodes the duration of this Flood, 40x2= 80 days (a number of 2 figures). The Mound has two lower and two higher fields, to-gether four terraces, confirming it.- The meridian of Cahokia hits the south coast of Lake Su-perior, near Keweenaw Peninsula, 47-39= 8° above the town, confirming the 80 days.

The latitude line of the south coast of Lake Superior, at 47°N, runs from Brittany, France (Old World) to Cape Race, Newfoundland (New World), which symbolizes the path of the planet Earth through the Tail of the Comet (the Ocean). The falling stones caused huge forest fires, and the melting ice resulted in torrential rains and catastrophic floodings, everywhere. It was almost dark on Earth. The climate was disrupted, and it became very cold.

The meridian through Cahokia runs from the south coast of Lake Superior, at 47°N, to the mouth of the Mississippi, at 29°N, over 47-29= 18° of land, encoding the world population before this Flood of 18 million men (a number of 8 figures). This meridian also runs from the south shore of Hudson Bay, at 57°N, to the north coast of Lake Superior, at 48°N, over 57-48 = 9° of land, confirming the 9x2= 18 million people.- The three lower terraces of Monks Mound correspond to the latitude of Cape Hatteras at the East Coast, 3° below Cahokia, at 39-3= 36°N. It corresponds with the circumference of the planet Earth, 36 Moiras, or 360°. It shows, it was a worldwide Catastrophe. Again, it confirms the initial world population of 36/-2= 18 million men.

The island of Bermuda, at 32°N, is located in the middle of the Ocean, which symbolizes the Tail of the Comet. This is 40-32= 8° below the nearest latitude line of Cahokia, confirming the 80 days duration of the Catastrophe, as well as the 8 figures of the world population (18 million men). The island is located 39-32= 7° below Cahokia. The complementary latitude of

Bermuda, at 90-32= 58°N, encodes the number of casualties, 5.8 million men (a number of 7 figures, 32%). The latitude of Bermuda, at 32°N, confirms the percentage of victims.

The meridian of Cahokia runs to the mouth of the Mississippi, at 29°N. Twice the latitude confirms the number of victims: 2.9x2= 5.8 million men. The ‘relative latitude’ confirms the number of victims, again: (29/90)x18= 5.8 million men. It is believed, that this number inclu-des the people who were killed in wars, because of the chaos that resulted from system col-lapse (lack of government). The name of “Dardanus” means Third, because it was the Flood, in which about one third of the people died.

The holy Arctic Circle, at 67°N, is the northernmost line where the Sun still shines at mid-winter day. Cape Farvel, the south point of Greenland, is located 67-60= 7° below it. This Ca-pe, at 60°N, confirms the c.6 million casualties (a number of 7 figures). The meridian of Cape Farvel runs from the equator to the North Pole, at 90°N, confirming the initial world popula-tion of 9x2= 18 million men. So, there were 18-6= 12 million survivors. Cape Farvel, at 60°N, confirms the number of survivors, 6x2= 12 million men. Many of them were seriously woun-ded.

The meridian of Cahokia runs to the Mississippi Delta, at 30°N, 30-23= 7° above the holy Tropic of Cancer. The ‘relative latitude’ of the Delta confirms the number of casualties: (30/-90)x18= 6 million men (a number of 7 figures). The site of Poverty Point, NE Louisiana, is located 39-33= 6° below Cahokia, confirming it. Its latitude, at 33°N, corresponds with the percentage of casualties, c.33%. The three lower rectangles of Monks Mound have a total of 3x4= 12 sides, confirming the 12 million survivors. The distance from Cahokia tot the East Coast equals 12 moiras, or 12°, confirming it.- This distance also shows, the 12th Dynasty of Egypt (Middle Kingdom) was important for the development of America.

Monks Mound consists of a total of 4+1= 5 rectangles, encoding the precipitation during the Dardanus Flood, 50 micromoiras= 50x0.11= 5.5 meters of water. The island of Bermuda was reached from Abaco Island, NE Bahama’s, 32-27= 5° below it, confirming it. The Ocean symbolized the Tail of the Comet. The destination of the Southern Crossing of the Ocean was Cape São Rock, Brazil, at 5°S, confirming it, again.

The story of the Dardanus Flood is represented by the fourth rectangle on the right half of Monks Mound. It encodes the nearest latitude line of Cahokia, at 40°N. The 40/2= 20th latitu-de line along the south coast of Cuba encodes the 20th Dynasty, when the Catastrophe hap-pened. The meridian of Cahokia hits the west coast of the Yucatan peninsula (Gulf of Cam-peche), at 20°N, confirming it. Both the third and the fourth rectangle of Monks Mound re-present the third king Ramses IV (c.1163-1156 BC). This Comet Catastrophe (c.1159 BC) happened during his reign (tree-ring dating). It ended almost all ancient civilizations on Earth, including the New Kingdom of Egypt (Refs.24,25,28,33,34).

DiscussionAccording to archaeological research Monks Mound was built in the Mississippian Period, c.-1000 AD (Ref.47). Is it conceivable, that these people built their major earthen monument ba-sed on stories, which happened two to three and a half millennia earlier (2500-1000 BC)? – The clear answer to this important question is: Yes! The site of Cahokia was founded in the late Woodland Period, c.650 AD. It appears, that these men already had strong ties with the old civilization in Central America. The people in southern Mexico had a very ancient tradi-

tion, based on the Egyptian religion. It appears, that their influence reached as far north as Ca-hokia, Illinois, and even beyond.

The people of Cahokia did not possess a script. It means, that important stories were remem-bered as groups of numbers. These numbers were projected in the geography of the landsca-pe as latitudes, complementary latitudes, distances, etc., as shown above. There was a need to anchor the oldest, and most important stories in a kind of simple monument. Monks Mound is such a monument. However, it was also a religious building as well as a kings grave. Actual-ly, it was the center of the culture, literally.- All features of Cahokia are typically related to Central America (Refs.38-42,45-47), which was known in Egypt as the Realm of the Dead, or the Land of Punt.

Fig.3 Monks Mound, seen from the south. It is the largest prehistoric earthwork in North America. (Cahokia, Illinois, c.1000 AD) (Ref.44)

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